Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Icinga2 - The definitive guide to monitoring" |
"Welcome Fellow IT geek,This guide will teach you the ways of Icinga2, which is a fork of Nagios monitoring system but have outgrown it in many aspects. This course will approach if from the infrastructure side. We will not cover to much about how to setup monitoring for different services, but we will cover how you can build the infrastructure that allows you to monitor the environment.Hope you find what you are looking for!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Grafana - Dashboarding mastery" |
"Welcome!In this course you will get to be familiar with a state of the art graphing and reporting platform called Grafana. This is a free of charge solution which allows you to create fancy dashboards from different datasources and visualize the state of your environment seamlessly. If you want to learn how to install and configure this tool it might be just for you.This is the github repo supporting the course check for it in the description of the course videosSee you in the next one!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes - The definitive guide" |
"Hello,Welcome to my course on kubernetes and DevOps, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to pick up speed in one of the fastest evolving subjects of IT. This course will help you get familiar with DevOps concepts. We will first configure our Docker machine, do build and run docker containers, then we turn our sight towards Kubernetes. We will build our test environment with the help of Minikube. Deploy our Pods, Services, ReplicaSets and Deployments. As an ending we will create an ELKF stack to collect logs from our containers and I'm going to show you how to index a standalone python application.Check out the supporting github repository in the links for the resources.Let's get started!Cheers,Daniel"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sap MM- Material Management+Bests Tips&Tricks" |
"This course deals with business processes in SAP Material Management. This module is the core center of the SAP ERP system. It covers almost all business process encountered in various industries. This training module is suited for beginners, as well as, expert users. The main goal of this course is that you will be able to execute and configure the SAP Material Management ERP modules. This SAP Material Management training includes hands-on, real-world project exercises that will prepare you for the SAP job market and equip you with all the necessary training that is needed and required for you to pass the SAP Material Management certification Examination."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction For Sap" |
"This course is intended for beginners in the field of SAP. The course contains a very broad overview of the various modules in the system and provides a broad understanding of the system. In this course we will go through the system navigation and then learn the main steps in the various modules"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"SAP From Beginners to Advanced" |
"This course is intended for beginners in the field of SAP. The course contains a very broad overview of the various modules in the system and provides a broad understanding of the system. In this course we will go through the system navigation and then learn the main steps in the various modules.After basic learning We will deepen our knowledge on more advanced subjects"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Kafka & Kafka Stream With Java Spring Boot - Hands-on Coding" |
"New Update :Find out how Kafka fit on microservice architecture.How to use Kafka along with REST API & Database transactionKafka Stream:real-time data transformation within Apache Kafkajoining streamjoining tablejoining stream-tableglobal tableExactly-Once Semantic----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messaging SystemNowadays, we work with multiple systems and data that runs among them. It's a common thing that one system triggers another system(s) process, or data needs to be transferred among systems. Whether your systems built on monolith or microservice, whatever database you use, you need those data moving from one point to another. And you need those movement FAST to be processed immediately (otherwise your life will be ruined).That kind of demand is so common, and fortunately today's technology has an answer for that. Say hello to messaging system, where you can send message easily from one system to another system(s) asynchronously, in almost-real-time interval. There are some popular messaging system in the market, and in this course we will be talking about one of the most popular : Apache Kafka.Apache KafkaApache Kafka is like central hub where you place all data from source system(s), and the other corresponding systems takes the data, and process it. Apache Kafka is open-source, reliable, and able to works on cluster. It has small learning curve to get started, yet powerful enough for system integrations.This course includes everything you need to know about basic Apache Kafka, and implementation using Java (Spring Framework). After finishing this course, you should be able to install, configure and use Apache Kafka from Java Program. In this course, we will walk through detailed step-by-step from concept to hands-on Java coding. Given such way, you will learn have the understanding of logic behind and experience how things are done using Apache Kafka and Java source codes.Java and Spring BootJava itself has been a popular language for years. Java is recognized as world's most used programming language by several programming language index. Due it's popularity and long history, Java has a lot of open source projects or framework to helps developer works more efficient. One of the popular Java framework is Spring Framework. Over years, Spring Framework has grown substantially among Java community. Almost all software components required by a Java application is available within Spring Framework. However, configuring Spring requires some effort. This involves setting up library dependencies, then configuring the required Java Spring beans using XML or annotations in Java code. Spring developers soon realized that it is possible to automate much of this work. So in 2014, Spring Boot 1.0 released for Java community. Spring Boot gives Java programmers a lot of automatic helpers, and lead to quick large scale adoption of the project by Java developers. Spring provides good support for Kafka and provides the abstraction layers to work with over the native Kafka Java clients. With Spring, develop application to interact with Apache Kafka is becoming easier.What You Will GetAfter finishing the course, you will learn:Installation of Apache Kafka and Java, for development environmentApache Kafka key conceptsCreate publisher and consumer using Java (Spring Boot)Basic error handler if there is a failure during processing Apache Kafka messageBasic understanding how Kafka fit on Microservice ArchitectureThe course will explains to you not only the theory of Apache Kafka, but also a lot of hands-on coding to get your hands dirty and your brain working. Whether you are a hobbyist, beginner, or experienced developer, this course will surely brings added value for you! Road to MicroservicesMessage broker is one important pillar of microservice architecture. In micro service, we use asynchronous messaging for inter-service communication. Services communicating by exchanging messages over messaging channels like Apache Kafka. In this course, you will learn the theory and hand-code of messaging with Apache Kafka, which is a communication pillar of microservice architecture.Later on, you can learn further about Microservice Architecture & Pattern with Kafka as it's important component."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"A Journey : Digital Transformation & Strategy Roadmap" |
"Digital transformation is a hot topic. Transform or disappear!In order to adapt to a digital world, existing players must adapt to new way.Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of an organization. Integarting digital technology will change how business and technology team operates and deliver value to customers. But digital transformation is not just a matter of technology. Digital transformation is a cultural change that requires organizations to change and facing new challenges. So the organization needs to research, experiment, and get comfortable with changes.Faced with this challenge, IT departments are being forced to reinvent themselves to adapt their companies to the fast paced evolution of technology. There are a lot of articles, courses, theories, all spinning around digital transformation buzzword. In this course, the instructor will share the actual, real-life journey of his digital transformation. You will learn why we need digital transformation, what are the ingredients for doing it?In this course, you will learn not only the technology aspect, but other aspects as well required for doing digital transformation. Still, the main focus of this course is the technology aspect, but unlike my other courses that purely focus on technical side, this course will give you insight from less-technology perspective.Throughout the course, the instructors will use examples and share his own journey from doing digital transformation into years-old industry, and modernize legacy applications.This course is like istructor's journey log for doing digital transformation, including strategy that he used in his organization during digital transformation journeyWhether you are a professional, a student, or just interested in digital transformation and its implications on IT, learn why and how to walk on digital transformation path.Instructor note:Unlike my other courses which focusing on technical skill, in this digital transformation course I will share many aspects for doing digital transformation based on my real experience.Note that my digital transformation journey will be different with yours. But I share my real-flife experience, and hopefully it can helps your journey."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"React JS Redux - A'dan Z'ye Tm Ynleriyle" |
"React JS ile sfrdan ileri seviyeye mkemmel web uygulamalar gelitirmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.Bu kursta yapacamz birka uygulamadan bahsedelim.Hesap MakinesiLokasyon UygulamasGaleri ProjesiKitap ListesiBlogTwitter Klongibi uygulamalar ile React' tm ynleri ile size anlatacam.Kursta bulunan ve ayrntl bir ekilde reneceiniz zelliklere bata yeni balayan arkadalarmz iin Javascript temellerinden bahsedeceiz. Nedir nasl kullanlr?React'a hzl bir ekilde giri yapacaz ve herkesin online olarak deneyebilecei uygulamay size gstereceim.Kurulumlar, proje oluturulmas, proje yaps/ynetimi ve Babel'den size ayrntl bir ekilde bahsedeceim.JSX ile HTML arasndaki farklara bakacaz.Semantic UI kullanarak gzel gzken komponentleri nasl yaratabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Faker ktphanesini kullanarak rnek resimler ekeceiz.Komponentler arasndaki ilikiler, komponentlerin yaps ve detaylarn greceksiniz.Snf komponentleri ile fonksiyon komponentleri arasndaki farklar inceleyeceiz.Kullancn lokasyon bilgisini nasl alabileceimizi gstereceim.State ynetimini greceiz.Yaam dngs fonksiyonlarn inceleyeceiz.Axios ile asenkron olarak bir API'a istek atmay greceiz.React Ref ile html dkmanna ulamay greceiz.Dinamik ve programatik bir ekilde grid oluturmay greceiz.Redux'n mantn, temellerini ve nasl altn inceleyeceiz.Reducer ve aksiyon tanmlarn nasl yaparz ve komponentlere nasl balarz bunlar greceiz.Redux Thunk ile Redux aksiyonlar ile istek atmay greceiz.Firebase'de hem giri yapma hem de veritaban ilemlerini nasl yapacamz greceiz.Session (Oturum) kontroln nasl yapacamz greceiz.Bunlar ve daha fazlasn kursun iinde bulabilirsiniz. Ayrca kursta yazlan tm kaynak kodlara ulaabileceksiniz.Kurs boyunca anlamadnz yerleri, aklnza taklanlar ve genel olarak tm sorularnz soru & cevap ksmndan sorarak hzl bir ekilde dn alabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Docker: A'dan Z'ye Tm Ynleriyle" |
"Dockerlam gelecee hazr olun, artk neredeyse tm yazlmlar konteynerler (containers) ile ynetilecek ve gelitirilecek. Yeni ve en gelimi teknolojiler ile tanmak ve kullanmak istiyorsanz Docker kursumuza hogeldiniz.Eer Docker konusunda yeniyseniz, bu kurs en batan balayp sizi profesyonel seviyeye ulatrmak iin planland.Eer ki Docker konusunda tecrbeniz varsa, kursta bulunan nokta at detaylar ve ipular ile kendinizi gelitireceksiniz. Eer Docker konusunda merak ettikleriniz varsa aadaki program inceledikten sonra kayt olabilirsiniz.Bu kursta yapacanz birka haval konudan bahsedelim:Makinenizden deitirdiiniz web kodunu annda sunucudan kontrol edeceksiniz. Yeniden ykleme yapmadan.Dardan ulalmasn istemediiniz uygulamalarnz iin zel alar oluturacaksnz.Bulut ortamnda oklu Swarm kmeleri oluturacaksnz.Swarm kmelerinizde load balancing yapacaksnz.Kendi Image'nz oluturup Docker Hub'a koyacaksnz.Konfigrasyon dosyalarnz ifreleyip konteynerlerinizde kullanacaksnz.Basit bir YAML dosyas ile kocaman bir proje altyapsn ayaa kaldracaksnz.Ve daha bir ok haval ey yapacaksnz.Kurs ierisinde teorik bilgileri edinmekle kalmayp tm rendiklerinizi pratie dkeceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde yazlan kodlar GitHub'dan paylalacaktr.Kurs boyunca aklnza taklabilecek olan tm sorular, soru & cevap ksmndan sorabilirsiniz. Tm sorular 24 saat ierisinde cevaplanacaktr.Bu kursta rendiiniz teknolojilere eer ki yeni gncellemeler gelirse, ierik dzenli bir ekilde gncellenecektir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Node JS & Javascript: A'dan Z'ye Tm Ynleriyle" |
"Node JS ile ileri seviyeye mkemmel web uygulamalar veya servisleri gelitirmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.Bu kursta en batan balayarak, birlikte Node JS ile birok uygulama gelitireceiz. Her uygulamada detayl bir ekilde birok yeni zellik ve framework reneceksiniz. Bu uygulamalardan birkana bakalm.Note uygulamas: Argman kontroln renerek script yazmay,Dosya ynetimini,YARGS, chalk ve nodemon gibi birok ktphanenin kullanmn,JSON ile veri kaydetmeyi,Debug yaparak hata ayklamay.Hava durumu uygulamas:Template ynetimi,Asenkron fonksiyon kullanmay ve gelitirmeyi,3. parti web servis kullanmn, Express framework'n,HTML, CSS ve JS kodlarn servis etmeyi,majlarnz servis etmeyi,Task Uygulamas:MongoDB kullanmay ve ynetmeyi,NoSQL veritaban mantn,Promise yapsn,Mongoose ile model oluturup ynetmeyi,Rest API ve Postman'i,Async ve Await kullanmn,Router yapsn,Gizli bilgileri ifreleyip saklamay,JSON Web Token (JWT)' nasl kullanabileceinizi,Express ve Mongoose Arakatman (Middleware) yapsn,Multer ile dosya yklemeyi,Ortam deikenleri kontroln,Dinamik olarak email gndermeyi,Chat uygulamas :Socket IO kullanarak gerek zamanl anlk mesajlama yapsn,Chat kanallar oluturup balanmay ve ynetmeyi,Mesajlama mekanizmasn gelitirmeyi,Lokasyon bilgisini alp gndermeyi,Google Maps ile lokasyon bilgisi iin link oluturmay,Handlebars ile template yapsn kullanmay,...gibi birok bilgiyi reneceksiniz.Her eyi en temelden balayarak adm adm derslerde birlikte gelitiriyor olacaz. Javascript'in temellerinden balayp btn uygulamalar birlikte gelitireceiz.Bunlar ve daha fazlasn kursun iinde bulabilirsiniz. Ayrca kursta yazlan tm kaynak kodlaraulaabileceksiniz.Kurs boyunca anlamadnz yerleri, aklnza taklanlar ve genel olarak tm sorularnz soru & cevap ksmndan sorarak hzl bir ekilde dn alabileceksiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"SEO Training For Novice: Backlinks Building 2020 & More" |
"How to master SEO ? Everyone has this question.This course designed for all: Beginners Intermediate Experts Want to become SEO expert to rank your blog to earn money fast ? Here You Go. You are at right place.Take this Special A.I Advanced SEO course with step by step guide to rank #1 on Google. Plain English used to increase understanding even for beginners and for Non-English speakers. It is not conventional SEO training, its special course, why.. ? Because A.I integration with conventional SEO will allow you to think out of the box and allow you to master Advance SEO techniques.This course covers every important ranking factor by using step by step approach with very simple English without using any paid SEO tools. You will learn from very basic to advance level step by step. Course design in a way so that you can learn fundamentals of SEO ranking. Moreover real time implementation of complete SEO stuff will increase your understanding to help you to become a SEO Specialist.In course i have explained every deep concept of SEO which is important for ranking on Google with real time implementation. I have used some Google's recommended free SEO tools which are totally FREE. My motive is not only to Rank #1 on Google but also create a good structure of your website for crawlers and users.As website Structure is very important SEO factor, so you will learn, how to create good website structure even if you don't know how to code. I have explained SEO keyword research in detail that, how to find high traffic keywords with low competition without using any paid tool. Optimization and organization of keyword will allow you to find most profitable keywords for your website.Website loading speed is one of the most important SEO factor. So how to increase website's speed by using Google's recommended tool without knowledge of HTTPS protocol, Server side scripting and coding. I will explain and will practically let you know that, how to increase your website's speed by using two most effected ways.Just like other factors SEF (Search Engine Friendly) is also most important in SEO. By using different effective approaches we will make your website search engine friendly to Rank #1 on Google. You will also learn Importance of World Wide Web Consortium and how it helps you to rank higher on the Google.Moreover you will learn how to create seo backlinks for website by using Artificial intelligence SEO technique. A.I SEO will allow you to create high quality seo backlinks for your website/blog. If you have these question if mind, then don't wait to enroll this course:- How to master SEO ?- Best & complete seo course- Best seo training course- seo link building & art of link building I am available for more than 10 hours on the platform, you can ask me any doubt any time.Enroll now to get the best of knowledge about SEO. Hope to see you inside :) "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Face Detection Using Webcam - Learn Computer Vision" |
"For absolute beginners: No Need to Install Ubuntu or any other Linux OS to learn and develop computer vision applications like Face Detection. Easy Windows Environment setup for any computer vision application development using Python OpenCV Do you wantTo develop a Python-based facial Detection softwareTo understand a deep knowledge of python facial detection To create a python facial detection application with minimum coding effort without heavy math equations You are at the right place.Welcome to the ""Python Face Detection Using Webcam - Learn Computer Vision"" course.Python multiple face detection course covers every single topic related to face detection software development. I will teach you from the installation of IDE to final testing step by step with a very easy approach. Simple and clear English language used to increase the understanding level. Python OpenCV 4 library will be used to teach face detection applications. Finally, you will be able to develop a real-time python-based multiple face detection application.I will be available more than 10 hours on the platform (Udemy), If you have any questions just sent me a message I will reply to you in instantly. So what are you waiting for, Hope to see you inside :)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Excel made easier with these powerful tips and time savers" |
"Some Excel tasks can be difficult which may cause us to work harder in Excel. This tasks can now be completed much quicker once we know about the shortcuts contained in this course. I have spent many years compiling the tips that makes any user more proficient in Excel. Use the time savers highlighted throughout the course to avoid doing tasks manually. Complete common tasks quicker, faster and easier by using the right tool for each task. This course also includes a link to student files and a quick reference guide for many of the shortcuts at a glance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads 101. Complete Facebook Ads & Marketing Course" |
"Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.In this specific video training course, you will learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly.You will learn to find data about what your audience wants and what is the best way you should approach them.You will also learn how to make sure your ads appeal to the right person, how do you use the right text, the right image and much more!Introduction to FB AdsPaid Traffic MindsetWho Are You Targeting?FB InsightsCreating an Avatar ProfileImportant Ad RulesThe PixelAd CampaignsSuitable for App, Ecommerce, Local and Online Businesses!No experience or Facebook audience required. We'll cover strategies to grow from the ground up and you only need a budget of $5 to start advertising!You'll also get: Lifetime Access to All Future Facebook Ads Updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This offer won't last forever.If you want to take your business to the next level, then this is the course for you!""Take This Course"" to start growing you business with Facebook Ads!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr: How To Start Freelancing Career With Fiverr" |
"Fiverr has become the 'go to' freelance service destination on the internet.Given its low cost profile compared to other free form or custom order freelance resources, Fiverr stands to continue to attract a lot of buyer attention.Compared to traditional freelancing, Fiverr removes a lot of doubt and guesswork from the freelance process.But if you don't know what you're doing or if you don't have a strategy, you end up wasting time and money, in the form of opportunity costs.With this video course you will learn the best strategies for making your full-time income on Fiverr.Topics covered:Fiverr's SecretsThe Good News?The Biggest Hassle With Fiverr6 Better Ways To Make Money Off FiverrOffer Premium Value-added ServicesBundle Other's Services and Sell Turnkey AssetsBundle Other's Services and Sell Operational AssetsBuy Services That Help You Buy Resell able High-value AssetsResell Cheap Fiverr Services at Other High Value LocationResell Cheap Fiverr Services at Other High Value Location What You Will Get Lifetime Access to All Future Facebook Messenger Bot Updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This offer won't last forever.If you want to take your business to the next level, then this is the course for you!""Take This Course"" to Start Freelancing & Become a Top Rated Fiverr Seller"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Secrets Home Business Success" |
"""ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Using Free YouTube Traffic"" teaches you everything that is necessary to start an Affiliate Marketing business on any affiliate network. The course is designed by keeping newbies in mind who have little or no knowledge about Affiliate Marketing business model. In this course, you will learn Affiliate Marketing from scratch. ClickBank is the best marketplace to start the Affiliate Marketing business because of its commission structure. The course teaches you how to select a profitable product on ClickBank market place, legally Drive free traffic and direct the traffic to your offers using Affiliate Marketing business model. This business model can be applied to any affiliate network.If you want to succeed with affiliate marketing, you must first build your business on the right niche.A niche relates to the category of topics or problems that the products you are promoting solve.This step by step guide will help you to create a system that will enable you to make money from ClickBank.You will to learn how to market ClickBank products the right way.Topics covered:Your ClickBank success depends on the niche you chooseHow do 3-layer conversion systems work for ClickBank marketing?CliickBank marketing overviewHow to select a niche product to promote - THE SMART WAYHow to get your niche target keywordsQuora answer marketingComment on blog posts that use Facebook commentsForum marketingAutomated Twitter marketingAutomated Facebook marketing"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing" |
"Being smart in business means knowing whats just around the corner. It means thinking ahead and preparing for inevitable changes that will impact the way business is conducted.This is what allows a business to be resilient and to thrive in a changing environment.This video course will help you to prepare, and explain a number of concepts:AI vs Machine LearningHow to conduct SEO now that Google is an AI first companyChat botsProgrammatic advertisingBig dataRank BrainDigital assistantsData scienceSQLLatent Semantic IndexingThe future of internet marketingIn this course, you will gain a crystal ball with which to gaze into the future of internet marketing, and to ensure that you are ready for all those changes when they come.Topics covered:What Is AI And Machine Learning?Google As An AI-First CompanyPreparing For Semantic SearchBig DataComputer VersionAdvertisingEmail MarketingChat botsDeveloping Your AI Skills Using SQLHow To Future Proof Your Marketing"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide To Motivation And Meditation" |
"Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. It has become a very popular subject, and for good reason.Everybody is feeling the pressure to succeed and do great in their lives, but the work involved in becoming successful can be enough to make anyone exhausted.We put so much energy into trying to create our best lives that, ironically, we can easily lose sight of the most important part of that; ourselves!By taking the time to learn about meditation and allowing it to be a part of our lives, we can begin to channel our thoughts into more productive patterns and give ourselves the recharge that we need when it seems like life has gotten to be a little bit too much.Topics covered:The History of MeditationThe Benefits of MeditationMindfulness Meditation and How It Can Work For YouThe Benefits of Loving Kindness MeditationActive Meditation with Kundalini YogaThe Benefits of Transcendental MeditationEmail MarketingThe Practice of Zen MeditationTips and Tricks for the Meditation Beginners"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Success With The Power of Social Media Stories" |
"Social Media Stories are those short-term photos and videos that you can share to your channel for 24 hours before disappearing. It was Snapchat that originally popularized the concept, but since then it has taken off and is now a common feature on the vast majority of social media sites. That includes Facebook and Instagram, but also sites like YouTube and even Skype! This surge in popularity is due to the simple and excellent concept that is behind Social Media Stories to begin with. Firstly, they allow creators to generate content that perhaps isnt so carefully created as it wont end up on their account. Secondly, it allows for a more immediate and urgent form of communication, that encourages more interaction with viewers. This taps into that feeling many of us know called FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out! Its why people are generally very quick to respond to social media Stories. But while Stories are often quick and off-the-cuff, they also have the potential to be polished and high quality. Depending on the nature of your brand, this can be an important way to reflect on your business, and to stand out from the crowd. Read on to learn some of the most powerful methods you can use to get more from your Stories. We will split this report into two sections: image and video. That said, its worth reading both as a lot of the same concepts will cross over! Types of Photos The first thing to do is to note the types of photos you want for your account. If you haveThe organic reach of business accounts on a number of social platforms is decreasing.Stories provide a great ROI in terms of the time and effort they require and the benefits they offer.Stories are also extremely popular with customers and users right now.Four out of five major brands report using stories to promote themselves, and that should tell you something about how big this is going to be going forward.With this video course you will:learn precisely what a story islearn how to create a storylearn how to have huge success using stories to grow your audiencelearn how to increase brand loyaltyhow to promote yourself using stories just like major brands do"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modern Vlogging Guide - Make Money From Vlogging" |
"Vlogging is becoming increasingly more popular and there has never been a better time to start a vlog.People really enjoy watching high quality vlogs and some vloggers have subscribers in the millions. But you dont need millions of subscribers to make money from vlogging.There are many vloggers that have a lot less subscribers that make a full time income and more from their vlogging activities.Doing something that you love and recording it to share with the world and making money at the same time. This is more than a dream it can be your reality if you follow the advice provided in this guide.Why should you start a Vlog?People are curious by nature and they like to see what other people are doing with their lives. This is the reason why reality TV is so successful. What are the ordinary people doing out there? What are their hopes and dreams? What excites them and how do they go about their day?It doesnt matter that someone doesnt know you. You have a message to share with the world and a vlog is the perfect way to do it. Sure you could create a conventional blog and write posts about your life and share your experiences. But people prefer video.In a survey conducted by HubSpot a while ago, they discovered that 72% of participants preferred to watch video rather than read a blog post to learn how to do something or find out more about a product or a service.YouTube is a giant of a website. There are 1 billion users who consume hours of video every day. There will always be somebody searching YouTube for what you are good at. This provides you with a fantastic opportunity.With a vlog you can create a real connection with your viewers. It is different to creating a one off video. If you provide quality videos (and you must) then people will eagerly await the next one that you upload.There are many vlogging success stories. These are ordinary people who drastically changed their lives through vlogging. They have all kinds of sponsorship deals and several different revenue streams. Some vloggers became millionaires very quickly there is no reason why you cannot be the next vlogging sensation.In this short report we will provide you with the 7 ways to start a successful vlog. How you start your vlog is really important. If you dont get off to a flying start then it will be a real struggle for you. Use the methods in this report and you wont go wrong.Topics covered in This Course:What is Vlogging?Ideas for Profitable VlogsStarting a Successful VlogCreating Great VideosOptimizing your YouTube VideosPromoting your VlogFree Tools for Growing your YouTube ChannelWays to Monetize your VlogVlogging Best Practices"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao No-Violenta: como se relacionar com empatia" |
"Voc sente dificuldades ao se comunicar com as pessoas ao seu redor? J esteve em situaes em que no conseguiu expressar seus sentimentos como queria? Observa-se constantemente em conflitos com pessoas ou grupos, e no sabe como lidar com eles? Ou voc atua em uma rea que exige contato constante com pessoas?Gostaria de expandir seus conhecimentos sobre a comunicao humana?Gostaria de aprender tcnicas interessantes para potencializar sua capacidade de liderana e gesto?A Comunicao No-Violenta (CNV) foi criada pelo psiclogo norte-americano Marshall Rosenberg. Em sua longa experincia profissional, Rosenberg notou que muito do sofrimento humano estava relacionado forma como ns costumamos nos comunicar. Seja na sua vida pessoal, acadmica ou profissional, a CNV a linguagem do corao com potencial de revolucionar a sua forma de se relacionar com os outros e consigo mesmo. Neste curso, voc conhecer as bases da CNV, entendendo como ela pode ser uma filosofia de vida e uma tcnica transformadora da sua realidade. Se voc busca uma vida mais plena e feliz, ao mesmo tempo em que quer fazer a diferena no mundo, este curso pode ser o que voc procura. Ele uma porta de entrada para o fascinante mundo da CNV."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Bazele Programarii in C++" |
"Bazele Programarii in C++, este creat special pentru orice persoana care doreste sa invete limbajul C++, pas cu pas, dar are nevoie de o parte solida de notiuni teoretice si aplicatii.Fiecare capitol din acest curs, are o parte teoretica, o mare parte de explicatii oferite direct cod, incepand cu lucrul pe Pseudocod si trecand pas cu pas la lucrul in limbajul C++, un set de probleme de lucru individual si la sfarsitul cursului, 50 de probleme rezolvate.La sfarsitul fiecarui capitol, este un Quiz, avand notiunile cheie din lectiile pe care le cuprinde.Dupa acest curs, fiecare persoana care l-a urmat, este pregatita sa construiasca rezolvarea pentru orice problema din aceste lectii si sa treaca la nivelul urmator, pentru a aprofunda invatarea acestui limbaj."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Programare in C++ pentru clasa a X-a" |
"Prezentul curs de programare in C++ este creat special pentru orice persoana care doreste sa invete limbajul C++, pas cu pas, trecand de la nivelul de incepator la nivelul intermediar, dar are nevoie de o parte solida de notiuni teoretice si aplicatii, in ceea ce priveste lucrul cu fisiere si cu tablouri unidimensionale/bidimensionale.Fiecare capitol din acest curs, are o parte teoretica, o mare parte de explicatii oferite direct pe cod, un set de probleme de lucru individual si la sfarsitul cursului, un set de probleme rezolvate.La sfarsitul fiecarui capitol, este un Quiz, avand notiunile cheie din lectiile pe care le cuprinde.Dupa acest curs, fiecare persoana care l-a urmat, este pregatita sa construiasca rezolvarea pentru orice problema din aceste lectii si sa treaca la nivelul avansat, pentru a aprofunda invatarea limbajului C++."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"ECDL - Modul Internet si Comunicare" |
"Modul Internet si Comunicare aferent probei din cadrul examenului de ECDL este unul din cele sapte module care vor fi disponibile in acest curs, dupa cum urmeaza:Concepte generale ale Tehnologiei InformatiilorUtilizarea computerului si organizarea fiserelorEditare de textCalcul tabelarBaze de datePrezentariInformatie si ComunicareDupa parcurgerea intregului curs, cu toate modulele aferente si dupa testarile disponibile in fiecare din ele, cursantii care l-au finalizat pot aplica la examenul ECDL si au posibilitatea unui rezultat foarte bun. Necesare sunt doar perseverenta si atentia pe durata cursului.Acest modul cuprinde notiunile cheie pentru termenii de mediu online (Internet), respectiv comunicare online (Microsoft Office Outlook).La sfarsitul lectiilor, este disponibil un test asemanator testului de ECDL, aferent acestui modul, notiunile continute fiind prezente in lectiile video, din cele doua capitole. Acest test, are si rezolvarile aferente, astfel incat se poate face verificarea fiecarei grile.Pentru elevii de liceu, este bine de stiut ca permisul ECDL echivaleaza proba Competentelor digitale la Bacalaureat.Atentie! Nu proba de Informatica in cadrul Bacalaureatului, ci Competentele digitale, care se desfasoara inaintea sesiunii de Bacalaureat.Indiferent daca esti elev, student sau o persoana dornica sa se perfectioneze pe aceasta latura, dupa cum bine se stie ca totul va tinde spre lucrul pe calculator, acest curs este recomandat pentru cerinte de nivel incepator-mediu si pentru orice persoana care aplica in vederea obtinerii permisului ECDL.Invatare placuta!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Limbajul SQL si lucrul in Oracle APEX" |
"In cursul prezent Limbajul SQL si lucrul in Oracle APEX, vei porni pe calea invatarii notiunilor aferente bazelor de date, aplicand limbajul SQL. In lucrul cu acest limbaj, vei invata cum sa construiesti tabele pentru o baza de date dorita, sa extragi date de interes din cadrul tabelelor si sa manipulezi baza de date, in functie de cerintele pe care le doresti.Ca si aplicatie de lucru, se va folosi Oracle Application Express (APEX), in care de la crearea celor mai simple rapoarte folosind un tabel sau baza de date, ulterior vei putea crea aplicatii web simple si pana la cele mai complexe platforme web, destinate mai multor utilizatori. Este o aplicatie cu interfata prietenoasa, dar complexa in acelasi timp, cu multe posibilitati de extindere a aplicatiilor curente sau dezvoltarea unor aplicatii noi, ajungand prin cateva click-uri la construirea (fara prea multe notiuni de programare), unor pagini simple web si ajungand cu exercitiu si perseverenta la aplicatii concrete.Avantajele lucrului cu aceasta aplicatie sunt productivitate, scrierea minimala de cod, usor de accesat, flexibil si sigur.La sfarsitul cursului, este prezent un set de interogari, pe o baza de date data, cu rezolvarile aferente si un set de interogari destinate rezolvarii individuale.Fie daca esti in cautarea unui curs de baze de date, sau a unui suport pentru exersarea acestei parti in vederea sustinerii unui interviu de succes, Limbajul SQL si lucrul in Oracle APEX este potrivit ambelor cerinte.Invatare placuta!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Programare in C++ pentru clasa a XI-a (nivel avansat)" |
"Programare in C++ pentru clasa a XI-a (nivel avansat), este creat special pentru orice persoana care doreste sa aprofundeze limbajul C++, pas cu pas, dar are nevoie de o parte solida de notiuni teoretice si aplicatii. Cursul prezent este destinat in principal elevilor de liceu, specializarea Matematica-Informatica, insa acopera partea teoretica si aplicativa necesara oricarei persoane in vederea pregatirii in cadrul facultatii cu profil real sau in vederea angajarii in domeniul IT.Face parte din seria de trei module, care cuprind nivelul de incepator si pana la notiunile necesare pentru nivelul avansat-scoalar, cursul prezent fiind ultimul modul, dupa cursurile Bazele Programarii in C++ si Programare in C++ pentru clasa a X-a.Fiecare capitol din acest curs, are o parte teoretica, o mare parte de explicatii oferite direct cod, si la sfarsitul cursului, un set de probleme de lucru individual si probleme rezolvate.La sfarsitul fiecarui capitol, este un Quiz, avand notiunile cheie din lectiile pe care le cuprinde. Toate testele prezente in curs, se pot verifica prin rezolvarile aferenteDupa acest curs, fiecare persoana care l-a urmat, este pregatita sa construiasca rezolvarea pentru orice problema din aceste lectii si sa poate dezvolta aplicatii concrete in functie de cerintele dorite.Daca esti pasionat de programare si doresti o aprofundare a acestui limbaj, ""Programare in C++ pentru clasa a XI-a (nivel avansat)"" este potrivit pentru tine.Spor la studiu!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Culegere de Informatica clasa a IX-a" |
"In prezenta Culegere de Informatica clasa a IX-a, vei gasi atat probleme rezolvate, cat si probleme propuse pentru rezolvare, incepand cu cele mai simple si pana la cele de nivel avansat, necesare pregatirii eventualelor olimpiade, respectiv concursuri scolare.Cursul de fata contine si un Quiz pentru testarea cunostiintelor, astfel incat se poate verifica nivelul de plecare si cel de finalizare, dupa parcugerea si rezolvarea tuturor problemelor. Aceste teste se pot verifica prin intermediul rezolvarilor disponibile pentru fiecare in parte.Rezolvarea problemelor este recomandat sa se faca atat in Pseudocod, cat si in limbajul C++, pentru o mai buna aprofundare a acestui limbaj, cat si a Pseudocod-ului cu care se incepe in clasa a IX-a si se face verificarea finala in cadrul Examenului de Bacalaureat, la proba de Informatica. In cadrul testarii, o problema cu mai multe cerinte verifica aceste notiuni de plecare din primul an de liceu.Problemele propuse spre rezolvare se vor rezolva pe foaie, corectand apoi cu un compilator online si observand si intelegand greselile efectuate. Dupa o serie de astfel de greseli, cu timpul se vor corecta, iar programul scris si pe foaie va fi corect de la prima incercare de rezolvare. Totul tine de exercitiu si lucru individual. Daca esti in cautarea unui material suport de aplicatii, acesta culegere online este o alegere potrivita.Succes in rezolvarea problemelor aferente!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Culegere de Informatica clasa a X-a" |
"In prezenta culegere de probleme online, vei gasi atat probleme rezolvate, cat si probleme propuse pentru rezolvare, incepand cu cele mai simple si pana la cele de nivel avansat, necesare pregatirii eventualelor olimpiade, respectiv concursuri scolare.Problemele rezolvate au la dispozitie un material video, aferent fiecarei aplicatii in parte.Culegerea contine si teste grila pentru verificarea notiunilor prezente in programa aferenta anului al doilea de studiu al limbajului C++."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Culegere de Informatica clasa a XI-a" |
"In prezenta culegere de probleme online, vei gasi atat probleme rezolvate, cat si probleme propuse pentru rezolvare, incepand cu cele mai simple si pana la cele de nivel avansat, necesare pregatirii eventualelor olimpiade, respectiv concursuri scolare.Problemele rezolvate au la dispozitie un material video, aferent fiecarei aplicatii in parte.Culegerea contine si teste grila pentru verificarea notiunilor prezente in programa aferenta anului al treilea de studiu al limbajului C++."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curs de matematica clasa a IX-a" |
"In prezentul curs cu probleme online de matematica, pentru clasa a IX-a care contine peste 150 de probleme, vei gasi atat probleme rezolvate din materia propusa spre studiu a primului an de liceu, cat si probleme rezolvate, aferente capitolelor care fac parte din programa Examenului de Bacalaureat, incepand cu cele mai simple si pana la cele de nivel avansat.Fiecare capitol contine materiale video, corespunzatoare celor mai importante lectii studiate in acest prim an de liceu.Materialele video curprinse in prezentul curs utilizeaza teoria explicata prin rezolvarea unor probleme de nivel incepator-mediu, regasindu-se insa si probleme cu nivel de dificultate mai mare.In cele 184 de lectii, impartite in sapte mari capitole, se regasesc principalele parti de teorie aferente programei actuale pentru primul an de liceu, profilul Matematica-Informatica. Fiecare parte de teorie este explicata simplu, utilizand exemple pentru o mai buna intelegere, iar dupa fiecare lectie noua, este propusa spre rezolvare individuala si o parte de exercitii.In cazul in care esti interesat de aprofundarea anticipata a materiei din primul an de liceu, daca doresti recapitularea materiei din acest an sau daca doresti accesarea acestui curs in vederea pregatirii pentru sustinerea probei scrise la matematica in cadrul Examenului de Bacalaureat, acest curs iti este potrivit.Mult succes in asimilarea fiecarei parti teoretice din ""Cursul de matematica pentru clasa a IX-a"" si te asteptam si la urmatorul curs din aceasta serie!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |