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"Treating Survivors of Cultural Cleansing: Holocaust&Genocide" |
"Presenter: Dr. Roderick Logan, DPTh, CCTS, CFTP, FFTTDuring this training we will seek to further understand the trauma experienced by the men, women, and children who lived through cultural cleansing (i.e. Holocaust & Genocide). We will take a glimpse at the subsequent impact that trauma has had on the quality of life for the men and women who lived after the liberation of the ghettos and camps; as well as come to appreciate the significance that trauma continues to wreak on the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren born to those who lived through the trauma of the Holocaust.This information will be relevant and most helpful for caregivers of survivors as well as the many counselors, therapists, social workers, medical professionals, and advocates for healing and justice. Of course, let us not overlook the children and grandchildren of those who lived through the catastrophe.Objectives:1. Understand the neurological and biological impact the Holocaust had on the men and women who experienced, were exposed to, and who lived through its horrors2. Gain an awareness that the neurological and biological consequences of the Holocaust are still active in next generation people3. Elevate compassion; expand tolerance and embrace principles that will serve to build resiliency and achieve a sustainable resolveThis course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Compassion Fatigue with Professional Resiliency" |
"Presenter: Dr. Roderick Logan, DPTh, CCTS, CFTP, FFTTJoin Dr. Roderick Logan in an intensive one-day experiential training for organizational leaders and employees to reduce stress and compassion fatigue in the workplace. This course serves to counter the impact stress and body arousal has on workplace communications and relationships. This training is also intended to improve current compassion fatigue symptoms that participants may be experiencing. The training includes didactic information, experiential processing, and transformative techniques that assists leaders and employees in resolving symptoms of compassion fatigue while, at once, developing resiliency skills and practices that prevent compassion fatigue symptoms in the future.Learning Objectives1. Examine the impact of stress and body arousal on ones ability to effectively communicate and maintain meaningful relationships; personally, and professionally;2. Understand the Spiral of Mistrust learning how it is acquired, transmitted in the workplace, and its tendencies when left unresolved;3. Uncover the prevailing preconceived Notions on the parts of management and employees, and how they are undermining organizational values and the ability to fulfill the mission;4. Identify what is lost when stress and compassion fatigue are not addressed; and,5. Begin implementing the initiatives that serve to reduce stress and compassion fatigue in the workplace. This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Trauma and Addiction" |
"Presenter: Gordon Gray II, MC, LISAC, NCCExplore the basics of trauma in development and presentation of behaviors, especially addiction. Motivation and meaning of behaviors will be explored and defined. Attendees will receive a thorough overview including types of compulsions and addictions, biology and predisposition to addiction, and culture of addiction and treatment. Fundamental information regarding how substances and their long-and short term effects help people deal with trauma symptoms. The discussion will also look at what is currently the typical assessment and treatment process, and how it can be more trauma sensitive.TRAUMA AND ADDICTION OBJECTIVESParticipants will learn about the importance and need for Health Literacy for individuals, families, communities, and behavioral health providers.Participants will learn about AWARENESS OF HIGH RISK GROUPS AND TX DISPARITY, and the impact of advocacyParticipants will learn about THE HX OF DRUG USE, ADDICTION, POLICIES AND LAWS IN AMERICA.Participants will learn about THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ADDICTION, MEDICAL & Mental Health problems that may result.Participants will learn the Active Ingredient Approach to treatment PTSD The structure of treatment deliveryParticipants will learn strategies for delivering psychoeducation about trauma to individuals and families.Participants will learn about the use and selected of assessment instrument for trauma and addiction.Participants will learn what Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) entails, and the benefits and risk to individuals.Participants will learn how recovery from trauma and addiction can impact the individual, family, and community.Participants will learn about SAMSHAs Behavioral Health Evidence-Based Treatment and Recovery Practices for Trauma and Addiction.Participants will learn about Trauma-Informed Approaches for the treatment of Trauma and Addiction that address culture and diversity.Participants will learn about Trauma and Addiction research and some of the uses of technology in the delivery of treatment interventions.TRAUMA AND ADDICTION OUTCOMESParticipants will be able explain the importance of Health literacy, identify three domains of Health Literacy, identify three levels of Health literacy, explain how Health Literacy is assessed, and the role of a Healthcare Navigator.Participants will identify HIGH RISK individuals for Substance Use Disorders and Trauma, and treatment disparities, and explore strategies to pursue social justice.Participants will identify 3 significant events in history that affected drug use and policies in AMERICA.Participants will identify the harmful BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL effects of addiction on the individual, family, community, and society at larger.Participants will demonstrate understanding of how to use the Active Ingredient Approach to treatment of PTSD, and the structure of treatment by identifying the 4 stages, and method of application via case examples.Participant will demonstrate via case discussion and or role play appropriate delivery of psychoeducation about trauma.Participant will I identify and select relevant assessment instrument to administer to trauma and addiction patients in the assessment process.Participants will identify three medications used in the treatment of addiction, and where MAT is available, and the decision process to determine appropriate use of MAT for and individual.Participants will be able to explain how to support resiliency and competency in recovery from trauma and addiction, and how to support resiliency and competency via treatment delivery.Participants will identify Evidence-Based Treatment interventions for Substance Use Disorders, and for Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders.Participants will be able to identify strategies and interventions that are appropriate for use with culturally diverse populations.Participants will be able to understand and identify research examining the use of technology in the use of treatment interventions.This course is not available for NBCC credit."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Conflitos: PNL e Psicologia aplicados" |
"Mesmo que voc tenha chegado a esse curso para resolver um problema pessoal pontual. Talvez com um chefe desafiante, ou um colega de trabalho que difcil de lidar.Talvez um conflito interior ou mesmo familiar.O fato que neste mundo no possvel viver sem Conflitos.Ento como minimizar seus impactos? Ou mais: como tirar proveito desses conflitos?O QUE OS ALUNOS DIZEM""Superou minhas expectativas. Comprei querendo conhecer um pouco sobre PNL. Muito boas as reflexes propostas."" Fabiana Simes""Muito bom. Curso prtico, didtico, com aulas muito boas sobre resoluo de conflitos."" Renan Csar Alssio""Era o que eu esperava: me descobrir primeiro"" Thiago Felipe da Silva""Muito esclarecedor. Professor muito bacana e tem muito conhecimento para nos ensinar a colocar em prtica."" Luciene Gueiro da SilvaVoc percebe que na nossa cultura ocidental ns no somos treinados para resolver conflitos como algo humano e natural? Voc concorda com isso? Por qu?Neste curso voc vai aprender a arte da negociao, a arte da administrao de conflitos. claro que isso no acontece de uma hora pra outra e exige de voc muita avaliao pessoal e o que eu chamo de modelagem da linguagem.Dito de outro modo: as habilidades humanas para administrar conflitos no so desenvolvidas como meta de vida, de aprender a viver.Sim, voc pode enfrentar conflitos respeitando e sendo respeitado.Sim, voc pode ouvir e ser ouvido.Sim, existem tcnicas para isso.Sim, existe muito mal entendido sobre o assunto.Embora o foco deste curso seja voltado a relacionamentos empresariais as tcnicas que voc vai descobrir iro te servir para sua famlia e seus grupos sociais dos mais diversos.Eu sou Gabriel Vaz, sou Agile Coach na CAIXA. Dito de outro modo eu treino gestores e times tcnicos no que chamo de mentalidade gil.Dito de outro modo eu influencio do alto escalo ao estagirio a mudar a cultura.Voc acha que conflitos aparecem nessa minha misso? O tempo todo.At porque o que eu fao e mudana de cultura, eu influencio as pessoas a se comportarem diferente.O tempo inteiro eu uso as tcnicas que voc vai aprender aqui. conhecimento prtico de psicologia.Foi por isso que a Rita da Udemy entrou em contato comigo e depois de conhecer melhor minha jornada ela me pediu pra eu fazer um curso prtico. Por isso no aprofundo em alguns temas. Pra tornar o curso rpido, prtico para voc assistir e j conseguir aplicar na sua vida no momento seguinte.Contudo se voc quer aprofundar neste tema as ltimas aulas vo te dar um norte excelente pra voc no precisar fazer todos os cursos que fiz (mais de 40 horas de investimento) e nem ler os todos os livros que eu precisei ler. Aproveite nosso Toolkit da Assertividade e aprenda as seguintes ferramentas:Mensagem EuParafraseamentoEscuta ativaMapa da Empatia (na atualizao do prximo ms)Moving Motivators (na atualizao do ms seguinte)Conhea os 3 Estudos de Casos que preparamos para voc no cometer os mesmos erros que:O Gerente (de)metidoA Hora do PatoUm chefe difcil de agradar (em breve)Este curso um curso bsico e foi montado para voc que quer:Administrar conflitos no trabalhoAprender a gerenciar emoes eNegociar preservando relacionamentosE se voc quer trilhar o caminho para dominar esse tema e se destacar nos seus resultados sugerimos a impresso e leitura do PDF que disponibilizamos ao final do curso."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Billings e Perodo Frtil com a Dr Marli Virginia" |
"Se voc quer descobrir como Deus fez o perodo frtil, baseado em Cincia, e como usar isso com Sabedoria ou...entender porque voc no deve nem precisa de usar anticoncepcionais ou...como usar os Mtodos no perodo da amamentao ou mesmo...como aumentar as chances de engravidar...E voc ainda conta com o suporte pelo WhatsApp +55 (61) 9.9226-5942 com o Gabriel Vaz e a orientao ONLINE da Tatiana e do Cludio (contato dentro do curso).Qualquer dvida nos mande sua pergunta.Este curso para voc que quer viver a sua sexualidade conjugal Luz de Deus e da sabedoria da Cincia!Somadas aos 32 anos de experincia da Dr Marli Virgnia, Ginecologista Obstetra que ministra vrios cursos com esta temtica no Brasil e no exterior, o curso promovido pelo Projeto D-Graa Ponto Com e apresentado por Dr Marli Virgnia Nobrega e Gabriel Vaz. Gabriel e sua esposa utiliza os mtodos h 14 anos. Este curso compartilha informaes valiosas e dicas relacionadas a melhor combinao entre os mtodos Ovulao (MOB Mtodos de Ovulao Billings), Temperatura Basal, observao da Saliva.Neste curso a Dr Marli apresenta:Mtodo da observao do Muco (Mtodo Billings)Mtodo da Temperatura (basal) (sintotrmico)Mtodo da Saliva (cristalizao)Os mtodos no perodo da amamentaoComo engravidar com o auxlio de uma fita simples e barata disponvel em qualquer farmcia.Principais tpicos abordados:Perodo Frtil - e como o domnio dele determina se haver ou no vida da relao conjugalQuero Engravidar! - quais recursos simples e baratos esto disponveis no Brasil e no exteriorNa Amamentao - de forma simples e didtica quais as diferenas do uso dos mtodos neste perodoAutoconhecimento - sobretudo da mulher que ir conhecer os sinais do seu corpoFertilidade emocional - o carter unitivo e uma viso de fecundidade muito mais abrangenteA beleza do ato conjugal - baseado na reflexo e simplicidade que s a Dr Marli consegue fazerEste curso extremamente simples e didtico e as avaliaes provam isso.E ainda conta com um rea de Downloads de documentos de apoio e materiais de referncia.Sabemos que voc obter muito conhecimento neste curso, mas se por algum motivo voc no estiver totalmente satisfeito, garantimos o reembolso em 30 dias - exceto em campanhas de distribuio gratuita deste curso, evidentemente.Acesso Vitalcio + Certificado de Concluso + Acesso offline pelo aplicativo da Udemy.Clique no [COMPRAR AGORA]!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer Entrevistas de Emprego (Recursos Humanos)" |
"Este curso para o RH (Recursos Humanos) e para o time de Recrutamento e Selecao.Embora a Karla Fabiane tenha muita experincia em recrutamente de vagas de TI (informtica) os princpios e tcnicas que ela apresenta servem para todos os recrutadores.Ento se voc tem muitas ou poucas vagas de emprego para preencher, centenas de currculos e vrias pessoas para entrevistar que tal bater um bom papo com uma recrutadora com mais de 10 anos de experincia?Legal, n?Pois a Karla Fabiane essa profissional que junto com o Gabriel Vaz formataram esse curso para profissionais de recursos humanos.Alm de entender os princpios e o que mudou nos ltimos anos voc vai baixar nossos modelos, roteiros para ganhar tempo e fazer mais com menos e definir o seu prprio processo de:definio do perfil profissionalabertura da vagadivulgao da vagaseleo dos currculosconduzir as entrevistas nono contato inicial (eliminatrio) por telefone - entrevista inicialnos testes de perfil profissionial (antes ou depois da entrevista)na entrevista pessoalfechamento da vaga, a contratao propriamente ditaE voc ainda vai poder entrar em contato conosco pelo WhatsApp +55 (61) 9.8424-6580 para dar feedbacks e tirar dvidas pontuais com a Karla Fabiane.Agora clique no boto e garanta j a sua vaga nesse curso.E vamos aprender juntos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Simulado PSM II 2020 - Voc Expert em Scrum? PROVE!!" |
"O que nossos Alunos dizem:""A entrega satisfaz a expectativa gerada. O trabalho que Gabriel (e equipe) teve para incluir justificativas detalhadas a cereja do bolo."" Arthur Heineck""Os simulados so bacanas e tem me ajudado a identificar gaps em meus conhecimentos sobre o Scrum e o papel de Scrum Master."" Ailton Santos CorreiaEste simulado vai te ajudar a se preparar bem para a Certificao Professional Scrum Master Advanced, a PSM II e reduzir o risco de perder essas dezenas de dlares.Trata-se de um Mock Exam Questions ou... Simulado/Simulated.Atravs dele voc vai poder praticar usando a mesma quantidade de questes, o mesmo nvel de complexidade, e o mesmo tempo de execuo.Quanto ganha um Scrum Master? E um Agile Coach?A media salarial nos EUA de US$ 97.319/ano (versus os US$ 66.137 anuais para Gerente de Projetos)No Brasil j conhecemos Scrum Masters/Agile Coach de R$ 7.134/ms a R$ 12.000/msNa Europa varia de pas para pas. Se tiver esses dados de Portugal e outros pases envie para gente.No LinkedIn recebo oportunidades o tempo todo. Outro dia uma consultoria de So Paulo pediu meu CV. Eles tem (ou tinham) 20 vagas em aberto. Isso mesmo: VINTE VAGAS.E bvio que a capacidade de ajudar as organizaes a mudar a maneira de trabalhar mais importante do que nunca, medida que nosso mundo muda rapidamente. As empresas dependero do Scrum Masters cada vez mais para ajudar equipes e organizaes a se adaptarem rapidamente a essas mudanas, a fim de permanecerem competitivas.Essa prova uma prova difcil mas com a sua persistncia tenho certeza que ir ser aprovado.Mas vale muito a pena para se habilitar para oportunidade de emprego de vagas de Scrum Master e Agile Coach que exigem conhecimento avanado no Framework Scrum.Vamos l.Vamos exercitar seus conhecimentos e se preparar para o Scrum Master Advanced Exam.NO SIMULE EM PORTUGUSComo explico no vdeo no faz sentido voc simular com questes em portugus uma vez que a prova em ingls.Assista ao Vdeo para compreender melhor.Aviso LegalTodas as perguntas 2020 com todos os direitos reservados.Os termos Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Dono do Produto Scrum , PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. so a marca protegida do Scrum. org. Este curso, questionrios, materiais do curso e exames prticos no so aprovados ou afiliados ao Scrum. org ou Scrum Alliance.O termo ""The Guide"", ""the Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" refere-se ao oficial The Scrum Guide disponvel on-line em scrumguides (dot) org."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulado PSM I: Passe de PRIMEIRA (Comentado em Portugus)" |
"O que os Alunos dizem:""A entrega satisfaz a expectativa gerada. O trabalho que Gabriel (e equipe) teve para incluir justificativas detalhadas a cereja do bolo."" Arthur Heineck""Os simulados so bacanas e tem me ajudado a identificar gaps em meus conhecimentos sobre o Scrum e o papel de Scrum Master."" Ailton Santos CorreiaEste simulado vai te ajudar se voc quer se preparar bem para a Certificao Professional Scrum Master Essencials, a PSM I.Trata-se de um Mock Exam Questions ou... Simulado/Simulated.Atravs dele voc vai poder praticar usando a mesma quantidade de questes, o mesmo nvel de complexidade, e o mesmo tempo de execuo.Essa prova uma prova difcil mas com a sua persistncia tenho certeza que ir ser aprovado.Quanto ganha um Scrum Master? E um Agile Coach?A media salarial nos EUA de US$ 97.319/ano (versus os US$ 66.137 anuais para Gerente de Projetos)No Brasil j conhecemos Scrum Masters/Agile Coach de R$ 7.134/ms a R$ 12.000/msNa Europa varia de pas para pas. Se tiver esses dados de Portugal e outros pases envie para gente.A capacidade de ajudar as organizaes a mudar a maneira de trabalhar mais importante do que nunca, medida que nosso mundo muda rapidamente. As empresas dependero do Scrum Masters cada vez mais para ajudar equipes e organizaes a se adaptarem rapidamente a essas mudanas, a fim de permanecerem competitivas.Vamos l.Vamos exercitar seus conhecimentos e se preparar para o Scrum Master Essencial Exam.A certificao Professional Scrum Master toda em ingls.Embora a traduo do Google ajude bastante melhor treinar nas ""mesmas condies"".A prova nvel difcil mesmo que voc tenha leitura em ingls.Aviso LegalTodas as perguntas 2020 com todos os direitos reservados.Os termos Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Dono do Produto Scrum , PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. so a marca protegida do Scrum. org. Este curso, questionrios, materiais do curso e exames prticos no so aprovados ou afiliados ao Scrum. org ou Scrum Alliance.O termo ""The Guide"", ""the Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" refere-se ao oficial The Scrum Guide disponvel on-line em scrumguides (dot) org."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulated PSM II 2020 - With Comments Simulated Exam" |
"What our Students say:""The delivery fulfills the expectation generated. The work that Gabriel (and team) had to include detailed justifications is the icing on the cake."" Arthur Heineck""The simulations are cool and have helped me to identify gaps in my knowledge about Scrum and the role of Scrum Master."" Ailton Santos CorreiaThis simulation will help you prepare well for the Professional Scrum Master Advanced Certification, PSM II and reduce the risk of losing those tens of dollars.This is a Mock Exam Questions or ... Simulated.Through it you will be able to practice using the same number of questions, the same level of complexity, and the same execution time.How much does a Scrum Master earn? And an Agile Coach?The average salary in the USA is US$97,319/year (versus US$66,137 a year for Project Manager)In Brazil we already know Scrum Masters/Agile Coach from R$7,134/month to R$12,000/monthIn Europe it varies from country to country. If you have this data from Portugal and other countries, send it to us.On LinkedIn I get opportunities all the time. The other day a consultancy in So Paulo asked for my CV. They have (or had) 20 open positions. That's right: TWENTY VACANCIES.And it is obvious that the ability to help organizations change the way they work is more important than ever, as our world changes quickly. Companies will increasingly rely on the Scrum Masters to help teams and organizations adapt quickly to these changes in order to remain competitive.This test is a difficult test but with your persistence I am sure it will pass.But it is very worthwhile to qualify for job opportunities for Scrum Master and Agile Coach jobs that require advanced knowledge in the Scrum Framework.Come on.Let's exercise your knowledge and prepare for the Scrum Master Advanced Exam.Legal NoticeAll questions 2020 with all rights reserved.The terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master , Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. are Scrum's protected trademark. org. This course, questionnaires, course materials and practical exams are not approved or affiliated with Scrum. org or Scrum Alliance.The term ""The Guide"", ""the Scrum Guide"", ""Guide"" refers to the official The Scrum Guide available online at scrumguides (dot) org."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"FOREX: DAY TRADING de Indices con Scalping (0 a Experto)" |
"Aprend a invertir en Forex haciendo intradiarias (day trading con ndices, divisas, materias primas, criptomonedas) de manera prctica y didctica con ejemplos reales usando herramientas del Anlisis Tcnico. No se necesitan conocimientos previos ya que empezamos desde cero y avanzamos paulatinamente hasta llegar a conocimientos avanzados.EXTRA: Obtendrs un Importante Descuento en el Valor del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: DESCUENTO12 TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Aldo Ivn PalafoxSin duda un trader con experiencia en el scalping. Le aprend mucho. Recomiendo el curso.Manuel MartnezCurso pedaggicamente hablando, perfecto, fcil explicado y muy ameno. La estrategia es muy buena, da muchas entradas buenas, cumpliendo una buena estadstica. Se toca o ensea todo lo necesario para realizar inversiones en cualquier timeframe, se aprenden plataformas de inversin as como control del riesgo y mucho ms. El soporte del profesor es excelente, contestando toda duda en muy poco tiempo. Recomiendo encarecidamente este curso si quieres realizar un curso serio y eficaz, saludos a todos, gracias CristianJuan ValenciaExcelente trabajo y material, muy bien explicado.Sebastin GomezEl curso es muy didactico, siempre enfocado en dar ejemplos de lo que se expone. En mi caso, que no se nada de esto. Me acerco muchisimo al mundo de forex.Jose Cortes LlobatEl profesor nos muestra una estrategia de trading bien detallada y con ejemplos prcticos. Adems nos brinda la definicin de muchos conceptos importantes para entender las operaciones de trading.Leonardo RojasEstuvo muy bueno y aplicable a MT4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En el presente curso aprenders todas las herramientas para poder analizar y tomar decisiones de manera independiente. Al terminar el curso estars capacitado para empezar de manera real a invertir controlando el riesgo.Sobre qu temas aprenders?: [+] Herramientas Practicas para operar Intra Day en el Mercado FOREX con Indices[+] Plataformas Webs y Simuladores para practicar en vivo[+] Anlisis Tcnico e interpretacin de grficos (Indicadores, Osciladores)[+] Usar un Sistema de Seales o Alertas que ayuden a identificar fcilmente las mejores oportunidades de inversin intradiario[+] Ejemplos prcticos de anlisis en vivo[+] Utilizacin de plataforma web/mobil de Broker[+] Control del Riesgo - Gestin del Patrimonio[+] Sistemas de Trading con Precio - Volumen (Scalping)[+] Cmo transferir y retirar dinero a un broker real de Forex. Cmo abrir cuenta?[+] Impacto de Noticias y Operaciones en Corto (Short)Mas de 4500 estudiantes (desde mas de 96 pases) me han elegido para su formacin.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Cristian GuerenuInstructor de Udemy - Ingeniero Industrial - Experto Universitario en Mercado de Capitales"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"FOREX MEXICO: Aprende a GANAR con el Par de Divisas USDMXN" |
"Aprend a invertir en Forex haciendo intradiarias y Swing Trading (day trading con el par de divisas usd/mxn) de manera prctica y didctica con ejemplos reales usando herramientas del Anlisis Tcnico. No se necesitan conocimientos previos ya que empezamos desde cero y avanzamos paulatinamente hasta llegar a conocimientos avanzados. Bolsa Mexicana.EXTRA: Obtendrs un Importante Descuento en el Valor del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: DESCUENTO12 TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Ramiro GonzalezGran explicacion. Me permitio aprender todos los temas necearios para arrancar a invertir en el par de divisas usdmxnQuique AlcidesSin duda un trader con experiencia en el mercado Forex. Excelente curso, la verdad que fue sacarme una venda de los ojos despus de tantos aos ... Este curso es muy fcil de asimilar y muy completo en la operativa... Lo recomiendo. Gracias!Daniel FernandezTodo el material es muy bueno y en los vdeos se explica de una forma simple que es fcil de entender, no es como la mayora de otros cursos en los que utilizan tecnicismos y palabras que confunden en vez de ayudar a entender el mercado. En pocas palabra es simple, entendible y funcional. Excelente Curso. Altamente Recomendado.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En el presente curso aprenders todas las herramientas para poder analizar y tomar decisiones de manera independiente. Al terminar el curso estars capacitado para empezar de manera real a invertir controlando el riesgo.Sobre qu temas aprenders?: [+] Plataformas Webs y Simuladores para Practicar en Vivo[+] Herramientas Practicas para operar Intra Day / Scalping / Swing Traidng en el Mercado FOREX con el par de Divisas USD/MXN[+] Anlisis Tcnico e interpretacin de grficos[+] Ejemplos Prcticos de anlisis en VIVO[+] Utilizacin de plataforma web/mobil de Broker[+] Control del Riesgo - Gestin del Patrimonio[+] Sistemas de Trading con Precio - Volumen (Scalping)[+] Cmo transferir y retirar dinero a un broker real de Forex. Como elegir broker y abrir cuenta[+] Impacto de Noticias y Operaciones en Corto (Short)Mas de 4500 estudiantes (desde mas de 96 pases) me han elegido para su formacin.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Cristian GuerenuInstructor de Udemy - Ingeniero Industrial - Experto Universitario en Mercado de Capitales"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Sistema Rentable Automtico FOREX + ACCIONES EEUU" |
"Aprend a invertir en Forex y Acciones de EEUU con un Sistema Rentable y Automtico de manera Prctica y Didctica con Ejemplos Reales. Hace Crecer tu Patrimonio copiando a los mejores y evitando gastar tiempo en operar No se necesitan conocimientos previos ya que empezamos desde cero.EXTRA: Obtendrs un Importante Descuento en el Valor del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: DESCUENTO12 TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Quique AlcidesExcelente curso para aplicar un sistema que permite invertir sin gastar tiempo, restringiendo el riesgo y maximizando la ganancia. Me gusto mucho por ser contenido de mucho valor, prctico y sencillo de entender.Agustin MarraRealmente la calidad y temtica del curso supera en mucho a otros cursos que se ofrecen por un precio mucho mayor. Voy a seguir con mas cursos de este instructor para seguir aprendiendo.Daniel FernandezGenial la claridad con la que explica las ideas y sintetiza la informacin relevante! Muchas gracias.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En el presente curso aprenders todas las herramientas necesarias para poder analizar y tomar decisiones de manera independiente. Al terminar el curso estars capacitado para empezar de manera real a invertir de manera automtica (controlando el riesgo), luego de elegir a los mejores traders para que operen por vos.Sobre qu temas aprenders?: [+] Como crearse una cuenta en un Simulador y Broker de Bolsa[+] Por que el Sistema Copy Trader funciona? Que gana cada parte?[+] Tipos de Activos disponibles (Acciones, Materias Primas, Divisas, Criptomonedas, ETFs, Indices)[+] Como crear y armar Listas de Seguimiento[+] Como Interpretar el Riesgo y limitarlo[+] Como evitar excesiva volatilidad[+] Diversificacin (Mercados, Tipos de traders)[+] Como usar los Filtros para elegir Traders[+] Como leer los grficos de Rendimiento[+] Stop Loss para limitar el riesgo[+] Cuanto invertir en cada trader? - Gestin del Patrimonio[+] Cmo transferir y retirar dinero a un broker real de Forex. Cmo verificar la cuenta[+] Customer Service[+] Comisiones y Regulacin[+] Que son los CopyPortfolios?[+] Eleccin de Mejores Traders a tener en cuentaMas de 4500 estudiantes (desde mas de 96 pases) me han elegido para su formacin.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Cristian GuerenuInstructor de Udemy - Ingeniero Industrial - Experto Universitario en Mercado de Capitales"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Completo" |
" Voc quer se tornar um Desenvolvedor Web e no sabe nem por onde comear? Quer refrescar seu conhecimento? Quer trocar de carreira? A Srie Front-end do comeo: Desenvolvimento Web vai abordar fundo as 3 linguagens base da internet, o HTML, Javascript e CSS. Alm de abordar rapidamente o Bootstrap, jQuey, Hospedagem e SEO. Por ser uma srie abrangente tambm longa. Por isso decidi quebr-la em diversos cursos para que j possa ir colocando ela no ar a medida que vou fazendo. Neste curso voc ir ver os Mdulos I e II que abrangem a linguagem HTML por completo. A srie vai ter teoria e prtica, para que ao final da srie voc tenha uma boa base de Front-end. O objetivo dela dar ao aluno um conhecimento profundo do assunto, para que ele tenha jogo de cintura para aplicar seu conhecimento aos diversos trabalhos que venham pela frente ao invs de somente saber fazer uma coisa. Vou apresentar no s as linguagens, mas tambm onde ir buscar recursos e esclarecimentos. No Mdulo I voc vai ver: O Ambiente de trabalho para um desenvolvedor webO que a internet e a diferena entre internet e WebQuais so e como funcionam as linguagens base da internetOnde achar DocumentaoVamos ter duas tarefas:Vamos estruturar um poemaVamos comear com um Projeto de CV que vai nos acompanhar durante toda a srieIntroduo ao HTML e a estrutura de um site (pastas e arquivos)A declarao doctypeO elemento htmlO elemento headO elemento bodyO elemento div e a diferena entre elementos de bloco e de linhaO elemento pargrafo Os elemento de headingsO elemento de link e seus tiposDiversos elementos de formatao de textoO elemento imagemOs elementos de lista No Mdulo II voc vai ver:HeaderFooterMainNavSectionArticleAsideAddressBlockquotequotecitefigure, figcaption, picturevdeo e udioiframetabelas formulrioselementos avanados de HTML Basicamente, tudo o que voc vai precisar em HTML para trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de sites."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"CSS - Estilize seu site!" |
"Venha aprender a estilizar seus sites com o CSS, aplicando cores, medidas, fontes, estilizao de textos e caixas, posicionamento e muito mais. A linguagem CSS foi criada para transformar o HTML em algo visualmente agradvel e chamativo.Este o segundo curso da Srie Front-end do comeo: Desenvolvimento Web onde vamos aprender a fundo as linguagens base da Web, o HTML, CSS e JS.Continuando do mdulo I e II, neste mdulo vamos ver o comear a aplicar CSS de maneira a comear a estilizar os sites, dando cores, fontes, e melhorando sua aparncia.Mas no se preocupe, se voc tem conhecimento de HTML, mesmo no tendo feito o mdulo anterior, vai poder acompanhar este curso tranquilamente.Vamos aprender:Como aplicar o CSS ao nosso HTMLO que so seletoresComo escrever comentrios em CSSComo funcionam as cores em CSSComo aplicar cor de fonte e de fundoComo aplicar SombrasTipos de Medidas em CSSO que o Box-modelComo aplicar largura e altura em CSSComo aplicar bordas em CSSComo aplicar margens e enchimento em CSSO que eu fao quando meu contedo maior do que a minha caixaQual a diferena entre Outline e BordaVamos aprender a estilizar texto:Como definir a famlia da nossa fonteO que so Web Fonts, Web Safe Fonts e como aplicar fontes personalizadasComo definir o tamanho do nosso textoComo aplicar estilos ao nosso texto como negrito, itlico, sublinhas e outrosComo colocar um texto todo em caixa alta ou baixa visualmente sem afetar o originalComo estilizar fundos:Como aplicar imagens de fundoComo posicionar imagens de fundoGradientesCriar breakpoints para sites responsivosAprender os diferentes seletores a fundoFlex-box e Grid, e como podem ajudar a criar um layout responsivoAnimaes e transiesMenu dropdown em puro CSSVamos aplicar nosso conhecimento com exerccios prticosE muito mais!Ento no perca tempo! Inscreva-se j!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Dropbox a fundo" |
"Aprenda a no perder mais arquivos e poder sincronizar seus arquivos atravs de dispositivos com o Dropbox. Vamos aprender desde a instalao, o uso no computador, no navegador e em dispositivos mveis, o compartilhamento de pastas, uso de histrico e muitas outras funes. Saiba como usar o Paper e Showcase do Dropbox e como trabalhar colaborativamente. Aprenda como usar o Office Online e Google Docs para editar seus documentos do Dropbox mesmo sem o Office instalado no computador.O Dropbox uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar no seu dia-a-dia. Aprenda a aproveitar tudo que ela tem a oferecer. Inscreva-se!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Get Started Creating Online Courses with OBS and Adobe CC" |
"Do you want to start selling online courses here on Udemy or anywhere else and have absolutely no idea how to start?Do you want your videos to have a professional look, with a visual identity so your students will remember you?Do you have a ton of knowledge and great class ideas but don't know how to record your screen, edit videos, set up a home studio?Do you get scared looking at how complicated these editing and screen recording software are?Do you want to avoid the mistakes I made when starting to create my courses and setting up my home studio?Do you want to get started creating and editing your classes quickly without having to do a ton of research and watching several different in-depth courses on editing software?This is the course for you, I joined my experience working with video editing and producing, with my research and editing hiccups to create a good workflow to record my lessons and edit them.I am teaching you here the result of 5 years of experience in the audiovisual sector and a year of fine tuning my course creation.I will teach you what you need to get started with these professionals tools in a concise and practical manner so that you can get started creating your courses.I will simplify these complicated tools to only what you need to get started on your courses, without the excess you don't need right now.I will show you my editing workflow to teach you in a practical way. I will be using the combination of: OBS studio to capture your screen and even yourselfReflector 3 to record your phone or tablet screenAdobe Audition to treat your audio and make yourself sound betterAdobe Premiere to edit and export your videosAdobe After Effects to create a nice intro for your videos that is editable in Adobe Premiere.Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create your visual identity and assetsAnd I will show you how I translated my knowledge of professional studio equipment to set up my home studio in a budgetSo what are you waiting for? Come create great online courses! Register now!WARNING: There are computer requirements for this course, so watch the lessons I left open and check out the requirements before buying the course!Legal disclaimer:""GET STARTED CREATING ONLINE COURSES WITH OBS AND ADOBE"" IS NOT AUTHORIZED, ENDORSED OR SPONSORED BY ADOBE, PUBLISHER OF ADOBE AUDITION, ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS, ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR, ADOBE MEDIA MANAGER, ADOBE PREMIERE AND ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. ""Adobe Audition is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."" ""Adobe After Effects is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."" ""Adobe Illustrator is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."" ""Adobe Media Manager is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."" ""Adobe Premiere is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."" ""Adobe Photoshop is either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to become Successful Data Scientist - Mentor approach" |
"You hear a lot about data, big data, data mining, machine learning, and predictive modelling. Sometimes it might be overwhelming. You might have finished university, started a job, completed online technical course, downloaded some software but dont know how to get the data scientist job and if you are already in junior data analyst or data analyst role, how to get that promotion. How to write cv, prepare for an interview?Do you want to be successful data scientist? Do you need a mentor to show you step-by-step real life events on how to become best data scientist but dont know how and where to start? This video series is for you.If you have ever wondered what exactly Data scientists do in their day to day working life? This animated video series will take you in the day to day life of data scientist to show you what exactly happens behind those glass doors. This video series is also aimed for analytics professional who has responsibilities to recruit and train junior data analyst. It will give you an idea on how to plan the training. This animated video series is fun way to learn, understand, prepare to become successful data scientist. Topics Covered : 1. Introduction and Induction to the Company.2. What is Data mining Coffee chat3. Companys Data mining approach 4. What is Virtuous Cycle of Data mining5. Understand Business objectives and what is our role6. Customer Life Cycle Role of Data mining7. How Multi-channel Data gets generated 8. Data Warehousing at Large organisation9. What is Single Customer View (SCV)10. Identify and Understand Business requirements"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Space With Chi" |
"Do you feel like your life is stuck and suspect that maybe your home has something to do with it? Chances are, you may be right!Taoism teaches us that we are made up of and surrounded by life force energy, or chi. When our chi is circulating well, we feel healthy, find success, and enjoy our relationships more. When our chi is stuck or erratic, we might become ill or meet misfortune.Feng shui, the art of arranging our environment to optimize chi, grew out of Taoist beliefs, from the same roots as Chinese traditional medicine.In my feng shui-inspired design method, I combine age-old feng shui and modern design principles to help my clients and students create homes that support their best lives.In this course, I walk you through the steps you need to take to bring better flow into your environment and fine-tune the energy of your home.You will learn how to:-make space for chi by decluttering;-create floor plans that optimize flow;-adjust the energy of a space through the arrangement of furniture and accessories;-set up rooms that feel and look great.If you want to take back control of your space and enjoy the benefits of having the right kind of chi in your life, enroll today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Transform Your Space With Art" |
"Do you feel like your life is stuck and suspect that maybe your home has something to do with it? Chances are, you may be right!In my feng shui-inspired design method, I combine feng shui and modern design principles to help my clients and students create homes that support their best lives.In this course, I walk you through the steps you need to take to bring better flow into your environment and fine-tune the energy of your home through the optimal selection and placement of art.You will learn: how art changes your space in terms of energy, harmony, and design principles; where art should go; what art would work for your space; how to find, acquire, and even make art yourself; how to display art properly, with the right framing and hanging techniques.If you want to achieve flow and harmony in your space and life, enroll today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Devops Zero To Hero Complete Ultimate Guide 10+ Components" |
"Git - Repository Management DockerAnsible -Configuration ManagementJenkins-Continuous Integration ManagementNexussonarqubeVagrantTerraFormPackerskubernetes ChefMaven -Build ToolAfter Learn this Course student Become Master On Devops Management Tools all tools Will be covered in depth and their Architecture & Internals..DevOpsis the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning Zero to Hero : Hands-On Artificial Neural N/W" |
"Understand the intuition behind Artificial Neural Networks.Understand the intuition behind Convolutional Neural NetworksUnderstand the intuition behind Recurrent Neural NetworksUnderstand the intuition behind Self-Organizing MapsUnderstand the intuition behind Boltzmann MachinesUnderstand the intuition behind AutoEncodersApply Artificial Neural Networks in practiceApply Convolutional Neural Networks in practiceApply Recurrent Neural Networks in practiceApply Self-Organizing Maps in practiceApply Boltzmann Machines in practiceApply AutoEncoders in practice--- The Tools ---Tensorflow and Pytorch are the two most popular open-source libraries for Deep Learning. In this course you will learn both!TensorFlow was developed by Google and is used in their speech recognition system, in the new google photos product, gmail, google search and much more. Companies using Tensorflow include AirBnb, Airbus, Ebay, Intel, Uber and dozens more.PyTorch is as just as powerful and is being developed by researchers at Nvidia and leading universities: Stanford, Oxford, ParisTech. Companies using PyTorch include Twitter, Saleforce and Facebook.So which is better and for what?Well, in this course you will have an opportunity to work with both and understand when Tensorflow is better and when PyTorch is the way to go. Throughout the tutorials we compare the two and give you tips and ideas on which could work best in certain circumstances.--- Real-World Case Studies ---Mastering Deep Learning is not just about knowing the intuition and tools, it's also about being able to apply these models to real-world scenarios and derive actual measurable results for the business or project. That's why in this course we are introducing six exciting challenges:#1 Churn Modelling ProblemIn this part you will be solving a data analytics challenge for a bank. You will be given a dataset with a large sample of the bank's customers. To make this dataset, the bank gathered information such as customer id, credit score, gender, age, tenure, balance, if the customer is active, has a credit card, etc. During a period of 6 months, the bank observed if these customers left or stayed in the bank.Your goal is to make an Artificial Neural Network that can predict, based on geo-demographical and transactional information given above, if any individual customer will leave the bank or stay (customer churn). Besides, you are asked to rank all the customers of the bank, based on their probability of leaving. To do that, you will need to use the right Deep Learning model, one that is based on a probabilistic approach.If you succeed in this project, you will create significant added value to the bank. By applying your Deep Learning model the bank may significantly reduce customer churn.#2 Image RecognitionIn this part, you will create a Convolutional Neural Network that is able to detect various objects in images. We will implement this Deep Learning model to recognize a cat or a dog in a set of pictures. However, this model can be reused to detect anything else and we will show you how to do it - by simply changing the pictures in the input folder.For example, you will be able to train the same model on a set of brain images, to detect if they contain a tumor or not. But if you want to keep it fitted to cats and dogs, then you will literally be able to a take a picture of your cat or your dog, and your model will predict which pet you have. We even tested it out on Hadelins dog!#3 Stock Price PredictionIn this part, you will create one of the most powerful Deep Learning models. We will even go as far as saying that you will create the Deep Learning model closest to Artificial Intelligence. Why is that? Because this model will have long-term memory, just like us, humans.The branch of Deep Learning which facilitates this is Recurrent Neural Networks. Classic RNNs have short memory, and were neither popular nor powerful for this exact reason. But a recent major improvement in Recurrent Neural Networks gave rise to the popularity of LSTMs (Long Short Term Memory RNNs) which has completely changed the playing field. We are extremely excited to include these cutting-edge deep learning methods in our course!In this part you will learn how to implement this ultra-powerful model, and we will take the challenge to use it to predict the real Google stock price. A similar challenge has already been faced by researchers at Stanford University and we will aim to do at least as good as them.#4 Fraud DetectionAccording to a recent report published by Markets & Markets the Fraud Detection and Prevention Market is going to be worth $33.19 Billion USD by 2021. This is a huge industry and the demand for advanced Deep Learning skills is only going to grow. Thats why we have included this case study in the course.This is the first part of Volume 2 - Unsupervised Deep Learning Models. The business challenge here is about detecting fraud in credit card applications. You will be creating a Deep Learning model for a bank and you are given a dataset that contains information on customers applying for an advanced credit card.This is the data that customers provided when filling the application form. Your task is to detect potential fraud within these applications. That means that by the end of the challenge, you will literally come up with an explicit list of customers who potentially cheated on their applications.#5 & 6 Recommender SystemsFrom Amazon product suggestions to Netflix movie recommendations - good recommender systems are very valuable in today's World. And specialists who can create them are some of the top-paid Data Scientists on the planet.We will work on a dataset that has exactly the same features as the Netflix dataset: plenty of movies, thousands of users, who have rated the movies they watched. The ratings go from 1 to 5, exactly like in the Netflix dataset, which makes the Recommender System more complex to build than if the ratings were simply Liked or Not Liked.Your final Recommender System will be able to predict the ratings of the movies the customers didnt watch. Accordingly, by ranking the predictions from 5 down to 1, your Deep Learning model will be able to recommend which movies each user should watch. Creating such a powerful Recommender System is quite a challenge so we will give ourselves two shots. Meaning we will build it with two different Deep Learning models.Here are five reasons we think Deep Learning Zero to Hero really is different, and stands out from the crowd of other training programs out there:1. ROBUST STRUCTUREThe first and most important thing we focused on is giving the course a robust structure. Deep Learning is very broad and complex and to navigate this maze you need a clear and global vision of it.That's why we grouped the tutorials into two volumes, representing the two fundamental branches of Deep Learning: Supervised Deep Learning and Unsupervised Deep Learning. With each volume focusing on three distinct algorithms, we found that this is the best structure for mastering Deep Learning.2. INTUITION TUTORIALSSo many courses and books just bombard you with the theory, and math, and coding... But they forget to explain, perhaps, the most important part: why you are doing what you are doing. And that's how this course is so different. We focus on developing an intuitive *feel* for the concepts behind Deep Learning algorithms.With our intuition tutorials you will be confident that you understand all the techniques on an instinctive level. And once you proceed to the hands-on coding exercises you will see for yourself how much more meaningful your experience will be. This is a game-changer.3. EXCITING PROJECTSAre you tired of courses based on over-used, outdated data sets?Yes? Well then you're in for a treat.Inside this class we will work on Real-World datasets, to solve Real-World business problems. (Definitely not the boring iris or digit classification datasets that we see in every course). In this course we will solve six real-world challenges:Artificial Neural Networks to solve a Customer Churn problemConvolutional Neural Networks for Image RecognitionRecurrent Neural Networks to predict Stock PricesSelf-Organizing Maps to investigate FraudBoltzmann Machines to create a Recomender SystemStacked Autoencoders* to take on the challenge for the Netflix $1 Million prize*Stacked Autoencoders is a brand new technique in Deep Learning which didn't even exist a couple of years ago. We haven't seen this method explained anywhere else in sufficient depth.4. HANDS-ON CODINGIn Deep Learning A-Z we code together with you. Every practical tutorial starts with a blank page and we write up the code from scratch. This way you can follow along and understand exactly how the code comes together and what each line means.In addition, we will purposefully structure the code in such a way so that you can download it and apply it in your own projects. Moreover, we explain step-by-step where and how to modify the code to insert YOUR dataset, to tailor the algorithm to your needs, to get the output that you are after.This is a course which naturally extends into your career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Future Technologies of Web Development in 2020 Advance" |
"Why you Should take this course?In this course i have focused and introduced all the future and new technologies of web development in 2019 and this is the right time and track/course for you to learn these technologies(NodeJS, Redux, ReactJS, MongoDB and ExpressJS). There is also a lot more job opportunities regarding these technologies(NodeJS, Redux, ReactJS, MongoDB and ExpressJS) and it will be very beneficial for you.If you wanna get the job or wanna start you own business or career as a freelancer then it is the right platform for you. And i will help you out to set up you freelancing career or profile on world no #1 freelancing website ""Upwork"".And you will learn these technologies (NodeJS, Redux, ReactJS, MongoDB and ExpressJS) by making complete Blog Site Application.So it is a complete BootcampFree Paid Resources - BonusIn this course i also provide you the best paid books and resources regarding NodeJS, Redux, ReactJS, MongoDB and ExpressJS for free and these resources will help you out to enhance and improve your programming and development skills. Course Goals:Make you Full Stack developer (Using MERN Stack)Give a path from right beginner to advanced (from zero to hero)Introduced most demanded technologies of web development in 2019This course will encourage you towards freelancing, getting job and a sole proprietorship.What we will cover in this course?ReactJS BasicsExport StatementImport StatementPropsStatesFlow between componentsJSXFunctional componentsNon functional componentsEvent HandlingLists And keysBackend SectionNodejsExpressJSMongoDBHow to define RoutesMongoDB connectionMongoDB cloud deploymentPackages InstallationCommand lineHandling PromisesComplete RESTful APIPOSTMAN to check RoutesFrontend SectionReactJSRoutesLinksReactJS extensionComponents stylingSemantic UIResponsive componentsRedux FrameworkRedux BoilerplateRedux thunkRedux storeReducersActionsRedux extenstionDon't waste your time don't think too much because this the right choice for you take this course now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C++ in Detail: Common Idioms" |
"This course is about common C++ idioms that are related to:- types system (return type resolver, type erasure, etc.)- polymorphism (CRTP, virtual constructor)- dependencies (PIMPL)- templates (SFINE, enable-if, object generator)- resource management (RAII, reference counting, resource return)- optimization (SOO, EBO)Idioms emerge from certain features of a programming language or a lack of them. Thus, learning C++ idioms helps better understand this language.While learning those idioms, we will touch upon many parts of C++ like template parameters, including parameter pack, overload resolution, types of polymorphism, casting, conversion operators, placement new, special member functions, friend declarations, type deduction, etc."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Build a Calculator using HTML, CSS and Javascript" |
"Build a Simple Calculator using HTML, CSS and JavascriptIn this Course you will learn how to build a simple calculator using HTML, CSS and Javascript,This course is divided in to four parts,In the first part you will learn how to download and install Notepad++,In the 2nd part you will learn to build the Basic functionality of calculatorIn the 3rd Part you will learn to fix some problems in Calculator Projectand finally in Last Part you will focus on Design Part (CSS)Pre- Requirements: Basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wondershare Filmora 9 Complete Essential Guide" |
"Wondershare Filmora Complete Essential Guide 2019 Learn video editing, photo slideshow e.t.cThis Course is Divided in to 5 Main Sections, Will proceed covering all related options, 1. Downloading & Installing, Interface2. Create Photo SlideShow3. Audio Section4. Video Section 5. GIFDetailed0 PromoSection 11 Download and install2 Introduction and interfaceSection 23 Create photo slideshow4 Titles, credits e.t.c5 Export as videoSection 36 Recording audio7 Audio properties and effects8 Export as MP3Section 49 Working with video basics10 Detach audio11 Reverse video12 Change Video Speed13 Freeze frame14 Transitions, Effects and Elements15 Transform, Video Stabilize16 Color Correction, Aauto Enhance17 Green Screen18 Webcam, Snapshot from video19 Record PC/Laptop screen20 Markers21 Multiple Videos on a ScreenSection 522 GIF"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Videoscribe Essential Guide" |
"Videoscribe Essential GuideIn this course you will learn Videoscribe whiteboard Animation Basics, you will start learning from how to download and install then you will see creating a new project, importing an existing project and then will see the default settings such as max draw time, pause time, transition time e.t.c and then we will start adding images, Gifs, and see how to set camera to current position and change the default hand symbol, and then you will see how to change Image properties, then will see how to change the background color and texture, then will see how to add text and chart, adding voiceover and music finally we will see how to save project add Logo and export video, at last, we will see how to Recreate Promo but that will be in the form of Timelapse there will be no voiceover for the last video"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel do bsico ao Avanado para campees" |
"O Microsoft Excel comumente usado para atividades relacionadas a finanas. O motivo de sua popularidade que o usurio pode definir frmulas personalizadas para o clculo de relatrios trimestrais, semestrais e anuais. Este software de planilha tambm ajuda os profissionais a manterem efetivamente um controle dos leads de vendas, relatrios de status do projeto e relatrios de faturas.O objetivo que voc entenda de maneira rpida e pratica a utilizar todas as funes do Excel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ADVPL do inicio ao avanado" |
"O AdvPL (Advanced Protheus Language) uma linguagem de programao padro xBase (Clipper, Visual Objects e depois Fivewin) com comandos, funes, operadores, estruturas de controle de fluxo e palavras reservadas que permite o desenvolvimento de programas seguidos do paradigma de orientao a objetos ou procedural.Os programas desenvolvidos na linguagem AdvPL, podem conter comandos ou funes de interface com o usurio com as seguintes caractersticas:Programao com interface prpria com o usurioOs programas com interface prpria com o usurio so desenvolvidos para serem executados atravs do terminal remoto, o TOTVS SmartClient. O TOTVS SmartClient a aplicao, desenvolvida pela TOTVS, encarregada da interface e da interao com usurio, ou seja, todo o processamento do cdigo fonte em AdvPL e o acesso ao banco de dados. J o gerenciamento das conexes efetuado pelo o TOTVS Application Server.O TOTVS Application Server o principal meio de acesso a execuo de rotinas desenvolvidas em AdvPL no sistema de gesto . Atravs desta aplicao os cdigos fontes, com ou sem interface com o usurio, so executados. No entanto, nesse tipo de desenvolvimento, so considerados apenas os programas que realizam algum tipo de interface remota utilizando um protocolo de comunicao do sistema.Programao sem interface prpria com o usurioA rotinas criadas sem interface, tem uma utilizao mais especfica do que um processo adicional ou relatrio. Essas rotinas no tem interface com usurio atravs do TOTVS SmartClient e qualquer tentativa (como a criao de uma janela padro) ocasionar uma exceo em tempo de execuo. Desta forma, essas rotinas so apenas processos ou Jobs executados no TOTVS Application Server. No entanto, a interface fica a cargo das aplicaes externas, desenvolvidas em outras linguagens, responsveis por iniciar os processos no servidor atravs dos meios disponveis de integrao e conectividade no sistema."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Selenium WebDriver with Java Course" |
"This course covers Selenium WebDriver and Java topics in detail from basic to advanced levels. So, if you don't have prior knowledge of Java, then you can begin with Java Modules. Start going through Selenium WebDriver videos after you develop some fluency in Java. Remember, you dont need to go through all sessions of Java Course before starting with Selenium WebDriver (because it is an in-depth course on Java and will take a while to finish). First 6 Sections of Java should be sufficient to get you ready for learning Selenium WebDriver.I believe in example-oriented teaching. So, you wont find any PPTs during the sessions. But, you will find dozens of real time scenarios used to elaborate Java and Selenium WebDriver concepts.Feel free to post your questions/feedback in the block provided under each session-video. I will make sure all of your queries are addressed. Course Outline below will give you an idea about the depth and the overall coverage of this course. If you want to learn any other Selenium WebDriver concept - which is not already covered in this course - then feel free to let me know via Udemy messenger.Course Outline:Java BasicsJDK 10 and Eclipse InstallationHello World Java ProgramPrimitive Data Types in Java'var' keyword in Java 10Arithmetic Operators in JavaLogical and Bitwise Operators in JavaRelational Operators in JavaIf - Condition in JavaNested If - Condition in JavaFor Loop in JavaHands-On Exercises on 'For Loop'Nested For Loop in JavaHands-On Exercises on 'Nested For Loop''While' & 'Do While' Loop in JavaLoop 'Break' & 'Continue' Statements in JavaString Basics in JavaString Comparison Operations in JavaString Search Operations in JavaString (Cut) Slice Operations in JavaString Replace Operations in JavaString Conversion Operations in JavaObject Oriented Programing (OOPS) in JavaConcept of Classes and Objects in JavaHands on exercises on Class and ObjectMethods in JavaMethod Overloading in JavaAccess Specifiers (Access Modifiers) in JavaConstructor in JavaData Encapsulation in JavaStatic Keyword in JavaConcept of Main Method in JavaClass and Object Advanced ExercisesClass Inheritance in JavaMethod Overriding in JavaPolymorphism in JavaSuper Keyword in JavaSuper Class Constructor in JavaProtected Access in JavaAbstraction in JavaInterfaces in Java (Java Interface)Final Keyword in JavaData Structures in JavaArrays in JavaArray Object in JavaEnhanced (Modified) For Loop for Array Iteration in JavaHands-on Exercises on Array in Java2-Dimensional Arrays in JavaHands-on Exercise on 2D Arrays in JavaArray of Object in JavaArray List in Java (ArrayList)Structure of ArrayList in JavaLinked List in Java (LinkedList)ArrayList vs LinkedList in JavaList Iterator in JavaHash Set in JavaLinked Hash Set in JavaTree Set in JavaIterating on Set in JavaHash Map in JavaTree Map in JavaIterating Over Maps in JavaRegular Expressions in JavaIntroduction to RegEx in JavaQuantifiers in Regular ExpressionsCharacter Classes in Regular ExpressionsBracket ExpressionsOR Operator in RegEXDOT Operator in RegEXGreedy and Lazy MatchingHands-on Exercises on Regular ExpressionsRegularizing Number RangesException Handling in JavaWhat is an Exception in Java?Error vs Exception in JavaChecked and Unchecked Exceptions in JavaThrows Declaration in JavaTry and Catch Block (Exception Handling) in Java'Finally' Block in JavaDate and Time Operations (Revised in Java 8)Local Date and Time Operations in JavaCustom Date and Time Operations in JavaFuture and Past Date Operations in JavaFuture and Past Time Operations in JavaDate Difference Calculation in JavaTime Difference Calculation in JavaDateTime Formatter in JavaSpecial Classes in JavaMath Class in JavaStringBuilder Class in JavaStringBuilder Methods in JavaScanner Class in JavaRandom Class (for creating random numbers) in JavaUUID Class in Java (for creating universally unique string IDs)Working with File System in JavaHow to Read a Text File in Java?Apache Commons IOHow to Edit a Text File in Java?Hands on Exercises with Text Files in JavaCopy and Move (Rename) a Text File in JavaApache POI SetupReading Excel Data in JavaRead Excel Data into a 2 D Array in JavaWrite Data in Excel Sheet in JavaInterview QuestionsSelenium WebDriver BasicsSelenium WebDriver ArchitectureSelenium WebDriver Installation and Setup using Apache MavenChrome Driver Installation and SetupFirefox (Gecko) Driver Installation and SetupAutomating Browser Navigation (Back, Forward, Refresh, NavigateTo)Get Page Basic Details (URL, Title etc)Basics of Element Locating Strategy in Selenium WebDriverHTML BasicsInspecting Web ElementsFind Elements By ID and Link Text in Selenium WebDriverFind Elements By Name and ClassLocating Elements using XPath in Selenium WebDriverInstalling ChroPath for ChromeCreating XPath Using AttributesXPath for Dynamic ElementsXPath Using Parent - Child RelationshipXPath Using Ancestor - Descendant RelationshipXPath Using Preceding - Following RelationshipAbsolute XPath Vs Relative XPathLocating Elements using CSS Selectors in Selenium WebDriverWhat is CSS and CSS Selectors?Create CSS Selectors Using AttributesCSS Selectors for Dynamic ElementsCreate CSS Selectors Using Multiple AttributesAdvance CSS SelectorsCreating CSS Selectors Using Child-Node NumberingWorking with Element Collections in Selenium WebDriverHow to Retrieve a Collection of Web Elements in Selenium WebDriver?Handling Web Elements Collection in Selenium WebDriverVisible vs Hidden Web Elements in Selenium WebDriverWeb Elements Within Another Web Element in Selenium WebDriverWeb Page Data Extraction for Test Validation in Selenium WebDriverExtracting Basic Page Details in Selenium WebDriverExtracting CSS Details in Selenium WebDriverHow to Verify Element Visible and Enabled?How to Verify Element Exists in Selenium WebDriver?How to Verify Element Selected in Selenium WebDriver?Automating Special WebElements (SelectBoxes, DatePickers, WebTables)Working with Select-Boxes in Selenium WebDriverWorking with MultiSelect-Boxes in Selenium WebDriverAutomating Date-Picker (Calendar) in Selenium WebDriverWorking with WebTables in Selenium WebDriverHandling the Objects Within WebTable Cells in Selenium WebDriverAutomating Browser Popups using Selenium WebDriverHandling Browser Popup Window in Selenium WebDriverWorking with Multiple Browser Windows in Selenium WebDriverClose All Browser Popup Windows in Selenium WebDriverBrowser Close vs Quit in Selenium WebDriverAutomating iFrames using Selenium WebDriverAutomating iFrames using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Nested iFrames using Selenium WebDriverAutomating JavaScript Alerts using Selenium WebDriverHandling JavaScript Basic Alert Box using Selenium WebDriverHandling JavaScript Confirmation Box using Selenium WebDriverHandling JavaScript Prompt Box using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Mouse Actions (Drag & Drop, Mouse Hover, Click & Hold etc)Automating Mouse Hover Action using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Right Click Action using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Drag and Drop Action using Selenium WebDriverResizing UI Elements using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Sliders using Selenium WebDriverAutomating Multi-Key Operations using Selenium WebDriverTest Synchronization in Selenium WebDriverWhat is Test Synchronization?Implicit Wait in Selenium WebDriverExplicit Wait in Selenium WebDriverTestNG FrameworkInstalling TestNGAutomating Basic Tests in TestNGAssertions in TestNGHard vs Soft Assertions in TestNGBeforeMethod and AfterMethod AnnotationsBeforeClass and AfterClass AnnotationsManaging Test Execution Using TestNG XML FilesInclude and Exclude Methods in XML FileBeforeTest and AfterTest AnnotationsBeforeSuite and AfterSuite AnnotationsTestNG GroupsTestNG ParametersManaging Test Dependencies in TestNGIgnoring Test Methods in TestNGParallel Execution in TestNGTestNG HTML ReportsData Provider in TestNGCreating Automation Framework from Scratch using Page Object Model and WebElements Page FactoryWhat is Page Factory?Elements Collection (List) in Page FactoryInitializing Page Factory ElementsPage Object Model DesignCreating Base Page ClassCreating Page LibraryCreating Flow LibraryCourse Outline Ends.....**I will be updating more topics to this outline as per changing trends in technology** This course is designed for you if you are:a QE Automation Engineer ORa Selenium WebDriver automation aspirant ORa manual testing professional willing to jump start your automation carrier ORa QTP/UFT professional wanting to switch to Selenium as per testing market demand ORa QE Manager exploring better automation solutions for your project ORa fresh grad looking to learn a quick new skill which has high demand in the job market ORaspiring to learn coding and automationTraining program requirements/prerequisites:No prior coding experience required. Java programing from scratch is covered in the course.Participants need to have a Windows 10 PC OR a MacBook with 8 GB (or more) memory to perform hands on exercises.To get the maximum benefit from the course, please take a look at following steps explaining 'How to take this course?'Step 1: Schedule 30-45 minutes of your time daily for 5 days a week. 'Continuity' is the key. Step 2: All sessions are divided in small videos of less than 20 minutes. Watch 2-3 videos daily.Step 3: Hands-on exercise is very important. So, immediately try out the programs discussed in the session. Try them on your won. You can download these programs from lecture resources.Step 4: Assignments with answer keys are provided where-ever necessary. Complete the assignments before jumping on to the next sessions.Step 5: If you come across any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me and I will make sure that your queries are resolved.Wish you all a very happy learning.Note: All the course videos are in Quad HD. For the best video streaming quality, please adjust the resolution from 'settings' at bottom right-hand corner of video player. Choose 1080p or 720p as per your network speed."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reiki, Usui, Kahuna, Tibetano - Nvel 3A" |
"Este um curso de Reiki, Usui, Kahuna, Tibetano nvel 3-A, tambm chamado de Mestre Interior ou Mestre de si mesmo. a sequncia dos dois anteriores, nvel 1 e nvel 2.Aqui o aluno receber mais uma sintonizao, e com ela o smbolo potencializador de aplicaes, que aumenta a sua capacidade de transferncia de energia, removendo as suas limitaes de quantidade de assistidos em uma nica aplicao.Este novo simbolo, chamado DAI KOO MYO, tambm aumenta a quantidade de energia de uma aplicao singular.Outra capacidade agregada neste curso a cirurgia energtica Kahuna, para tratamento de males crnicos ou agudos."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Mestrado em REIKI - Usui; Kahuna; Tibetano" |
"Mestrado em Reiki no mtodo Usui, Karuna, Tibetano.Para matrcula neste nvel espera-se que o aluno j tenha passado com aproveitamento pelos nveis anterioresShodenOkudenShinpdenTornar o estudante capaz de sintonizar outros indivduos com a energia reiki, tornando-os tarapeutas.Melhorar a capacidade de autoconhecimento do alunoAprofundar as suas capacidades teraputicas com o uso do mtodo Reiki."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |