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"FINANSE od Podstaw w Praktyce - etat, kredyty, INWESTOWANIE" |
"ycie to podr! Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia mona porwna j do rejsu odzi po finansowych morzach. Ta fascynujca przygoda trwa co najmniej kilkadziesit lat od 20. do 65. roku ycia (emerytura) i jeszcze duej. Czy przez cay ten okres chcesz wiosowa? Chcesz uywa wycznie wasnych ograniczonych si? Czy moe chciaby nauczy si rozwija finansowe agle? I nauczy si apa wiejcy w gospodarce finansowy wiatr? Czy chciaby poczu si jak kapitan swoich finansw?W finansach zazwyczaj zaczynamy swoj podr ma deczk majc zaledwie par wiose. Z czasem uczymy si eglowa, zamiast wiosowa. Co wicej, w finansach moemy systematycznie rozbudowywa d, ktr pyniemy. Dostawia kolejne agle, a w pewnym momencie wiosa (etat) przestaj by potrzebne. Wwczas bardzo wane s Twoje kompetencje finansowe, aby obra waciwy finansowy kurs i mocno trzyma ster celu finansowego. Nawet jeli teraz jeste zupenym laikiem w dziedzinie finansw, a Twoja wiedza finansowa koczy si na tym, jak woy kart do bankomatu i wprowadzi PIN, to ju po przerobieniu caoci kursu moesz zacz swoj fascynujca finansow podr. Nie musisz do emerytury pracowa, dla pienidzy. Pienidze umiejtnie pokierowane - mog zacz pracowa dla Ciebie! Krok po kroku, postaram Ci si wyjani, co i jak trzeba robi, aby nie straci z oczu wymarzonego celu finansowego i ostatecznie go osign.Jeste gotowy rozwin swoje finansowe agle?[UWAGA! To jest mj drugi kurs finansowy na Udemy. W pierwszym kursie pt. ""FINANSE OSOBISTE, krok po kroku, od Zera do Milionera"" przedstawiem wiele praktycznych zagadnie, jak zarzdza finansami osobistymi w perspektywie KRTKOOKRESOWEJ, czyli:jak kontrolowa wydatki, jak zarzdza rachunkiem bankowym, jak zarzdza comiesicznym budetem domowym, jak planowa najwiksze wydatki, jak podejmowa najwaniejsze decyzje finansowe,jak myle o pomnaaniu majtku, ile pienidzy inwestowa itd. W drugim kursie finansowym ""FINANSE od Podstaw w Praktyce"" nie powtarzam tych zagadnie. Tutaj koncentruj si na DUGOOKRESOWEJ perspektywie zarzdzania finansami. Taka STRATEGIA zarzdzania finansami to nie proste triki finansowe do natychmiastowego zastosowania, ale odpowiednie podejcie do pienidzy, filozofia zarzdzania kapitaem lub finansowy mindset. Dlatego nie znajdziesz w tym kursie prostych recept na sukces w krtkim czasie. Nauczysz si za to, jak zadba o finanse rodziny w perspektywie wieloletniej unikajc najczstszych bdw. Nie znajdziesz take w kursie wielu zada z zakresu matematyki finansowej. To nie jest kurs ""Podstawy matematyki finansowej"".]"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Wstp do Zarzdzania, Finansw i Rachunkowoci Biznesu" |
"Czy spotkae kiedy ksigowego, ktry po kilku latach spdzonych w dziale ksigowoci umia jedynie ""wklepywa"" faktury i nie rozumia zbyt wiele z tego, o co chodzi w finansach i biznesie? Czy spotkae niby-dowiadczonego analityka finansowego, ktrego jedyna recept na popraw rentownoci byo zgubne w rynkowych skutkach podnoszenie cen przedsibiorstwa? Czy spotkae kiedy menedera, ktry praktycznie nie rozumia informacji zawartych w bilansie i rachunku wynikw przedsibiorstwa, a decyzje podejmowa po prostu intuicyjnie, bo tak mu si ""wydawao""? Czy spotkae inwestora, ktry posikujc si wytycznymi analizy technicznej ""zalicza"" jedynie dotkliwe straty i szybko skoczy swoj ""karier"" na rynkach finansowych? A w kocu, czy spotkae rzutkiego mikro-przedsibiorc, ktrego biznes nigdy nie wyrs ponad dotychczasowy poziom, bo zawsze brakowao mu czasu na poszerzenie swojej wiedzy z dziedziny zarzdzania i finansw?Ja spotkaem ju wielu takich ludzi! W sumie w gospodarce jest wicej tych, ktrzy nie maj penego wgldu w istot biznesu, ni tych, ktrzy go maj. To dlatego ludzie tkwi latami na tych samych stanowiskach. Bo potrafi robi tylko to, czego si dotychczas nauczyli. Niestety, bodaj adna szkoa w Polsce - ani rednia, ani wysza - nie oferuje takiego w peni profesjonalnego, a zarazem podstawowe (wprowadzajcego) kursu biznesowego. Wspczesna wiedza ekonomiczno-finansowa jest tak rozczonkowana i wyspecjalizowana, e nierzadko poszczeglni specjalici gubi sprzed oczu ogld caoci biznesu (przedsibiorstwa). Czasami trzeba przepracowa w biznesie kilkanacie lat na rnych stanowiskach, aby ""zaapa"" o co chodzi z rnych perspektyw przedsibiorstwa - sprzeday, produkcji, administracji, rachunkowoci i finansw. Ten kurs biznesowy to bardzo rzadka okazja, aby w cigu kilkunastu intensywnych sesji zdoby syntetyczn wiedz odpowiadajc wieloletniemu dowiadczeniu w ksigowoci, controllingu finansowym, kierowaniu przedsibiorstwem. Jest to bezcenna wiedza na start w takich zawodach jak: ksigowy, analityk finansowy, meneder, inwestor i przedsibiorca."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Zaman Ynetimi ve nceliklendirme" |
"Bu eitim, zaman doru kullanmay ve ncelikleri doru seip ynetmeyi renmenizi amalamaktadr. Ve bu yetkinliklerin doal sonucu olarak, etkili ve etkin bir yaama kavumanz, potansiyelinizi ortaya kararak dolu bir hayat geirmeniz mmkn.Zaman ynetimi ve nceliklendirme, hayat kalitemizi ciddi oranda artracak olan ve gelitirilebilir yetkinlikler. Bu eitime katlarak ilk adm attnz ve zamannz doru deerlendirmeye baladnz sylemek yerinde olacaktr.Eitimin ilk ve en nemli adm Kendini Tanma. Zaman kullanacak olan ve nceliklere sahip olan kii yani siz, kendinizi yeterince iyi tanmadan verimli bir zaman ynetimi yapmay kendinizden bekleyemezsiniz. nk, sizin hayatnz ve hayatnzn dinamikleri, ou zaman pek ok teknii ve ounluun uyduu fazla sayda kural devre d brakabilmektedir. Bu nedenle, eitimin nemli bir blmnde kendinizi tanmaya ve kendinize doru davranmaya ynelik ipular bulacaksnz.zgven, motivasyon, gerekilik ve mkemmeliyetiliin zaman ynetimi zerindeki etkilerini, alkanlklarn, drstln ve hatalarn nceliklendirmeye olan katksn eitim ile renecek, pekitirecek ve uygulamaya geebileceksiniz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"L'analyse de la trsorerie de l'entreprise" |
"Le cours s'intresse aux principaux mcanismes qui explique la variation des flux de trsorerie d'une entreprise (les ""cash flow""). Leur comprhension est indispensable pour tous les analystes, directeurs financiers, chefs d'entreprises, entrepreneurs qui souhaitent anticiper les risques sous-jacents, notamment les phnomnes d'impasse de trsorerie. Une analyse de la trsorerie doit aussi aider les entreprises identifier les problmatiques lies une mauvaise gestion des besoins de financement (financement des investissements, du BFR, gestion des excdents, etc.). Le formateur porte une attention particulire expliquer les flux de trsorerie selon leur nature et prsente plusieurs outils et mthodologies utiles pour aider mener une analyse de la trsorerie : tableau de flux de trsorerie, analyse mensuelle de la trsorerie, prvisions, etc."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
3d |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak Like a Pro: Public Speaking for Professionals" |
"If you get nervous about giving presentations or leading meetings at work, this course will help you speak up powerfully when it matters most. And if your public speaking skills are holding you back in your career, this course will give you the tools you need to speak like a leader.No matter what industry youre in, you need to speak clearly and confidently to move your team and your career forward.In this practical Udemy course, youll discover how to get your message across and influence others with presentations that make people want to listen. Ill help you plan your next presentation step by step, from analyzing your audience and discovering your bottom line to organizing your thoughts and improving your delivery. Youll practice speaking off the cuff and learn tools to manage your nerves under pressure.I know youre busy, so well laser-focus on the essentials: no fluff, no filler, just the most transformative and effective exercises Ive developed over two decades of coaching thousands of clients worldwide to overcome anxiety and deliver powerful presentations. Youll graduate with a communication toolbox jam-packed with practical, actionable tools you can use immediately to give more persuasive presentations, lead better sales calls, ace that hallway ambush with your boss, share ideas in meetings and 1:1s, and get buy-in from colleagues and business partners.Specifically, this course will help you:Connect with any audience and make them care about your messageGet your point across without ramblingMaster the art of sounding natural and conversational (while secretly being well-prepared)Organize your ideas into easy-to-remember frameworksThink and speak on your feet, even in stressful situationsInfluence listeners with powerful storiesMake your body and voice work for you rather than against youManage your anxiety when the pressures onAnd if public speaking makes you nervous, take heart. On one hand, Im a presentation coach whos helped thousands of leaders, entrepreneurs, students, and employees, both at startups and large organizations like Salesforce and Google, tell powerful stories and deliver effective presentations.But Im also an introvert who spent 20 years terrified of public speaking, despite teaching college courses on the subject and presenting on a daily basis. And I can tell you that public speaking is truly a skill that anyone can learn.STUDENT REVIEWS:***** ""Worth the investment! If you're debating which Udemy public speaking class to invest in, stop searching now, and get this one. Jennifer provides immediately applicable, confidence-boosting speaking tips in this easy-to-digest course. In a super short amount of time, she packs in a ton of game-changing information, but without it feeling overwhelming. Just from simply taking the class, I feel more pumped to put these skills into action in my next meeting."" - Anna S.***** ""In my opinion, no matter what your level - beginner or advanced, you will get away with practical tools that you can implement immediately in your next public interaction. My favorite takeaways were 'Punctuate with silence' and recording myself on audio was a game changer tool."" - Calif G.***** ""As the sole proprietor of a design firm, my least favorite part of having a business is selling my design skills to get new clients. Jennifer offers wonderful tools for dealing with presentation anxiety, etc., like, 'pivoting the spotlight away from one's self and toward the audience', '4-square breathing', and how to ""get pumped before your next presentation'. I will definitely be trying all of these next time!"" - Stephanie G.So lets get started!Enroll today to master public speaking and transform your presentation skills!CPE (Continued Professional Education)Learning ObjectivesIdentify the 3 Cs of effective public speaking.Recognize why analyzing your audience is so important and when it should occur.Determine the most effective way to prepare for a speech or presentation.Discover strategies to structure your content so you can connect with your audience.Identify best practices for storytelling in your presentations.Identify delivery strategies related to eye contact, body language, pace, and filler words and what they help you achieve.Define the PREP Method and when you would use it.Name concrete techniques for conquering presentation anxiety.For additional information including refunds and complaints, please see Udemy Terms of Use, which is linked from the footer of this page.For more information regarding administrative policies, please contact our support using the Help and Support link at the bottom of this page."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Glassfish Server Administration for Beginners (Step-By-Step)" |
"This course will help anyone who has no idea about Application Servers and he/she want to learn one of the open-source Application Server like Glassfish. This course will help you to establish a completely free license environment using MySQL database, Glassfish Server and ADF Essentials libraries (for Oracle ADF Developer)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
C#30 |
"C#C#C#C#117#01 C##01-2 #02 #03 #04 #05 #06 #07 #08 #09 #10 ifswich#11 while#12 do-While#13 for#14 foreach#15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 Disposeusing#25 static#26 #27 override#28 #29 #30"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"C#WindowsFormsC#WPFXAMLWPFSQLiteMVVMWPFWindowsFormsVBWPFXAMLWPFXAMLXAMLWPFUIXMLXAMLWPFWindows10UWPAndroidiPhoneXamarin.FormsC#XAMLWPF#1WPF#2StackPanel#3Grid#4#5#6StaticResource#7#8#9SQLite#10ListView#11ListView#12SQLiteListView#13#14CheckBox#15RadioButton#16Expander#17GroupBox#18Slider#19ProgressBar#20ComboBox#21ListBox#22TabControl#23TreeView#24TextTextBlock,TextBox#25Menu#26ToolBar#27StatusBar#28 WrapPanel#29DockPanel#30Canvas"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
C#Xamarin.Forms |
"C#C#OKXamarin.FormsC#AndroidjavaiOSiPhoneiPadObjective-CWindowsC#VB5AndroidiOSXamarin.FormsC#javaObjective-CC#Xamarin.FormsAndroidiOSWindowsVisualStudio2017C#AndroidUSBWindowsUWPUWPWindows10Windows10iOSMacMac#01 #02 Android#03 #04 UWP#05 #06 StackLayout#07 StackLayout#08 Fontsize#09 Grid#10 #11 TabbedPage#12 TabbedPage#13 MasterDetailPage#14 ListView#15 CarouselPage#16 DisplayAlert#17 DisplayActionSheet#18 Device#19 LoadClose#20 #21 ViewCell#22 Switch#23 #24 Slider#25 Stepper#26 Entry#27 Editor#28 Picker#29 Picker#30 DatePickerTimePicker#31 SearchBar#32 ToolbarItem#33 TableView#34 ActivityIndicator#35 ListView"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"C#C#ViewViewModelMoqChainingAssertionViewModel#01 #02 #03 #04 #05 #06 #07 #08 ViewViewModel#09 ViewModel#10 #11 #12 IPropertyChanged#13 ViewModelBase#14 #15 #16 #17 Moq#18 #19 Chaining Assertion#20"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
C# |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
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Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"The Intermediate Sessions For Guitar Prt 1 The CAGED System" |
"What is the CAGED System?To get the most out of your guitar playing, you need to have a greater understanding of the fret board. Wouldnt it be nice if the guitar was laid out in a logical fashion? Well guess what, it is, and in these lessons Im going to introduce the CAGED system. Understanding The CAGED System will deepen your understanding of the instrument in many ways. You'll be able to play all over the fret board and see better the relationships between chords, scales and arpeggios, and see the fretboards inherent logic. Once you know your CAGED system Major chords, the next stage it to attach or layer on to them a useful scale. In this case, you will learn how the Major & Minor Pentatonic scale work logically with the CAGED system.Lets then put all this to a practical use. Armed with knowledge we will look at examples of how the CAGED system works in the real world with examples of standard chord progression and the Pro's would approach them.Improve your soloingWith the aid of professional backing tracks you will learn how to combine both the CAGED system and the pentatonic scales to create great sounding solo's.What The Course coversThe course is broken down intro 4 sections. the introduction will give you an overview of the course. Section one looks at the basic idea of the CAGED system and shows you the various chord forms and methods to use. There are 5 backing tracks that you can use to practice the various chord forms used in the sections. Section 2 looks at the Pentatonic scales both Major & Minor and shows you how to combine the pentatonic scales with the CAGED system.In Section 4 you will learn how to play Major7th, Minor7th, & Dominant7th chords using the CAGED system, you can then pratice what you have learned with more backing tracks with chord progressions that use these extended chords.By the end of this course you will have a working knowledge of the CAGED system and a greater understanding of the fret board and how to apply the pentatonic scales over the various chord forms."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Play Classic Iron Maiden - Guitar Lessons Part 1" |
"Learn five Iron Maiden tracks note for note with Geoff Sinker. This superb course teaches you some of the best guitar riffs and solos from these monsters of heavy metal heavy metal!Tracks includedFear Of The Dark - Fear Of The DarkWasting Love - Fear Of The DarkBe Quick Or Be Dead - Fear Of The DarkCaught Somewhere In Time - Somewhere In TimeThe Wicker Man - Brave New WorldAll lessons come with tabs, Backing track and Guitar Pro filesWhen creating this course I decided that I was not going to do a course with the more popular songs by Iron Maiden. Songs like Number Of The Beast, The Trooper, and 2 Minutes To Midnight have already been covered many time. So I decided to look at a number of song that have been requested by subscribers to my website, and songs that I personally like and enjoy to play.Each of the songs come with a note by note lesson covering the main guitar parts of the song. Then I i have covered the guitar solos.I have also included all the tablature for the songs in PDF. Each song also includes Guitar Pro 7 files in zip format for you to download and use.Finally I have included backing tracks that I have created and used in the song lessons. These backing tracks have drum and bass guitar versions and also version where I include the guitar parts played by either Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, and Janick Gers. So you can take on the role of your favorite guitarist.I would suggest an intermediate level of playing for this course to tackle the guitar solos, but beginner to intermediate would be ok playing many of the song lessons.Please don not hesitate to contact me with comments and questions. You will notice this is part 1 I am already working on part 2 and I would love to hear from you for ideas for the next courses.Have fun and enjoy the course.Up the Irons!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Fikir reterek Patentini Al ve Patent Danman Ol" |
"*Udemy zerinde En ok Beeni Alan Trke Hzl Okuma, Hzl renme Kursu Eitmeninden*Austos 2020: Kaynaklar ve 3 Blm Gncellendirencilerimizden Gelenler:""bu kursu dier dersinizden sonra almama ramen daha erken dinleyip bitirdim Anlatmnz beni etkiledi kendimi birka patent sahibi gibi grmeye baladm.Tekrar zmseyerek dinleyip kat kalem kullanarak tekrar tekrar dinleyeceim aznza salk selametle kaln."" brahim Erdodu""Ksa ama zl bir anlatm olmu. Bir patent bavuru sreci fikir aamasndan sonuna kadar teorik bilgilerin yansra rneklerle desteklenerek ele alnm. Bence gayet anlalr ve faydal bir i karlm.""Murat Kocas*****Tarih boyunca insanlk olarak elde ettiimiz en byk baarlar dnerek ve reterek elde edildi. 100 yl nce ABD patent ofisi bakan Charles Duell, ""cat edilebilecek her ey icat edildi."" cmlesini kurdu. Son 1 ylda hayatmzdaki deiikliklere bakarak dahi bunun doru olmadn syleyebiliriz. Her yl rnler deiiyor, yenileniyor ve geliiyor. Her yenilik, bir problemi daha hayatmzdan kararak yenilii bulan irkete veya ahsa ciddi gelir olarak dn salyor. Yenilik ise tabii ki dnerek ve reterek ortaya kyor.Dnmek ve retmek, artk herkes iin kanlmaz hale geldi. Bu ikisini barndrmayan mesleklerde her geen gn i yk artyor ve maalar artyor gibi grnse de parann deerine kyasla gitgide azalyor. Yapay zekann geliimiyle beraber yok olma tehlikesiyle dahi kar karya kalnacak. Aksi ynde ise dnen ve reten insanlar, i hayatnda her zaman dikkat ekiyor ve dolaysyla durmadan ykseliyorlar. Bir irketten ayrldklar takdirde onlar ie alabilecek onlarca irket hazrda oluyor. Bir Patentim Olsun kursu, dnmeye ve retmeye destek salyor. Temelinde patent almay retse de sfrdan, yani fikir oluturma aamasndan balad iin retken bir insan olmay da retmi oluyor. Fikrin aniden seilmi insanlara gelmesi algsn krarak herkesi fikir retmeye tevik ediyor. Bunlar yaparken de kursiyerlere ek gelir salayabilecekleri bir yetenei retmi oluyor.Ben Abdullah Ylmaz, Udemy zerinde en ok satan hzl okuma ve renme kursunun eitmeniyim. Yeni bir eyler retmeye her zaman ilgi duyduum iin fikir retmek ve patent almak konularnda bolca tecrbe edindim. lk projemde ambulanslara ynelik bir fikir gelitirdim. Radyo sinyalleri yayan bir cihaz vastasyla ambulansn nndeki aralarn radyolarna balanarak yolu amak adna duyuru yapan bir cihaz zerine patent bavurusu yaptm. Ardndan benzer bir fikirle ok fazla trafik kazas gerekleen alanlarda yine radyo sinyalleri vastasyla aralara dikkatli olmalarn syleyen bir cihazn bavurusunu yazdm. Bu srete, internette patent alma konusunda ok yetersiz ierik olduunu fark ettim. Bunun yannda da lke olarak patent konusunda ok geride olduumuzu fark ettim. zlerek sylyorum ki, Trkiyede 200 ylda alnan patent says ABDde 10 gnde alnan patent saysna denk gelmektedir. Hem ierik eksikliini kapatmak hem de patent konusunda bilinlendirmek adna aylar sren aratrmalar ve almalarmla bu kursu oluturdum. Bunun yannda, eitim sistemimizde eksiklii hissedilen ve oka duyduumuz soru olan ""Nasl patent alnr?"" sorusuna hitap edecek bir eitim sundum.Kurs ierisinde teorik bilgiye takl kalmamamz adna, uygulama videolarnda sfrdan gerek bir fikrin patent bavurusunun yaplna elik edeceksiniz. Dolaysyla, skc ve sadece bilgi ieren kurslardan olmadn rahatlkla syleyebilirim.Kursta edinilen bilgilerle yapabileceiniz birok ey var. Dilerseniz patent danman olabilir ve ahslara, irketlere patent almlarnda danmanlk hizmeti verebilirsiniz. Kendi patentinizi alp patentinizi bir irkete satabilirsiniz. Patenti aldnz takdirde CVnize bunu yazarak iverenleri etkileyebilirsiniz. Fikir retme yntemlerine odaklanarak kendi i fikrinizi gelitirebilir ve giriimcilie adm atabilirsiniz. Hepsinin yannda fikir retme, aratrma, resmi yaz yazma konularnda kendinizi ciddi bir ekilde gelitirmi olacaksnz Ek olarak da, fikrinizi uluslararas aamaya Tbitak desteiyle cretsiz tayarak tescil alnmas halinde 10.000'lik dl kazanabilir.Kurs ierisinde nce patent ve faydal model ksa bilgilendirmeler olacak ve hemen ardndan, sfrdan fikir oluturmay ve ardndan da fikrinizi gelitirerek patent bavurusu haline getirmeyi reneceksiniz. Yine bu aamalar arasnda n aratrma yapmay ve fikrinizin daha nce patentinin alnp alnmadn nasl aratracanz reneceksiniz. Her aamada, uygulama videolar vastasyla kurs iin gelitirdiim fikrin oluumu ve patent bavurusuna elik edeceksiniz. Teorik videolarn tamam animasyon ve yksek ses kalitesiyle desteklenmektedir.Bu kurs, Trke okuyup yazabilen ve internet balants olan herkese uygundur fakat naizane uyarm fikir retme aamas elenceli olsa da sonrasnda patent yazs yazarken resmi yaz yazmann kat kurallar can skc olabilmektedir. Ben elimden geldiince bu ksmlar ksa ve z tuttum fakat yine de bu uyary yapmak istedim.Neden Patent Eitimimizin Online Kurs Olmas Daha Avantajl?Hazrlanan videolar iin gnlerce alma yaplyor ve en ufak seslendirme hatas dahi dzeltiliyor. Konuulan kelimeler ve cmleler defalarca kontrol ediliyor. Dolaysyla, izleyiciye en ksa srede en fazla bilgi verilmi oluyor. Bir eitim merkezinde 10 saatte verilen bilgi online kurs ile dakikalar iinde ve hatasz olarak veriliyor.Gncellemeler ile kursa gelen yeniliklere devaml olarak ulalabiliyor.Fiyat olarak birok eitim merkezine kyasla bedava saylacak bir crete sunuluyor.Kurs katlmclarnn yorumlaryla kursun yararllna emin olunabiliyor.Satn aldktan sonra saniyeler iinde kursa balanlyor dolaysyla eitim merkezindeki gibi bekleme sreleri bulunmuyor.zleyici daha elenceli vakit geiriyor nk dersler animasyon, hareketli yazlar ve grseller ile anlatlyor ve rencilerin geri bildirimleriyle devaml iyiletiriliyor.retilen bilgilerin kaynaklarnn da paylalmasyla internet zerinden bilgilerin doruluu ve gvenilirlii dorulanabiliyor.Soru&cevap blm ile herhangi bir zamanda eitmenden birebir yardm almak mmkn oluyor.Kursa ilgi duyduunuz ve incelediiniz iin teekkr ederim. Yerimizde saymamak ve ilerlemek adna durmadan dnmeli ve retmeliyiz. Patent saylarnn lkelerin gelimilik ve zenginlik saysyla doru orantda gittii artk aratrmalarla sabit durumda. Bizler de buna gz yummamal ve kendimizi gelitirmeliyiz. Bu kursla beraber sizleri ve kendimi bu konuda gelitirmek iin elimden geleni yapmaya hazrm. Her trl sorunuz, neriniz iin bana ulamaktan ekinmeyin. Hala kararszsanz cretsiz videolar izleyebilir ve ardndan fikir retmek ve patent almak isterseniz kursu satn alabilirsiniz.Not: Bu kursta bulu odakl patentlerden bahsedilmektedir. Marka patenti kurs kapsamna girmemektedir.Kursu bir kez satn aldnzda snrsz eriim hakkna sahip oluyorsunuz. Yani btn gelecek gncellemeler de dahil olmak zere btn derslere snrsz eriim salayabiliyorsunuz.Tantm videosuna tklayarak alt ksmdan cretsiz derslere ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Discover Your SoulPurpose Niche" |
"In this short and powerful program you will arrive at getting profound insight in what your unique talents, gifts, skills and strengths are that you can use to satisfy your passions and help others to enjoy a better quality of life.You will Discover Your SoulPurpose Niche that is the key component to the success of your online or service based business.In starting any service driven business, especially an online business, this is the key component to have absolute clarity on, to achieve success and prosperity.The more clear your are about your Soulpurpose Niche, the more you know what clients you want to work with, and how to attract them, approach them, what problem you are helping them to solve, what you are offering them, and then this shines through in all your communication to your clients.When you have clarity on this, you find it easy to connect with and continue the conversation your ideal clients are already having in their head.This Discover Your SoulPurpose Niche Program is an easy step-by-step process of starting with your Life Purpose and then continue to refine and going into more depth and detail to discover your SoulPurpose Niche, Message Statement and your Avatar.And you ensure that living your SoulPurpose is aligned with your Values.Doing this short yet powerful program, you walk away being clear of what your SoulPurpose Niche is going forward, starting or growing your online business, sharing your gifts to benefit your ideal clients and thereby the world at large."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Electronic Music Mixing Mastering" |
"Computer Mixing and Mastering Theory .DAW Mixing and mastering Theory /Tools/Compressor/EQ/ Mixing TechniqueBasic Compressor/Advance Compressor/Sidechang/Mid&Side/Frequency depend/Multiband/ advance Technique Professional tipsDigital Work station (DAW)FL studio 20/Studio one v4/Apple User Logic Pro DAW..VST PluginWave Complete Bundle/izotpe ozone 8/Fabfilter ProVST ..20 50 Mixing and Mastering Essential Mixing and mastering Theory.-Electronic Dance Music Master ClassR&B Music Master ClassAcoustic POP Music Master Class .... Facebook accountAdded .Instructor ProfileFacebook account link"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Financial Markets: A Beginner's Overview" |
"Welcome to Fundamentals of Financial Markets. This course presents a beginner's overview of how the financial system works. This is not an investing course or a course on financial management. You will not learn how to calculate the present value of an annuity or select the perfect stock to invest in. Rather, you will learn how the system itself works. We will be looking at how the financial system functions and what makes it tick. Some of the questions that will be answered include:How does a company go public and create an IPO?How can futures contracts be used to hedge against market uncertainty?How are stock brokers different from dealers?What role does the Federal Reserve play in the financial market?What laws govern the financial system?By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the most important concepts related to the financial market. Everything in the course is explained in detail to enable student success and understanding. This course is designed to help you succeed. In addition to the in carefully explained video lectures, each video lecture has an attached PDF Slideshow Resource, and each section has a quiz to help check your understanding of the concepts."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Business Planning: Formulate Effective Strategies" |
"Welcome!Strategic Planning is the way in which businesses answer the BIG QUESTIONS and choose optimal business strategies. For example, strategic planning allows business to decide between researching new products or improving existing products. It can help businesses decide whether to focus on expanding online sales or opening more physical stores. This is a three-stage course that is designed to mirror the three stages of strategy formulation. Strategic planning is an essential component of any business education, and it is a capstone course in many graduate and undergraduate business programs. As such, this course assumes that you have prior business experience and is NOT intended to be a student's first business class. Topics Covered:Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)Porter's Generic StrategiesFive Forces AnalysisGrand Strategy MatrixStrategic Planning and Action Capabilities Evaluation Matrix (SPACE)Boston Consulting Group MatrixInternal-External MatrixStrengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats Matrix (SWOT)Quantitative Strategies Planning MatrixResearch project flowchart Additional Benefits10 Free Strategy Templates that you can use as part of your own research. Full lifetime access to 2 hours of video content30 Day Money Back GuaranteeAbout the InstructorRobert Reed is a current Masters of Business Administration candidate and veteran with four years of service in the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army. He holds a B.A. in Economics and has served as a student tutor for three years."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Total Beginner's Guide To Cryptocurrency" |
"Cryptocurrency is a hot topic in both the technology and finance worlds. Unfortunately, many people are confused by cryptocurrency and are worried that they will loose their own hard-earned money. In this course, I will show you how to get started in cryptocurrency without risking ANY of your own hard-earned money. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about the basics of cryptocurrency. Some of the topics we will cover includeWhat cryptocurrency is and how it worksHow crypto is similar to traditional money and how it is differentSome of the advantages of cryptocurrencies as well as the risks of using itWhy the ""Blockchain"" and ""Mining"" are essential parts of cryptocurrency.How you can earn some FREE cryptocurrency by writing blog posts, browsing the web, and watching educational videosAn easy way to create your very first cryptocurrency walletSome of the different ways that people trade, invest, and lend cryptocurrenciesThis is a complete beginner's course, so we will start with the most basics concepts. I will help you understand what a cryptocurrency is, how it works, and some of the key terms associated with cryptocurrencies. One of the best ways to learn is by doing, so I will show you how to get some free crypto currency ""pocket change"" that you can use to experiment and play around with. This is a beginners course, and we won't get too bogged down in extensive technical details, but I will give you the skill set and tool that you can better understand and appreciate this fascinating new technology called cryptocurrency.NOTE: Cryptocurrencies are inherently risky investments that also carry tax liabilities. This course is an introduction to cryptocurrencies and should not be taken as professional financial advice."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kanban 2020 - Stop starting, start finishing" |
"Welcome to Kanban, the only course you need to learn Kanban and become very successful with Kanban.Learn step-by-step how to use Kanban in your Organisation, Business or for your personal stuff. The course gives you the most important knowledge for a successful work with Kanban.My motivation for this course is to show you the tools that are important for agile thinking and working. So that you can work agilely with ease and joy - and at the same time become enormously productive! WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?You'll get deep Understanding how to use Kanban in the real World!You'll get 1-on-1 instructor support!You'll get Lifetime access with no expiration!You'll save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on Kanban Training!You'll learn to finish your projects on time!What is Kanban?KANBAN is an agile method for defining, managing and improving services that provide knowledge work, such as professional services, creative activities and the design of physical and software products. In this Kanban course you will learn the following:How to visualise your work on a Kanban Bord.What are the Kanban Fundamentals.How to set WIP-Limits.What are Service Level Agreements.How to measure and control my Kanban progress. What is a Replenishment Meeting.What topics does the course cover?Kanban Origin, The Pull System, Kanban Principles, Kanban Fundamentals, Visualisation, Workflow, Work In Progress Limits, Kanban Meetings, Measurement and Control.What are the advantages of Kanban?- Kanban creates transparency.- Kanban increases output.- Kanban improves visibility.- Kanban improves collaboration.- Kanban reduces wasteful activities.- Kanban introduces true sustainability.I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!I can't wait to see you in the course! You can begin improving your Kanban skills today. Please enjoy! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum and Agile Project Management - 90 Questions" |
"Welcome to Scrum and Agile Project Management Test,the only test you needto know how good you are!This course has 90 questions which helps the student to prepare for Agile Management and Scrum certification. This is one of the very first course for this subject created by an author who has worked successfully with Scrum. This course is not certified by scrum dot org. But it will help you to prepare for Scrum. It is just an additional help for you to prepare for the exam. Student should have a good understanding of Scrum, it's theory, roles, artifacts and events. This test will be challenging. Thats for sure! If you ready to take the test then do it NOW! You need to have a 90 percent to pass the test. SCRUM is a Mega Trend. Anyone who manages projects or deals with the topic of Project Management can no longer avoid the topic of agility. And agility nowadays means SCRUM. More than 90 percent of all projects that are agilely managed use SCRUM. Agility is in vogue - and SCRUM is all the more so. More than 12 million people worldwide use SCRUM as a method in Project Management. Agility means SCRUM. Ultimately, SCRUM is not new, even though it has certainly reached its peak in recent years. SCRUM has been around for more than 20 years. So what makes SCRUM so successful? What is the secret behind the success of SCRUM? I think that SCRUM is simplySCRUM is agileSCRUM has no hierarchySCRUM is pragmaticSCRUM worksWHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE?You'll know exactly how good you are!You'll get 1-on-1 instructor support!You'll learn some new facts!You'll get Lifetime access with no expiration!You'll be challenged!Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of CompletionAnd the best part is, it's fun!The term Scrum?The term SCRUM can be traced back to the two Japanese economists Nonaka and Takeuchi. In their article ""The New Product Development Game"", published in 1986, they write about their so-called ""rugby approach"". This uses an analogy from rugby. They assume that one of the most extraordinary success factors of very successful product development teams is the proximity of the team during the development work. Like the rugby crowd called SCRUM, where many players stand close together. Because these teams also work as small and self-organized units. They only get a rough direction from the outside. However, it remains up to them how they achieve their common goal. And this kind of cooperation should also make projects successful.More than ten years later, the fathers of SCRUM, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, developed this rugby approach into a framework for software development projects.I have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!I can't wait to see you in the course!You can begin improving your SCRUM skills today. Please enjoy!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electronics-Digital Circuit Design" |
"This course is designed and formulated to help students understand, solve and design digital logic circuits.Taking this course will give the students an insight on the logic that forms the backbone to 21st century technology.This course has detailed lectures that not only define or describe logic gates but also examples and problems where you get to learn the real life implementation and working of the logic gates.This course also has a tons of quizzes,assignments and cheat sheet to help you brush your concepts thoroughly and prepare you for any related examinations.You'll learn 1.Base system concepts2.Base conversions3.Binary logic 4.Logic gates5.Boolean algebra6.Derived logic gates7.Applications of Boolean algebra8.K maps And much more !"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Complete analysis of Financial Statements and Key Ratios" |
"It is time to put an end to the confusion and buzz around the Financial Statements of companies and learn in simple language what they truly convey.You'll be surprised how easy READING AND ANALYSING the finances can be ! and finally the True path to enormous wealth is through INVESTMENTS ! NOWyou can find the winning picks !In this course you'll learn :Learn How to Understand a Company's Performance and Find Out If It's a Good Investment or NotLearn How to Interpret The Result of The Ratio Analysis CalculationLearn Where to Locate The Data in The Financial StatementsLearn How to Assess a Company's Operating ProfitabilityLearn How to Assess a Company's Operating EfficiencyLearn How to Assess a Company's Short-term Debt Repayment CapacityLearn How to Assess a Company's Long-term Debt Repayment CapacityLearn How to Assess a Company's Investment ValueLearn How to Assess a Company's Cash FlowsAnd Much more !"
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"INVESTMENTS - From 0 to 100" |
"Do you know that investing is truly essential for getting rich, but you don't know how and where to start?Are you looking for a powerful and concise investment guide that can help you get started in how and where to invest ?If your answer is yes, this course is definitely for you!Are you serious about becoming a real investor? - The kind of investor who knows how to get rich intelligently by investing in the RIGHTDEAL.Financial education is truly crucial to not only the investors but to every single person who wants to get closer to their financial freedom. So, if you have a dream of retiring early or you want to stay financially free, you will need financial education. This Essential Investing Course will be a shortcut for you to cut down your education time and help you build a better financial life."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Como Criar Mini Sites Passo a Passo do Zero" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender passo a passo Como Criar Mini Sites do absoluto zero.Voc aprender desde como criar seu site em Wordpress at como criar os contedos, postar e fazer otimizao dos artigos.Este um curso completo onde voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber para Criar Mini Sites vendedores e para gerar uma renda extra como afiliado ou at mesmo transform-lo em sua renda principal.Os mini sites so uma tima fonte de trfego para se vender produtos como afiliado, sejam eles produtos fsicos ou produtos digitais, e assim poder ter uma tima renda como afiliado.Um dos grandes benefcios de se criar mini sites para se vender produtos como afiliado que eles podem te gerar uma renda passiva, ou seja, voc pode ganhar dinheiro at mesmo quando no estiver trabalhando.Isso porque uma vez que voc coloca cria o seu mini site, depois de configur-lo e fazer tudo o que necessrio nele, ele vai continuar trabalhando para voc 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, 365 dias por ano sem que voc precise fazer praticamente mais nada.Neste curso voc vai aprender:- Como se cadastrar nas plataformas de afiliado- Como escolher um bom produto para promover- Como criar um mini site do zero- Como criar um site Wordpress de forma simples e fcil- Como criar 2 tipos de contedo de converso- Criar contedos que realmente vendem como afiliado- Como fazer a otimizao dos seus artigos- Como conseguir backlinks e fortalecer o SEO do seu mini site- E muito mais...Este um curso prtico, direto ao ponto e sem enrolaes para que voc j possa ir colocando em prtica a medida que voc vai assistindo e comear a ganhar dinheiro como afiliado o mais rpido possvel.Neste curso voc no encontrar um monte de teorias vagas para demorar um ano implementando, mas voc vai encontrar um curso prtico, passo a passo e muito simples e fcil de aplicar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Um Curso Online Do Zero" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender Como Criar um Curso Online passo a passo do zero mesmo que voc nunca tenha nem sequer criado um vdeo antes.Se voc tem o desejo de aprender a criar seu prprio curso online para ganhar dinheiro pela internet e viver do seu trabalho online ou apenas ter uma renda extra criando produtos digitais, com certeza este curso para voc.Neste curso completo voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber para criar um curso online de sucesso, sem precisar gastar nenhum centavo.Se voc nunca teve nenhuma experincia ou at mesmo j tem algum conhecimento sobre trabalhar online este curso com certeza para voc.Nele voc aprender:Como definir o assunto do seu cursoComo planejar o cursoComo criar o contedo das aulasTipos de vdeos que voc pode criar e como criarQuais as ferramentas necessrias para a criao do seu cursoComo criar as aulas passo a passo na prtica, sem enrolaesComo editar os vdeos de forma simples e descomplicadaComo criar seu curso na UdemyComo criar seu curso na HotmartDicas de como vender o seu cursoAlm disso voc ainda vai ter acesso a alguns bnus exclusivos:Como criar um blog gratuitoComo criar uma pgina de vendas profissionalChecklist completo para criar uma pgina de vendas altamente lucrativaOu seja, um curso prtico, direto ao ponto e sem enrolaes para que voc j possa ir colocando em prtica a medida que voc vai assistindo e comear a ganhar dinheiro com o seu curso online o mais rpido possvel.Neste curso voc no encontrar um monte de teorias vagas para demorar um ano implementando, mas voc vai encontrar um curso prtico, passo a passo e muito simples e fcil de aplicar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Informatica PowerCenter Developer Specialist Certification" |
"Informatica PowerCenter Practice TestsThe practice tests are created to measures your knowledge and competency as an Informatica PowerCenter 10.x developer who will be a member of any kind of Data Integration, Data Migration or Data Quality projects/implementations. These practice tests cover a lot of ground on in-depth aspects of PowerCenter such as Architecture and Administration,Mapping Design Basic,Mapping Design Advanced, Parameters and Variables,Transformation Language,Troubleshooting and Workflows and Worklets and various aspects of configuring the appropriate PowerCenter transformations and build the transformations for complex real time requirements. Is this an online video-based course?No. This is a practice test with questions and multiple-choice answers. Will it be an interactive session?Yes, you will be able to send a note to the trainer/instructor and communicate as well. If you are taking this course, there are options to see the questions asked by you and also by other participants. This will not only help you to get the questions clarified but also you will know the different perspectives of the subject based on the questions asked by other participants.Will I get any material apart from the questions and answers?We will support you with your questions, doubts and help you with any related Informatica corporation documentation and other curated PowerCenter specific products content to learn and understand the content/topics with more clarity.Do these tests cover any real time scenarios / live project's scenarios?Yes, all the content and questions in this course are from real time project implementations. Everything will be practical and on real time project implementation.Will this help me to clear the PowerCenter certification?We encourage you to learn all the topics and prepare for success. All the questions and answers provided here have helped multiple other participants to clear the PowerCenter certification without any help. We do help you with any clarifications requiredPlease note, these questions are not copy and paste from the actual certification test, these questions are prepared based on the test topics covered in the certification testPlease note, launch the practice test using chrome browser. In other browsers the question and answers may not fit to the window and you may have to scroll the page up and down to see the questions and answers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Certification" |
"Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Practice TestsThe practice tests are created to measures your knowledge and competency as an Informatica PowerCenter 10.x Administrator who will be a member of any kind of Data Integration, Data Migration or Data Quality projects/implementations. These practice tests cover a lot of ground on in-depth aspects of PowerCenter such as Architecture,Installation,License Keys,Repository Management,Security,Service Maintenance and various aspects of configuring the PowerCenter Services for complex real time requirements.Is this an online video-based course?No. This is a practice test with questions and multiple-choice answers. Will it be an interactive session?Yes, you will be able to send a note to the trainer/instructor and communicate as well. If you are taking this course, there are options to see the questions asked by you and also by other participants. This will not only help you to get the questions clarified but also you will know the different perspectives of the subject based on the questions asked by other participants.Will I get any material apart from the questions and answers?We will support you with your questions, doubts and help you with any related Informatica corporation documentation and other curated PowerCenter specific products content to learn and understand the content/topics with more clarity.Do these tests cover any real time scenarios / live project's scenarios?Yes, all the content and questions in this course are from real time project implementations. Everything will be practical and on real time project implementation.Will this help me to clear the PowerCenter Administrator certification?We encourage you to learn all the topics and prepare for success. All the questions and answers provided here have helped multiple other participants to clear the PowerCenter certification without any help. We do help you with any clarifications requiredPlease note, these questions are not copy and paste from the actual certification test, these questions are prepared based on the test topics covered in the certification testPlease note, launch the practice test using chrome browser. In other browsers the question and answers may not fit to the window and you may have to scroll the page up and down to see the questions and answers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wealth Multiplication GPS Tool" |
"Confusion!, Distraction!, Procrastination!,...GET OUT OF TOWN! Start saving in the correct world and use this tool to guide you to your cash flow. Most of us are visual and in a hurry, so we need a simple path that is simple and easy to use so we can measure our growth. We need a beam of light to guide us in the proper lane. What you are about to see is that simple tool and in the right hands, it can become an atomic bomb, powerful enough to speed you to your wealth destination faster. My wonderful friend let this tool or strategy make your journey easier and fun!."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |