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"Curs de trigonometrie pentru clasa a IX-a" |
"De-a lungul anilor am observat ca una dintre sursele de neliniste pentru absolventii de liceu si pentru studentii de anul I sunt functiile trigonometrice. Din acest motiv am imbunatatit continuu metoda de recapitulare a functiilor trigonometrice pana am ajuns la forma actuala, prezentata in acest curs.Am simplificat totul la un singur obiectiv important: intelegerea cercului trigonometric.Am renuntat la metoda traditionala de a enunta formulele si de a le demonstra, inlocuind-o cu o deducere naturala a tuturor proprietatilor si a majoritatii formulelor cu ajutorul Cercului trigonometric. Pentru asimilarea rationamentelor am inclus numeroase aplicatii rezolvate integral. Va recomand sa ascultati enuntul problemei si dupa aceea sa opriti filmul pentru a incerca sa rezolvati singuri problemele. La final aveti posibilitatea sa comparati rezolvarea voastra cu solutia oferita in lectie. De-a lungul rezolvarilor din curs am sa va arat cum sa alegeti metoda optima de rezolvare si totodata veti primi sfaturi despre cum sa evitati capcanele ce pot aparea.Materia predata in liceu este detaliata in cele 10 sectiuni ale cursului, respectand programa scolara corespunzatoare clasei a IX-a, profilurile matematica-informatica si stiitele naturii, dupa cum urmeaza:Sectiunea 1: Introducere. Este o sectiune de intampinare cu detalii organizatorice.Sectiunea 2: Functii trigonometrice intr-un triunghi dreptunghic. In aceasta sectiune vom recapitula notiunile de trigonometrie din scoala generala si vom rezolva exercitii pregatitoare pentru materia de liceu.Sectiunea 3: Incalzire pentru Cercul trigonometric. Aici am propus o serie de exercitii menite sa activeze abilitatile si deprinderile necesare pentru sectiunea dedicata Cercului trigonometric (sectiunea 5).Sectiunea 4: Masura in radiani a arcelor si unghiurilor. In aceasta sectiune ne vom familiariza cu noua masura pentru arce si unghiuri ce ne va permite sa extindem domeniul de definitie pentru sinus si cosinus la multimea numerelor reale.Sectiunea 5: Cercul trigonometric. Aici vom folosi deprinderile construite in sectiunile 3 si 4 pentru a introduce Cercul trigonometric cu cele patru axe: a sinusului, a cosinusului, a tangentei si a cotangentei. Vom invata sa folosim cercul trigonometric pentru a deduce proprietatile functiilor trigonometrice si numeroase alte formule.Sectiunea 6: Aplicarea proprietatilor functiilor trigonometrice. Aici vom rezolva probleme de calcul specifice trigonometriei, vom demonstra identitati si vom calcula sume, aplicand proprietatile deduse pe Cercul trigonometric.Sectiunea 7: Transformarea sumei in produs. Vom rezolva exercitii specifice folosind formulele de transformare a sumei in produs.Sectiunea 8: Transformarea produsului in suma. Vom rezolva exercitii specifice folosind formulele de transformare a produsului in suma.Sectiunea 9: Aplicatii in geometrie. Vom exersa Teorema sinusurilor si Teorema cosinusului.Sectiunea 10: Exersare pentru Bac. Vom rezolva exercitii specifice probei de matematica a Examenului de Bacalaureat, culese din primul meu curs Udemy - ""Curs complet de matematica pentru Examenul de Bacalaureat""De-a lungul carierei mele de profesor, am reusit sa generez entuziasm pentru trigonometrie atat in randul liceenilor de clasa a IX-a, cat si printre studentii din anul I de facultate. Astfel, am folosit intreaga mea experienta pentru a crea cea mai usoara si la indemana metoda de a intelege in profunzime trigonometria. Te astept la curs!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Limite de functii - Metoda usoara" |
"Functiile sunt o notiune fundamentala a matematicii moderne. Daca initial sunt studiate din punct de vedere cantitativ, incepand cu clasa a zecea, proprietatile calitative ale functiilor devin obiectul principal de studiu in matematica. Analiza matematica se ocupa exclusiv de studiul calitativ al functiilor, de dezvaluirea personalitatii fiecareia dintre ele. Cu ajutorul Analizei matematice, vom reusi sa modelam matematic probleme din viata reala si sa le rezolvam folosind instrumente matematice. Pentru a ajunge insa la modelare matematica, trebuie sa deprindem calculul limitelor de functii, acestea fiind pentru analiza matematica ceea ce este tabla inmultirii pentru aritmetica.De-a lungul anilor de predare, am observat cum multi studenti si elevi deopotriva, se instraineaza de analiza matematica, pierzand legatura cu proprietatile functiilor. Analiza matematica nu reprezinta un sistem de formule si algoritmi de calcul. Din contra, aceste formule si aceste procedee apar ca urmare a observarii unor trasaturi comune intre comportamentul unor functii noi cu acela al unor functii deja cunoscute.In consecinta am structurat acest curs in trei parti:Partea I (Sectiunea 2): Folosind reprezentarile geometrice ale graficelor functiile fundamentale ca model si comportamentul asimptotic al acestora ca instrument, vom deprinde notiunea de limita a unei functii intr-un punct sau la infinit.Partea a II-a (Sectiunile 3-9): Folosind operatiile cu limite de functii ne vom forma abilitati de calcul.Partea a III-a (Sectiunea 10): Regulile l'Hospital-Bernoulli vin ca o completare a abilitatilor deja formate.Bonus: Cu ajutorul calculului limitelor de functii vom observa comportamentul asimptotic al unor functii noi."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Evaluare Nationala 2020 - Geometrie in plan" |
"Prin cursul ""Evaluare Nationala 2020 - Geometrie in plan"" mi-am propus sa ofer o metoda rapida de a recapitula notiunile de geometrie in plan necesare pentru sustinerea Examenului de Evaluare Nationala. Pentru o buna familiarizare cu conditiile de examinare, am ales exemplele prezentate in curs dintre problemele date la examenele din anii trecuti."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Accounting Software Bean Balance - SAAS based Accounting" |
"Bean Balance is primarily targeted to UK Businesses but anyone can use the simple interface in Demo mode to do their accounting for free. This tool helps in dealing with daily Accounting processes like creating Journal Entries, Income Expense Sheets, Balance Sheets. You can also use Bean Balance to Create and Send Invoices to customers. You can also integrate your Banking Account with Bean Balance and keep track of Bank Account. Other than that you can also ask your customers to Pay Online with the help 3rd Party Payment processors which can be integrated inside Bean Balance. This course is for Business Administration and Accounting Students and Corporate Employees who want to learn about Accounting with the powerful SAAS based Accounting and Invoicing software Bean Balance. In short you will learn A-Z of using Bean Balance for all Accounting, Sales Invoicing, Purchase Tracking, Bank Account Tracking. You can also accept Online Payments. This will help you to manage your business and financials in a greater way and increase Financial Strength for your business.The Topics we have covered in the Bean Balance Course are Accounting Concepts, User Interface & Settings, Customers & Vendors, Invoices, Accounting, Transactions, Payroll and Reports"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Accounter Live - Master the Accounting Software" |
"This course will help you to manage your business and financials in a greater way and increase Financial Strength for your business. In short you will learn A-Z of using Accounter Live for all Accounting, Sales Invoicing, Purchase Tracking, Bank Account Tracking. This course is for Business Administration and Accounting Students and Corporate Employees who want to learn about Accounting with the powerful SAAS based Accounting and Invoicing software Accounter Live. This tool helps in dealing with daily Accounting processes like creating Journal Entries, Income Expense Sheets, Balance Sheets. You can also use Accounter Live to Create Invoices, Retainer Invoices and Sales Order for customers. You can also update your Banking Account Books with Accounter Live and keep track of Bank Account. The Topics we have covered in the Accounter Live Course are Cloud Accounting Concepts, Accounting Concepts, User Interface, Company, Vendor, Inventory, Client, Banking, Tax, Accounting, Payroll and Reports."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to Bitrix24 CRM" |
"The Topics we have covered in the Bitrix24 CRM Course are deep insight to User Interface, Settings, working with Leads/Contacts/Companies and Campaign, working with Sales Funnel, Billing and Invoicing, Tasks and Calendars, Call Logs and Customer Support. This course is for Business Administration Students and Corporate Employees who want to learn about Customer Relationship Management with the powerful SAAS based CRM software Bitrix24 CRM. This tool helps in dealing with daily business processes like managing Projects, Tasks, Campaigns, EMails, Support Centre, Sales Funnels etc. If you are a Sales Professional the with the help of Bitrix24 CRM you can efficiently follow Leads and convert them into Deals by sending Quotations. After that when the Purchase Order gets sanctioned by the Client you can also send an Invoice from a Central Control Panel. If you are a Marketing Professional with the help of Bitrix24 CRM you can efficiently create Campaigns and Promotional Projects and collaborate with others online and execute those projects. The system helps you to efficiently create campaigns and follow things up. If you are Support/Service Personnel with the help of Bitrix24 CRM you can efficiently follow up various Support Issues and Service Requests that has been generated by your customers. The system helps you to efficiently manage customer specific support request. If you are a Management Professional with the help of Bitrix24 CRM you can efficiently follow activities undertaken by various departments and pull reports on Work Progress and Sales Funnel etc. The system helps you to track all your employees business activities and progress from a central interface."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Zoho CRM - The Ultimate Guide on Zoho CRM" |
"Looking for a better way to manage and grow your business? Customer relationship management (CRM) software can surely be a great help. Lets how you could utilize the features of Zoho CRM software effectively through this training. Zoho CRM is the name of an on-demand, SaaS-based CRM software designed to manage sales, marketing, contacts, customer support and other business functions. In this course, we will be learning the followings: Introduction to Customer Relationship Management , Overview of Zoho CRM , Pricing & Account Activation , Learn the User Interface , Working with Vendors & Purchase Order , Working with Products , Working with Campaigns , Working with Price Books , Working with Leads , Working with Deals & Quotes , Working with Sales Order & Invoices , Working with Activities & Projects."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Zoho Books - Master the Accounting Software" |
"The Topics we have covered in the Zoho Books Course :- User Interface , Settings , Products , Contacts , Sales Invoicing ,Purchase Expense Entries and Tracking , Chart of Accounts , Creating Timesheets and Invoices for hour Based Projects and Exporting Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Trial Balance Reports. This course is for Business Administration and Accounting Students and Corporate Employees who want to learn about Accounting with the powerful SAAS based Accounting and Invoicing software Zoho Books. This tool helps in dealing with daily Accounting processes like creating Journal Entries, Income Expense Sheets, Balance Sheets. You can also use Zoho Books to Create and Send Invoices, Retainer Invoices and Sales Order to customers. You can also integrate your Banking Account with Zoho Books and keep track of Bank Account. Other than that you can also ask your customers to Pay Online with the help 3rd Party Payment processors which can be integrated inside Zoho Books. In short you will learn A-Z of using Zoho Books for all Accounting, Sales Invoicing, Purchase Tracking, Bank Account Tracking. You can also accept Online Payments and also do Time Based Project Invoicing. This will help you to manage your business and financials in a greater way and increase Financial Strength for your business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Interactive Apps using VueJS, Vuex and VueRouter" |
"The training will include the following; What is VueJS and Why would you use it? , Setting our project , Vue js Fundamentals , The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates ,directives etc) , Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements), Vue Event Listener , Using Components , Binding to Form Inputs , All about Directives, Filters and Mixins , How to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and Transitions , How to create an awesome Single-Page- Application (SPA) with Routing , How to improve State Management by using Vuex and Build your own portfolio using vue.js. Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. This interface offers a structural outline for interactive web applications. Lets go through a Vue.js training to learn about how it works, and what it can offer us."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer" |
"The training includes the following:- Introduction to the course , AWS Overview , AWS Storage(S3,Glacier) and Content Delivery Network(Cloudfront) , Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) , Route 53(DNS Service of AWS) , Database on AWS, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), Application Services(SQS,SWF,SNS) , Real world scenario Creating a high available website and Exam tips. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon .Web services are also referred to as cloud services or remote computing services. This training is for to get complete hands-on training covering the exam essentials."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma Applications in Information Technology" |
"Lean Six Sigma Application in Information Technology is an industry-specific course on the application of Lean Six Sigma in Information Technology. Lean Six Sigma is a program that solves process defects using waste elimination. This appeals to IT workers, as they simply dont have the time to delve into lengthy projects often offered by traditional Six Sigma programs. Lean Six Sigma is the combination of Lean Practices and Six Sigma quality improvement methodologies aimed with the ultimate goal of reducing waste while increasing profits and efficiency. This course has been created to provide you the best Six Sigma Lean tools and techniques to augment the ability of any IT company. From software creation utilizing Agile and Lean methods to governance frameworks, such as ITIL, Lean Six Sigma is a potent model that gives you an incredible value in the Information Technology or IT industry.The training will help you learn about :- How Lean Six Sigma helps in Information Technology , Different forms and drivers of Waste , Introduction to Seven Levers , Lean Six Sigma Success factors"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Migration - Build a Cloud migration Plan" |
"The training will include Defining the Migration Bubble , Overview of the AWS migration Methodology , AWS Migration considerations , Build Migration Plan , Estimating Total cost for Migration , AWS quick walk through , Virtual Machines provisioning and Migration service and Lessons learned.Cloud Computing is hottest buzzwords now a days. Everyone in industry is talking about cloud. This course is for anyone with IT background or who has some computer knowledge and interested to understand what it is and how it works.this course contents are designed for candidates who are looking for clear understanding on the overview of how to create VM & migrate existing Services to the Cloud with some practical interfaces."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate 2018" |
"The training will start with an AWS Overview and Identity Access Management(IAM). We will gradually move to understand AWS Storage(S3,Glacier) and Content Delivery Network(Cloudfront) along with Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2). The important aspects of the course like Route 53(DNS Service of AWS), Database on AWS, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), Application Services(SQS,SWF SNS) will be taken there after. Finally, we will be Creating a high available website in a real world scenario. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon com. Web services are also referred to as cloud services or remote computing services. This training is for to get complete hands-on training covering the exam essentials."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Project Cost and Estimation Techniques" |
"The training will help you learn about Introductions, Project cost and Estimate when/how/why, Estimating Consideration, Work Breakdown Structure, Critical Worksheets, Drivers, Program Matrix, Budget etc. Estimation is the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that can be used for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable. Project estimation techniques are critical survival tools for predicting when a project will finish and how much it will cost. Estimating duration and cost accurately can make the difference between consistent success and frequent failure."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Melodyne Software for Music Production" |
"This course is for sound engineering and music production students and professionals who wants to learn the software that is used worldwide for Music Recording, Music Correction, Multi-Track Music Editing and Mixing. After learning the software you can correct tones, pitches, tempo, scales and streamline and package music like a pro with Melodyne if you have your basic music theory in place. Melodyne can be used in its Standalone version or also as a Plugin to Pro Tools, FL Studio, Logic etc.Melodyne is a Multi-Track Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) which works on Windows and Mac platforms. With Melodyne you can do professional grade Sound Editing and Music Pitch, Tempo and Scale Correction for all kind of professional music and audio related work. Other than correcting basic pitches with Pitch Editor and doing multitrack editing of music with the Multi-Track Notes Editor, you can change scales and implement complex tempo and sound correction and sound effects. Melodyne also helps you to change the Timber of the sound by giving you the ability to change the Harmonics of Sounds and Notes.In this Melodyne Basic course we have covered all the basic aspects of Melodyne where you get a detailed look at working with the Notes Editor. The following modules for Melodyne have been covered in this course: Systems and GUI OverviewBasic SettingsPitch ToolPitch MacroTiming ToolAmplitude ToolFormant ToolNote Separation ToolMain Tool"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Avid Media Composer" |
"This course is for students and professionals who wants to learn the software that is used worldwide for video Editing. After learning the free software you can edit voice and music like a pro with Avid media composer, a software which is immensely popular worldwide. In this course we have covered the basics of editing with Avid where you get a detailed look at the workings of the interface and learn how to do Basic Edits and apply Transitions. The following modules have been covered in this course: Introduction to Avid and OverviewWorking with Project SettingsOverview of User InterfaceWorking with System SettingsWorking with Time Line & Monitor SettingsWorking with Video ImportsLearning Media OrganisationLearning Timeline OrganisationLearning Basic EditingWorking with TrimmingWorking with Keyboard Shortcuts & CustomizationWorking with Quick TransitionWorking with Wipe transitions"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sybase ASE 2019 - The Complete Guide to Sybase" |
"Sybase ASE is a relational database management system or RDBMS used for performance and stability. After completing the course you will be able to install and configure sybase and troubleshoot the installation and configuration issues by yourself. You will learn to install Sybase and Learn to validate the installation. In this course, Learn to start/stop ASE, Learn to configure it to automatic start/stop. Understand the variables are used by ASE. Learn to configure sybase on external network interfacesLearn to troubleshoot some common problems with installation or configurationLearn to install Interactive SQL on WindowsLearn to work with configuration files"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PySpark Developer for Big Data Analysis - Hands on Python" |
"This course will teach you the power of Python in the Spark ecosystem. You will understand Spark system and Python environment for Spark. Apache Spark is an open source framework. This course starting point to learn about in memory big data analysis tool Apache Spark. Code in Python against Spark. Transformation, Actions and Spark Monitoring. Learn about Apache Spark and the Spark architecture. You will get familiar with the modules available in PySpark. You will learn how to abstract data with DataFrames and apabilities of PySpark. Create and explore various APIs to work with Spark DataFrames. Build and interact with Spark DataFrames using Spark SQL."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Criando extenses/apps para o chrome do bsico ao avanado" |
"J parou para se perguntar como funciona aquela extenso no seu chrome? O que tem por trs dela e o que ela poderia fazer?Qualquer um pode criar extenses para chrome, com a orientao certa e um pouco de prtica voc pode at ganhar dinheiro com suas extenses. Quer aprender tudo isso? Esse curso para voc ento, vai te ensinar exatamente o que preciso para voc alcancar o objetivo de ter sua prpria extenso. Seja para um motivo bobo como ter seu facebook de outra cor como para funes mais avanadas como o que sua mente conseguir imaginar.No hora de ficar parado, hora de voc ir para o prximo nvel!Mais um comentrio antes de ir para o que vai ser abordado, voc conhece o Grammarly, ela uma extenso para chrome, sabe quanto os donos ganham por usurio ao ms? 30 dlares agora imagine voc com uma extenso que ajuda os usurios do chrome a fazer algo, cobrando por isso. No seria o paraso? Bom chega de conversa e vamos aos fundamentosFundamentos bsicos de estruturaCriao do manifestoAplicao pratica do uso de:Browser Action'sContent ScriptsBackground ScriptsDesenvolvimento de um relgioDesenvolvimento de uma aplicao para trocar cores do FacebookDesenvolvimento de uma aplicao para salvar imagens do InstagramDesenvolvimento de uma aplicao com login e registro(Aplicao pratica de criao de backend em nodejs)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Exterior 3D Rendering with 3ds Max + Corona 3, Fastest Way!" |
"About This Course:When Ifirst decided to made this course, I designed it to bring fast learning to basic 3ds Max users, SketchUp users, and complete newcomers to 3d rendering alike . There are not a lot of tutorials out there on the internet, that teach the Method of the PROs for learning to Model and Render houses and architectural structures from zero, professionaly.So, I created this course, and designed it to not teach you 3ds max as a generalist, but more with a concentrated focus on Architectural Modeling, fast modeling techniques, understanding a Workflow and establishing a Method to model ANYarchitectural structure, from zero, with just 2DPlans. Also the ""new""Corona 3.0 rendering engine has started to gain more and more users in 2018, due to its simplicity and fast ability to produce photorealistic images EASILY, to some point beating V-Ray's complexity in producing the same results. That's why Idecided to make this course to make you a Corona PRO in 5 hours.ORIGINAL COURSEteaches 3ds Max and Corona from the very beginning, with a focus on architectural modeling +super-fast Rendering.starts a project from zero, all the way to the end. show the exact workflow that I use daily as a 3d architectural renderings firm owner and professional 3d artist.learn my UI setup, shortcuts, etc (all downloadable for your use)get to download entire 3ds Max files complete with textures, at different points in the modeling process, ready to render.uses 3ds Max 2014 and above, so as long as you have any version after that, you should be able to follow without problems.contains4+ hours of on-demand video from start to finish. if you are an intermediate user, select your topic and start learning at your own level, from beginner to advanced.INCLUDEDCONTENTmy course fills in the gaps of the latest software features, and I'm constantly updating and filling you in with new features and methods to work and render faster.more advanced techniques (i.e. HDRI lighting, direct sunlight, skylight, etc)more advanced and complex projects, I teach you to model any architectural structure in 3d.currently (4)additional projects tofollow along with, including an advanced exterior with completely different dramatic lighting setups.super high production quality 1080p videos.(20)3d people objects, photorealistic quality, INCLUDEDin the course.These can also be found online in public domain.(4)3d cars included INCLUDEDin the course. These can also be found on the internet royalty-free but I have included them for you projects coming soonAbout 3ds Max and Corona 3.0 :Knowing how to use these two applications together is an invaluable skill in the 3d industry. I taught myself how to use these programs since 2005 when Iwas asked to produce an architectural rendering at a graphic design studio, and now I get paid extremely well for my expertise in the field. Idelivery 3d renderings and animations, 3d floorplans, Siteplan visualizations, to architects and large developers throughout the USA. 3d is not just my hobby, it is also how I support my family and bought my luxury 2-story apartment, twoBMWs, 1 SUV. I have worked hard for this and have delivered all my hard years of work and expertise, poured into this course with the fastest most efficient methods for you to learn.I can teach you, and you can start a career in 3d as well. Everything you need to get started is in this course, from the free software demos and the Complete SceneFiles I provide, you will have everything you need to jump-start your career. You just need a computer withWindows 64-bit, and the desire to learn 3d. By the end you will be able to read 2d AutoCADdrawings, import them to 3dsMax, align floorplans, roof plans and elevations, model ANYbuilding in 3d including any architectural details such as arches and splines, chamfering, and filling up your portfolio with polished work. Remember, youdo nottypically need formal training to get a job in 3D, or to start your own renderings studio.No degrees are required, just a solid skillset and fast work method, and a solid work ethic. What it takes is an awesome portfolio, so let's get started on yours today.Some Questions to Ask Yourself:Are you currently in a job you don't enjoy? Jobs in 3d are seriously fun and rewarding! Once you get experience they will be fun ANDrewarding.Are you an architecture student who needs to learn the latest software QUICK, to present your designs properly? To stand out from the others?This course can get you up and running QUICK!, with the latest versions of Corona. Plus, you'll learn it the right way, from a pro. Also I teach you the FASTESTrender settings so you don't have to wait hours for a render, but just minutes.Are you a SketchUp user who wants to migrate into a more robust modeling solution like 3ds Max, and are ready to take your 3d skills to the next level?SketchUp is good at what it does, but it simply cannot produce photorealistic images. It cannot model and scatter Millions of realistic grass blades, either. I teach you how to do all this with 3ds Max +Corona. What about the Forest Pack plug-in?Forget about needing to buy that one, since Corona has built-in tools to scatter proxy objects, which I also teach you in this course. Also, you can take your SketchUp file, then learn to import it into 3ds Max and render with Corona, the most efficient rendering engine for architecture, more efficient than V-Ray at producing realistic results, easier, faster.Are you a practicing architect that needs a better way to portray your designs to clients?If so you've come to the right place . I am an expert at just that an do it for a living.Course Structure (Original 4+hrs of instruction)For beginners that have a basic understanding of the 3ds Max Interface (basic scene navigation, object manipulation, rotation, etc). I show you how to get the software as a free trial. I teach you how to custimze your UIwith efficient shortcuts to optimize often-used tasks. You can skip all of this if you are more experienced.Next we will start with the actual modeling of 2Dto 3DfromAutoCADplans (AutoCADknowledge NOT required!). I will show you different modeling techniques, and we will begin to work on modeling a real-world house. Again, all files are provided, even at different stages of the 3d modeling process.At the same time as we are modeling, I start to teach you the basics of Corona materials, and cameras, so that you learn how to properly frame a shot based on building shape, start mapping your objects as you model them (save time!).Then will go into Corona in-depth settings and start playing with lighting, materials, cameras, render settings, how to optimize your render times, etc.Finally, we will learn how to improve our final images with Photoshop. I give some great post-processing workflows in this course, using masks, blurring, color balance, hue saturation, selective color range, and most importantly, I teach you the method of thinking when you approach an architectural rendering in Photoshop.By the end you will be able to create architectural renderings on your own with a completely professional setup and workflow. Then it is your turn to start practicing your skills, creating stunning work, building a portfolio and landing a job or starting your own renderings company by selling your services online.AFTER THE INITIAL PROJECT- once you have completed your first project, Ialso provide another bonus video on how to change the Lighting fromDay to Cloudy sunset mood, all within Corona, then take it into Photoshop. This way you will be able to provide truly stunning images to your clients / job.How Will you Benefit from This Course ?If you are a beginner, this course will start slowly, guiding you step by step on how to draw walls, then windows, then roofs, then architectural details such as soffits and complex details. I teach you my workflow, avoiding other unnecesary 3ds Max features, and we will take all the steps necessary for you to model in 3d from scratch, and edit your mistakes as well. If you are at an Intermediate level, you can jump straight to the content you want, from advanced modeling to landscaping and complex grass scattering, and rendering hundreds of millions of polygons efficiently to HDRILighting combined with other lighting methods in Corona 3.If you are anExperienced user, take this course to polish your Corona skills to the latest version, and find out how to cut your render-times to a factor of up to 5Xless. That's right, five times faster. Also you can streamline your workflow with my proven method. I show all my tips and tricks that I use every day to produce arch viz projects fast and on budget. You could be producing arch viz renderings from start to finish in as little as 2 to 3 days for your clients/job. There is no need to sacrifice quality and creativity if you acquire the proper workflow which I teach you and know where to find the proper resources for every job, which I also teach you at the end.Ready To Start? What are you waiting for? If you're still not sure, check out my preview videos. Also check out my company, TheRender Cafe, which Ihave owned and operated since 2007. Also, check out my profile to the left and see some of my portfolio renderings. Cool, right? Want to make some of your own images look this good? Let's get started, at your own pace, then take the skills I teach you and practice. ORjust take my base scenes and bring your 3d models from SketchUp / another program and drop them into my scenes for PERFECTLighting and Landscaping ready, every time !Remember, I provide ALLthe files and download links that you need for everything. There are no missing textures or proxy objects, everything is there, PLUS: + You get (20) photorealistic 3D-People to use in your own scenes!+ (3)photorealistic high-poly Car Models+ (8)foliage items from photo-real Trees to Grasses and Flowers.Come with nothing, leave with TWO finished projects(different skies / mood shots), a set of 3d items to dress up your 3dExterior scenes, and a great knowledge base.Start your 3d Career Today! PURCHASE THE COURSE.*A 4+ hr training for $49.99 is a pretty good deal. Sure beats a semester at community college :)*30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked! (If you hate it, get a refund)-CharlesPerezProfessional 3DArtist CEOand Founder, The Render Cafe"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diventa vetrinista professionista" |
"Con questo corso imparerai ad utilizzare appieno tutti gli strumenti del vetrinista, sarai in grado di vestire un manichino e di comporre una vetrina. Vestirai vari manichini con abiti uomo e donna, conoscerai le tipologie diverse e le funzionalit di pi manichini, ti render autonomo nella costruzione della tua vetrina"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Il marketing con la PNL" |
"La Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL) una scienza che studia i comportamenti delle persone di successo, analizzandone i modelli ed estraendone le tecniche pratiche da insegnare per superare qualsiasi situazione (Vita Lavoro Successo).Attualmente una delle scienze pi avanzate e utilizzate in tutto il mondo da consulenti, manager, sportivi, esperti di formazione, studiosi e comunicatori di professione per massimizzare le loro prestazioni.AL TERMINE DEL CORSO SAPRETE COME: Utilizzare i principi della comunicazione cos da farlo con maggiore chiarezza e fluidit Migliorare i rapporti interpersonali Cogliere le esigenze inespresse, i desideri, i timori e le perplessit dellinterlocutore Scegliere le parole giuste in ogni circostanza."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Corso di autostima" |
"Questo non solo un corso da vedere e ascoltare, ma un corso PRATICO, che ti consentir di verificare personalmente i metodi di PNL (programmazione neurolinguistica), Mental Coaching, Counseling e altri appresi nel mio lungo percorso di studi e sperimentazione, che potrai usare tranquillamente in ogni area della tua vita."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Allestimento negozi" |
"Se siete interessati a conoscere i trucchi ed avere consigli sul come allestire ed avviare il vostro negozio nel modo pi congeniale allattivit che svolgete, questo corso fa per voi!Al termine del corso sarete in grado di conoscere liter procedurale per aprire la vostra nuova attivit ed il modo migliore per renderla accattivante nei confronti dei vostri clienti.In particolare date le prime nozioni generali, ma da non sottovalutare, verranno fatti degli approfondimenti su singole attivit commerciali quali:- il negozio di abbigliamento- il minimarket- il bar- il ristorante - il negozio di scarpe e borse- il negozio pet shop"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso di astrologia" |
"Il corso di Astrologia si rivolge a tutti coloro che sono incuriositi dallastrologia e da come questa antichissima disciplina permetta di descrivere e delineare molti aspetti della nostra personalit.Lezione dopo lezione, il fruitore imparer a interpretare la complessa struttura della carta natale, a partire dal significato e dalla simbologia dei dodici segni zodiacali, attraverso il linguaggio dei pianeti e delle case astrologiche, per arrivare a una visione dinsieme che, arricchita dalla creativit personale, si tradurr nellaffascinante lavoro di decodifica del tema natale."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Personal Shopper" |
"Un personal shopper, un consulente per gli acquisti, cio una persona che dietro pagamento aiuta altre persone a scegliere e a comprare oggetti di vario tipo: abbigliamento, oggetti di arredamento, regali per le ricorrenze, ecc. Il personal shopper, pu accompagnare la clientela per i negozi, oppure acquistare gli oggetti per conto loro. Questa figura professionale svolge inoltre il compito di un vero e proprio consulente d'immagine per la sua clientela.Il corso di personal shopper vi guider nello svolgere questo lavoro e vi dar le basi per poter svolgere al meglio il consulente d'immagine.Questo corso altres indicato per chi appassionato di moda e vorrebbe accrescere le proprie conoscenze nell'ambio del personal shopping, non necessariamente per esigenze lavorative."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Fiori di Bach" |
"Le essenze dei Fiori di Bach hanno la qualit e la capacit di cambiare un'emozione negativa in una positiva. Le emozioni negative non vengono soppresse, ma trasformate nell'opposto stato emotivo positivo, ad esempio la paura del fallimento nella fiducia in se stessi o l'impazienza in calma e tranquillit.Il presente Videocorso offre una guida generale della vita e dellopera del Dr. Edward Bach e si rivolge in maniera particolare a tutti coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta ai Fiori di Bach."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Confezione sartoriale di una gonna" |
"Non avete mai sognato di indossare degli abiti su misura realizzati da voi?Il Corso di confezione sartoriale di una gonna pu soddisfare le vostre esigenze.Le lezioni sono rivolte a chiunque sia interessato al mondo della sartoria, ma non ha mai approfondito la materia.Non sono necessarie competenze specifiche, il corso illustra infatti come realizzare una gonna in tutte le sue componenti.Grazie a queste lezioni sarete dunque in grado di confezionare una gonna partendo da un cartamodello esistente, rendendola su misura per voi"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso di riparazioni sartoriali" |
"A chi non mai capitato di trovare in casa un capo che non andasse pi bene, senza sapere come rimediare?Queste lezioni fanno al caso vostro.Il corso di riparazioni sartoriali rivolto a chiunque voglia approcciarsi al mondo della sartoria per la prima volta o abbia una conoscenza minima delle tecniche sartoriali e le voglia approfondire.Il corso composto da 8 video-lezioni e 8 corrispondenti dispense in pdf, il tutto esaminato utilizzando come esempio la categoria merceologica della gonna. Al termine del percorso sarete in grado di utilizzare una macchina da cucire uso-famiglia, con le sue funzioni principali e di effettuare piccole riparazioni in autonomia, con la soddisfazione che ne deriva."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Alimentazione e salute" |
"Una dieta bilanciata, combinata a uno stile di vita attivo che prevede la pratica quotidiana di attivit fisica, aiuta a mantenere un peso corporeo adeguato, permettendo una crescita pi armoniosa da un punto di vista fisico e pi serena da un punto di vista psicologico. Questo corso si rivolge a tutti coloro che vogliono ritrovare e/o mantenere la salute grazie ad un corretto stile alimentare."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"corso di Public Speaking" |
"Il corso di public speaking permette di ottenere risultati sicuri nel proprio approccio alla comunicazione efficace in pubblico.La paura di parlare in pubblico uno dei disagi pi comuni. Dover parlare davanti ad un pubblico, oppure dover esprimere la propria idea davanti ad un gruppo di persone genera in molti ansia ed agitazione. Ogni occasione della nostra vita riconducibile, per, sempre alla comunicazione.La nostra realizzazione, sia in campo lavorativo sia in quello privato, collegata strettamente alla nostra capacit di comunicare con efficacia chi siamo, che cosa vogliamo, in che cosa crediamo.Le opportunit per parlare in pubblico sono molteplici: un esame da sostenere allUniversit, un colloquio di lavoro, una relazione da esporre al capo in ufficio, un prodotto o servizio da presentare in pubblico.Attraverso video-lezioni e relativi PDF vengono esposte tecniche e strategie pi all avanguardia per gestire al meglio la propria emotivit, vincere la paura di parlare davanti ad un pubblico, e migliorare la forza persuasiva del discorso.La nostra realizzazione, sia in campo lavorativo sia in quello privato, collegata strettamente alla nostra capacit di comunicare con efficacia chi siamo, che cosa vogliamo, in che cosa crediamo.Le opportunit per parlare in pubblico sono molteplici: un esame da sostenere alluniversit, un colloquio di lavoro, una relazione da esporre al capo in ufficio, un prodotto o servizio da presentare in pubblico.A chi si rivolge:Il corso indicato a tutti coloro che necessitano nel loro lavoro, di comunicare efficacemente e senza timore, o sentono lesigenza di migliorare la propria capacit di comunicazione: professionisti, insegnanti, attori, speakers, studenti, manager, politici."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |