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"Introduo Produo e Desenvolvimento de Games" |
"Este curso destina-se a todos os interessados em compreender o processo de produo e desenvolvimento de games,e tambm aprofissionais de outras reascom perfil empreendedor quequerem investir no desenvolvimento de jogos digitais e precisam entender como a indstria est organizada.Vocvai ter uma viso ampla de todos os aspectos da indstriade jogos, entender os fatores que influenciam na escolha dasmelhores ferramentas, e tudo que um desenvolvedor precisa entender ao escolher qual oestilode jogo que mais se encaixa nos seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais. Alm disso, este curso permitir que voc tenha uma idia mais realista das dificuldades reais dos processos produtivose permitir que voc consiga planejar o quanto de tempo, recursos e oportunidades de negcios de acordo com os diferentes estilos de jogos possveis. um curso imprescindvel para todos os interessados emingressar no na indstria de jogos digitais, e evitar os erros mais comuns e fazendo com que sua curva de aprendizado seja muito mais rpida.** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gamificao: Teoria e Aplicaes Prticas" |
"Este curso aborda conceitos bsicos de game design, teorias comportamentais e apresenta o ciclo da Gamificao. Os participantes tero a oportunidade de entrar em contato com diversos temas relacionados no s produo de jogos, mas tambm psicologia comportamental, motivao, engajamento, marketing e mdias sociais.Ao finaldo curso os alunos aprenderocomo os jogos capturam a ateno, motivam seus jogadores, divertem cada vez mais pessoasem todo o mundo e tero as ferramentas necessrias para aplicar as melhores prticas dos jogos para engajar clientes, colaboradores e parceiros.** Este curso ser atualizado constantemente pelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Game Design Document (GDD): Como Criar, Organizar e Utilizar" |
"A criao de um jogo um processo complexo e cheio de armadilhas e o Game Design Document o mapa perfeito para evitar que voc acabe em um beco sem sada. Esse curso ajudar desenvolvedores novatos e iniciantes a entender exatamente a funo e o processo de criao dessa importante ferramenta.Durante esse curso voc vai aprender:1. O que um GDD2. Funcionalidades de um GDD3. Diferentes formar de se criar um GDD4. Fases da documentao de um game5. Erros comuns ao criar um GDD e como evit-los** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aspectos Mercadolgicos dos Games: Produto x Consumidor" |
"Com a mudana no panorama de publicidade e a dificuldade crescente em conquistar a ateno do pblico, o mercado de games rapidamente se tornou um segmento interessante para engajar e conquistar a ateno do consumidor. Mas a histria turbulenta dessa indstria ainda se prova confusa para muitas pessoas que no acompanharam seu crescimento.Este curso apresentaros elementos que fazem o consumidor buscar cada estilo de jogo, assim como os principais tipos de consumidores de jogos, para melhor atender s necessidades de sua ao, e o potencial de adicionar um elemento interativo em campanhas publicitrias ou obras transmdia atravs do pensamento criativo na concepo de novos produtos.** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Engajamento para Games, Audiovisual e Design" |
"O curso Tcnicas de Engajamento para Games apresenta os elementos fundamentais que envolvem e motivam jogadores a cumprir tarefas, vencer desafios e disputar posies em rankings mundiais! Engajar promover uma sustentabilidade de resultados em funo do alto ndice de energia, comprometimento, resilincia, entusiasmo, busca por desafios, grau de autonomia, oportunidade de aprender e ser reconhecido por meio de feedback construtivo.Usando um mecanismo mnemnico baseado nos sentidos humanos, so explicadas as reas de atuao em que games afetam nossa psicologia, comportamento, ajudam a prender a ateno e criar hbitos.** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Comportamento do Jogador e Psicologia Aplicada a Games" |
"Este curso visa identificar os diferentes tipos de jogadores que existem.A tipologia determina interesses, valores, formas de interaoe preferncias dos jogadores, fatores emque todo profissional precisaficar atentoaodesenvolver no somente jogos, mas tambmprodutos, servios, eat na construo de marcas.Dentro dessecontexto,apresentaremos umdetalhamento dosmodelos de compreenso do comportamento do jogador,as diferentes demandas e aspossibilidades para a construo deestratgias de fidelizao deusurios.** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Storytelling e Narrativas em Games" |
"O curso Tcnicas de Storytelling e Narrativas em Gamesapresentar a evoluo da narrativa nos games, delineada no somente por truques narrativos utilizados por equipes criativas para envolver jogadores de todas as idades, mas tambm pela evoluo do mercado de jogos digitais,e como tudo isso afetou a criatividade no setor.Uma boa histria costuma ser interativa, visual, tem um clmax, capaz de despertar emoes, usa dilogo realista, apelativa aos sentidos, tem um personagem com o qual o pblico se identifica e tem um conflito facilmente identificado e que resolvido. Jogos digitais podem conter todos esses elementos desde que haja um planejamento prvio durante a fase de concepo e planejamento.No segundo mdulo Gabriel Morato fala sobre a evoluo da narrativa em jogos eletrnicos interativos em ""Era uma Vez: Press Start"", delineando no apenas os truques utilizados por designers para envolver os jogadores, mas tambm explicando a evoluo do mercado e como isso afetou a criatividade no setor. Uma srie de finais de jogos analisada para mostrar alguns dos melhores truques j empregados nessa mdia ainda em sua infncia.No terceiro mdulo,abre-se uma discusso sobre os truques psicolgicos empregados em jogos para manipular jogadores, para ento se adentrar no mundo de narrativa em games com opes morais explicando como jogadores so afetados ao fazer escolhas em games que oferecem um leque entre bem e mal.** Este curso ser atualizado constantementepelo professor atravs de adio de novas aulas, atualizao informaes, aulas comentadas por outros especialistas da EBG, insero de estudos de casos e exerccios prticos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Video Tutorial for the absolute beginner" |
"This WordPress course is intended for beginners, as the course title hints to {For absolute beginners}. If you already have a running WordPress website, then go straight ahead to areas that deal with other topics such as plugins, themes widgets etc.At the end of this WordPress course, you will be confident enough to work with, and ,on any WordPress website. I will be creating more advanced WordPress topics in future courses and I can predict that I will always refer all newbies to this course. Start here. There is a lot you will learn. You will learn best practices and get extremely useful hints to run a successful WordPress Website.Join this course today."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Start your Own Magazine" |
"Some times we think, I would like to start my own business, but we usually think about a Restaurant, Super Market, Online Store, Clothes Store, etc. but, we never consider a Magazine as a Business to start. Let me tell you that I have been 5 years with this business and I'm doing very well, and it can only get better, of course I work hard and I try to take care of my clients, but it is a very easy job, and I make very good money. In this course I teach you how to start your own Magazine in your city, Advertising Local Businesses and Making money with it. With this course You will be able to Manage, Design and Distribute your Magazine, although, you can hire some people insofar as your magazine progress. So let's take a very good attitude and decide for something different and very Profitable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the physics of space flight" |
"This is a a High School level Physics course, covering the Space topic from the old New South Wales Higher School Certificate course. The new syllabus, for which a course is in preparation, omits much of the material covered in this course. Please check out the preview lectures and lecture descriptions before you enroll.If you are curious about the physics underlying space flight, from launch to re entry, you will find this course of interest.This course covers all dot points of the Space Topic (9.2) from the New South Wales Higher School Certificate Physics Syllabus.The course covers the basic physics of gravity, gravitational potential energy, projectile motion, launching into space, uniform circular motion, orbiting the Earth and other bodies, geostationary and low Earth orbit satellites, re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere and special relativity to a high school level.Topics are covered from a mathematical, theoretical and historical perspective.Please look through the lecture topics and previews before you enroll.The Higher School Certificate Physics Syllabus can be downloaded from: high school students this course will help with your study, help Physics teachers by providing lesson ideas and content, and provide an introductory level understanding of the physics of space flight for anyone interested in the subject."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Avanzato 12+ Ore Post Produzione + Camera Raw" |
"Benvenuto/a! In questo corso dedicato alle tecniche creative con Photoshop e Camera Raw imparerai i segreti della post-produzione professionale.Nella prima parte ti insegner ad ottimizzare il ritratto. Imparerai a perfezionare la pelle, i capelli, gli occhi, lo shaping del viso e moltissimi altri aspetti delle tue fotografie (all'interno del corso potrai scaricare i file RAW per esercitarti).A seguire ti insegner il digital makeup creativo per dare un tono spettacolare a viso, occhi, capelli e bocca.Sei un fan della fotografia di paesaggio? Niente paura! Nella sezione successiva imparerai a trattare foto di paesaggio in bianco e nero e a rendere il cielo pi intenso.Ogni buon fotografo deve essere in grado di ritoccare anche i file RAW. A seguire ho inserito un corso completo di Adobe Camera Raw dove ti insegner a rendere i tuoi scatti perfetti. Imparerai ad importare i file, classificare le immagini, a modificare tono ed esposizione e a leggere l'istogramma.A seguire troverai un corso completo dedicato agli strumenti essenziali di Photoshop come i pennelli correttivi, i livelli e le selezioni. Imparerai a dare uno stile compositivo alle tue immagini.Nelle lezioni successive approfondiremo la post produzione professionale di foto di architettura, di still life e immagini di prodotto, di una fotografia di matrimonio e di beauty.Ho aggiunto due ulteriori moduli decisamente utili a qualsiasi graphic designer. Il primo dedicato ai principi di grafica e il secondo allo studio dei caratteri tipografici.Nell'ultima lezione potrai inoltre scaricare due eBook dedicati alla fotografia digitale: Digital Photography Mastery"" + ""The Ultimate How to Photography Guide"".Ci vediamo dall'altra parte!EmanueleFAQ- Sono principiante, il corso fa per me?Il corso per tutti, dai principianti ai professionisti. Anche se non conosci minimamente Photoshop o Camera Raw, al termine di queste lezioni sarai in grado di padroneggiare la post-produzione professionale.- Ho una versione di Photoshop differente. Posso frequentare il corso?Niente paura! Le lezioni del corso sono applicabili a tutte le versioni del software, sia precedenti che successive a Photoshop CS6- Ho una garanzia?Se il corso non ti piace potrai richiedere il rimborso a Udemy entro 30 giorni."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Layered Passive Income Business Creation System" |
"The Layered Passive Income Method is an innovative way of getting you to take massive action to reach your income goals. If you follow the method as laid out in this short and succinct course you will achieve great things and can easily hit the income goals as laid out in the title $1000 - $10,000 per month.The course lays out step by step how to become a business building machine and examples from the instructors own experience are clearly shown.There is also a resource file where you can download the materials used in teaching the course so you can study them at your leisure.This is not a theoretical course this is all about taking action but not just any action, the idea is that if you have been trying different money making methods and have been stopped because of analysis paralysis or the businesses just didnt work out you will now have a new way of creating businesses that will be easy and fun and blast through any procrastination.I wish you all the best in your journey to $10,000 a month passive income."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle SQL Developer: Mastering its features + tips & tricks" |
"Oracle SQL Developer is currently the most popular tool among database developers and Oracle SQL learners, however, since it makes it so easy to start firing commands and querying a database, many people don't feel the need to investigate its features, and end up using only what is obvious, visible, and enabled by default.If you are one of them, this course will help you get out of that group and start using Oracle SQL Developer more smartly.Even if you have some time using the tool and are currently using some of its features, there's most likely something in this course that you don't know and can be helpful to you.Learn the features that can help you work with your Oracle database better and faster:Install and customize SQL Developer in a way that works and feels best for you.Take full advantage of the most useful features of the tool.Create and share beautiful and interactive reports.Take advantage of features that will make you more effective and efficient at work.Learn a lot of tricks and enjoy being seen as an SQL Developer expert.All Oracle SQL Developer features are free. Take advantage of them:This course was created because there appears to be a pattern among Oracle SQL courses and the database community in general: If you are able to install it and connect to a database, you are good to go"".What's more: Experience shows that even developers who are already working with Oracle databases as part of their job, tend to not look for ways to work faster in SQL Developer, and usually only investigate features they don't currently use when it is strictly necessary for their jobs.The goal of this course is to fill the gap most SQL courses leave about this great tool so that it can serve as a foundation if you are planning to learn Oracle SQL, and also to help you take advantage of the tool's features if you are already working with Oracle databases as part of your job, so that you can be more efficient and productive, and thus, stand out.Content and Overview:The course includes more than 3 hours of content and covers many of the most useful features of SQL Developer.There is usually one lecture per feature, so, if for any reason you are not interested in any of the included tips, you can simply skip it, and go directly to the one you want to learn about.The course content will continue to be updated over time, to make sure you always know about the most important features available to you, as new versions of Oracle SQL Developer are released.Learn these tips and apply them to your work, and you will not only be well prepared to work more smartly and efficiently, but will also enjoy being seen as an experienced and knowledgeable developer by your friends and peers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
WordPress |
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Habilidades gerenciales para el pequeo empresario" |
"BIENVENIDOS a nuestro Curso Manual del Pequeo Empresario. El curso fue producido en la Fundacin Para el Desarrollo de la Universidad de Tarapac y est dirigido a entregar conocimientos prcticos e inmediatos que permitan mejorar las capacidades de administracin, direccin y estrategia en la pequea empresa. Se trata de un curso dirigido a personas comunes que buscan aprender y mejorar sus habilidades empresariales, donde aprendern haciendo, basados en: - videos cortos donde se plantean las ideas fundamentales; - videos suplementarios de Internet donde se muestran ejemplos prcticos. Cada clase plantear un tema, que se expondr en un video con la teoria y un comentario con la practica. La metodologa es distinta a las clases tradicionales, que tiene largas exposiciones de conocimientos del profesor y la memorizacin pasiva por los alumnos. En nuestro caso las exposiciones del instructor son pldoras de conocimiento para introducir en el tema. Los alumnos tiene una semana para ver cada una lasa clases, en su casa u oficina y en el horario que mejor les convenga. Empecemos entonces con nuestro curso, manos a la obra!."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership, management & entrepreneurship in the 21 Century" |
"Welcome to the world's largest, and most comprehensive, 21st Century leadership course. Certified by the globally recognised British Institute of Leadership &Management, we provide you with a clear, practical and powerful learning journey. Discover why 21st Century leaders need to combine leadership, management & entrepreneurship skills and how you can use our '21 principles' framework to succeed in today's complex, uncertain and rapidly-changing world. Join our program today and accelerate your journey to becoming an authentic, high-performing 21st Century leader. > 21 clear lectures on the key principles you need to succeed. > Packed with practical examples, tips, quizzes, self-assessment, links and summaries. > Powerful, cutting-edge frameworks provide you with superior insight & understanding. > Concise explanations, we know you're busy so we get straight to the point! Clear, practical, powerful andconcise. Join now and start learning how to lead & succeed! Course structure Every video lecture uses the following structure: 1. Introduce the principle and explain why it is important; this helps the student understand the context of their learning. 2. Explain the subject matter using a simple example to give deep understanding of the principle. 3. 3 relevant quotes are discussed allowing a deeper explanation of the subject matter using real life characters to bring variety to the learning experience. 4. We clearly and concisely explain the most important learning points thereby enabling you to quickly understand what you need to know. 5. A real example is presented and discussed to provide more understanding and context. 6. We then explain how to apply the principle in the real world by providing you with many practical frameworks that you can use straight away to start being a better leader. 7. We bring the learning to an end by providing 3 practical tips that can help you use the principle effectively in your local reality and providing a summary for your learning. The learning diary We strongly advise that you create a learning diary to make the most out of this course. Why? The best way to improve your learning is to reflect on your learning and how you can use the principles to improve the way you lead. We suggest getting a fresh notebook and using one page per lecture. By doing this you will rapidly accelerate your learning. Clear, practical, powerful, concise join now and start learning how to lead & succeed!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reverse Engineer Riveting Fiction & Write Best Selling Books" |
"When writing a book, one of the most important requirements is the ability to present an exciting story that your readers will invest in. A story where they will want to know what comes next right through to the end.In this training I show by example, how to break down popular fiction into the basics of the story. The skeleton of the story, and from that simple outline, I give 2 examples of how to create a new story in two different genres, to show how simple my outlining method works.I demonstrate with the same outline sheets I use when I am writing a book, and also for the books I get my ghostwriters to write for me. Those outline sheets are available for download in the course.It is so simple that I know by the end of the training you will be able to write your own book with exciting storylines too.I also show how to build out the sections of the stories using simple techniques and the use of questions to bring out your creativity.You will easily decide how many words you need in each section of your book, and once it is broken down into the smaller pieces of the story, you will find it a lot easier to write the book. The benefit of doing this is you will also be able to write your books a lot faster. You wont get stuck for words. You wont be looking at a blank screen or piece of paper wondering why youve got writers block. There are 18 lectures and an hour of content.There are downloadable files that you can use for all your books.Ive structured this course in a simple methodical way based on the best results Ive had from training thousands of people in book publishing.You will gain confidence and skills that will benefit you for a lifetime of easy writing.Ive kept the videos short and to the point without leaving out the crucial information you need to succeed.You can go away in the next day with a whole new understanding of what Riveting Fiction is all about."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Succeed with Kindle Short Reads" |
"Writing books can be a struggle, but through this training, I will show you the benefits of building your business with Amazon Kindle Short Reads.I will show you how many super successful authors have used Kindle Short Reads to publish more books more easily.How they copy their own success and duplicate the business assets that are earning them the most money.How to reduce bad reviews.How to build big lists fast and easy.How to use Short Reads (Short Stories) to get more reach in Amazon search and have more readers finding your books through keywords and categories.You will understand why Amazon placed emphasis on Short Reads, because of the reading habits of new readers, and also long time readers, who have changed the way they choose to read.You will learn some tricky techniques to get people to join your reader list and make it easier for you to sell more books, and create a financially stable business.There are currently 19 lectures and an hour of content.There are downloadable files and transcriptions of each video.Ive structured this course in a simple methodical way based on the best results Ive had from training thousands of people in book publishing.You will gain confidence and knowledge that will help you get better results by working smarter.Ive kept the videos short and to the point without leaving out the crucial information you need to succeed.You can go away in the next day with a whole new understanding of how to use Kindle Short Reads to build a bigger, better author brand, with more sales and more readers on your email list."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Helping Writers to Write and Keep Writing" |
"One of the biggest struggles writers have is with their mind. Doubts, fears, negative thoughts, dealing with reviews and opinions. These things can derail your business and take energy away from what is most important...writing and publishing your books.Through this training, I will help you gain a better understanding of how to deal with these problems, so you can build your business more easily by focusing on what you can do and what is most important for your ultimate success.Too many talented writers don't get what they deserve because they are distracted with obstacles that are beyond their control. How you react to those obstacles can make or break you. When you know what's holding you back, and you counter with the right methods, you will be able to free your creativity to succeed writing books.Even if you question your ability to write good books, I will put that into perspective for you too. You don't need to be a university educated author to do well publishing your own books. In fact, you could be doing yourself a disservice writing to that standard in most markets. You just need to write what your readers can enjoy reading as I will explain.I focus on keeping everything simple so you can learn and get back to your writing.The videos are short, the messages are direct, and they are based on the correspondence I've had over the years dealing with thousands of authors, many who have gone on to unbelievable success once their own belief systems have been reset correctly.There are downloadable transcriptions of each video.After you've completed this course you should have a whole new level of confidence that you can write, publish and profit from the skills you currently have now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Write Blockbuster Books Readers Love with Dead Easy Dialogue" |
"Dialogue is one of the hardest aspects of writing for most authors, but through this training, I will show youhow to easily create dialogue that your readers will love.I will show you areas where inexperienced authors make a mess of writing dialogue so you don't do the same.I will show you how to easily have correctly formatted dialogue, with the essentials needed to getyour editing right.Writing good dialogue can help you get higher reader reviews and sell more books and you will have the confidence to write dialogue, even if you have never done so in the past.You will understand why dialogue is so important to your success as an author.You will learntechniques to make writing dialogue easierand boost your ability to write a lot more words more easily.There are currently 33 lectures and overan hour of content.There are downloadable files and transcriptions of each video.Ive structured this course in a simple methodical way based on the best results Ive had from training thousands of people in book publishing.You will gain confidence and knowledge that will help you writebetter stories more easily.Ive kept the lecturesshort and to the point while covering everythingyou need to succeed.You can go away in the next day with a whole new understanding of how to write dialoguethat your readers will love, that you will enjoy writing, and will make you a more accomplished writer with well edited books that are great to read."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Productivity. Work Less and Get More Done Easily." |
"This course will teach you how to boost your productivity effortlessly, with simple techniques that have been proven to work.You will be able to make more money more easily, because you will get more work done in less time.You will have more freedom to enjoy the things you love in life, because you won't be snowed under a mountain of work that can steal awayyour life.Productivity is not about working harder... it's about working smarter and you will learn the smart ways to become more productive with the training you're about to enjoy.Productivity is not about working's about working easier while getting more done.Life wasn't meant to be a struggle, but most people struggle to get the most from their time each day as they get overloaded with too much to do.It's a busy life, but even if you only apply some of the techniques I teach in this training, you will have more and more time on your hands to do things you thought you'd never get the chance to do.You will be less stressed, more organized, more efficient and you will value your time more than ever.I will also show you how you can make sure other people value your time too so they don't distract you from what you want to do and where you want to go.You will be able to tackle big tasks with the right mindset and the right tools to complete those tasks stress free.You will finally realize that there really are enough hours in the day to do everything you like and get everything you want byonly focusing on the things that matter...the things that will help drive you to success.Everything in this course is simple for you to learn, understand and apply - and you can expect immediate results once you start applying the training.The difference between the most successful people and everyone else, is their ability to manage their time. You will be able to do the same. You will become a time management, productivity expert.These are the same principles that I use in my businesses and they allow me to enjoy a wonderfully productive life and I'm sure you can do the same.You have a 30-day, 100% money-back no questions askedguarantee so you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of time saving to gain.Click on the Take This Course button in the upper right hand side of your screen and get started now.Your Productivity is about to go Through the Roof!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reverse Engineer Riveting Fiction 2: The Next Level" |
"With all the competition in publishing, it is more important than ever that your books have the XFactor.The WOWFactor that will help your books stand out from the crowd.In this training I show by example, how totake your stories to the next level, so they aren't predictable.So they are memorable.So readers willtell others about your brand and buy all the books you create.If you want to rise to the top in the best sellers listings, then your books need to be better than your competition. This is how that is done.This is how you rise above the rest, and it's easy to do when you know how.Your books will not only meet reader expectations - they will exceed their expectations and that's when you have a winner.That's when you rise above the thousands of others who are trying to get the attention of your market.There is an hour of content presented in an easy to learn manner - free from fluff and filler. I get right to the point so you can get right to writing better books sooner and easier.Ive structured this course in a simple methodical way based on the best results Ive had from training thousands of people in book publishing.You will gain confidence and skills that will benefit you for a lifetime of easy writing.Ive kept the videos short and to the point without leaving out the crucial information you need to succeed.You can go away in the next day with a whole new understanding of how to write Riveting Fiction that's Better Than The Best."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Portuguese for trips to Brazil! Tips for Rio!" |
"Lean the basic Brazilian Portuguese necessary for a safe trip to Brazil. With this course, you will learn enough Portuguese to feel at ease to talk to Brazilian people and ask for directions. Learn Portuguese to handle situations you are bound to face when you come visit Brazil. -Learn basic greetings and small talk -Learn basic characteristics of Brazilian Portuguese-Exchange currency and get your luggage back -How to catch a taxi -Hotel check in and check out-Ordering at restaurants-Explain that you are feeling ill-Where to buy good souvenirs-How to stay safeChange your experience in Brazil. If you are interested in visiting Brazil, learning basic Brazilian Portuguese before your trip will help you connect with Brazilian people and even make friends. It will also help you get rid of the uneasiness of going to a foreign country. Portuguese is one of the top 10 most spoken languages in the world. Out of the 215 million Portuguese speakers worldwide, nearly 150 million of them speak Brazilian Portuguese, the most common language variant. Join me as we study Brazilian Portuguese together. You will learn not only words and grammar, but will hear from a true Brazilian Carioca soul. Content and Overview This course is suitable for beginners with zero or close to zero knowledge of the Portuguese language. It will lead you to a better comprehension of how the Portuguese language works and how Brazilian people fell about different kinds of approaches. You will learn the necessary vocabulary and phrases for your trip gradually, as if you were already on your journey to Brazil. One-step at a time, starting with the basic characteristics of the language, and moving on to how to deal with possible airport trouble concerning luggage reclaim and currency exchange. You will also learn how to deal with hotel check-in, order food and ask for discounts at souvenir shops. You will learn how to explain your situation if you suddenly feel ill. By taking this course, you will learn how to deal with situations you are most likely to face during your trip. You will start building your confidence to speak in Portuguese and to talk with people in order to make friends in Brazil.keywords: Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create FREE Webpages with Google sites. Basics" |
"Learn how to create FREE Webpages or Webistes with Google sites.Get ready made Google site templates.Many to chose from.Learn how to edit a Google site.Just copy and paste your way to your very own site.Add links.Add images.Add videos.Add Pages.Add advertising.And lots more.No more paying for expensive hosting.Get Your FREE Google Site NOW."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shodan The Scariest Search Engine" |
"Kursus ""Shodan The Scariest Search Engine "" mengajarkan bagaimana melakukan pengumpulan informasi (Information Gathering) suatu target untuk serangan siber ataupun pentest dengan menggunakan search engine Shodan.Didalam kursus singkat ini akan diajarkan teknik teknik singkat mengoptimalkan penggunaan shodan, dari mulai pencarian domain, port, webcam, live cam, database sampai dengan pencarian mesin industri yang digunakan didalam pembangkit listrik, bendungan atau mungkin yang digunakan dalam pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Accounting, Bookkeeping & Financial Statements: Zero to Pro" |
"Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Financial Statements Preparation are three steps to achieve one main goal, keeping a track of business money and prepare reports to provide a financial summary for stakeholders. Why you should learn Accounting:Every single business needs to record its income and expenses, not just for internal management and control, but also for external stakeholders like government, tax authorities, investors, lenders, and even suppliers and customers. Having a good command of numbers and the idea of how cash flows are recorded and presented makes you a better professional. Who should take this course:Accounting and Finance StudentsBusiness StudentsAspiring AccountantsProfessionals EntrepreneursBusiness Owners InvestorsStartup foundersPrerequisite: This course starts from zero, no background knowledge is required to start learning in this course. Even 12 years old can also learn Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Financial Statements Preparation in this course. Money-Back Guarantee: Nothing to lose! If you will not be satisfied with the course, Udemy offers 30 days money-back guarantee! Topics Covered:Introduction to AccountingWhy Accounting has to follow rules and what are the accounting standards?What are the different types of Accounting and what information is produced by each?Accounting termsCash and Accrual AccountingDouble-entry conceptBookkeepingGeneral Ledger Trial Balance and Financial StatementsFixed Assets and DepreciationInventory AccountingFinancial Statements preparationThis built of the course is fairly easy, the format is beautifully designed interesting interactive video, the course flows from basis to Accounting to the preparation of financial statements first and then the more complex and frequently used areas of Accounting have been dealt with. This course also covers various practical concepts that are quite useful when you are maintaining your books in accounting software. In short, in the next 3 hours, you will be able to understand all the basic aspects of Accounting that you need to know to well handle your business financials. Introduction to the teacher:Chartered Accountant 12 years of work experience 12 years of teaching experience as visiting facultyI am a Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) from the UK with 12 years of professional work and teaching experience and have taught more than 4,000 students in class and 40,000+ students on udemy! I have implemented accounting software and ERP at various organizations and have expertise in financial transformation. I have been leading accountancy practice for small and medium-sized entities for the last 4 months and have frequent interaction with entrepreneurs. So I know what exactly do entrepreneurs need to know to well manage their books. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Basics" |
"Do you wonder why some businesses easily attractmore clients, more sales and more sign-upsfor their email lists ... while other businesses work just as hard and get nothing but headaches?Have you written some copy that hasn't brought you the results you hoped for?Are you getting ignored because your competitor out-performs you in marketing (even when your product is better)?This course helps you create marketing materials that bring results, even if you're not a copywriter. We'll present these points in a straightforward style so you can learn quickly and easily.Copywriting can seem complicated. Professional copywriters study for along time. In this course, I've identified the most important core concepts that copywriters use every day. I've set up the course to focus on key principles so you can get started right away. And you can follow the course in step-by-step fashion, so you implement each section before going on to the next.You get 5 easy-to-follow modules. Each module includes a series of videos with specific steps. You'll get what you need - and only what you need - to elevate your marketing.What are the requirements?This course recommends that you have a computer (or laptop, tablet) and a high-speed Internet connection.You will benefit most if you have a specific project in mind, such as a website or sales letter, especially if you've started writing and you have a draft to revise.What am I going to get from this course?Over 12 lectures and 70 minutes of content!Confidence that your marketing content comes across as professional with a clear, captivating message your audience will understand.An understanding of copywriting principles that often seem complex and mysterious (and specific examples of how to apply them)Tips to create content more quickly without sacrificing quality (you'll learn why copywriters offer fast turn-around and make your offer available faster)Ability to critique your own content objectively so you'll write more purposefully and reach your goalsBy the end of the course, you'll understand how to write copy more effectively. If you've applied what you learned as you move from module to module, you'll have a much improved piece of marketing content. You'll be far more likely to get the results you've been hoping for.And when you keep coming back to the course and reviewing what you learn, your marketing will get easier over time. You'll acquire the ""copywriting mindset"" that takes the hassle out ofall your marketing.Who should take this course:Anyone who wants to create more effective marketing content without committing to becoming a copywriter. The course is directed to business owners and most examples relate to services."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Active Mindfulness, make Mindfulness work for you - All Day!" |
"Mindfulness meditation feels good! Enroll right nowto find a whole new way of being mindful that feels great, all day long.Take your MINDFULNESS to the NEXT LEVEL with NO MORE SITTING!Over2000 Happy Members from 92 countriesSatisfaction Guaranteed - or Your Money BackYou've already studied mindfulness meditation and felt some benefit, but YOU KEEP FORGETTING to be mindful, don't you, when you're out doing stuff, right?You're not reaching the 'Gold Standard' of Mindfulness!The 'gold standard' of mindfulness is staying mindful while you do things.So where are you going wrong, and why you aren't enjoying your mindfulness all day long?The answer is catching yourself the moment a new stimulus or idea arrives, and bridging that gap so you stay mindful while you do stuff. That's the real goal for mindfulness.This video course shows you in easy steps how to bridge that gap, and provides a practice road-map, so you can enjoy being mindful all day long!Here's the deal, most mindfulness meditation practise works like this:Be conscious of yourself, be present in the moment, and non-judgementally take stock of what your mind and body are telling you.There are many different ways to learn mindfulness meditation, ranging from awareness of the breath to focusing on compassion or loving kindness.The benefits of mindfulness include less stress and anxiety, greater confidence, and living your life to the full.And it's simple enough, if you practice your mindfulness meditation you've already found that out, right?But I'll bet my bottom dollar you keep drifting off when you're following your breath. And most of the day you're not mindful at all more like mind-dull! All those hours spent in mindfulness meditation for only a little benefit. And is it really, honestly helping you, right now, when you're using a computer or screen, or even doing anything where you have to keep reacting?This is the gap that Active Mindfulness bridges.Active Mindfulness instruction is fun, fast and fascinating.We'll take advantage of the skills I've built up over the years teaching people just like you, who love mindfulness, but struggle to keep it going all day long.You'll find...Easy bite-sized training sessions.Short, no-nonsense seven-minute mindfulness meditations.Step-by-step instructions to build up your mindfulness.Beginner, intermediate and advanced mindfulness challenges in real-world settings to take your Active Mindfulness to the next level.Bonus advanced techniques to help you flourish.And regular updates, support and one-to-one help as you need it.Your course is available on PC, Mac, Android and iphone, and on Udemy is backed by a no-quibble 30 day money back guarantee, so you've absolutely nothing to lose. Enroll, click ""Take This Course"" and start right away, or leave and stay stuck in the same old rut... you're free to choose!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Busy Professionals" |
"This simple course is created to help you incorporate yoga as your daily habit. It's a good way to realize how well is to find some time a do something just for yourself. We will go throw Pranayama, Sun Salutation, Stretching, Balance and Relaxation. The course includes:36 x 5 minutes HD video6 sections, each one includes 6 lecturesWhat is the target audience?Man and Woman EquallyBusy peopleCurious Beginners and everybody else who find out practicing yoga is useful. Unstable if you are suffering from some injuries.What am I going to get from this course?3 hours of content in 36 lectures6 sections, each section includes 6 lectures, each lecture is 5 min longeach section is 30 min yoga classcarefully designed downloadable materials with highly detailed explanations and picturesWhat are the requirements?Yoga mat or non-slip surfaceComfortable clothesNo shoes, no socksWilling to improve your life qualityCuriosity in this courseWhy take this course?Yoga is a great whey to improve quality of your life so, only you have to do is to spend 30 min of your day for yoga and feel it's benefits such are deeper breathing, betters focus, lower level of stress, sleep well, better self-control. Practicing yoga is unique experience for everyone. In yoga there is no competition, no pain and no stress. This course will help to incorporate yoga as your everyday habit. Yoga is not only practicing, it's a way you live your life. Don't worry, yoga doesn't take time, yoga gives time! When you practice yoga you will have more energy for your daily activities so you will be able to do them much better. It's so exciting when you relied that you have some time only for yourself. You need at least three months constant practicing yoga to feel its great influence to your life."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Outdoors Yoga" |
"This is a short 30 min yoga course, suitable to practice outside but also in the comfort of your living room. In this course I'm going to show you how I join two great things - spending time outside and practicing yoga. All of you who enjoy spend you free time outside, walk in the park, hiking or just feel the beauty of the nature are welcome to incorporate these exercises in your activities. It doesn't meter if you're beginner, intermediate or advanced. Course is suitable for all levels.Course contains 3 sections with. Each section has text and video lectures. There is group of asanas described in text lecture. The other lecture is video with highly detailed explanation and downloadable material with even further explanation. You need only 30 min for Outdoors Yoga course. I recommend morning to practice this course. Yoga is unique experience for all of us. Practicing yoga at least three months continuously you will feel it's great influence to your life (lower level of stress, improves flexibility of your body, deeper breathing, better focus). Allow yourself to join beauty of the nature with power of yoga!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Days Office Yoga Challenge" |
"Course DescriptionThis 5 Days Office Yoga Challenge is created to practice yoga at your work.It contains 5 sections and each one presents one business day. The idea is toincorporate yoga as your everyday habit so you will be able to feel greatbenefits of it.Who is this course for?This course is for all of you who work a lot especially in the office or anyother job which requires a lot of sitting. This is for all of you who feeltension in your shoulders and upper back. But it's also for all of you who wantto improve your breath rate, focus and concentration. This course is for all of you who have high level of stress (managers, doctors...).Yoga teachers looking for something different, knowledge and inspiration to refresh their classes.Practitioners all levels, from beginners to advanced. If you've never practiced yoga before, youre also very welcome.Important - If you suffer from some injuries, please see your doctor before taking this course.What am I going to get from this course?Course presents one working week, from Monday to Friday. There are 5sections. Each one contains video lecture with downloadable material and it'ssuggestion how to practice yoga at work. All lectures are also suitable topractice in the comfort of your living room.Discover new way to practice yoga.It will take you only 10 minutes per day from Monday to Friday to finish thecourse. So, you need only 50 minutes to complete it. If you are interested topractice on weekends, just pick any lectures you want. I suggest to pickdifferent lectures every weekend.What are the requirements?ChairComfortable clothes, no shoes, no socks.Willing to incorporate healthy habit in your life.Course is structured in five sections. Each one is suggested for onebusiness day. Thats why I named it 5 Days Office Yoga Challenge.Why take this course?Taking this course and practicing continuously, day by day, week by week, youwill feel great benefits of yoga. After some time you will feel lower level ofstress, better self-control, better breath rate, focus and concentration. Youwill see the difference but people around you, your boss and your colleagues also will. And don't forget, key tosuccess in yoga is consistency!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |