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"Fiverr:the masterpiece of succes without skill" |
"Fiverr is one of the biggest marketplace ever its contain a big community and grow faster you can gain living money by working as freelancer on ityou will learn in this course how to start earning from Fiverr and learn and be a reputed seller you will discover the masterpiece of success on the internet even if you are not skilledi will present Fiverr in all ways how to create account what you will find on Fiverr how to make your Fiverr account rock how to advertise your work gig that sell even without skills bonus start up and much more be ready to discover this masterpiece"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Change2.1" |
"2.1The ChangeThe change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
2-ochxve |
"1988 1990 1992 1994 2000 2004 2006 2008 2018 The ChangeNPO2NPO"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
frxwcazv |
"1988 1990 1992 1994 2000 2004 2006 2008 2018 The ChangeNPO2NPO"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
3-rihmge |
"1988 1990 1992 1994 2000 2004 2006 2008 2018 The ChangeNPO2NPO"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
": The Chage.1" |
"ChangeThe change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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"IT20207DVChangeSSRIDSM20320207 IT IT IT The change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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"ChangeThe change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The Change"
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
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Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
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"The Change"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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"ADHAADHDIT IT The change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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"2020/161988 1990 1992 1994 2000 2004 2006 2008 2018 The ChangeNPO2NPO"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Give and" |
"The ChangeChangeAIChangeGive and?????????????The change NPONPOALL WIN Media4 2 The ChangeThe change 20""The Change ""5,000KDDILECSMBC CDANLP NLP LABiWAM iWAM"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Dropshipping : votre premire vente en moins de 2 jours !" |
"Ce cour t conu dans le seul et unique but de vous apprendre cre une boutique en ligne rapidement et facilement.Cette formation vous apportera toutes les comptences ncessaire pour lancer une boutique rentable en dropshipping.L'objectif principale de la formation, est d'atteindre votre premire vente le plus rapidement possible. Pourquoi ?Pour vous montrer que c'est possible ! Quand on fait sa premire vente, on est beaucoup plus motiv !Ce que vous allez apprendre :Les avantages du dropshipping.Matrisez shopify pour cre une boutiques parfaites.Cre une page produit qui convertie.Trouvez des produits gagnants.Espionnez vos concurrents.Matrisez les rseaux sociaux. Cre votre premire publicit Facebook.Cre une vido publicitaire qui convertie.Utilisez la puissance de Google Ads.Cre votre marque de vtement (POD)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prparation concours aide soignante" |
"Je m'appelle eric et je suis un ex lve aide soignant ayant obtenu 19/20 au concours d'entre, coach par un cadre de sant.Dans cette formation, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour russir le concours aide soignant et obtenir la meilleure note possible au concours d'entre crit et oral.Pourquoi choisir ma prparation ? Les prpa aux coles de sant coutent trs cher ( minimum 700 ) et gonflent les prix par des mthodes de travail connues de tous. Mon accompagnement n'a pas la prtention de supplanter ces tablissements mais de vous donner suffisamment de connaissances pour russir le concours d'entre et intgrer une cole de soignants.Toute les fiches de rvisions, les diffrentes matires rviser pour le concours crit, les sujet d'actualit sanitaire et social . Des sujets rels tombs lors de concours pour vous exercer. Une prparation l'oral en vido. Toute les questions que peuvent vous poser le jurySuis je livr moi mme ?Je suis l pour rpondre vos interrogations, vous aider en cas de difficult.Un coaching peut tre fait par skype pour vous prparer l'oral ( inclus dans la formation )Satisfait ou rembours au bout de 30 jours et si vous n'obtenez pas le concours d'entre"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Devenir formateur e-learning et gnrer des revenus passifs" |
"Dans cette formation, je vais vous apprendre utiliser udemy pour gagner de l'argent avec vos cours. Vous allez notamment savoir comment crer un cours rentable, histoire de ne pas perdre de temps avec des choses qui ne fonctionnent pas. Comment crer des promotions par vous mme et ainsi augmenter vos ventes sans dpendre de la plateforme et de son calendrier de promotions.Bref, vous allez devenir un vrai formateur ;-)Au del de a, vous allez donc gnrer des revenus passifs/ automatiques mensuellement. Imaginez ne serait ce qu'avoir 500, 1000, 1500 euros par mois au bout d'1 an par exemple...C'est l'assurance de ne plus tre esclave de son rveil matin, except pour prendre l'avion et partir en voyager, c'est la possibilit d'tre libre.Il y a un trs joli proverbe russe qui dit "" un oiseau prferera toujours sa libert une cage dore"" ;-)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la guitare sans solfge" |
"Ce cours est destin aux personnes qui n'ont jamais touch une guitare ou gratt des cordes de manire srieuse. Le but est d'utiliser le moins possible la thorie....Je suis allergique et peut tre que vous aussiJe vais vous donner les bases pour enchainer vos premiers accords, jouer vos premires chansons, jouer en rythme, savoir lire une tablature. Vous aurez galement en ressources tout les accords ncssaires."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Rehoboth Time Management Series Part one" |
"Discovering Your Purpose, Mission and Vision in life helps You set SMARTER goalsTHE GREATEST TRAGEDY IN LIFE IS NOT DEATH, BUT LIFE WITHOUT a reason. It is dangerous to be alive and not know why you were given life. One of the most frustrating experiences is to have time, but not know why.The deepest craving of the human spirit is to find a sense of significance and relevance. The search for relevance in life is the ultimate pursuit of man.This passion for significance knows no boundaries. Rich and poor are victims of its power. King and peasant suffer under its rule. Is this passion for a meaningful life a negative craving? Absolutely not!These questions Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? What was I born to do? What can I do? Where do I fit? Why am I different? What is my potential? Where am I going? Why did I come to this planet?are universal questions that haunt every human being. Each of us must find the answers to these questions of purpose if we are going to enjoy a meaningful, effective, fulfilling life.Purpose is the key to life. Without purpose, life has no meaning.When elements of nature lose their purpose, chaos and destruction are the results.Purpose is the master of motivation and the mother of commitment.You must realize that your fulfillment in life is dependent on your becoming and doing what you were born to be and do.My dear mentor the late Dr. Myles Munroe was an example of one who discovered his purpose and became SMARTER with his goals. I honour him. He lived a purpose driven life. I miss him. God used him to change my life and others in the world.This course aims at helping you discover and achieve three things in life and all your endeavors :Always discover a PURPOSE in everything.Always find your MISSION in every activity.Always see the VISION in everything you do. Your vision guarantees success in your projects. And your projects help you to set SMARTER goals. The main aim of this course.I know you are tired of setting goals and not achieving them. Please join me in Rehoboth Time Management Series (RTMS) which is in five parts: Part 1-SMARTER goals,Part 2- To become list, Part 3-Prioritizing your time, Part 4-Deep work and Part 5-Personal Productivity.It was created as a results of me not been able to manage my 24 hours daily because of my dual roles as a mother and an entrepreneur. It changed my life. You can have that successful life when you find your purpose, mission and vision. With them you can set SMARTER goals and achieve them. Please get ready to change your life now with SMARTER Goals.You will be SMARTER with all your achievements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como atingir com sucesso a ALTA PERFORMANCE" |
"O curso: Como atingir com sucesso a ALTA PERFORMANCE - Um mtodo passo a passo para voc construir hoje uma performance extraordinria na sua vida Pessoal, Familiar e Profissional, apresenta algumas tcnicas, estratgias, rotinas e comportamentos que vo transformar voc em uma pessoa focada, disciplina e produtiva, para que tenha condies de alcanar suas metas, atuando em alta performance de maneira constante e sustentvel.Este um curso sobre Alta Performance simples, prtico e objetivo. ainda um curso que vai alm e oferece gratuitamente um Bnus extra para apoiar voc na busca de uma performance extraordinria.Todos as pessoas sonham em progredir na vida e buscam realizar coisas, das mais simples at as complexas, porm as vezes no possuem energia, clareza e foco para atuarem com uma performance elevada e continua, e as coisas ficam apenas no sonho, porque ser que difcil?Entre os inmeros fatores, um deles o desafio de criar hbitos e rotinas que permitam que voc possa realmente atuar com energia, coragem e produtividade, ou seja, trabalhar e viver um estilo de vida em alta performance para que voc seja capaz de realizar os mais profundos sonhos e desejos.Neste curso voc vai aprender a realmente entender os aspectos NECESSRIO e essenciais para instalar um estilo de vida em alta performance. A sequncia de passos que so necessrios para se atingir o sucesso e a alta performance, o que vou ensinar para voc neste meu curso! um mtodo que vai fazer voc caminhar na direo dos seus sonhos atravs de uma performance extraordinria! E voc vai realmente transformar sua carreira e vida pessoal.E tem mais, funciona para os meus alunos! Os meus alunos realmente conseguem elevar e manter o seu nvel de performance muito acima da mdia, e eu gostaria que voc fosse o meu prximo case de sucesso.Irei apresentar as bases e os conceitos mnimos e fundamentais para voc entender a parte conceitual, ser prtico, rpido e eficiente! So sete mdulos divididos da seguinte forma:Mdulo 0 - Introduo - o que (de fato) Alta Performance. Uma breve descrio do conceito de alta performance. preciso quebrar alguns mitos e mostrar que a alta performance algo mais simples do que se imagina! E o principal, que ela est ao alcance de todos.Mdulo 1 - Construir um Alicerce - Um sistema para instalar e manter a Alta Performance Aqui irei apresentar como voc pode realizar um PLANEJAMENTO rpido e gil, e se manter focado no que realmente importante! Alm disso temos um bnus que uma ferramenta de acompanhamento das conquistas.Mdulo 2 - Clareza e trs componentes para a alta performance - Existem vrias caractersticas em pessoas de alta performance, e a principal CLAREZA. Sim, pessoas de sucesso e alta performance possuem uma clareza que chega a ser incomum.Mdulo 3 - Coragem e energia so fundamentais para a Alta Performance Bom, muitas vezes observamos pessoas desanimadas! Na verdade, o nvel de energia da pessoa que est baixo. Porm, O NVEL DE ENERGIA reflete em QUASE TODOS OS aspectos da nossa vida, e precisamos elev-lo. Aqui voc vai saber o que preciso para elevar e manter o seu nvel de energia nas alturas!Mdulo 4 - A base da excelncia pessoal Aqui eu vou procurar apresentar alguns conceitos bem prticos e simples sobre como substituir hbitos para romper limites. E tambm apresento as bases da excelncia pessoal que pessoas de sucesso aplicam diariamente. Voc ir se surpreender com a simplicidade e eficincia destas estratgias.Mdulo 5 Produtividade voc precisa realizar suas atividades de maneira eficiente! Isso deve ocorrer sem que voc se sinta esgotado, pelo contrrio, de uma forma que voc seja capaz de produzir bons resultados, em um tempo apropriado e de maneira leve e continua.Mdulo 6 Chave definitiva para o alto desempenho - Aqui estamos falando de chegar ao final de um ciclo de iniciativas, tcnicas e atitudes para elevar e manter uma alta performance! E esta ltima etapa para realimentar tudo o que voc praticou nos demais mdulos. Voc precisa calibrar o seu desempenho e realizar alguns ajustes [Bnus] Guia - 7 atitudes para atingir definitivamente suas metasOBS.: para agendar a consultoria de carreira/vida, envie uma mensagem que estarei a sua disposio.O que voc deve fazer neste momento?D uma chance para voc! Este curso, pode lhe apoiar e transformar a sua vida pessoal e profissional! Voc ir aprender algumas tcnicas, estratgias e rotinas que vo transformar voc em uma pessoa focada, disciplina e produtiva, para que tenha condies de alcanar suas metas, atuando em alta performance de maneira constante e sustentvel. Gostaria de te ver aqui dentro do meu curso depois que voc se inscrever.Talvez voc tenha tentado outras abordagens no passado, que no funcionaram, mas isso no significa que voc no capaz e que no conseguir transformar sua vida nesta oportunidade.Ao final do curso voc ter descoberto o que precisa fazer para atuar em alta performance e ter uma clareza incrvel, alm de estar motivado e inspirado para viver uma vida diferente a partir de agora.O convite est lanado e se voc colocar o aprendizado em prtica, os resultados sero incrveis. Quando voc no est alinhado com seus sonhos, propsitos e desejos, voc na verdade est vivendo uma vida sem sentido e est perdendo muito. No se permita esta vida! Comece a transformao ainda hoje.Respire fundo e inscreva-se agora neste curso e comece a viver a vida que voc realmente sonhou e merece!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
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", , . . . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"google adword" |
""" Google . . . . Google Ad-words PPC marketing - beginner's level advanced level ( PPC marketing ( Google Ad-words PPC marketing ( ) Google Ad word Ad words Google Analytics ( trends - hottrends) Keywords Planner ( - ) ( ) ( "" ""- ) ( - ) ( - ) :- ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Bidding :- PPC marketing Cours Google Adwords"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe XD to Android Studio XML - Design, Implement & Animate" |
"We are going to design and create application named 'Las Vegas Views' , which allow users to find, get more information, and locate the most popular and beautiful views to visit in Las Vegas. The application will have 3 screens.We are going to start this course by creating application design in Adobe XD, then I'm going to show you step by step how to implement that design in Android Studio XML, and we are going to create amazing animations on each and every screen.For this course you only need Adobe XD and Android Studio installed on your PC, both of those softwares are FREE to download, you don't have to worry about that. Also in this course you'll find all the necessary files for you to start working on a real world project. I'm going to include not just the project files but the colors which I used in this course, as well as the list of most common shortcuts I used both in Adobe XD and Android Studio.Basically no prior knowledge is required, because I'm going to walk you through this course step by step, however the basic knowledge of Adobe XD and Android Studio environment is better."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Design Professional CV/Resume for Your Dream Job Adobe XD" |
"We are going to design professional CV/Resume using Adobe XD. I'm also going to teach you about color psychology, because each color has a different meaning to people. I'm going to share with you some tips about what you should and shouldn't add to your resume as well. And couple of websites where you can find free resources like icons, colors, color pallets.For this course you only need Adobe XD installed on your PC, it's FREE for download, you don't have to worry about that. Also in this course you'll find all the necessary files for you to start working on a real world project. I'm going to include not just the project files but the colors which I used in this course, as well as the list of most common shortcuts I used in Adobe XD.Basically no prior knowledge is required, because I'm going to walk you through this course step by step."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Icon Animations in Android Applications - Complete Course" |
"This course will teach you how to design and create vector animations for Android applications (Those animations could be used for iOS and Web as well), but we are only going to focus and implement our Animation in Android Studio this time.I'm going to start this course by explaining you the basics you need to know to be able to undestand how vector animations work. I will introduce you to most important classes like; AnimatedVectorDrawable, VectorDrawable, AnimatorSet, ObjectAnimator.We are going to avoid writing long boilerplate codes, instead we are going to use an existing web application called Shapeshifter. Then we are going to use that web app to visually create and animate our vectors and then auto-generate all the necessary XML code we need to implement in our Android application."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Android + Firebase Username/Password Authentication" |
"This is a 'Complete Course' for developing Android App using Firebase Authentication Platform. You will learn how to implement Email and Password Authentication for your Android App. The course is well organized. We are going to start by introducing you to Application Design structure where you'll see how our app will look like and how will each and every activity communicate with each other. After that we are going to implement our App design in Android Studio and start with development.Next you'll learn how to connect your app to Firebase from Android Studio Firebase Assistant, how to validate your inputs before sending data to Firebase platform, how your users can easily sign up to your app, how to sign in to your app, how to verify their email address with one click, how to update their email address, how to update account password and more.I'm going to show you potential bugs/errors on you can run into while developing your app with Firebase Platform, and how to fix them easily. We are going to follow development practice, and how to keep our code clean, separated and organized."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"macOS Swift Xcode - 1" |
", AppStore macOS . , , , . , Swift, macOS . macOS : , AppStore. , macOS, AppStore ., , AppStore."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"macOS Swift Xcode - 2" |
"macOS: """", """","""" CoreData( ), CloudKit ( ),StoreKit ( ), API JSON, . .- , .: API JSON, , UserDefaults ( ), (NotificationCenter) - , newsapi : API JSON, , , , , c (NSTableView) , . , .:CoreData( ), CloudKit ( ),StoreKit ( ) , AppStore ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"macOS Swift Xcode" |
", macOS ToDo List . Swift Xcode. , , . , macOS., , AppStore."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Creating and Selling Digital Products with Canva + Shopify" |
"Creating and Selling Digital Products with Canva + ShopifyThis course is for Shopify users who want to sell digital products.Selling digital products help open up passive income for business owners without losing out on follow up marketing.In this course, we will be creating 3 different types of digital goods: E-book, Worksheet, and a checklist.Any industry can create digital downloads to sell and even as lead magnets to increase leads.It cost nothing to create except your time, on an average it can take between 5-40 mins to create a digital download depending on the amount of content you include.In this course, I will go over how:To create your digital product for freeTo create a mock-up of your productTo copyright your contentTo add your product to your Shopify store and start selling it immediatelyWithin 30 mins, you can have 3 new digital products ready for sale in your Shopify store"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the Square Suite for Busy Entrepreneurs" |
"Have you been taking business payments with Cashapp or setting appointments through running email threads?As a solopreneur your time is money and when you are spending your capital by running yourself ragged, you never see a profit or have peace.With this course, you will be able to go through the steps to immediately add your first employee, Square. Square is a suite of tools that cater to the on the go entrepreneur, to use the suite its free. Free to add appointment scheduling, send invoices and more with one tool and less than an hour of your time.In this course, we will cover:Getting started with SquareChoosing the tools that work for youHow to get $1,000 fee-free processingHow to get started with InvoicingAdding Square Payments to your businessGetting started with Appointment and start bookingSetting up payroll and time trackingBuilding a website on the Square platformThis course is for:Solopreneurs who are doing it allEntrepreneurs who are looking to start scaling business with additional services + employeesReally...Anyone running a business onlineEnroll now and start learning with me today... See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Szybki, prosty monta i edycja wideo w movavi" |
"Witam wszystkich chtnych do zapoznania si z tematyk EDYCJI WIDEO oraz AUDIO. Na tym kursie poznacie PROSTY, UYTECZNY i NIESKOMPLIKOWANY program do EDYCJI WIDEO, jakim jest MOVAVI. Jego PRZYSTPNA CENA oraz szereg ZAAWANSOWANYCH FUKCJI edycji wideo jak np. CHROMA KEY, a wic wykorzystywanie w nagraniach popularnego dzisiaj ZIELONEGO TA stosowanego na potg w HOLLYWOODZKICH PRODUKCJACH, sprawi, e sami bdziecie mogli edytowa, nagrywa i tworzy dziea na miar OSCARA. W trakcie kursu po kolei poznacie funkcjonalno programu Movavi, a take podstawy niezwykle przydatnego i darmowego programu graficznego GIMP. Program GIMP oraz inne przydatne narzdzia, ktre poznacie podczas kursu pozwol wam jeszcze bardziej rozszerzy funkcjonalno Movavi. Kurs ten to zapis historii powstawania tego wanie kursu. Poczwszy od prezentacji sprztu uytego w nagraniu i ustawie z nim zwizanych po ostatni lekcj i film promocyjny, ktry ju zapewne obejrzelicie. W trakcie kursu poznacie dostpne w Movavi funkcje i opcje edycji wideo i dwiku. Wsplne bdziemy edytowa, nagrywa i tworzy poszczeglne lekcje tego kursu. GRAFIKI oraz poszczeglne dodatkowe elementy WIDEO uywane do stworzenia kursu bdziecie mogli stworzy wsplnie ze mn lub w kadej chwili pobra ze strony kursu w postaci ponad 600 MB zacznikw dodanych do lekcji (gotowych grafik oraz edytowalnych projektw).Zapraszam do WSPLNEJ ZABAWY Z EDYCJ WIDEO W MOVAVI."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |