Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Explore Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) Fundamentals in Weekend" |
"In this course, we will explore the different layers of bluetooth low energy specification. We start explore from very low hardware Radio Layer upto application layer of bluetooth low energy. Bluetooth Low Energy is evolving and used in wide range of applications starting from Personal Area Networks to Smart Automation Networks. Here we concentrate currently on Bluetooth Low Energy Personal Area Networks and its layers like Radio Layer, Link Layer, L2CAP layer, Attribute, General Access Profile, Generic Attribute Protocol, Security Manager, Host Controller Interface Layer and application layers.This course also provides step by step implementation of Environment Sensing service development starts from advertising, simple GATT connection, adding BLE standard profile, adding characteristics, read and notify properties, reading data from DHT11 and update data on every 5 seconds, and also includes notification."
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"Deep Dive into Yocto Embedded Linux with Beagle Bone Black" |
"Course starts with a brief introduction about yocto fundamentals and architecture, poky reference system, bitbake, meta open embedded core, yocto board support package. Then it helps to step by step procedure to setup yocto build system for beagleboneblack, starts from installing dependencies, downloading the poky system from yocto-project git repository, preparing build environment, build targets, building core-image-minimal and various targets, flashing the image into beagleboneblack. This also provides the information about yocto meta-data, recipes, bitbake files, bitbake append files, class file and etc.Yocto bitbake layers with various options like show-layers, show-recipes, create-layer, add-layer, remove-layer, show-cross-depends, layerindex-fetch, show-overlays. Helps you to create new yocto layer starting from a simple helloworld to optimized custom yocto board support package layer. Also it provides information to create recipes with starting from a helloworld, custom full feature media box image generation recipes and recipe to add IoT gateway middleware framework and applications."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Bsica en Pascal" |
"Si sos nuevo en el mundo de la programacion aprenderas los conceptos basicos para este mundo, paso a paso, bien explicado y con claros ejemplos. Incluido muchos ejercicios para que puedas practicar!A partir de este conocimiento, lograras aprender los demas lenguajes de programacion de manera mas facil e intuitiva, ya que tienen mucho en comun. Una gran forma de iniciar en la programacion y no morir en el intento, Animate! no te arrepentiras!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Pandas desde cero a Intermedio!" |
"Bienvenido a mi curso sobre Pandas en Python. Pandas es un paquete para el manejo de datos en Python por ejemplo: Te ayuda a manejar una base de datos gigante, que tiene miles de datos vacos, o que tiene nombres incorrectos, datos incorrectos y muchos obstculos mas desde un lenguaje tan eficiente como Python. Pero no solo esto, hay cientos de funciones que nos ayudaran a realizar los clculos mas complejos de forma rpida y muy intuitiva.En este curso llegaras a un nivel intermedio en el manejo de Pandas y quedaras preparado para subir a siguientes niveles. Si no sabes Python igualmente doy una introduccin rpida al lenguaje con los aspectos mas importantes que utilizaremos a lo largo del curso.En este curso vamos a ver mtodos como:Gestionar una tabla de datos.Cambiar la forma de una tabla de datos.Manipular series de tiempo.Graficar con pandas.Estadstica descriptiva con Pandas.Y mucho mas!Anmate a tomar el curso y llevar tu conocimiento a un siguiente nivel!Nota: Es importante que crees una carpeta especial del curso donde guardaras las bases de datos proporcionadas y los cdigos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Visualizacin de Datos en Python - Matplotlib!" |
"RESEAS - Visualizacin de datos con Python AbelardoMuy buen curso hasta ahora, se necesitaba algo as en Udemy en espaol. Explica muy bien un tema que muchas veces es muy difcil de dominar. Gracias.Maria JesusMuy buen curso 100% recomendado, es mejor programar como lo explica el instructor al ser de una forma muy ordenada.----------------------- DESCRIPCIN- Visualizacin de datos con Python -----------------------Este curso de visualizacin de datos en Python esta diseado para aquellas personas que desean hacer grficas en Python de forma rpida, eficiente y estticamente presentables. El curso empieza desde las bases de Matplotlib y mediante ejemplos se va adentrando en grficas mas sofisticadas para el anlisis de datos.Tambin aprenders a importar datos a Python con ayuda del paquete Pandas, generaremos algunos datos aleatorios con la ayuda de Numpy y todas las notas de clase quedaran guardadas en Jupyter Notebook. Algunos de los temas puntuales que tiene el curso son:1. Anatoma de una grfica en Python.2. Grfica de lineas en Python.3. Grfica de pastel.4. Grficas de barras en Python con Matplotlib.5. Grficas de dispersin.6. Mltiples grficas para generar reportes.7. Jerarqua de una figura en Python.Y muchos temas mas! Ademas, todos los cdigos y las bases de datos estn disponibles para descargar.El autor del curso, Fabio Gmez, lleva varios aos trabajando en Python y R en el desarrollo de algoritmos de trading, para este trabajo es fundamental la correcta visualizacin y anlisis de los datos con el fin de identificar estrategias de inversin verdaderamente robustas. Python es el lenguaje que mas ha aumentado la cantidad de usuarios en los ltimos 5 aos, se esta utilizando para todo: Machine Learning, Data Science, Trading Algoritmico, Deep Learning, Data Mining, automatizacion de procesos, creacin de aplicaciones, entre muchas cosas mas.Anmate a tomar el curso de visualizacin de datos con Python, recuerda que tienes una garanta de tu dinero de 30 das! Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Engineer Associate - Tests" |
"The course has been designed keeping Microsoft's first ever security certification - Certified Azure Security Engineer Associate Certification. - MCSA in mind.This practice test is aligned to the AZ-500 exam objectives. The course has 4 complete timed tests, of 40-questions each. That's 160 questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.Non-repeated 160 questions.Question framed on five different modules.Scenario based questions, Business use case types questions, Best answer types questions available. Once in 30 days refresh on the db of the questions.Quick response to students queries.Questions are taken from my experience with the Actual exam. The explanation for the correct answers given.Lifetime access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the quizzes as many times as you like.The skills measured in the exam along with the percentage of question asked are as below:* Manage identity and access (20-25%)* Implement platform protection (35-40%)* Manage security operations (15-20%)* Secure data and applications (30-35%)There are questions about each of these areas in the exact percentage mentioned above.The practice test course which have the same weighting as the real exam.Look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"E-commerce site KinoMania PHP Dynamically Displayed Data" |
"This is the second part of development for an E-commerce site , in this work shop we are going to display all the data from the server and make all the functionality for this E-commerce site.We gonna create log in form with form validation.We gonna work with global , complicated Url .Also we are going to develop advance search engines and much ,much more.PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock trading - Growth stocks in Bull market" |
"I know that finance can be very bored subject, but in this work shop we will have a ton of fun , and in the process you will learn how to invest in a growth stocks , how to identified them, when to buy them and when you to drop them , gaining financial capital means that you will gain freedom , a freedom to explain your-self, freedom to do whatever you want to do, freedom to be wherever you want to be that a big power. All off this in practice here you will see whole trading sessions from the watch list to the closing positions and review of the trading day.Please notes applicable only in a bull market,lost as i short sell NFLX (Netflix) which is not in the scope of this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Website FAT DJOUDI restaurant front end Web development" |
"A professional single page website and a very good work-shop for a beginner who wish to become a front-end Web developer and also good for more advance students,because in this course we going to develop JavaScript animation , advance Bootstrap classes such as modals. There is a lot to be learn in this course ,so embark on your journey to be come professional front-end Web developer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Robotic Process Automation Using UiPath Platform" |
"This course is designed by leading industry Practitioners keeping optimal mix of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) concepts, UiPath platform capabilities, hands-on exercises and real-life case study scenarios. The course will act as a stepping stone in the World of RPA Technology and solid foundation to kick-start as UiPath Developer.At the end of this course, Candidate should be able to -a) have clear understanding on RPA technology, gain in-depth hands-on knowledge of UiPath platform features, build and deploy robots using UiPath, understand Architecture & Design considerations and advanced integration topics, learn industry recommended best practices in RPA space with hands-on exercises and mentorship from experienced practitioners.b) automate and deploy the business processes to large extent using UiPath platform"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D ile Online RPG Oyun Yapmn renin" |
"Ders eklemeye devam ediyorum. Son 4-5 konu kald. Bu konular da bittikten sonra kurs tamamlanacaktr.Bu aklama ksmnn hepsini dikkatli bir ekilde okursanz kurs hakknda birok bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz. Sizin iin bu kurs ok ileri dzey belkide ok basit dzeyde gelebilir. nceden bilgi sahibi olmanz, satn alp almamanza karar vermek iin yararl olabilir.Bu kursta online rol yapma oyunu (RPG) yapmay reneceksiniz. Kursu, unity oyun motoruna temel dzeyde hakim olan oyun yapmclar satn almal. Unity'de yeni olan rencilerin de bu dersi satn aldn varsayarak, baz oyun motoruna ait ilemleri anlatma gereksinimi duydum. Ancak anlamadnz yerleri kendiniz de internette ksa bir aratrma yaparak renmelisiniz. zel mesaj olarak da bana ulaabilirsiniz. Msait olduum saatlerde cevap vereceim. Baz kod yaplarn belkide daha nce hi kullanmam olabilirsiniz. Bunun iin bu kodlarn aklamalarn sesli bir ekilde anlattm gibi ksa ve z bir ekilde ekran zerinde de grebilirsiniz.Kurs Hakknda nemli bir n BilgiKurs alt balnda da greceiniz gibi, Unity 3D motorunda, Photon Network 2 ve veritaban ilemleri ile online temel RPG (Rol yapma oyunu) yapmn renin. Buradaki ""Temel RPG yapmn renin"" ksm hakknda bilgi vermek istiyorum. Temel yazmamn nedeni;Biz sadece rpg oyunlarnn arkaplannda yaplan envanter slot ilemleri, login sistemleri vb. ilemlerini reneceiz. Mesela envantedeki bir eyay, envanterin 5. slotundan 15. slotuna aldmzda veritabannda da bu envanter slotu 15 olarak gncellenecek ve hesaba tekrar giri yaptmzda bu eyann slotu 15 olarak gelecek. Ancak bu gibi temel ilemler dnda hibir nlem almadmz srece oyununuzda kolayca hile yaplabilir olacaktr. Bunun nedeni biz ana ilemleri sunucuda deil oyun iinde yani client (istemci) zerinden yapyoruz. Buda demek oluyor ki hile programlar ile oyuncular bu deerlere kolayca ulap, deitirebilir!(bkz. Cheat Engine) Peki nasl engelleyebiliriz ?Bu yaptmz ilemleri (Mesela envanterdeki eyay slot 5'den slot 15'e almak) sunucumuza yollayarak kontrol etmek. zm bu. Sunucudaki hibir ileme oyuncular mdahele edemez. Ancak biz bu sunucu kontrol ilemine bu kursta deyinmeyeceiz. Sadece temel bilgilere odaklanacaz. Online bir RPG oyun yapmna yeni balyorsanz zaten temelden ncelikle bir bilgi sahibi olmalsnz. Bu kontrol ilemlerini anlatacam bir kurs serisi ekeceim (cretsiz olacak). Bu kursa eklemek istemiyorum nk bu kurs temel dzeyde olacak. cretsiz olacak kursta, bu kursun projesinden devam edeceiz. Yeni oluturacam kurs iin ek bir cret talep etmeyeceim. Yeni kursla alakal haberleri sizlerle paylaacam. Oluturduumda haberiniz olacak.Ders srasnda hibir ilem iin para demenize gerek olmayacak. Ancak ilerde gelir elde etmek iin gelitireceiniz bir oyunun multiplayer sisteminin daha hzl ve salkl olmas iin daha gl sql server ve e zamanl daha fazla oyuncunun oyuna girebilmesi iin photon network sistemine para yatrabilirsiniz.Bu terimleri ders srasnda daha detayl olarak reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Finanas pessoais - Curso Exera Poder Sobre o Seu Dinheiro" |
"O Curso Exera Poder Sobre o Seu Dinheiro, parte do programa de finanas pessoais da Curriculum Treinamentos que alm do curso composto pelo mini-curso gratuito que est aqui na Udemy e tambm pelo programa de mentoria.Aqui nos aprofundamos nos quatro passos para exercer poder sobre o seu dinheiro. Explicamos como se organizar para pagar as dvidas, como construir um oramento eficiente, vamos aprender como evitar a volta ao estado de endividamento e como fazer para ganhar mais e gastar menos.O Curso ainda apresenta simulaes de situaes cotidianas que nem imaginamos o quanto nos prejudicamos financeiramente e o quanto desperdiamos o dinheiro que poderia nos tornar ricos!Ento aproveitem todas as dicas e comece a gora a trilhar o caminho para o bem estar e o equilbrio financeiro, a prosperidade e a riqueza!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Comment Modifier Son tat D'esprit Pour Entreprendre" |
"Vous tes le rsultat de vos choix d'il y a 5 ans. Ne misez pas sur celui que vous tes aujourd'hui, mais sur l'entrepreneur que vous voulez tre dans 5 ans. Tous les grands de ce monde le disent ""investir en vous-mme est l'action la plus importante de votre vie"". C'est l'objet de ce programme."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Comment Crer Un Rseau Pour Dvelopper Son Entreprise" |
"Bravo ! Oui, et je le rpte : Bravo ! Car vous avez saisi l'intrt d'un rseau pour acclrer vos ventes venir !Si vous tes l c'est que vous avez compris l'intrt de constituer un rseau pour dvelopper une entrepris succs !Et par succs, j'entends : plus rentable, plus stable, plus prenne et plus optimise ! Et vous avez bien raison !Le rseau est une des cls majeures de la russite d'une entreprise, et malheureusement l'une des plus oublies ...Pourquoi ? Parce que l'on pense avoir d'autres priorits ! Et pourtant, le succs de votre projet vient majoritairement des personnes qui le composent ou le font avancer. C'est l tout l'intrt d'un bon rseau : acclrer votre russite et booster vos ventes ! Travailler son rseau, c'est investir sur ses ventes futures ! C'est investir sur des ventes plus simples, plus rapides et plus rcurrentes !Autant dire qu'il s'agit de dpenser moins pour obtenir plus ... ce qui est le focus N1 d'un entrepreneur succs !Profitons-en, et laissez moi vous donner des raccourcis tests et prouvs pour atteindre cet objectif plus rapidement. Nous construirons ensemble un systme solide sur le long terme, et dont les rsultats arriveront plus tt que prvu :)On se retrouve dans la premire vido !Ps : mon programme sur LinkedIn peut galement vous intresser pour avoir une carte supplmentaire dans votre jeu. Et si vous avez des questions je suis votre disposition : je suis en contact direct avec mes clients, et je vous en remercie :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crez Des Landing Page Illimites En 1 h SANS ABONNEMENT" |
"Bonjour tous, Aujourd'hui je vous propose une solution pour remplir un objectif trs simple : prsenter vos produits /services sur une page internet percutante en moins d'1 h, tout simplement ! En effet, vous pouvez crer techniquement une landing page trs facilement et SANSABONNEMENT un outil en ligne qui cote plusieurs dizaines d' par mois.La plupart des personnes qui recommandent ces outils sont tout simplement affilies aux plateformes et en font la promotion Bref, si vous avez compris qu'un site web complexe n'tait jamais la bonne solution, je vous propose de vous passer d'une agence de communication et d'avoir un systme cl en main pour crer autant de landing page que ncessaire pour communiquer plus efficacement.videmment, cela n'est pas gratuit, et voici l'ensemble des frais prvoir :- 60 vie pour crer autant de landing page que vous le souhaitez- 10 l'anne pour le nom de domaine sur 1and1- 10 / mois pour l'utilisation de wordpressFaites le calcul, vous verrez la diffrence de prix avec d'autres solutions, sans compter que celle-ci est la plus efficace.On peut crer des landing page plus design, trs facilement adaptable tous les crans, et l'interface est extrmement facile grer.Pour voir comparer de nombreuses solutions, le choix est vite fait :) Comme toujours d'ailleurs, il y a souvent un outil bien meilleur que les autres dans le tas, et la cration de landing page ne droge pas la rgle. :)Soyez rassur, je vous montre tout !Si vous connaissez dj mes vidos, vous connaissez mon srieux :)Pour en finir avec tous les frais et complications lis la cration de pages web, ce programme pour crer une landing page percutante en express est fait pour vous :)On se rejoint dans la premire vido, tout de suite :)Maxime"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"22 conseils SURPRENANTS pour entreprendre avec SUCCS" |
"Bonjour tous, Aprs plusieurs demandes suites mes diffrentes formations, j'ai dcid de compiler les meilleurs conseils que j'ai pu recevoir dans mon parcours d'entrepreneur.Je suis persuad qu'une phrase choc bien comprise peut changer une vie, et c'est d'ailleurs ce qui s'est pass la plupart du temps que j'ai pris de grandes dcisions :)Je tiens dire que ce programme est trs subjectif (c'est tout l'intrt :), et que si vous prenez 5 min pour rflchir entre chaque vido, de trs belles portes s'ouvriront vous.Dans un monde qui va toujours plus vite, celui qui fera la diffrence est celui qui aura le courage de prendre 5 min pour rflchir ses priorits.Dans ce programme, je vous propose donc 22 priorits extrmes pour les entrepreneurs, tout simplement :)Les 2 premires vidos sont accessibles et je vous donne toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin pour choisir de poursuivre l'aventure :)Et comme d'habitude, si vous avez des questions posez-les moi : discutons de vos projets :)) bientt !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"En este curso veremos la anatoma y fisiologa del sistema nervioso humano. Se vern diversos temas a lo largo del curso, explicados de una manera mas visual, y paso a paso, as lograran comprender todo el tema. una vez as comprendido el tema te recomiendo que que lo veas muchas veces para la completa retencin del conocimiento. Es recomendable que los estudiantes vean la seccin 1 y la seccin 2 de manera secuencial, para una mejor comprensin, despus se puede tomar de forma secuencial o avanzar al tema segn sea necesario, o requerido por el alumno. "
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Diseo tecnico industrial" |
"Te aseguro que al terminar este curso con nosotros, vas a poder crear tus propios planos ya sean de casas o piezas mecnicas podrs hacerlo.Recuerda que lo que tienes que saber es solo usar manejo de teclado y mouse el resto solo sera hacer cada una de las clases.Recuerda que debes tener el AUTOCAD instalado en tu pc y que lo puedes descargar de su pagina original"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Storage NetApp - Administrao ONTAP 9.X" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo prepara o aluno para iniciar no mundo do NetApp. Nele ser apresentado toda a soluo desde configuraes iniciais como cabeamento de controladoras e gavetas, como criar volumes e entregar para as aplicaes. Com isso o aluno ser capaz de gerenciar toda a soluo desde do incio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Citrix XenApp, XenDesktop 7.x (Virtual apps and Desktops)" |
"Este curso lhe capacitar a desenvolver, implementar e administrar ambientes de virtualizao Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop (Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops) onde voc vai conhecer todo o processo de desenvolvimento e implementao do incio ao fim! O curso compreende praticamente 60% do contedo que cai no exame de Certificao CCA-V e com este voc pode avanar no conhecimento e galgar novos desafios ou at mesmo ser mais valorizado na sua empresa. Toda uma infraestrutura foi montada para demonstrao real de cada procedimentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Troubleshooting Citrix Virtual App and Desktops7.19(XA XD)" |
"Este curso tem a finalidade de auxiliar os administradores em aes bsicas e dirias vividas no ambiente de virtualizao Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop). Situaes como entender o processo de login com application enumeration, processo de registro do VDA e como resolver alguns problemas, problemas bsicos do dia a dia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Iniciando com Linux Ubuntu" |
"O curso foi desenvolvido pensando nos novos usurios que esto iniciando no mundo Linux. A proposta do Ubuntu oferecer um sistema que qualquer pessoa possa utilizar sem dificuldades, independentemente de nacionalidade, nvel de conhecimento ou limitaes fsicas.NESTE CURSO VOC APRENDER DE FORMA SIMPLES E OBJETIVA TODO O PROCESSO DESDE DE O INICIO AT TER SEU SISTEMA OPERACIONAL FUNCIONANDO, ALM, DE APRENDER CONFIGURAES BSICAS COMO, INSTALAO DE APLICATIVOS."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSphere 6.X instalao, configurao e gerenciamento" |
"Com o boom da virtualizao cada dia fica mais inevitvel empresas e organizaes terem uma infraestrutura virtualizada. VMware sem dvidas a soluo mais conhecida e utilizada atualmente no mercado.Neste curso voc ir aprender de forma clara e pratica todo o processo desde o incio, como, instalar, configurar e gerenciar toda uma infraestrutura baseada na tecnologia mais utilizada do mundo VMware vSphere.Nosso curso ser dividido em duas etapas, a primeira iremos falar sobre virtualizao e os benefcios de utiliza-lo, alm disso, iremos instalar toda uma infraestrutura com hosts, maquinas virtuais e vCenter Server o responsvel por todo o gerenciamento centralizado da soluo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java Certification - The Complete Practice for 1Z0-808 Exam" |
"This course contains practice tests that will prepare you for the OCAJava SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808 exam. All the questions have an explanation on why the correct answer is the following and will prepare you in order to pass the exam. If you are struggling with your preparation and you are seeking for addition practice tests look no further and get them now!Here is some information about the exam and what it covers.Exam Information:Exam Code: 1Z0-808Duration: 150 minutesQuestions #: 70 (Multiple Choice / Multiple Select)Passing score: 65%Exam Topics:Java BasicsDefine the scope of variablesDefine the structure of a Java classCreate executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; produce console outputImport other Java packages to make them accessible in your codeCompare and contrast the features and components of Java such as: platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc.Working With Java Data TypesDeclare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types)Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variablesKnow how to read or write to object fieldsExplain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, ""dereference by reassignment"" and garbage collection)Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and IntegerUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsUse Java operators; use parentheses to override operator precedenceTest equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()Create if and if/else and ternary constructsUse a switch statementCreating and Using ArraysDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional arrayDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arraysUsing Loop ConstructsCreate and use while loopsCreate and use for loops including the enhanced for loopCreate and use do/while loopsCompare loop constructsUse break and continue Working with Methods and EncapsulationCreate methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methodsApply the static keyword to methods and fields Create and overload constructors; differentiate between default and user defined constructorsApply access modifiersApply encapsulation principles to a classDetermine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the valuesWorking with InheritanceDescribe inheritance and its benefitsDevelop code that makes use of polymorphism; develop code that overrides methods; differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an objectDetermine when casting is necessaryUse super and this to access objects and constructorsUse abstract classes and interfacesHandling ExceptionsDifferentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and ErrorsCreate a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flowDescribe the advantages of Exception handlingCreate and invoke a method that throws an exceptionRecognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)Working with Selected classes from the Java APIManipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methodsCreate and manipulate StringsCreate and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.PeriodDeclare and use an ArrayList of a given typeWrite a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver: JavaScript Automation For Beginners 2019" |
"Do you want to master Selenium and browser automation? Do you want to create scripts so you can automate boring tasks or to test your web application? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you.I will take you from a complete newbie in the Selenium Framework to a master of browser automation.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course:In this course you are going to learn how to use Selenium with JavaScript starting from the very first lecture.We are not going to waste any time with boring lectures with slides. We are going to start practicing right away which is the best way to learn in my experience.After that I am going to show you how you can set up your Selenium WebDriver with all the possible settings that you might need.I have even built for you a practice website where you would be able to test your code and test it as many times as you want.With the practices that I have prepared for you I will show you how you can handle all kinds of form inputs and how to find elements on your web page the easiest way possible.I will teach you about CSS and XPATH selectors which are the ways of finding elements on web pages.Debugging is a very important skill for every programmer, so we are not going to avoid that topic. In the lectures I am also going to show you how you can debug your code in order to understand why you dont get the expected results that you wanted.In the last section I will show you how even if you have no programming skills you can record actions to be performed on web pages with the Selenium IDE Recorder and how to use custom variables in those recordings.When you are finished with this course you will be able to automate, scrape or test whichever website desireYou would also be able to ask questions inside the course if you get stuck somewhere. I will be there to help you out whenever you need.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that is why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked!So you have nothing to risk and everything to gain from this course! Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby JS: Build PWA Blog With GraphQL And React + WordPress" |
"Gatsby JS is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast static site generator which can create websites and apps.But what does this even mean?Well... it combines together the best parts of React, Webpack, React-router, GraphQL, and other front-end tools in to one and creates an amazing tool enjoyable for developers!With Gatsby JS you can use modern web tech without the headache. Everything will be setup and will be waiting for you to start building.One of the best things about Gatsby is that you can bring your own data from headless CMS, APIs, Databases or the file system. There is no limit there. You can source data even from WordPressAnd this makes it very easy for clients to interact with the website that you have built for them and add new content. They just need to update their posts on WordPress and that's it...Also with Gatsby you will NOT build a website with last decades tech. The future of the web is mobile, JavaScript and APIsthe JAMstack. Every website is a web app and every web app is a website.With Gatsby It is very easy to make your project a Static Progressive Web App (PWA)You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box.Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. Once loaded, Gatsby prefetches resources for other pages so clicking around the site feels incredibly fast.Gatsby.js builds the fastest possible website.Instead of waiting to generate pages when requested, pre-build pages and lift them into a global cloud of servers ready to be delivered instantly to your users wherever they are.So if you are wondering what you will learn in this course here is the list belowIn this course you will learn the following: The Essentials Of Gatsby JS & How To Install It and Create First ProjectHow To Use Gatsby Starters To Create Your ProjectHow to Create Pages In Gatsby And How to Link Them CorrectlyHow To Separate Elements Into Components And How To Use ThemHow To Create Page Layouts Which Can Be Used As TemplatesHow To Use GraphQLHow To Add Sourcing Plugins How To Use Markdown Remark For Creating You Pages/PostsHow To Create A Blog Using Gatsby & Markdown Remark (JAM Stack)How To Use WordPresss As Headless CMSHow To Add Metatags And Improve SEO Of WebsiteHow To Create SEO Component And Use It In LayoutsHow To Deploy Your Project To Netlify And GithubHow To Make Continuous Deployment With Netlify WebhooksHow To Audit Your Website With The Lighthouse (Industry Standard by Google)How To Create Lighthouse Perfect ScoreHow To Convert Your Website To A Progressive Web App (PWA)How To Create WordPress Webhooks To Redeploy Your Project On Netlify When You Create/Update/Delete A PostYou would also be able to ask questions inside the course if you get stuck somewhere. I will be there to help you out whenever you need.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that is why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked!So you have nothing to risk and everything to gain from this course!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python For Beginners: Scripting Programming With Python 3" |
"Do you want to learn Python even if you are a complete beginner? Well then this course is for you!Hi, my name is Rangel and I am serving more than 30,000 unique students on Udemy. Together working with Taaha Waseem We are going to take you from a complete beginner to an advanced level in the python language.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in our course:Our masterclass course starts with the very basics breaking down how to setup your machine and write your first lines of code.Everything is explained in a logical detail as you proceed through the basics and then into the more advanced parts of this course on programming with pythonAfter you finish with this course you will learn everything you need to know about Python and amaze your friends and coworkers!You will know how to make if...else statements, lists, while loops and you will go through practical examples on how to make real use case python scripts.You will learn how to use python scripting even if you are a complete beginner and you have never touched a programming language before!You will learn practical methods of python scripting that you can put into action right awayBut why would you want to learn Python? Here are Top 10 Reasons Why Should You Learn Python:Career Opportunities and higher Salaries with PythonPython syntax is easy to learn and adaptExtensibility and PortabilityRobust web app developmentAI or Artificial IntelligenceBig DataTesting FrameworksData ScienceComputer GraphicsAutomation and ScriptingWhile many people have tried to learn python with other courses and ended up confused and frustrated, students of this course will rave about how it makes a complex and powerful language as python very understandable and easy to useNow, I want our students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase. This is why we have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.So you have nothing to risk and everything to gain from this course!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the BUY NOW button and I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Progrmate para la excelencia y el logro con PNL" |
"Este es un curso 100% prctico de Programacin Neurolingstica, el cual a travs de contenido audiovisual, ejercicios y explicaciones breves y sencillas lleva a experimentar la PNL desde la primera leccin.La PNL permite cambiar formas de pensar, hbitos e incluso cmo algo o alguien nos hace sentir. Pero cmo? Simplemente cambiando de programa. Como cuando reemplazas una aplicacin en tu Smartphone. De igual forma, la PNL te permite identificar aquellos programas o modelos mentales que han estado obstaculizando tu bienestar y xito, para reemplazarlos por modelos de excelencia y logro. Entre ms constante seas en aplicar las herramientas bsicas contenidas en este curso, ms pronto obtendrs nuevos y mejores resultados."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cinta Negra: Domina Microsoft Project en 3 Horas desde cero" |
"No experiencia previa. Mejora tus habilidades y Convirtete en un experto en Microsoft Project en tres horas.- Curso con Terminologa en ingls para preparacin en el mercado americano.He juntado mis aos de experiencia manejando Microsoft Project y los resumo en lo que considero lo ms importante para manejar un Proyecto. Todo en Terminologa en ingls para facilitar tu entrada a Estados Unidos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced PowerQuery: The Mashup Language" |
"Empower your ability to transform data..The Query Editor that supports Get & Transform is powerful and allows even the newest Excel users to create powerful data manipulation queries with only their mouse and, occasionally, a few keyboard inputs. Behind each query is the powerful Mashup language, ""M"" for short. Picking up even a few tips and tricks with the language itself can allow you to create even more useful and powerful queries far faster than with strictly the editor alone.In this course, you'll dive behind the Query Editor to learn about the syntax and structure of M Code so that you can build queries with the query editor and make manual adjustments to create results not achievable strictly through the graphical interface.Save time with reusable query code..Found yourself loving how quickly you can do so many things in the Query Editor but feel like you've been doing the same thing over and over? You probably have been and there's a solution for that!With a few extra lines of code, you can turn many of your queries that you've duplicated and re-used over and over again into directly re-usable functions that will save you time, hassle, and dramatically improve your ability to maintain, update, and edit your queries.In this course, you will learn about how to build reusable functions from existing queries or from scratch to give you the ability to build custom reusable user functions within your QueryEditor. Incorporate complex logic into your transformations..Have you ever found yourself needing the results of an iterative calculation based upon a combination of fields or wanting to compute a compound calculation based upon other rows within the same data set?These types of problems require complex logic that is generally the realm of true object oriented languages and other solutions rather than database computations like those generated from SQL.The ""M"" language allows for constructing loops, writing recursive functions, and incorporating proper error trapping and management as part of your queries, allowing you to incorporate the detailed logic necessary for your solution. In this course, you'll learn how to do each of these things within the M language, using the Query Editor to guide and test your code as you progress.Apply the concepts together to solve problems..The course has multiple challenges plus full-scale practice exercises to help you learn how to apply and combine the various components together. One large-scale exercise will have you applying everything you know about Get & Transform to build a series of queries and functions that can solve Word Search puzzles.Each challenge and practice set has guided video explanations for how to arrive at the solution plus the solution files to peruse at your own pace."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"I have dyslexia. What does it mean?" |
"This course is for adults who have been identified as having dyslexia and want to understand what that means. You will learn about the indicators of dyslexia and understand why some things in life have been a struggle for you. You will also learn that dyslexia is often misunderstood. There are many strengths associated with dyslexia and you will explore what this means for your future success. This course will reassure you about dyslexia and show you that it is a valuable part of who you are and you can use it to your advantage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |