Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Grade 5 Theory of Music Course" |
"This course is designed for those studying for the Grade 5 Theory of Music exam. But it is equally useful for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of music theory. In this course you will learn how to read key signatures, time signatures, chords, intervals and scales. You will also learn how to harmonise a melody and transpose a melody line."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn ALL the scales and chords on the piano +2 piano pieces" |
"In this course you will learn every major and minor scale and chord. You will also learn how to play dominant and minor 7th chords. This will enable you to go on websites that provide the chords of hit songs and play and sing along.You don't need any previous knowledge to download this course- you don't have to read a note of music to make your way through the course.You will learn two songs in this course: Ellie Goulding ""How Long Will I Love you"" and "" Hallelujah"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to play Ed Sheeran Songs on the Piano" |
"This course is designed for those who want to quickly learn how to play four Ed Sheeran songs. It is a fast track course that will show you how to put hands together and play an impressive performance. You will learn how to play these songs by an experienced professional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GCSE Music Course" |
"This course is for GCSE Music students who are sitting the listening paper. The course may also be useful for music teachers, and for prospective A Level Music and Undergraduate degree music students how want to refresh their music theory knowledge. Those who just generally want to improve the music theory knowledge will also benefit from this course.This is a comprehensive course that will cover all the principles and terminology that candidates will need to be familiar with in order to score highly in the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Piano Fast Track: Learn how to play piano" |
"Welcome to Piano Fast Track. The fast route to learning how to play the piano.This is not a complicated course - it is for the complete beginner. You do not need any previous knowledge of the piano. You will need a keyboard or piano to make your way through the course. In this course you will start with basic tunes enabling you to read music.Included in the course is three education repertoire piano books full of fun and exciting pieces written by the course author himself.The early part of the course includes numerous sight reading examples that will help you get the basics of playing the piano.You will learn popular tunes such as 'Happy' by Pharrell, 'Your Song' by Elton John 'Clocks' by Coldplay and Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran to name a few.You will learn classical piano pieces by composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Tchaikovsky.You will learn every scale and every chordYou will learn how to play blues music and know how to improvise using blues scales You will learn songs from musical theatre such as Grease, Chicago and Phantom of the OperaYou will learn how to play graded piano pieces used for exams from Grade one to Grade five"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Speak English" |
"Learn how to speak English overviewIntroduction- Learn how to increase your vocabulary, improve on your pronunciation and become a confident English speaker.- You will be taught by a British instructor from the United Kingdom which who has a clear speaking voice.- Learn how to use the English language to speak casually in conversation.- Follow the pattern of a) Learn word: definition and pronunciation b) put into a sentence c) put into a conversation/extended text) practice with exercises. This formula has been proven to work and is used in every section of the course.- This course is suitable for any age and ability from any country. This course will take you from a basic beginner level of conversational English up to an intermediate level.- You can take the course at your own pace and use the practice exercises in the course to improve your speaking English- People who have taken this course have improved their conversational skills in English and speak more clearly.- Many other courses teach you unnecessary words and phrases that you wont use. This will teach you English that you will use regularly in day to day life.S1: The basicsS1 L1: Personal detailsS1 L2: FamilyS1 L3: SchoolS1 L4: JobsS1 L5: Instructions/DirectionsS2: Shopping/Eating OutS2 L1: Food namesS2 L2: At the till/refundsS2 L3: Drinks and beveragesS2 L4: RestaurantsS2 L5: Retail shoppingS3: Going on HolidayS3 L1: Booking a holidayS3 L2: Exchanging currencyS3 L3: Holiday activitiesS3 L4: In the HotelS3 L5: Reading text related to holidaysS4: At the airport/ TravelS4 L1: Airport parkingS4 L2: Checking in/SecurityS4 L3: Purchasing in an airportS4 L4: Departing the terminalS4 L5: On the plane/Entering the countryS5: At the bank/ Finances/HousesS5 L1: Opening a bank accountS5 L2: Online banking/Transferring moneyS5 L3: Applying for a mortgage/Buying a houseS5 L4: Renting accommodationS5 L5: Paying taxS6: At a party/Celebration/EventS6 L1: VocabularyS6 L2: Creating conversationsS6 L3: Describing a partyS6 L4: WeddingsS6 L5: FuneralsS7: University/StudyS7 L1: Applying to UniversityS7 L2: The LibraryS7 L3: Lectures/ExamsS7 L4: Student Union/Joining clubsS7 L5: Halls of residenceS8: Making appointments/Medical/HospitalsS8 L1: Illness/MedicationS8 L2: The GP SurgeryS8 L3: The HospitalS8 L4: Mental HealthS9: The Police and CrimeS9 L1: Calling Emergency servicesS9 L2: Reporting a crimeS9 L3: Being pulled over by a police officerS9 L4: Under arrestS10: CookingS10 L1: Reading recipesS10 L2: Cooking utensilsS10 L3: BakingS11: SportsS11 L1: FootballS11 L2: AthleticsS12: Cinema/Watching moviesS12 L1: Going to the cinema/MoviesS13: UK Politics and governmentS13 S1: Houses of ParliamentS13 L2: Voting/General ElectionsS13 L3: Political PartiesS14: Computers, Phones and InternetS14 L1: Using computers/LaptopsS14 L2: Phones and messagingS14 L3: The internet/Social MediaS15: Applying for a jobS15 L1: Job descriptionsS15 L2: Writing a CVS15 L3: Job InterviewS15 L4: Dismissed from a job/appealsS16: Transport/DrivingS16 L1: The Highway CodeS16 L2: TaxisS17: The EnvironmentS17 L1: The EnvironmentS18: Practise ExercisesS18 L1: Practise Exercise"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coaching de Liderana - Seja um Master Lder Coach" |
"A metodologia Master Lder Coach foi desenvolvida pelo Executive Coach Daniel Moreira durante anos de trabalho em atendimentos de Coaching com Lderes.O mtodo baseado em 4 pilares: 1 Autoconhecimento2 Tcnicas de Coaching3 e Comunicao4. EstratgiaUm Mtodo completo para qualquer tipo de Lder, se voc quer elevar sua performance ao mximo, potencializar seus talentos, usar tcnicas cientificamente comprovadas, saber o que fazer em cada situao de tenso em sua organizao, ter mais tempo, saber delegar, melhorar sua comunicao e estratgias empresariais, este curso para voc! H mais de 45 vdeos aulas entre 3 a 15 minutos e exerccios prticos. Voc ainda ganha mais 7 Bnus:Bnus 1 - Apresentaes de alto impacto para convencer e persuadir seus gestores e equipeBnus 2 - 5 Tcnicas poderosas para fazer reunies altamente eficientesBnus 3 - Tenha uma equipe motivada e produtiva que funciona mesmo sem voc por pertoBnus 4 - Torne-se um lder de alta performance em 7 daisBnus 5 - Torne-se um expert em resolver problemas difceisBnus 6 - Educao financeira para lderes e gestores bem sucedidosBnus 7 - Domine a ferramenta Business Model Canvas"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Practical Deep Learning: Geolocalizzazione indoor (Italiano)" |
"In questo corso descrivo l'implementazione di un applicativo client-server che acquisendo i segnali wifi da un dispositivo Android lo geolocalizzer in un ambiente indoor (riconoscer in quale area/stanza ci si trova);Il client sar una applicazione Android scritta in Java, mentre il server che girer sul vostro PC sar una applicazione scritta in Python;Per geolocalizzare il dispositivo si utilizzer una rete neurale sviluppata con la libreria Keras (Tensorflow 2.0);La rete neurale avr una fase di training ed una fase di predizione;"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Self-Inquiry - Learning To Find The Answers Inside" |
"This transformative course will set you on your path to self-discovery. It's called Awesome Inside Me to give you an opportunity to go inward and learn how to do it powerfully and discover your own true and full potential. When you learn the magic of self-discovery and self-reflection you will truly see yourself in ways you had never seen before. You will learn to find the answers inside of you to your deepest most pressing questions. You will develop your intuition and learn how to trust yourself more. And you will discover how to truly awesome and powerful you are."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Free Blog with Jekyll and GitLab Pages" |
"If you've ever thought about creating a blog, or any type of website, this course is for you! We'll learn about Jekyll, a popular static-site generator, and how to use it in conjunction with GitLab to create a free blog! You don't need to be a programmer, but a little bit of knowledge of HTML and CSS will definitely help.There are tons of ways to start a blog, but most of them aren't free, or as fast as a Jekyll site hosted with GitLab! If you're just starting out but aren't sure if you can afford a blog, this is definitely the way to go.Anyone can create a great blog, and I think this course will help. Can't wait to see what you create!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aposta Esportiva Futebol Rico - Futebol ao Vivo" |
"Aprenda tudo sobre o mundo das apostas esportivas e torne-se um apostador profissional, aprenda a apostar em qualquer tipo de jogo de futebol, utilizando apenas seu celular e alguns minutos dirios, podendo gerar uma excelente renda extra atravs do Futebol.Ao realizar o Treinamento Futebol Rico voc aprender: - Iniciando nas apostas esportivas;- Dominando as Plataformas de Apostas; - Como funcionam os principais mercados de apostas; - Como analisar o jogo de futebol e definir a melhor aposta; - Como gerenciar sua banca de investimentos; - Como assistir aos jogos pela casa de aposta 1XBET; - Concluso e bnus...- Bnus Especial - Futebol RicoComece agora mesmo! Tags: sports betting, betfair, aposta esportiva, bet, gambling, football betting, casas de apostas, futebol ao vivo, apostas esportivas, futebol, trade esportivo, trader esportivo, betting, 1xbet, aposta."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Trading : Psychologie du trader gagnant" |
"Dans cette formation nous allons aborder les aspects importants de la psychologie de trading et les mthodes mettre en place chaque jour afin de parvenir atteindre vos objectifs de trader gagnant et ce chaque jour.Cette formation est idal pour les personnes qui font du trading depuis plusieurs mois ou annes et qui souhaite atteindre des nouveaux paliers chaque jour afin d'amliorer son trading. La formation suivante est issue de mon exprience et des pratiques que j'ai mis en place qui m'ont permis de passer de 10 par trade 100 par trade.Ces mthodes peuvent tre mise en place chaque jour pour amliorer votre trading et ne ncessite aucune connaissance particulire ou pouss dans le trading.Il vous suffit de mettre en pratique les mthodes 30 min par jour et cela vous suffira savoir o vous en tes afin de ne jamais de perdre le pied dans votre activits.Ce cours va droit l'essentiel :Dans un premier temps nous allons voir ce qu'es la psychologie et pourquoi vous devez prendre cela au srieux car oui beaucoup de personne nglige la psychologie de trading.Dans un second temps nous verrons la mthode facile mettre en place pour amliorer ses performances chaque jour. Mthodes que j'ai test et qui m'ont permis de gagner jusqu' 300 par jour.Il ne vous reste plus qu' vous lancer pour avoir la psychologie d'un trader gagnantA qui ce cours s'adresse t-il .Ce cours convient aux traders de tous niveaux qui souhaitent apprendre le day trading"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Comprendre le trading en 30 min : Le Money Management" |
"Dans cette formation nous allons aborder les aspects importants du money management et les mthodes mettre en place chaque jour afin de parvenir atteindre vos objectifs de trader gagnant.La formation suivante est issue de mon exprience et des pratiques que j'ai mis en place qui m'ont permis de passer de 10 par trade 100 par trade. Ces mthodes peuvent tre mise en place chaque jour pour amliorer votre trading et ne ncessite aucune connaissance particulire ou pouss dans le trading. Il vous suffit de mettre en pratique les mthodes 30 min par jour et cela vous suffira savoir o vous en tes afin de ne jamais de perdre le pied dans votre activits.Ce cours va droit l'essentiel :C'est quoi le Money managementComment peut il nous aider gagner plus d'argentComment le mettre en place chaque jourExemple de money maangement que j'utiliseA qui ce cours s'adresse t-il . Ce cours convient aux traders de tous niveaux qui souhaitent apprendre le money management appliqu au trading."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comprendre le trading en 30 min : La stratgie de trading" |
"Dans cette formation nous allons aborder les aspects importants de la stratgie d'un trader afin de parvenir atteindre vos objectifs de trader gagnant.La formation suivante est issue de mon exprience et des pratiques que j'ai mis en place qui m'ont permis de passer de 10 par trade 100 par trade. Ces mthodes peuvent tre mise en place chaque jour pour amliorer votre trading et ne ncessite aucune connaissance particulire ou pouss dans le trading. Il vous suffit de mettre en pratique les mthodes et cela vous suffira savoir o vous en tes afin de ne jamais de perdre le pied dans votre activits.Ce cours va droit l'essentiel :C'est quoi une stratgie Comment peut elle nous aider devenir meilleurComment le mettre en place chaque jourExemple de stratgie que j'utiliseA qui ce cours s'adresse t-il . Ce cours convient aux traders de tous niveaux qui souhaitent apprendre devenir meilleur"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comprendre le trading en 30 min : Les indicateurs de trading" |
"Dans cette formation nous allons aborder les aspects importants des indicateurs de trading afin de parvenir atteindre vos objectifs de trader gagnant.La formation suivante est issue de mon exprience et des pratiques que j'ai mis en place qui m'ont permis de passer de 10 par trade 100 par trade. Ces mthodes peuvent tre mise en place chaque jour pour amliorer votre trading et ne ncessite aucune connaissance particulire ou pouss dans le trading. Il vous suffit de mettre en pratique les mthodes et cela vous suffira savoir o vous en tes afin de ne jamais de perdre le pied dans votre activits.Ce cours va droit l'essentiel :C'est quoi un indicateur de tradingComment utiliser les indicateurs de tradingComment le mettre en place chaque jourExemple de stratgie avec un indicateur de tradingA qui ce cours s'adresse t-il . Ce cours convient aux traders de tous niveaux qui souhaitent apprendre devenir meilleur"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Canva E- Book Cover Design for Entrepreneurs & Beginners" |
"Are you spending hundreds of dollars outsourcing your Kindle cover designs?Would you like to create your own professional covers for free?Seems like a pipe dream, doesn't it. Not really! Free design programs like Canva have made graphic design easier for Entrepreneurs and non-designers alike. Spend a few hours learning the ins and outs of using Canva for your Kindle cover design needs, and start creating professional, high converting covers in 15 minutes or less. It's that easy. It's not just about the money. It's also about the results we get from our designers. They aren't in the Kindle business, so they rarely know how to create covers that convert for your target audience. Unless you have the money to hire a top-designer who knows the ins and outs of selling as well, you're out of luck. You've spent your money and time working with your designer, only to not get the result you expected. Your Kindle covers are, after all, the very first thing your potential buyer sees when they are browsing the Kindle store. If they don't connect with your cover, they won't click through to your Kindle landing page. So you have a lot riding on this. That's why Icreated this course. So Ican teach entrepreneurs that designing is not something to be feared, especially with the free, user-friendly solutions we have nowadays for non-designers. So, take the major part of your Kindle business (your covers) in your hand. Save a lot of money, while also creating covers that actually connect with your target market (I'll teach you how), hence bringing you more sales. How does this course benefit you?You'll learn:1. How to create professional Kindle covers using a completely free solution (Canva)2. How to save 100s of dollars in outsourcing costs by easily creating high converting Kindle covers3. How to avoid dealing with difficult freelancers who never understand your requirements and create exactly what you need4. How to create professional, high converting, beautiful Kindle covers in 15 minutes or less5. How to analyze the covers in your category and competitors to create covers that'll work for your target market6. Learn exactly how to use Canva to supercharge your Kindle business while creating 6 ready-to-use Kindle covers7. How to learn just the basics of Canva and create multiple designs8. How to use pre-made templates to create professional designs 9. How to model templates and good designs and create your own 10. How to design unique designs of your own by modeling competitor designs Who is this course for?This course is for you if you are a/an:1. Entrepreneur who wants to get into Kindle, but you are terrified of the costs that come with publishing (there's a free, but great option for every aspect of this business!)2. Kindle publisher who is currently spending hundreds on covers that don't really bring you the sales you expected3. Short book and story publisher who is balking at how your cover costs are adding up as you release more books4. Frustrated business person who wants to save the innumerable hours you spent trying to explain exactly what you wanted in your cover to your designer, only to get exactly the opposite, time and again. So, what are you waiting for?Take your Kindle business to the next level today by creating great looking covers. Enroll now, and get started!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Make steady Passive income with a Kindle short books empire!" |
"Do you want to make passive income? Do you want to replace your job or is are you looking for a side gig to supplement your day job? No matter what your goals are, did you know that you can achieve it with Kindle self publishing? I know, I know. You're intimidated at the thought of having to research and write 200+ page books and publish them with all the marketing hoopla that comes with Kindle self publishing. But what if you don't have to do any of that and still make it in Kindle? What if you can release a bunch of 20+ page books, with barely any marketing involved, and make steady passive income for years to come? What if you can be a completely new writer and still write one of these books in a few hours, tops? Or better yet, you don't even need to write these books, if you don't want to.That's what you'll learn in this course. You'll learn the A-Z process on how to build your Kindle passive empire with a bunch of short non-fiction books that take barely a few hours to research and write. This is a complete business in a box course! What will you learn from this course? You'll learn: 1. The A-Z process on how to make steady passive income from short kindle non-fiction books you can write in a few hours2. How to set up this business without writing a single word yourself, if that's what you want3. How short non-fiction books can exponentially increase your Kindle passive income with every new release and how to utilize their exponential factor to your advantage4. How to build up an empire of short non-fiction books in a few months so that you can start making more money5. My 5-step process that teaches you how to research and write a short book in just a few hours, tops, even if you are an inexperienced writer6. How to publish your books and some tips to start getting sales (if you did everything I teach in the previous lessons, you should start getting sales and page reads hours after your book gets published)7. How to completely outsource the entire business on a budget8. Free ways to get others to write your books for you (without spending outsourcing dollars)9. Tons of strategies to build sales momentum and get reviews, traffic and sales10. How to cross sell between your short non-fiction books to increase sales11. How to double your sales by publishing your Kindle books as paperbacks in a few steps12. How to publish more books in the same niche to exponentially increase your income13. How to build an E-mail list for free with your short books and promote your new releases to them (and rack up sales from the day you publish them)14. How to build a real business on the back of your short books outside of Kindle and scale it up to any level you wantand so much more! This course is for you:1. If you want a business model that nets you reliable passive income day in and day out with a few hours of work every week2. If you've always wanted to work from home and replace your dreadful day job, this business model can help you achieve that with the right amount of smart + hard work3. If you wanted a side gig that'll supplement your full-time income without draining your energy every day4. If you are an aspiring writer who always wanted to turn your passion into something substantial, we'll teach you how in this course5. If you've dabbled in Kindle before, but never had much success, this course might be exactly what you need to turn things around6. If you are a business person who wants to add yet another passive income business to your arsenal and learn how to outsource the entire process 7. If you wanted to make it in Kindle but hate writing of any kind, this course has a couple of solutions to your problemThis is what our course covers: Module 1: The short books business model: Explained - In this module, Ill give you a brief explanation of exactly what the Shorts Non Fiction Empire business model is, why short books are better than their longer counterparts, how much you can hope to earn from this business and a lot more.Module 2: Choosing the right topic to publish your books on - In this module, well look through the steps needed to set up your short books business before you get started. Well be looking at different ways to find the right niches to publish your books in, your ideal short book length, strategies to get started and so on.Module 3: Write your book (or get it written) - This module covers ways to write the book, or get it written. I outline and explain a 5-step short book writing process thatll allow you to finish a decent sized short book in just a few hours. Well also be looking at strategies to minimize outsourcing costs, if thats the route you want to take.Module 4: Get your cover and formatting done - In this module, well be looking at ways to get cheap but good covers and formatting done for your book. Well also be looking at free ways to create your own covers in 15 minutes or less.Module 5: Publish your book and jumpstart your sales - This is the most important module of the first part of the course. Well be looking at the exact steps you need to take to publish your book, and Ill cover various strategies to choose the right combination of titles, subtitles and keywords to make your book visible in the Kindle marketplace and search results. Similarly, Ill be giving you pointers on writing a high converting description for your book, and the right pricing strategies for your short books. Well finish the module with some tips on what you need to do next to jumpstart sales.Module 6: Free Advanced Strategies to Multiply Your Book Sales - This module covers multiple free advanced strategies thatll multiply your book salesModule 7: More Ways To Build Your Brand and Establish Your Empire - This module will cover more information establishing your pen name/author name on Amazon, a unique method to getting genuine reviews, exact steps to getting a writing partner and so much moreModule 8: 3 Unique Ways to Increase your Earnings Without Publishing More Books - In this module, well be looking at some strategies you can apply to increase your book earnings without increasing the number of books youve publishedModule 9: Take Your Short Books Business to The Next Level - In this module, well be looking at ways to scale your short books business and multiplying your income and building an actual business out of your shortsSo, what are you waiting for? You have a complete business in a box here! Enroll now and get started immediately. You'll not regret it. :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Martial Arts - Taijutsu - Vital Point Striking Foundation" |
"Jade Tiger School Kosshijutsu Vital Point Striking Foundation contains all the basic techniques to prepare you for the practice of Kosshijutsu or striking the muscles, nerves and organs. Focusing on striking postures, vital point strikes and unarmed receiving, vital point striking foundation will develop your unarmed combat skills and train you in the ways of the Samurai. Designed for solo practice, this course can be done anywhere at any time. Just follow along with the videos and practice the techniques 10000 times to start your martial arts journey and begin your mastery of vital point striking.Discover the ancient art of Japanese unarmed combat and become strong, confident and efficient. These techniques will allow you to strike an opponent in unarmed combat and quickly disable them or evade incoming strikes while dismantling your opponent and taking sapping his will to fight. The Jade Tiger School has been passed down for hundreds of years and has survived the test of time, and with this course you can learn the ancient secrets of the Samurai for only a few hours of training a week.If you have ever had an interest in Japanese unarmed combat and want to improve your balance, bearing and control, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Martial Arts - Jujutsu - Structure Striking Foundation" |
"Tiger Felling School Koppoujutsu Structure Striking Foundation contains all the basic techniques to prepare you for the practice of Koppoujutsu or striking the skeletal structure, joints and bones. Focusing on striking postures, structure strikes and capturing techniques, structure striking foundation will develop your unarmed combat skills and train you in the ways of the Warrior Monk (Sohei). Designed for solo practice, this course can be done anywhere at any time. Just follow along with the videos and practice the techniques 10000 times to start your martial arts journey and begin your mastery of structure striking and grappling.Discover the ancient art of Japanese unarmed combat and become strong, confident and efficient. These techniques will allow you to strike an opponent in unarmed combat and quickly break them down or incapacitate them. The Tiger Felling School has been passed down for hundreds of years and has survived the test of time, and with this course you can learn the ancient secrets of the Sohei for only a few hours of training a week.If you have ever had an interest in Japanese unarmed combat and want to improve your balance, bearing and control, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Martial Arts - Ninjutsu - Secret Fighting Foundation" |
"Hidden Door School Nintaijutsu Secret Fighting Foundation contains all the basic techniques to prepare you for the practice of Nintaijutsu or the secret fighting techniques of the Ninja. Focusing on postures, pressure point areas and evasion techniques, secret fighting foundation will develop your unarmed combat skills and train you in the ways of the Ninja. Designed for solo practice, this course can be done anywhere at any time. Just follow along with the videos and practice the techniques 10000 times to start your martial arts journey and begin your mastery of secret fighting techniques of ninjutsu.Discover the ancient art of Ninja unarmed combat and become quick, agile and cunning. These techniques will allow you to strike an opponent in unarmed combat from hidden angles to incapacitate or lame them to ensure escape. The Hidden Door School has been passed down for hundreds of years and has survived the test of time, and with this course you can learn the ancient secrets of the Ninja for only a few hours of training a week.If you have ever had an interest in Japanese ninjutsu and want to improve your balance, agility and control, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Martial Arts - Ninjutsu - Secret Fighting Framework" |
"Hidden Door School Nintaijutsu Secret Fighting Framework builds upon skills learned in Nintaijutsu Secret Fighting Foundation and Beginner Foundation (Shinhenjutsu, Kihenjutsu, Taihenjutsu). It contains more advanced techniques for the practice of Nintaijutsu or secret fighting techniques of the Ninja in paired drills, exercises and techniques. Designed for paired practice, this course is ideally done on a soft level surface. Study the videos and practice the techniques with a training partner 10000 times to continue to develop your martial arts and continue your master of secret fighting techniques of Ninjutsu.Discover the ancient secret of the Ninja and learn a unique martial system like no other. These techniques will allow you to evade, misdirect or avoid confrontation and combat. The Hidden Door School has been passed down for hundreds of years and has survived the test of time, and with this course you too can learn the ancient secrets of the Ninja for only a few hours of training a week!If you have mastered the basic courses or have experience with Ninjutsu already and want to continue to develop your martial skills, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React Pizza Shop - Ordering Food with Hooks and Firebase" |
"Welcome to React Pizza Shop. Heres what well be building: A pizza ordering system with multiple types of foods and editable popup dialogs to customize your order with delicious items from a menu. We'll add interactivity with a variety of custom React Hooks. After authenticating with a Google account, well send this order to Firebase Realtime database and a serverless Firebase function will send your user an email confirmation of their order. This course is intended for intermediate React developers looking for a fun project to practice React Hooks and/or learn Firebase. The full source code is provided. If you have any questions throughout the course, do not hesitate to reach out. Here's just some of the features included in this 5+ hour course:React with HooksuseState, useEffectBuild custom hooks to control input elements, authentication, dialogs and moreBeautiful UI DevelopmentStyled-componentsPopup DialogsButtons, Inputs, CheckboxesAdding Stock PhotosFlexbox and CSS gridsCSS animationsGoogle Fontscreate-react-app boilerplateStarting from scratchBuilding for productionFirebaseDeploying your site with HostingAuthenticating users with Google, logging them in and outRealtime Database to track food ordersFunctions to respond to ordersEcommerce OrderingAdding, Removing Editing ordersCalculating tax and totals of ordersDynamic food itemsEmailing orders with Node.js and NodemailerFavicon app icon"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist Individual (CCTS-I)" |
"Presenter: Dr. J. Eric Gentry, LMHCThe Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist Individual (CCTS-I) presented by Dr. J. Eric Gentry, LMHC is a 17 hour training designed to give the participant a working knowledge of how to engage in the process of trauma treatment. Focusing not only on interventions, but how to sequence the interventions to maximize outcomes. This training is designed to improve the quality of treatment for those that have experienced trauma. There will be a focus on the active ingredients the things that are common factors that help all treatment work become better and work more efficiently.Objectives of the CCTS-I Training:Compare and contrast evidence-based-interventions, common factors, and emerging trends for effective treatment of traumatic stressIdentify the common factors for healing traumatic stressComprehend the importance of therapeutic relationship and positive expectancy (relational factors) for positive outcomes in treatmentArticulate the role of reciprocal inhibition, relaxation, self-regulation, exposure and narrative in the treatment of traumatic stressUnderstand concept and procedure for enhancing therapeutic relationship as method for increasing positive outcomesAppreciate the potential deleterious personal effects associated with treating traumatic stressThis course meets the educational requirement for the Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist Individual (CCTSI) when applying to the Trauma Institute International (TII). For eligibility, please visit the TII website for details."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Sex Trafficking & Sex Industry Exploitation (CCTS-S)" |
"Presenters: Dr. Stephanie Thurston-Simmons and Brian SimmonsDr. Stephanie Thurston-Simmons has been in private practice since 2000. Dr. Thurston- Simmons holds three licenses: She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider, and a Licensed Deregistration Specialist.Brian Simmons has been a Licensed Peace Officer in Texas for 15 years beginning his career with the Dallas Police Department in 2000. He holds a Master Peace Officers License, is a Certified Field Training Officer, and a Certified Hostage Negotiator.In addition to working domestically, Dr. Thurston-Simmons and Mr. Simmons are involved in the fight against global sex trafficking. Traveling the Mideast assisting refugees and the rescue networks designing, implementing, and overseeing a trauma treatment program for men, women, and children that have been trafficked, tortured, or recruited as soldiers.Sex Trafficking & Sex Industry Exploitation: Understanding and Treating the Multidimensional Needs of Victims is a 18 hour certification training course designed to provide the participant with a working knowledge of the global sex trafficking trade. Clinicians will learn about the different forms of exploitation utilized to bring victims into the trade as well as how the international community is responding to fight the proliferation of this devastating abuse. Practitioners will develop a working knowledge of the traumatic elements unique to the women and children who have been exploited for profit. Through discussion, case studies, and experiential exercises, participants will gain knowledge regarding current research, theories, empirically supported treatment models and techniques, assessments, and treatment structures that minimize resistance & maximizes effectiveness. Clinicians will also learn about unique challenges related to this population and develop strategies to reduce treatment failure. Learning Goals/Objectives:Participants will learn about the sex trafficking trade Define trafficking and related terminologyDescribe the breadth and scope of the problemList the types of traffickingDifferentiate the facts and statistics from myths about the industryDistinguish state statutes from federal statutesDiscuss current efforts to rescue victims and disrupt trafficking operations Participants will learn about the people who engage in trafficking List the different types of traffickersDiscuss the characteristics of traffickersDifferentiate the various tactics used to obtain and contain victimsExplain the impact of the Internet and social media on the industryIdentify ways that pornography influences the trafficking tradeList the signs of trafficking and tips for safety Participants will gain an understanding of the trafficking customers Discuss the characteristics of the customerExplain the influences of pornographyDescribe how customers seek and obtain victimsDistinguish between criminality and sexual addiction Participants will learn about the victims of trafficking List the types of victimsDiscuss the characteristics of victimsIdentify victim vulnerabilitiesDescribe trauma experiencesSummarize the effects of trafficking on victimsDescribe the types of traumaRecognize the different trauma reactionsDetail relevant family dynamicsDifferentiate cultural reactions among groupsExplain treatment and resource limitationsParticipants will acquire knowledge of trauma and how to effectively treat it Define traumaExplain the neurophysiology of traumaDetermine the treatment limitations and barriersDiscuss Trauma Informed CareIdentify the different treatment models and programsDescribe the treatment processDifferentiate between the needs of child vs. adult victimsIllustrate the difference between sex offender treatment and John programsExplain factors related to attachment and bonding in victimsDistinguish between treatment resistance and treatment noncomplianceBuild resiliencyDissect elements of comorbidity Participants will explore special issues related to working with trafficking victims Identify ways to create safetyCite tips for working with the populationDiscuss factors relevant to court testimonyDifferentiate between trafficking clients and general population clienteleAnalyze a therapists own personal biases and preconceptions toward traffic victimsAssess treatment challengesDefine compassion fatigue and related terminologyIdentify resources used to expand a clinicians understanding of trafficking and traumaThis course meets the educational requirement for the Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist Sex Trafficking (CCTSS) when applying to the Trauma Institute International (TII). For eligibility, please visit the TII website for details.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Neuroscience of Attachment" |
"Presenter: William Morgan, MD, MAJoin William Morgan, MD, MA in exploring the relationship of attachment as well as our brains development and how our experience or relationships with our mother, family, friends, and cultural experiences guides the brains development. What fires together, wires together. The roles of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (the Strange Situation) will allow exploration of the secure / insecure patterns of attachment. The concepts of the social synapse, the social brain, circle of security and sociostasis will allow an understanding how relationships regulate our lives. Understanding how the brain has developed over time and how the various anatomical parts function to make us human, will help to explain the nature nurture paradigm. The Polyvagal theory will help to explain how our behavior is based on the system you are functioning in at that time. The effects of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences will then make sense in how we have adapted in the face of trauma and adverse events. The good news is that our brain has neuroplasticity for our entire life span and can change if we are in the right relationships / environment.Learning Objectives:1. Define attachment and the role of Bowlby and Ainsworth2. Describe the Strange Situation and the attachment patterns3. Explain the concept of the social synapse4. Explain the social brain5. Explain Porges Polyvagal Theory of behavior6. Explain the Circle of Security and how insecure attachment patterns are explained by the COS7. Explain Sociostasis : How relationships regulate our lives8. Explain the impact of early and chronic stress on our brain and bodyThis course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Loving Them is Not Enough: What Every Parent Should Know" |
"Presenter: Crystal Krueger, LMFT, CCTS-F Families with adoptive and foster children sometimes struggle to understand and support the children because these children react differently than biological children and the problem behaviors they exhibit do not fit the experience of the fostering or adopting parents. Many children that desperately need to experience safety, connection, and strong cohesive relationships struggle with behaviors that make those things difficult to achieve. Many have experienced significant trauma prior to their current foster placement that has created adaptive behaviors that were protective in nature in the childs past but that are now seen as intentionally provocative and willful behaviors.This training will help participants understand why many of these children may view and react to people and events in ways that may seem unusual, exaggerated, or irrational. Recent advances in developmental science are revealing how significant adversity in childhood alters both the way the genome is expressed and the developing brain is wired and this training is designed to help the participant not only understand the function of the problematic behaviors, but how to begin helping the child and the parents achieve the connection that will help the child heal.Learning Objectives:1. Define and recognize the various causes of trauma2. Explain the basic neurobiology of trauma3. Identify the Levels of Safety4. Understand the function of problematic behaviors5. Identify Negative Belief Systems and ways to increase attachment and connection6. Establish key resiliency factors7. Differentiate toxic environment types8. Recognize the link between environment, interactions, and stress9. Identify the Neurosequential model and various connecting strategies10. Implement connecting strategies to manage behavior This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Certified Trauma Support Specialist" |
"Presenter: Dr. Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S.This training is designed to enhance non-clinical care professionals knowledge and skills to support the healing process for those they care for who struggle because of a history of trauma and adversity. Learn the essential information and skills to help trauma survivors recover fully from the events of their past. Those that care will increase their ability to use the three active ingredients that are vital and fundamental to effective recovery and resilience of a trauma history. The three primary ingredients that help survivors heal and upon which this training will focus are:1. Building and maintaining an excellent helping relationship2. Helping the survivor to regulate their autonomic nervous system by teaching and coaching skills for acute relaxation3. Helping educate and restructure the way the survivor perceives themselves and their world.Learning Objectives:1. Gain a working understanding of trauma2. Explain the basic neurobiology of trauma3. Identify the connection between the threat response system and the chemistry of the body4. Explain the impact that changes in the body have on behavior, thinking, and emotions5. Review the Adverse Childhood Experiences data and understand the long-term impact it has on behavior, thinking and emotions6. Implement techniques and skills that support trauma informed careThis course meets the educational requirements for the Certified Trauma Support Specialist certification available through the Trauma Institute International.Who should attend: Case managers, Case workers, Foster parents, Parents, Teachers, Nurses, Daycare workers, Social workers.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Certified Family Trauma Professional (CFTP)" |
"Presenter: Dr. Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S.Join Dr. Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S. for the Certified Family Trauma Professional (CFTP) training. This training is designed to improve the quality of care and clinical outcomes by approaching child and youth trauma from a family base. Learn how to capture the resources of a family to improve care and create greater safety and stability for families. This approach not only improves the life of a child but changes the dynamic of an entire family.There is increasing evidence that child focused trauma therapy will be more effective if the caregiving system is engaged in the treatment process. It is difficult to help a child be more stable than the environment that they are living within. This training is designed to help the clinician more effectively support and encourage families and other caregivers to be involved in the process of helping children recover from trauma. There are many counselors that desire to be more effective in working with traumatized children and families but find it challenging and uncomfortable to have discussions with families about trauma, and often feel awkward and then avoid doing so by overly focusing on the child. This increases the time the child is in services and can erode clinical confidence in promoting recovery and healing for trauma. Young children are exposed to traumatic stressors at an increasing rate in todays society making it essential that clinicians have the skills necessary to help children and families navigate and recover from these troubling experiences.Learning Objectives1. Greater capacity to create safety and stability within families2. Explain dysfunction and traumatic family patterns3. Assess and execute treatment that reduces the impact of Traumagenesis in families4. Explain how trauma from a family perspective is related to Traumagenesis than to specific events5. Define the part of the brain and nervous system that creates trauma and changes family dynamics6. Explain and apply the concept of sympathetic system dominance to identify trauma reactions and mitigations7. List the elements that are tied to aversive childhood experiences that create lifelong impact on people and families8. Explain the process of how trauma is formed and maintained in families9. Recognize and state the environmental activators for trauma reactive adaptions10. List the stages of safety building for family-based trauma treatment11. List and explain the International Association of Trauma Professionals trauma treatment structure12. Understand and explain the primary models of family-based treatment for traumaThis course meets the educational requirement for the Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist Family (CCTSF) when applying to the Trauma Institute International (TII). For eligibility, please visit the TII website for details.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Building Resilience in Youth" |
"Presenter: Camea Peca PHD (C)Building Resilience in Youth is a discussion of the elements of trauma informed care and supporting materials on the nature of how trauma can impact life and health throughout the lifespan. Attendees will be introduced to how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can affect developmental milestones and can lead to frustrating relationships and behavioral problems in the lives of individuals and families. Focus will be on understanding how to help bring peace and healing through the application of compassion, safety and respect using the Arizona Trauma Institute's philosophy of healing. This presentation provides specific strategies and tools for identifying and fostering the strengths of youth. Attendees will gain insight into how influences from family, society, and the world affect the healing process.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Training for Trauma Treatment of Complex PTSD" |
"Presenter: Dr. J. Eric Gentry, Ph.D., LMHC, D.A.A.E.T.S.While the focus of the CCTS-I was to acquire the basic skills for treating post traumatic stress, the focus of the Complex PTSD training is acquiring skills for effectively treating those challenging clients with complex post traumatic stress, or C-PTSD. C-PTSD can present with a myriad of difficult symptoms including intense abreactions/flashbacks; severe depression-like shutdown and avoidance; dissociation; relational difficulties and challenges; chronic emotional and somatic dysregulation; chronic pain; and psychotic symptoms. This course provides comprehensive presentation of clinical skills for screening/assessing, stabilizing, skills-building, and treating complex post traumatic stress in all its challenging presentations. Focusing upon working in a tri-phasic model, the participant will learn how to titrate treatment to minimize discomfort and crises while, at once, accelerating treatment gains in early, mid and latter stages of treatment. The course provides a balance of current evidence/science-based interventions and protocols paired with experiential practice wisdom from clinicians who have successfully worked with population for decades. Participants completing this course will discover a newfound sense of competency and excitement for working with these clients who, in the past, have baffled even seasoned clinicians.Learning Objectives1. Articulate the differences between simple and complex PTSD (C-PTSD) and identify the distinct challenges for diagnosis, treatment planning, stabilization and treatment of C-PTSD.2. Understand the neurobiology of C-PTSD and how chronic exposure to threatening environments can produce the spectrum of symptoms of C-PTSD3. Appreciate the role that attachment trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) play in risk for and creation of C-PTSD; and how successfully addressing attachment issues can accelerate treatment for C-PTSD.4. Articulate the causes of attachment trauma (e.g., relational threat/anxious attachment; avoidant attachment; disorganized attachment) and how these adaptations are easily misunderstood as personality disorders.5. Articulate the importance of neuroplasticity/pruning and understanding neuronal sequencing (i.e., neural networks) in treating C-PTSD and all post traumatic conditions.6. Understand the important role that conditioned threat response and subsequent ANS dysregulation play in generating and sustaining the symptoms of all post traumatic conditions including C-PTSD.7. Expanded knowledge of the science and applicability of Porges Polyvagal Theory to treatment with C-PTSD; specifically the importance of developing and utilizing healthy attachment relationships to augment treatment.8. Articulate and explain how dissociation symptoms (e.g., numbing; derealization; depersonalization; hearing voices; fractured multiple ego-states; dissociative identity) are adaptations to recurring (usually developmental) trauma.9. Identify evidence-based pharmacological interventions for stabilization and treatment for clients with C-PTSD.10. Apply Hermans Tri-Phasic Model to conceptualization, titration and delivery of treatment for C- PTSD.11. Identify specific assessment and treatment tasks for each of the three phases of the Tri-Phasic Model.12. Understand symptoms of C-PTSD as adaptations to ongoing developmental trauma that can include extreme symptoms including self-injury; suicide; dissociation; numbing; addiction (process and substance); eating disordered behavior; chronic & intractable depression; hyper/hypo sexuality; and rage.13. Articulate the role of crucial non-specific factors of positive expectancy and therapeutic relationship using Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT) as central focus of treatment with C-PTSD.14. Learn and appreciate the pivotal role of psychoeducation in treating C-PTSD to help survivors to begin to honor their survival, ameliorate shame and move towards self-compassion.15. Learn and implement the four common factors/active ingredients shared by all effective trauma therapies for clients with C-PTSD.16. Appreciate the ubiquitous role of reciprocal inhibition embedded in all evidence-based trauma therapiesSkillsPreparation/Assessment/Treatment Planning/Relationship-Building1. Master self-regulation of ANS dysregulation (i.e., anxiety) for clinician resilience and optimization of treatment delivery.2. Become intentional with maximizing positive expectancy as crucial early treatment intervention for engagement and ongoing intervention to enhance outcomes.3. Informed Consent for C-PTSD4. Develop understanding and usage of various assessment tools5. First-session Interventions to enhance safety, stabilization, positive expectancy and therapeutic relationship6. Skilled implementation of Feedback Informed Therapy using Millers Session Rating ScaleStage I: Safety & Stabilization1. Enhance case-management skills to facilitate and co-author safety planning interventions with clients in current danger.2. Practice psychoeducational skills to help C-PTSD clients discern difference between real vs. perceived threat then coaching skills to avoid real danger and confront perceived threats with self-regulation (i.e, in vivo exposure).3. Develop mastery of psychoeducation/cognitive restructuring skills for reframing symptoms from shame and affliction to over-adaptation.4. Develop mastery for teaching and coaching self-regulation skills for clients to down-regulate negative arousal, achieve stability and begin in vivo exposure in early treatment.5. Gain generic stabilization skills for all C-PTSD clientsStage II: Remembrance & Mourning/Trauma Resolution1. Master skills for Direct Therapeutic Exposure using reciprocal inhibition with in vivo exposure as primary means for resolving symptoms in Criteria B (Intrusion), Criterion C (Avoidance), Criterion D (Negative Alterations of Cognition &Mood) & Criterion E (Arousal & Reactivity) of PTSD.2. Discover CBT skills to lessen avoidance, arousal, shame, dysphoria, reactivity, and distorted thinking symptoms.3. Compare evidence-based/evidence-informed treatments currently utilized to address symptoms of C-PTSDStage III: Reconnection1. Identification of specific treatment goals and empirical markers for objectives in this final stage of treatment. This stage requires a new and additional treatment plan.2. Skills for implementing psychoeducational techniques to help client understand and engage the intention of moving from survival to intentional and deliberate lifestyle.3. Skills for identifying both cognitive and behavioral impediments to transitioning to optimal lifestyle for C-PTSD survivors.4. Building and enhancing post traumatic resilience5. Engaging and optimizing post traumatic growth6. Implementing Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy as reconnection, resilience and moral healing strategy.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trauma Treatment for Children" |
"Presenter: Camea Peca PHD (C)Trauma Treatment for Children: Calming the Dragon, Using the Body to Improve Care is an experiential training to gain working knowledge of interoception and body-based awareness and self-regulation. Learn how to use the body to increase effective trauma treatment.Clinicians will learn about the bottom up, body based self-regulation and how trauma can affect different aspects of body function. Practitioners will learn how to understand trauma from a somatic and body-based perspective. Parallels will also be drawn between how body-based awareness relates to attachment and relationships. Practitioners will learn how parenting and clinical practice can be improved by greater body-based awareness and how these skills can be transferred to clients.Participants will gain knowledge regarding current research, theories, empirically supported treatment modalities and techniques, assessments, that minimize resistance and increase effectiveness. Clinicians will also learn about the unique challenges with working with body-based trauma and development strategies specific to relational, sexual, physical and complex trauma.Upon completion of the course, participants will be equipped to understand, identify, assess and develop interoceptive and body-based awareness in themselves and clients who have experienced trauma.Course Learning Goals/ObjectivesDefine Interoceptive awareness and related terminologyDifferentiate the differences and similarities between somatic awareness, interoceptive awareness and other body-based awareness.Discuss the current links between interoceptive awareness, stress, anxiety, and mental health.Connections will be made between models including attachment, somatic/interoceptive awareness, polyvagal theory and interpersonal neurobiology.Participants will learn about the current tools and Assessments used to assess the level of somatic/interoceptive awareness.Understand the different tools that are currently being used a researched to assess.Discuss the differences between traditional body-based tools and written measures.Practice the use of the different tools and understand administration.Participants will acquire knowledge of how trauma effects the body.Explain the physical effects of trauma on the body.Differentiate how different kinds of trauma may have similar and different effects on the body.Explain the implications of body-based trauma on attachment and relationships.Participants will learn how about the current tools and interventions designed to increase interoceptive and somatic awareness.Identify the different interdisciplinary approaches currently in use.Learn tools from each discipline using experiential practice.Explain how practitioners can develop their own practice and the impact modelling effect on their clients.Participants will learn about body based self-regulation.Explain the difference between body-based awareness and self-regulation.Understand the difference between top-down and bottom-up approaches to self-regulation.Learn how to use physiological self-regulation techniques in practice. This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |