Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Make A Responsive Website Project #2: HTML, CSS & Javascript" |
"Would you like to know how to create all those cool effects that you see in my introduction video? Or maybe you are wondering how you can cut the time it takes for you to create a responsive website by half with one simple framework?If so, this course is for you! In this course, Iwill be guiding you step by step in creating a responsive websiteusing two of the most popular CSSframeworks out there.Okay, so whats this course about?In this course, we will create a responsive, holiday themedwebsite from scratch using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Animate.css, JQuery and Snowstorm.js.After completing this website, you can be sure:you are proficient withHTML/CSS you are familiar with how to make a website responsiveyou know how to use some of the most important features of Bootstrap and Animate.cssyou know how to install Snowstorm.jsSupportBy enrolling in this course, I will offer you my complete support. Ilove helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming websites is a lot of fun and I know you'll have a great time. Source CodeYou can download the source code for this project in the conclusion lecture to help you follow along.Please Note:You will be required to download JQuery, Bootstrap, Animate.css and Snowstorm.js to complete this project. All of these can be downloaded for free and no sign ups are required. I have included the appropriate files in the source code, however, I strongly advise you download them yourself as well so that you know where to find the correct files."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Make A Responsive Website Project #1: CSS, HTML & Javascript" |
"Do you want to become an expert web developer?Or maybe youve begun learning HTML, CSS and Javascript but are still not sure exactly how to apply it to a real-world project?If so, youve come to the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating a responsive websiteTOTALLYfrom scratch.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create a responsive app landing page from scratch using HTML, CSS/Bootstrap and Javascript/JQuery.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient withHTML and CSS you are familiar with Bootstrap and Animate.cssyou have strong Javascript skillsandmuchmore! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. Ilove helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming websites is a lot of fun and I know you'll have a great time implementing your own ideas as well as those we implement together.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Create A Chatroom From Scratch: PHP and MySQLi" |
"Do you want to become an expert backend web developer?Or maybe youve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create a chatroom TOTALLY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create a chatroom app from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient with HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with front end know how to use all the above to build a real projectand much more! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Create An Auction Site From Scratch: PHP and MySQLi" |
"Do you want to become an expert backend web developer?Or maybe youve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create an auction site COMPLETELY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create an auction website from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient with HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with frontend know how to use all the above to build a real projectand much more! Line by line explanation:I'll actually explain to you why I'm writing each line of code.Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Create A Guestbook From Scratch: PHP and MySQLI" |
"Do you want to become an expert backend web developer?Or maybe youve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create an guestbook COMPLETELY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create a message board from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient with HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with frontend know how to use all the above to build a real projectand much more! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Create An Online Poll Maker From Scratch: PHP and MySQLI" |
"Do you want to become an expert backend web developer?Or maybe youve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create an online poll maker COMPLETELY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create an online poll maker from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi.After completing this website, you can be certain:you have a solid foundation in commonly used HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with frontend can write short but reasonably complicated PHP and Javascript scripts.and much more! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Create A To-Do-List Using PHP, MySQLI and Javascript" |
"Do you want to become an expert backend web developer?Or maybe youve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create a to-do-list COMPLETELY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi.Okay, so whats the course about?In this course, we will create a to-do-list from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi.After completing this website, you can be certain:you are proficient with HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with frontend know how to use all the above to build a real projectand much more! Support:By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun!Finally, youll discover that programming is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"informatique en entreprise, Windows Server windows 10" |
"Dans cette formation, nous allons vous initier l'informatique en entreprise avec un cas pratique. Le cas tudi dans cette formation est celle d'une socit immobilire d'environ 12 personnes dsirant installer des nouveaux locaux. le cours couvrira l'appel d'offre, la planification et la mise en place de son systme d'informations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guide d'utilisation d ' OCR tesseract ( facture projet )" |
"Les logiciels OCR sont utiliss pour dmatrialiser nimporte quel document non modifiable en fichier bureautique quil est ensuite possible dexploiter et de modifier. Prenons un exemple : vous recevez un fichier PDF par email, mais vous navez pas le temps de le rcrire au format Word. Un logiciel OCR vous permet alors de le convertir automatiquement dans ce format, et de le travailler comme bon vous semble.Les logiciels OCR facilitent la recherche et la manipulation de donnes. De plus la saisie de donne devient plus rapide et contribue laugmentation de la productivit de vos collaborateurs. Et pour finir, ils apportent une aide prcieuse aux personnes aveugles ou malvoyantes en dcodant les textes prsents dans les documents scanns ou imprims."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking certificat SSL/TLS facebook , amazone, google, etc." |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours vido sur le hacking ! travers celui-ci, vous allez apprendre le concept fondamental, ultime et la base sur lequel se repose toute la scurit informatique mondiale, je cite, le chiffrement.Le chiffrement est bas sur la cryptographie, dont le but est de garder des messages secrets. Au-del de l'utilit vidente de protger les informations prives contre le vol ou la menace, le chiffrement permet galement de prouver que les informations sont authentiques et issues de la source dont elles prtendent venir. Il peut tre utilis pour vrifier l'origine d'un message et pour confirmer qu'il n'a pas t modifi pendant la transmission.Pourquoi connatre ou apprendre le chiffrement?Dans un monde largement numris, le chiffrement est devenu une pierre angulaire de la scurit. Il contribue faire de la cyberscurit le vecteur de confiance et dinnovation des personnes et de lconomie.Un monde sans le chiffrement est un monde ou ?Tout le monde peut connatre mon adresse email et mon mot de passe dans n'importe quel site web.Tout le monde peut avoir mon numro de carte de crdit.Tout le monde peut surveiller et voir de A Z ma navigation (activits) sur internet.Tout le monde peut couter mes conversations tlphonique, lire mes SMS.Tout le monde peut usurper mon identit et se faire pass pour moi.En gros un monde ou la scurit informatique n' existe pas.Que ce que je vais apprendre la fin de ce cours?Les principes de base du chiffrementLe certificat informatique (identit numrique)Comment effectu une attaque ( Hacking ) sur un systme chiffr (cas de Facebook, google, twiter, amazon, Snapchat, instagram)Comment se protger de ce genre d'attaque.Maitriser et utiliser Open SSL pour la gnration , la conversion des certificats SSL/TLS dans different format.Comment grer et maitre en place un systme de chiffrement en entrepriseNOTES IMPORTANTS :Les systmes, mthodologies et programmes cits dans ce cours sont utiliss but ducatif et prventif uniquement.L'un des meilleurs moyens d'valuer la menace quun hacker malveillant reprsente, est de faire en sorte que des professionnels indpendants de la scurit informatique tentent de s'introduire dans votre systmes.Ces quipes, appeles les ""hackers thiques"", emploient les mmes outils et techniques que les attaquants, mais au lieu de causer des dommages aux systmes cibles et dexploiter ou voler des informations, ils valuent la scurit de ces systmes et font un rapport aux propritaires avec les vulnrabilits trouves et les solutions pour y remdier.ce cours pour objectif de vous donner une vision sur la scurit avec ou sans chiffrement, dans le but de vous prvenir et de vous prparer aux diffrentes attaques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ruffles Cake com Magnlias de aucar" |
"Chegou a hora de elevar o nvel de decorao dos seus bolos, e entrar no mundo da confeitaria para casamentos e 15 anos. Um dos modelos mais pedidos do momento o Ruffles Cake. Nesta curso voc vai aprender cada detalhe para fazer essa decorao: como cortar, colar, dar movimentos e aplicar o ruffles no bolo. E para dar um toque bem charmoso na decorao, voc ainda aprender a fazer a flor Magnlia totalmente de acar.Pensamos nesse curso com muito carinho! Depois de assistir todas as aulas e colocar a mo na massa, voc vai se sentir confiante para fazer bolos deslumbrantes para casamentos e 15 anos!E no s isso! Voc ainda receber apostila e certificado:Apostila: preparamos uma apostila completa, com todas as receitas de massa, recheios, calda, coberturas e ainda dicas super teis de confeitaria. De bnus voc ter uma apostila exclusiva com 10 recheios extras. Certificado: aps concluso do curso voc receber seu certificado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Buttercream de A a Z" |
"Quando falamos em tendncia na confeitaria, lembramos do buttercream (creme de manteiga). Com sua leveza e sabor sem igual, uma tima alternativa para quem quer fugir da pasta americana.Nesse curso voc aprender o passo a passo para fazer bolos incrveis com essa cobertura: ingredientes;o preparo;ponto ideal para garantir a firmeza da cobertura;pigmentao;uso das esptulas de decorao;aplicao de flores de acar na decorao;e aplicao de flores naturais.Com as tcnicas certas, voc ver como simples trabalhar com essa cobertura que to queridinha para ns, confeiteiros! Depois de assistir todas as aulas e colocar a mo na massa, voc vai se sentir confiante para fazer bolos deslumbrantes.E no s isso! Voc ainda receber apostila e certificado:Apostila: preparamos uma apostila completa, com todas as receitas de massa, recheios, calda, coberturas e ainda dicas super teis de confeitaria. De bnus voc ter uma apostila exclusiva com 10 recheios extras. Certificado: aps concluso do curso voc receber seu certificado."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn Regression Analysis for Business" |
"A complete hands on practical exercises to build regression models that are highly used for business analysis. This course is designed to start with the very basics then add up information gradually. Accordingly students who have fair background in regression analysis can choose to jump to the practical part of the course to learn building regression models in detail. In this course you will learn about different types of regression models and learn to build and use the ones used in business analysis. You will learn step by step how to understand a business problem from data observations and determine the variables you need to include in regression analysis. You will also learn how to interpret model coefficients from business point of view and assess regression model's prediction power using several indicators, such as: R-squared and p-value. After that you will be able to prepare your business recommendations that can be used by decision makers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Warehousing and Analysis with Microsoft BI Tools" |
"Learning how to extract, clean and load data into a SQL database warehouse are highly required skills for data analysis field. You will learn in this course how to use Microsoft Excel to clean your data before loading them into a Microsoft SQL Server database. You will learn how to use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) which is one of Microsoft Business Intelligence tools to perform ETL process. You will learn a simple technique that save you a lot of time and help to avoid many possible errors during the ETL process. You will learn also how to use SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to create business reports and data analysis with SQL queries. This course is designed to be more practical by putting your hands on real projects with diverse business scenarios to learn by practice. Learning via practice is the best way to get knowledge stuck in your mind because it is similar to acquire experience through work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Mining and Machine Learning With Python" |
"If you need to learn how to understand and create Machine Learning models used to solve business problems, this course is for you. You will learn in this course everything you need about Data Mining process, Machine Learning and how to implement Machine Learning algorithms in Data Mining. This course was designed to provide information in a simple and straight forward way so ease learning methods. You will from scratch and keep building your knowledge step by step until you become familiar with the most used Machine Learning algorithms. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Data Analytics and Visualization with Tableau from A-Z" |
"Converting raw data to insightful diagrams and charts to make informative decisions is a crucial analytical skill in data science. You will find in this course all what you need to learn about creating powerful diagrams and practicing data analytics. First, you will learn about data visualization, installing Tableau and use main menus and functions. You will learn, also, how to connect to different data sources and formats and make the necessary data preparation to create diagrams and charts. After that, you will learn more advanced features, such as: data joins and blending, calculated fields, dual axis, table calculation and more. After completing this course you will be confidently add Tableau to the list of your analytical skills in the resume. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
makersonlinecourses |
"? Prezi, . , . . , , . , , . , : -, - , , , , Udemy Skillshare , Teachable, Bizon 365, GetCourse , , YouTube, , .: Canva Premiere Pro XMindQ & A , ! , "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 for complete beginners" |
"Python is a powerful scripting language that has exploded in popularity in recent years. It has found applications in many fields such as web development, data science, machine learning and scientific programming. This popularity and wide usage is expected to grow in coming years. Knowing how to program in Python is thus an excellent powerful career skill to have.This course takes you through the latest and recommended version of Python for beginners, Python 3. It will take you from the very basics to more cool stuff such as working with CSV and JSON in Python. You will also learn the tips, the secrets, the conventions and best practices important in knowing how to write elegant and beautiful Python code.Be a Pythonista too!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Quora Ads (PPC ads on Quora)" |
"Quora, with its 400+ million hyperactive users is often overlooked as a traffic source. Learn how to use Quora Ads well and use this relatively cheaper (but more engaged) traffic source to help grow your business. Quora ads is an incredible opportunity for you to consider as an alternative paid traffic source (since Facebook and Google Adwords are getting expensive).Quora allows you to create campaigns for Conversions, App Installs, and Traffic. Of these three, my favorite is the conversions campaign objective type. The Quora pixel tracks traffic, audiences, and conversions as expected. But as you can see, you can also launch Mobile app install campaigns and campaigns to help get more traffic to your site.As for targeting options, you can choose to let your ads show based on topics of interest, specific questions asked on Quora, specific audiences you want to target, and also interests."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Self Confidence: The Ultimate Confidence Booster Formula" |
"The Ultimate Confidence Booster Formula: How to Master the Art of Self ConfidenceOver 3000 happy students from 132 countries enrolled in this course from the first month! Last Course Update: September 2019 / Best Value for Money / Full Lifetime access / 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee.YOU CAN BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE IN SECONDS. Yes, its possible and I can show you how!YOU CAN OVERCOME SELF DOUBT AND CREATE CONFIDENCE. REAL CONFIDENCE.++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++The Ultimate Confidence Booster Formula: How to Become the Most Confident Person In the RoomConquer fear of rejection and regain your self confidence. Break the habit of self doubt and (re)build self esteem. Learn powerful techniques to boost your confidence. Become your best self.4500+ people from 132 countries already said YES to MORE CONFIDENCE, MORE SELF ESTEEM, and MORE HAPPINESS. Such remarkable new insights about confidence, detailed and engaging. I love this course. - Pham Nho Khiem Fear has taught me survival skills. I learned so much from fear especially the difference between good fear and bad fear, I experience both to this day. I feel I'm getting closer to beating the odds of bad fear versus good fear. It's taking years for me to get to this part of my life, but it's well worth it. its a life long journey and I on board. Christine ""I was in need for a confidence boost and this came at the perfect time. It touched deep into my soul. It's also interesting that they have a group and applicable exercises. I can relate to this course at a personal level. Really nice info here!"" - Adi PNow its your turn. Enroll NOW and build lasting confidence one lesson at a time!++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++IS LACK OF CONFIDENCE AFFECTING YOUR LIFE AND CAREER?Do you feel uncomfortable speaking to people at a professional event, at a party, even on a romantic date?Are you afraid of looking stupid in social and business situations and frequently avoid them?Do you feel less worthy and criticize your performance after spending time with others?Insecurity holds you back from taking on new opportunities?Do you feel unhappy because youre not good enough, not smart enough, not beautiful enough?If you answered YES, know that youre not alone. Every time I ask these questions, I get so many stories from people who:worry about their far from perfect bodies and have low confidence in their looks.are too afraid of failing at something that they decide not to try it.never ask for a pay raise because they think they dont deserve themselves with others and feel insecure and bad about themselves.scared to death to get out there and socialize because they might get rejectedEven if you dont look like a low confident person, you may still have feelings of not being worthy or good enough, isnt it? You might show up confidence on the outside but struggle on the inside. Because society taught us its ok to fake it until you make it. So, you put a lot of energy into appearing self confident, but deep down you are never satisfied, never happy with yourself. No matter how successful you are, you still need to prove you can do better. And thats normal by the way.Besides, even the most successful people deal with low confidence and low self esteem. The difference is they know how to use them to their advantage. They have gained the ability to trust themselves that they will handle any situation comes their way, in spite of fear and self doubt. They have put in the time and work to master the art of self confidence. And you will master it too once you learn THE ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE BOOSTER FORMULA.In this course you will learn:- how to turn your fear into fuel to reach your full potential,-how to stop second-guessing yourself and trust your own decisions,- how not to worry about worrying anymore,- how to stop complaining and start thanking instead,- how to stop comparing yourself to others and start empowering yourself,- how to deal with the negative people around you so that they wont drag you down with them from now on,- how to trust yourself and dont believe anymore in the lies people tell you (including yourself),- how to boost your confidence whenever you need to & so much more.++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++CONFIDENCE IS A SKILL that you can improve. THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL IN OUR LIVES. ITS SOMETHING YOU CAN BUILD AT ANY AGE (even if you've struggled with low self confidence all your life...).All it takes is knowing some simple (but unconventional) methods to create powerful change in your behavior and mindset.++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE SO SPECIAL?The Ultimate Confidence Booster Formula: How to Master the Art of Self Confidence goes beyond the superficial tips & tricks, and enables you to challenge deeper belief systems, attitudes and behaviors. Going deeper helps you develop more self-awareness in your life. And by understanding and accepting who you are, you find the freedom to be yourself and build a solid foundation for authentic and lasting confidence. It is an amazing course with a lot of deep insights. I was looking for a long time for some self-confidence shortcuts and this is the best one that i have found out! Love it and i am so excited to apply them! Also, I just realized that i have to practice, practice and practice to get the desired level of confidence and this walkthrough is just the thing that i needed. - Razvan R This is really useful. Easy to do and to understand. Wish I had started learning about this sooner, but hey, it's never too late to learn new things. Thank you for this simple but effective life lesson."" - Razvan C Got some life lessons that will definitely improve my confidence (especially if I keep exercising what I just learned). I don't think just watching the videos will help, but practicing over and over what I just learned should do the trick. - Bogdan Alin G ""Wow, this is the course Ive been looking for to connect theory to practice. Bogdan is doing a great job, hes authentic and engaged and has kept me very motivated so far."" - Dana L++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++BY THE END OF THE COURSE, YOU WILL HAVE THE SKILLS FOR A LIFETIME OF CONFIDENCE .You will have the ability to:walk into any room full of people and feel totally comfortable approaching people,speak up with confidence and ask for what you want and need,feel great about who you are and how you lookAnd youll finally liberate yourself from shyness, fear, self doubt, people pleasing and much more so you can freely make new friends, date more, crush it at work and live a confident life on your terms.ALONE WE CAN DO SO LITTLE. TOGETHER WE CAN DO SO MUCH!The Journey to Becoming a MORE CONFIDENT YOU can be challenging at times. This is why I created a private Facebook Community where we Share WINS, support each other and most importantly grow together!++++++++++++++++++ confidence +++++++++++++++++++GET MORE CONFIDENCE OR GET YOUR MONEY BACK 30-DAY GUARANTEE!This course is fully packed with my best tips, practices, proven step-by-step processes and shortcuts that I used to build my confidence. And has helped many people from all walks of life: CEOs, teachers, managers, stay at home moms and many more.I am super confident it can help you build real and lasting confidence too. This is why you get a 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.If for any reason you are not delighted with this course, just let me know and youll get a full refund. No questions asked. And you get to keep the knowledge and practices you learnt. So, theres really no reason to hesitate in taking this course.So, are you ready?To become the most confident person in every room you walk in?And shave years of trial & error, frustrations and failure trying to figure out the confidence game on your own?ENROLL NOW AND BEGIN BOOSTING YOUR CONFIDENCE!See you inside,Bogdan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unity + REST API + Node.js : Banco de Dados Online (2020)" |
"##################################Promoo relmpago no CUPOM: SETEMB203S aplicar ali do lado>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Totalmente indito!!! Esse curso foi feito para ensinar a voc a criar seu Banco de Dados Online para salvar os dados importantes dos seus jogadores, assim como Informaes de Como o seu Jogo Utilizado.Assim, voc pode saber quantas vezes as pessoas abrem seu jogo por dia... Quantas horas o jogador fica no seu game...Onde os jogadores possuem um alto nvel de dificuldade em seus mapas, quais inimigos so mais difceis de serem superados e muito mais... Sua imaginao seu limite!!!Essa tcnica permite que voc tenha informaes reais dos seus jogos para que voc possa melhorar eles cada vez mais!Saiba o que as pessoas mais gostam no seu jogo, assim como as coisas que frustam seus jogadores!No deixe seu jogo morrer por no saber onde voc deve melhorar."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Makeup Artistry: Create A Natural Everyday Makeup Look" |
"Do you want to be able to apply a beautiful, natural everyday makeup look?Do you want to be able to understand how you can apply makeup with confidence and have som fun doing it?Are you passionate or just curious about makeup? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! Welcome to this course where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to create a gorgeous, natural looking everyday makeup look.This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to apply makeup everydayHow you can create a base using foundation and concealer My preferences when it comes to creating a base for a makeup lookWe are then going to go trough how to continue on with using powder, contour and highlighter to really make it look great!As the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on my own ways of putting makeup onThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:Creating a basePrepping your face Light contouringEyelashesand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Know how to do a nice makeup look for your everyday lifeBeing able to know what to use and what tools to useKnow my techniques for putting on makeup everydayKnow how you can put on make up and have fun doing itIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:MakeupNail artBeautySocial Mediaand more...I have a burning passion for makeup and I am also very passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge.Feel free to look through the course description, watch some previews and I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Makeup Artistry: Create a Stunning Glam Makeup Look" |
"Do you want to be able to apply a beautiful, more glamorous makeup look?Do you want to be able to understand how you can apply makeup with confidence and have som fun doing it?Are you passionate or just curious about makeup? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! Welcome to this course where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to create a gorgeous, more glamorous makeup look.This course begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to apply makeup everydayHow you can create a base using foundation and concealer My preferences when it comes to creating a base for a makeup lookWe are then going to go trough how to continue on with doing eyebrows and then creating a good looking eyeshadow look.Also we are going to be contouring and highlighting!As the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on my own ways of putting makeup onThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:Creating a basePrepping your face Creating a more glamorous eyeshadow lookEyelashesand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Know how to do a nice makeup look for your everyday life or going out at nightBeing able to know what to use and what tools to useKnow my techniques for putting on makeup everydayKnow how you can put on make up and have fun doing itIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:MakeupNail artBeautySocial Mediaand more...I have a burning passion for makeup and I am also very passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge.Feel free to look through the course description, watch some previews and I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Makeup Artistry: The Complete Makeup Artistry Masterclass" |
"Do you want to be able to apply several beautiful and stunning makeup looks?Do you want to be able to understand how you can apply makeup with confidence and have som fun doing it?Are you passionate or just curious about makeup? Then this course is definitely for you!Hi! Welcome to this makeup artistry masterclass where I am going to walk you through all of the necessary steps to be able to create a few different types of makeup looks no matter your occasion.These courses begins to cover:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to apply makeup everydayHow you can create a base using foundation and concealer My preferences when it comes to creating a base for a makeup lookWe are then going to go trough how to continue on with doing eyebrows and then creating a good looking eyeshadow look.Also we are going to be contouring and highlighting!As the course goes on I am going to give you tips and tricks on my own ways of putting makeup onThese are a couple examples on what we are going to be working with:Creating a basePrepping your face Creating several different types of eyeshadow looksEyelashesand more...After completing this course you will be able to for example:Know how to do a nice makeup look for your everyday life or no matter the occasionBeing able to know what to use and what tools to useKnow my techniques for putting on makeup everydayKnow how you can put on make up and have fun doing itIf you are curious about who I am:My name is Matilda and I am a 26 year old girl with hobbies such as:MakeupNail artBeautySocial Mediaand more...I have a burning passion for makeup and I am also very passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge.Feel free to look through the course description, watch some previews and I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Como publicar um package no npm de forma automatizada" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a criar um package no npm para ser usada por milhes de pessoas no mundo inteiro. Vamos comear com o bsico fazendo os deploys de forma manual e, gradativamente mover para um modo automatizado. Ser possvel publicar novas verses apenas commitando, de forma padronizada, o novo cdigo. Tudo isso coberto com testes unitrios utilizando Jest e integrado com TravisCI, nossa ferramenta de CI/CD.Voc ir entender como escrever uma boa documentao para que o processo de aprendizado dos usurios seja o mais simples possvel. Com a documentao, criaremos alguns badges para representar os dados do package dinamicamente.Aps automatizar o processo de publicao iremos converter nosso package para ser usado no navegador. E aps feito a converso e otimizao para ser usado no navegador, o aluno ir aprender como fazer essa transio para o Typescript, gerando uma documentao dos seus tipos de forma automtica e publicando no Github pages."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Resilience, good thoughts for positive emotions" |
"Would you like to live free and happy but too often negative emotions run your life? Would you like to gain strength, liberty and inner peace as an individual. Here Susheela Daniel tells about her lifelong story of learning about how to control hate and manage anger and how to use the resulting strength for the common good. Did you have high expectations on someone and got disappointed? In our course you will learn how hate is created, how it effects you and how to feed on positive energy instead, in order to react in a constructive way and to improve your environment. We hope to inspire and trigger positive change to guide you to happiness and even more success."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Vegan Dinner Recipes" |
"Imagine the sweetest and most creamy ever dessert you possibly could and it's all without either cream or sugar!Surprise and convince even the most passionate meat lovers with our delicious Indian and Scandinavian inspired vegan recipes.And besides, there is almost nobody who has to avoid vegan food for any cultural or other reasons, everybody will feel a well catered for participant in your party and event. And besides, these recipes contain enough secrets and surprises to make for fun talking topics all through the night. You will also learn why the Vegan Lifestyle benefits our mental and physical Health. Or maybe you are planning for an intimate candle light dinner? Our recipes and decoration advice will put you onto the right track!In the course you will find a complete set of recipes for Starters, Side Dishes, Main Course and Dessert.Get started and enjoy!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Paint Tool SAI basics" |
"This class is for everybody that wants to learn about Paint Tool SAI, especially begginers. In it, I'll teach you about the tools, the colors, the panels, some of the shortcuts, how to make selections and masks, and, finally, how this software has a compatibility with Adobe Photoshop. If you are an advancedconnoisseur of this software and still manages to learn one thing or two, then I gladly achieve my objetive. The topics are:- Paint;- Colors;- Shortcuts;- Selection;- Masks;- Compatibility with Adobe Photoshop.Time to learn!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Toon Boom Studio (complete)" |
"This class is for everybody that wants to learn about Toon Boom Studio, since begginers to more advanced animators. In it, I'll teach you about the tools, the timeline and its elements, the menus, the panels, some of the shortcuts, and, finally, how you can make a frame by frame animation and a cut-out animation. The topics are:- First steps and tools;- Timeline and elements;- Menus;- Panels;- Shortcuts;- Examples of animations: frame by frame and cut-out.Time to learn!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Creating compositions" |
"In this class, you will receive tips about creating compositions, like picking it up the size and the aspect ratio, setting it up for the rule of the third (for both the positioning of the objects and the value scale), the overlap, the mess and the tradicional foreground, midground and background division. So, ready to begin explore?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Creating perspective" |
"In this class, you will be ready to create perspective. First, you are going to pick where you want your horizon line and, then, you are gonig to be allowed to choose how many vanishing points you want: one, two or three. Finally, a few considerations about our cone of vision and the distortion that it causes. So, ready to begin?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |