Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Limits and Continuity: Calculus" |
"Our course teaches you what you need to know about limits and continuity for Calculus I. John (our head instructor) gives you the intuition behind the ideas as well as problem solving strategies. Our course is meant to give you what you need in an understandable and efficient way. Core concepts are listed as GID videos (Get It Done) and additional topics such are given as MADvideos (Mastering All of the Details). Our class is aimed at the college level and AP high school (in the US) and covers the topics of Limits (without L'Hopital's Rule as that requires derivatives) and Continuity. Anyone interest in Calculus, however, can benefit!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GRE Probability" |
"This course focuses on teaching you what you need to master probability problems on the GRE. Focus and attention has been given to look at those ideas from probability that are the most useful on the GRE. John's in-person class lectures are combined with one-on-one footage and supplemented by Leah's videos to bring the most efficient coverage possible for tackling probability on the GRE. This courses focuses on:1) The Multiplication Rule2) Permutations3) Combinations4)Basic Probability5)Conditional Probability6) Independent and Dependent Events7) A Brief Introduction to Random Variables8)The Binomial Distribution (without the formula)9) The Uniform DistributionTopics not covered:1) Mean, median, mode2)Variance and Standard Deviation3) The Normal DistributionThese topics are treated are lumped in with ""statistics"" in our courses."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Italienischkurs, Niveau 1" |
"Willkommen zu diesem ItalienischkursDie Stze, die Dialoge und die Wrter, die ich in diesem Kurs verwende, sind ntzliche Stze, die Wrter einer Hufigkeitsliste, dh die Liste der am hufigsten verwendeten Wrter.Ich habe den Kurs wie folgt aufgebaut:KommunikationsunterrichteWortschatzunterrichteGrammatikunterrichteDie Grammatik Regeln sind klar und auf einfache Weise mit Beispielen erklrt.Die bungen sind hauptschlich aktive bersetzung (deutsch - italienisch)Wenn du zu viele Fehler machst, solltest du die bung wiederholenBuono studio!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Corso completo di Spagnolo per italiani (primo livello)" |
"Benvenuti in questo corso di spagnolo per parlanti di italiano (primo livello)Ho creato questo corso pensando a 3 cose fondamentali:1. Le frasi, i dialoghi e le parole che utilizzo in questo corso sono frasi utili, sono le parole di un elenco di frequenze, ovvero l'elenco delle parole pi comunemente utilizzate in una lingua in ordine di frequenza.2. Ho strutturato questo corso in 3 diversi tipi di lezioni:lezioni di comunicazione,lezioni di vocabolario elezioni di grammatica ,Le regole grammaticali sono chiare e spiegate in modo semplice con esempi ed esercizi chiari.Tuttavia, questo un corso di base generale, non un corso di grammatica avanzata, pertanto alcune regole grammaticali potrebbero essere incomplete. Spiegher alcuni aspetti grammaticali meno comuni nei corsi successivi.3. Gli esercizi sono per lo pi traduzione attiva, ovvero traduzione italiano - spagnolo, dir le frasi in italiano e dovrai tradurle in spagnolo.Puoi vedere le frasi sullo schermo solo dopo aver pronunciato le frasi ad alta voce in italiano,Quello che consiglio di notare gli errori che fai e se in un esercizio hai fatto troppi errori, ti consiglio di farlo di nuovo.Questo tipo di esercizio ha molti vantaggi: molto utile per il cervello e lo aiuta ad essere veloce nella lingua attiva, noterai immediatamente le diverse strutture esistenti in italiano e spagnolo, riduce i tempi di decodifica linguistica, ti d una risposta immediata riguardo i tuoi progressi e aumenta la motivazione. Puoi ascoltare l'audio di questi esercizi in tempi morti: in auto, all'ufficio postale o semplicemente quando vai a fare una passeggiata, lo faccio sempre quando imparo una nuova lingua."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Detayl Microsoft SQL Server ile Veri Taban Ynetimi" |
"Veri taban programlama konusunda Ms-sql server hakknda detayl olarak bir ierik hazrlamaktaym bu konular hakknda merakl olan arkadalarn ilerine yarayacana inanyorum. Bu ierik ierisinde konular detayl olarak ele alp rnekler ile pekitireceiz ve rnek olarak bir ka tane veri taban tasarm yapacaz Youn i Srecim nedeni ile konularmza her hafta yeni video Takviyesi yapacaz. u anki videolar ile bir veri tabannn yedekleme ve bakm srelerini rahatlkla idare edebilirsiniz. Konularmz Ksm Ksm Derinlemesine ele alacaz kesinlikle.Bu konular ile alakal olarak sorularnz en hzl srede cevaplayacam ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como criar um curso de sucesso na Udemy - Unofficial" |
"""Este curso no patrocinado por ou afiliado Udemy, Inc.""Aprenda a criar um curso de sucesso na Udemy do Absoluto 0: um curso de qualidade com muitas vendas, alunos e avaliaes.Se voc sempre quis criar um curso na Udemy ou em qualquer outra plataforma, mas no sabe o que ensinar, como ensinar, como gravar, editar, vender e muitas outras habilidades, esse curso vai te ensinar passo a passo como criar um curso que te traga satisfao pessoal e financeira.Mas no apenas isso, ele vai te ajudar a alavancar seu negcio com cursos online ou mesmo a criar todo um negcio baseado em cursos online.Esse curso tem como objetivo te levar a ter uma estabilidade financeira, a qualidade de vida que voc almeja, exposio pessoal, reconhecimento, autoridade e muito mais.Minha meta que sua vida seja transformada com cursos online assim como a minha vida foi.O que voc aprender nesse curso:- Avaliar as plataformas para cursos online e saber se a Udemy a melhor opo;- Criar seu curso de maneira fcil passo a passo;- Construir um negcio ou alavancar seu negcio com cursos online;- Promover e vender seu curso de maneira efetiva;- Criar um negcio com seus cursos online que seja mais de acordo com seu estilo de vida;- Vencer o medo e a paralisia de criar cursos online;- Saber o que voc deve criar para ter mais vendas;- Usar tcnicas de SEO para dar destaque ao seu curso na plataforma da Udemy;- Mentalidade para estar sempre crescendo na plataforma e em seus negcios;- Muitas formas de dar destaque ao seu curso;- Criar renda passiva;- Maneiras de engajar e interagir com seus alunos."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Canva Design para Empreendedores Ocupados" |
"No curso Canva Design para Empreendedores Ocupados voc vai aprender a criar Designs Profissionais e Lindos com o Canva, uma plataforma fcil e gratuita. Voc aprender a criar materiais profissionais para sua empresa ou para vender e ganhar dinheiro com eles. So materiais como: logotipos, posts para redes sociais, mdias kits, capas para e-books, apresentaes, propostas comerciais, mockups.Mais muito mais do que isso. Voc aprender a usar e aplicar conceitos de design e de marketing para fazer com que suas ideias chamem a ateno e vendam muito mais.Tambm aprender estratgias para ganhar dinheiro com seus designs no Canva. Essas estratgias podem ser aplicadas de modo imediato.Como profissional de publicidade e marketing eu convivi com muitos criativos durante 20 anos e desenvolvi olhar apurado para designs profissionais e de qualidade, mas eu no era a pessoa que fazia as criaes.Somente quando tive minha empresa, eu precisei criar designs para meu negcio e para meus clientes.A questo que contratar designers profissionais era muito caro e aprender programas complexos e caros estava fora do que eu precisava: algo que fosse efetivo, fcil, rpido e gratuito.Usando o Canva eu consegui criar designs profissionais e que chamassem a ateno para meu negcio e para o negcio dos meus clientes de modo muito fcil, rpido e gratuito.Se voc tambm precisa criar materiais lindos, profissionais e vendam suas ideias de modo fcil, esse curso para voc!Veja o que voc obter nesse curso:20 Princpios Gerais de Design profissionais;Consistncia de Branding;Aprender a criar logotipos, posts para redes sociais, apresentaes, propostas comerciais, mdias kits, capas para e-books, mockups;Aprender a como vender seu trabalho de design no Canva e ganhar dinheiro com ele de diversas formas;Acesso a um e-book com milhares de recursos de designs como: bancos de imagens gratuitas e pagas, fontes, cores, sites para vender seus designs e muito mais.Obtenha um certificado de concluso quando voc terminar o curso!INSCREVA-SE AGORA!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Projetos com o Trello" |
"O Trello um software de gesto de projetos gratuito e muito poderoso.Ele a ferramenta essencial para todas as pessoas que querem planejar, organizar e gerenciar projetos pessoais e profissionais de forma rpida e eficiente.Meu objetivo com esse curso te ajudar a usar o Trello para alcanar seus objetivos de maneira fcil e assertiva.Esse curso voltado para todas as pessoas que querem:Aprender a usar o Trello;Planejar, Organizar e Alcanar Metas, mas precisam da ajuda de uma ferramenta;Organizar projetos pessoais e profissionais junto com um time ou mesmo sozinho;Ter uma ferramenta de comunicao poderosa para terceirizar e gerenciar atividades;Ter uma ferramenta e espao gratuito para gerenciar projetos com clientes (pedidos e entregas);Usar uma ferramenta que ajude na automao de atividades corriqueiras;Exemplos de projetos que podem ser criados e gerenciados no Trello: Resolues de Ano Novo, Casamentos, Posts para Blog e redes sociais, Calendrio de Planejamento de Contedo, Lanamento de Produtos, Planejamento de Viagens, Organizao da Casa, Contedos para YouTube, Lanamento de Startups, Planejamento de aulas e cursos, Gerenciamento de Campanhas de Marketing, Implementao de softwares e muito mais.O curso prtico e objetivo. Ao trmino voc ser capaz de criar e gerenciar projetos de maneira fcil e alcanar suas metas de forma divertida e eficiente."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Easy Cartoon Backgrounds for Animation" |
"Learn everything you need to draw cartoon backgrounds for animation, like the ones you see in TV shows like Dexter's Lab, Farily Odd Parents and My Little Pony, all by using the mouse and the free program Inkscape instead of pencil and paper, or digital tablets.First you'll learn Inkscape for illustration, we'll take a complete and in depth view at the program and by the end of the first unit, you'll be able to draw not just what will be in this course, but anything you want!.The we'll delve fully into the background illustration where you'll learn the methods and techniques to draw any type of background, all by drawing the most common type of elements you'll encounter in a common exterior background, like trees, bushes, skies, etc. And we'll finish the unit with a lesson on the techniques to build nice looking backgrounds by using basic composition principles.The final unit we'll apply everything you learned by drawing the background you've been seeing in the promo. There's a commented, sped up version, where i show you my thought process as well as some tips and techniques, and a REAL TIME uncommented version, so you can better follow along. No previous artistic experience needed!. No previous vector software experience needed!. No tablet needed!.NOTE: The characters in the promo are there only as an example for the composition, they are not show how to draw them in this course, if you want to learn how to draw them you can check my course: Easy Character Design Using Inkscape."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cartoon Character Design for Animation" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need, from the ground up, to create the type of cartoon characters you see in modern tv shows like Dexter's Lab, Fairly Odd Parents and My Little Pony. All by using the free, open source program Inkscape, and the mouse.First you'll learn Inkscape for illustration, we'll take a complete and in depth view at the program and by the end of the first unit, you'll be able to draw not just what will be in this course, but anything you want!.Then we'll delve into the character design part of the course with the head. You'll learn to draw the most common head features you see in cartoon shows in step by step lessons, and to finish the unit, you'll apply the principles of character design to be able to build nice looking heads always.Next will be the body unit, where you'll learn to draw any type of cartoon body, as well as the best methods and techniques so you can create any character easily by taking advantage of the features of Inkscape.And finally you'll learn how to make the characters nice looking by applying line, color and light and shadows.All the while you'll be learning the principles of character design as well as how to apply them practically by making five different characters, all in step by step, commented, real time videos.No previous artistic experience needed!. No previous vector software experience needed!. No drawing tablet needed!."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make the Game Art of Your Tetris Game" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need to create your own tetris inspired puzzle game's game art, using the free program Inkscape. I'll show you, in step by step lessons, how to create the different components that makes up the most common styles you see in this type of games all the time and by the end of the course we'll apply everything with a full tetris clone mockup image.So if you're a programmer interested in game art, or maybe a beginner artist who want to learn the basics of game art, then this course may be for you.Note: This course won't be dealing with Inkscape, however we won't deal with advanced features plus i made sure to go over everything step by step so nobody gets lost. So if you're a beginner with Inkscape you can still take the course!."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de Personajes para Animacin" |
"En este curso vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas, desde cero, para crear el tipo de dibujos animados que ves en shows de tv modernos como El Laboratorio de Dexter, Los Padrinos Mgicos y Mi Pequeo Poni. Y todo usuando el programa de fuente abierta gratuito, Inkscape, y el ratn.Primero vas a aprender los fundamentos de Inkscape, aprendiendo lo bsico de la ilustracion vectorial y los fundamentos para dibujar, no solo dibujos animados, sino cualquier cosa que te imagines.Despues, vamos a empezar con la parte del diseo de personajes del curso, aprendiendo a dibujar la cabeza. Vas a aprender a dibujar los tipos mas comunes de cabezas y rasgos que ves en los shows en lecciones paso a paso, y para terminar la unidad, vas a aplicar los principios de diseo de personaje para ser capaz de dibujar cabezas atractivas siempre.Despues, seguimos con la unidad del cuerpo, en donde vas a aprender las tcnicas y metodos para dibujar los arquetipos mas comunes de cuerpo que vas a encontrar en este estilo, aprovechando las caractersticas del programa. En esta unidad vamos a empezar a dibujar cinco personajes que usan estos arquetipos.Y finalmente vamos a terminar este curso, aprendiendo como hacer tus personajes atractivos agregndole luz y sombra, color y linea.Y mientras estas aprendiendo los principios del diseo de personajes, vamos a aplicarlos practicamente haciendo estos cinco personajes, todo en lecciones paso a paso, en tiempo real y comentadas.Debido a que estamos trabajando usando un mtodo bastante nico, no va a ser necesario ninguna experiencia artstica previa, ninguna experiencia con software vectorial o tableta de dibujo!.NOTA: El fondo que has estado viendo no se va a ensear en este curso, esta ahi solo para demostrar los personajes mejor. Si estas interesado en aprender a dibujar fondos para animacin, chequea mi curso Diseo de Fondos para Animacin Usando Inkscape, en el cual vas a aprender a dibujar este mismo fondo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make the Game Art for Your 2d Platformer" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need to know to create the game art for your 2d platformer. And all by using the fantastic free, open source vector illustration software Inkscape. We'll be using vector graphics and the mouse (no need for tablets) to create beautiful, HD graphics, in the style that you often see in many modern, 2d cartoony cellphone games but also in some PC games as well.But the great thing is that you don't have to be an artist to take this course!. We'll start from the ground up, with a mini-course on how to use the program (Inkscape) for illustration, then we'll delve into more specific game art techniques, finally we'll start making the assets of our 2d platformer one by one, ranging from items to game characters. And once we have everything we need, we'll assemble everything into a mockup illustration (a fake screenshot). Here are a few of the things this course deals with:Designing and drawing attractive assets for a 2d platformer using vectorsInkscape for illustrationTools, methods and techniques for game art and general vector illustrationBasic character designBasic background designWorking with tileable assets in InkscapeSo, if you want to make a game but you aren't an artist, this course may just be for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"zel Ders Formatnda A'dan Z'ye Fitness Eitim/Program Seti" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde kalori hesabn , supplement kullanmn , balang-orta-ileri seviye fitness antrenmanlarn , kardiyo eitlerini ve uygulamalarn , kilo almak ve kilo vermek iin nasl diyet yaplacan reneceksiniz. Kadnlara zel ekipmansz bacak-kala ve bel-karn sklatrma idmanlarn sizlerle paylaacaz. Amacmz kimseye ihtiya duymadan sizi tek banza idman ve diyet yapabilecek konuma getirmektir. Fitness size gzel bir fiziin yannda yksek z gven ve salkl bir yaam sunacaktr. Unutmayalm arkadalar beraber yaamak zorunda olduumuz tek ey vcudumuzdur.Arkadalar sorularnz,taleplerinizi ve geri dnlerinizi bekliyoruz.Sizin dnceleriniz ve grleriniz bizler iin ok nemli bir motivasyon kaynadr. Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Kalori Hesab Nedir,Nasl Yaplr?Supplementler Nelerdir,Nasl Kullanlrlar?Kardiyo Nedir,Nasl Yaplr?Kilo Almak in Diyet Nasl Yaplr?Kilo Almak in Supplement KombinasyonlarKilo Almak in rnek Diyet ProgramKilo Vermek in Diyet Nasl Yaplr?Kilo Vermek in Supplement KombinasyonlarKilo Vermek in rnek Diyet ProgramBalang Seviyesi dman ProgramOrta Seviye dman Programleri Seviye dman ProgramKadnlara zel Ekipmansz Bacak Ve Kala Sklatrma dmanKadnlara zel Ekipmansz Bel Ve Karn Sklatrma dman"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Day Trading options: Momentum strategy part 2!" |
"welcome back! If you have taken our options course then this is for you. Part 2 as we take a deep dive into more strategies! We also trade live with the info you learned! Take the next step on your day trading by taking this course! we talk indicators, level 2, futures, using twitter, the laddering strategy. Narrated by our CEO carlos and CIO Anthony. we highly recommend you to take our part 1 course the momentum strategy before you take this course! we hope you enjoy! feel free to leave us any feedback!! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to buy bitcoin" |
"This course is a benefit to anyone interested in buying cryptocurrency and learning about important concepts and investment strategies along the way. This course will be updated regularly when new and improved ways of buying and strategizing are introduced. Please read the lecture titles first to see if this course will benefit you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sonhos Lcidos - O Despertar de uma Nova Conscincia" |
"99% de toda a humanidade acreditam que os sonhos no passam de fantasias. Elas acreditam que essas imagens em movimento no passam de devaneios do Subconsciente. Alguns at acreditam que so privadas de sonhos e que sonhos privilgios dos desocupados. Mal sabem que sonhamos todas as vezes que dormimos. Podemos olhar para Carl Jung que escreveu vrios livros falando da importncia dos sonhos. Vrios outros cientistas, que fizeram estudos baseado no experimento, dizem que, alm de sonharmos todas as vezes que dormimos, os sonhos tem um papel fundamental em nossas vidas. Eu acredito que ns podemos tirar proveito das mensagens entregues pelo nosso Subconsciente. Ns poderemos aproveitar desse momento para Evoluir Espiritual, Emocional, Pessoal e Profissionalmente. Menos de 1% de toda a humanidade esto tendo experincias com sonhos lcidos. Lucidez nos sonhos quer dizer que estamos despertando para uma nova Conscincia. A capacidade de lembrar dos sonhos inerente a todos os Seres Humanos, mas nem todos os Seres Humanos tem conscincia desta capacidade. Se olharmos para a histria vamos observar alguns gnios, personagens bblicos, cientistas e infinitos outros que utilizaram dos sonhos para mudar uma gerao. Chegou a hora de voc, caso queira Expandir a sua Conscincia, valorizar cada mensagem que chega na sua Mente enquanto dorme. Utilize esse seu poder para dar o to sonhado Salto Quntico na sua vida. Quando voc tem experincias lcidas com sonhos, voc experimenta o que h de mais fantstico. Voc simplesmente se liberta do que limitado e passa a desfrutar do que ilimitado. Quando voc desperta para uma Nova Conscincia, voc descobre que um ser Ilimitado, Poderoso, Co-Criador, ou seja, um Ser Divino que pode alcanar aquilo que aos seus olhos impossvel. ""Acordar"" nos sonhos sair do Piloto Automtico e tomar as rdeas da vida. Quando voc ""desperta"" nos sonhos, voc literalmente acorda para a realidade.Sonhos Lcidos vai alm da conpreenso racional e por isso voc precisa experienciar para saber o quo magnfico os sonhos so. Essa prtica no simplesmente se lembrar do que sonhou, muito mais do que isso, voc, alm de despertar dentro dos sonhos, decidir o rumo que os sonhos tomaro. FAA PARTE DESTES 1% QUE ESTO DESPERTOS. Sonhe ""acordado"" e acorde desperto. D um salto quntico na sua vida. Um alerta, ESTA UMA PRTICA ESPIRITUAL. Eu digo espiritual porque foge da compreeso da matria. Ento, se voc acredita que est preparado(a) para essa viagem dos seus sonhos, chegou a hora. Este projeto composto de Exerccios, Ondas Isocrnicas, Solfeggios e Efeitos Sonoros. Estas Ondas Cerebrais tem uma frequncia especfica que ir colocar voc em um estado de conscincia plena dentro dos sonhos.Veja alguns benefcios que voc poder obter com o Projeto ""Sonhos Lcidos"":Sair do Piloto Automtico e ter total controle da realidade;Expandir a Conscincia com mais rapidez;Dar um Salto Quntico;Evoluir Espiritualmente;Evoluir Pessoalmente;Evoluir Profissionalmente;Evoluir Emocionalmente;Ter mais facilidade na Projeo Astral;Ter contato com Guias Espirituais;Lembrar dos Sonhos em quase todos os sonos;Auto-Conhecimento;E infinitos outros benefcios.A prtica dos Sonhos Lcidos, assim como outro projeto com Ondas Cerebrais e Solfeggios, tem durao de 27 dias. Enquanto que as Ondas Isocrnicas ir colocar voc em um Estado de Conscincia, os Solfeggios ir atuar no seu mais profundo Ser, trazendo cura, libertao, expanso da conscincia e elevao da energia vibracional. Aqui ns unimos a Cincia com a Espiritualidade. Se voc ainda no acredita que tudo possvel, a experincia com Sonhos Lcidos vai lhe provar que sim, possvel. Voc vai ter acesso a informaes que antes voc no tinha. Ter a capacidade de resolver problemas que antes pareciam insolucionveis. Acredite, o Milagre est apenas comeando.""H mais mistrios entre o cu e a terra do que a v filosofia dos homens possa imaginar."" (William Shakespeare)Te vejo em breve!Um Pouco sobre o Evandro Angotti:Antes de falar sobre mim, eu quero deixar claro que, o meu nico e real intuito ajudar pessoas. Hoje pude acordar e ter a felicidade em saber que estou, com este Projeto maravilhoso, em 23 pases. Eu no poderia ir to longe se no fosse voc. Ento, fique aqui registrado a minha gratido pela sua vida. Eu desejo que o Universo lhe conceda tudo o que voc deseja para sua vida. Que voc alcance todos os seus objetivos. Voc tem a liberdade de entrar em contato comigo QUANTAS VEZES achar necessrio.Eu conto com mais de 10 anos de experincia em Programao Neuro-Lingustica, Ondas Isocrnicas, Binaurais e Solfeggios, Fsica Quntica (Lei da Atrao) e Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Espiritual. J ajudei e continuo ajudando milhares de pessoas, agora ao redor do mundo. Me sinto realizado. Acredito que o meu propsito de vida est se concretizando a medida que eu vejo, pessoas como voc, alcanarem seus objetivos. Para mim, de nada valeria, se isso no acontecer, de nada vale se voc no alcanar seu objetivo.E por fim, preste bem ateno: Eu sou capaz de ajudar voc a reprogramar qualquer coisa que voc queira para a sua vida. Mas tudo isso depende de voc.Observao: Como j foi mencionado, apesar de ter algumas informaes importantes, este projeto no se trata de um curso, mas sim, de frequncias que voc ir utilizar por 27 dias para fazer uma Reprogramao Mental.Observao: Cada Projeto disponibilizado aqui na Plataforma Udemy, tem o seu objetivo. Cada um deles leva um determinado tempo pela sua complexidade no desenvolvimento. Alm disso, procuro melhorar a cada dia para entregar todos eles com a melhor qualidade possvel. Se voc tem interesse em se desenvolver em outras reas, busque por outros projetos, que eu pensei em voc para faz-lo. Gratido!!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Lucid Dreams - The Awakening of a New Consciousness" |
"99% of all humanity believes that dreams are nothing more than fantasies. They believe that these moving images are nothing more than subconscious daydreams. Some even believe that they are deprived of dreams and that dreams are privileges of the unemployed. Little do they know that we dream every time we sleep. We can look at Carl Jung who wrote several books talking about the importance of dreams. Several other scientists, who have done research based on the experiment, say that in addition to dreaming every time we sleep, dreams play a fundamental role in our lives. I believe we can take advantage of the messages delivered by our Subconscious. We can take advantage of this moment to evolve spiritually, emotionally, personally and professionally.Less than 1% of all mankind are having experiences with lucid dreams. Lucidity in dreams means that we are awakening to a new Consciousness. The ability to remember dreams is inherent in all Human Beings, but not all Human Beings are aware of this ability. If we look at the story let's look at some geniuses, biblical characters, scientists and countless others who have used dreams to change a generation. The time has come for you, if you want to Expand your Consciousness, to value every message that comes to your Mind while you sleep. Use your power to give the much-desired quantum leap in your life. When you have lucid experiences with dreams, you experience the most fantastic. You simply free yourself from what is limited and come to enjoy what is unlimited. When you awaken to a New Consciousness, you discover that you are an Unlimited, Powerful, Co-Creator, that is, a Divine Being who can achieve that which is impossible in your eyes. ""Wake up"" in dreams is to get out of the Autopilot and take the reins of life. When you ""wake up"" in dreams, you literally wake up to reality.Lucid Dreams goes beyond rational understanding and so you need to experience to know just how magnificent the dreams are. This practice is not simply remembering what you dreamed of, it is much more than that, it is you, as well as awakening within dreams, to decide the course that dreams will take. BE PART OF THESE 1% YOU ARE AWAKENING. Dream awake and wake awake. Take a quantum leap in your life.An alert, THIS IS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE. I say spiritual because it escapes the comprehension of matter. So if you believe that you are prepared for this journey of your dreams, the time has come.This project is composed of Exercises, Isocronic Waves, Solfeggios and Sound Effects. These Brainwaves have a specific frequency that will put you in a state of full consciousness within your dreams.Here are some of the benefits you might gain from the ""Lucid Dreams"" Project:Exit the Autopilot and have full control of reality;Expand Awareness faster;Give a Quantum Leap;Evoluir Espiritualmente;Evolve Personally;Evolving Professionally;Evolving Emotionally;Have more ease in Astral Projection;Have contact with Spiritual Guides;Remembering Dreams in almost all dreams;Self knowledge;And countless other benefits.The practice of Lucid Dreams, as well as another project with Brain Waves and Solfeggios, lasts 27 days. While the Isocronic Waves will put you into a state of Consciousness, the Solfeggios will act in your deepest Self, bringing healing, liberation, expansion of consciousness and elevation of vibrational energy. Here we unite Science with Spirituality.If you still do not believe that everything is possible, the Lucid Dreams experience will prove to you that yes, it is possible. You will have access to information that you did not have before. You will have the ability to solve problems that once seemed insolvable. Believe me, the Miracle is just beginning.""There are more mysteries between heaven and earth than the vain philosophy of men can imagine."" (William Shakespeare)See you soon!A Little About Evandro Angotti:Before you talk about me, I want to make it clear that my only real intention is to help people. Today I was able to wake up and be happy to know that I am with this wonderful Project in 18 countries. I could not go that far if it were not for you. So, please stay here registered my gratitude for your life. I wish the Universe would grant you everything you want for your life. May you achieve all your goals. You are free to contact me ASAP.I have more than 10 years of experience in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Isocronic Waves, Binaural and Solfeggios, Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction) and Personal and Spiritual Development. I have helped and continue to help thousands of people, now around the world. I feel fulfilled. I believe my purpose in life is coming to fruition as I see, people like you, achieving their goals. For me, it would be worthless, if this does not happen, it's worth nothing if you do not reach your goal.And finally, pay close attention: I am able to help you reprogram whatever you want into your life. But it all depends on you. Note: As already mentioned, despite having some important information, this project is not about a course, but about frequencies that you will use for 27 days to do a Mental Reprogramming.Note: Each Project made available here in the Udemy Platform has its purpose. Each of them takes a certain amount of time for its complexity in development. In addition, I try to improve every day to deliver all of them with the best possible quality. If you are interested in developing in other areas, look for other projects, which I thought of you to do. Gratitude!!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Pendulum Dowsing from Scratch" |
"Pendulum Dowsing from Scratch takes you on 5 simple steps to being the strongest dowser you can be. It is a foundation course that walks you through 5 lessons that will create the foundations you need to use your Pendulum for healing, seeking, testing and more!There is no wishy washy woowoo here - just good old fashioned dowsing in simple steps that will give you proficiency, accuracy and most importantly the confidence to walk your dowsing journey.Lesson 1 -Programming your Pendulum -Yes / No Answers with accuracyLesson 2 - Testing you! This lesson tests your ability to use the Pendulum accurately!Lesson 3 - PendulumCharts - how to use and accurately interpret charts and how to make one for yourself!Lesson 4 - Radiesthesia Colour Vibrations - Quantifying frequencies and testing you and your Pendulum - what ability were you born with?Lesson 5 -Seeking - How to use the Pendulum to find people, objects and vibrations.Each Lesson contains Video walkthrough and comprehensive PDFs with clear instruction. This is a simple lesson plan but the content and learning materials create the foundations for a proficient healer, seeker and MasterRadiesthesist.Toni Puhle, Founder of the World Divination Association and Master Radiesthesist takes you on a journey you may never return from.""This course changed my life"""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Lenormand Cards Grand Tableau (GT) - Game of Hope Techniques" |
"Embrace the opportunity to explore the grass roots of Lenormand and the Game of Hope. Not only will you receive original translations of the German Instructions, you will also gain an insight into the techniques that live on in Germany today.The Game of Hope is the roots of the Lenormand system, in this workshop we are going to visit the instructions that are held by the British Museum (ca.1800-1850) and learn how these can influence our favourite Lenormand Deck using early techniques.These techniques have been learned from generations of German Readers who trace the system back to the Game of Hope and who stick very closely to the techniques of the 19th Century!Not only will we be discovering meanings for our cards that highlight their roots but we will also be learning the method of directions that was originally used in Germany and is still very much alive today!Take a step back in time and respect the origins of the Lenormand System.Learn how to:Use the Game of Hope InstructionsInterpret a fullGTLearn Near / Far meaningsLearn techniques to help you nail a GT subjectDelve into techniques that are not taught elsewhere to be the best GT reader possible!Students receive a Certificate upon successful completion of the Examination."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Kipper Cards - Foundations - Practice from Scratch" |
"The Perfect Course for Beginners and Advanced alike - if you want a refresher or a starting point this is it!Students will learn how to proficiently read their Kipper Deck from Day 1. You will delve into the secrets of the Kipper Deck and learn to read 3 cards,Cross Spreads including auspicious and inauspicious narrative.COURSE CONTENTSLESSON 1 The Kipper GT HousesRecognize the Kipper CardsKipper Card MeaningsLESSON 2 Who are they?People in the Kipper DeckLESSON 3 Kipper FoundationBasic Kipper PlacementsThe Cross SpreadLESSON 4 Auspicious Narrative3 Card SpreadLESSON 5 Inauspicious Narrative3 Card SpreadLESSON 6 Combining SituationsHow to understand the Kipper Cards Language"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kipper Cards Foundations Practice Part 2" |
"Toni Puhle,Author The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper and Founder of the World Divination Association walks you through revealing Kipper Techniques with video instruction tailored to fast-track learning.Take an extra step on your Kipper Journey - delve into the most revealing spreads of the Kipper System. This is the second step on reading Kipper like a boss and Toni walks you through 5x videos and downloadable documents. Find your Kipper feet and become the best reader you can be.Course Documentation = 86 Pages of Kipper gold!You will learn:LESSON 1 The Kipper MovementsLESSON 2 Box SpreadLESSON 3 MC SpreadLESSON 4 MC Spread with StopsLESSON 5 Line of Sight with Movement"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Kipper Cards Foundations Level 3 - GT - 36 Card Spread" |
"Pre-Requisites Kipper 101 + Kipper 201Learn the techniques needed to perform a sound Grand Tableau read (all 36 cards).In this course we will lay a 36 card Grand Tableau in the 9 x 4 layout and work through the techniques you need to read using the Bavarian Kipper Reading Method (TM). Join Toni Puhle, Author of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper Cards on a journey to resolve all your Kipper GT issues. Work day by day to perfect your GT.Course includes:Step by step lessons (Video & Handouts) to laying the GTSTEP 1 Analysis Main Character PlacementsSTEP 2 Analysis RelationshipsSTEP 3 Analysis Card TypesSTEP 4 Interpret Line of SightSTEP 5 Interpret MC PlacementsSTEP 6 Interpret StorylinesSTEP 7 Interpret SignificatorsSTEP 8 Interpret HousesSTEP 9 Interpret Timings"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Pendulum Healing" |
"Learn all you need to know to start the healing process, both in person and distant. Vibrational healing with the pendulum can help you with anything from exhaustion to depression - just be open to the many uses. On this course we use the basics of Radiesthesia that you have learned in Pendulum Dowsing from Scratch, and we begin applying those technique on the human system. Course includes, vibrational diagnosis, healing with frequencies, programming you pendulum for a specific health problem, distant healing and more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Symbol Healing - New Homeopathy" |
"Course - Symbol HealingI am Founder of the World Divination Association and Master Teacher. I Teach students around the world the art of card reading and personally teach the healing arts. SYMBOL HEALING COURSE DETAILS: 5 Simple LessonsSymbols and ""New Homeopathy"" is a fresh way to produce great effects, whether you have a problem that you would like to treat or your would like to help others with distance healing - Symbols are the perfect method - and so easily applicable!We by no means replace the need for a doctor, but this is a good format for aiding the healing process on many levels.This Introduction to Symbol Healing includes:Which Symbols are of use?DiagnosisApplicationColour FrequenciesDimensional healing And more!Within 5 lessons you will be applying symbols and starting the healing process!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn to read Lenormand Cards Level 2" |
"Do you want to work on your predictive accuracy? Find a way to be more practical in your reads? Understand what will happen in daily life?Then the Lenormand System is for you!The Lenormand System is a 36 Card Fortune Telling Deck. Students who take this course will learn how to apply the traditional Lenormand meanings and interpret spreads with confidence.The course includes detailed instruction, handouts and videos on how to lay and read this symbolic deck with certainty amd how you can enhance your Tarot readings and predictive accuracy.Learn tricks to understand the Lenormand Language and what the cards are explaining to you about your future.What youll learn:The Original Meanings of the 36 Petit Lenormand cardsThe Lenormand LanguageHorizontal interactionVertical interactionSimple Lenormand TechniquesThe Cross SpreadPlacement SpreadsMixed Systems using Lenormand to enhance Tarot readingsWhat you will need:A 36 Card Petit Lenormand Deck OR a standard playing card deckNo previous knowledge of card reading requiredThis course is for beginners or anyone who wishes to read Lenormand Cards!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gypsy Cards - Learn to read - Level 1" |
"The Gypsy Card deck is a small but powerful deck that is perfect for predicting events and getting to the nitty gritty of a situation - learn with me on this course how to really get the most out of your deck and how to predict the future in just 6 Lessons!Course includes: Lesson 1 Gypsy Cards The Meanings and the Gypsy Card LanguageLesson 2 Gypsy Cards The Placements Auspicious Versus InauspiciousLesson 3 Gypsy Cards The SignificatorsLesson 4 Gypsy Cards The DirectionsLesson 5 Gypsy Cards Lover / Sweetheart CrossLesson 6 Gypsy Cards Freestyle 3 Cards "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to read Lenormand Cards - Level 3 - GT BASICS!" |
"Have you been reading the Lenormand GT BUT just cannot seem to get to the heart of the matter or find the overall message that is being given? Want to give practical and predictive reads?This is the course for you!On this course I teach you 5 steps to reading like a professional, you will not learn the standard 3 card combo type read, you will navigate the GT fluidly and create a narrative that knocks the socks off your querent!Lesson 1 - The SignificatorsLesson 2 - The InfluencersLesson 3 - The OutsidersLesson 4 - Fate plays a handLesson 5 - Bop around the board!Who am I?Toni Puhle, Founder of the World Divination Association, The Card Geek on Social Media and author of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper. I have been teaching cartomancy including Lenormand, Kipper Cards, Gypsy Cards, Tarot and Playing Cards for many years. I have developed each course to be in bite size pieces that will also BREAK YOUR BRAIN! I find a healthy dose of brain breaking is imperative to becoming the best reader you can be."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn to read Lenormand Cards - Level 4 - GT TECHNIQUES" |
"Have you been reading the Lenormand GT and have completed Level 3 GT Basics but still want to dive in more to motivations and actions within the spread?This is the course for you!On this course I teach you 5 steps to reading the GT after you have mastered GT Basics - The Techniques taught within the course are for extracting additional information after your base read.Lesson 1 - KnightingLesson 2 - MirroringLesson 3 - DiagonalsLesson 4 - CountingLesson 5 - Conclusions & Extra SignificatorsWho am I?Toni Puhle, Founder of the World Divination Association, The Card Geek on Social Media and author of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper. I have been teaching cartomancy including Lenormand, Kipper Cards, Gypsy Cards, Tarot and Playing Cards for many years. I have developed each course to be in bite size pieces that will also BREAK YOUR BRAIN! I find a healthy dose of brain breaking is imperative to becoming the best reader you can be."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn to read Lenormand Cards - Level 5 - GT HOUSES" |
"Have you been reading the Lenormand GT and have completed Level 3 GT Basics and Level 4 GT Techniques but still want to dive in and determine more hidden information that you had not seen on first glance?This is the course for you!On this course I teach you 5 steps to reading the GT Houses after you have mastered GT Basics and GT Techniques- The Houses techniques taught within the course are for seeing the additional information that the reader doesn't always process..LESSON 1 What are houses?Why read houses?Significator houseCards landing in their own houseHow do cards react in houses?LESSON 2 ChainingLESSON 3 UndertonesLESSON 4 TargetLESSON 5 Master MethodWho am I?Toni Puhle, Founder of the World Divination Association, The Card Geek on Social Media and author of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper. I have been teaching cartomancy including Lenormand, Kipper Cards, Gypsy Cards, Tarot and Playing Cards for many years. I have developed each course to be in bite size pieces that will also BREAK YOUR BRAIN! I find a healthy dose of brain breaking is imperative to becoming the best reader you can be."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ho'oponopono Practitioner Course - Healing with Ho'oponopono" |
"You may have come across the Hawaiian Art of Forgiveness in your travels, but do you really know what it means to be a Ho'oponopono Practitioner? We are not forgiving others, we are learning how to return to our spirit state and how to apply it to every day life and to the lives of your clients.Ho'oponopono is a lifestyle and techniques that can improve a clients' life within minutes of you meeting.Change your life - Change the lives of those around you - Become a Ho'oponopono Practitioner today!INTRODUCTIONWelcome to my level 1 foundation course on Hooponopono and the art of forgiveness. This is a practice I have been using over the last eight years personally and one that has become extremely powerful in my daily life and the lives of others. It is a chance to reboot and return to the natural state in which you were born, before patterns of behaviour or lessons were learned. An openness to the universe and all the surprises it contains.All information within this course has been designed to change your life and your perspective on life. Take time to digest the lessons and practice, practice, practice dont worry when daily life gets in between, simply switch back when it does. This will all make more sense as you make your way through the lessons.LESSON 1 What is Hooponopono and how can I benefitLESSON 2 Void / Memories Cleansing You Cleansing your environmentLESSON 3 Cleaning ToolsLESSON 4 The 3 SelvesLESSON 5 Generational CleansingLESSON 6 How to work with others Become a Practitioner - EXAM"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |