Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Nmap - Scanners de redes do bsico ao avanado" |
"Anlisedescannersde redes entendendo o comportamento e as ferramentas donmap,com prticas em laboratrios.Entendemos que para estimular a confiana do aluno enquanto profissional necessrio o conhecimento prtico, com essas expectativas criamos laboratrios e simulamos problemas a ser resolvidos. Nosso mtodo de estudo tem o foco de deixar o estudante familiarizado com as atividades de um analista de redes."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"60 Most Common Expressions & Idioms (British English)" |
"In this course,you will learn 60 of the most common expressions and idioms in the English language.I am a native British English speaker so some of the expressions may be more common in the UK, but most of them are used in internationalEnglish.If you are learning English as a second language and are intermediate or advanced level then this course is perfect for you! It will improve your conversational English dramatically.The course is split into 12 sections and it is designed so you can learn 5 new expressions each time you study. Make sure you repeat the sentences when asked to and try to create your own sentences to help you remember them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Community Manager desde cero" |
"Excelente curso de Community manager , abarcando los principales tpicos y temas que debe dominar un Community manager tales como :Las redes sociales, las funciones propiamente tales , clientes y seguidores , la marca y su relevancia ,concurso y tica , la forma en que se deben presentar los resultados ,tipos de usuarios, las herramientas que deben usar los Community Manager , trabajo en equipo ,ser freelance y la importancia de ser responsable y cumplir con lo acordado , ademas de los errores que no se deben cometer ,SEO (Marketing en buscadores) , SMO (Optimizacin e las redes siciales) ,Social media, incluyendo un examen de todo lo enseado, la importancia de las redes sociales Twitter y facebook, ademas de ser un experto en redes sociales, las principales aplicaciones que se dewben dominar y utilizar para difundir , controlar , analizar y estudiar cada marca o producto que esta a cargo de un Community Manager."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agente de propiedades" |
"En este curso aprenderas a ser un Asesor de propiedades y todos sus aspectos y requisitos para desempearte profesionalmente , ademas sabrs todo lo necesario para arrendar inmueble , para compras inmuebles o propiedades , para vender propiedades En algunos pases se le llema Rentar propiedades al termino arrendar ,adems veremos sitios recomentados y todos los pasos detallados para desempearse de la mejor forma posible , se ver la importancia de ser un intermediario entre el propietarios y el interesado , a sea un comprador o un arrendados , a eso agregamos los montos que cobran los asesores y la importancia de la gestin y administracin que desempeara ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terapias de Bach" |
"Excelente curso con todo lo que necesitas saber para aplicar terapias de bach y ponerlas en practica cualquier paciente , ya que al ser naturales no daan , solo debes poner atencin en tu anlisis e cada personalidad y sntomas del pacienteEstas esencias y terapias se pueden aplicar en animales , nios , ancianos , adolescentes y toda persona que las requiera como complemento natural a su tratamiento mdico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OAuth2 API Implementation in C" |
"The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, on behalf of a resource owner. This curse teaches OAuth2 via an implementation of ""Authorization Code"" grant implemented in C. The code includes information of how to make GETand POSTrequests using Curl library calls."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux ELF Format Tutorial" |
"This is a beginner course on understanding the Structure of anELF Fileused byObject, Relocatable and Executable files in Linux. The course takes example of small C programs and used tools like readlelf and objdump to view the format and contents of the ELF object files created to explain the ELFconcepts. The student is shown how the utility readelf can be used to dive into a ELFfile and see its various sections.There is also information on how to read ELF Files programmatically, using a library called libelf. Alot of tools have been written using this libelf library and this lecture is a short introduction on it usage, and an example of how to read the ELFheader using its APIs.The intent of this introductory course is to get the student excited about the possibilities of understanding and debugging ELFfiles, which the student can use to write better programs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"KVM Virtualization with KVM APIs" |
"This course is about getting to know about KVM Virtualization in the Linux kerneland its use with the userspace utilityQEMU. Students will learn the basics of how to install KVM and Qemu in their Linux machine. The course also gives a basic introduction on KVM APIs and how they can be used to spin up a simple Virtual Machine.There are 2 examples provided in C language - one VM that runs in realmode, and the other VM that runs in protected paging mode, to give the student a sense of the various aspects of virtualization. The realmode example is very basic and the intent is to see how a simple piece of code can be run in a VM mode using KVM.The course should be seen as a gateway, where the student is given some basic knowledge of KVM, and he can then on hos own dive deeper on his own and get more knowledge of the KVM Virtualization by working onmore code examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Compile Your First Ethereum Smart Contract With Solidity" |
"I will walk you through how to compile and run your first smart contract on a local test environment.This will includeInstalling Solidity, which used used to compile the contract into byte code that can be deployed on the blockchain.Installing Geth, which runs a local node and also has a JavaScript command line that can be used to talk to the blockchain.Create a private local node, so you can experiment without spending money.Create a couple of test accountsDeploy the smart contract into the test blockchainCall the functions of our smart contract to see that it is working.We do not cover:Solidity programming in depth, only show how to set up environment, compile and interact with contract.Workflow and IDE's for programming"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Arduino - Guia Completa Paso a Paso!" |
"Curso enfocado al desarrollo en la plataforma de Arduino en el cual se tocaran temas relacionados con la programacin en C con la plataforma Arduino en la cual aprenders desde los fundamentos bsicos hasta la creacin de un proyecto final que tu eliges.Aprende a programar proyectos electrnicos con el entorno de desarrollo Arduinode cero a experto de forma fcil y sencilla con un Mac o un PC, creamuchas ideas de innovacinque te enseo hacer,modifica yarreglar los errores y muestras al mundo!En este curso aprenderas:Programacin C con Arduino.Caractersticas del entorno de desarrollo.Comandos y funcionesDiseo e interfaz decircuitosConfiguracinde Arduino con internet.Identificar Bugs y solucionarlos al momento de crear Sketch.Simulacin de circuitos electrnicos.Te animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso completo o master avanzado dedesarrollo de Arduinoy te aseguro que desearas aprender mucho ms del curso!A lo largo del curso tendrs varias horas deejemplos prcticos,para que captes bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo en tus propios proyectos.AnimateUna ves adquieras esta guacompletano solo estar presente en los videos sino que tambin podrs preguntarme todas tus inquietudes del sistema y as te animaras a seguir aprendiendo cada vez mssobre el sistema Arduino en la creacin de tus nuevos proyectos tecnolgicos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Curso Intermedio" |
"Aprende sobre todo lo relacionado con Microsoft Exceldesde lo mas bsico hasta lo ms avanzadode forma fcil y sencilla con las herramientas ms profesionales del momento.En este curso aprenderas:Instalar y activar licencia de Office.Usar Office en Mac y Windows con comandosbsicos.Comando bsicos en Excel.Funciones.Edicinde Plantillas.Creacindeplantillas.Autosuma.Herramientas avanzadas de formato.Rangos.Representacin de grficas.Datos con tablas dinmicas.Anlisis de datosImportacin y exportacin de ficheros.Te animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y te aseguro que desearas aprender mucho ms del curso!A lo largo del curso tendrs varias horas deejemplos prcticospara que captes bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo en tus propios proyectos.AnimateUna ves adquieras este curso de EXCELno solo estar presente en los videos sino que tambin podrs preguntarme todas tus inquietudes del sistema y as te animaras a seguir aprendiendo cada vez ms sobre Microsoft Excel."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Trading Introduction - Beginner's Guide" |
"Ifyou are a beginner or a greenhorn trader, this course will set up thefoundation to trading successfully on the equities or stock market. This courseis comprehensive, thoughtful and will enable you to grasp the craft of tradingactively with confidence. You will avoid classic errors which most traderswould make with a sense of managing risk, and whether you decide to trade ornot, you will become much more knowledgeable about the equities market and itsunderlying drivers, which would transform you into a successful trader.Coursewill Start from the scratch by describing Stocks and the Mechanism involved inStocks. Then Course is designed to explain basic concepts that one need tounderstand as far as stock trading is concerned. Then Instructor will brieflydiscuss the use of Financial Statements and Ratio as tool of evaluating stocks.Finally, Course will focus on using onlineplatform for stock trading by using real time live trading account and in that process,instructor will explain the basics needed to be focused in an online tradingplatform with view of guiding followers to place trade orders.These are the main topics intended to be discussed:Stock MechanismWhat is a Stock Market?Initial and Follow on Public OfferingsTwo Main Types of StocksShareholder and Shareholders RightsHow to Earn from Stocks?Important Dates associated with Dividends and Stock TradingInterim and Final DividendsBonus and Right IssuesWhat Causes stock Price Movements?Market CapitalizationSectors and IndustriesStock Market IndexesFew other Things to Note in Stock TradingPortfolio ManagementFinancial StatementsDividend Yield RatioDividend Payout RatioPrice to Earnings RatioNet Asset ValueDebt to Equity RatioReturn on Assets RatioReturn on Equity RatioThings to note in Online Stock TradingLive Trading IntroductionLive Trading How to Place Buy and Sell OrdersNOTE: This course is notdesigned to provide trade signals by using Technical and Fundamental Analysis.Ifyou think that you want to become a successful trader, you can learn Basics ofStock Trading by enrolling So, enroll and start yourjourney of becoming a successful Trader.Good Luck"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agreements for day to day use - Make your Own Agreements" |
"This course is designed to provideknowledge about making legally binding agreements for day to day use. So,Course will identify issues involved in making legally binding agreements and try to solve them by explaining the basicconcepts which govern the making of legally binding agreements.Objective :Discuss the basic concepts involve in making legally binding agreements by useof simple examples and explain how to make your own legally binding agreementsin day to day life.We will Start the discussion by understanding the purpose behind making agreements and then We will discuss the issues involved in making legally binding agreements Namely ;1) Whether we Should go for a Contract or Agreement?? What is the difference between them?2) Is it a must to go for a Written agreement ?? Cant we bind by oral agreements ??What should be the most suitable way to create legally binding agreements3) What we should Include In Agreements??4) Is it a must to go to a lawyer ??5) What are the formalities involved in making legally binding agreementsDuring this process we will try to understand all important Elements of a Legally binding agreements namely ;1) Agreement2) Consideration3) Intention to Create Legal Relationships4 ) Lawful Purpose5 ) Capacity to Consent6 ) Voluntary Consent7 ) Possibility to PerformThen we will focus on drafting agreements on our own by discussing the things to note in making Legally binding agreements and Things to include in agreements. Then we will draft four agreements on our own namely :Rent a Car Agreement Loan Agreement Agreement to SellRent a House AgreementNOTE : Drafts and Samples will be attached for your easy reference in making your own agreements .So Enroll and Learn basics involved in making legally binding agreements and Start drafting your own agreementsThank you ...."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
matsauattylyk |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NUFYPET Practice Tests Part-2" |
"NUFYPET ! 5 BMAT 2003-2016 !Practice makes perfect!PS: 3 +bmat ! 4,5- ! !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NUFYPET Practice Tests Part-1" |
"NUFYPET ! NUFYPET , ! !Practice makes Perfect!PS: 2 ! 3,4,5- ! !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DJI Drones: How To Become The Ultimate Pilot" |
"****Compatible withDJI Spark, Mavic Pro or Phantom 4 Drones ****Fly with confidenceFly safely and within your lawsFly withoutcrashing or damaging your new droneGet silky smooth, cinematic videos,even if you're a beginner!Get a great value course with heaps of base and advanced contentGet up and flying within a few hours all while knowing that you're not only flying within the law, but that you're not going to crash and have thousands of dollars go up in smoke.You'll be able to capture those silky smooth, cinematic videos you've all seen in no timeplusyou'll learnwhat to look out for and how to avoid the most common mistakes pilots make.DJI Drones: How To Become The Ultimate Pilot is brought to you by Alex, an Australian finance and technology writer that has been helping people crush their mortgages as well learn and get the best out of technology for over 5 years.This material is covered with simple steps and clear demonstrations of how to fly. With hours and hours of one on one videos comprised of 49 sections you'll learn exactly what buttons to press and the best way to use your drone.This course could very easily save you THOUSANDS of dollars by preventing you from crashing your drone or damaging it long term by doing the wrong thing. Best of all, this course will be with you right from the basics, all the way up to advanced flying modes and tips on how to perform cinematic video recording, panoramas and more.What You Will GetLifetime Access30-Day Money Back Guarantee8.5+ Hours of Practical And Flying VideosConfidence that you know how to fly within the lawA dedicated section on how to avoid crashing or damaging your droneA huge advantage over everyone else that will get you flying your drone fastThe new ability to produce gorgeous, professional grade videos and photosNot just vague descriptions but specific, step-by-step instructions that cover everythingWhat You Will LearnWhy flying indoors often results in new pilots crashing their droneHow to get those silky smooth videos that everyone loves to watch, even if you're newSpecial points that are unique to your drone on how to avoid long term damageThe specifications of your drone and how complex they really areThe reason there are so many restrictions on drones and where you can fly themA huge mistake many pilots make when storing their drone in the car and how to avoid itHow to fly your drone to get the best videos and why most people failWhat other great 3rd party apps are out there to get the most out of your droneJoin this course 100% risk free today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Stay Employed In The Robotic Future" |
"Why do some people get a promotion while others get made redundant?What do they know thatyoudon't?I believe that using technology and putting effort into therightthings can help change a person's life forever, leading them to live a richer, healthier and happier life. For many though, the future has a lot of uncertainty in it with the unavoidable reality thatmany will lose their job to automation.If this course helps you to avoid a lost job, it will have paid for itself 1,000 times over.Using a simple four part strategy I teach how to discover these new technologies and figure out if your job is going to be disrupted very early on. I demonstrate in multiple different examples how to use this strategy to always have a fantastic and secure job for the future. No matter what career you're in, no matter how much experience you have, no matter what job you're looking for.That way you can continue to stay employed as the world develops around you, growing richer and staying happier for longer.Avoid The UnthinkableBeing made redundant by your company can not only cost you tens of thousands of dollars, it can also be severely depressing and damaging emotionally.This course can not only help to prevent this horrible scenario from ever happening, but will also enable you to find out about fantastic new technologies that can help you become more efficient or open up opportunities that you never even knew existed.With simple steps and clear demonstrations you can learn how to discover emerging technologies, become an expert on them and assess whether or not they will be a threat to your job. Withhours and hours of one on one videosyou'll learn exactly how to setup the right systems and the precise strategy behind ensuring youneverget taken by surprise again.This course can help you saveTENS OFTHOUSANDSof dollars, a huge amount of long term stress and emotional trauma all by preventing you from being made redundant even justONCEin your lifetime.Best of all, this course will be with you right from the basics, all the way up to advanced strategy and will lead to a more relaxing, calmer life without you worrying about being given the boot day after day.What You Will Get5+ Hoursof Full HD videos with the entire strategyConfidencethat you know your job is safeA new ability to monitor and stay up to date with all the new technologiesNot just vague descriptions but specific,step-by-step instructionsthat cover everythingAhuge advantagethat will keep you employed even when your industry is threatenedFour sections onhuge industries of the futureand how you can get employed in themA Taste Of What You Will LearnWhat types of AI, Robotics and Automation currently exist- and no, they're not humanoid onesThe effects AI, Robotics and Automation have on the workforce...and I'm not talking about in the future either!Why industries and especially laws are having huge issues tooThe astonishing fact about how fast tech is changing- most people are oblivious to this!The types of changes that are being seen in education and learning...and why they're important even if you've finished UniWhat continuous learning is and why top performers do itA step-by-step strategyfor setting up and monitoring emerging technologiesHow to know if an emerging new technology isstupid or criticalHow to use new technology to get a promotion -even if you're new to the workforceHow to identify new opportunities quickly and efficientlyA new way to structure your lifesoyou're never unemployed againHow to recognise when your job will be made redundant(HINT: Top performers are experts at this and can see it coming a mile away!)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio 2019 ile A'dan Z'ye C# ve Xamarin Eitim Seti" |
"Bu kursta dnyada en popler ve her yerde kullanlan dili olan Csharp(C#) b sfrdan en iyi bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Ayrca Xamarin'i de Balang dzeyinde reneceksiniz ve projeler gelitirebileceksiniz. Tamamladnzda uzman dzeyinde C# uygulamalar gelitirebileceksiniz ve tabiki xamarin ile Android ios ve windows'a ayn anda uygulamalar gelitirebileceiz. Xamarin ile ne Yapacaz?Xamarin ile Androidios ve windows'a ayn anda uygulmalar gelitirebileceiz.Bu gelitirmi olduumuz uygulamalar google Playde Appstore de Windows10 ve dier maazalarda yaynlayabileceksiniz. Xamarin'in amac sizi ayr diller ve ayr platformlarla uramaktan ve renmekten kurtaryor.Tamamen tek dille tek editrle gelitirme yapabileceksiniz.%100 Yerli Native orjinal ktlar yani uygulamalar gelitirebileceksiniz. 100.000 den fazla firma tarafndan kullanlmakta. Visual studio gelitiricilerinin ve csharp dili ile gelitime yapan kiilerin ve firmalarn ek herhangi bir platform renmelerine gerek kalmayacak.Kursun ierii genel olarak u ekilde:alma ortamlarnn HazrlanmasKonsol ekran tasarmDeikenlerOparatrler Kontrol YaplarDngler Diziler ve koleksiyonlar Hatalar Bulma ve kontrol etmeWindows Formlar ve konrolleriString ilemleriMatematiksel MetotlarRegularExpressions(Dzenli fadeler)MetotlarClass (Snf) YapsRegstry ilemleriletim sistemi kaynaklarna eriimDosya ve klasr ilemleriVeri Taban ilemleriThreadng ve Paralel programlamaSetup HazrlamaYa Xamrinin erii Nerde Der Gibisiniz.Bende Kurs programna yani aaya bir gz atn derim."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
learn-adobe-premier-cc-essentials-in-arabic-language |
", . . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Teoria Geral da Administrao - Essencial" |
"Curso #1 da Udemy em Administrao com mais de 2300 alunos!Esse curso visa ajudar a alunos que cursam a disciplina de Teoria Geral da Administrao em cursos tcnicos, graduao e ps-graduao, oferecendo um instrumental de estudo das teorias da Administrao.O curso foi baseado no livro Introduo Teoria Geral da Administrao de Idalberto Chiavenato, que o livro de Administrao de empresas mais usado nessa matrias em instituies de ensino.O curso TGA Essencial, foca na administrao de empresas e voltado para qualquer pessoa que queira conhecer e ter habilidades nessa rea. O nosso curso ideal para pessoas que querem tirar melhores notas em provas de faculdade ou em concursos. Tambm direcionado para aqueles que j estudaram Administrao e querem rever os seus conceitos.O curso estruturado em vdeo aulas com auxlio de mapas mentais para melhor entendimento dos conceitos.Alm do aprendizado e do acesso vitalcio, os alunos recebero um certificado de concluso ao final do treinamento.Esse um curso bsico e no substitui os livros dessa matria, que sugiro, devero sempre ser consultados.Voc vai ver nesse curso:Mdulo I: Introduo e primrdios da AdministraoBoas-vindas;Introduo aos conceitos de Administrao;Primrdios da Administrao;Exerccio de fixao.Mdulo II: Introduo e primrdios da AdministraoAbordagem clssica da administrao;Administrao cientfica;Teoria Clssica;Crticas a Abordagem clssica;Exerccio sobre a Abordagem clssica.Mdulo III: Teoria das Relaes Humanas - TRHOrigens da TRH;A experincia de Hawthorne;Crticas TRH;Exerccio sobre a TRH.Mdulo IV: Teoria Neoclssica:Origens da Teoria Neoclssica;Administrao por objetivos;Exerccio sobre a Teoria Neoclssica.Mdulo V: Abordagem estruturalistaTeoria burocrtica;Teoria estruturalista;Crticas Abordagem estruturalista;Exerccio.Mdulo VI: Abordagem comportamentalOrigens da Abordagem comportamental;Teorias de motivao da Teoria comportamental (behaviorista);Crticas Abordagem comportamental;Exerccios.Mdulo VII: Desenvolvimento organizacional - DOOrigens e conceitos de DOFerramentas de DO;Exerccio sobre Desenvolvimento organizacional;Mdulo VIII: Abordagem sistmicaOrigens e conceitos fundamentais da Teoria Geral de Sistemas;Teoria matemtica;Teoria Tecnolgica;Teoria de sistemas;Exerccio e crticas Teoria Geral de Sistemas.Mdulo IX: Abordagem contingencialOrigens da Teria da contingncia;As principais pesquisas da Teoria da contingncia;Crticas e exerccios da Teoria da contingncia.Mdulo X: BnusAulas diversas sobre temas ligados administrao.Inscreva-se agora neste curso!"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Como apresentar trabalhos acadmicos" |
"** Treinamento #1 da Udemy com mais de 1700 alunos **Este treinamento visa ajudar vocque aluno de cursos de graduaoa se dar bem emapresentaes de trabalhos e seminrios, de forma que consiga ser maisassertivo na comunicao.Este um curso que trabalhar as ferramentas de oratria e comunicao pessoal voltadas apresentaes de trabalhos e seminrios de uma forma geral.Ocursoapresenta explanaes sobre as dificuldades que os alunos encontram ao terem que apresentar seus trabalhos de faculdade e como superar isso; Os cuidados que os discentes devem ter ao estarem apresentando, na questo do que falar e do que no falar, entre outros.Qualquer aluno que esteja cursando uma graduao poder fazer o treinamento.Ocurso possuir exerccios para auxiliar na compreenso dos conceitos.De forma resumida, no mdulo I: Introduo de Planejamento, ser abordado:Tpicos introdutrios;Os maiores erros dos alunos;Exerccio;Como organizar o grupo do seu trabalho de faculdade;Como pesquisar material para a estruturao da sua apresentao;Como construir os slides (ferramentas).No mdulo II: Apresentao, ser abordado:Como comear a sua apresentao;Exerccio;O que no falar;Conhecer e usar ferramentas fisiolgicas para diminuir o nervosismo;Imagem, postura e movimentao;Volume da voz, pausas e velocidade da fala;Como usar as perguntas de forma adequada;Como encerrar a sua apresentao;Mdulo III: ser ensinado a questo das perguntas aps a apresentao, considerando:Como responder as perguntas e a sua postura;Exerccio;Como responder perguntas difceis - respondendo sim;Como encerrar a sua apresentao.Avaliao final.INSCREVA-SE AGORA!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Product Owner (agile/Scrum)" |
"Produkte sollen den Kunden begeistern. Der Product Owner sorgt durch die Priorisierung von Produkteigenschaften (Features) dafr, dass solche Produkte entstehen knnen. Dafr mssen Sie die Bedrfnisse Ihrer Kunden verstehen. Lernen Sie die Aufgaben eines Product Owners (PO) kennen. Dieses Training vermittelt neben den theoretischen Grundkenntnissen zu agilen Methoden und Scrum auch viele praktisch anwendbare Techniken fr die Arbeit als PO. Sie knnen diese Kenntnisse in Ihrem Scrum Team oder in anderen agilen Teams anwenden. Egal, ob Sie schon erste Erfahrungen mitbringen oder am Anfang Ihrer PO-Karriere stehen - hier ist fr Jeden etwas dabei.Kerninhalte des Trainings: Scrum verstehen und / oder auffrischenOutput minimieren und dabei Nutzen maximierenEntwicklung eines Product BacklogsDefinition of Done & Definition of ReadyDas Minimum Viable ProductEntwicklung einer ProduktvisionFeatures und User StoriesStory Mapping als bewhrte TechnikRoadmaps beschreibenAm Ende des Kurses werden Sie wissen, wie man einen Product Backlog entwickelt, was es bedeutet, ein Servant Leader zu sein und Sie haben eine solide Basis, um sich einer anerkannten Prfung zu stellen. Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer: Dina W. ""Hallo Frau Wischmeier, danke fr das sehr interessante Training auf Udemy zum SCRUM PO. Besonders die einfachen und dadurch einprgsamen Visualisierungen fand ich sehr hilfreich. Diese Anregungen werden sicher in den nchsten Wochen in meine Aufgaben als Coach und Consultant einflieen.""Dipl.-Ing. Andreas L.""... Sie sind gewissermaen dafr verantwortlich (sehr positiv gemeint!), dass ich zuknftig meinen Klienten, parallel zu meinem eigentlich Ttigkeitsfeld Innovationsmanagement, auch eine sehr fundierte Beratung hinsichtlich agiler Methoden und Denkweisen bieten kann. Da sich beide Themenbereiche sehr gut ergnzen, wird die Verknpfung nicht schwer fallen. Ich persnlich habe durch die Videos sehr viel lernen/ verstehen knnen und fhle mich gut vorbereitet einigen Unternehmen aus der ""Totenstarre"" herauszuhelfen. "" Ich freue mich auf Sie, Ihre Nadine Wischmeier"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"DevOps: A Management Perspective" |
"DevOps is a contraction of Development and Operations. DevOps is utilizing best practices that strengthen collaboration and communication of IT-professionals to enable fast delivery of valuable software. To achieve that goal the organization hast toenable:Continuous IntegrationContinuous DeploymentContinuous FeedbackDevOps is never only about tools. But tools are important! So we will look into the current tool environment to enable you to choose the right tool for the right job.This training will cover the basics on Agile Software Development, IT-Service Management and Lean. Than you will learn how to enable flow in your development process byenablingthe work to move fast from left to right, from Development to Operations to the customer. In theSecond Way you enable feedback to go fast from right to left, from all stakeholders back into the value stream.The Third Way is to enable learning by creating a high-trust culture of experimentation and risk-taking.To track your learning progress, you will be asked to set up your own Learning-Kanban-Board with Trello (or the tool of your choice)."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"c S-HUBme" |
", , : . . , . . , . . , . , ? ? ! ( ). ( )., , ! .Wow-! , . . , , ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"50 Minute Home Workout with S-HUBme. Flexibility and Splits." |
"50 minutes home workout videos for whole body. This program combines functional training and stretching. Your body weight provides all the resistance you need to strengthen and sculpt from head to toe. Stretching boosts energy and calms you, functional exercises make you stronger. The author - Lisa, master of rhythmic gymnastic and young mom originally from Ukraine. No-equipment needed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All you need to get your splits fast - 30 Minute Workout." |
"30 minutes home workout videos which consists of upper body exercises and leg stretches for flexibility. This Advanced stretching routine boosts energy and calms you, functional exercises make you stronger and helps to get your splits. The author - Lisa, master of rhythmic gymnastic and young mom originally from Ukraine. Equipment required: yoga blocks and a chair."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Art of stretching for intermediate. 200min Full Body Workout" |
"200 minutes of stretching routine for intermediates. Program will consist of 10 brief stretching workouts teaching you everything you need to become flexible and to do the splits. Every workout consists of exercises directed on stretching specific groups of muscles. The classes move gradually from simple to complex. So in general 200 minutes of stretching routines forall muscle groups: from toes to fingers.The author - Lisa, master of gymnastics and young mom originally from Ukraine."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Management & Leadership Course for New Manager - BUS103" |
"ContentThiscourse is designed to help students develop management skills, and betterunderstand different leadership styles and fundamental business concepts. Students will follow the story of Noah, whohas just accepted a new position as a product manager for a candy maker. He is excited to take on this role, but hasno idea where to begin! Noahneeds to familiarize himself with the skills necessary to be a successfulleader, as well as basic business terms and functions he will use in his dailyroutine. Luckily, he is friends withOlivia who has an MBA degree and is willing to help. Oliviaexplains how to organize and develop the department Noah will be responsiblefor, including how to hire and retain the right employees. She demonstrates how to properly manage timeand expectations, as well as workplace conflict. The most common business types anddepartments are also reviewed, as are some business basics, including economics,finance, accounting, ethics and law. Bythe conclusion of their interaction, Noah has all of the tools he needs tosucceed in his new position. Students,too, will have an excellent understanding of what is expected of businessleaders, including how to succeed in a managerial role.StaffProducer: Animate U, JapanAnimator: Uliana Ovchar, UkraineWriter: Sara Teller, United StatesVoice Talent: Laura Mills, United StatesVoice Talent:Brandon Landis, Sweden"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mini MBA Course for Entrepreneurs" |
"The students can study about the following contents.Startup - BUS101Business Administration - BUS102Management& Leadership- BUS103Global Business Skills in English- BUS104Marketing Strategy - BUS105We believe the barrier to entry for people to start a startup is still too high. We want to make it easier for people to start a company, regardless of who or where you are, so we're starting by sharing what we've learned, through this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Startup Course for Future Entrepreneur - BUS101" |
"The Startup Course for Future Entrepreneurs focuses on issues of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. It leads the students through the entire process of creating a start-up from an idea.We believe the barrier to entry for people to start a startup is still too high. We want to make it easier for people to start a company, regardless of who or where you are, so we're starting by sharing what we've learned, through this course.Producer: Animate U, JapanScript Writer: Daniel Morgan, UKFemale Voice Talent: Shayna Keller, USMale Voice Talent: Brandon Landis, SwedenAnimator: Mohammed Al Nahhas, Egypt"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |