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"Balancing Chemical Equations for 10th & 11th standard(CBSC)" |
"This course will help both 10th school students and also 11th science students.Balancing of Chemical reactions require knowledge of Electronic Reduction & Oxidation. At School level students relay on Memorizing & avoid understanding the basics. This affects their study in 11th & 12th standard.Although at school level my method will be felt a bit difficult & complex but this habit will help students in future.Try to follow my method so that future chemistry becomes easy."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"P-Block elements( balancing of chemical equations for 12th)" |
"Balancing Chemical Equations is felt difficult by many as they rely on blind MEMORY,which is wrong.This course will train you to use basic knowledge of REDOX to Balance Chemical Equations.This way of learning will help other topics also. Use of basic chemistry & chemistry behind various conditions of temperature,catalyst,concentration etc. is a must. { Enjoy 4 Preview lectures }"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Story Time with Ely" |
"This lesson helps students with reading and reading comprehension. It's a BASIClevel course for students learning English as a second language. You can listen to the stories, read the stories and review the stories.You will:1. Learn vocabulary 2. Read two stories 3. Review the stories and practice making your own sentences. 4. Take a short quiz that will test you on BOTH stories."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Estatstica Inferencial - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA INFERENCIAL permite que o aluno tenha uma base terica slida, bem como desenvolva as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas, dos mais simples aos mais complexos. Ele foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia em sala de aula no ensino mdio e superior e instruo online, tendo j publicado 11 cursos na rea de Estatstica na plataforma Udemy. O curso est organizado nas seguintes sees:1. Introduo ao Curso2. O Teorema do Limite Central3. Intervalos de Confiana4. Testes de Hiptese e Significncia5. Modelagem Estatstica6. Concluso do CursoEm cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, listas de exerccios, testes de avaliao dos conhecimentos, links para recursos online e muito mais.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento de Estatstica Inferencial e estar pronto para aplicar seus conhecimentos em reas tais como Data Science, Pyhton para Data Science e o pacote estatstico SPSS, entre outros.Veja o testemunho de alguns alunos que j se matricularam nos cursos do professor Alexandre Raymundo:""Gostei da forma como o professor comunica as aulas."" (Chaiane R.)""Curso de qualidade! Professor tem boa didtica, atendeu minhas expectativas!"" (Kelly A.)""Professor com excelente didtica, vai encaminhando o aprendiz passo-a-passo na aquisio dos conceitos fundamentais... Aprendi muito. Valeu a pena "" (Joo S.)""O professor muito didtico e os recursos disponibilizados auxiliam bastante no aprendizado"" (Camila F.)""O professor atencioso, e o contedo de introduo bem elaborado."" (Jos W.)Voc ainda ganha:Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso;Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy;Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador;Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro;Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao professor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Frmulas e Funes no Excel 2020: um Curso de Aprimoramento" |
"O curso ""Frmulas e Funes no Excel 2020"" oferece a voc a oportunidade de desenvolver as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas prticos e melhorar sua produtividade e eficincia com o uso do MS Excel. Esse curso foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia no ensino em sala de aula e instruo online, tendo j publicado 14 cursos na plataforma Udemy. Esse curso est organizado nas seguintes sees:1. Introduo ao Curso2. As Funes Lgicas do Excel3. As Funes de Pesquisa e Referncia do Excel4. As Funes Financeiras do Excel5. As Funes de Texto do Excel6. Outras Funes Importantes do Excel7. Concluso do CursoEm cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, exerccios prticos e muito mais. Ao concluir esse curso, voc ser capaz de criar testes condicionais com a funo SE e suas variaes, poder realizar pesquisas de informaes na sua planilha com mais eficincia, aprender a calcular taxa de juros, nmero de pagamentos e valores a serem desembolsados na quitao de uma dvida, saber como criar menus suspensos, aprender como trabalhar com a validao de dados, a formatao condicional, e vai conseguir gravar a sua primeira macro sem o uso da linguagem de programao VBA. Ao final desse curso voc ter desenvolvido um conhecimento mais avanado no uso de frmulas e funes do Excel, com estratgias para melhorar sua produtividade, independentemente do seu campo de atuao. Veja o testemunho de alguns alunos que j se matricularam nos cursos do professor Alexandre Raymundo:""Bom curso , o professor explica muito bem, e ainda mostra no excel como fazer os clculos ... para o iniciante como eu est timo."" (Fernando C.)""Professor com excelente didtica, vai encaminhando o aprendiz passo-a-passo na aquisio dos conceitos fundamentais... Aprendi muito. Valeu a pena "" (Joo S.)""Gostei da forma como o professor comunica as aulas."" (Chaiane R.)""Curso de qualidade! Professor tem boa didtica, atendeu minhas expectativas!"" (Kelly A.)""O curso atendeu minhas expectativas; trabalhou-se bastante aplicaes do cotidiano... Obrigado por tudo."" (Sarley A.)""O professor muito didtico e os recursos disponibilizados auxiliam bastante no aprendizado"" (Camila F.)""Excelente curso. Me ajudou bastante a relembrar importantes temas..."" (Felipe M.)Voc ainda ganha:Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso;Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy;Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador;Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro;Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao professor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Siemens NX - Para Iniciantes (Bsico)" |
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender as ferramentas bsicas do NX, algumas tcnicas de modelamento e desenho 2D.Ir aprender tambm algumas ferramentas de superfcie e ter um pouco de vivncia com projetos e desenvolvimento de novos componentes, parte essa que ser vista mais ao final do curso.Ao trmino do mesmo o aluno ter conhecimentos de tcnicas de modelamento, conhecer interface, ver tambm como se usa o 2D do NX."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Finanas Pessoais - Controlando suas Finanas com o Excel" |
"Neste curso voc aprender como criar um controle financeiro simples e eficaz no Excel, para isso, todas as funes bsicas da ferramenta sero abordadas, de modo que ao final do curso voc seja capaz de iniciar o controle e anlise de suas finanas indo em direo a uma vida financeira mais saudvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"OCS: Gestin de inventario profesional" |
"Todo buen administrador de tecnologa e infraestructura tiene que tener conocimiento de los activos que posee, con este curso aprender a gestionar en forma centralizada toda la informacin relacionada con sus activos tecnolgicos (servidores, computadoras, software instalado, licencias, usuarios y mucho mas).En el transcurso del curso veremos como instalar este sistema paso a paso. Crearemos nuestro propio laboratorio donde contaremos con el servidor de inventario, un servidor Linux y un servidor Windows para que podamos practicar al mximo todo lo necesario para dominar esta grandiosa herramienta."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Mikrotik: De principiante a experto" |
"Los routers Mikrotik se vuelven mas populares da a da, su avance es notorio y ya podemos notar su presencia en muchas empresas a lo largo del mundo. Mikrotik ofrece una solucin accesible econmicamente y sumamente potente llena de funcionalidades de nivel empresarial por una fraccin del costo de otras marcas, mas econmico aun que armar una pc con un software para usarlo como router. No se quede afuera del mundo Mikrotik! con este curso podr aprender todo lo necesario para dominar estos equipos y poder brindar una solucin de nivel empresarial para sus clientes o en su trabajo diario todo en un solo lugar. El curso es totalmente practico, cada alumno podr armar en la comodidad de su hogar o trabajo un laboratorio basado en GNS3 donde podr realizar todas las practicas que veremos sin la necesidad de tener acceso a un router Mikrotik real."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Mikrotik: Practicas Avanzadas" |
"Los routers Mikrotik cuentan con muchas opciones avanzadas, destinadas para los expertos en la materia. En este curso vamos a ir directo a las prcticas de las caractersticas avanzadas de esta gran marca, aprender a dominarlas y podr aplicarlas en sus trabajos, entregando un resultado ms que profesional para sus clientes o sus empresas y dando soluciones profesionales a problemas que no es posible solucionar con las herramientas bsicas."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Fortinet: De principiante a experto" |
"La seguridad en los tiempos que corren es una problematica central de toda organizacin y en este aspecto Fortinet en los ltimos aos se a desarrollado hasta posicionarse como la empresa lder en seguridad en redes, en este curso aprender a dominar los firewalls Fortigate de Fortinet comenzando por lo bsico desde cero sin experiencia alguna requerida. En este curso aprendera todas las herramientas y habilidades requeridas por la certificacion NSE4 de Fortinet, juntos iremos recorriendo las opciones de esta gran marca abarcando desde su configuracin inicial, polticas de seguridad, UTM (unified threat management), SD-WAN y politicas de trafico, web filter, antivirus, IDS/IPS, application control, traffic shapers, conexiones seguras mediante vpn, gestin de usuarios, integracin con Active Directory, actualizacin, backup, migracin de configuraciones entre diferentes modelos y mucho mas!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) : Basics" |
"The course is designed in a way to build from the basic concepts of engineering drawing towards more complex concepts. It starts with explaining the importance of an engineering drawing and going on to explain why GD&T the need has arisen and then a deep dive into the concepts of GD&T If you are a total beginner the course will build progressively in terms of concepts to capture the core tenets of GD&T.If you are a seasoned professional then the latter portions of the course will be useful to you Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is a body of knowledge and a symbolic language used to communicate design intent on an engineering drawing for manufacturing and inspection. In this course you will learn , how exactly are the core concepts of GD&T built and how they are applied to drawings with multiple examples .You will learn and appreciate the importance of the language over the traditional way of dimensioning and learn the possibilities of controlling the parts' variations using various combinations of symbols and controls.The course will cover the following topicsOverall perspective of what an engineering drawing is and why it is important. The Need for GD&T then moving towards the introductory concepts of GD&TA comprehensive comparison of Traditional method of tolerancing vs GD&T A detailed look at Datums the most important concept in GD&T , How are they created? How are they applied? and what do they mean on the drawing?A detailed look at Bonus tolerance and concept of virtual condition which lays a key role in Mating parts.Explanation of Symbols and their inspection methodsFormStraightnessFlatnessCircularity and cylindricityOrientation AngularityPerpendicularityParallelismLocationPositionSymmetry and ConcentricityRunoutProfileFinally we will have a look at the concept of Datum feature modifiers or Datum shift.Each section has a Quiz and you will find practice exercises to practice your GD&T skills .The course is designed in such a way that each and every point is captured as a sub topic with multiple short lectures which are to the point with condensed information. At the end of the course, take a quiz with 30 insightful questions which will test your conceptual understanding of the subject."
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"Mechanical design and Product development process" |
"Product development is the process through which a mechanical product is realized from just an idea into a fully detailed entity ready for production.This course is an attempt to cover that process at an introductory level covering all the key concepts, ideas and details from a perspective of a Mechanical design engineer.The course is structured in a way as to build on the product development process step by step . From the way an Idea is generated, incubated, to how a concept is generated, evaluated, how specifications are created and set towards the system design of a product , followed by a overview of activities in Detailed design and prototyping.Topics covered:Opportunity identification and product idea generationWhat are customer needs?What are specifications and when are they set ? how are they set?How are concepts generated?How to select and score concepts?Techniques for Generating ideas and conceptsWhat is modularity? and difference between modular designs and integral designsWhat is product architecture along with the example of a Vehicle architectureImportance of the Engineering drawing in Detail designDesign for X and Design for manufacturing and Assembly Types of prototypes and the purpose of prototypingWhat you will learn from this course?To understand the overall process of product development and develop a Holistic understanding of how products are developedTo learn ways of developing ideas, opportunities for new product developmentTo understand concepts like product architecture, modularity and Interfaces relating to mechanical design."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Automotive engineering - Performance" |
"Automotive Design is driven by the targets set for performance. Understanding these performance metrics and characteristics is a very important part of the overall Vehicle design process.This course aims to provide an idea of each of these specific areas of performance related to the Typical IC (internal combustion) engine Vehicle.Topics coveredMechanism of Acceleration of the VehicleBasic working principles of ICengineTraction and Power limited accelerationLimits of Top speedRelations between tractive force and engine torqueNeed for a transmission Factors which affect Vehicle HandlingImportance of the TireStiff vs Soft suspensionWhat is Road holding and GripTypes of tests performed for handlingSteering performance Basic Physics of BrakingWorking mechanism of a Brake systemStopping distance derivedSlip ratio and its affectsAnti lock braking system workingRelations between Braking and Handling behaviorWhat are vibrations,Difference between Ride and NVHTypes of sources, pathsTypes of Noise Basic Concepts of VibrationsSensitive touch points related to NVHHow NVH performance is evaluated?Different aspects of Vehicle DurabilityImportance of Material properties to strengthBending and Torsional stiffnessTrade off of strength vs WeightConsiderations for Design for durability in Vehicle design processFlow of energy in an engineTypes of lossesRelative Contribution of those lossesSpecific Fuel ConsumptionWhat is Thermal efficiency and ways to improve itAffect of Driving patterns and environmentWays to improve Vehicle Fuel efficiencyThe course is designed to be Beginner friendly and consists of minimal Math with a ""First Principles"" approach.If you are a student, engineer working in Automotive industry or an enthusiast wanting to learn about Automobiles this course will give you a Holistic understanding of Performance Criteria which matters and build a conceptual intuitive understanding of underlying principles.This course doesn't deal in-depth in any of the area only deals with ""what matters"" .This course may not be for you if you are looking for a highly analytical approach .This course is suitable for you if already know some basics of cars but want to know the engineering connections in performance.Knowledge compiled in the course is partly academic and partly related to my experiences and learning throughout my working stint at an Automotive manufacturer as a mechanical design engineer ."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Mechanical design with Fusion 360 : Design of Jack" |
"This is a course Centered around solving a Mechanical design problem of Designing a Vehicle Jack for a certain application for a vehicle. Its a unique course which not only covers the CADmodelling part of mechanical design but combines it with first principle explanations of the working mechanism and Force analysis .It is a ""Over the Shoulder "" training walk-through of solving a problem step by step and learning by doing. What is covered in the course?Basics of a Car jack - the parts, function The Problem definitionDeveloping a Concept sketch which is parametric to guide the CAD design Detailed CAD design of each part and construction of the assembly of the Jack .Design calculations to find the Forces in the system Understand the basics of Lead screw , thread specifications and the working principle of inclined plane applied to threads. Calculations for Torque in Operating the JackFinding the conditions for self locking of the Jack screwDesign calculations to evaluate strength and stability of the screw and pinsDiscussion on Failure modes and ways to improve design to counteract them It is a Fully practical course with all the course material available for download.The best value you can derive from this course is by designing the device with your own dimensions and inputs. All the Guiding steps are provided to arrive at a basic fully specified design. A Basic Working level knowledge of Autodesk Fusion 360 - the free mechanical design software will be necessary but most CAD modelling is step by step with explanation of each workflow ."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing : Advanced concepts" |
"Topics covered : Profile tolerance in depthRelimited control of profileBiased tolerance zoneApplication of profile on Flange partHow are Patterns toleranced and what does the callout mean with multiple examplesUsing Patterns as datumsRefinement of Orientation and Form in Position and Profile toleranceAuxiliary datums - Datums apart from the datum reference frame.Inclined datum features - two examplesConcept of simultaneous requirements- What does it mean ? What does it imply? Difference between simultaneous and seperate requirements Gauging with simultaneous requirementsGauging with seperate requirementsComposite position controlComposite vs Multi segment position controlComposite GaugingComposite Profile control vs multi segment profile controlTolerancing of slots - Methods and their differencesUsing slots as DatumsDatum Targets - Why use them ? When to use them ? How to use them ?Inspection with datum targetsWhat is Zero positional tolerancing at MMC? with example and why use it? What is Projected tolerance zone ? with example and why use it? All the lectures are in form of Short ""to the point "" explanations of conceptsFocus on practical examples Learn the why and why not along with comparisonsPre-requisites required:Understanding of Basic concepts of GD&T likeDatumsModifiers and material conditionsTolerance zonesSymbol meaningsConcept of Size, Form , orientation, and location Virtual conditions"
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |
"Intro to Mechanical Design engineering skillset" |
"DIsclaimer: This course is made from the perspective of a mechanical engineer entering into the field of Design engineering as a graduateDesign engineering is the core function of any product development effort in manufacturing .This course aims to build a holistic understanding of the profession of design engineering by covering Role of design engineer in developing products with 3 examplesThe Engineering Design process Insightful understanding of skills and knowledge required from design engineerUnderstand concept development, prototyping and research and why they are importantTeams in Mechanical product development The Design Life-cycle of a partUnderstanding Engineering analysis and how it fits into design engineeringLevels of engineering analysis and why computation is requiredThe various Design considerations to be made during design Engineering drawing importance, Cost of Bad design Why use GD&T in engineering drawings?take this course ifYou are aspiring to be a design engineer and want to understand more in detail as to what design engineers do You are enthusiastic about engineering and design and want to design your own products ."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Basic Concepts of Mechanics of Materials for Machine Design" |
"Mechanics of Materials is the primary course for mechanical engineering and is used in the design of structures and machines. A thorough understanding of the foundational concepts of the subject is important to for mechanical design whether it be designing a single structure which has to take loads or whether it is designing an elaborate Transmission systems which is undergoing dynamic loading conditions. Mechanics of materials concepts are cornerstone of any type of mechanical design .In this course we will be covering the following concepts :Introduction to Machine design - What is nature of machine design ? What does it include ? What is the engineering design process?Importance of analysis of strength and difference between strength and stressEssential basics of engineering statics - Method of statics, Free body diagrams, Force equilibrium , types of joints primary types of loading- Normal and shear What is Bearing stressExplanation of Stress and strain relations with Tensile test and its inferences along with definitions of tensile strength , yield strength .Hookes lawShear Stress strain relations and Shear stress in Shafts undergoing action of torque- Torsion. What is Poissons' Ratio Analysis of Axially loaded member and what is stress concentrationAnalysis of Stress in Oblique plane for axially loaded memberWhat is Pure bending ? Derivation of governing equations .What is Area moment of InertiaAnalysis of Beams and deriving shear force and Bending moment diagramsTwo Plane bending in shaftsStress concentration in BendingAnalysis of Shaft in torsion and derivation of Governing equationsSolid vs Hollow shaftsStress concentration in ShaftsMulti axial Loading , Dilatation and Bulk ModulusState of Stress and Stress transformationsAnalysis of Thin walled pressure vesselsWhat is Principal stress and derivation of Mohrs' CircleComparison of plane of Principal stress and Maximum Shear The course covers the Theoretical basics required to design standard elements in structures and machines. Aim of the course is to build a strong well rooted understanding of the concepts rather than just mere application of formulae.A good engineer knows the underlying assumptions of each formula they use in application and hence knowing the mathematical back ground is very important for effective design."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Basics of Tolerance Analyses - Stackup and Fits" |
"Understanding Tolerances and tolerancing schemes is a very important part of Mechanical design .In most cases Tolerances are directly detrimental to the functional performance of a mechanical product.This course attempts to cover the key concepts in tolerance stackup , limits, fits and statistical tolerancing with examples . What we will cover in the course?What is tolerance? What are sources of variation ?What are Fits , the nomenclature, types and Tolerance zonesHow to decode and interpret a Fit specification and convert it into limitsHow to Define a specification of a Fit for a specific applicationHow to do a simple tolerance stackup ? Generic procedure and factors to be considered?How to develop Loop Diagrams in Stackup ?Assembly shift in Tolerance analysisStackup with GD&T How to find Boundary conditions accounting for size and positional variationsHow to derive the individual specifications in tolerance tableStatistical TolerancingWhy Statistical techniques are used? What is normal distribution What is difference between worst case and statistical analysisWhat is Process capability indexCore Learning outcome is to provide a strong foundation concept in Tolerance analyses for mechanical Engineers in design and manufacturing."
Price: 5440.00 ![]() |
arduinoanarabicapproach |
""" It's Arabic "" (Embedded System) (Sensors) (Actuaturs) Sensors Actuators Arduino C (Embedded System) Arduino +12 LCD Password ..........."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"1z0-963: Oracle Procurement Cloud 2017 Certification" |
"These practice tests offers a total of 83 carefully selected questions for 1z0-963: Oracle Procurement Cloud 2017 Certification which will help you get prepared for the certification Exam. You will definitely score more than 80 percent.In real exam you will get 83 questions and 60% is the qualification marks.Duration will be 120 minutes and the Exam price is 245$.Format is multiple choice type.The topics are listed below:Procurement Application Overview Explain Procurement architecture and components Explain simplified Procure to Pay flow Explain Procurement applications integrationCommon Applications for Procurement Explain Enterprise Structures Configure Applications security, Job roles, Duty roles, and Privileges Create Business Units, common Payables, Procurement options, and Approval Management for ProcurementPurchasing Define Purchase Document Configuration and Document Styles Define Business Unit Function configuration, Configure Procurement Business Unit, Document types, Change Order template Define Receiving Parameters for Purchasing Create Line Types and Change Orders, and assign Procurement agents Set up Budgetary Control and Encumbrance accounting Set up Financial Orchestration Flow driven Procurement Set up Procurement of Consigned Inventory from SupplierSupplier Portal Explain objectives, Portal Setup, and maintenance Create Portal Registration, Supplier Provisioning, and Default Roles Explain Supplier business classification, internal and external supplier registrationsReporting and Business Intelligence for Procurement Explain Reporting and Business Intelligence for Procurement Configure OTBI , RTF Templates for POs, PRs, Dashboard metrics, and graphs in Purchasing work areas and SourcingProcurement Contract Configure a Contract Terms Library Create Contract Terms, Procurement Contract, Approvals, and Contract FulfillmentFusion Functional Set Up Manager Explain the Application implementation lifecycle Explain Functional Set Up Enterprise Roles Plan an implementation Configure offerings Generate Set Up Task lists, Offerings, and Options Assign Tasks to users Manage implementation projectsCommon Procurement Manage Supplier configuration and Supplier site assignment Define Payment Terms, UOM, Carriers, and Hazard Clauses Define a Supplier Business classification lookup, Supplier Products, and the Services hierarchy Create Freight Lookups, purchasing profile options, and Approved Supplier List statusesSelf Service Procurement Explain Self Service Procurement Manage Profile Options, Catalog categories, Content Maps, and configure Requisitioning Business Functions Create Public Shopping Lists, Smart Forms, Catalog-Category Hierarchies, Templates and Punch Out Configure Requisition approvalsSourcing Explain Sourcing configuration objectives Use Negotiation styles and Templates Create Cost Factors, Attribute lists, Negotiation lookups, and Negotiation lists Configure Negotiation and Award Approval, Surrogate Bidding, Online Message, Notification Summary, and two-stage RFQ Explain how Supplier Qualification requirements can be captured during negotiationsSupplier Qualification Management (SQM) Configure SQM and create Questions, Qualification Areas, and Models Set up SQM Processes and manage Transactions, including Initiatives, Responses, Evaluation of Assessments, and Qualifications"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"1z0-1006: Oracle Receivables Cloud 2018 Certification" |
"This practice tests offers a total of 80 carefully selected questions for 1z0-1006: Oracle Financials Cloud : Receivables Cloud 2018 Implementation Essentials which will help you get prepared for the certification Exam. You will definitely score more than 80 percent.In real exam you will get 80 questions and 60% is the qualification marks.Duration will be 120 minutes and the Exam price is 245$.Format is multiple choice type.The topics are listed below.Reporting Explain how to design and use various reporting tools Explain Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Use Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) Reports Use the Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Report Process intercompany reconciliationsBilling Process billing transactions Describe invoice print and presentment Manage revenue Analyze receivables information using the Billing Work Area Calculate Transactional Tax Create and process bills ReceivableReceipt Management Deploy receipt processing Manage customer refunds Explain the key uses for the Receivables Balances Work Area Process bills Receivable Remittances NEW for R13 - Bill Management (NEW) Explain the self-service application for customersReceivables Explain the process for managing customers with Accounts Receivable Manage Reference Data Sets Utilize importing customer data Create write offs, adjustments, late chargesand chargebacks Explain autoinvoice accounting Configure Subledger AccountingCollections Deploy a Delinquency process Explain the process for customer correspondence Manage dispute handling Explain the key functionality of the Collection Work Area Explain Collection Preferences Configure and Process a Collections StratagyRevenue Management Cloud Service Explain revenue contracts Utilize performance obligations Explain observed and estitmated standalone selling prices Utilize importing revenue data Uitilize accounting for revenue"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"1z0-1013: Payroll Cloud 2018 Certification Practice Test" |
"These practice tests offer a total of 75 carefully selected questions for 1z0-1013 Oracle Cloud Payroll Certification which will help you get prepared for the certification Exam. You will definitely score more than 80 percent.In real exam you will get 74 questions and 64% is the qualification marks.Duration will be 120 minutes .Format is multiple choice type.The topics are listed below:Payroll ConceptsDescribe cloud Human Resources and the cloud payroll person modelsDescribe legislative data groupsDescribe payroll statutory unitsCreate payroll users and rolesEarnings and Deduction DefinitionsCreate an earnings or deduction elementExplain the behavior of an elementCreate element entry business rulesConfigure an absence elementAdd eligibility rules for an elementCreate rules for retroactive changesPayroll Costing RulesDescribe the levels of a costing hierarchySet up a payroll cost allocation flexfieldConfigure various types of costingPerform a transfer to subledger accounting and a posting to GLPayroll FlowsCopy a flow patternEdit a flow patternDefine parameters for tasks within a flow patternSubmit a payroll flowPayroll and Balance DefinitionsConfigure a payroll definitionConfigure a balance definitionEdit payment datesPayroll Payment DetailsAdd company payment detailsExplain how to configure a payslip reportAdd third-party payment detailsEmployee Level Payroll InformationAdd a standard earnings entry earning or deduction to an employeeAdd bank account details for an employeeEnter payroll frequency details for an employeeManage absences for an employeeExplain how to initialize payroll balancesManage costing for a personCalculate, Validate and Correct Payroll ProcessesDescribe the Payroll ChecklistVerify the results of a payroll runCorrect the payroll run details for an employeeSubmit and verify the results of the payment processConfirm the status of the payroll flowVerify the results of the costing processDescribe how to reconcile the payroll"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Conception de bases de donnes et langage SQL" |
"SECTION #1PrambuleIntroductionHistoriqueSECTION #2Conception des bases de donnesDu cahier des charges au MCDLes entits, les attributs, le MCD et l'EADLes associations et les cardinalitsLes associations et les cardinalits (suite)Les associations et les cardinalits (suite)Du MCD au MLDSECTION #3Le Modle PhysiqueLe Modle PhysiqueLes types de donnesJeu de caractres et interclassementInstaller Oracle MySQL WorkbenchModliser avec WorkbenchModliser avec Workbench (suite)NormalisationDnormalisationQuiz #1SECTION #4L'environnement WAMPPrsentationTlcharger WampServerInstaller WampServerVrifier et configurer WampServerDe Workbench MySQLSECTION #5Le langage SQLPrsentationCrer une nouvelle base et son jeu de donnesLa clause SELECTLa clause LIMITLa clause WHERE et les oprateurs de comparaisonLes comparaisons NULLLa clause BETWEEN... ANDLa clause IN (...)L'oprateur de comparaison LIKEOprateurs logiques, arithmtiques et concatnationLes alias de colonnesLa clause ORDER BYExercice SQL #1Les fonctions d'agrgationLa clause GROUP BYLa clause HAVINGExercice SQL #2Modifions la base entrepriseDu produit cartsien aux jointures internesLes jointures externes et les alias de tablesLes jointures rflexivesLes sous-requtesLes unionsExercice SQL #3Les requtes d'insertionLes requtes de mise jourLes requtes de suppressionL'intgrit relationnelleQuelques fonctionsSECTION #6OptimisationPrsentationIndexationLes vuesLes variables et la console MySQLLes procdures stockesLes triggersSECTION #7ConclusionFlicitations !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Manage Finance Data with Python & Pandas: Unique Masterclass" |
"+++++Recently Updated: Pandas Version 1.0: Including a guide on how to best transition from old versions 0.x to version 1.0!+++++The Finance and Investment Industry is experiencing a dramatic change driven by ever increasing processing power & connectivity and the introduction of powerful Machine Learning tools. The Finance and Investment Industry more and more shifts from a math/formula-based business to a data-driven business.What can you do to keep pace?No matter if you want to dive deep into Machine Learning, or if you simply want to increase productivity at work when handling Financial Data, there is the very first and most important step: Leave Excel behind and manage your Financial Data with Python and Pandas! Pandas is the Excel for Python and learning Pandas from scratch is almost as easy as learning Excel. Pandas seems to be more complex at a first glance, as it simply offers so much more functionalities. The workflows you are used to do with Excel can be done with Pandas more efficiently. Pandas is a high-level coding library where all the hardcore coding stuff with dozens of coding lines are running automatically in the background. Pandas operations are typically done in one line of code! However, it is important to learn and master Pandas in a way that you understand what is going on you are aware of the pitfalls (Donts)you know best practices (Dos) MANAGE FINANCE DATA WITH PYTHON & PANDAS best prepares you to master the new challenges and to stay ahead of your peers, fellows and competitors! Coding with Python/Pandas is one of the most in-Demand skills in Finance.This course is one of the most practical courses on Udemy with 200 Coding Exercises and a Final Project. You are free to select your individual level of difficulty. If you have no experience with Pandas at all, Part 1 will teach you all essentials (From Zero to Hero).Part 2 - The Core of this CourseImport Financial Data from Free Web Sources, Excel- and CSV-FilesCalculate Risk, Return and Correlation of Stocks, Indexes and PortfoliosCalculate simple Returns, log Returns and annualized Returns & RiskCreate your own customized Financial Index (price-weighted vs. equal-weighted vs. value-weighted)Understand the difference between Price Return and Total Return Create, analyze and optimize Stock PortfoliosCalculate Sharpe Ratio, Systematic Risk, Unsystematic Risk, Beta and Alpha for Stocks, Indexes and PortfoliosUnderstand Modern Portfolio Theory, Risk Diversification and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)Forward-looking Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO) and its pitfalls Get exclusive insight how MVO is used in Real World (and why it is NOT used in many cases) -> get beyond Investments 101 level! Calculate Rolling Statistics (e.g. Simple Moving Averages) and aggregate, visualize and report Financial PerformanceCreate Interactive Charts with Technical Indicators (SMA, Candle Stick, Bollinger Bands etc.)Part 3 - Capstone ProjectStep into the Financial Analyst / Advisor Role and give advice on a Clients Portfolio (Final Project Challenge).Apply and master what you have learned before!Part 4 Some advanced topics on handling Time Series Data with Pandas.AppendixYou struggle with some basic Python / Numpy concepts? Here is all you need to know, if you are completely new to Python!Why you should listen to me...In my career, I have built an extensive level of expertise and experience in both areas: Finance and CodingFinance:7 years experience in the Finance and Investment Industry......where I held various quantitative & strategic positions.MSc in Finance Passed all three CFA Exams (currently no active member of the CFA Institute)Python & Pandas:I led a company-wide transformation from Excel to Python/PandasCode, models and workflows are Real World Project - proven Instructor of the highest-rated and most trending general Course on PandasWhat are you waiting for? Guaranteed Satisfaction: Otherwise, get your money back with 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee.Looking Forward to seeing you in the Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Importing Finance Data with Python from Free Web Sources" |
"What can be the most critical and most expensive part when working with financial data?Pandas coding? Creating some advanced Algorithms to analyse and optimize portfolios? Building solutions for Algorithmic Trading and Robo Advising? Maybe! But very often it is getting the Data!Financial Data is scarce and Premium Data Providers typically charge $20,000 p.a. and more! However, in 95% of all cases where Finance Professionals or Researchers require Financial Data, it can actually be obtained from Free or low-priced web sources. Some of them provide powerful APIs and Python wrapper packages, which makes it easy and comfortable to import the data with and into Python. +++ This course shows you how to get massive amounts of Financial Data from the web and provides downloadable Python coding templates (Jupyter Notebooks) for your convenience! +++ This course covers four different data sources and explains in detail how to install required Libraries and how to download and import the data with few lines of Python Code. You will have access to60+ Exchanges all around the world120,000+ Symbols/InstrumentsHistorical Price and Volume Data for thousands of Stocks, Indexes, Mutual Funds and ETFsForeign Exchange (FOREX): 150+ Physical Currencies / Currency Pairs500+ Digital- / CryptocurrenciesFundamentals, Ratings, Historical Prices and Yields for Corporate BondsCommodities (Crude Oil, Gold, Silver, etc.)Stock Options for 4,500 US StocksFundamentals, Metrics and Ratios for thousands of Stocks, Indexes, Mutual Funds and ETFsBalance SheetsProfit and Loss Statements (P&L)Cashflow Statements50+ Technical Indicators (e.g. SMA, Bollinger Bands)Real-time and Historical Data (back to 1960s)Streaming high-frequency real-time DataStock Splits and Dividends and how these are reflected in Stock PricesLearn how Stock Prices are adjusted for Stock Splits and Dividends... and use appropriately adjusted data for your tasks! (avoid the Pitfalls!) Build your own Financial Databases... And save thousands of USDs!What are you waiting for? As always, I provide a 30-Days-Money-Back Guarantee. So, there is no risk for you!Looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete 2-in-1 Python for Business and Finance Bootcamp" |
"Hi and welcome to this Course!This is the first-ever comprehensive Python Course for Business & Finance Professionals. You will learn and master Python from Zero and the full Python Data Science Stack with real Examples and Projects taken from the Business & Finance world. This isnt just a coding course. You will understand and master all required theoretical concepts behind the projects and the code from scratch. You will become an expert not only in Python Coding but also in Business & Finance (Time Value of Money, Capital Budgeting, Risk, Return & Correlation, Monte Carlo Simulations, Quality and Risk Management in Production and Finance, Mortgage Loans, Annuities and Retirement Planning, Portfolio Theory, Asset Pricing & Factor Models, Value-at-Risk) Statistics (descriptive & inferential statistics, Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing, Normal Distribution & Students t-Distribution, p-value, Bootstrapping Method, Monte Carlo Simulations, Normality of Returns)Regression (Covariance & Correlation, Linear Regression, Multiple Regression and its pitfalls, Hypothesis Testing of Regression Coefficients, Logistic Regression, ANOVA, Dummy Variables, Links to Machine Learning, Fama-French Factor Models) This course follows a mutually reinforcing concept: Learning Python and Theory simultaneously: Learning Python is more effective when having the right context and the right examples (avoid toy examples!).Learning and mastering essential theories and concepts in Business, Finance, Statistics and Regression is way easier and more effective with Python as you can simulate, visualize and dynamically explain the intuition behind theories, math and formulas. This course covers in-depth all relevant and commonly used Python Data Science Packages: Python from the very Basics (Standard Library)Numpy and Scipy for Numeric, Scientific, Financial, Statistical Coding and SimulationsPandas to handle, process, clean, aggregate and manipulate Tabular (Financial) Data. You deserve more than just Excel!statsmodels to perform Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing and ANOVAMatplotlib and Seaborn for scientific Data VisualizationThis course isnt just videos:Downloadable Jupyter Notebooks with thousands of lines of codeDownloadable PDF Files containing hundreds of slides explaining and repeating the most important concepts Downloadable Jupyter Notebook with hundreds of coding exercises incl. hints and solutionsI strictly follow one simple rule in my coding courses: No code without explaining the WHY. You wont hear comments like ""...thats the Python code, feel free to google for more background information and figure it out yourself"". Your boss, your clients, your business partners and your colleges dont accept that. Why should you ever accept this in a course that builds your career? Even the best (coding) results have only little value if they cant be explained and sold to others. I am Alexander Hagmann, Finance Professional and best-selling Instructor for (Financial) Data Science and Finance with Python. Students who completed my courses work in the largest and most popular tech and finance companies all over the world. From my own experience and having coached thousands of professionals and companies online and in-person, there is one key finding: Professionals typically start with the wrong parts of the Python Ecosystem, in the wrong context, with the wrong tone and for the wrong career path.Do it right the first time and save time and nerves! What are you waiting for? There is no risk for you as you have a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.Thanks and looking forward to seeing you in the Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Chatbot automatici, gratis e senza scrivere codice" |
"In questo corso vedremo come realizzare Chatbot nella Chat di Facebook Messenger, cio software intelligenti che interagiscono con i nostri interlocutori in chat, come se fossimo sempre presenti. Creeremo Chatbot per la Lead Generation, Funnel Marketing, Up e Cross Selling, Prenotazione, Vendita online senza e-commerce, vendita offline in negozio e molto altro e lo faremo senza scrivere nemmeno una riga di codice; tutto attraverso una semplice ed intuitiva interfaccia grafica.Perch un corso sui Chatbot?Finora le email sono state lo strumento di comunicazione pi utilizzato da aziende e professionisti ma recentemente qualcosa cambiato.Negli ultimi anni aziende di ogni dimensione ed anche professionisti hanno accolto l'avvento di piattaforme di comunicazione alternative alle email come Facebook Messenger e WhatsApp, optando per una comunicazione pi ""smart"", cio pi semplice ed immediata grazie alle chat.Se da un lato quindi comunicare in chat con i propri clienti risulta pi efficace, dall'altro impone l'obbligo di essere sempre connessi per rispondere in tempo reale alle richieste (al massimo entro 1 ora per mantenere vivo l'interesse del richiedente), con costi di gestione non sempre facilmente sostenibili.Proprio per rispondere a queste esigenze di velocit ed economicit e rendere quindi la comunicazione in chat facilmente sostenibile sono nati i Chatbot, cio software progettati per simulare una conversazione con un essere umano.L'avvento dei Chatbot stato una vera rivoluzione; grazie ai Chatbot infatti possibile comunicare in chat in tempo reale e soprattutto in modo automatico, inviando messaggi con informazioni dei propri prodotti e servizi oppure acquisendo dati dei potenziali clienti come email, telefono ed altro. Non sar pi necessario essere sempre presenti in chat per rispondere alla richieste, sar sufficiente creare e programmare un Chatbot che lo far al posto nostro in modo intelligente e gratuitamente.Perch i Chatbot funzionano?I Chatbot dimostrano la propria efficacia anche perch a differenza dei messaggi di posta elettronica che sono letti al massimo nel 15% dei casi, i messaggi in chat sono letti nel 99% dei casi, praticamente sempre. Inoltre con le chat si ha la certezza che i messaggi siano realmente recapitati al destinatario a differenza delle email pubblicitarie che spesso finiscono nella cartella Spam, restando di fatto non lette.Infine la caratteristica principale delle chat quella di essere una comunicazione in tempo reale, in cui domande e risposte si alternano nello stesso momento, a differenza delle email che possono essere scambiate anche a distanza di giorni. Anche la rapidit di interazione con i clienti non un aspetto da sottovalutare. In un mondo in cui i nostri clienti sono costantemente e simultaneamente soggetti a stimoli di prodotti e servizi concorrenti, essere veloci se non addirittura immediati nel convertire un interesse in vendita la vera chiave del successo. Attendere i tempi tecnici (anche se un giorno soltanto), di lettura e risposta ad una email, molto spesso vanifica ogni tentativo di conversione (sia vendita online o in negozio, sia appuntamento o prenotazione) in quanto in quello stesso giorno l'interesse potrebbe naturalmente scemare se non sostituito da quello nei confronti di un concorrente.Cosa comprende il corso?Questo corso descrive in modo pratico come creare Chatbot, semplici ed avanzati, partendo da zero e senza dover scrivere nessuno difficile codice di programmazione; infatti possibile ""programmare"" la logica di uno o pi Chatbot attraverso una semplice interfaccia grafica, scrivendo messaggi (testo semplice, immagini, link, domande con risposte multiple e molto altro) e posizionarli in chat, trascinandoli semplicemente con il mouse, .I Chatbot possono adattarsi ad ogni modello di business e per dimostrarlo nel corso sono creati esempi finalizzati a fissare telefonate o appuntamenti commerciali, alla scelta di un prodotto da acquistare in negozio oppure online, alla profilazione del cliente per l'invio di un'offerta mirata ed altro.Infine, dopo aver illustrato tutti gli strumenti e creato diversi Chatbot di esempio, il corso dedica una lezione anche alla creazione di una Campagna Facebook Ads dedicata ai Chatbot, al fine di portare traffico ai Chatbot ed alimentarne il flusso dei messaggi."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-002): 6 Practice Exams" |
"In these practice test, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-001) or (CLO-002) Certification Exam. With 6 full-length practice exams with unique questions and each of which is timed at 45-50 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-001) exam for all 6 domains of the exam:Characteristics of Cloud Services From a Business PerspectiveCloud Computing and Business ValueTechnical Perspective/Cloud TypesSteps to Successful Adoption of Cloud ComputingImpact and Changes of Cloud Computing on IT Service ManagementRisks and Consequences of Cloud ComputingAll questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-002) exam for all 4 domains of the exam:Cloud ConceptsBusiness Principles of Cloud EnvironmentsManagement and Technical OperationsGovernance, Risk, Compliance, and Security for the CloudYou will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. So you can take and pass the actual CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-001) or (CLO-002) Certification Exam with confidence!You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-002), and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"DESIGN GRFICO PHOTOSHOP: Efeitos Incrveis Vol.2" |
"Est na dvida sobre meus cursos? Ento que tal ter uma amostrinha grtis da minha didtica, contedo e apresentao das aulas? Aproveita e se inscreve a, se curtiu, no deixe de conferir meus outros cursos e se olhar na descrio de cada um vai achar uma SUPER SURPRESA (spoiler: um cupom de desconto muito especial). Nos vemos l!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"C# Basics Absolutely Beginners By Arabic ( )" |
"C# is a powerful programing language that you can do anything with; You can use it to build a desktops application, web-based application, mobile apps for Windows, Android, and iOS.Because of no programming experience required, you 'll start with the basics of programming in C#. Then you'll learn about the print command to display the results of a statement when the program is executed. You'll also learn about C# syntax and learn basic programming concepts like variables, data types, conditional statements, control flow statements, methods, and much more.There is a lot to cover out here. So, let's get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |