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"HARD ROCK - Tcnica Aplicada ao Fraseado" |
"Bem vindo ao curso HARD ROCK - Tcnica Aplicada ao Fraseado!Aps mais de 20 anos ensinando e aprendendo, notei que a melhor forma de ensinar e aprender quando o assunto faz sentido e est inserido em uma situao real. Aprender acordes, grooves e escalas so os pilares do ensino de msica mas o estudante precisa ouvir e ver estes pilares sendo aplicados em msicas para ter a certeza do que est sendo estudado.Em HARD ROCK - Tcnica Aplicada ao Fraseado, o estudante ir aprimorar seus conhecimentos de harmonia atravs da ralao de riffs e acordes. Ir aprimorar sua percepo de tempo assim como entender mais sobre inteno meldica, ou seja, a relao e aplicao de escalas sobre acordes.Atravs de 4 composies musicais no estilo HARD ROCK, o estudante ir desenvolver suas habilidades assim como entender a relao de harmonia, melodia e rtmica. Todo o material possui explicaes em vdeo assim como arquivos em PDF para que o estudante aprenda riff por riff, nota por nota."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprimorar seu conhecimento dentro do Blues. Deixando seu conhecimento mais sofisticado em relao a harmonia (acordes e progresses que vo alm do I7 - IV7 - V7 e melodia (saber utilizar junto com a pentatnica m7 Blues, arpeggios e escala de tons inteiros criando passagens cromticas criando uma sonoridade muito mais interessante e moderna. Ao final deste curso, voc ter condies de tocar o que chamamos de Blues/Jazz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel for Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving (CM2)" |
"Financial Engineering and Loss Reserving(CM2B) provides a grounding in the principles of actuarial modelling, focusing on stochastic asset-liability models and the valuation of financial derivatives. It equips the student with a knowledge of the theories of behaviour of financial markets, measures of risk, determining reserves for a non-life insurer and price options. The subject includes theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using excel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stratejik Dnme" |
"Stratejik dnme i ve zel yaamnzda size bir pusula gibi yol gsterecektir. Genel de srekli telenen ama zaman ayrp yapld durumlarda nemli kazanmlar salayan kritik bir yetkinlik olan Stratejik Dnmeyi bu eitim kapsamnda yer alan 14 dersle renebilecek ve alkanlk haline getirmek iin yapmanz gerekenleri deerlendirebileceksiniz. Ayrca, stratejik dnerek baarlan projelerden ve uygulamalardan da rnekleri bu kurs kapsamnda gryor olacaksnz. Stratejik dnme, hedeflerinizi gerekletirmek herkes iin mutlak gelitirilmesi gereken bir yetkinliktir. Neden daha fazla bekleyesiniz ki? Bir an nce stratejik dnmeyi renin ve baarya yelken an."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"leri Mzakere Becerileri" |
"Bu program sayesinde her trl uyumazlk durumunda bavurabileceiniz teknikleri, becerileri ve stratejileri renebilecek, pratik yapmanz iin olanaklar bulabilecek ve ayet, isterseniz ilgili becerileri snf ortamnda renmek iin de ilgili kaynaklar hakknda bilgi alabileceksiniz. Mzakere hayatn her evresinde yaanan gerginlik arz eden bir durum. Gerginlik hi kimse tarafndan holanlmayan bir durum olmasna karn sat veya satn alma iinin doasnda olan bir durumdur. Baarl mzakereciler gerginlikten kanmaktansa gerginlii idare etmeyi tercih ederler. te, gerginlii idare etmek iin gerekli bilgi, beceri ve teknikleri bu programda bulacaksnz. ayet, sinema filmi izlemeyi seviyorsanz bu program da seveceksiniz. Kolay takip edilebilen ve farkl sektrlerden ilgin rnekleri de kapsamnda sunan bu programla ilgili grlerinizi ltfen bizimle paylan."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Powerpoint Flat Icon design-100 Icons In Powerpoint 2016" |
"What is Powerpoint?Often Called Microsoft Powerpoint PowerPointis a slideshow presentation program that's part of the Microsoft office suite of tools.PowerPointmakes it easy to create, collaborate, and present your ideas in dynamic, visually compelling ways. PowerPointis a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. Microsoft Powerpoint provides numerous features which can be used in order to improve your presentation skills. For example, the feature of Smart Art that can be used to create diagrams including text and pictures. Another feature which is worth mentioning, that is, using shapes. If you want to create attractive presentations, you can insert different shapes that Microsoft PowerPoint offers. We are going to do Flat Icon designs with He help of this Shapes only.what is Icon design?Icon design is the process of designing a graphic symbol that represents some real, fantasy or abstract motive, entity or action. In the context of software applications, an icon often represents a program, a function, data or a collection of data on a computer system Iconsare most effective when they improve visual interest and grab the user's attention. They help guide users while they're navigating a page.Usetoo many iconsand they'll become nothing more than decoration. Iconsare veryimportant, because users can be motivated by the message conveyed byicons.what is Flat design?Flat design is a minimalist user interface design genre, or design language, commonly used in graphical user interfaces, and also in such graphical materials as posters, arts, guide documents and publishing products,Infographics,etc.In every Flat design Infographics we required to use Icons for Presentation.Do you know?We can create beautiful flat design iconsin Microsoft PowerPoint not only flat icon design,we can create info-graphics, character design everything you want.All you want is just interest & little practice in Powerpoint tools.Why should you Take this course?In this course, Ill provide a step-by-step instruction to create astonishing icons using a combination of shapes & colours in PowerPoint. Right from choosing colour themes, to merging shapes and exporting vector icons. It's all covered! Icons It keeps your audience engaged and excited while it ensures their understanding of information transmitted in a way as needed. What type of Icons you will learn here?Icon design is like ocean,you can create variety of icons.Still I have covered few topics only.1.Multimedia Icons2.Business Icons3.Fashion Icons4.Food Icons5.Educational IconsWhat Will Be the Next?My first course in Udemy is Powerpoint Flat Character Design & now this Powerpoint Flat Icons Design,Next I will give you the Powerpoint Info graphic design course & PowerPoint templates.Stay Tune Learn More....have fun"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java WebWeb" |
"Java WebJava WebMVCJava WebMVCJava EEJava8Web"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
XMLJavaC#PythonXML |
"1 XMLXMLXMLHTML2 XMLWindowsVisual Studio CodeAltova XMLSpy3 XMLCDATA4 DTDDTDDTD5 XML SchemaSchemaSchemaDTDSchemaSchemaSchema6 XPathXPathXPathXPath7 XMLXMLDOMXMLSAXXML8 JavaXMLDOM4J9 PythonXMLElementTree10 C#XML.NET FrameworkXMLVisual Studio CodeC#"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
AJAXMyNotesWeb |
"AJAX1 AJAX1.1 AJAX1.2 AJAX2 2.1 2.2 Visual Studio Code2.3 Tomcat3 AJAX3.1 XMLHttpRequest3.2 AJAX4 MyNotes4.1 MyNotes4.2 4.3 WebAPI4.4"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
jQueryMyNotesWeb |
"jQuery1 jQuery1.1 jQuery1.2 jQuery2 2.1 2.2 Visual Studio Code3 jQuery3.1 JQuery3.2 HelloWorld3.3 Visual Studio Code4 jQuery4.1 HTML4.2 id4.3 CSS4.4 5 jQuery5.1 jQuery5.2 jQuery5.3 jQuery6 HTML6.1 HTML6.2 DOM6.3 6.4 7 CSS7.1 CSS7.2 CSS7.3 CSS8 AJAX8.1 Tomcat8.2 load()8.3 AJAX HTTP GET8.4 AJAX HTTP POST8.5 AJAX9 jQuery9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11 MyNotes11.1 MyNotes11.2 11.3 WebAPI11.4"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
PythonNumPy |
"NumPy1 NumPyNumPy2 NumPyAnacondaIPython shellJupyter NotebookSpyder3 NumPyNumPy4 5 6 7 8 uniquewhere9 10 11"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
PythonPandas |
"Pandas1 PandasPandas2 PandasAnacondaIPython shellJupyter NotebookSpyder3 SeriesPandasSeriesSeriesSeries4 DataFrameDataFrameDataFrameDataFrameDataFrameDataFrameDataFrameDataFrame5 IndexMultiIndex6 ExcelCSV7 8"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
PythonMatplotlibSeaborn |
"Python1 Python2 pipIPythonAnacondaWindowsAnacondaLinuxAnacondamacOSAnacondaIPython shellJupyter NotebookSpyder3 MatplotlibMatplotlibMatplotlib4 SeabornSeabornSeabornSeabornStripSwarmDistKDEregplotlmplot5 OHLCK1Python2Numpy3Pandas"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Python |
"Python1 2 3 Pandas4 5 6"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
FlutterDart |
"Dart1 DartDartDartFlutterDart2 Dart SDKWindowsDart SDKmacOSDart SDKVisual Studio CodeIntelliJ IDEA3 DartHelloWorldDartVisual Studio CodeDartIntelliJ IDEADart4 Dart5 Dart6 7 8 first-class function9 gettersetter10 DartOverrideOverrideMixins11 Dart12 ListSetMap13 try-ontry-catchtry-on-catchfinally14 DartFuture"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Craft a job you love from a job you have" |
"Did you use to love your job but now find yourself wondering what else is out there?Did something happen at work that is now making you question if youre at the right place?Do you actually like where you work but are trying to figure out how to LOVE it?Too often people take the ""easy"" way out when they feel stuck at work. They leave. Initially it makes sense to think that to find more meaning at work you need to find a new job. Ultimately though, if you were to fast forward 2 years you're going to feel the same way. That's not to say that you can't find meaning in a new job, but it's implying that finding meaning is more of an inside job.If youre wondering how to make the most out of any job youre at, then this course is for you.After completing this course you will define your ""perfect"" job, learn and create action plans related to three research based strategies that can immediately impact how satisfied and engaged you are with your work, and learn two strategies that can help you deal with a problem boss."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack HATEOAS: Spring Boot 2.1, ReactJS, Redux," |
"In this course, you will learn the core concepts of HATEOAS as well as how to leverage this on a ReactJS Application. HATEOAS stands for: Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State(HATEOAS)It is a REST application architecture in which the servers provide information dynamically through hypermedia (links) that drive the interaction between the client and server.In this course we will cover the following concepts:Link(org.springframework.hateoas)linkTo & methodOn(org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder)Resource & Resources(org.springframework.hateoas)ResourceAssembler interface(org.springframework.hateoas)We have 3 learning goals:Goal 1: build aprototypeof a REST API with Spring Boot 2.1 and Java 11Goal 2: Set upReactJSstarter project to work with Resources and LinksGoal 3:Deploy our prototype toHerokusfree tierThank you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Facebook ads" |
"Facebook is a massive traffic monster. Once people log into Facebook, the system basically keeps tight surveillance on them.Every like, comment, share, as well as page that you liked and even ads that you clicked, will be monitored by Facebook.Facebook can make educated guesses as to what your interests are and can then show you advertising that fits those interests.You really cannot afford to miss out on Facebook marketing potential. Its about time for you to learn modern Facebook marketing! This 12-part video course will show you exactly how its done..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NISM Derivatives Certification - Series VIII (Accredited)" |
"Learn the basics of derivatives (future and options).Understand the mechanics of future and option contractLearn to trade in stock market using future contract strategiesLearn how to do valuation of future contractLearn to trade future and option contract in live market.Learn risk management using hedging strategiesLearn to trade option contract using option strategiesUnderstand clearing and settlement process on the stock exchange.Pass the NISM Series VIII certification Exam conducted by SEBI"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Chess openings: Learn Ruy Lopez for Black with Chess Master" |
"Every chess opening has a main objective. Some positional advantage or attack that you're trying to achieve.Ruy Lopez was a Spanish priest and chess lover, who wrote a book in 1561 about chess opening techniques. Named after him, this chess opening has become one of the most heavily analysed openings in todays game and continues to enjoy incredible popularity at all levels.The main idea behind Ruy Lopez opening for black is to have an easy and clear development in the beginning of the game. Depending on the style, the chess player can choose to play sharp and open game with lots of tactics, or to play closed variation, preferring to maneuver. During this course, both options for black are described, so depending on your chess game style, you can choose your favourite variation."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Herramientas para formadores E-Learning" |
"Conocers diversas herramientas educativas E-Learning que te permitirn apoyar y mejorar los procesos de formacin y capacitacin organizacionales. Adicionalmente, aprender el manejo de tales herramientas simplifica tu trabajo a la vez que desarrollas contenido de alta calidad visual y educativa, generando posibilidades de interactuar y crear conocimiento de una manera retroactiva."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dj Scratch Course" |
"In this course you can learn scratching from Dj Andrew - well known scratch dj from Ukraine. You will learn Basic (Baby, Tears, Forward) to Advanced (Flirps, Orbits, Flare...)Dj Andrew scratching over 15 years, so it really knows what you need to be a good Scratch Dj! You can always ask if you don't understand something. This course will be updated with new lessons. And you can ask about some tutorials you want to learn!Enjoy This Course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Traktor Pro 3 Dj Course" |
"Traktor Pro 3. , , Beat Jump, Remix Decks, Stems. Traktor Kontrol S2 Traktor Kontrol S4 ( mk3), - . "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
knrchrchr |
"2 , . , , , , , , , . , , , , . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Los secretos del lenguaje corporal en 30 minutos" |
"Has querido alguna vez saber lo que la gente est pensando de ti? O detectar si te estn mintiendo? Saber leer el lenguaje corporal no slo es una excelente herramienta que se puede usar en el da a da (en el trabajo, en el bar, con tus amigos, etc.) sino que tambin es una forma de crecer personal y profesionalmente. Los gestos y el lenguaje corporal que aprenderemos en este curso se basa en investigaciones respaldadas cientficamente, y est diseado para ensearte tanto a leer a las personas, como a mejorar tu propio lenguaje no verbal.Independientemente de la situacin en la que ests, saber cmo leer el lenguaje corporal de las personas te ayudar a estar un paso por delante de los dems. Detectar mentiras hablando con tus hijos, hablando con tus padres, con tu pareja, con tu jefe o compaeros.Detectar reacciones de las personas ante determinadas noticiasAjustar tu discurso segn veas reacciones en las personasAnticiparte en debates e intuir posibles respuestasY mucho ms...Por qu es importante el lenguaje corporal?Ms del 80% de nuestra comunicacin es no verbal. Normalmente cuidamos mucho las palabras que decimos, pero no tenemos ni idea qu nos estamos limitando a controlar nicamente el 20% de la comunicacin. Si quieres aprender a dominar el 100% de la comunicacin, saber cmo reaccionan las personas, saber qu sentimientos estn tratando de ocultar y estar siempre un paso por delante, apntate a este curso ahora y aprende los secretos del lenguaje corporal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sal de tu zona de confort (comfort zone) en 30 minutos" |
"Todo el mundo tiene miedo de hacer algo nuevo por la posibilidad de fracasar. Sin embargo, el nico fracaso que yo conozco es el de no intentarlo. Si crees que tienes algo ms que aportar al mundo, si crees que no ests dando todo lo que puedes, si crees que podras hacer y conseguir mucho ms en tu vida... Te recomiendo que pinches ahora en este curso para enfrentarte a ti mismo y para convertirte en una mejor versin de ti.Quieres ser feliz? nete ahora mismo a este curso, donde explico los 7 pasos fundamentales (e infalibles) para salir o ampliar tu zona de confort.Todo el mundo ha escuchado alguna vez ""la magia pasa fuera de la zona de confort"". Quieres ser aquel qu lo cuenta, o aquel al que se lo cuentan? Empieza ahora mismo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a aprender. Mejor, ms eficiente y cualquier cosa." |
"La capacidad de aprender es algo que est muy infravalorado en nuestra sociedad. Todas las clases se centran en lo qu debemos aprender, pero muy pocas se centran en el cmo aprender.Es por eso que mucha gente:Se frustran por no conseguir recordar aquello que quieren aprender Suspenden aunque han pasado horas y horas estudiandoOlvidan sus sueos porque no son capaces de aprender lo que necesitan para hacerlos realidadAceptan una vida mediocre cuando podran alcanzar una vida plenaEste curso va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieren seguir creciendo, quieren alcanzar sueos, aprender cosas nuevas, mejorar sus habilidades, cambiar lo que no les gusta, por lo que s les gusta.Este curso va dirigido a ti. T eres quin puede decidir cmo vivir tu vida, t eres quin puede aprender esas habilidades, quin puede hacer los cambios que quiera o necesite. T eres quin puede ir ms all."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Sketch para principiantes" |
"No cabe duda que con solo mirar como usa un lpiz un dibujante podemos ver su habilidad de dibujo. Este curso esta hecho para ensearte esas tcnicas secretas y no tan secretas que usamos siempre al momento de tomar nuestro lpiz o cualquier cosa que se le parezca. Te aseguro que tu visin de como hacer tus dibujos mejorar con este curso especial para principiantes e intermedios."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Diseo de Cejas Perfectas" |
"Llego lo que tanto esperabas! El mejor curso de diseo de cejas completo! Clases impartidas por una profesional en cejas , con gran trayectoria y especialista en seminarios de cejas. Videos Full HD Explicacin a detalle y profesional8 clases completas en video. Donde aprenders:*Visagismo de cejas: ( de una forma detallada) donde podrs trasportar diseos de un rostro a otro, siendo en cada ocasin un trabajo personalizado.*Estructuras de cejas: lo que te permitir conocer a detalle como debemos dibujar cejas, desglosndola as aprenders como se divide , cuanto mide y analizar su estructura.* Distribucin de color: Una ceja tiene un punto de luz, un punto donde queremos crear volumen y otro donde queremos definicin . En este curso lo aprenders.* Depilacin de cejas /perfilar/ cortar/: Aprenders estas 3 tcnicas de modo lograr un hermoso diseo, despus de tomar las medidas perfectas de acuerdo a lo aprendido.*Cejas semipermantes(pigmentacion) : Tcnica que logra crear un maquillaje con duracin de 15 das Para que tengas una herramienta completa te enseamos a realizar pigmentacin semipermanente aplicando la distribucin de color , as tendrs un resultado con tendencia!."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende de forma completa la novedosa tcnica cosmtica Korena que esta revolucionando el mundo de los tratamientos faciales.Convirtete en un experto y obtn los mejores resultadosQu aprender?-Qu es bbglow-Beneficios.- Aclarando Mitos. -Maniobra del dermapen.-Protocolo de limpieza.-Aplicacin de sueros.-Paso a paso del tratamiento bbglow.-Sellado.-Recomendaciones.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de poner en prctica todo lo aprendido."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"QlikView [Franais] : Formation Complte [A-Z] -Matrisez BI" |
"QlikView est une solution dcisionnelle qui permet de faire une mise en oeuvre trs rapide d'une analyse des donnes .Les donnes peuvent tre de sources multiples (BDD,EXCEL,CSV,QVD,QVS,XML,...) .Les rsultats de l'analyse sont instantans.Avec ce cours, vous serez capable de comprendre trs rapidement l'analyse de donnes et la mise en place de tableaux de bord avec des Indicateurs KPIs pertinents .Explorer l'association entre les donnes tout en dveloppant votre prise de dcisions en temps rel et de faon scurise, sont des lments que ce cours vous permettra d'obtenir.Avec des cas pratique, ce cours est fait de faon vous donnez les moyens de bien visualiser vos donnes l'aide de tableaux, graphiques bien soigns et performant. Aprs ce cours , QlikView ne sera plus un secret pour vous ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |