Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Energy Clearing Course" |
"Do you want to learn how to clear the energy in your home? Clear your own aura? Cut cords with negative people and learn how to protect yourself against them?You could pay someone a lot of money to do these things for you, when in reality you can do it yourself, and it works. Many of my clients over the years have learnt my techniques and have all marveled at the simplicity and ease with which to do them as well as the results.In this course you are going to learn:Protection prayers that will help to shift away any negative energy both physically and spiritually.You are going to learn how to clear the energy in your home. I am also going to teach you how to clear the energy of objects that may be affecting you and your home.You are going to learn how to clear your aura. We are all sponges and we absorb peoples energy each moment we are in contact with them. You will learn how to ground your energy, connecting with mother earth and the spiritual energy of the universe.You will learn how to cut cords and how to decipher what your connection with them is, and help you to better prepare yourself for interacting with them.You will learn how to protect yourself from negative people and energy.How to clear and balance your Chakras and also other helpful tips and information that I have gathered over my years.You don't need to be a spiritual guru to take this course, you just need to have an open mind and heart. This course is designed for anyone that wants to learn how to clear energies. You can use the techniques taught in this course to help others to clear their energies, including your clients, loved ones and even pets. You can teach others how to do this or simply charge them a small fee to clear the energy or cut cords for them. The benefits to your life will be removing any form of negativity on a spiritual level that will in turn remove it in your physical world too."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso Lumion 9/10, do bsico ao avanado" |
"O Lumion um poderoso software de renderizao 3D e animao para arquitetura, utilizado por milhares de arquitetos e decoradores pelo mundo devido a sua incrvel velocidade e fcil utilizao. Se voc j desenha em 3D o Lumion uma tima combinao, crie imagens, animaes e imagens virtuais 360 de qualidade profissional em minutos. Aproveite sua biblioteca com milhares de blocos e o novo sistema de iluminao de ambiente super realista. Este curso super completo contendo mais de 95 aulas sobre Lumion 9, Lumion 10 e outros softwares relacionados a computao grfica 3D."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Enscape para SketchUP" |
"O Enscape um poderoso software de renderizao 3D e animao para arquitetura que pode ser utilizado diretamente (plugin) no SketchUP, Revit e ArchiCAD. Neste curso utilizaremos o SketchUP como software principal porem se voc utiliza o Revit ou ArchiCAD tambm pode se beneficiar pois o Enscape funciona da mesma forma. O Enscape se diferencia dos demais softwares de renderizao principalmente pela sua tima qualidade e tempos de renderizao incrivelmente baixos, em quanto no Lumion 3D demoramos algumas horas para processar uma animao no Enscape tudo processado em minutos, o Enscape tambm conta com uma biblioteca interna de altssima resoluo com mais de 1.000 blocos e cria imagens estticas, imagens panormicas 360, animaes e passeios virtuais livres (tipo jogo 3D)."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Shapespark para maquetes 3D interativas" |
"O Shapespark um poderoso renderizador para arquitetura e design de produtos que se destaca por oferecer no somente a imagem do produto mas tambm um sistema nico de realidade virtual. Com poucos cliques transforme o seu projeto em uma apresentao virtual onde o cliente possa passear livremente pelos ambientes, visualizar vista de planta e interagir com os objetos. A visualizao pode ser feita pelo PC, culos VR ou celulares. Inove o modo como se apresentam os projetos, venha para o Shapespark!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Turkey Hunting 101" |
"Are you ready to take try hunting for wild game?Maybe you've never hunted before. Or, maybe you've hunted turkeys a few times before but just can't seem to put it all together. This course is for you!You will come out of this course with all of the necessary know how to find in harvest your first turkey. There is alot of info on the internet about turkey hunting...and most of it is great...but here you get the foundational aspects of hunting turkeys in the spring and in the fall - and the content is laid out in a systematic fashion. Enjoy this course. Iknow you will find it to be a great insight and value as you prepare for your next turkey hunt!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Read Fast Learn More" |
"Most Powerful course for Complete transformation from being ordinary to extraordinary, With ACCELERATED LEARNING TOOLS, Read at 10X speed, Stay focused, Retain more, Be more productive , More efficient, More creative More innovative at workReap benefits of this most rewarding skill for the life time. There are no good or bad readers but there are trained and untrained readers. Trained readers stand apart. Almost all CEO of Fortune 500 companies in the world read around 52 books in a year (one book every week) What is one common thing among most successful people around the world e.g. Bill Gates, Barren Buffett, Alon Musk, Oprah Winfrey. All of them are fast readers and they read very extensively. These people read around 100 books in a year If they can do it, you can LEARN to do it. Read one book every week on one topic for next 5 years and you will be known around the world as an AUTHORITY on your subject. Reading, attention and memory, all are linked and learnable skills but the sad irony is that we have never been told about this. Very people know these things and those are the people who control the world today. The skills you'll learn in this course are applicable to every aspects of your everyday life whether it is shopping list or to do list or people or events etc. Leaders are readers: Your ability to read faster is a big competitive advantage that can save you years of productivity while making life a whole lot easier."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer trufas de chocolate personalizadas" |
"Aprenda a fazer trufas de chocolate personalizadas. Com este curso voc pode aprender a trabalhar com chocolate para sua festa ou criar seu prprio negcio lucrativo, ganhar um extra ou alegrar o corao de sua famlia e amigos. Tudo o que voc precisa de um pouco de tempo e determinao, assistir as aulas com regularidade e repeti-las para absorver o material apresentado e pronto. Bom trabalho e estude com afinco para alcanar sues objetivos. "
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Raise Your Vibration Frequency Higher Spiritual Healing" |
"This course has one goal. To show you how to become a self-reliant Energy worker. Because now that you know how to Active Your Energy body Im sure you wondering? Ok, I know how to Do all this stuff but now what?OR I can feel my subtle body but am I doing this right or am I just fooling myself?Or How can I keep progressing down this metaphysical inner path? Your questions and concerns are not only common, theyre expected. And theres only one solution for you. You have to get, better stronger, and optimize your skills.Thats What This Advance Course Is All About.Question: why are Energy healers always getting sick? Because they not self-reliant or self-sufficient. They need The Reiki, or The Universe or The sacred water, Symbol or Insert crutch here. I remember one of my Later Teachers told me she was just a rusty old pipe God sends Energy through. But what happens when her Magical toys dont show up that day? Ill leave that to your imagination.That's why its so important for you to know that this ability is now your ability So first we are going to have you solidify what you already know. Then you can see for yourself that yes this is your Subtle Energy Body you are using. And when you took the first course you were activating your light body. And you can do everything you learned without the training wheels. After that, were going to build your skills and your energy body up and out. So by the end of this course, you will be able to.Charge yourself with subtle energy and broadcast that energy throughout the room and in personal contact. You will be able to expand your awareness out in a way similar to remote viewing.You will be able to use your expanded awareness for personal wish-fulfillment among other things. You will learn how to activate three psychic tools that will help you. Dissolve Stress on the spot. Give you a 3 hour Brain Boost. And the Fire Red Energy Shot when you need it.You will also receive a simple but powerful ritual you can use in combination with the set of psychic skills you will have acquired. So how does becoming a self-reliant energy worker help you? {Snapshot Of A Real-Life Scenario} A friend of mine came to me with a personal problem right before I began putting this course together. He needed a quick disillusion to the personal situation he got himself into. The kind you better than but... ""Give me two weeks,"" I told him. But it only took 5 days. And all I did was a simple ritual that I will share with you in this course. And I did for three days. Two days later it was all over. And according to my friend, it happened so fast that he didnt even have time to get upset or feel awkward. It was just done and done. Now Could You Use A Tool like That? Can you see how your skills can help not just you but your friends family and the world at large? You are going to learn a simple ceremony that you can use for just about anything you can think of. And because you know how to activate your light body along with what you will learn in this course. You will be able to bring so much energy and purpose to the ceremony that the multiverse has to respond. And this is only one of many applications of how you can use your own energy to benefit yourself and someone in need. If you see someone is in Pain you can use the correct hand and apply the energy cube. You can dissolve unhelpful emotions in real-time out of your body and feel it leaving. You can in real-time and in real life changes lives. Now just like in the foundation course, this advanced course is experience-based. Which means that there is no theory or filler. We get right down to business. Because you have the foundation and your light body is already activated. Now is the time to become a self-reliant Energy worker. So my dear graduates please accept this invitation and let us show you how to Elevate Your Skills."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Phase 9 Personal Enhancement Series" |
"Are You Happy With Your Life Right NOW? Many People Are Not Even Close... Seriously, did you know that Nearly 75% of Americans are unhappy at work? And for the rest of the world, the numbers aren't much better at 50/50.And if work is crappy the rest of the day cant be much better. Most people feel trapped in a life situation they have to maintain just to keep going but they are quietly dying on the inside.They feel constrained by their lack of time and income. They are in a soul-crushing environment at work And theyre dealing with people who dont understand them at home. Am I describing You? And What Can You Do About it? It doesnt seem there is much you can do on the outside yet. But the real power is on the inside of you and this course will show you how to use that power to change your life. Hi, my name is Jayson Wiggins and I have now helped more than 10,000 students and counting on Udemy with very simple methods of using your mind to do just about anything you can think of.And I can help you too. Because if you're feeling like THAT PERSON I just described then your going to need some inside help. Whats Inside Help? Changing your life with the power of your mind instead of hard work and long hours. What You Will Get From This CourseYou get the ability to perform at a high level on demand.You will learn how to evaporate fear and anxiety in your mind.You will be able to use a new laser-like focus on any problem or situation.You will learn how to un-stress and really relax.And you will gain the real ability to you reinvent yourself for the better.This course has 7 sectionsThe first four are will help you deal and succeed in the present time with your current life situation. And the last Three Sections shows you how to initiate a new and better life pattern. So when youre finished you will have installed in yourself-The Will-The Mindset-The Inspiration -Plus the Mental Energy to reinvent your life.And this all happens inside of you. There is nothing for you to do on the outside this is the effortless way.********Important*******This course is made with the idea that you may need to be discreet. Because truth is most of the people in your life dont want you to change. Sorry that's just the reality of the situation. Especially when it comes to you changing for the better. And thats because most people are comfortable with the status quo. Or scared that they will fail.Either way, your self-improvement to them means that you may leave them. Or do better than them in their mind. So like crabs in a bucket, they will pull down anyone who tries to better themselves. So to get around all that this course is internal, guided and passive. No one will know what your doing because on the outside you are't ""doing"" anything. This leaves you free to develop without push-back from... Employers and coworkers Spouses girlfriends/boyfriends Friends and family Peer and Social groupsYour not making the changes happen. The changes happen to you. At first internally and then once they have taken root inside your subconscious mind you will then feel yourself moving in the direction you want to go.Nothing Can Stop You Because They Never Saw You Coming Who said you have to play fair? Guess what you dont and you shouldn't. Because the power of the mind is still ignored by the majority of people today. Meditation might be in the popular culture but it's just a ""popular phrase"". People still dont take the mind seriously unless its an illness.But thats where you have the advantage. Because you have the tools that will empower your mind to improve your life ready or not. Take this course all the way to the end repeat as often as you like And let it change you It doesn't matter whos blocking you.It doesnt matter how much money You Dont Have.Its not important if you have little to no faith in what Im saying.Its not important if you dont think any of this will work. It does not matter if youre a skeptic.And you can even be lazy. The point is this process just works. And it works because its based on a very simple ancient process. So you dont need to DO anything except follow along with the course which will plant the seeds in your subconscious mind. And then watch yourself grow into the New You. Yes, it is that simple and you can start today."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Atualizaes da NR-12" |
"Nosso Curso Online de NR-12 constitudo de um conjunto de vdeos abordando os aspectos mais importantes e significativos da Norma Regulamentadora que trata das Mquinas e Equipamentos.O contedo foi selecionado levando em conta a aplicabilidade dos aspectos de segurana nas fases de Projeto e Utilizao das mquinas e equipamentos, de maneira a preservar a sade e integridade fsica dos trabalhadores envolvidos cotidianamente nas tarefas produtivas de setores importantes da atividade econmica.Tambm alvo deste curso os profissionais preocupados com as questes de preveno de acidentes e doenas ocupacionais, tal como tcnicos de manuteno preventiva e corretiva (profissionais da eltrica e da mecnica), profissionais da segurana do trabalho (tcnicos e engenheiros de segurana) e todos aqueles que necessitam de conhecimento da legislao prevencionista no desenvolvimento de suas atividades."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Psychology of Relationships" |
"This course covers different psychological theories of relationships. It discusses why we form relationships, why we stay in certain relationships, why we leave relationships, virtual relationships and relationships with celebrities. It also looks at evidence for the different theories.It is suitable for students studying A-level Psychology and links with the new AQA specification."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de desenho para INICIANTES" |
"Esse curso tem um objetivo muito claro, ensinar os caminhos para voc entrar no mundo dos desenhos, nele voc aprender muitos conceitos bsicos e dicas uteis que ajudaram a acelerar o processo de desenhar. As primeiras aulas sero de preparao, ensinando o passo -a-passo de como fazer estruturas bsicas, exerccios de aquecimento e exerccios de aprimoramento. Aps isso, as as aulas sero focadas nos personagens mostrando como fazer cada parte do corpo, e aps isso ter muitas aulas com exemplos explicativos para que possam ser feitos juntos e estudados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Extension Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations" |
"El curso es una serie de videos, donde se muestra como modificar el sistema Dynamics AX FO, todo por medio de Extending. Accederemos al portal de Dynamics y a la herramienta de desarrollo VisualStudioAl inicio aprenderemos a crear un nuevo modelo y crear el hola mundo; despus continuamos modificando la tabla SalesTable agregando nuevas columnas, tambin modificando el form para mostrar los nuevos campos al usuario.Para finalizar agregamos y modificamos mtodos en SalesTable, desde la tabla y el form."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.80 Materiais bsicos" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de materiais bsicos no Blender 2.80!Neste curso voc aprender os conceitos bsicos de como criar materiais de qualidade no Blender 2.80.Entenda tudo sobre o Node Editor do Blender 2.80 e se torne um mestre dos materiais, sendo capaz de criar, aplicar a mapear materiais bsicos em seus projetos 3D."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.80 Materiais Avanados" |
"O curso de materiais avanados no Blender 2.80 um curso que ensina como criar materiais realistas utilizando tcnicas de masking dentro dos node editor. Utilizando essas tcnicas voc ser capaz de criar materiais extremamente interessantes e realistas, o que permite ao artista mais flexibilidade na hora de criar detalhes incrveis em suas cenas.Bem vindo ao curso Materiais avanados no Blender 2.80!Este um curso de nvel intermedirio/avanado focado em tcnicas de shading. Aqui voc aprender a usar os super poderes do Shader Editor do Blender 2.8 para criar materiais incrivelmente realistas misturando texturas e utilizando operaes procedurais. Este curso foca em arrancar o melhor de tudo que o Blender tem a oferecer. Misturando tcnicas de texturas procedurais com texturas de alta qualidade baixadas da internet e ainda mais com tcnicas de texture paint voc pode transformar o Blender 2.80 em uma verso lite do substance designer.As tcnicas mostradas aqui tem foco em agilidade e resoluo de problemas, e mais importantes, sao focadas em ensinar para onde voc, como artista 3D, deve olhar para conseguir interpretar um material do mundo real de forma realista tanto no Blender quanto em qualquer outra plataforma. ps.. Os conceitos ensinados aqui podem ser transferidos para qualquer software 3D que permita masking techniques."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
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Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Art & Science of Getting Your Dream Job" |
"Steve Jobs says ""Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do"". This course will equip you with the tools and techniques required to identify your career interest, position your expertise, and land on your dream job. A must-have basic skill in the job market. Identify your passion, land on a job that allows you to express your passion, and soar to greatness."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Corso Google Ads (ex AdWords) Pratico" |
"Google Ads pratico: campagne pay per click personalizzate un corso che prevede l'uso della piattaforma pubblicitaria di Google per realizzare e gestire in completa autonomia delle campagne di marketing a pagamento (PPC) completamente personalizzate e ottimizzate.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Il linguaggio utilizzato semplice e alla portata di tutti.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Con Google Ads (exAdwords) puoi promuovere il tuo sito web (o quello che curi per i tuoi clienti) attraverso gli annunci a pagamento di Google. Anche altri motori di ricerca hanno piattaforme simili a Google Ads, ma Google a dettare legge!Oggi, la maggior parte delle persone effettua le proprie ricerche su Google e concentra le proprie azioni ed i propri acquisti sui risultati di queste ricerche. Per questo, per molte aziende, diventato indispensabile affidarsi a questo straordinario strumento.Music:""Heroic Age"" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech dot com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"19 day journey through Europe in 1 hour to understand GDPR" |
"This innovative course is designed to drive you into a program path while having an engaging experience through a virtual journey across the major European Capitals to deliver you a complete and precise landscape of the GDPR privacy rights. This course, day by day, capital by capital, argument by argument, will provide you with the necessary but complete foundation about the GDPR the EU Regulation on Data Protection.Each virtual provides a lesson, where is explained one key GDPR topic with its dedicated resources to understand and apply and retain the newly learned concepts. At the end of the course, you will be able to test yourself by taking the final quiz and receive the final attendance course certificate. A bonus lesson, available a complimentary day journey in Venice illustrates your possible next steps into the data protection journey while giving you valuable gift to help you in that direction.I am looking forward to meeting you on the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Thirty Tips For Learning New Languages With Swahili Language" |
"Well come student. I am instructor Baraka Yohana Sanga from the United Republic of Tanzania the land of Mountain Kilimanjaro.My education is university, holder of bachelor degree in linguistics with core skills in Swahili and English language.I have built this course for beginner students who wants to learn any new language with priority to Swahili language ""The standard Swahili language of the United Republic of Tanzania"".By the end of my course:1.The student will be able to make the right decision for learning new language.2.The student will be committed for starting to learn new language.3.The student will be able to explain to others about the thirty tips for learning new languages.4.The student will be applying the methods for learning new languages.5.The student will be explaining the short history of Swahili language.6.The student will be able to explain and use Swahili Language Phonology.This course have divided into six main parts namely:1.Introduction 2.Course Goals3.Methods For Learning New Languages.4.Swahili Language Short History5.Swahili Language Phonology6.The End of Course Quizsurely you have made the right choice to enroll to this course and this is a way to take you from where you are to another point."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Be Expert in Swahili Language ""For Intermediate""" |
"The intermediate Swahili Speaking Course, is the Applied Swahili Language in Daily Activities. This course has categorized into main 17 parts including the introduction to the course. This course intended to give a student the ability to speak Swahili language in daily routines, not only that, but also this course will enable those who travel to have easy way of communication with the inhabitant of the areas which speaks Swahili language. In order the student to be perfect when studying this course, he/she needs to spent 2-4 hours a day studying the materials provided. I encourage the student to repeat more and more listening, speaking, writing and reading the materials, this way will help you to speak the words taught in this course easily and perfectly."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Network Security,Firewall, VPN plus CCNA tests" |
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career inNetwork-Association and being able to Understand the organizational management and access control functions of the Policy Center system? >>If your answer is big YES,then you're definitely in the right place.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ?this course is thefirst oneon udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand the security policy configuration of the Policy Center system.This course prepares students for beginning and associate level roles in cybersecurity operationsThis course will be 11 sections in 2 parts ,part one will 7 sections and part two will be 4 sections each section can be considered as independent course. So let's begin At this course:These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.We'll design with each other a complete industrial system used in the practical life.You'll find questions at end of each section to review the chapter.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a questionas I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click ""BuyNow"" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding Network Security and VPN.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with network communication.At the end of this course, you will have ability to:Understand firewall User ManagementUnderstand firewall VLAN//SA/E1/ADSL/WLAN/3G technologyUnderstand the concept and functions of VPNUnderstand OSI modelUnderstand TCP/IP principlesUnderstand the NAT configuration of firewallsUnderstand firewall Dual-System Hot Backup basic technologyUnderstand TCP/IP security issuesUnderstand the principles of the NAT technologyUnderstand the application of NATUnderstand key VPN technologiesUnderstand the classification and application of VPN"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"PLC from zero to Hero(TIA portal / SIMATIC STEP 7 / ITS PLC)" |
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation track and being Master in PLC programming? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Do you want to be PLC professional programmer so you are in the right place you will learn everything about PLC Siemens software or even hardwareYou will have a technical skills you would never find it except in real life and at the end you will perform on a huge real world project you will program it from zero and if you have any annoying problems with the basics of electricity you will find small solution for all of those problems at the end of this course We are looking forward to see you inside!!!Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a PLC program from scratch.It gives you full time access to TIA portal V13, Logixpro and ITS PLC for free.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a complete control system with PLC.this course teaches you how to program with the focus on ladder logic, which is the most popular PLC programming language. The goal is to teach you everything you need to know to make a PLC do what you want it to do. You are also given all the software necessary to both CREATE and RUN your own programs live - right on your own computer.this course is using many examples more than any other courses.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about S7-1200 and S7-300 with here you will find our help is available for you at any will have many small question from real interviews between sections.We have here a huge number of instructors supervising this course willing to Put in your hands all their experiences in real life. At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.We'll design with each other a complete industrial system used in the practical life.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding Control system.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and Control.Anyone understands control but can't design a complete control system."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Complete 2020 PV Solar Energy with PVSol premiumExcelPVsys" |
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Solar energy and be able to design complete sizing of project by using pvsol premium, manual calculation, excel sheet and Pvsys? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place. You will learn how to master 2 pv sizing software and understand the manual sizing and use your own excel sheet to help you all of that is in one course.You will have a technical skills you would never find it except in real life and at the end you will perform on a huge real world project you will size it from zero and if you have any annoying problems with the basics of physics you will find small solution for all of those problems at the beginning of this course. as we start from solar cell level until you have all experience needed in this field. I promise at the end of this course you will be able to design any kind of PV system by 4 different methods. this course is the only course on udemy platform introduce you to Sizing program { PVSol premium and Pvsys } and give you a great experience from the scratch of physics to be professional solar energy designer. We are looking forward to see you inside!!!Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a PV system from scratch.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a PV will be able to use PVsol premium software to design grid connected system.this course is using many exercises more than any other courses.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about silicon crystalline and thin film here you will find our help is available for you at any will have many small question from real interviews between sections.We have here a huge number of instructors supervising this course willing to Put in your hands all their experiences in real life. What can we do with PVSYST?Project design Site & Meteo.Add Location Without MAP on pvsys Make your own On Grid System DesignDesign with more than Array with different orientation Learn how to handle Pvsyst MessagesDesign With more than AngleAdjust The unbalanced MPPTHandle Pvsyst or pvsol premium Report.Understanding The energy Yield. At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.We'll design with each other a renewable energy used in the practical will be introduced to PVsol software to design complete ON grid system, and produce a complete sheet for the will be introduced to Pvsys software to design complete ON grid system, and produce a complete sheet for the projectMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding renewable energy.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with photovoltaic energy.Anyone understands sizing but can't design a complete his own PV system."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Learn SCADA from Scratch to Hero ( Indusoft & TIA portal )" |
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and SCADA systems design track and being able to design a complete project? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a SCADA Design from scratch.It gives you full time access to Indusoft V7.13 and ITS PLC for free.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a complete control system with PLC.this course teaches you how to program with the focus on Visual basic, built in language, which is the most popular SCADA programming language. The goal is to teach you everything you need to know to make a SCADA do what you want it to do. You are also given all the software necessary to both CREATE and RUN your own programs live - right on your own computer.this course is using many examples more than any other courses.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about S7-1200 and S7-300 with examples.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about indusoft program with here you will find our help is available for you at any time.We have here a huge number of instructors supervising this course willing to Put in your hands all their experiences in real life. At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing .We'll design with each other a complete scada system used in the practical life.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding scada system.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and scada systems.Anyone understands scada but can't design a complete scada system. Anyone wants to learn about simatic manager program and indusoft web studio program."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Career Fields Exploration" |
"Technology is changing everything about the way that we live. It is profoundly changing traditional industries and our definition of work. A career in the 21st century will requires many new skill-sets and adaptive knowledge - are you prepared for it?Rather than relying on information from friends and family which can often be limited or biased, ChampAmerica is presenting you with a comprehensive series of career exploration classes. These mini courses focus on some of the most promising career fields which are poised to grow in the coming decades. Our speakers are real industry professionals with a rich set of experiences and a passion for mentoring.We leveraged the ideology of career clusters, pathways and occupations as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and our classes are curriculum-based. There are pre-readings, post quizzes, and a glossary for each subject to help you gain a deeper understanding of the profession and the industry as a whole. The purpose of the class is to help you gain specific industry insights without necessarily working in it yourself or knowing anyone that does work in said industry. In this highly competitive job market, it is advantageous to develop a career plan ahead of time. So join us, open up your horizons, and lay a solid foundation for your future careers!The series now includes the following 11 career tracks. We are adding new ones in the coming months. Please check back for new information. Careers in Capital MarketsCareers in Quantitative TradingCareers in Private Equity and Venture CapitalCareers in Business AnalyticsCareers in Software Development and Product ManagementCareers in Risk ManagementCareers in Mechanical EngineeringCareers in Electrical Engineering and Supply ChainCareers in Data ScienceCareers in Information SystemCareers in Nonprofit Organization"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make Four Projects From Scratch: CSS And HTML" |
"General OverviewIf you are an aspiring web developer hoping to get a deeper understanding of CSS, this course will take your skills to the next level.All of these projects below will help you better understand some of the more complicated concepts in CSS. For example, you will become more familiar with how to use variables, functions, box-shadows as well as how to use more complicated CSS properties such as animation and transform. The projects in this course are made using pure CSS: no knowledge of javascript is required. THE TWO PROJECTS:A tapping handA penguinA ghost with glowing orbsA chest with three drawers"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Make Two Websites From Scratch: Javascript and HTML" |
"Do you want to become an expert web developer?Or maybe youve begun learning HTML and CSS but are stillunsure how to apply them to a real-world project?If so, youre in the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating two websitesCOMPLETELYfrom scratch.These are not just exercises to fill space in a book. Ill go through step by step all the relevant components that every website is expected to have.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create two beautifulwebsites from scratch using HTML, CSS andJavaScript.After completing these two websites, you can be certain:you are proficient withHTML/CSS you possess intermediateJavaScriptskillsYou understand the required components that every website must haveandmuchmore! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. Ilove helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! It's worth noting that I've answeredEVERY SINGLEquestion asked so far onevery oneof my courses.Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming websites is a lot of fun and I know you'll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together.What are you waiting for?Please note: these websites are not responsive, as thats for a more advanced course. I advise not to worry about that for the time being."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML" |
"Do you want to become an expert web developer?Or maybe youve begun learning HTML, CSS and even Javascript but are still not sure exactly how to apply it to a real-world project?If so, you've come to the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating a responsive websiteCOMPLETELYfrom scratch.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create a responsive restaurantwebsite from scratch using HTML, CSS and Javascript/JQuery.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient withHTML/CSS you are familiar with responsive web designyou possess strongJavaScriptskillsandmuchmore! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. Ilove helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming websites is a lot of fun and I know you'll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |