Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"5 Days Office Yoga Challenge - Part 2" |
"Course DescriptionThis 5 Days Office Yoga Challenge Part 2 is created to practice yoga at your work. It contains 5 sections and each one is actually suggestion how to adjust yoga poses to practice them at work. The idea is to incorporate yoga as your everyday habit so you will be able to feel great benefits of it.Why take this course?Taking this course and practicing continuously, day by day, week by week, you will feel great benefits of yoga. After some time you will feel lower level of stress, better self-control, better breath rate, focus and concentration. You will see the difference but people around you, your boss and your colleagues also will. And don't forget, key to success in yoga is consistency!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap, HTML5 & CSS3: Create a Modern Youtube Homepage" |
"Have you ever tried to develop a cool modern youTube homepage? Maybe no. That's why Plato is here to help you to learn how to turn a normal photoshop design into a cool layout in the browser. From the design, until the pages go live, youll get expert guidance on how to make sure your first steps gets done, and done right. This is not a beginners course and some knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 is required. You will also get hands-on with some jQuery and learn some very beautiful ways to help take the homepage to the next level!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a desarrollar una aplicacin para Apple Watch" |
"El mundo de las aplicaciones es realmente fascinante y con la llegada del Apple Watch se abren nuevas puertas para todos aquellos que tienen ideas innovadoras. Siendo el dispositivo ms personal hasta la fecha, las aplicaciones del Apple Watch van a convertirse en una parte fundamental de nuestro da a day muchos desarrolladores ya estn adaptando sus apps para que podamos acceder directamente desde nuestra mueca.Si siempre habis querido hacer realidad vuestra idea o tenis entre manos la app del siglo pero os faltan conocimientos para llevarlo a cabo, estis de enhorabuena, pues hoy os traemos un curso para todos aquellos que quieran iniciarse en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el Apple WatchQu voy a aprender?A lo largo de este curso vamos a construir un par de aplicaciones bastante simples a nivel de interfaz que nos permitirn conocer el valor actual del Bitcoin, inicialmente construiremos una aplicacin para el iPhone aprendiendo a construir interfaces, programar la lgica de la aplicacin y realizar solicitudes de red, luego aprovecharemos esta base de cdigo para construir una aplicacin para el Apple Watch.Cules son los requisitos?Para completar este curso es necesario poseer una Mac con la capacidad de instalar Xcode en su versin 6.2 o ms reciente. Para mayor facilidad es deseable tener conocimientos bsicos de cmo crear aplicaciones con swift y como realizar solicitudes de red, sin embargo el curso puede ser completado con facilidad por aquellos que se estn iniciando en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOS. A quin va dirigido? Este curso esta construido de manera especial para las personas que desean conocer como funciona el nuevo framework Watchkit que ser utilizado en la construccin de aplicaciones para el Apple Watch y quieren aprender a manejar las herramientas y obtener los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar a construir sus propias aplicaciones para este dispositivo.Descarga de ArchivosPodrs descargar todos los archivos fuentes utilizados en ste curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a generar compras y anuncios en tus Apps para iOS" |
"Qu voy a aprender?En este curso aprenderemos a usar los diferentes tipos de compras que podemos incluir en las aplicaciones, dando un repaso por el framework StoreKit e implementando items consumibles, no consumibles y por suscripcin utilizando swift en iOS 8. Tambin vamos a aprender sobre iAds que nos ofrece otra oportunidad ms para generar ingresos.iAd Producer, una herramienta oficial que nos permite crear nuestros anuncios para la plataforma iAd de publicidad que lleg junto con iOS.Incrementa los ingresos generados por tu aplicacin usando in-app purchases para distribuir productos digitales o items por suscripcin desde tu aplicacin hacindola mas entretenida para tus usuariosCules son los requisitos?Para seguir este curso paso a paso es necesario que tengas disponible una Mac donde puedas utilizar Xcode, el entorno de Desarrollo para aplicaciones iOS. Adems debes tener conocimientos previos del lenguaje de programacin swift.A quin va dirigido?Este curso est dirigido a las personas que ya tienen experiencia previa en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOS y desean comenzar a generar ingresos o distribuir productos digitales desde sus aplicaciones.Descarga de ArchivosPodrs descargar todos los archivos fuentes utilizados en ste curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de Apps en Android Studio" |
"El objetivo de este tutorial es iniciarse en la programacin de Android empleando el entorno de desarrollo Android Studio. Se requieren conceptos previos de programacin en Java.Se busca ir conociendo los rudimentos bsicos de la programacin en Android presentando los conceptos con ejercicios resueltos e invitando a la resolucin de otros problemas propuestoAndroid Studio llega a revolucionar el desarrollo de aplicaciones Android con nuevas herramientas que harn ms placentera la experiencia de crear tus aplicaciones.Este software es creado directamente por Google y a diferencia de las opciones tradicionales como Eclipse, este programa fue creado con Android en mente, cada elemento del programa est integrado para facilitarte el proceso de creacin de aplicaciones. En este curso vamos a examinar todas las posibilidades que nos ofrece este nuevo programa, comenzando desde cero, configurando el sistema e instalando todos los paquetes de software necesarios.Examinaremos a fondo los elementos que componen un proyecto, las herramientas de Android Studio, los elementos grficos e interactivos necesarios para crear una aplicacin Android profesional y aprenders a crear mltiples pantallas y a navegar entre ellas, utilizar las API's de geolocalizacin y reproducir archivos multimedia.Descubre sus herramientas y su entorno grfico y cmo te permite ver la apariencia exacta de tu aplicacin mientras la desarrollas.Android Studio tiene todas las herramientas especializadas para que crear y publicar aplicaciones sea un proceso ms fcil, rpido y sencillo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conoce Android Studio 2.1 para el desarrollo de Android apps" |
"La herramienta para desarrollar aplicaciones Android, recientemente sac a la luz su nueva versin, la cual posee mejoras muy atractivas para que los desarrolladores adapten sus creaciones a lo ltimo del sistema, aparte que ofrece la compatibilidad con Android N Preview. Entre lo nuevo que trae Android Studio 2.1 para ti puedes encontrar mejoras en el Android Emulator, ayuda para el posicionamiento en las bsquedas orgnicas de google, visualizacin de cambios en tiempo real, realizacin de pruebas rpidas y sencillas en cualquier dispositivo Android fsico.El objetivo de este tutorial es iniciarse en la programacin de Android empleando el entorno de desarrollo Android Studio. Se requieren conceptos previos de programacin en Java.Se busca ir conociendo los rudimentos bsicos de la programacin en Android presentando los conceptos con ejercicios resueltos e invitando a la resolucin de otros problemas propuestoDescubre sus herramientas y su entorno grfico y cmo te permite ver la apariencia exacta de tu aplicacin mientras la desarrollas.Android Studio tiene todas las herramientas especializadas para que crear y publicar aplicaciones sea un proceso ms fcil, rpido y sencillo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Firebase 2.5.2 para tus apps de Android" |
"Firebase es una plataforma que te permitir trabajar con bases de datos en tiempo real basadas en NoSQL y almacenando los datos en formato JSON para poder tener disponibilidad de ellos en cualquier momento. Te permitir trabajar de manera segura a travs de distintos mtodos de autenticacin como email y contrasea, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub o Google, as como poder publicar tu sitio con estos servicios integrados. Firebase es en gran medida un excelente reemplazo de Parse y este curso te ensear a cmo te servir para poder generar tanto aplicaciones web y mviles como aplicaciones de escritorio.En este curso te enseamos a crear aplicaciones en tiempo real usando Firebase, un serviciode Googleque permite desarrollar una aplicacin completa sin necesidad de dedicar esfuerzos en la programacin del lado del servidor.Firebase mantiene conectada tu aplicacin con el origen de datos, de modo que si cambia un dato se actualiza automticamente en todos los ordenadores o dispositivos que lo estn visualizando. Es compatible para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Javascript, as como para dispositivos iOS y Android, incluso como servicio REST en cualquier otra plataforma. Adems ofrece un sistema de autenticacin de usuarios y una capa de seguridad perfectamente configurable para el desarrollo rpido, sencillo y seguro.En resumen, a lo largo de las clases del curso aprenders a usar Firebase para proveerte de una base de servicios backend, especializados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones en tiempo real, compatibles con diversas plataformas y dispositivos. Adems construiremos todos una aplicacin completa capaz de explotar las posibilidades ""real time"" de Firebase."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos bsicos para la creacin perfecta de Prototipos" |
"Un prototipo se define como una gua visual, es decir, un boceto del sitio web, en l se ver de forma estructural, esquemtica y sencilla el contenido escogido para dicho sitio, incluyendo los sistemas de navegacin, los elementos de la interfaz y su funcin. Los prototipos son famosos por establecer lo que es las relaciones entre las plantillas del sitio web y la funcionalidad, es lo que se podra llamar la parte tangible del proyecto.Los diseadores deben construir el futuro y la mejor manera de hacerlo es ser rpido, reaccionar y adaptarse. Ms informacin sobre cmo el nuevo trabajo de prototipono deben ser estticos, es por eso que hay que aprender las interacciones y animaciones para sus prototipos.Haciendo sus prototipos interactivos conducir a mejorar su colaboracin con los propietarios de los productos y los ingenieros como usted ser capaz de reaccionar y adaptarse sin esfuerzo, incluso para sus pruebas de usuario.Vas a aprender cmo animarsus prototipos, como hago para presentarlos a mis clientes para obtener una mejor comprensin de cmo la aplicacin o el sitio web se ver.Este curso se centra principalmente en comoconseguir serms productivo con los prototipos y se centra tambin en la forma de presentar sus diseos estticos de una manera que es completamente interactivo, por lo que proporcionan una visualizacin precisa y realista de su aplicacin final o sitio web.Usted aprender las piezas que conducen a la creacin de composiciones para mostrar sus interacciones animados, diseos y animaciones.Te ensear varias herramientas offline y en linea que podrs usar, bocetos, tcnicas efectivas para el prototipo en papel, HTML, Frameworks, entre otros!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrices y sistemas de ecuaciones (lgebra Lineal)" |
"Este curso incluye: tipos de sistemas de ecuaciones, matrices y mtodo de Gauss.Adems veremos operaciones con matrices: Suma de matrices, multiplicacin de matrices, propiedades de matrices y tipos de matrices.Finalizaremos con: clculo de determinantes y propiedades de los determinantes.Cada uno de estos temas sern explicados con ejemplos que les permitir resolver los ejercicios propuestos en sus exmenes!Estos vdeos pueden ser usados como apoyo a su curso presencial de algebra lineal-matrices, o simplemente como un curso aislado.Este curso contiene una serie de vdeos tutoriales divididos por niveles. Utilizamos los conocimientos de cada vdeo para poder continuar avanzando en el siguiente.Quin puede ver este curso?Cualquiera que quiera mejorar sus habilidades de lgebra lineal, matrices, sistemas de ecuaciones. Si estas haciendo el curso de lgebra lineal en tu institucin, te ayudar a aprobar la materia.Estamos atentos a cualquier pregunta que tengan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teora Combinatoria (arreglos y combinaciones)" |
"Este curso incluye: problemas de conteo, definicin de arreglo, definicin de combinaciones y ejercicios de arreglos y combinaciones.Cada uno de estos temas sern explicados con ejemplos que les permitir resolver los ejercicios propuestos en sus exmenes!Estos vdeos pueden ser usados como apoyo a su curso presencial de Estadstica, o simplemente como un curso aislado.Este curso contiene una serie de vdeos tutoriales divididos por niveles. Utilizamos los conocimientos de cada vdeo para poder continuar avanzando en el siguiente.Quin puede ver este curso?Cualquiera que quiera mejorar sus habilidades de Teora Combinatoria. Si estas haciendo el curso de Estadstica en tu institucin, te ayudar a aprobar la materia.Estamos atentos a cualquier pregunta que tengan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building Single Page Web Apps with AngularJS" |
"Building web applications that can manage huge chunks of data consistently is becoming increasingly difficult and this affects the efficiency of your app. Single Page Applications (SPA) solve this issue as its design principles make life easy for data-intensive applications by updating the constant stream of data in the same page, making the application more intuitive for the user. Doing this with pure JavaScript is hard. To help with the implementation of single-page applications, Google developed a framework called AngularJS that allows you to build well-structured, easily testable, and maintainable frontend Single Page Applications. This course will take you from the very basics of developing rich client-side Single Page Applications (SPA) through a series of practical examples of incremental complexity, including a full review of AngularJS built-in features and testability features. At the beginning of the course, you will be introduced to the advantages and limitations of AngularJS and its compatibility with SPAs. As we move on, we'll dive head-first into the application coding, starting from your first application and going all the way from building a to-do list app to a fully featured movie database, understanding every key aspect of the framework in the process. Later on, we'll focus on reviewing AngularJS' built-in components (directives, filters, and services) including every detail of how to write your own custom components of every kind. And finally, we'll wrap up with automated testing clearly guiding you on how to write and execute automated tests on AngularJS and introducing best practices on both unit and end-to-end testing. Building Single Page Web Apps with AngularJS will take you from zero to hero, covering all important aspects of the framework and preparing you to hit the ground running on any single page application. About the Author Raoni Boaventura is a frontend engineer who has been working with JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks from the very beginning of his career, about 8 years ago. He has a strong academic background, a Computer Science degree, and has worked for several companies and clients around the world, completing a large number of frontend and full-stack projects. Raoni started working with AngularJS about two years ago, and immediately fell in love with it. Since that time, he not only has been involved with multiple Angular projects with multi-national clients, but has also been an active peer in the AngularJS community, having published key articles and tutorials about the framework."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
create-a-native-app-without-coding-or-programming |
"! . . . . ( ) : ( ) ( ) + - () / - . - . . !Building an Native Mobile App is easier what most people think and with the tools I am about to show you will make creating and modifying an App a breeze."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Basics about Saving, Investing & Managing Credit" |
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for August 2017*Bonus Lecture shows how to get a Free Share of Stock!*Let's face it, we go to high school and college and have some of the best years of our life! While there, we are required to take courses in Math, Science, English and many other subjects, some of which we will never use again! Why is it that Personal Finance, which is arguably the most important subject that we will ever need to know, is rarely taught to us in school?In this course, you will learn the basics on Saving, Investing and Credit Cards.This Course Reveals Things Like: Why it is important to open a savings account The benefits of placing your money in a Money Market Account (MMA) and Certificate of Deposit (CD) Proven methods to improve your Credit Score! Instructions on how to get a Free Credit Report annually And a whole lot more!If you didn't learn about saving, investing or credit cards in school then, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you make more money in your life!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit Architecture 2017 For Beginners" |
"This course for Autodesk Revit Architecture Learners For Beginners.In this course I have cleared all topic in details for beginners.All Lecture in Hindi / Urdu Language.If you will take this course you will get 1Hour one to One live Class with me for clear to all your question"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Portfolio Website Using HTML5,CSS3,jQuery & Bootstrap" |
"You will learn to build stunning websites from scratch which are also responsive.Why you should take this courseWhen I started to learn web development, there wasn't a course like this, that went through section by section and explained every step from scratch, in one single course.So, I had to go to a particular website that inspired me and tried to replicate what they have done. By doing this I started to discover, that I learned a lot of tips and tricks to do a particular effect.By taking this course, you will learn the tips and tricks I have learned the hard way, in one single course.SupportIf you have any queries, I am one click away to answer your queries. So please don't hesitate to shoot a question, even if it sounds silly. I am always here to help!Special note on who is this course forThis course is not for complete beginners. I have not included the basics of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Bootstrap. Those who are taking this course are expected to at least know the basics of those technologies.But if the majority of students request to include the basics, I will consider including those.If you want to learn to build stunning websites, Enroll Now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find Your Entrepreneurial Niche" |
"Do you have a big idea? Are you looking to make a change from employee to entrepreneur? Or, have you already taken the leap and wondering if you are the right fit for the approach youve taken? Your Entrepreneurial Niche is a course designed to help you discover how your past experience, personality, and performance factors can help you fit align your entrepreneurship goals to your passion. Entrepreneurship is a big word and we are going to use it in the broadest sense possible. First, the official definition: Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods. ( We include all kinds of activities under this umbrella writing a blog or a book, creating art, running a small government contracting business, participating in a franchise or multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunity, and even intrapreneurship is included in this discussion. We know that you are hoping to learn a lot about yourself and what types of entrepreneurship opportunities there are out there. The key is to remember that we dont all fit into a box. We each have unique talents, personalities, and life situations. Along with that, there are a never ending set of combinations of possibilities out there. Its all up to you to combine them into what you think will work best for you. So, this will be a process of experimenting, reflecting on your past, and being aware of the possibilities. Welcome to Finding Your Entrepreneurial Niche!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Role and Goal of Financial Management" |
"Almost everyone has to make financial decisions. Even if one is not a business manager or portfolio manager, s/he must make financial decisions appropriately for his/her personal financial well-being, which necessitates a good introduction with the subject matter of finance. This is the first course in the series of finance courses to be published at Udemy by the course instructor. Every learner of finance should start their lesson by being introduced with the basic definition of finance, goals of financial management, and the areas of financial decision-making. This course consists of several video lectures that will be updated over time and based on students' requests, and additional resources. The lectures contain explanations of necessary concepts along with examples and illustrations. After completing this course, a learner would be able to define finance, recognize the specific areas of business finance, identify the role, tasks, scope, and challenges of a financial manager, recognize the primary goal of financial decision-making, align the shareholders wealth maximization with other stakeholders interests, compare and choose between profit maximization and share price maximization as the primary goal of financial decision-making, and plan the pathway of learning finance.This course is suitable for anyone who wish to achieve financial literacy and/or has the interest about the interesting world of finance. More specifically, entrepreneurs, managers and executives who are going to start learning finance, business students who are going to start learning finance, and anyone who has involvement with financial decision-making would be benefited from this course. This course is also suitable for absolute beginners who have never attended a finance course before, and may continue learning finance at an advanced level in future.The instructor welcomes his students for continuous discussion with him. Any sort of input for improving the course is also appreciated. He also expects your positive and genuine review and rating of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DM7 - Desafiando o MIND7 - Lidando com Mudanas" |
"** ATENO: COM OBJETIVO DE CONTRIBUIR COM OS MAIS NECESSITADOS E DE INSPIRAR UM MINDSET GANHA-GANHA-GANHA, TODA RENDA DESSE CURSO SER REVERTIDA PARA O INSTITUTO FAVELA DA PAZ ** Nesse Curso voc ter oportunidade de encarar a Mudana de uma forma diferente e MAIS LEVE, atravs do exerccio de ampliao da CONSCINCIA e do desenvolvimento de MIND7s POSITIVOS.Nele farei provocaes para voc refletir e DESAFIAR o seu MIND7, o seu MODELO MENTAL. Apresentarei contedos e conceitos profundos e prticos, alm de utilizar tcnicas e ferramentas comprovadas, que utilizo h mais de 10 anos potencializando pessoas, executivos e empreendedores de sucesso. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Influence People: Master of the First Impression" |
"Learn and master how to influence people by using psychology without being a pro.You can be the best and sweetest person in the world. You might have the greatest ideas every day! You might be an amazing creator and have a huge potential in doing something.But what is the point of all this, if you have the lack of understanding with other people? If you work up a sweat and you just go nowhere? Every day is the same thing. The same people, and the same struggles. At the end of the day, we must know how to represent ourselves in the right way. If we want some significant changes in life.I invite you to this short and very practical course. Where you will get a lot of different tools and techniques that can help you to build goodfirst impression. To readand influence people. To build a strong relationship in business/at work/with friends or family. Youll understand the differences between communication with groups of people and individuals. You will work with stereotypes and criticism.We will get a lot of interaction.Every exercise is made easy to comprehend. So you can practice on the go.No special background knowledge is required. Just stay open minded and practice.I am here for you for any questions and feedback. Please ask, I'llbe glad to help you!I am looking forward to seeing you on this course!Let's gain new opportunities together!?"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Teach Smarter Not Harder" |
"Learn how to Teach Smarter Not Harder! Teaching todays student at the college level requires effort that includes forethought and planning on the part of the instructor. Your challenge as an instructor is to meet students where they live. Think outside the box and capture their attention using the technology tools that students are most comfortable with!I have created this online course to assist educators at all levels on how to best utilize and incorporate technology into the classroom. It is quite possible in fact to capture and focus students attention on whats important - namely learning the content you present before them. In short ""Teach Smarter Not Harder""!This course has lessons, articles, videos and will provide you the basic skills to Teach Smarter!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Problem Drinking - Break the Pattern" |
"Get an introduction to the power of Clean Language as a way of gaining insight into your personal pattern of problem drinking. By focussing attention onto the verbal symbols and metaphors you use to describe your situation, you will uncover the hidden forces driving your actions and will generate creative ways to move beyond them.The lectures will ask the questions which a professional Clean Coach would use to guide your thinking. Youwill be encouraged to express yourself by comparing your thoughts and feelings with your most familiar bodily sensations and experiences. This gets you in touch with your deep sub-conscious.Once you enter in to the spirit of the technique you will quickly recognise the potential for change. An hour of free coaching is on offer to take you to the nextlevel. This is a great way to begin the journey to a permanent programme of resolution.Take this course to shed light on the dark mystery behind problem drinking. If you can imagine what life might become like if you fail to take action then take this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12C - All Steps - Hands on" |
"Would you like to be an ODI/ETL Developer with ODI 12CTraining? ODI 12C is a lastversion of Oracle's integrator tool. In order to professionalize you at this topic, we gathered up all of the trainings and performed the application of the theorical informations to provide a better education.After obtaining these informations, youll learn ODI objects/new components and design new packages/mappings.. In this training, all of the abilities that a ETL and ODI developers must have will be explained. Youll be able to have a wide range of informations over the topics listed bellow:ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) 12CIntroduction to Oracle Data Integrator 12CODI Studio ComponentsODI RepositoriesCreating Master RepositoryCreating work RepositoryOverview of Topology NavigatorCreating Physical ArchitectureCreating a Data ServerTesting a Data Server ConnectionCreating a Physical SchemaCreating Logical ArchitectureNew features in ODI 12Cusing new components in ODI 12COverview of Logical Architecture and Context ViewsLinking the Logical and Physical ArchitectureUnderstanding Metadata in ODIUnderstanding Reverse EngineeringCreating ModelsOrganizing ModelsCreating Data storesOverview of ODI ProjectsCreating a New ProjectIntroduction to Knowledge ModulesTypes of Knowledge modulesCreating a Basic InterfaceDesigning an InterfaceIntegration knowledge module (IKM) overviewUsing Knowledge Modules (KM) with ODI InterfaceExecuting the interfaceOperator OverviewViewing the session log in operatorExploring the code in operatorCreating simple mappingsSetting knowledge module option Truncate to TrueJoin TransformationsSet Operators TransformationsCreating Packages in ODIWhy you should have this course?This is not a theorical education.All of lessons are implemented in my machine.You can find all steps thatyou need to know when you want to develop a project in ODI 12C.Im moving on with examples over ODI suitable for data warehouse structure and heavily used in the real projects.With various documents and end-of-chapter quizes, I aim to reinforce the topics.As being more than 6years in the sector and being an instructor in companies that have big DWH structures, I provide this course.You are choosing an instructor that can provide support for any type of questions about the training or about DWH structures that does not fall within the training."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Cold Emailing - How To Turn Every Response Into Business" |
"You have bitten the bullet and have started cold emailing to create new business opportunities. You are now realizing that it isn't always as easy as it seems because a very small percentage reply back saying ""sounds great, let's talk"". Instead they reply back with things like - ""I'm in contract"", ""Send Info"", ""We do it in-house"" and you don't have a system for how to deal with those. Until now you haven't been able to find a system for this.This course is the missing link!This course is the missing link because it provides a repeatable process to turn every response from a cold email into a first telephone call. This IS NOT hours and hours of long winded video content and hundreds of different scripts, templates and external resources.We have invested thousands of hours creating this process over 10 years of cold calling and cold emailing projects. It works.What you are getting is one proven process that you can use for every single response to a cold email to turn it into a first telephone call.Feedback on the course:""The most effective course on Outbound Prospecting I've ever seen. You are a master at what you do..."" John Duvenage""I'm an experienced outbound prospector...and I can confidently say, this is the most thorough, innovative and practical resource I have come across"" Selina Prager""This is a highly polished system, which is easy to follow, easy to understand, and straightforward to apply."" Andrew Lloyd Gordon IMPORTANT: One or two people have skimmed the information abopve and have felt that the title misrepresents the course. Don't be one of those.THIS COURSE IS NO GOOD FOR YOU IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY COLD EMAILING. THERE ARE NO TEMPLATES OR 'HACKS'. THIS IS A SYSTEMIZED WAY OF CREATING VALUE TO 'SELL' EVERY SINGLE RESPONSE YOU GET FROM COLD EMAILS AND DOES NOT COVER THE INITIAL COLD EMAIL PROCESS.IF YOU LEAVE FEEDBACK SAYING THERE ARE NO TEMPLATES OR IT DOESN'T COVER THAT THEN IT IS CLEAR YOU'VE MADE NO ATTEMPT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE COURSE IS ABOUT. DON'T BE THAT PERSON..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for beginners - Genki Espaol" |
"When its fun is easy to learn!This course contains over 21 lectures and 1 hour of content. It's designed for beginners, regardless of age, who want to speak basic Spanish with superhero confidence. In this course, you will learn basic Spanish conversations through Genki music (with energy, excitement and full of life) to make learning Spanish a great learning experience.You'll then play cool games and do several activities to practice what you have learned in each lesson. And, finally, you'll evaluate your progress by singing the karaoke version of the Genki song. : )By the end of this course, you'll have learn basic Spanish conversations, and you will be able to speak with confidence.You'll also receive bonus materials (workbooks, worksheets, and MP3s to listen on the go.) That will reinforce the concepts you've learned. With these lessons, you'll find that you're able to speak and understand basic Spanish conversations in a short period of time. What are the requirements? Willingness to learn Spanish in a completely new Genki way with Energy, Excitement and Full of Life : ) What am I going to get from this course? Over 20 lectures and 1 hour of content!Bonus materials (workbooks, worksheets, and MP3s to listen on the go.)By the end of this course, you will be able to express yourself in Spanish with superhero confidence.You will have the ability to recall the Spanish with ease (The songs will stick to your head all day long GUARANTEED!)You will enjoy a boost in confidence when speaking Spanish.You will be happier, more creative, and capable of thinking in a completely new Genki way. : ) What is the target audience? Spanish language learners (Beginners / kids)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a tener la familia que sueas" |
"Aprende a tener la familia que sueasAlguna vez haz pensando que tu familia puede estar mejor de lo que la estas viendo hoy?Es un curso que te permitir conocer como estructurar el plan para que logres tener la familia que hoy te sueas.No importa si ya tienes una familia o ests planeando crear una, este curso es para ti.No necesitas ningn conocimiento previo, solo el deseo de tener la familia que sueas.En este curso de 17 mdulos de contenido Se definen diferentes puntos fundamentales para el funcionamiento coherente de una familia. Entre otros temas aprenders:Por que tener un proyecto de familiaDonde se origina el proyecto de familia.La empresa familiar.Componentes del proyecto de familia.Teora de sueos.Descubre el reto que te estamos planteando y acptalo.Debes dedicar aproximadamente dos semanas para tomar el curso. Es ideal realizarlo con tu pareja y realizar juntos las actividades, mas no es obligatorio.Si realizas las actividades que propone cada mdulo, al finalizar el curso tendrs en tus manos en tu propio proyecto de familia.No esperes ms para tener la familia que sueas.Registrare ya."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Social Prospecting Blueprint - B2B Social Selling System" |
"The Social Prospecting Blueprint is a step-by-step video course that allows B2B entrepreneurs, small business owners and sales professionals to utilize social media to effectively find, target, interact and build relationships with the key stakeholders that they need to be in touch with in order to generate new business or grow existing business. Social media provides the perfect ground for collecting the intelligence necessary to find the find the decision-makers, learn about them and create an introduction that effectively kills cold calling and allows you to position yourself at a higher perceived value, since you're beginning on a relationship basis. This course overcomes the traditional challenges faced with social media, namely time constraints, challenges with content and lack of strategy. Armed with this blueprint, your efforts will be quick, effective, focused and repeatable in generating new prospects, leads and business via social media. This training material has been used in group coaching settings with outstanding results to show for and should take approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete. The course is comprised of video tutorials (over 8 hours of total instruction, with each video no more than 20 minutes in length) and each course section is capped off with an actionable downloadable PDF that will contain action steps or exercises to put what was taught into practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Krav Maga Viper - Self Defense System (volume 1)" |
"Learn the most effective techniques of Krav Maga Viper to protect yourself and the people around you from an unexpected attack.""Two words that characterize our Krav Maga Viper - Self Defense System are Simplicity and Effectiveness..."" , - Master and Founder of Krav Maga Viper, Iskan SelimBe able to defend yourself with the powerful Krav Maga Viper.Create self-confidenceBe always ready for an unexpected attackBuild a strong and skillful bodyBuild a decisive characterLearn self defenseProtect the people around youProtect your familyLearn how to stop a knife or gun attackLearn the best techniques that will be effective in a realistic street fightA Powerful weapon in your armsKrav Maga Viper is a very powerful defensive weapon in the right arms. All the realistic techniques presented in this course can be taught to everyone independently from his age or gender. They are pretty simple to learn and use in a case of emergency. Krav Maga Viper is a great method used by V.I.P bodyguards, army, police officers, Hollywood stars and people in daily life. This self-defense system has been awarded by big organizations, companies and events and the last 2-3 years it's a worldwide trend. Krav Maga Viper was founded in 2011 by the Master Iskan Selim who is the instructor of this course. What makes these techniques unique is the simplicity and effectiveness, something that makes them easy to understand.Content and OverviewThis course is designed to instruct some basic techniques of Krav Maga Viper Self-Defense System. It is suitable for everyone and once you enroll you have a lifetime access. This course prepares and offers you skills that will be necessary in danger. Here you will learn three different types of techniques:1. against an opponent without weapons (bare hands) 2. against an opponent with a knife 3. against an opponent with a gunFrom the moment that you understand and practice these techniques, you will be able to deal with an unexpected attack. This course includes 7 lessons that each one corresponds to 5 Krav Maga Viper techniques (gradually increasing level). Each technique in the video is divided in 3 parts: 1. The technique presented in real speed, 2. Focus on the details of each technique (slow motion) 3. Repetition in normal speedAt the end of this course and after practicing a lot these techniques, you will be able to feel that first feeling of self-confidence and this is the most important if not necessary in our life.There are some critical moments in our life that we need to take the right decision just in few seconds. When our life or the lives of our family are in danger is our duty to protect them. ""The entire philosophy behind self-defense there is in just one sentence and that sentence is: We don't live to fight, we fight to survive.""-Master and Founder of Krav Maga Viper, Iskan Selim-Krav Maga Viper (KRAV MAGA VIPER-SPETSNAZ GRU VOIN-MUAY THAI ) .Self-defense and self-protect training and certification, Elite V.I.P. bodyguard training, Antipiracy-maritime security personal training and service concessions, Leading special self-defense techniques (KRAV MAGA VIPER-MUAY THAI ) and Spetsnaz GRU-VOIN training Single Member Private Company."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Make Tutu's for Fun and Profit" |
"Learn how to make Tutu's for fun and profit. One of the easiest arts and crafts projects you can make. I will show you how to make beautiful tutu skirts and or dresses. Very easy and fun to do! In this online course you will find tips, tricks, and , instructions, and for how to make sew and no sew tutus, which are perfect for dress up, halloween or anytime.You will learn how to make super cute little tutu skirts and dresses with my super easy step by step tutorials. Just pick out your favorite color of tulle and some elastic, and you can create one in a couple of hours!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables - Master Excel Pivot Tables!" |
"Youre Just Seconds Away From Leveraging Excel & Pivot Tables That Will Make It Possible For YOU To:Increase your Excel & Pivot Table SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE within HOURS which will GET YOU NOTICED by Top Management & prospective Employers!Become more PRODUCTIVE at using Excel which will SAVE YOU HOURS each Day & ELIMINATE STRESS at work!Use Excel Pivot Tables with CONFIDENCE that will lead to greater opportunities like a HIGHER SALARY and PROMOTIONS!----------------------------------------**** ADDED BONUS: This entire courses can be DOWNLOADED for offline viewing on the Udemy mobile app (Android & iOS)! ****>> UPDATED APRIL 2020 with several Homework practice activities to increase your skills and an Assignment!----------------------------------------What some of the thousands of students who have viewed this tutorial have said...""The course was fantastic! I had quite a few jaw-dropping moments!!"" - Tan - Livingston""I am one of the more advanced users in our organization but I have realized that I knew next to nothing"" Jocelyn - Melbourne""Not a question but just wanted to say in the space of 9 minutes I've learnt a lot."" Richard - London""Wow! No question, just wow! Amazing!"" John - Hamburg""Simply awesome, with in an hour I found myself a Pivot expert"" - Natalie - Boston----------------------------------------No matter if you are a Beginner or an Advanced user of Excel, you are sure to benefit from this quick course which goes through the most important tools that are available in an Excel Pivot Table. The course is designed for Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 and Office 365.In no time you will be able to analyze lots of data and tell a story in a quick and interactive way, learn how to build stunning Dashboards and get noticed by top management & prospective employers.What you will learn?How to set up your data and create an Excel Pivot Table in less than 3 minutes which will increase your efficiency!How to put your key business metrics like Year to Date Sales, Monthly Variations and Top 10 Customers in an interactive Excel Pivot Table, taking your analytical skills to another level!How to create an Interactive Excel Dashboard with Slicers & Pivot Charts that will WOW your boss and get you noticed by top Management!Pivot Table tips & special Bonus material that you can keep and use to become better at Excel straight away which will skyrocket your personal development!Scroll down this page to view the full Course Curriculum...Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER at excel and ADVANCING your Microsoft Excel level & skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year and eliminating STRESS at work......If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft Excel skills! To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress...---------------------------------------->> Get LIFETIME Course access including downloadable Excel workbooks, Quizzes, 1-on-1 instructor SUPPORT and a 100% money-back guarantee! *** >> Watch our PROMO VIDEO above and a few of our FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS to see for yourself just how beneficial this course is and how you too can become better at Excel ***"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Welche Ausrstung brauche ich fr gute Mode-Fotos?" |
"Du fragst Dich, welches Equipment Profi-Fotografen bei ihrer Arbeit einsetzen?In diesem Kurs erfahrt Ihr, welches Equipment ich bei meiner tglichen Arbeit als international erfahrener Mode-Fotograf fr groe Magazine wie ELLE, Cosmopolitan etc. einsetze. Auch wenn Du nicht das Budget eines Profi-Fotografen hast, wirst Du von den Tipps in diesem Kurs profitieren, da auch ich versuche, mich auf ein vernnftiges und kompaktes Ma an Equipment zu beschrnken. Nikon D800 und D850 statt Hasselblad.Des Weiteren lernst Du in den Videos dieses Kurses meine favorisierten Objektive fr Studio- und Outdoor-Aufnahmen kennen und ich erklre Dir, welches Licht in welcher Situation Sinn macht, vom Baustrahler ber Studioblitze und Porties bis hin zu Dauerlicht.Extratipp: Ich stelle Dir einige kleine Helfer vor, die mir helfen, die Qualitt meiner Bilder zu sichern und mir das Fotografieren erleichtern.Der Kurs besteht aus zwei groen Kapiteln und insgesamt gut 80 Minuten Video-Material. Schreib mir bei Fragen jederzeit gerne!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access Bsico e Intermedio + Certificado" |
"Microsoft Access Bsico e Intermedio + CertificadoUna base de datos es una herramienta que permite trabajar con grandes volmenes de informacin, relacionarla en distintas tablas y generar aplicaciones complejas que trabajen con datos, formularios e informes. Saber manejar un programa de base de datos es un factor diferencial importante que te convendra agregar en tu currculum para as optar o mejorar en un puesto de trabajo. Saber utilizar un programa como Microsoft Access es una de las habilidades ms buscadas por los empleadores y, sin lugar a duda, una de las ms diferenciadoras que existe. En la actualidad son muy pocas las personas que realmente saben cmo crear una base de datos y cmo utilizar un programa como Access. Si no sabes, estars fuera de mercado y no podrs optar a mejores y ms rentables empleos.Cuando finalices el curso, tendrs la opcin de recibir un Certificado de Trmino. Este certificado es un documento que podrs imprimir y mostrar como evidencia que realizaste y terminaste este curso Access Bsico e Intermedio online.Aprende hoy Access para NO quedar fuera de mercado! Lo puedes aprender en tan slo unas cuantas horas. Lo mejor, desde la comodidad de tu casa. En este curso veremos, entre otras cosas:Estars familiarizado con los conceptos bsicos como: Qu son las bases de datos, objetos de una base de datos, qu son los campos y registros, qu es la clave/llave principal.Aprenderemos a crear y relacionar tablas.Quedars experto en crear consultas bsicas e Intermedias.Te familiarizars con los formularios de Access.Al final de este curso ya NO te sern extraas las bases de datos y podrs utilizar esta nueva habilidad para aportar, de inmediato, valor en tu trabajo e impresionar a tu jefe y compaeros.Quin puede tomar este curso?Este curso est dirigido a personas sin conocimientos previo de esta aplicacin y a quienes tengan la necesidad de aprender sobre Bases de Datos y especficamente aprender a utilizar Microsoft Access. Inscrbete hoy!Cules son los requisitos mnimos para tomar este curso?Es necesario contar, al menos, con conocimientos bsicos del manejo del sistema operativo windows, del mouse, manipulacin de archivos y carpetas, y conocimientos matemticos simples.Tener instalado el programa Microsoft Access. OJO, no existe Microsoft Access para Mac.Contar con audfonos (se escuchan mucho mejor las clases).Alfonso Rinsche C.Profesor universitario premiado."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |