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"Learning modern css and html with car gallery project" |
"in this course you will learn about CSS and combine it with HTML. at the end of the course we we have car gallery project. this project can help you developing another web pages. if you are looking developing professional projects this course can help you. this project is a real project."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Learn java step by step" |
"! . Device . . . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Analisis de Circuitos en Corriente Alterna" |
"Este curso esta dirigido para estudiantes de ingeniera elctrica y/o electrnica que deseen aprender a analizar circuitos en corriente alterna aplicando mtodos de anlisis como el de mallas y nodos, as como los principales teoremas. Para ello es necesario que hayas realizado un curso bsico sobre circuitos 1 o el equivalente a estudiar los circuitos en corriente directa. Aun as se explica con detalle como y en que consiste aplicar el mtodo o teorema en cuestin de forma practica aplicado a la resolucin de ejercicios de variado nivel de dificultad; tambin se muestra como realizar una simulacin para comprobar nuestros resultado utilizando el software Multisim versin Student 14.1. Cabe aclarar que este curso no es un curso enfocado en como utilizar la herramienta Multisim, pero aun as se explica paso a paso como simular un circuito.Si estas interesado en aprender el anlisis de circuitos y como simularlo te invito a que te apuntes al curso, y cualquier duda no olvides en comentar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conception de Carrefours et Giratoires avec Covadis 15" |
"Ce cours a t conu pour toute personne ayant de bonnes connaissances Thoriques et Pratiques des tapes de Conception et de Ralisation dun Projet Routier et notamment des Carrefours et Giratoires. Nous avons mis un accent sur la manipulation du logiciel AutoPiste, mais pendant les vidos et lorsque nous le jugeons ncessaire pour votre bonne comprhension, nous nous permettons deffectuer des rappels thoriques afin de mieux comprendre non seulement le jargon (mots couramment utilises dans le domaine) mais aussi la science derrire le logiciel. Nous avons fait des sections indpendantes les unes des autres afin de faciliter votre apprentissage car vous pouvez commencer dans lordre que vous souhaitez. Nous vous recommandons cependant de suivre lordre propos si vous tes tout nouveau dans le domaine."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Web Mapping Open Source : PostGIS, GeoServer et OpenLayers" |
"Ce cours a t conu pour les professionnels qui souhaitent avoir des connaissances initiales en webmapping et en management des bases de donnes avec des solutions open sources.Au-del des nombreux cours disponibles sur le net et parfois excessivement chers dune part, et de la documentation gratuite mais nombreuse et parfois dcourageante dautres parts, nous vous proposons ce cours, dispens dune manire digeste et assez ludique pour vous faire aimer ce nouveau domaine dans lequel vous souhaitez vous plonger."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Come usare il tuo genio nascosto" |
"Corso che ti svela tutti i segreti della tua mente inconscia e come usarla per ottenere ci che desideri.La tua mente inconscia come un genio delle favole che ha la capacit incredibile di realizzare ci che gli viene dato come compito.Attraverso le lezioni imparerai a conoscere questo genio che in te, ne capirai i segreti e le leggi che devi rispettare per ottenere la sua collaborazione.Imparerai a comunicare con questo genio e imparerai ad utilizzarlo per i tuoi scopi, per i tuoi obiettivi e per i tuoi desideri.Imparerai a impostare nella maniera migliore i tuoi obiettivi e avrai tutti gli strumenti a disposizione per fare tutto ci.A fine corso sarai in grado di fare tutto questo in completa autonomia e avrai finalmente conosciuto il tuo genio e riconosciuto le sue enormi capacit.E lui sar pronto a realizzare non 3, ma tutti i desideri che vuoi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Su Jok livello base - corso per diventare operatore Su Jok" |
"Impara il Su Jok, una forma di riflessologia molto pratica, velocissima da imparare e da utilizzare, estremamente efficace e alla portata di tutti.Attraverso il Su Jok, senza dover comprare nulla, avrai un potente mezzo terapeutico, in grado da fungere sia come pronto soccorso all'improvviso manifestarsi di un disturbo, malattia o dolore, sia per trattare malattie croniche e fastidiose.Poco conosciuto in Italia, diffuso in tutto il mondo, dall'efficacia comprovata.In paesi come la Russia viene insegnato a scuola, questo a riprova della semplicit della tecnica.Inoltre, essendo a costo zero, andrebbe insegnato nei paesi poveri dove la gente non ha libero accesso alle cure e ai farmaci.Praticamente adatto a tutti, sia per la semplicit, sia da usare come salvaguardia e prevenzione dalle malattie.Adatto a chiunque operi nel settore della salute, sia tradizionale, sia olistica, ma adatto a chiunque perch tutti abbiamo a che fare con piccole o grandi malattie.Con questa potentissima tecnica imparerai ad alleviare dolori e a risolvere i tuoi malanni, oltre che a poterlo fare con i tuoi familiari e amici o clienti.Puoi alleviare cervicali, mal di testa, dolori lombari e tanto, tanto altro.Otterrai il certificato che ti riconoscer come operatore di Su Jok, con il quale potrai iniziare ad entrare nel mondo delle terapie olistiche o che amplier le tue conoscenza e il tuo curriculum.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Avrai in mano uno strumento molto potente ed interessante, che ti permetter di risolvere molto velocemente dolori acuti ed improvvisi, che ti far acquistare ulteriore prestigio e credibilit.E, se anche non operi in campo olistico, avrai comunque imparato un eccellente rimedio pratico che ti servir per tutta la vita."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Reiki di 4 livello - Reiki Master" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come operatore Reiki di 4livello, quindi diventerai un Reiki Master.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria e le tecniche per attivare i tuoi futuri studenti ai vari livelli di Reiki.Imparerai diverse tecniche, da quella classica a quelle pi moderne.Inoltre ci sar un approfondimento sulla storia del Reiki e su come si svolge un trattamento secondo lo stile originale.Questo corso ti dar tutte le informazioni necessarie per poter avviare la tua attivit di maestro di Reiki, al pari di un corso dal vivo, anzi, molto di pi."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trasforma la tua vita" |
"Questo non un corso.Questo un percorso di quattro settimane che ti condurr alla piena realizzazione di te stesso, a trasformare la tua vita, a riconquistare il potere che da sempre hai dentro.Il potere di non farti influenzare dagli altri, di vivere la vita che vuoi tu e non quella che gli altri vogliono che tu viva.Il potere di vincere nella vita, invece di soccombere davanti alle difficolt.Il potere di saper dire di no a persone e circostanze che non ti stanno bene.Il potere di essere padrone della tua esistenza e non vittima delle circostanze.Per fare ci andremo a rinforzare, attraverso esercizi e discipline, il chakra della radice.Per effettuare gli esercizi avrai bisogno di pochissimo tempo e saranno perlopi semplici.Semplici ma estremamente efficaci.Il tuo chakra sta bene?Hai un buon rapporto con il denaro, o non riesci a permetterti quello che vuoi?Hai un buon rapporto con il tuo corpo, o sei sedentario e sovrappeso?Riesci a trasformare i tuoi sogni nella vita di tutti i giorni, oppure vivi di fantasie per sfuggire alla realt?Questo corso puoi anche guardarlo tutto, la cosa pi importante, va applicato.Gradualmente il tuo chakra riacquister energia e anche tu sentirai di poter fare cose che prima non osavi fare.E, se non sai niente di chakra, nessun problema, questo non un corso teorico per cui servono determinate nozioni.E' un corso estremamente pratico, che va dritto al sodo.Pensa che puoi finalmente ottenere quello che vuoi.Sei pronto per la sfida?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Praticante psichico spirituale di energia universale" |
"Questo corso importantissimo, lo ritengo il mio corso pi importante, quello che tutti dovrebbero avere.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Tutti, nessuno escluso, anche tu che stai leggendo queste righe di presentazione.Questo perch siamo circondati da forze invisibili che plasmano continuamente la nostra realt.Vivi la vita come vuoi tu?Sei felice?Sei soddisfatto della tua esistenza?Se la risposta a queste domande negativa, sappi che, almeno al 90%, la causa per via di attacchi occulti e negativit che colpiscono la tua persona.Forse hai sempre pensato di essere immune, o forse non ci credi, ma non sar questo a salvarti.Nemmeno nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia come uno struzzo servir ad allontanare il predatore, bens gli faciliterai l'azione.Queste forze invisibili non le vediamo, per ne vediamo i risultati.Allora, esiste un modo per proteggersi?Come sapere cosa sono queste energie, come si comportano e come ci influenzano la vita?A questo e a molto altro troverai risposta nel corso.Tratteremo insieme tutto l'argomento a 360 gradi, prendendone in considerazione tutti gli aspetti.Vedremo insieme cosa sono le negativit, le maledizioni, gli attacchi, ma anche la fortuna e le positivit.Tratteremo di amuleti e talismani e di tante altre protezioni, ma pi di tutto imparerai come proteggerti da solo.Questo il punto pi importante, questo corso ti render completamente autosufficiente.Non dovrai rivolgerti ad alcun sedicente mago.Voglio che tu impari a difenderti da solo, prendendo in mano la responsabilit della tua esistenza, perch tua e tu sei l'unico che se ne pu occupare.Attraverso questo corso migliorerai la tua vita e anche quella di chi ti circonda.Ora puoi finalmente fare della tua vita un capolavoro.Sei pronto ad immergerti in questa nuova ed incredibile avventura?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Come ottenere auto guarigione, successo e benessere" |
"Ti piacerebbe imparare a cambiare la tua esistenza in positivo?A raggiungere benessere e felicit, a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e a sbloccare le situazioni spiacevoli in cui sei immerso senza vederne la via d'uscita?Ti piacerebbe mettere a posto situazioni quali malesseri fisici, difficolt ad avere relazioni appaganti, difficolt col denaro e tutto ci che non ti fa vivere la vita come vorresti?Tutto questo davvero possibile, grazie al Theta Healing, una tecnica fantastica e speciale, creata da Vianna Stibal.Con questa tecnica avrai accesso alla parte pi profonda di te stesso, laddove ci sono le convinzioni limitanti e le credenze che stanno ostacolando il tuo successo, la tua esistenza.Questo corso non ti permette di essere un Theta Healer Pratictioner, cio non puoi esercitare la professione del Theta Healer, per quello devi frequentare un seminario dal vivo.Per questo corso stato studiato appositamente per un uso privato, personale, allo scopo di insegnare la potente tecnica del Theta Healing per se stessi.Perch io desidero che tu viva un'esistenza colma di felicit e soddisfazione.Perch cos il mondo intero si trasformer in un luogo pieno di felicit e soddisfazione.In questo corso imparerai come riuscirci e ti verranno forniti i mezzi necessari per poterlo fare.Sei pronto a liberarti delle tue zavorre?Sei pronto a trasformare la tua vita in un capolavoro?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ferite del passato - come guarire" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di liberarti per sempre del dolore che vecchie ferite e vecchi traumi passati continuano a farti provare.Il tuo passato ci che condiziona il tuo presente e il tuo presente ci che forma il tuo futuro.Quindi, se nel tuo passato ci sono ferite che ancora ti fanno male, che ancora ti impediscono di vivere e amare tranquillamente, che ancora fanno si che ti comporti in una certa maniera per paura di provare ancora quel dolore, in un loop incessante tutto ci continuer sempre nella tua esistenza e ti accompagner per tutta la vita.A meno che tu non decida di svoltare pagina e liberarti per sempre dal dolore che i vecchi traumi ti hanno causato.Di liberarti per sempre del guscio protettivo che ti impedisce di vivere come tu vorresti, creatosi per via di vecchie ferite.Di liberarti da cicatrici emotive che, sebbene non si vedano, fanno male tutte le volte che vengono sfiorate.Guarire possibile.E' nella tua mente il problema.E' nella tua mente la soluzione.All'interno di questo corso troverai le tecniche fondamentali che ti permetteranno, finalmente, di liberarti dalle catene condizionanti delle vecchie ferite e dei vecchi traumi.Vuoi continuare a soffrire?Vuoi passare tutta la vita bloccato per cose successe tanto tempo fa?Ha senso stare ancora male per ci che non puoi pi modificare?In questo corso troverai tutte le risorse necessarie per poterti liberare di tutto ci e finalmente vivere liberamente, nel modo che hai sempre sognato, ma non hai mai osato nemmeno credere fosse possibile.Sei pronto a liberarti definitivamente della tua sofferenza passata?Sei pronto a trasformare la tua esistenza in modo che tu sia felice?Sei pronto a vivere una vita finalmente libera e serena?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Diventa chi vuoi essere" |
"Questo corso ti permetter di diventare la persona che hai sempre desiderato essere.Ci che sei ora il risultato di ci che credi di te o di ci che gli altri credono di te e tu ormai ci credi cos tanto che non ti rendi conto di poter cambiare l'immagine che hai di te con un'altra di tuo piacimento.La vita come un film e noi siamo come gli attori che intrerpretano il loro ruolo all'interno del film, solo che ci siamo talmente identificati che non ci rendiamo conto che spetta a noi decidere come vivere.Tutti noi ci prestiamo a recitare nel ruolo che ci hanno assegnato senza renderci conto che, in qualsiasi momento, possiamo decidere di cambiare il nostro ruolo, il nostro personaggio.Il regista dentro di noi e possiamo quindi decidere di cambiare la storia, la nostra storia.All'interno del corso troverai diverse tecniche per poter finalmente cambiare la tua immagine, la tua immagine creata dalle tue credenze.Chi vuoi essere?Vuoi passare la vita, la tua vita, con il ruolo di comparsa, oppure hai deciso di esserne l'attore protagonista?In questo corso troverai tutte le risorse necessarie per poter cambiare la tua immagine, ci che finora hai creduto di te stesso e finalmente diventare ci che hai sempre sognato essere, ma non hai mai osato diventare.Sei pronto a prendere in mano le redini della tua vita?Sei pronto a cambiare per sempre la tua vita nella migliore versione possibile?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Extensive QiGong movement, breathing and meditation course." |
"The most extensive QiGong video course on Udemy. In this QiGong course, you will learn the wonderful techniques to develop strength, health, and inner peace.The course consists of 20 easy to follow videos with movement, breathwork, and meditation tutorials and sessions. After completing this course you will be able to do full sessions of movements, standing poses, breathwork, and meditation sessions by yourself. QiGong practice is a lot more than just physical movements as you will discover in this course. Michal Bijker will take you deep into the QiGong practice of breathing, movement and meditation. You will not only learn postures and movements to cultivate and open up the energy system, you will also learn how to tap into the power of the breath which is needed to go deeper into mind, energy training, and meditation practices. With the breathing tutorials, guided relaxation, and meditation sessions you will become able to understand and master the art of meditation. Learn the practices to become master of mind and body that you can start doing by yourself to create a solid foundation for your physical and spiritual well being. In this extensive QiGong course you will learn: QiGong Postures & MovementsWarm-upQiGong stance/ Horse stanceMaking waves/ GroundingSeparating heaven & earthConnecting heaven & earthTurtle breathing/ Spinal breathing Rising sun/ Whole body breathingPushing out from the heart centerShooting bow & arrowSweeping armsPushing breath, moving QiPulling down the heavensPushing up the heavensCirculating the energy/ Heavenly circuitBreathing & MeditationSpinal breathingBuddhist & Taoist breathingOcean breathing3 Stage breathSnake breathingDragon breathingCosmic breathingRoot energy lock 6 sounds Healing QiGongDan Tien/ Dan Tian (energy centers)Standing meditationsMeditation explainedGuided Meditation sessionsQiGong TheoryTaoismWhat is energy? Inner cosmic smileHistory of QiGongDan Tien (energy centers) Healing QiGong6 Sound organ healing theory(I believe these techniques should be available for everybody, money or no money. If you have no money to do the course you can PM me and we will find a solution)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course" |
"The most extensive meditation and mindfulness course on Udemy. 'Awakening Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course' is an easy to follow and practical meditation course for complete beginners and advanced meditators. The course is filled with easy to follow guided meditations and theory you will get a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions and the nature of this reality.Meditation is much more than just a relaxation practice; it is the way true and lasting inner peace and happiness. More and more scientific studies show that meditation positively impacts mental and physical health: it reduces stress; improves sleep; increases focus; heals a great variety of diseases and it even improves relationships. Live your life with more focus and attention, in a state of complete mindfulness and you will see the wonderful changes start to manifest in your life.Therefore spiritual teacher Michal Bijker will take you on a wonderful journey into the art of breathing; the workings of the mind and the healing of the spirit. The course is filled with enlightening guided meditation sessions and several breathing techniques and practical tools that help to calm and harmonize mind and body which will make it easier to go into a state of meditation. Breathing with mindfulness is the gateway to meditation.There will be different types of meditation explained in this course including mindfulness meditation and Vipassana meditation. Vipassana meditation is said to be the type of meditation Guatama Buddha taught and is currently the most widely practiced technique. Most importantly you will learn in a systematic way how to do the mindfulness and meditation sessions by yourself and apply these techniques in daily life for inner-peace, health and long-lasting happiness.Learn in a relaxed and enjoyable way the beautiful practice of meditation. Apply mindfulness in daily life to improve focus, clarity and inner wisdom and create a beautiful, healthy, and happy life for yourself and others.(These techniques should be available for everybody, money or no money. If you have no money to do this meditation course you can send a message and we will find a solution)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Nidra Facilitators Course: Teacher Training Program" |
"As a result of taking this course you can confidently write your own yoga nidra scripts and facilitate your own sessions either for your self, or to augment your skills as a yoga teacher, life coach, hypnotist or other such professional. Yoga nidra is a quickly growing topic, as more and more people are discovering the tremendous personal benefits to this ageless guided meditation technique.Benefits Of Taking This Course:A complete and well-rounded understanding of the theory behind yoga nidra.How to write your own scripts from scratch.The therapeutic applications of yoga nidra (not found anywhere else online).You understand how each individual component fits together into the bigger picture of the practice.You learn the overall philosophical structure as well as the technical nuts and bolts of this authentic yogic technique.Valuable resources for drafting your own scripts and facilitating your own sessions.Three practice sessions for facilitators, which break down each stage of the practice and the purpose for each stage.The benefits of taking this course empower you to understand all the most important aspects of yoga nidra, so you can naturally guide your participants to enjoy the perfect peace and spiritual bliss of their innermost Self.You also learn the therepeutic applications of yoga nidra, as well as which techniques are most beneficial for various types of psychosomatic illnesses. This part of the course is the result of twelve years of my own research into yoga nidra and is not available anywhere else online.There are also three complete yoga nidra sessions which instruct you how to teach yoga nidra while guiding you through a full practice, giving you the unique opportunity to gain deeper insights into constructing your own scripts.To top it all off and make sure you are completely set up for success, I have also included a pdf workbook with sample scripts and a breakdown of each technique with detailed examples for you to use in your own sessions.Yoga nidra has changed my life and the life of so many others and I am fully dedicated and committed to seeing you learn how to confidently facilitate your own most impactful yoga nidra sessions, based on a thorough understanding of the yogic theories and concepts involved.I am deeply honored you have chosen me as your instructor for this course!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Nidra Meditation Course: Learn How To Live Tension Free" |
"Benefits of taking this course are:Enjoy five guided meditation sessions from Theravada Buddhism.Stop nervous habits of clenching and carrying nervous energy.Learn to unwind years and even decades of stress and tension from your body.Experience progressively deeper states of total relaxation.Experience perfect physical stillness and inner silence.Feel calmer, uninhibited and in control of your inner state.Identify nervous reactions and consciously chose to transcend them.Upon taking this course you receive five full length meditations guiding you on how to retrain your body and mind to quickly identify where you habitually hold nervous tension and then immediately let it all go, release and transcend the source of all those various forms of fear, anxiety, stress, guilt, self doubt and obsessive worry.By retraining your brian to release and let go of past attachments and future expectations you are left with the immense bliss of this present moment to be your best self and engage in the world around you more fully.As a result of taking this course you develop mastery over your neuromuscular system, as well as your breath and your ability to self manage your inner state. You will find your self becoming increasingly imperturbable and able to avoid becoming reactive towards others, and more proactive on your own efforts and endeavors. You are introduced to important teachings of Buddha on the best places in your body to establish mindfulness while learning to develop self-awareness, which is the key to this entire method. Through meditative self-awareness we gain access to the entire internal dimensions of our being.This course contains five full length guided meditations after each lecture to lead you through the process of having your own direct experience of the subject matter for each topic. These meditations are the most important part of this course, as it is only through direct personal experience that transformational results can be enjoyed. These full length guided meditations are done in the style of yoga nidra, instructing you to lie down on your back, as this is the easiest posture for the most amount of people to practice easily; however, feel free to adapt whatever meditation posture works best with for you.The more the body, mind and senses become still and silent, the more you can experience the rejuvenating bliss of your own true nature as perfect inner peace, contentment, serenity, self-born joy and happiness without cause. Come join me in this exciting and revolutionary meditation course based on the time tested teachings of Buddha for training the mind, gaining total relief from suffering and developing inner strength and higher awareness."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"FV, PV & Annuities using TI BA II PLUS Financial Calculator" |
"-This course gives Live demonstration on how to compute Time Value of Money questions using Financial calculator in no time.-The practice questions cut across different variables-PV, FV, PMT,NPER, RATE to help you familiarize with all ,on the same platform.-So get yourself a Financial calculator (TI BA II plus or HP10BII+) and let's compute!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
express-parkovka |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Killer Copywriting" |
"Do you want to boost your sales, save time and grow your business at a lightning speed?Good copywriting can do all that plus a whole lot more. And world class copywriting can transform your performance out of all recognition. Im going to show you how.Whether youre aware of it or not, copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective marketing. Its the art and science of strategically delivering words that get people to take action.In this course, you will learn how to write copy that connects and converts.You dont have to guess what to write. You can learn exactly what words will increase the level of your success Every. Single. Time. The right words can make the difference between your business fighting to keep the lights on vs. your business breaking sales records.From this course, you will discover:How to Tell a Compelling StoryFormatting Tips That Make Your Copy a Joy to ReadThe Seven Saleable EmotionsHow to Write Headlines That Draw People InWriting Copy for Social MediaCreating a PersonaHow to Write an Effective Call to Action (CTA)Conversations Lead to ConversionsEmails that Make You ClickAnd Much, Much More Start Now, and Take Your Copywriting to The Next Level."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online: Amazon Kindle Publishing & Audiobooks" |
"Self publishing on Amazon and Audible is the easiest and fastest way to make money online right now. If you're looking for a passive income that can provide you with an extra $1000 to $10,000 and upwards a month, with little work involved, well then there is no greater way than this. The best thing about it is that you only have to do the work once!Everything You Need to KnowCreating a self publishing business is probably easier than you think and it is still in the early stages. In this book, youll gain access to revolutionary advice that is guaranteed to make you money around the clock. For the price of a lunch, you will discover how to make your book outrank the best sellers on Amazon, earn a fortune through low competition audiobooks and much, much more. The publishing process is fun, fulfilling and profitable. In fact you can repeat the process as many times as you want and generate even more passive income!Take a moment to think about what your life would be like when you start earning a passive incomeWhat would you be doing? How would you be spending your time? What would you do with the extra money?Start your journey now towards making money with Self Publishing on Amazon, Kindle Publishing and AudibleStart Learning Now"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online" |
"Anyone Can Do It - Discover Financial Freedom Online!Do you want to learn how to make money online consistently? Without a lot of fuss, scams or investing any money?If so - you've come to the right place....This course will show you Twelve Proven Methods to make money online. Ones which are working right now, and will continue to work in the future. Each one is explained in simple,easy to understand language and are possible to do from anywhere in the world (provided you have a wi-fi connection)Imagine if you could earn an income online, make money in your spare time, on your terms, and work when you want, where you want.Learn the tactics I used to earn as much as $50 per hour of my time, with nothing more than a computer and internet connection,no prior experience required.With the right type of go-getter type of attitude and persistence, this course will pay for itself a million times over!Its clear and actionable advice with helpful information and detailed, step-by-step methods for anyone looking for real ways to make money online.So whether youre looking for some additional income on the side. Or you desire to leave your 9-5 job and have the freedom to live and work where you want. Start Learning How To Make Money Online in This Course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Anxiety" |
"Are you anxious or overwhelmed by life? Is your personal life suffering?If you struggle with anxiety, and you can't be alone or are resorting to drugs, just to self medicate but your still unable to climb out of it then read on.Maybe you feel anxious before giving a speech or performance. Or, you cant go shopping without feeling the walls closing in on you. For all of those years when you would always say that if this year that it doesn't get better that you would make a change. Well now is the time and you took the right step to find help.Most people have no idea what's happening when they have a panic attack or dont know how to manage their anxiety. But, did you know that there are proven steps that you can easily take to feel better and avoid experiencing anxiety.The human brain is much more powerful than we realize when it comes to things we fear that we cannot change.Learn the secrets people have used for thousands of years to treat their anxiety and maintain good health. In turn your self-confidence and social skills will improve, leaving you more relaxed and happy about your life.Calm down, breathe and discover how to overcome Anxiety in this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CDCS Practice Tests gives 100% confidence for all those appearing for exams . These MCQ comes with a full explanation to the answers. The students get a complete knowledge about the type of questions that appear. So far we find there are only questions and answers marked but without complete explanations. The students are now equipped with first hand information for SUCCESS. I have brought out this model after I personally experienced."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Famlia Mais Segura Na Internet." |
"Neste curso voc aprender sobre os perigos e cuidados que devem ter com seus filhos na internet.Programa, aplicativos, sites e mtodos tudo a respeito para assim voc estar por dentro do que acontece no mundo virtual de seu filho.Aprender a bloquear aplicativos, restringir tempo de uso, bloquear sites, e contedo adulto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diplomado Restaurantes Exitosos: Manejo de Inventarios" |
"En este cursos podrs aprender los principios bsicos de un inventario para tu restaurante, como tambin metodos sencillos y eficaces para el manejo de los mismos.Aprenders tambin a identificar efectivamente las seales de alerta mas importantes con relacin al inventario de tu restaurante y como clasificar los productos que impactan mas en la rentabilidad de tu negocio.Recuerda que INVENTARIO ES IGUAL A DINERO!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python - Fire - Crash course" |
"Did you ever wonder how to create command line apps with python? You want to be able to create apps that can be reused by the colleagues of yours? This course allows you to do just that! With this course you will increase your job security, and create CLI apps that echo your name across HR branches."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Becoming PCEP (Python Certified Entry-level Programmer)" |
"PCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification is a professional credential that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the essentials of programming in the Python language. A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the universal concepts of computer programming, the syntax and semantics of the Python language as well as the skills in resolving typical implementation challenges with the help of the Python Standard Library.PCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers, functions, conditions, loops, as well as Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment.Becoming PCEP certified ensures that the individual is acquainted with the most essential means provided by Python 3 to enable her/him to start their own studies at an intermediate level and to continue their professional development."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Go programming" |
"Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. It was born as a Google project back in 2007. The language tries to solve many nowadays problems with it's super-fast compiled nature and built in support for Multi-Threading and thread safe datastructures. I personally started using it as a hobby but nowadays I find myself using it more and more as I love the performance it gives to simple tasks. To be honest the syntax takes some time to get used to, but as with always practice makes perfect. The course was born out of the idea to share my knowledge with the community."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"An introduction to the Ruby Programming Language" |
"Welcome!Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. In this course you will get to be familiar with the fundamentals of this language. These will allow you to build more complex applications, and at the end of the course we will take a look at functional programming too, which is a pretty neat stuff.The course has a source material in form of a github repository which you can find in the first video's attached resources.Happy learning."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Buildbot - The CI/CD framework" |
"Welcome,This course is gives you understanding as to how you can build your own Buildbot infrastructure. It is based on the official 2.5.0 documentation, and every detail is introduced in the course. It starts out by building out our own infrastrucutre which consists of one master and a linux worker and a windows worker. Then we set out to build our hello world example. After that we create a CI/CD pipeline based on my udemy repository, then we migrate the database from sqlite to postgreSQL. We learn how to use secrets, and the command line too."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |