Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"MSBI [SSIS] - Formation complte en Franais [ Lessentiel ]" |
"SQL Server Intgration Services (SSIS) est un puissant outil ETL de MICROSOFT utilis dans le cadre de projets d'intgration ou de la BI. Grce cette Formation trs pratique, vous apprendrez implmenter une solution ETL avec SSIS sous le SSDT de Visual Studio 2015 . Vous dcouvrirez le traitement et l'alimentation des donnes.A la fin de cette formation SSIS, vous aurez acquis les connaissances et comptences ncessaires pour mettre en uvre les mthodes de base de lETL.Vous obtiendrez les comptences pour implmenter les tches simple ou complexe."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MYC San Cristbal - Guitarra Elctrica - nivel 1" |
"Este curso esta diseado para que utilices los videos como herramientas de apoyo todos los das, teniendo una parte terica y otra practica para desarrollar la tcnica del instrumento. Empezamos desde cero total y podrs comprender todos los conceptos bsicos de la msica y la guitarra contempornea. Siempre cualquier inicio es complicado, pero ese es el objetivo de este primer curso como parte de muchos mas que vendrn mas adelante."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"3 in 1! Cisco CCNA, Python Programming, & Network Automation" |
"Kursus ini sangat cocok untuk Network Engineer yang ingin mulai belajar tentang Network Automation. Pada kursus ini, Anda akan belajari mulai dari basic networking hingga bisa melakukan network atuomation. Jadi jika Anda belum mempunyai basic networking sama sekali, jangan hawatir! kursus ini memang didesain untuk Anda, untuk orang yang baru mulai belajar tentang networking dan ingin mempunyai skill network Automation. Namun jika Anda sudah memiliki basic Networking, kursus ini juga untuk Anda! Anda bisa langsung lompat ke kurikulum yang membahas tentang Python dan Network Automation.Network Automation merupakan sebuah paradigma yang sangat populer untuk saat ini, yaitu kita bisa melakukan Automasi terhadap infrastructur network yang kita miliki. Dengan melakukan automasi, akan mengurangi beban kerja kita, juga akan mengurangi kesalahan yang mungkin diakibatkan oleh manusia."
Price: 1120000.00 ![]() |
"Belajar Network Automation berbasis Web dengan Django" |
"Network Automation merupakan paradigma yang memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan management pada networking devices secara otomatis. Sebagai contoh, misal kita memiliki ratusan atau bahkan ribuan router, jika tanpa network automation, kita harus mengakses setiap device satu persatu jika ingin melakukan monitoring atau konfigurasi pada router. Sebagai contoh, misal kita ingin melihat status interface pada router A, maka kita harus meremote router A. Jika kita ingin melihat status interface di router B, kita juga harus remote ke router B. Begitu juga misal kita ingin mengkonfigurasi interface pada router A, maka kita harus remote ke router A.Hal-hal seperti diatas pasti akan sangat membosankan jika harus dilakukan setiap hari, apalagi jika jumlah device yang harus kita manage sudah tidak sedikit, katakanlah ratusan atau bahkan ribuan.Disinilah peran Network Automation sangat dibutuhkan. Dengan Network Automation, kita bisa memanage banyak sekali device hanya pada satu dashboard. Sehingga jika kita ingin melakukan monitoring atau konfigurasi pada suatu device, kita tidak perlu login ke setiap device, kita cukup melakukannya dari satu dashboard.Pada course ini, Anda akan belajar cara membuat Aplikasi Network Automation berbasis Web, sehingga kita bisa melakukan management pada banyak router hanya dari satu dahsboard yang kita buat."
Price: 1260000.00 ![]() |
"RxSwift & RxCocoa with X Code 10 & Swift 4.2" |
"Limited Time Deep Discount available use code ""AUTHOR""Nowadays you can't just stay with Apple Ecosystem. You need to be loyal to your app not to Apple Ecosystem. But learning development on completely new platform can be very time consuming and frustrating. This is where Rx or Reactive Extensions comes in. Rx is available for many languages i.e. RxSwift, RxJS, RxJava, RxKotlin, RxAndroid. Same Rx language can be used natively in almost any frontend, backend or cross platform. This course teaches you how to use Reactive Extensions in Swift language. Then learning other Rx languages is going to be very easy. Or if you are collaborating with other Rx developers then knowing RxSwift is going to help a lot."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Mitsubishi PLC+HMI Programming for GOC 35 on Codesys" |
"We will learn about from starting step one like downloading to installations.Software environment will gave us an easy steps to be comfortable with codesysMitsubishi is one the leading brand in automation and this device goc 35 is one of the best in the budget segments.Plc programming section will cover almost all the needful instructions line timers,counter,rising edges,comaprator,mathmatical etc.Hmi programming overview will cover most common use full tool for projects.A fully hardware overview will provide the complete detail about inputs and outputs and card and communication method and all hardware connections.And a complete project making from programing to uploading project into hardware and hardware project execution."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Postgresql Permissions(Privileges)..advanced review" |
"Learn how to :1- Install Postgresql 10+ from a precompiled package, and prepare the databases cluster.2- Create schemas, databases and roles(users).2- Learn the basic permissions you can assign to any user in a schema and how these permissions acts on any databases.3- Learn the more in depth user's permissions ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Postgresql Backup(Replication) & Restore" |
"Learn :-1- Physical Replication of a Postgresql 10+ cluster from a master server machine to a replica server machine. 2- Create a Replication slot on the master server .3- How to restore your data from the replica server machine to the master server machine.4- How to stream the WAL file(Write Ahead Log) from the master to the replica and restore them ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vendre ses services avec le site 5euros" |
"Une faon simple de se faire de l'argent pour arrondir les fins de mois ou financer votre prochain business. Une mthode pas pas qui va vous permettre de faire de l'argent facilement et sans investissements Comment gnrer des revenus rcurrents sans dpenser 1 en publicit Nous avons dj ralis plus de 500 ventes sur cette plateforme. Une technique teste et approuve qui nous a gnr plus de 8000 euros en quelques mois soit un panier moyen de 2O euros. Des mthodes viables en 2019 Vous avez besoin de rien pour vendre (pas mme d'ides)Que vais je apprendre avec DROP'SERVICE ? Comment vendre sur 5euros sans avoir rien vendre ? Gnrer des centaines d'euros avec 5mn par jour Vendre sans boutique Vendre sans pubs Notre mthode secrte pour russir sur 5 euros Une solution pour VOUS pour gagner de l'argent sans investir Vous apprendrez vendre tout de suiteAi-je besoin de comptences ? 0 comptence et 0 budget sont ncessaires pour commencer cette formation. Tout est film pour votre comprhensionCombien vais-je gagner ?Bien que l'on ne puisse pas prvoir ton chiffre d'affaires, voici une estimation.En appliquant cette mthode, nous gagnons entre 0 et 1500 euros tous les mois, en automatique et en passant moins de 5mn par jour sur 5eurosACCOMPAGN DES MEILLEURS DANS LEUR DOMAINERoman CzGrowthackeur et E-commerant depuis maintenant un bon bout de temps, je suis spcialis dans la cration de dizaines de groupes facebook haut revenu.Qui ne voudrait pas 20.000 clients ultras cibls en seulement deux mois ?J'ai gnr plus de 20.000 euros (surement beaucoup plus l'heure o vous nous lisez) en automatisant la croissance de mes groupes facebook.Je suis le co-crateur du groupe Ecom French Touch, premier groupe ecommerce sur facebook.Merci de nous rejoindre dans cette aventure.Maxime Le MorillonVoyageant depuis 6 ans, jaccumulais les petits jobs sans responsabilits peu de motivation et un raz le bol des personnes qui me limitaient .Je dcide donc de lister les caractristiques du job de rve :?libert gographique?tre mon propre Boss Internet tait la solution?libert financireJai donc tap Comment faire de largent sur internet ? ( je pense que beaucoup de novice comme je ltais se reconnatront ? ? ) .Suite cela jai dcouvert le digital marketing et l'e-commerce.Aprs des milliers dheures de lecture et visionnage de contenue une passion est devenue grandissante celle du growth hacking un mlange de ruse, ingniosit et crativit ce domaine ma tous de suite sduit."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Visual C++ 2017 example course" |
"This course demonstrates the development process of visual C++ in 2017 through a specific experiment. The target students are junior and intermediate VC learners.(anyone who has studied C/C++ and wants to become a Windows developer can start at video. This course does not cover the C++ language part, the course is the real dry goods of Windows programming. In addition, abundant examples are the biggest feature of this course. As you know, it is not enough to know the theory of programming development, as long as you take the example of debugging and running on the computer, you can have a deep understanding of programming, especially for VC. In addition,) for beginners to take care of, each instance step is very detailed, from the establishment project to the operation project, has a detailed demonstration process.Anyone who buys the course can download the source code of the supporting project from the corresponding lecture.Note: all experiments were debugged on vc2017!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming From entry to proficiency" |
"This course demonstrates the development process of Java11 through a specific experiment. The target students are junior and intermediate JAVA learners.(anyone who has studied Java and wants to become a Java developer can start at video. This course does not cover the Java language part, the course is the real dry goods of Windows programming. In addition, abundant examples are the biggest feature of this course. As you know, it is not enough to know the theory of programming development, as long as you take the example of debugging and running on the computer, you can have a deep understanding of programming, especially for JAVA. In addition,) for beginners to take care of, each instance step is very detailed, from the establishment project to the operation project, has a detailed demonstration process.Anyone who buys the course can download the source code of the supporting project from the corresponding lecture.Note: all experiments were debugged on Java11!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Smart Cryptocurrency Investor A-Z Investment Course 2020" |
"Would you like to understand why cryptocurrencies have great potential of providing extraordinary profits in the next few decades?Would you like to invest in cryptocurrencies and ICOs like Warren Buffett would have done?Would you like to identify the most undervalued and profitable assets, and buy & sell at the right time?Would you like to create and manage your own cryptocurrency investment portfolio and keep it profitable until the end?Would you like to outperform 99% of all other cryptocurrency traders and investors by learning smart investing?Would you like to get Certified Professional Cryptocurrency Investor (CPCI) Certificate and make your cryptocurrency investment knowledge and skills official?If thats you, start investing by investing in yourself right now!The knowledge you will get from the course like how to identify the best cryptocurrencies, how to invest at the right time, how to analyze the market, and how to make smart investment decisions might someday earn you a great amount of money, or might save you from losing them. For this reason, I find this idiom appropriate: ""the price you pay, the value you get"". Remember that Warren Buffett states his best investment was buying a book on investing which still guides his investment decisions, even after 70 years.At the end of this course, you will:Understand all aspects and best practices of cryptocurrency and ICO investingUnderstand why cryptocurrency and ICO investment is logical and profitableBe able to identify whether a cryptocurrency is undervalued or overvalued and the right time to buy and sell itBe able to create your own cryptocurrency investment portfolio and manage it for as long as you likeBe able to use exchanges and wallets to buy, sell and safely store your cryptocurrenciesEarn Certified Professional Cryptocurrency Investor (CPCI) certificate and make your status officialHave lifetime access to the online valuation spreadsheet with dozens of the best cryptocurrencies already identified according to 100+ valuation criteriaConfidently engage in conversations with portfolio managers, venture capitalists, angel investors, etc.Ace the cryptocurrency investing job interview!Why should you study cryptocurrency investing?Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are one of the most profitable investing instruments in the entire financial markets history. Today, there is no other asset class that can even come close to the Return on Investment (ROI) made from cryptocurrencies. If you dont believe me, trust the data:NXT Platform (NXT): Initiated in 2013; reached 12,857,043% ROI in January 2018.You didnt read this wrong. If you had invested in this project you would have gained almost 13 million percent over your investment in 5 years. In the stock market, you would even be fascinated if you could double your money in the same period of time. And there are other cryptocurrencies like this:IOTA (MIOTA): Initiated in 2015; reached 1,309,416% ROI in January 2018.NEO (NEO): Initiated in 2015; reached 618,925% ROI in January 2018.Ethereum (ETH): Initiated in 2014; reached 460,012% ROI in January 2018.Amazing, arent they? And if you add up to those ROIs the possibility of having invested in those cryptocurrencies during their ICOs, which would have provided you with additional discounts in price, that would have boosted your return on investments even more.But how can one invest in cryptocurrencies? It is not something you can study in school and there isnt a major for it except for a few visionary universities in the world. Thats why until now, people like me had to teach themselves, trying to acquire knowledge through any means possible. It wasnt easy unfortunately and the available resources were misleading and incorrect. Now, I assure you that I have prepared the most comprehensive course on cryptocurrency and ICO investment out there.Especially if you want to invest in cryptocurrencies for the long-term and manage your portfolio with minimal efforts while also continuing your other duties, this course will yield amazing results for you in the shortest time possible!In fact, this course involves enormous amount of information in the form of video, quizzes and additional resources that covers all aspects of cryptocurrency investment from beginner level to advanced level. Plus, you dont need to have any previous knowledge on either cryptocurrencies or investing.What exactly are you going to learn?As this course doesnt require you to have any previous knowledge, first of all, we will start with learning the basics to make sure everyone is on the same page. We will learn what investing is, why there is huge potential of profits in cryptocurrency investing, what value investing is, what an ICO is, the risks of ICO investment, reasons of ICO failures, and how to calculate and use Return on Investment Ratio with examples.Then, we will continue with learning about the cryptocurrency valuation framework that I developed which can point us to the best cryptocurrencies or ICOs to invest in. In fact, this framework rates and ranks cryptocurrency assets with regard to over a hundred topics related to categories such as product, market, project, team, community, activity, token mechanics, ICO parameters, and legal compliance. Some examples to the topics assessed under these categories are product phase, business model, scalability, audience size, competitors, developer activity, token utility, token distribution, inflation, SEC compliance and dozens of others. I assure you this valuation framework is the most advanced tool available today to evaluate cryptocurrencies and ICOs and to identify the best assets for investment so I am sure it will help you a lot. And the best thing is that I have already applied this framework to analyze dozens of great assets that I handpicked, and I will share with you the link to this spreadsheet on which all my ratings exist.Anyway, after learning about these subjects, I will then start teaching you about portfolio management concepts while also sharing several great investment strategies I personally use which will certainly help you improve the rate of your successful investments and increase your potential profits. Then, we wont leave the topic theoretical of course and will create an example portfolio together which you can copy and invest effortlessly. Next, we will proceed with building up your knowledge in the stuff you need to use to start investing right away. For instance, you will learn what wallets and exchanges are, how to store your cryptocurrencies safely on Ledger hardware wallets, how to open an account on MyEtherWallet and transfer cryptocurrencies, how to open an account on Binance exchange and buy, sell, transfer cryptocurrencies, and how to invest in an ICO.You can check the What will I learn? section for the list of contents covered in this course.NoticeThis course does NOT focus on cryptocurrency trading or technical analysis. In this course, you will learn all aspects of cryptocurrency investment including trading and technical analysis but the information you will receive on these particular topics will be limited to a basic introduction of the concepts. In fact, although trading and technical analysis knowledge are essential for any short-term cryptocurrency trader, the main objective of this course is to teach you how to invest for the long-term, which differs a lot from trading that aims to take advantage of short-term price fluctuations. For this reason, although you will be provided with materials to go deeper in these concepts, they will not be covered in detail within the course.This course does NOT guarantee profits. Even becoming the best portfolio manager, the best fundamental analyst or the best technical analyst can never guarantee you 100% success rate in your investments. In fact, it is always possible to lose money from your cryptocurrency and ICOs investments, no matter how good you are, or no matter which assets you pick. In this context, by taking this course, you accept that cryptocurrencies and ICOs are high-risk investment instruments, and you alone will be held accountable for any profits or losses you make from cryptocurrency and ICO investment.This course is not associated with the following keywords although some of them show up when searched: Mining, How blockchain works, Cryptohopper, Bitcoin trading, Blockchain programming, Blockchain development, Blockchain developer, Blockchain bootcamp, Ethereum, Solidity, Smart contract, Hyperledger, Corda, George Levy, Suppoman, Blockchain A-Z, Colt Steele, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Software, Programming, Web developer, Wordpress, Ethical hacking, Phyton, AWS, Angular, Java, Unreal Engine, React, C#, Unity, Phyton, Javascript, XML, SQL, NoSQL, MySQL, Node.js, iOS, Swift, Android, Docker, Django, UI, UX, Digital marketing, Drawing, 3D modelling, Photography, Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Adwords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Instagram marketing, Social media marketing, MBA, PMP, TOEFL, IELTS, Stocks, and Life coaching.About meYou may be wondering whether Im fit for the job of teaching you cryptocurrency investing so Id better tell you more about me.I am the instructor of one of the highest rated blockchain courses on Udemy: ""Become a Blockchain Expert"".I have several years of active experience in blockchain industry as an expert, researcher, advisor, investor and trader.I have 10+ years of professional experience in various industries including multinational companies such Deloitte and KPMG.I have 8 years of trading and investing experience in several financial markets and instruments including cryptocurrencies, ICOs, stocks, precious metals, commodities, funds, derivatives, etc.I have a masters degree in international business and management, and countless certificates in various fields such as Project Management Professional, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, Android Developer, etc.Before I prepared this course, I absorbed 5.000+ hours of information on top of this experience via reading and watching through thousands of separate resources including books, articles, videos, news, webinars, meetups, online & offline courses, whitepapers, and others.Moreover, it wasnt just my experience and interest in cryptocurrencies that pushed me towards creating this course but it was also the emotions that the word cryptocurrency creates in my heart. As you might already know, the objective of this technology is to give power back to the hands of the people and let the people be in control of their freedom, privacy and governance. This is a cause that I really care about and it led me to discover the reason behind why I love teaching blockchain and cryptocurrencies so much: to take an active role in the creation of a brighter future for us!Last wordsIf you take the course, I promise you that I will do anything in my power throughout the course to help you become a cryptocurrency investor that can actually make profits. I will share your goal and will be with you during the entire process.Also, with the 30-days refund guarantee, you won't take any risk when enrolling to the course. As you will be able to get your money back anytime in the first 30 days, you can always leave with lots of exciting information you will have learned for free.So feel comfortable and take your first action in learning cryptocurrency and ICO investment by enrolling now! You will actually be investing in yourself. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP Certification" |
"These exams will help prepare you to take the latest version of the PMP certification exam. These questions will test your knowledge of project management concepts. Be sure to prepare as you would for the real thing. These exams will help prepare you to take the latest version of the PMP certification exam. These questions will test your knowledge of project management concepts. Be sure to prepare as you would for the real thing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Computing - Part 2 - Overview" |
"This course is aimed at students who would like to get more insights into the advanced concepts of cloud computing. This course explains advanced concepts of cloud computing in a very simple and methodical fashion. Various concepts of Virtualization, Cloud Migration, Cloud Monitoring and other advanced concepts are explained in detail."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Computing - An Overview" |
"This course is divided to 7 Lectures covering important topics inQuantum Computing like Entanglement, Superposition, Quantum Gates, Superdense Coding and many more. This course details the mathematical concepts behind Quantum Computing in a very simple and crisp manner.Difficult concepts inQuantumComputing has been explained in a very simple manner with interesting examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Government Contracts: Reading RFPs - Fed Biz Opps (Staffing)" |
"""I used to be so overwhelmed and stuck trying to make sense of an RFP on Fed Biz Opps. I am now able to actively bidding government contracts and start growing my GovCon business!"" - Student ReviewFrom the ages of 26-29, Derek James won 32 US Federal Government contracts worth over $15M. He did this with no prior experience and with very minimal guidance working for a woman owned small business.""A large part of my job consisted of finding and responding to RFP opportunities for bid. Over 5 years, I reviewed hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities and performed a bid/no-bid on the majority of them. After seeing so many and being largely self-taught, I've recognized the pattern and common elements, that if someone could learn, they could quickly be able to start bidding, too.This course is based off my experience and implements the quickest and most straight-forward explanation that I can provide for someone to start reading and responding to RFPs fast. I am bold, transparent, and no-nonsense about what I think you need to know to get started. As an instructor, I've created a GovCon community based on my sole mission of trying to help as many small business owners to start winning government contracts as possible. I invite you to join hundreds of others in our GovCon community."" - Derek James*****This course includes 14 lectures, 4 Downloads, and nearly two hours of premium content.In this course you will learn the following:The RFP Checklist elements that you MUST read in an RFP/RFQHow to complete an SF1449 Cover Page, Pricing CLINS, & Reps and Certs for biddingHow to use a Wage Determination to price a staffing labor categoryPull important information from a PWS Statement of WorkTo assemble a complete proposal outline to build a proposal submissionIn this course you will get the following downloads:RFP Checklist with screenshotsProposal Outline for this opportunitySample (Complete) Proposal Outline for other opportunitiesAll downloads of the Solicitation that we review from Fed Biz Opps (PWS, Wage Determination, Q&A, and Solicitation)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to easily Register your Government Contracting Business" |
"""I spent 9 months doing the wrong things to register my contracting business. In this one short course, I gained everything I needed to know to register my business. I wish I had this sooner!"" - Student ReviewFrom the ages of 26-29, Derek James won 32 US Federal Government contracts worth over $15M. He did this with no prior experience and with very minimal guidance working for a woman-owned small business.""I started out by creating resources to help small business owners win their first government contract. After a while, I learned there is a huge barrier to entry by just getting registered. I created this course to get people to get in the game so they at least have a chance at winning government contracts for their business. I've seen so-called consultants charge thousands for this process. It's my intention to try to put them out of business with this course"". - Derek James*****This course includes 11 lectures, 6 Downloads, and nearly one hour of premium content. In this course you will learn everything you need to know to register a US Federal Government Contracting business including:How to get a DUNS number for your businessHow to register your business entity in the System for Award Management (SAM)How to obtain a Cage CodeHow to create a beta.sam account so your information transfers to the new SAMWhether or not you need to appoint an administrator and notarize your SAM registrationHow to set up your Dynamic Small Business Search Profile (DSBS) to be found by contracting officersWhere to seek free assistance local in your stateYou will also receive the following supplemental downloads:Written steps to obtain a DUNS numberWritten steps to register in SAMNotarized letter template for you to completeWritten steps to set up your DSBS Profile"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Savegames in Unity" |
"If you ever wondered how to create savegames in unity then this course is for you!The ""The ultimate Guide to Creating Savegames in Unity"" will teach you best practices for the most basic savegame-solutions like PlayerPrefs, but we will also handle some more advanced topics like Json and Encryption.In this course you will:Save and load the GamestateSave/Load simple Data with PlayerprefsCreate your own Save-Files with StreamwriterCreate unreadable Savegames with BinaryformatterCreate advanced up- and downward-compatible Savegame-Solutions with JsonEncrypt your SavegamesThis course is very project-based and practical, so you will implement the concepts directly in exercises.For each Concept you will be challenged to implement it yourself, but if you don't feel up to the task you will also be shown a well explained step-by-step guide how to implement it.The course also features several Demo-Projects, where you can look up best practice implementations. Why learn from me?I have been teaching game-programming for more than 5 years now and as a result I have plenty of experience in what works and what doesn't when it comes to teaching programming. Also I am a firm believer, that you can only learn the high craft (some might even say art) of programming, by practicing it. Who is the target Audience?Unity Developers who want to create Simple SavegamesUnity Developers who want to create more sophisticated encrypted SavegamesProgrammers who want to improve their Skills in the Unity3D - EngineBecome a better Programmer, now! I'll meet you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Estrutura de Dados" |
"Neste curso abordar os seguintes contedos:Estrutura de Dados-Introduo-Dados x Informao x Tipos de dados-Tipos abstratos de dados e Objetivos das Estruturas de Dados-Listas LinearesAlocao de Memria-Sequencial-EncadeadaPilhas- Conceitos- Exemplo de Pilha- Operaes sobre Pilhas- Aplicao de Pilhas- Implementao de PilhasFilas- Conceitos- Operaes sobre Filas- Implementao de Fila CircularRecursividade- Conceitos- Vantagens e Desvantagens- Processo de recurso- Implementao de programa recursivoListas Encadeadas- Conceitos- Implementao de Pilhas como listas ligadasrvores- Conceitos bsicos- rvores Binrias e de Busca Binria- Passeando em rvores Binrias"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Intermedirio e Avanado" |
"O contedo abordado no curso ser:Introduo- Personalizando de clulas- Nomeando clulas- Endereo absoluto x relativo- Auditoria de frmulas- Visualizar, verificar erros e avaliar frmulasFiltros avanados e caracteres curingas- Filtros avanados- Caracteres curingasFunes de Texto- & (E Comercial)- Direita- Esquerda- Ext.Text- Nm.Caract- Maiscula- Minscula- Pri.MaisculaFunes Estatsticas- Cont.Se- Cont.Ses- Cont.Nm- Contar.Vazio- Cont.ValoresFunes Matemticas e Trigonomtricas- Somase- Somases- Aleatrio- Arred- Arredondar.para.cima- Arredondar.para.baixo- Mod- Potncia- PI- mpar- ParFunes Lgicas- Se- Se aninhado- E- OuFunes de Pesquisa e Referncia- Procv- ProchFunes Financeiras- Taxa- NPER- PGTO- VF- VPFunes de Banco de Dados- BDSoma- BDContar- BDMdiaTabelas e Grficos Dinmicos- Tabelas Dinmicas- Grficos DinmicosTeste de Hipteses- Criar cenrios- Atingir MetasSubtotalMacros- Criar macros- Vincular macros a botesFormulrios no Excel"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"VBA no Excel" |
"Neste curso voc ter os seguintes contedos:O que o VBA?Como ativar o VBAEditor do Excel VBACriando macros no Excel VBASubrotinasFunesFormulriosCriar boto para preencher uma planilha utilizando VBAObjeto Range, principais propriedades e mtodosObjeto Font, principais propriedades e mtodosObjeto Worksheet, principais propriedades, mtodos e eventos.Objeto Workbook, principais propriedades, mtodos e eventos.Objeto Application, principais propriedades e mtodos.Exemplos de Macros utilizando VBA;Variveis;Constantes;Estruturas de controle:If..else..end ifSelect...caseFor...NextWhile....WendDo...Loop"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"JAVA - Mdulo I" |
"Neste mdulo I, sero abordados os seguintes contedos:Introduo ao JavaSeo 1- Mquina Virtual JAVA- Garbage-collection- Tipos de variveis- Criando um projeto na IDE Netbeans- Utilizando a classe Scanner para entrada de dados;Seo 2- Incluso de caixas de mensagens- Exemplos de caixas de mensagens- Caixas de mensagens para entrada de dados- Funes para converso em nmeros inteiros- Funes para converso em nmeros reais- Mtodo replaceAll do objeto Strig- Limitando a quantidade de casas decimais na sada de dados- Estrutura condicional if- Instruo switch...caseSeo 3- Lao while- Lao do...while- Lao for- Tratamento de erros- try...catch- try...finallySeo 4- Funes ou mtodos que retornam valor- Funes ou mtodos que no retornam valorSeo 5- Programao Orientada a Objetos- Classes e objetos na prtica- ConstrutoresSeo 6-Herana, Encapsulamento, Polimorfismo e Sobrecarga de mtodos.-Herana e polimorfismo/anulao na prtica"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"EPLAN P8 - Der Fortgeschrittenen Kurs (2020)" |
"Verwendete Software: Eplan P8 2.7Die beste Eplan Tutorial Reihe onlineLerne in diesem Eplan P8 Online Training die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten die du in der Software hast. Der Perfekte Gelegenheit um deine Kenntnisse in der sehr umfangreichen Software Eplan P8 zu verbessern!Du hast bereits erste Kenntnisse in Eplan und mchtest dich noch weiter verbessern? Vielleicht hast du ja bereits den Einsteigerkurs absolviert und mchtest jetzt noch tiefer in die Software einsteigen. Dann ist dieser Kurs die ideale Fortsetzung fr dich! Du wirst innerhalb von ca. 4 Stunden dein bisheriges Know How weiter vertiefen und um viele neue Dinge erweitern. Du wirst in der Lage sein effizienter und schneller an deine Ziele zu kommen. Schreibe dich am besten gleich ein und erlerne noch heute den professionellen Umgang mit Eplan P8! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2019 Completo - Photoshop do Bsico ao AVANADO" |
"GANHE 2 CERTIFICADOS!CERTIFICADO DE 200 HORAS! VAI PERDER?J pensou em GANHAR UMA RENDA EXTRA fazendo edies profissionais para clientes e amigos com o Photoshop?E se esse curso sasse DE GRAA pra voc? Pois ! Com o primeiro trabalho que voc fizer no Photoshop aps ou durante o curso, voc ir recuperar esse pequeno investimento! E alm do curso sair de graa (Pois voc ter ganhado dinheiro com o conhecimento conquistado atravs do curso), ainda poder lhe ajudar a arrumar emprego e ou pelo menos ganhar algum dinheiro fazendo trabalhos extras para amigos e clientes.ESSE O CURSO MAIS COMPLETO SOBRE PHOTOSHOP CC.Aqui voc ir aprender desde os recursos mais simples at os mais avanados. IMPORTANTE:O Photoshop apresentado no curso est em ingls. Sugiro fazer a instalao do Photoshop tambm em ingls na verso mais recente Photoshop CC 2019.Ensino como passar do Portugus para o Ingls de Maneira Rpida e Simples.Este curso aborda tudo o que voc precisa saber para Dominar o Photoshop CC.Comigo voc APRENDER MUITO MAIS, em MENOS AULAS e em MENOS TEMPO!Segue uma pequena lista do que voc vai aprender:Os detalhes da interface do Photoshop CCComo trabalhar com LayersMscarasSeleoMesclagem de layersLimpeza de imperfeiesAjuste de cores, iluminaoFusesCamera RawLimpeza e Tratamento de PeleDominar formas Textos PersonalizadosLayers de AjustesFlyersTratar suas fotos para colocar nas redes sociaisTcnicas no destrutivasRealce em suas fotosComposio de cenriosProjetos PrticosIrei avaliar suas tarefas e lhe dar dicas para melhorar!Interao comigo e ainda ter o meu WhatsApp!Aulas novas postadas constantemente!Voc ainda ir participar de uma comunidade exclusiva para alunos.Suporte especializado para tirar suas dvidas.Meu nome Cezar Henrique e ser uma grade alegria ter voc estudando comigo.Qualidade e Satisfao garantida!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2019 Completo. Photoshop em Alto Nvel AVANADO" |
"GANHE 2 CERTIFICADOS!CERTIFICADO DE 200 HORAS! VAI PERDER?J pensou em GANHAR UMA RENDA EXTRA fazendo edies profissionais para clientes e amigos com o Photoshop?E se esse curso sasse DE GRAA pra voc? Pois ! Com o primeiro trabalho que voc fizer no Photoshop aps ou durante o curso, voc ir recuperar esse pequeno investimento! E alm do curso sair de graa (Pois voc ter ganhado dinheiro com o conhecimento conquistado atravs do curso), ainda poder lhe ajudar a arrumar emprego e ou pelo menos ganhar algum dinheiro fazendo trabalhos extras para amigos e clientes.ESSE O CURSO MAIS COMPLETO SOBRE PHOTOSHOP CC.Aqui voc ir aprender desde os recursos mais simples at os mais avanados. IMPORTANTE:O Photoshop apresentado no curso est em ingls. Sugiro fazer a instalao do Photoshop tambm em ingls na verso mais recente Photoshop CC 2019.Ensino como passar do Portugus para o Ingls de Maneira Rpida e Simples.Este curso aborda tudo o que voc precisa saber para Dominar o Photoshop CC.Comigo voc APRENDER MUITO MAIS, em MENOS AULAS e em MENOS TEMPO!Segue uma pequena lista do que voc vai aprender:Os detalhes da interface do Photoshop CCComo trabalhar com LayersMscarasSeleoMesclagem de layersLimpeza de imperfeiesAjuste de cores, iluminaoFusesCamera RawLimpeza e Tratamento de PeleDominar formas Textos PersonalizadosLayers de AjustesFlyersTratar suas fotos para colocar nas redes sociaisTcnicas no destrutivasRealce em suas fotosComposio de cenriosProjetos PrticosIrei avaliar suas tarefas e lhe dar dicas para melhorar!Interao comigo e ainda ter o meu WhatsApp!Aulas novas postadas constantemente!Voc ainda ir participar de uma comunidade exclusiva para alunos.Suporte especializado para tirar suas dvidas.Meu nome Cezar Henrique e ser uma grade alegria ter voc estudando comigo.Qualidade e Satisfao garantida!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Anatoma aplicada a Zbrush: Volumen 2 - La Musculatura" |
"IMPORTANTE: Para este curso es necesario tener conocimientos de Zbrush. Ten en cuenta que ste es el segundo volumen de un curso de anatoma en el cual se realizar la musculatura sobre el modelo de esqueleto realizado en el primer volumen.En este curso de ""Anatoma aplicada a Zbrush: Parte 2 - La Musculatura"" tendrs acceso al siguiente contenido.Qu veremos a lo largo de este curso?Veremos el proceso de creacin, paso a paso, para llevar a cabo un ecorch anatmico completo.Conoceremos los msculos que forman el cuerpo para poder entender su posicin y funcionamiento y as poder tener las bases para crear un sistema muscular completo que nos servir de gua para nuestros personajes en Zbrush.Aprenders un flujo de trabajo rpido que te permitir modelar de forma mucho ms efectiva cualquier personaje que desees.Echaremos un vistazo a algunos libros de anatoma y softwares de apoyo que nos ayudarn a lo largo del proceso.Analizaremos previamente los msculos que vayamos a esculpir durante la fase de modelado para determinar cuales sern los pasos a seguir y conocer la funcin que desempean dentro del cuerpo humano.Empezaremos por los msculos de la cara, seguido por los del torso, el trax, los brazos, las manos, la cadera y finalmente piernas y pies. Todo ello a lo largo de diversas lecciones para facilitar su comprensin.Qu necesitas para realizar este curso?Este curso est orientado a usuarios con niveles intermedio o experto, por lo que ser imprescindible tener conocimientos previos de Zbrush a fin de poder comprender los procesos que se llevarn a cabo a lo largo del curso .Necesitars un ordenador o computadora con la suficiente potencia para soportar el software Zbrush y una tableta grfica (Stylus) o una Wacom Cintiq.Debers tener conocimientos a nivel de usuario en PC o Mac (el curso se imparte en Windows).Debers tener instalado Zbrush en tu ordenador o computadora, preferiblemente la versin de Zbrush 2018 o superior para poder usar los archivos de ayuda en algunas lecciones.No es necesario tener instalado el atlas anatmico de Visible Body que se usar para los anlisis previos ni tampoco los libros de referencia usados como Artistic Anatomy o Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist, aunque en la seccin de recursos tendrs los enlaces necesarios si deseas adquirirlos.No es necesario tener un software de modelado tradicional como 3ds Max, Maya o Blender instalado.Qu voy a lograr hacer con lo que aprenda en este curso?Conocers gran parte de la musculatura que conforman el cuerpo humano y tener una base anatmica ms precisa.Podrs crear la base para tus personajes, encajando mejor las proporciones y disposicin de los msculos del cuerpo.Una vez terminado el modelo contars con una referencia valiosa para futuros proyectos.Para quin es este curso?Para todos aquellos que deseen profundizar en la creacin de personajes en 3D y la escultura digital.Para aquellos que ya tienen conocimientos en Zbrush pero quieren mejorar sus conocimientos anatmicos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creacin y Modelado de Vestuario con Marvelous Designer" |
"En este curso de Creacin y Modelado de Vestuario con Marvelous Designer tendrs acceso al siguiente contenido.Qu veremos a lo largo de este curso?Veremos la interfaz de Marvelous Designer, sus diferentes mens y visores.Tendremos unaseccin dedicada al uso de las diferentes herramientas, veremos qu son los patrones, la mquina de coser y cmo tipos de tejidos, entre otros.Intercalaremos pequeos tutoriales de modo que podamos aplicar las herramientas vistas a medida que avancemos.Veremos cmo utilizar las mscaras y aprenderemos a mostrar y ocultar malla para facilitar nuestro flujo de trabajo.Tendrs una seccin nica de tutoriales en los que crearemos diferentes tipos de prendas y elementos.Te ensear a usar los diferentes modos que incluye Marvelous como el modo Sculpt, el modo de UV o el Modular Mode.Aprenderemos algunos tips para mejorar nuestro acabado de una manera profesional.Dispondrs de todos los archivos necesarios para que puedas estudiar cmo estn hechos.Crears tus propios materiales y sabrs ajustar las luces y sombras de tus escenas para obtener el mejor renderizado.El curso lo ir actualizando de manera regular, aadiendo nuevas lecciones, tutoriales y novedades.Qu necesitas para realizar este curso?Este curso est orientado a un nivel Inicial, aunque a medida que se actualice podr variar y cubrir todos los niveles, por lo que no es necesario tener conocimientos previos en Marvelous Designer.Necesitars un ordenador o computadora con la suficiente potencia para soportar el software Marvelous Designer.Debers tener conocimientos a nivel de usuario en PC o Mac (el curso se imparte en Windows).Debrs tener instalado Marvelous Designer en tu ordenador o computadora, preferiblemente la versin de Marvelous Designer 8 o superior para poder usar los archivos de ayuda en algunas lecciones.Qu voy a lograr hacer con lo que aprenda en este curso?Podrs crear cualquier tipo de prenda o elemento textil para tus modelos 3D.Conseguirs manejar una herramienta que te permitir mejorar la creacin de telas.Conocers gran variedad de herramientas que te harn ser resolutivo y encontrar la solucin a diversos problemas que puedas encontrarte en tus proyectos futuros.Tendrs en tu poder conocimientos profesionales que no muchos conocen que te permitirn trabajar mucho ms rpido que la mayora y con mejores resultados.Podrs usar tus conocimientos para trabajar en diversos sectores de la industria como pueden ser la moda, el cine y los videojuegos.Para quin es este curso?Para todos aquellos que deseen iniciarse en el manejo de Marvelous Designer.Para aquellos que ya tienen una base en modelado pero quieren ampliar sus conocimientos en la creacin de telas y prendas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SINGING MADE EASY (LEVEL 2): Sing like a Professional Singer" |
"STUDY SINGING WITH AWARD WINNING BROADWAY CREDITED SINGING INSTRUCTOR!SINGING MADE EASY (Level 2) is the perfect next step for singers looking to improve every aspect of your singing voice.With over 15 years of performing and teaching experience, in this course, I will be sharing the secrets of the trade. Having studied closely with the best vocal mentors in the world, including 2-time Academy Award winning composer A.R. Rahman and Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, I will provide you with a wealth of information and the tools you need to bring your singing voice to the next level!We'll work on:Advanced scales to strengthen breathing and increase diaphragm capacityMastering the principles of Bel Canto (the BEST technique for ALL styles of singing)How to effectively break down a song to give it a stronger emotional impactHow to strengthen and expand your rangeVocal Scales the professionals use (Live performers, Recording artistsetc)How to sing in different vocal styles and advanced vocal runsHow to tackle vowels in the lyrics when singingHow to master the Mix Voice and Falsetto VoiceLEARN FROM A TEACHER WHOS BEEN THERE!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Progressive Conscious Learning Mind" |
"AboutThis Course is for anyone who want to know the truth about how humans learn. It will transform you to switch from passively learning to become an successful active conscious learner.This course connect fields:NeurosciencePsychology Theory of MemoryMnemonicLearning PracticesMost people are brainwashed by education system to believing that learn is done through reading countless number of page and then spitting it out. This course is an eye opener that will change your habits on How you Study and to reach the best version of you!JOIN NOW!This course will teach you How to learn? The most powerful skill we human have is the ability to adapt, and for that we need to learn how to be an Conscious Learner.Before taking this Course ask yourself:Do you how you absorb memories?Do you want to learn how to make sense out of things that's totally out of context?Do you want to know, how you to get that ""Ah haa"" moment when you figure out something new?You will find the answer to those question and many more that remain dormant in this course. Unlock your mind with this course!Be the Best! Know it ALL!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence For Video Creation: Without Software" |
"This Course is all about Arificial Itelligence tools for creating videos clips. In this course your are going to learn each and every tools to creating different kind of videos for Youtube , Blogs ,Instagrames, facebook and other digital product . After taking this course your are going to create Ads videos easily for your clients."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Top Free Blogging Tools For Viral Content Masterclass A to Z" |
"Free Ultimate blogging tools for beginner!Learn how to save your ideas.Learn how to create attractive headlines for your blog.Learn how to get Free images for your blog and social media post.learn how to capture , organize ,and record your blog dynamic graphics for your blog and social media using the above techniques you can easily increase the traffic on your blog and you are able to create good amount of passive income from your blog."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |