Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hello! Programming with Python for Kids and Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help studentsand programming enthusiasts who are just beginning to learn programming. The goal is help learners get a better graspof concepts of programming, along with a little bit of fun.Students will follow Sophia and her brotherJacob, as Sophia is introduced to the world of Python programming. Jacob, theelder sibling, is a programming engineer at an IT company and Sophia is just acurious teenager enthralled by the realm of coding and eager to be an ITengineer herself, just like her brother.Sophia is excited to learn how to code inPython after her brother tells her that that if she learns how to code, she cancreate interactive animations and even create her own games. He also lets herin on some other benefits of coding.He teaches her every single detail, evenhow to download python from the Internet, how to install it and how to writesimple and helpful programs. Jacob lets his sister learn hands-on by lettingher do a lot of the coding tasks herself.This course will provide students with afun way to learn coding skills. The concepts are explained in such a simplefashion, that even a child can easily learn to code. At the end of the course, students will beable to do simple calculations, make lists and learn how programming can be putto practical use . More importantly, students will come to realize that thereis no reason to be afraid of coding. In fact, anyone can code, as long as theyhave the desire to learn. Producer: Animate U, JapanWriter: Nahid Akhter, BangladeshMale Voice Talent: Jason Wright,theUnited StatesFemale Voice talent: Jessica Geffen, the United StatesAnimator: Svitlana Skrypka, Ukraine"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de Personajes para Videojuegos. (Vol. 3)" |
"Creacin del Rigging de un personaje para videojuegos.Para quin es este curso?Para personas que deseen crear personajes para videojuegos. Que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de 3dmax.Lo interesante del curso:Es un tutorial que le enseara de manera didctica y lo ms fcil posible el proceso de Riggingde un personaje para videojuego.Contenido del curso:Los tpicos principales son:Rigging.Cual es la motivacin para comprar el curso?Crearemos un Rig sencillo que servirde base para las animaciones para videojuegos. Por ende serun rig sumamente rpido adecuado a las actuales demandas de rapides.Y con este curso podrs lograr tus objetivos eficintemente. Estos conocimientos de Rigging pueden ser usados para la creacin de personajes para series animadas perfectamente.Programas usados:3d Studio max.El video promocional aplica para los Volumenes 3 y 4."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de Personajes para Videojuegos. (Vol. 2)" |
"Creacin a partir de conceptos de arte de un personaje para videojuego.Para quin es este curso?Para personas que deseen crear personajes para videojuegos. Que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de photoshop, 3dmax, zbrush.Lo interesante del curso:Es un tutorial que le enseara de manera didctica y lo ms fcil posible el proceso completo de creacin de un personaje para videojuego.Contenido del curso:Los tpicos principales son:Creacin de los UV y extraccin de los Mapas. Usaremos Xnormal y presentar todo el material en Marmoset.Cual es la motivacin para comprar el curso?Una de las motivacines es que trabajamos en un software de gran demanda en el mercado como lo es el zbrush. Otra motivacin es que usamos tcnicas que nos permiten crear el personaje de manera rpida con procesos de creacin de topologia automtica, UV y sacar los mapas.Realmente en el mercado se pide rapides. Y con este curso podrs lograr tus objetivos eficintemente y con esa rapides tan necesaria. Trucos que nos permiten ahorrar horas de trabajo.Programas usados:Usaremos zbrush, 3d Studio max,Xnormal,photoshop y Marmoset."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de Personajes para Videojuegos. (Vol. 4)" |
"Creacin de la animacinde un personaje para videojuegos.Para quin es este curso?Para personas que deseen crear personajes para videojuegos. Que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de3dmax.(Ensearemos nociones bsicas de Unity).Lo interesante del curso:Es un tutorial que le enseara de manera didctica y lo ms fcil posible el proceso de animacinde un personaje para videojuego.Contenido del curso:Los tpicos principales son:Animacin, Seteo de los materialesy cortes del clip de animacin en Unity.Cual es la motivacin para comprar el curso?Enseare todos mis secretos para animar de dos formas muy utilizadas en el mercado. Sin perdida de tiempo en lo esencial del trabajo de animacion, y aparte de esto le daremos los toques necesarios para dejarlo listo en Unity, estar preparado para el programador.Programas usados:3d Studio max, Unity y Photoshop."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Escenario Sci-Fi Modular para Game o Realidad Virtual" |
"Los videojuegos y ahora la Realidad Virtual, se consideraban temas del futuro, pero es evidente que ya los tenemos aqui en el presente y debemos prepararnos para poder afrontar la creacin de estos mundos increibles. Con este curso logramos crear un Escenario Sci-Fi Modular para Game o Realidad Virtual, y en este presente tan competitivo poder afrontar estos retos tan bien pagados en el mercado.Al terminar el curso habras creado un escenario modular Sci-Fi ( ciencia ficcin) de modo que se puedan ensamblar distintas variantes.Primeramente inspeccionaremos unos conceptos de arte para inspirarnos y luego observaremos nuestro concepto final para el planteamiento modular. En Maya:Configurando el Proyecto Maya correctamente.Usando primitivas bsicas para crear geometra compleja.Modelaremos a partir de un Arte Conceptual de mi autora.Usaremos adecuadamente nuestras capas de visualizacin.Organizacin, optimizacin, las convenciones de nomenclatura, agrupacin para mantener una escena manejable organizada limpia.Descargaremos un plugin gratuito para tranferir los UV.Organizaremos los mapas UV para compartir con mltiples piezas de geometra.Aplicaremos materiales y los nombraremos correctamente para su posterior uso en Substance Painter. Exportaremos correctamente la geometra para usarla luego con Substance Painter.Escalaremos la escena de manera adecuada para que tenga el tamao adecuado al mundo real.Lograremos afianzarnos al programa, aprendiendo nuevas tcnicas y herramientas para soltarnos y sentirnos mas seguros en el sofware.Manejaremos herramientas de modelado y trucos para optimizar nuestros modelos.Utilizaremos un material compatible con Unity en la cual a la hora de importarlo, no tendremos que redireccionar texturas ya que el modelo estar completamente listo para usar. (Ms nunca tendremos que buscar texturas perdidas, todo ya estar redireccionado).Optimizaremos nuestro escenario para que no tengamos materiales repetidos o grupos vacios que generen peso innecesario.Primero crearemos una versin de escenario sencillo para texturizar en Substance e importar al final en Unity, luego en la ltima seccin, les enseare manejarlo de manera modular para poder crear cualquier versin del mismo. Mtodo muy usado para cambiar la dificultad del recorrido en niveles de un juego.Aprenderemos a exportar nuestro trabajo con Game ExporterEn Substance:Configurando el Proyecto e importando el modelo de Maya. Exploraremos toda la interface y su edicin.Mapas de textura de horneado (normal, curvatura, oclusin ambiental, posicin mundial, etc.) para usar con materiales inteligentes.Aprenderemos a editar primeramente las normales y heigths de todas las piezas con ""Hard Surface Height - Alpha"" adquiridos en el Marketplace de Artstation o los que vienen por defecto en Substance.Luego con ayuda de Zbrush les ensear a crear sus propios alphas para sus proyectos o por si desean luego venderlos por el Marketplace de Artstation.Aadiendo detalles de alta frecuencia al modelo.Hornearemos detalles de alta frecuencia en un mapa normal correctamente.Cmo utilizar el sistema de capas, canales y modos de fusin.Cmo aplicar alfas con selecciones inteligentes y mscara inteligente.Mejores prcticas de uso de generadores y filtros.Agregando el desgaste y la intemperie a su pintura.Crearemos canales de exportacin personalizados para crear mapas de texturas adicionales para usar con Unity.Exportar texturas correctamente al directorio correcto.Ya en Unity:Configuracin correcta de Unity Project y estructura de carpetas.Importando el modelo texturizado correctamente.Configure el espacio de color adecuado para que funcione mejor con las texturas PBR.Aadiendo modelo a la escena correctamente.Iluminando la escena.Baking de las luces.Importaremos unos Robos a la escena desde el Store de Unity.Animaremos materiales, luces y los Robots.Aadiremos sonido al ambiente y a los Robots.Aadir post efectos a la cmara.Importacin del complemento Steam VR para su uso con realidad virtual.Importaremos el VR Tool Kit para navegar en la escena.En la ltima seccin organizaremos en Maya nuestro proyecto para exportar por modulos separados, de esta forma ya en Unity podremos hacer nuestros prefab y como piezas de lego poder armar cualquier combinacin para lograr diferentes escenarios, muy conveniente esto si queremos realizar diferentes niveles de un juego.IMPORTANTE: En la clase nmero 180 estan los archivos editables en maya y las texturas creadas en el curso para sus consultas.En la clase nmero 72 estn los plugin gratuitos, sonidos y Height (no todos los heights por razones de derechos de autor) necesarios para defenderte en el curso."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aprende 3ds Max desde cero a Profesional" |
"En este curso aprenders a manejar desde cero el software. Desde lo mas bsico hasta la creacin de un escenario y un personaje cartoon para un plano audiovisual listo para ser rendeado.Despues de ver todos los objetos predefinidos de max, nos adentraremos a los modificadores,Crearemos un templo circular con todo lo aprendido, con la ayuda de modificadores. Y como logramos a travs del manejo del pivote y otras herramientas agilizar nuestro trabajo.Luego editaremos objetos en 3d para crear un escenario futurstico y por ultimo modelaremos un Robot, en el que se harun rigging bsico tocando el nivel intemedio, ya que crearemos huesos elsticos para poder deformar la parte superior del cuerpo (estilo cartoon).Luego aprenders los pasos importantes para animar un personaje y estratgias para crear una buena animacin. Boceteo de las poses primarias y luego llevar eso al 3d. Por consiguiente puliremos sus curvas para que los movimientos sean fluidos.Timming, aceleracin, desaceleracin rebotes principios de animacin, todo eso se cubrir.Por ltimo les mostrar como hacer el render del plano terminado. Describiremos para que sirve los parametros del render.Ensearemos como trabajar con los passes de render. Y luego haremos la composicin en After Effects CC 2018, logrando mejorar la imagen significativamente con la ayuda del manejo de los passes para lograr un acabado cinematogrfico.En Resmen, podrn manejar el software y te sentirs seguro a la hora de incursionar en unempleo con esta base bastante completa y bien explicada paso a paso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Houdini 16.5 - Procedural Prop Modeling - Ammo Crate" |
"In this first Installment of the Procedural Props series, we are going to take a look at how to produce a fully procedural Ammo Crate. Everything from the geometry, uvs, and textures will be generated procedurally. When you purchase this course you get over 3 hours of video training, all the assets created in the course, as well as the complete Unity setup.Difficulty Level: IntermediateDuration: 3 hoursFile Size: 325 megsAssets:- Houdini Project Files- Textures- Painter Project File- Unity Package"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Airplane Physics in Unity 3D - 2017 & 2018" |
"Have you ever wanted to build your own Airplane Physics using the Rigidbody component in Unity 3D? Do you want to know more about setting up modular code to make your workflows faster and more re-usable? If so, this course is for you! Throughout the contents of this course you will learn how to create a fully functional Airplane Physics model.In the course you will learn to build the full physics flight model, how to animate the propeller, how to setup inputs, how to build a dynamic airplane camera, how to animate all the control surfaces of the plane, and more! By the end of this course you will have your very own Flight Physics System that you can use for your own flying games. By Purchasing the Course you get the Following:The Complete Airplane Physics CodeTwo Airplane Models, the Indie-Pixel Plane and the F4U CorsairComplete UI kit to create the Instrument UI for the Airplane"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Unity 3D Physics: Helicopters" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a helicopter controller from scratch. You will learn how to create the physics necessary to generate realistic and arcady helicopter flight mechanics. You will also learn how to set up your Unity project in efficient ways, how to create Editor Scripts, and how to use the Unity Rigidbody to its fullest.You also receive two helicopter models and the contents of the Unity project, to give you a head start on your helicopter games! By the end of the course you will have gained knowledge about Helicopter physics, unity project organization, C# programming, Unity VFX, how to create a weapon system, how to create a camera system, how to create an audio system, and much more! Enroll today and start flying the friendly skies in you very own helicopter!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security - EH v11 - 312-50 - Exam Simulations (2020)" |
"Welcome to the Cyber Security - EH v11 - 312-50 - Exam Simulations Practice Test Series. This Practice Test Series is designed to be one of the most advanced and accurate Practice Tests with an effort to update continuously with new questions and accurate answers. Here, candidates are going to have a good amount of questions and answers to crack the Cyber Security - EH v11 - 312-50 Exam easily - obviously at their very first attempt. Along with Cyber Security - EH v11 - 312-50 official course materials this Test Series obviously going to put candidates one step ahead towards becoming a Cyber Security Professional."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CyberOps - 200-201 CBROPS - Exam Simulations (2020)" |
"Welcome to Cisco CyberOps - 200-201 CBROPS - Exam Simulations (2020) Practice Test Series. This Test Series is designed to be one of the most advanced and accurate Practice Tests with an effort to update continuously with new questions and accurate answers. Here, candidates are going to have a good number of questions and answers to crack the exam easily at their very first attempt, where, the questions are organized and distributed according to the official exam blueprint. For your ease to realize the topic wise question distribution, its shown below:1. Security Concepts ============> 20%2. Security Monitoring ===========> 25%3. Host-Based Analysis ===========> 20%4. Network Intrusion Analysis =======> 20%5. Security Policies and Procedures ===> 15%Along with 200-201 CBROPS: Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals official course materials, this Test Series obviously going to put candidates one step ahead towards becoming a Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate - Exam Simulations" |
"Welcome to 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate - Exam Simulations Practice Test Series. This Practice Test Series has been designed to be one of the most advanced and accurate Practice Tests with an effort to update continuously with new questions and accurate answers. Here, candidates are going to have a good amount of questions and answers to crack the exam easily at their very first attempt. Along with the 200-301 CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate official course materials, this Test Series obviously going to put candidates one step ahead towards becoming a Cisco Certified Network Associate for the exam prefix 200-301 CCNA."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TCP/IP Protocol Suite (2020) - For CCNA" |
"Cisco has developed a new certification i.e. CCNA Cyber Ops in order to reduce the global cybersecurity skills gap. This certification aligns you well with what a Security Analyst does in a Security Operations Center (SOC). There are two exams associated with this certification: SECFND 210-250 and SECOPS 210-255.This particular course titled as SECFND - Module 01 - TCP/IP Protocol Suite prepare you with the knowledge that you require for SECFND for the topic TCP/IP Protocol Suite. One of the fundamentals that every Security Analyst must understand is the TCP/IP Protocol Suite. Because one of the common tasks for any Security Analysts in a SOC would be to perform packet-level analysis. And to do this, you need to understand TCP/IP. In this Module, we are going to discuss fundamentals of TCP/IP protocol, OSI model, IP addressing, and how they used together to enable communication. We will discuss UDP for real-time applications. Thereafter, we will discuss how devices communicate on the network using ARP, DHCP, DNS, and ICMP. Here to be mentioned that, we have to frame this knowledge up in the context of Network Security. Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to my course, and would like to ask you to remember, ""To beat a Hacker, You need to think like a Hacker""."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Cheap Steak Taste Expensive" |
"Have you ever wanted to eat steak but couldn't afford it and didn't know how to cook it?Well in this course I'm going to teach you how to pan fry a steak in under 2 minutes.Clean up is very simple and the best part is you only need a few seasonings and a pan.What type of meat we will be using in this course is the cheapest garbage steak money can buy. Wewill be cookingthis steak in such a way that everyone will think it's an expensive cut of meat.You are going to love these techniques.So if you want to learn how to cook a cheap piece of me to end present it nicely this is the course for you.This is the ultimate steak on a budget guide :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to FULLY Relax (and have fun doing it)" |
"In this course will be going over how to fully relax.Relaxation doesn't need to be complicated in fact bringing your heart rate down is the overall goal.I keep these courses short around that 30 minute mark because really who has time these days.Some people think relaxing is sitting around on your phone or watching TV when in fact that is still stimulating and your physical body and mind are not in a fully relaxed state.Throughout the five lessons will be thoroughly going over scientifically proven ways to fully relax not only your physical body but also your mind.Along with a few relaxing positions will also be going over a few diet examples.Thank you so much for checking out this course have a blessed rest of your day! And be sure to follow the other courses I have coming.So here's to you being more fully relaxed :D"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Successful - MALE - Beauty Vlog (in 2018)" |
"In this course will be going over how to start and really take off with your beauty vlogging.I'll be covering topics such as what equipment you need different ideas for topics and establishing yourself on whatever platform you choose.The beauty world can be a competitive and saturated Market.In this 30 minute course I'll teach you how to separate yourself as a male Beauty vlogger in 2018.Thank you so much for checking out this 5 lesson course feel free to leave a 5-star rating and keep up-to-date with upcoming courses on similar topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Conquer a Clinical Trial Easy ( 101 Basics and Tips )" |
"Hello and welcome to my 10th udemy course!And this course we're going to be going over all topics on participating in a clinical trial.Everything from finding a clinical trial to what studies I recommend participating in ,what to bring and what a typical study is like.Also be giving some bonus tips along the way that I have yet to find an any review or talk on clinical studies.(Disclaimer) I am not telling you what to do and this is purely my own opinion do what you want when participating in a clinical trial.I have personally participated in many clinical trials for many years.In my opinion there a great side income and I have made well over $10,000 a year participating in various high-end clinical trials.The one thing I really put emphasis on is staying hydrated when participating in any study. They make the blood draws go so much smoother.My overall goal for you watching this course is so that you can learn from someone who's ""done it"" on how to make a great side income.Thank you so much for watching and have a blessed rest of your day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Farmer (Beginner's Guide) Farming 101 Basics" |
"Hi my name is Chris!And in this udemy course I'll be going over all of the basic information you need to know about starting your own farming business.We will specifically be talking about grain farming and field prep. As well as machinery, Finance Management and a few bonus tips on how to get your feet wet in this agriculture industry.Farming is a very rewarding and fulfilling job to have.So if you're ready to expand your knowledge on agriculture in general this is the course for you.I was a farm hand for 11 years and a farmer for 4 years. In this time I learned all about managing employees, budget work, mechanic and maintenance too heavy machinery as well as operating various equipment.Hard work aside there's another part to farming that involves strategic planning while you keep up with the grain market, taxes, along with all the variables in chemical and Seed.Will also be finishing this course on organic farming.My dad was a high-end organic Farmer for 8 years. In that time I learned a whole other side to not only farming but also agriculture practices that I'll be sharing in this course as well.Feel free to leave any questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible usually within 3 business days.If you felt this course informational feel free to leave a review I will also respond to that review within 3 business days feel free to share and keep up-to-date with all of our other courses.We have cooking courses, cryptocurrency courses, and ""how to"" courses to name a few.Thank you for checking out my 11th udemy course and have a blessed rest of your day :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easily Start Successful Twitch Channel (365-day challenge)" |
"In this course I'm going to teach you how to be a successful YouTuber within one year. I call it the 365-day twitch challenge.In 2014 I really got into Twitch streaming off of my PS4 and was able to build a great side income in one year.I'm going to teach you exactly what I did as well as some bonus tips you can use to get you up to speed with today's game streams.We will cover equipment as well as lots of cost. Will also be touching on how much you can make. And of course asking ourselves why do you want to become a full-time twitch streamer.You may think it's a very saturated Market but in fact it is the opposite!Feel free to ask any questions I will get back to you as soon as possible. I will also respond to your review. Feel free to check out our other courses as this is my 14th udemy course.Thank you so much for watching and have a blessed rest of your day :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hotel, Motel, Lodge - Marketing - Legal setup - First steps" |
"Welcome to our 20th udemy course.I apologize for the yawning in this video course. It was very late at night haha.But you guys requested I do a marketing course on the lodging industry so we'll be going over the current two steps one can take when starting in the hospitality industry.Will be separating the difference between hotels and motels as well as some legal steps to get started.Also be going over common state inspections and insurance inspections and what they're looking for. This will help to give you the best chances in passing random inspections.Will also be touching on my time in running a hunting lodge and things I've done to ramp up our occupancy rate.And towards the end of these lectures I'll be talking about rental propertiesThank you so much for checking out this udemy course on hotel motel lodging and have a blessed rest of your day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pro Songwriting: The Art and Business of a Songwriter" |
"NOW WITH FREE MP3 LECTURES TO HELP YOU WRITE A SONG IN A WEEK AND ADVICE FROM PRO SONGWRITERS SIGNED TO MAJOR AND COOL INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS AND LABELS AND AN INTERVIEW WITH A SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL POP PUBLISHER AND MEDIA LAWYER. INCLUDES A DOWNLOADABLE HANDBOOK NORMALLY FOR SALE ON AMAZON BUT FREE WITH THIS COURSE.After taking my songwriting courses, students have achieved licensing deals, publishing opportunities, cowrites with established writers and performed at internationally renowned festivals and venues including Glastonbury and the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville. Enroll today and become another one of the course's success stories.This course was fabulous. Ive been taking many of the songwriting courses on Udemy. Many are good, some are excellent, and some are just not overly helpful. But Eves course is one of the excellent courses. I highly recommend that you purchase her course and you will definitely come away having learned a great deal. And youll have fun going through the course. Well, at least I found it a wonderful value. Cheers my fellow songwriters. Gary, Udemy studentGreat course. Love the wire framing structure for songwriting. Loved that you talked about the business of songwriting a little too and how to deal with people in a professional way when songwriting. I even came up with a hook for a new song while watching one of your lectures. Excited to put this knowledge into practice. Thank you! - Pat, Udemy studentWHY THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU IF YOU WANT TO BE A PROFESSIONAL SONGWRITER OR TO UP YOUR SONGRWITING GAMEDo you want to make a living from songwriting? Have you already started down that road or want to know how to make songwriting a career? Would you like to refine your craft or judge whether or not your music is ready to pitch to the industry? Or do you just want to get good at songwriting?This is the course for you if you want to release music that gets noticed. In this course you will learn methods of songwriting used by top songwriters and publishers across the world. It will help you break out of any limitations in your current ways of writing music. We also study the business side of being a professional songwriter so by the end of the course you can start earning money from your music and build a professional reputation.I am not simply teaching my own personal methods of writing like a lot of songwriting courses. I have witnessed these methods used by multi platinum writers and producers in studios I have worked in across the world. I also hold a Master of Music degree in Songwriting so these methods are backed up by research and study as well as a successful career as a commercial songwriter.HOW DOES THIS COURSE WORK?This course is designed to help you write beautiful music then publish and market it. We will look at what makes a commercially viable song, starting with learning to write lyrics, melodies and hooks and song forms. The course also covers music publishing (different types of publishers and deals), copyright, PROs (the organisations which collect royalties), marketing your music and organisations that are there to help. Each section has practical songwriting tasks to complete and there are invaluable opportunities to get feedback on your songwriting from a published commercial songwriter with a Master's degree in Songwriting. By the end of the course you will be able toWrite stronger melodiesWrite stronger lyricsWrite stronger hooksBe paid royalties for every eligible performance of your musicMarket and brand yourself as an artist/songwriterKnow how to evaluate the commercial potential of your songwriting Understand copyrightFind cowritersKnow how and when to find a music publisherFind cuts (when an artists records your song) and syncs (when your song is placed in TV, film, commercials etc)ABOUT YOUThe course is suitable for writers in all genres. You will need intermediate music theory or be working towards it. If you are a singer but not an instrumentalist, the course is still for you. If you are new to songwriting the course will set you up with sound principles. If you are more experienced it will help you refine your ways of working and advance your career.ABOUT MEI have been teaching songwriting since I graduated from my Master of Music in Songwriting in 2012. I have written with award winning songwriters (and won awards myself) and multi platinum producers. My last 2 albums received airplay in around 8 countries and I have toured successfully. I work with several a music publishing companies and frequently attend international commercial song camps. This Autumn tracks I wrote and cowrote will be released by artists in the UK, Norway and Switzerland. My music has been used in advertising and documentaries as well as recorded by X Factor and The Voice Graduates. I have been commissioned to write for reality TV show graduates amongst other exciting projects. Here's a little of my press:'Eve has established herself as an artist of considerable sophistication, recognised for her powerful toplines and moving lyrics.'-The Musician Magazine, UK'Mature songwriting'- Maverick Country, UK'Quality stuff'- Americana UKI would love to help you discover the exciting world of a pro songwriter. If you're ready to go on that journey, please enroll and thankyou for letting me join you as you unlock your musical potential.Udemy offers a 30 day refund policy so you can take the course risk free."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Singing: Musical Theatre Vocal Skills" |
"'This is the real deal voice training!' Adalberto, Udemy student'Easy to follow examples with good explanations.'John Willis, Udemy studentNEW: COURSE NOW INCLUDES FREE DOWNLOADABLE MP3 EXERCISES.Do you want to be able to sing to the standard of a West End or Broadway star? Learn with an award winning singer.This is a course for you if you love musical theatre and also want a robust singing course that will stretch you beyond your current vocal capabilities. As well as being focused on music theatre, this course is a bootcamp for all vocalists.You will learn to be a versatile music theatre singer by studying the singing techniques needed to hit the high notes from the major epochs of musical theatre, including music hall and operetta, Tin Pan Alley and early jazz show tunes (Gershwin, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin etc), classic Broadway music theatre (Rogers and Hammerstein, Kern, Rogers and Hart etc), 70s & 80s music theatre (Andrew Lloyd Webber, Boublil and Schnberg etc) and contemporary music theatre (Schwartz, Menken etc).In each section, there is a brief introduction to the era and its composers plus an explanation of how the singing techniques of each era developed. We then dive into practical, technical exercises to help you master those techniques. We will look at vocal skills such as:Expanding rangeMastering voice qualities to make the right sound for each show and character discussedDealing with the break in the passagioIntercostal lateral breathing (required in music theatre exams)AnchoringProjectionBeltingDictionThe course will help you to ace musical theatre auditions and exams, help improve your vocal skills in a demanding and competitive field of singing and enhance your overall knowledge of music theatre in a way that will impress an examiner/audition panel. We will also have fun!You can also send mp3s of your singing for feedback.Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to working with you!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting: How to Write Pro Standard Lyrics" |
"""The course is amazing. I was struggling with structure and expression of idea into words, this course helped me and I've already written 5 full songs and 2 are still in progress. The coach of this course is very active and She always replies. She is nice and she provides amazing insights if asked for help. If you really want to write your own songs and sell them or sing them or just write them for your own pleasure, I DO RECOMMEND this COURSE. BUY IT and you won't regret it."" GLITCH, UDEMY STUDENT: THIS COURSE NOW COMES WITH FREE DOWNLOADABLE MP3 EXERCISES THAT WILL HELP YOU WRITE A SONG IN A WEEK PLUS ADVICE FROM SONGWRITERS SIGNED TO MAJORS (UNIVERSAL) AND COOL INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ON HOW YOU CAN GET WHERE THEY ARE.DO YU WANT TO WRITE LYRICS THAT REALLY CONNECT WITH AN AUDIENCE? DO YOU WANT TO LEARN PRO STANDARD SONGWRITING METHODS?I a an award winning songwriter, lyricist and lyrical consultant working for 5 publishers internationally. After taking my songwriting courses, students have achieved licensing deals, publishing opportunities, cowrites with established writers and performed at internationally renowned festivals and venues including the Edinburgh Fringe and the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville. Enroll today and become another one of the course's success stories.'THANK YOU !!I am touched by your class.Before I wrote for myself and I had trouble connecting to people. From now on, I understand that we must make them feel our text!.Ange'Exactly what I needed to make progress in songwriting. Thanks!'Halvdan Presthus'Eve stretched me in uncomfortable places that I probably wouldn't explore on my own. She is easy to follow and answers questions quickly.Thanks Eve!'Dorene'I've been writing for a while with no prior training. I always feel like I'm missing a part of the puzzle. This course has enlightened me and i want to go further.'Ellen'Excellent course. Very useful insights and tips from Eve and excellent content and demonstration of the practical use of our learnings.'HimanshuAs an A&R rep at a music licensing company, I listened to many songs every week. Of those that are nearly there but not quite, it's the lyrics that often pose a problem: lyrics without a story, or too much clich or no consistent theme. It's a myth that pop lyrics are meaningless. Pro songwriters spend alot of time on lyrics.In those course you will learn how to craft lyrics like a professional songwriter and what errors to avoid. Specifically, we will look at Wireframing: constructing a story progression to your lyrics'Show, Don't Tell': the use of imageryMetaphorIntertextual Writing: taking inspiration from other works of art without ripping them offUsing the right language for your song's audienceSongforms and understanding the importance of structureCowriting The course begins by looking at some very effective lyrics, then asks you to craft your own. There are video and text exercises to complete and you will have a chance to get my feedback on your lyrics or to post them for group feedback which may just help you find cowriters!Whether you are aiming for a publishing deal or just starting out in songwriting, this course is for you. For new lyric writers it will set you up with sound principles, and for experienced songwriters it will help break lyrical bad habits. It is open to writers in all musical genres.Here is an example of the press I've got for my own lyric writing:'Eve has established herself as an artist of considerable sophistication, recognised for her powerful toplines and moving lyrics.'-The Musician MagazineI also hold a Master of Music in Songwriting as well as having written with well established writers (see my bio), so you can trust that the methods I teach are industry recognised. Thanks so much for visiting this page. Please enroll now and I can't wait to read/hear your lyrics! You can enroll with confidence because of Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How To Create, Maintain, and Monetize a YouTube Channel" |
"This course is all about using YouTube to become a better you. Once you identify a passion, interest, or hobby that you love, the next step is figuring out how to earn money doing what you love. YouTube is PERFECT for this!YouTube provides an AMAZING way to drastically increase the quality of your life by enabling you to earn money doing the thing that you love.The act of making regular videos about what you love makes you a much more talented individual.It also enables like minded individuals to reach out to you - you'll meet amazing people as a YouTuber. People you would never have met without YouTube.This course will give you all the necessary information to integrate video creation in your day-to-day life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads for eCommerce Businesses - Specialized Course" |
"With over 10 years experience running Google Ads campaigns for my eCommerce clients, I bring you a wealth of knowledge in how to run campaigns that will give you an edge over your competition. The course discusses the strategy behind building successful campaigns and walks you through the process of setting up and running eCommerce campaigns. The course is recorded on the new version of the Google Ads interface, many other similar courses have not been updated and are now outdated. I provide insights and Google Ads tools you can use for your eCommerce business. This includes: Building a strategic campaign structure to make the most of the Google Ads consoleUtilising Dynamic Search Campaigns to leverage long tail traffic and keep costs lowSetting up Search Campaigns to best target category trafficImplementing dynamic ad customisers to create hyper relevant ads for searchersStructuring your Google Shopping Campaigns for easy optimisation towards maximum ROI. Multi-tiered Retargeting strategies specifically tailored for eCommerce campaignsWe also discuss setting up tracking for eCommerce campaigns and using the Google Analytics eCommerce and enhanced eCommerce report features. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Conversion Tracking for Digital Marketing in 2020" |
"** Last Update January 29th 2020 **The best course for digital marketers that want to fully understand conversion tracking! 7 Sections, 35 videos and over 3.5 hours worth of in-depth, hands on training. From the theory all the way through to practice, move from beginner & intermediate through to expert.Course Overview:Whether you are a beginner starting a new campaign or a seasoned marketing professional, this course caters for you. The course is broken into components discussing different aspects of conversion tracking and analytics. The course shows you how to setup tracking according to best practice and use tracking to analyse marketing campaigns. We discuss aspects of tracking in general as well as looking at particular tools and advertising platforms. These includes: Google Ads, Facebook Ad Manager, LinkedIn Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Unbounce landing pages, Avanser Call Tracking and more. The course is recorded inside the actual marketing platforms and tools, walking you through how to setup everything you need. After completing the course you will already have setup all your tracking according to best practice as I walk you through it during the course. After completion you will also have a thorough understanding of different tracking techniques and options available to you.Course topics include but are not limited to:UTM Parameters: what are they, how to setup and track in Google Analytics - walkthroughTracking Pixels: Facebook & LinkedIn tracking pixel installation walkthrough including custom conversions and custom audience setupGoogle Tag Manager: Adding tags and event tracking with GTMGoogle Analytics for Google Ads: An indepth look at how Google Analytics can support Google Ads practiceLanding Page Tracking: Tracking setup for landing pagesCall Tracking: A thorough understanding of how call tracking works, the advantages and a look inside Avanser.What Students Are saying:Stefan Mach (22nd Jan, 2020) wrote: ""Definitely takes something that at first appears mysterious and makes it easy to understand and implement.""Anestis Kalligas (August, 2019) wrote:""He is one of the best in depth instructors i have seen. He is an advanced instructor with a lot of gold info to learn. Clear voice. He brings to a next level this imprortant topic. Thank you for sharing your knowledge""George Maser (June 2019) wrote:""...This course provided an insight into Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Google Tag Manager and how it works with FB and LI platforms. Twitter was not mentioned or Pinterest. Tracking Landing pages and Buttons and ATC and Purchase was covered. Very Nice Course. I am going to take it again. Data Studio is new to me.""Federico (May 2019) wrote:""Very good match with what I was looking for so far, thanks!""Kara Fidd (March 2019) wrote:""Super helpful-- I'm already learning so much after just the first lesson!""Wojciech Idzikowski (Jan 2019) wrote:""Everything is well done. The narration - lector. Speed of the lessen. The way author choose topics. Congratulations""About Mark: Mark has over 10 years experience running digital marketing campaigns for clients. He has worked for SME's as well as major blue chip clients in Australia and worldwide. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to use Pinterest to Drive Fashion Sales" |
"This course was personally designed for my social media team to take over my Pinterest Marketing as part of a company expansion.You can gain a lot from this course to bring to your own business, brand, or website. Inside we talk about how to use the best online tools to create beautiful, click-worthy pins to your audience.Most blog traffic can come from a well managed Pinterest account, to the point that you'll ever wonder how you went on without it. Pinterest takes time.It is not a social media platform, but a search engine. So let's hunker down and learn what we can to make this Pinterest campaign a success."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro - Commercials - Movies - YouTube - FX" |
"What This Video Editing Class on Adobe Premiere Pro Offers:Learn video editing quickly in 2 minute lessons, or more detailed 5-10 minute lessonsPick from over 100 Adobe Premiere lessons that match your needs Many topics from basics to advanced to push your knowledge Complete this with skills you can use right now Download and take animations and graphics with youYou Also Get:Motion GraphicsAnimated Fonts Animated Scribble EffectsPractice Footage to learn onThe resources I've included in the class will dress up any videoReal skills that will impress your audience on stuff that mattersYouTube. TV. Movies. Promotional. Corporate. Amazon. It's all hereEasy to follow step by step activities with stuff you can download and edit with meAll you have to do is drag the mouse where ever I drag it, or just learn by watching firstThis class is all you need to be a highly skilled editor if you follow the stepsGet Special FX in Premiere without having to know or use After EffectsDownload Free Source Videos and Motion Graphics Included.Motion Background GraphicsWrite-On FontsAdobe Premiere Project FilesColor TransitionsScribble Animated ArtworkAnimated Drawing EffectsGreen Screen FootageInterview FootageNY City Stock FootageSports FootageTexturesSpecial Effects FootageAudio FilesMusic FilesDemo Reel SamplesAnd MoreFollow Along Step-by-Step with Working Files Provided to You.Use the green screen footage provided and footage in the course to compile advanced editing with a short learning curve. This will make you an advanced editor with creative, out-of-the-box thinking when you move on to your real world projects.Get Right To The Point With the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro. I use the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version that can be downloaded as a free 30 day trial if you do not have. You can also use other versions like Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, or CS.Make money as a video editor by learning the most important things to get you up to speed. These lessons are designed to walk you through easy step-by-step activities to get you real results. Worry about the fine details later as these are designed to get you up and running quickly.More Than 8 Hours of ContentMake commercials in the classGreat for beginners and advanced levels, yet it's easy to doLearn effective editing techniques without having to learn all of the Adobe Premiere program These lessons will teach you so many different skills that are being used right nowImport footage, cut, add effects Use filters, coloring, scaling, and motionLearn green screen keying and color keyingApply these techniques to any videoLook like a pro sooner than you thinkCompress and export footageFocusing on What's Important: Your Final Product!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro: Learn Premiere's Essentials in 2 Hours" |
"For Video Editors looking for the basics in slow-paced lessons in a concise overall course.Importing Footage will teach you the basic ways to import footage and options in your project bin.Cutting Footage use the razor blade tool or trim of the ends.Make Titles and add motion and colorizing effects to make them stand out.Make Lower Thirds and use the simple title to change the graphics by selecting different font choices to give you very cool graphics quickly.Audio Techniques from voiceovers to interview footage to a/b roll and unlinking audio from video. Adjust the levels of volume and learn the audio meters and waveforms.Matte Layers are simple black and white video files that use squares and rectangles that are animated across the screen. Using the multiply in the opacity blend section, the white is removed and the video appears.Cropping Effects are used to take out the edges of titles or graphics. Keyframes are added to make these cropping lines move to animate their way to and from the edge of a graphic to its center.Scaling is used to make things smaller or larger.Motion can be found under the Effect controls Tab. Use the X and Y coordinates to position the subject. Add the Keyframes to program where it will stop and start.Opacity determines how much a video or graphic layer will be seen or not seen. Take it down from 100% to 50% and you'll be able to see through it to whatever is on the next video track.Masking refers to cutting away the subject in a video with the Free Draw Bezier tool. You've probably worked your way around a person in Photoshop, tracing around the arms and body to key out the background. This same principle applies here in creating a mask. Connect the outer dots and cut out the subject.Effect Filters are an easy way to make something happen right away, but how are they used and what can they do are the questions we will answer in this course.Skew Titles behind an actor to make to 3 dimensional.And So Much More! Each lesson has a plethora of information that you can use for your editing projects. Quick mini-lessons with a concept in mind. Get the basics and some cool tricks to get going quickly.Overview of PremiereImportingCutting Rotating iPhone FootageA/B Roll and Unlinking AudioAudio Equalizing, Voiceovers & Interview TechniquesBasic FiltersLower ThirdsTitle FXCroppingEffect ControlsMotionScalingOpacityGreen ScreensExporting for YouTubeAnd More!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impuestos para Personas Fsicas con Declaracin anual" |
"Lleva tus propios clculos de impuestos y envo de las declaraciones, sin necesidad de contratar un contador. Al finalizar sers capaz de identificar tus obligaciones fiscales, calcular tus impuestos bajo tu rgimen al que ests inscrito, as como hacer deducibles tus gastos para pagar lo justo al SAT y evitar multas y sanciones.De igual modo, dominars las herramientas que nos brinda el SAT para enviar tus declaraciones ya sea mensuales o anuales, con ejercicios prcticos paso a paso.Si tienes dudas durante el curso y requieres asesora personalizada, puedes envirnosla a con tu nombre de usuario de UDEMY, as te enviaremos un enlace para una videoconferencia con nuestro instructor experto."
Price: 2520.00 ![]() |
"Rgimen de Incorporacin Fiscal para Principiantes" |
"Revisaremos desde lo ms bsico los puntos ms importantes de la ley del Impuesto sobre la renta (ISR) y la ley del impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) que tienen que ver con las personas fsicasque se encuentran el en Rgimen de Incorporacin Fiscal. De igual manera veremos todos sus beneficios fiscales y administrativos,cmo aplicarlos y en qu casos podemos perderlos.Al final, sers capaz de calcular tus propios impuestos, as como enviarlos al SAT para estar al corriendte con tus obligaciones fiscales y as evitar elevadas multas y sanciones.Todo esto a travs de ejercicios prcticos y tutoriales de cmo hacerlo directo en la pgina del SAT.Inscrbete!"
Price: 1245.00 ![]() |