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"React testing con jest y enzyme" |
"Lleva tus habilidades de desarrollo al siguiente nivel aprendiendo TDD con Jest y Enzyme!Jest es un excelente framework de testing creado por facebook y Enzyme nos entregar herramientas para poder escribir pruebas para nuestras aplicaciones escritas con React.En este curso aprenders a escribir pruebas a:Componentes y sus mtodosContenedores y sus mtodos (o componentes conectados a redux)Action creators y reducersThunksLas funciones mapStateToProps y mapDispatchToPropsPorque deberas aprender a escribir tests?El desarrollo orientado por pruebas te ayudar a escribir un cdigo bastante ms ordenado que es ms fcil de mantener, te alejar de los malos diseos de cdigo y te ahorrar bastante tiempo en el largo plazo con las pruebas automatizadas.TDD es una habilidad indispensable y requerida por los mejores empleadores de todo el mundo, por lo que s buscas poder tener un mejor trabajo, aprender TDD es una excelente alternativa ya que podrs acceder a cargos mejor pagados.Porque tomar este curso?Soy desarrollador de software senior que fue contratado en Nueva Zelanda cuando an me encontraba viviendo en Chile, tengo ms de 5 aos de experiencia como instructor de software y este en mi 8vo curso para Udemy, TDD es una herramienta indispensable si ests pensando en migrar a otro pas, si quieres un mejor puesto de trabajo, mejorar la calidad de tu cdigo o ser ms cotizado en el circulo laboral."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Piano Clssico com Czerny" |
"[This course has ENGLISH SUBTITLES made carefully by its author. We wish you a nice learning experience!]Se voc j pegou algum livro de partituras ou um PDF com partituras escritas, leu e se perguntou como aquilo pode ajudar tanta gente, mesmo parecendo to complicado de ler, voc veio ao lugar certo para conseguir suas respostas!Este curso te trar uma introduo ao mundo da msica clssica, lhe apresentando um material que, de acordo com o mesmo, adotado oficialmente em todos os conservatrios e institutos musicais do pas. Voc aprender os 12 primeiros estudos da ColetneaBrasileira de 60 Pequenos Estudos de Czerny, feita por Barrozo Netto. Este livro est em domnio pblico e estar disponvel para download no curso.Carl Czerny foi um pianista, compositor e professor austraco, aluno de Ludwig Van Beethoven e que ficou notoriamente conhecido por sua vasta obra de didtica musical, com diversos livros voltados ao ensino deste fabuloso instrumento que o piano. Sua metodologia envolve exerccios que desafiam a tcnica sem perder a musicalidade. Sinta-se convidado a mergulhar neste universo e vamos estudar piano![Description in English]If you have already seen a sheet music book or a PDF music score, read it and asked yourself how come that could be so useful to people and musicians out there, even when it looks so complicated to read, you've come to the right place to get your answers! This course will bring you an introduction to the classical music world, using a material that, according to its own description, is the officially adopted one in each and every conservatories and music institutes from Brazil. You will learn the first 12 etudes from the Brazilian Collection of Czerny's 60 Little Studies, published by Barrozo Netto. This book finds itself in public domain and It's available for download within the course.Carl Czerny was an Austrian pianist, composer, teacher and Ludwig Van Beethoven's pupil. He has become notoriously well-known by his gigantic amount of music teaching works, with a great number of books aimed at teaching the fabulous instrument the piano is. His methodology involves exercises capable to challenge the technique without losing the music in it.Feel welcome to dive deeply into this marvelous universe and let's study piano!"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Piano do Zero - Mtodo Simples" |
"Seus dias de no fazer ideia do que tocar no piano acabaram!Este curso abrigar uma coletnea de msicas arranjadas para o piano, em diversos nveis de dificuldade, para que voc possa alavancar seus estudos, independente do nvel musical em que voc se encontra. O curso ser dividido em 3 sesses, cada uma contendo um nvel de dificuldade. O CURSO TER AULAS NOVAS PERIDICAS AT A SUA FINALIZAO.Junte-se nossa turma voc tambm e venha aprender este majestoso instrumento!Cada aula possuir uma msica na seguinte ordem:- Execuo / Performance;- Aula passo a passo com diagramas dinmicos;- Partitura disponvel para download em anexo.[English Description]Your ""I have no idea what to play"" days are gone!This course will host miscellaneous arrangements made for the piano, in all difficulty levels, so that you may push your studies to the next level, no matter how skilled or instructed you are.The course itself is divided in 3 sections, each containing a difficulty level.THE COURSE WILL HAVE PERIODICALLY UPLOADED LESSONS UNTIL ITS CONCLUSION.Join our class and let's start studying this majestic instrument!Each lesson contains a song in the following order:- Performance;- Step-by-step lesson with dynamic diagrams;- Attached sheet music available for download."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Unity & SQLite" |
"Nesse curso, voc aprender a usar SQLite de forma multiplataforma em Unity com incrvel reaproveitamento de cdigo entre diversas plataformas: Windows, UWP, Linux, MacOS, Android e iOS!Voc tambm aprender a criar seu prprio framework de acesso a dados com base no Design Pattern DAO (Data Access Object) que permite separar as responsabilidades das classes de acesso ao banco das classes com tarefas pertinentes ao jogo.Claro, tambm veremos o uso de comandos SQL para SQLite, e abordaremos as principais particularidades das tabelas SQLite como Rowid e ForeignKey, por exemplo, usando o SQLiteStudio para manipular nosso database.Todo o acesso a dados feito de forma nativa em C#, sem uso de frameworks externos ou ORMs de terceiros, permitindo independncia total de cdigos alheios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sermaye Piyasas Aralar, Dzey 2 - SPK & SPF Hazrlk" |
"SPK-SPF Lisanslama Snav Dzey 2 iin deneyimli ve konusunda uzman eitmenler tarafndan hazrlanm bir eitim programdr. Detayl konu anlatmlar ve aklamal soru rnekleri ile zaman ve mekan bamsz olarak aktif bir ekilde hazrlanabilirsiniz. Tm bilgisayar, tablet ve mobil cihazlarnz ile kolayca eriebilir ve izleyebilirsiniz.Bu eitim Sermaye Piyasas Aralar, Dzey 2 bal altnda aadaki konular ierir:PaylarPaya Dntrlebilir, Deitirilebilir TahvilVarantlar ve Yatrm Kuruluu SertifikalarVarla ve potee Dayal Menkul KymetlerGayrimenkul SertifikalarYabanc Sermaye Piyasas Aralar ve Depo Sertifikalar"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Geni Kapsaml Sermaye Piyasas Mevzuat SPK & SPF Hazrlk" |
"SPK-SPF Lisanslama Snav Dzey 2 iin deneyimli ve konusunda uzman eitmenler tarafndan hazrlanm bir eitim programdr. Detayl konu anlatmlar ve aklamal soru rnekleri ile zaman ve mekan bamsz olarak aktif bir ekilde hazrlanabilirsiniz. Tm bilgisayar, tablet ve mobil cihazlarnz ile kolayca eriebilir ve izleyebilirsiniz.Bu eitim Geni Kapsaml Sermaye Piyasas Mevzuat ve Meslek Kurallar bal altnda 3 Blm olarak aadaki konular ierir:Piyasalar, Sermaye Piyasas, 6362 Sayl Sermaye Piyasas KanunuSermaye Piyasas FaaliyetleriSermaye Piyasas ile ilgili Dier Dzenlemeler ve Kavramlar"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Genel Ekonomi - SPK & SPF Hazrlk" |
"SPK-SPF Lisanslama Snav iin deneyimli ve konusunda uzman eitmenler tarafndan hazrlanm bir eitim programdr. Detayl konu anlatmlar ve aklamal soru rnekleri ile zaman ve mekan bamsz olarak aktif bir ekilde hazrlanabilirsiniz. Tm bilgisayar, tablet ve mobil cihazlarnz ile kolayca eriebilir ve izleyebilirsiniz.Bu eitim Geni Kapsaml Sermaye Piyasas Mevzuat ve Meslek Kurallar bal altnda 8 Blm olarak aadaki konular ierir:Genel Ekonomi, Temel KavramlarGirdi, rn, Maliyet KavramlarFayda Analizi, Arz Talep ErileriEsneklik KavramRekabet Asndan Piyasa TrleriSay Yasas, Har, Para PolitikasParaTemel Gstergeler"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Temel Finans Matematii - SPK & SPF Hazrlk" |
"SPK-SPF Lisanslama Snav iin deneyimli ve konusunda uzman eitmenler tarafndan hazrlanm bir eitim programdr. Detayl konu anlatmlar ve aklamal soru rnekleri ile zaman ve mekan bamsz olarak aktif bir ekilde hazrlanabilirsiniz. Tm bilgisayar, tablet ve mobil cihazlarnz ile kolayca eriebilir ve izleyebilirsiniz.Bu eitim Geni Kapsaml Sermaye Piyasas Mevzuat ve Meslek Kurallar bal altnda 8 Blm olarak aadaki konular ierir:Faiz, Parann Zaman Deeri HesaplamalarGetiri ve RiskFayda, Kaytszlk Erileri, Ayrm, VaryansPazar, Pazar ModelleriTemel AnalizSermaye Piyasas Aralarnn Deerlemesi"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Of Course You Can 3!- The Ultimate Web & Video Design Course" |
"In Journey 3 we dive into the deep end of the digital pool, showing you Websites! To be more specific, you will be learning about coding BUT, dont panic, there is method to our madness, and we will take you through the technology step-by-step.Once you understand the roots and foundation of creating websites, we will show you easier ways to create your own web masterpiece with tools like Dreamweaver and Muse and then just to be sure you are super skilled, we will take you for a deeper dive into the world of Content Management Systems where you will build web systems using WordPress. In this space, your websites will evolve along with your needs, your companies and your brand needs.Had enough yet? WELL WE ARE NOT DONE YET!Next up, we show you how to make sure your website gets noticed with tools like Google Analytics and AdWords with a brief overview of E-commerce as well. BUT WAIT theres more (corny infomercial close-up)To end off your Journey we introduce you to the video world with a look at Adobe Premiere Rush for mobile devices and Adobe Premiere and After Effects for desktop And then last but not least, we will close by showing you how to create a cartoon character and give you the ability to control him with Adobe Character Animator.So hold on tight, enjoy the last part of Journey and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Cambia de hbitos: Programa de nutricin online Renuvate" |
"Baja hasta una talla de ropa con Renuvate!Nuestra promesa es simple: podrs bajar hasta una talla de ropa (que equivale entre 2 a 5 kilos) cumpliendo las 2 fases de Renuvate, sin que necesites:Contar caloras todo el daMatarte de hambreO consumir pastillas y productos milagroNada de esto, solo nutricin!Te has dado cuenta que la mayora de los planes para bajar de peso por ah, vienen acompaados por productos supuestamente naturales que son milagrosos? Has notado que te prometen bajar 10 y 12 kilos por 30 das?No solo eso, sino que te piden seguir una dieta, en la que solo tomas agua, atn y lechugas. A veces, esto acaba tan mal, que muchos han terminado con el metabolismo alterado y varios problemas de salud asociados a este desastre S, he dicho desastre!Y es que no hay otro modo de llamarle, porque juegan con tus esperanzas y tu salud, hacindote creer que podrs lograr con un esfuerzo breve, recuperar lo que habas perdido.Te tengo una mala y una buena noticia, la mala es que no hay mtodo breve para recuperar la salud que has perdido ao tras ao de malos hbitos, pero la buena noticia es que puedo ayudarte a dar los primeros pasos hacia un nuevo estilo de vida, en el que podrs:Eliminar grasa corporal y bajar entre 2 y 5 kilos cada vez que apliques el programa (que solo pagars una vez, y tendrs acceso toda tu vida)Fortalecer tu cuerpo con nutrientes de calidad y aumentar tu energa da a daEntender cmo elegir tus alimentos, para regular tus hormonas y mantener bajo control esa ansiedad que muchas veces te ha jugado en contraCmo podrs olvidarte de las dietas y empezar a vivir un estilo de vida saludable? Con Renuvate.En esta versin revisada y optimizada de renuvate, tenemos un nuevo funcionamiento, que har de tu progreso una constante cada da, porque:Ya no contars caloras, sino entenders a tu cuerpo y podrs nutrirlo, cuidarlo y alcanzar tu objetivoPodrs ejecutar el plan, pues lo hemos diseado para que sea fcil para ti y que vayas comprendiendo las bases de una buena alimentacin.Ahora est dividido en 2 fases, una de adaptacin, donde aprenders a sustituir la chatarra y en definitiva no nutritiva, por alimentos que le devuelvan el bienestar a tu cuerpo y la forma a tu cintura (7 das)La segunda fase la hemos potenciado con 10 mens distintos, incluso apto para no carnvoros, esto te dar una libertad y un aprendizaje acelerado para que logres esa meta (23 das)Ahora que tienes toda la informacin, solo hace falta un poco de voluntad y que tomes la decisin, porque realmente solo est en tus manos. Dejar de ser una persona que anhela un cuerpo delgado, y pasar a ser esa persona que quieres ver frente al espejo.Volver a ponerte esa ropa que hace aos no puedes abotonar.Recuperar esa parte de tu autoestima, que va asociada a cmo te sientes con tu propio cuerpo.Empezar un cambio de hbitos y cambiar el destino de tu salud.No hay nada mejor que amarte, sentir amor por las formas de tu cuerpo, por como te ves y esto solo se logra cuando le damos a nuestro cuerpo el amor y el respeto que merece, cuando lo cuidamos sabiamente y eso es Renuvate.Renuvate es el primer paso para aprender a amar tu cuerpo a travs del cuidado de tu salud, que es lo ms valioso que tienes entre manos.Queremos que sepas que, si ests buscando:Dietas relmpagoProductos milagroPastillas que alteren tu metabolismoResultados irresponsables y peligrosos para tu saludRenuvate no es para ti.Renuvate est diseado para aquellos:Se aman a s mismosQue quieren sanar su cuerpo y su relacin con la comidaQue estn buscando la forma definitiva de bajar de peso para siempreQue estn comprometidas con el cuerpo que quieren lograrQue son inteligentes, y no juegan con su salud, sino que entienden que en los cambios reales est el verdadero xitoQuieres dar el primer paso para renovar tu salud y avanzar en tu meta? S la respuesta es s, haz clic el botn comprar y acompame.Es tiempo de comenzar juntos el camino inteligente y definitivo a la prdida de peso."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Estructuras y Modelos Organizacionales" |
"Hey! En este curso aprenders absolutamente todo lo necesario, relevante, y actual sobre Administracin de Empresas.Te servir para tu trabajo actual, futuro, o algn emprendimiento que tengas. Sea una empresa, desde PyMe hasta Corporacin, o sea una ONG o Fundacin.Hablaremos sobre:Cmo funciona una empresa.Cules son las principales Teoras Administrativas actuales y en qu consisten.Las reas y Departamentos que posee una empresa.Cmo funciona la Departamentalizacin.Cmo se gestiona la Estructura Organizacional.De qu va el Gobierno Corporativo y qu entidades le conforman.El Modelo Organizacional LT."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gestin Estratgica del Capital Humano" |
"En este curso aprenders TODO respecto a la gestin de personas, desde los fundamentos de Recursos Humanos hasta las principales tendencias de actualidad.Aprenders sobre Diseo y Desarrollo de Cargos, Reclutamiento, Seleccin, Induccin, Cultura y Clima Organizacional, Evaluacin de Personal, Formacin y Capacitacin, Coaching, Burnout, Compensaciones y Remuneraciones, Sanciones y Retiros, Gerencia de RRHH, Gestin de Pasantes o Prcticas Profesionales, Consultores, Freelancers, Anlisis de Hojas de Vida, Diseo de un Plan de Personal, y mucho ms!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Designing Vector Based Characters in Moho Pro" |
"While Moho is known for animation, it has a wide range of vector design tools that can be useful for creating artwork. Vectors are nice due to their flexibility with animation and inability to degrade in quality when blowing up the design. Moho can design still art or complex objects and characters for animation. In this course you will learn all about designing a character for animation in Moho, including:Importing a sketchThe Add Point Tool to morph and shape various partsThe Curvature tool for creating nice curves and bendsBuilding a head, hair, body, limbs and moreApplying line details to maximize appealApplying shades and highlights to breathe life into the rigBuilding and masking eyes and mouth for easy animation later onOther tips and tricks to help you succeed in designing characters in Moho Pro"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rigging and Animating Vectors in Moho Pro" |
"With Moho Pro, you can animate vector based characters in a variety of ways. This course aims to teach the basics of rigging vector characters using a combination of layer and point binding. Along the way you will also learn how to:Properly create a bone structure capable of complex actions like clothing and hair movementsAnimate using bones and layer toolsCorrect animations with Smart BonesCreate an interpolated mouth that animates between posesAssign Smart Bones as dials for basic functions like blinking eyesAnimate head turns with help from a Smart Warp MeshUse target bones for anchoring in parts of the rigOther techniques to help with polishing and refining animations"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Designing Image Backgrounds in Moho Pro" |
"There are a number of ways you can work with images in Moho to get the most out of your style and workflow. This course aims to teach three variations of how you could put together a background using images in Moho: A textured 3D set, a condensed set using a 2.5D space and a rendered background using Photoshop's effects."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Cute Characters in Procreate" |
"Ready to draw cute cartoon characters?That's what this course is all about! Throughout the lessons you will learn basic drawing skills, what to look out for when drawing cute characters, and how Procreate can benefit you in any design project. You will draw two cute characters from scratch in this course!More specifically we will break all these items down so it's easier for you to take in:We will begin with a quick overview of Procreate. While Procreate isn't a requirement for this course, it is the app we will be using for demonstration. Then we will give you some basic drawing tips to help break through biases that can occur in the development process. After that, it's all about cute theory. Here you will learn the basics needed to build up cute, attractive characters. We will then move to sketching, refining, inking, coloring and shading two main character projects. You will learn different methods to approach these tasks.We will focus on background design to help give the characters more life.Then we we will export out both drawings for the world to see!By the time you finish this course you should have basic knowledge and tools needed to build up your own cute characters!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Designing Animatable PSD Characters in Procreate" |
"Are you ready to build your own character that can be imported into Moho, Animate CC, Character Animator and more? Then this is the course for you! By using Procreate, a design app for the iPad, we will create a separated and properly structured character which can easily be taken to the next step for animation. Don't have Procreate? Don't worry! You can still follow along with your design app of choice!More specifically you will learn how to:Navigate Procreate and utilize popular featuresSketch a characterRefine a sketch for proper shapes and dimensionsSet up proper layer order for rigging and animatingInk the sketchColor the sketchShade and highlight the sketchCreate eight mouth poses for lip syncingSketch out two addition head poses to set you up for creating head turnsExport the file from Procreate to a PSD for animation"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Rigging and Animating Cartoons with Duik and Joysticks" |
"In this course you will learn all about the process of rigging and animating a 2D cartoon character using Duik and Joysticks 'n Sliders. These two plugins are available for After Effects, which is were the bulk of the work for this course will take place. More specifically in this course you will learn how to:Assemble as PSD for layer riggingProperly import elements and set up compsBuild skeletons, auto-rig, and link layers togetherAssemble and rig a Pin-bone based characterLearn how to adjust common animation settings with the Duik panelCreate motion controls with JoysticksCreate reusable actions, such as blinking eyes, with slidersCreate head turns, hand poses and mouth phonemes using Swap TemplatesCreate reusable actions through the Duik panelCreate a jump animation and place it into a scene to test the rig"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Designing Bitmap Characters in Moho 13" |
"With Moho 13 you can design full raster image characters using a brush, paint bucket and eraser tool. This opens up new workflow possibilities, giving you the ability to use Moho as a true all in one app when it comes to design and animation.In this course you will get a crash course with these tools as we design a character from sketch to final inked product. Along the way we will set the character up so that it can be rigged, if you wish to do so.The topics you will learn includes:Sketching from a referenceInking nice bold linesApplying flat colorsMasking the EyesShadingHighlightingProper Layer Hierarchy to make the character rig-ready"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Designing Cartoon Characters in Adobe Animate" |
"Learn how to use Animate's vector based tools to design, fill and polish your own character while applying proper layer hierarchy. This character design can then be taken further for rigging and animation, if you desire. The following topics we will cover include:Using the various vector tools in AnimateWorking with beziers, points and bendable linesInking a full character from an existing sketchFilling in objects using the Paint Bucket's various featuresShading and Highlighting with the BrushMasking eyes and mouthProper layer organization for easier riggingOther tips and tricks for designing cartoon characters"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Building Reusable Character Actions in Moho Pro 13" |
"Moho's robust bone system is great for creating quick, eye pleasing animations. And with the Actions panel, you can save, edit and reuse these actions at any time. You can even transfer the animation to other rigs with a similar makeup. This process is great for larger projects with reusable actions or multi-episode series that rely on the same actions.In this course you will learn how to set up the three main action types: Smart, Morph and Regular. In addition, we will go over various tips and tricks to ensure your workflow is being maximized with this feature.This also acts as a crash course in character animation as we will be applying anticipation, follow-through, and other animation principles to help solidify our library.More specifically in this course you will learn:How to create the three action types: Morph, Regular and SmartEnhance rigs further with additional Smart DialsThe differences between Copies and ReferencesThe importance of grouping and action organizationBuild an actions library which can be used for multiple projects and rigsBuild up isolated one step actions which can be linked together with others to create unique animationsSetup robust motions such as a walk cycles and learn what it takes to create eye catching resultsCreate an action dial that acts as an alternative to the Actions PanelImport and export actions from and to Moho documents"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"sinumerik shopturn ve program guide ile cnc programlama" |
"sinumerik shopturn ve program guide ile cnc programlama ile cnc siemens tezgahlarnda programlama yapabilirsiniz.sinumerik siemens tezgahlar piyasada cok yaygn bulunan kontrol unteleridir.ama piyasada kullancs az oldugundan dolay operator bulmak zordur.bunun cn bu kontrol panelini kullanan operator yuksek maasla bu s yapablr bu eitim setinde ayrca cam yapmayda ogreneceksiniz.sinumerik shopturn ve program guide ile cnc programlama ile cnc siemens tezgahlarnda programlama yapabilirsiniz.sinumerik siemens tezgahlar piyasada cok yaygn bulunan kontrol unteleridir.ama piyasada kullancs az oldugundan dolay operator bulmak zordur.bunun cn bu kontrol panelini kullanan operator yuksek maasla bu s yapablr bu eitim setinde ayrca cam yapmayda ogreneceksiniz."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack The Complete Express.js Course 2019" |
"ExpressFast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework forNode.jsWeb ApplicationsExpress is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.APIsWith a myriad of HTTP utility methods and middleware at your disposal, creating a robust API is quick and easy.PerformanceExpress provides a thin layer of fundamental web application features, without obscuring Node.js features that you know and love.FrameworksManypopular frameworksare based on Express."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Create MVC For PHP &PHP 7 Using ( Router Technique )" |
"In the context of a server-side web application, a routing system is the part of the web application that maps an HTTP request to a request handler (function/method). An HTTP request consists of a header and optionally a body. The header contains information about the request for example the method, path and host. Some methods like GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS do not make use of the request body while others like POST, PUT, and PATCH use it to pass data from a client to a server.Using a routing system allows us to structure our application in a better way instead of designating each request to a file.A routing system works by mapping an HTTP request to a request handler based on the request method and path specified in the URL of the request. This is exactly what we are going to build in this tutorial.equirements.You need PHP version 5 or higher running on your development machine.Basic PHP knowledge including familiarity with PHP global variables.An understanding of object oriented PHP.Disclaimer.This router will only handle GET and POST requests.I am not going to use fancy tools and libraries. No composer, no autoloading. I want to keep focus on the concept.Unit testing is great but I am not going to do it, for the purpose of keeping this tutorial short. (Sorry good developers)The code I am going to write is not production ready code.Router FeaturesHTTP methodsDynamic routing with (named) route parametersFlexible regular expression routing, inspired by SinatraReversed routingCustom regexesUsing RouterTo use AltoRouter in your project you need a web server running PHP 5.3 or newer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn USB Library and Interfacing With Pic Microcontroller" |
"Universal Serial Bus, or USB, is a very common method of communication between electronic devices. USB is universal, meaning that it's standard across all electronic devices, serial, meaning that data is transmitted on only one data line one bit at a time, and is a bus, meaning that all devices are connected through the same parallel electronic wires and therefore require addresses. A simple USB connection requires a host and a device. The host initiates all communication, assigns device addresses, and controls the flow of the data line in the connection. For our purposes, the USB host will be the PC and the USB device will be a PIC chip.There are many different speeds associated with USB. USB 1.0 introduced data rates of 1.5 Mbits/s (Low-Speed) and 12 Mbits/s (Full-Speed). With USB 2.0 and 3.0, data rates of 480 Mbits/s (Hi-Speed) and 5 Gbits/s (Super-Speed), were added respectively. PIC chips have hardware capable of full speed USB.HardwareA USB cable has 4 wires: power (red), ground (black), D+ (green), and D- (white). You may notice that many USB plugs and receptacles have 5 pins. This fifth pin is called ID, and is often not connected, but has been added to the specifications for use with USB-OTG, or On-The-Go. OTG allows devices to also act as a host. Many PIC chips are compatible with USB-OTG communication, but we will not discuss this topic any further at this point.The two data lines, D+ and D-, provide information about the state of the USB link.Detached State, or SE0 - device is unplugged, both data lines are low, pulled down by 15 kOhm resistors within the host hardware.Attached State, Idle State, or J State - the device pulls up the D+ line (for a high-speed device) when it is attached.K State - opposite polarity from J State. To communicate, the host or device alternates the device between the J and K states in specific patterns.Illegal State, or SE1 - both data lines are high. If this happens, there is a hardware problem with the USB link."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Keypad Library Interfacing With PIC Microcontroller" |
"Keypad LibraryThe mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library for working with 4x4 keypad. The library routines can also be used with 4x1, 4x2, or 4x3 keypad. For connections explanation see schematic at the bottom of this page.External dependencies of Keypad LibraryThe following variable must be defined in all projects using Keypad Library:Description :Example :extern sfr char keypadPort;Keypad Port.char keypadPort at PORTD;Library RoutinesKeypad_InitKeypad_Key_PressKeypad_Key_Click"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Programming a Freelancer Website Using PHP" |
"How To Programming a Freelancer Website Using PHPmake a freelancer website from scratch and make money from this websiteLearn How To make Login System Learn How To make Regisre SystemLearn How To make Payment System Learn How To make Service SystemLearn How To make Admin System Learn How To make Manager Systemand More"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Environmental Chemistry 15+hours of lectures" |
"This Environmental Online Course is recommended for students learning faculty of science (chemistry, physics, biology) or chemical engineering, or interested in environmental chemistry.This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to our contemporary environmental challenges in a chemical perspective. Central themes are the interaction between life and the environment, energy and energy consumption, air pollution and their effects, water and water pollution, soil pollution, and environmental organic chemistry.The course provides an understanding of how: knowledge of chemistry is used to understand how pollutants are transported and accumulate in the environment pollution affects the environment our demand for energy is an important driver for our local, regional and global environmental problems knowledge of chemistry can be used to solve environmental problems conditions in the watershed and climate affect water quality"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Interactive Plotly & Dash Dashboards with Data Science" |
"This course is going to build off the creations of dashboard components, every lesson and dashboard developed is new & never before seen as you enforce the fundamentals to dashboard creation and build off them until you are a pro at telling a story with data. This isn't the basic static show a graph course as our main focus is interactivity and making out dashboards update with our client's parameters in real-time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |