Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Corso di cucina" |
"Un corso adatto a chi vuole imparare a cucinare, anche con una spesa limitata, creativit e semplicit sono le doti del corso, potrete preparare piatti gustosi per ogni circostanza e in poco tempo.I piatti proposti nei video, sono facili da preparare, ed in grado di valorizzarne il gusto e l'aspetto, grazie all'accostamento originale di ingredienti e sapori."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"corso Rendering fotorealistico con Rhinoceros" |
"Rhinoceros uno dei programmi pi utilizzati per progettare e produrre oggetti tridimensionali. Con V-Ray for Rhino sar possibile ottenere risultati fotorealistici, sfruttando in pieno la potenza del motore di Rendering tra i pi famosi al mondo.Il video corso di rendering fotorealistico adatto a chiunque possieda delle conoscenze di base di modellazione tridimensionale e voglia imparare a renderizzare i propri lavori per comunicare le proprie idee a chiunque le osservi."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Interior Design" |
"Se volete ristrutturare casa, una stanza oppure vi interessa approfondire i temi legati agli ambienti che giornalmente viviamo, o perch no ne farne una professione, questo corso fa per voi! un corso pratico e comprensibile a tutti, non sono richieste competenze specifiche, perch mira a farci osservare gli ambienti che ci circondano e gli oggetti che li compongono, le dimensioni che occupano, e lo stile che li caratterizza.Al termine del corso sarete in grado di distinguere uno stile dallaltro ed a sviluppare un vostro gusto estetico che potrete mettere in campo per larredo degli spazi della vostra casa."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Wedding Planner" |
"In questo corso verranno forniti tutti gli strumenti e le basi necessarie a svolgere questa professione in completa autonomia, analizzando i diversi aspetti e affrontando le problematiche.Lallievo a fine corso avr le basi per gestire sia laspetto pratico dellapertura di unagenzia, che quello creativo per la realizzazione del matrimonio del proprio cliente."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Corso di telemarketing" |
"L'obbiettivo del corso migliorare le proprie capacit di comunicazione telefonica, utilizzando la voce nel modo pi corretto possibile- Attirare lattenzione del cliente e mantenere alto linteresse durante la telefonata- Saper trasformare ogni telefonata in uscita o in entrata in unoccasione di contatto positivo con il cliente- Sviluppare un adeguato approccio commerciale per ogni tipo di situazione- Sfruttare tutte le peculiarit del Telemarketing per incrementare le vendite"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Il diritto di famiglia" |
"l Corso di Diritto di Famiglia finalizzato alla conoscenza pratica di tutte le problematiche inerenti alla sfera matrimoniale.Esso mira a fornire una conoscenza basilare delle questioni aperte nellambito del diritto di famiglia e delle persone, sia sul piano della crisi matrimoniale che pu portare alla separazione dei coniugi, sia nelle fasi successive ovvero il divorzio e le tematiche relative al diritto al mantenimento nonch quelle relative all'affidamento dei figli.Nell'ultima parte del corso un'ampia casistica si promette di illustrare compiutamente tutte le possibili situazioni inerenti ai problemi della vita matrimoniale."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google Forms and Google Quiz - Beginner to Expert. [2020]" |
"Creating your own data collection formscan be difficult if you don't have the knowledge, time, or money to invest, luckily Google Forms is afreealternative that allowsANYONEto create a data collection quickly and easily. And more importantly, you can view, manipulate, and use the data gathered instantly!In this course you will learn:Creating a new form.Add questions.Edit questionsChoose settings and previewChoose form settings.Preview your form.Sending your form.Pause or stop response collection.Analyze responses.See responses in Forms.See responses in Sheets.Download responses as a CSV filePrinting a form.Print a form and responses.Google QuizConvert a Google Form or Create Google Quiz.Add questionCollect email address and names.Specify correct answers and pointsAdd feedback to answerControl who can respondSend a QuizGrade by respondentCustomize quiz resultsChoose when to send resultsSend results by emailPrint questions or responses So what are you waiting for?Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aerospace Engineering: Aircraft Fundamentals and Advanced" |
"The Aerospace Engineering: Aircraft Fundamentals and Advanced Course is a multidisciplinary course where you will study the aerodynamics, mechanics and engineering of Airplanes and Aircraft. My intention is that you fully understand the main topics regarding Design and Engineering of Aircraft and Airplanes. The structure of the Course is the following: IntroductionClassification of AirplanesAerodynamicsJET EnginesFlight MechanicsPerformanceWe will discuss topics such as Stability, Mechanics and Rigid-Body Physics, Aircraft types and history, Flight Mechanics and Maneuvers, Control Surfaces, TurboFans and much more!The objective of the Course are for you tu understand how Airplanes generate Lift, how the Lift is related to the Drag and how the Drag requires a constant Thrust provided by the engines. Engine types and comparison, which one is more efficient and why? Flight Mechanics and control surfaces and Performance of the Aircraft depending on the Range and Weights. I encourage you to begin this journey to Aerospace Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course feel free to contact me, I will answer as quick as possible!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports" |
"The Aerospace Engineering: Airplanes, Airlines and Airports Course is a multidisciplinary course where you will study aerodynamics, mechanics and engineering of Airplanes, the Operation of Airlines and Airports and what Aerospace Engineering looks like Today. My intention is that you get a good overview to what Aerospace Engineering is Today, focusing on Aircraft Design and Dynamics but also getting a complete insight into Airlines and Airports.The structure of the Course is the following: IntroductionClassification of AirplanesAirplane EngineeringAirline ModelsAirportsWe will discuss topics such as Aircraft types, Flight Mechanics and Maneuvers, Aerodynamics concepts, TurboFan Engines, Airline Models and Businesses, Airport Operation as a function of the number of passengers per year and much more!I want you to fully grasp and comprehend Aerospace Engineering and to break it down from Complex and Broad to Simple Key Ideas. I want you to feel confident when working with Aerospace Engineering projects in the future or when discussing topics with other people.I deeply encourage you to begin this journey into Aerospace Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course contact me and we will solve any questions that may arise!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera Aeronutica: Diseo y Operacin de Aviones" |
"El Curso Ingeniera Aeronutica: Diseo de Aviones y Operacin es un curso multidisciplinar donde estudiars aerodinmica, mecnica e Ingeniera de Aviones y Aeronaves. Mi intencin es que comprendas e interiorizes conceptos esenciales de Diseo e Ingeniera Aeronutica y la Industria de hoy.La estructura del curso es la siguiente: IntroduccinClasificacin de AvionesAerodinmicaMotores tipo JETMecnica de VueloOperacin y RangoProfundizaremos en temas como Estabilidad, Mecnica y Fsica de cuerpos rgidos, Tipos e historia de aeronaves, Mecnica y maniobras de vuelo, Superficies de control, TurboFans y mucho ms.El objetivo del Curso es que el estudiante comprenda cmo generan Lift los Aviones, cmo se relacionan Lift y Drag y cmo el Drag requiere un empuje constante proporcionado por los motores. Tipos de motores y comparacin, cul es ms eficiente y por qu? Mecnica de vuelo y superficies de control y rendimiento de la aeronave segn el alcance y los pesos.Te animo a comenzar este viaje a la Ingeniera Aeroespacial, no te arrepentirs! Si tienes alguna duda durante el curso, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo, te responder lo ms rpido posible."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Astronautics & Space Technology for Future Human Missions" |
"The Astronautics & Space Technology for Future Human Missions Course is a multidisciplinary course where we will study how Humans can go and remain safely in Space. My intention is that you understand the main topics regarding the design and engineering of Human Spacecraft clearly by describing in clear terms the Historical Perspective, Present and Future. The structure of the Course is the following: IntroductionHistory of Human SpaceflightSpace Effects on HumansSpace Suit DesignHuman Spacecraft Technology &RocketsFuture of Human SpaceflightWe will discuss topics such as how Humans reached the Moon, The Space Race, Radiation and Vacuum Effects, Life Support Systems, Spacecraft Design and their Adaptation to Rockets and many more. The objectives of the Course are for you to understand how Humans can go to Space, the design of Human Spacecraft and their safety measures, Rocket concepts, SpaceSuit Design proposals, and in fact to be able to become an Astronaut or either Design your own Spacecraft and Space Suit as a Rocket Scientist!I encourage you to begin this journey to Astronautics & Human Spacecraft Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course feel free to contact me, I'll answer as quick as possible!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL and RDBMS" |
"Basics of DBMSand SQL queries, how to write select, insert and update queries , how to write PL/SQL blocks , procedures , functions and triggers, basics of ERdiagram and designing the table structure from it. Apart from these you will learn about Codd rules and why it is important. Difference between DBMSand RDBMS. Hands on explanations along with assignments forms the course content."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Make An Amazing Music Video - Adobe Suite Masterclass" |
"Are you in need of an amazing music video for your channel but your not quite sure how to make it? Would you like to upgrade your video editing skills for your music videos? Look no further. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know in order to make a music video from the ground up. Weather you are a beginner, or expert this course will have some information to help you out. This course will help you learn how to make an effective storyline for your music video.Learn how to film your videos in a way that makes Syncing them a piece of cake. You will know how to find amazing stock videos both free and paid for your music video!Learn how to set up your project properly and speed up your computer for faster edits.This course will show you everything you need to know about Color Grading and Post Production.You will know how to use all the major hotkeys to improve your work-flow. Learn to make amazing cuts for your videos to keep your viewers watching more and more.Know the best export settings for all of the major platforms like YouTube, Instagram and more!We will cover some basic animation and teach you where to find great templates for intros, outros, subscribe buttons and swipe ups!You also get access to an amazing bonus video that will show you a few tips on how to market your music video in order to get more views!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interview strategies: your strengths and weaknesses" |
"One of the most important questions in a job interview is ""What are your strengths and weaknesses?"".Prepare for an interview.Gain a deeper insight into strenghts.Boost your inspiration by the strengths identified by John Wooden in his road to success in 1948.Spark your sensitivity by learning VIA Classification of strengths and virtues developed by the father of positive psychology Martin Seligman and psychology professor Christopher Peterson.Discover what makes a manager strong, and team members effective at Google.Explore some unique strengths that help you become the best candidate, employee and leader.Create a better understanding of common strengths and weaknesses.This course containing 28 lectures and 5 assignments will walk you through the inspiring projects of the 20th and 21st centuries to give you new insights into strengths and weaknesses as areas for improvement. You will be able to identify your own strengths and weaknesses.You will have an idea about the strategy what to answer in a job interview with examples of answers.You will walk away from the course being more confident, inspired and motivated before your job interview."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Want to GROW with Google managers? Rush!" |
"Do managers matter in the organization?Explore the development of Google's manager research study Oxygen since 2009.What is more effective: a data-driven approach or a mere intuition?Have a better understanding on why two other manager's behaviors were added to the list in 2018.What is unbiasing? How to foster psychological safety?According to Gallup, half of the employees don't know what is expected of them at work.Improve your management skills by getting tips from Google.This course containing 20 lectures will walk you through the development of the research study and after research trainings.You will have an idea of what techniques, models and approaches Google uses to train its managers.You will understand more about Google's corporate culture.You will walk away from the course being more confident how to strengthen your management skills and adapt Google's methods to your organization."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to FAQ the coder's brain?" |
"Are you a coder? How is your personality connected with coding? Can you become a coder having non-technical background?What is paradigm shift?Learn neuroplasticity for developing a creative mind.Why do you need art to become creative?Gain insights from merging of technology with art.Highly sensitive people are the most passionate and creative. How to develop your sensitivity and sensuality to become more creative? ""Creativity is intelligence having fun"" said Albert Einstein. Use the powerful energy of erotic art to induce creativity. Overview of the courseThis course contains 24 lectures and 1,2 hours of video with two assignments helping you increase your sensuality and creativity.Throughout the course we will cover the personality coders have, if their brains are different and how to train them to make more creative. You will gain ideas why coding is more creating than you think. You will boost your creativity by sensual art of famous painters. You will gain insights how to become more sensitive, sensual, sexual, and transmute this energy into creative thinking. You will come to understanding about the importance of positivity for longevity and creativity. You will feel more energized while perceiving positivity in art. You will be able to make a difference after finishing this course."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Innovation & Personality" |
"Learn more how to identify, evaluate and motivate innovative people to boost innovation in your organization.Discover how to boost your own innovativeness.Explore the innovators persona.Create a better understanding about the important predictors of innovation.Gain a deeper insight into the intrinsic motivation as the key resource for innovation.Boost your inspiration by learning how innovators behave in the face of obstacles.Google hires people having ridiculously high standards. But are the most innovative employees conscious and easy to manage?Discover about the most innovative companies in 2019 according to BCG survey.Gain ideas from AI and ML examples of the most innovative companies.This course containing 18 lectures with an assignment will walk you through the connection of innovation with intelligence, knowledge, motivation. You will have an idea about personality and behavior of innovative employees. You will gain more insight into boosting your individual innovativeness.You will have a deeper understanding how companies use artificial intelligence and ecosystems to become the most innovative.You will walk away from the course being more confident how to catch up with Google in the innovative race.From beginner to advanced."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Passions of the soul. Resurrection" |
"Passions make us suffer and can ruin our life.Create a better understanding of human passions.Intense feelings of passionate love affect the brain in the same way as drugs like cocaine.How to transit from passionate love to compassionate?Gain a deeper insight into chemistry, lust and obsession.Why is chemistry not the same as compatibility?Learn about neuroscience of chemistry, lust, love and hatred.Self-love, self- esteem and self- compassion are the keys for psychological well- being and mental health.""An emotion which is a passion, ceases to be a passion, as soon as we form a clear and distinct idea of it."" (Baruch Spinoza).This course containing 22 lectures and 1,5 h of video with 4 assignments will walk you through the understanding of passions that can burn our soul.You will have more ideas about loneliness, isolation, depression, identity crisis and sexual burnout.You will discover how to restore your soul by practicing resilience, mindfulness, compassion, self- love and sexual awareness.By the end of the course you will feel more confident how to apply the skills for personality development, personal growth and personal transformation."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Wave Apps Bookkeeping Course for Creative Businesses" |
"If you're a small business looking for an easy-to-use and free bookkeeping and accounting software then Wave Apps is an excellent option.Wave's cloud-based bookkeeping software including invoicing, expense processing and integrations with payment processors for credit card payments.Wave is an excellent option for the creative business owner but learning the intricacies of a new software can be overwhelming. Combine that with the overwhelm of dealing with accounting and bookkeeping terminology and process and getting your bookkeeping organised can seem out of reach.You could muddle your way through Wave, wondering if you are doing the right things, if you are wasting time on inefficient processes and not adjust Wave to suit your business. Or you could take this comprehensive Wave Apps course and learning everything from setting up the right Chart of Accounts through integrating with PayPal (and dealing with the duplication of transactions) and quick ways to follow up customers for payments.This course is intended for Australian sole traders whether you sell on Etsy or sell a service. It's been designed to cover the needs of creatives, artisans, artists and Etsy sellers as well as consultants, contractors and service business owners. If you're overwhelmed by your bookkeeping system then this course will help you to organise, streamline and automate using Wave. And best of all Wave Apps is free.It is fully up-to-date with all of Wave's changes to the interface from 2020."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Faces - Structures, Features, and Comic book Styles." |
"Welcome to How To Draw FacesDo you ever wonder why drawing faces is so hard? Seriously. We look at them every day. We look at our own, and others. So why is it so hard to draw them? Well, its precisely that reason! We see so many faces every day, and as a species, weve developed uncanny skills in differentiating the minute differences in peoples appearances. So dont feel bad, just realize itll take a bit of extra effort on your part as an artist to really master this topic.This course is designed to guide you through every step in constructing a face. From the structure, to the details, well go over every step together. Ill even show you some tips on how to simplify the process.The attached PDF is designed to be used in conjunction with the video series in this course. Print it out, or draw on it digitally, while listening to the videos. Ive plotted out the units in the following order, but youre welcome to go back and revisit them as often as you like.Warm UpStructureEyesEye BrowsNoseMouthLipsEarsVariationsHairEmotionsWrap UpBest of luck, and I hope you enjoy this journey with me.- Ed Foychuk"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Color Comics - Digital Techniques" |
"Welcome to How To Color Comics - Digital TechniquesHave you been wanting to delve into the world of digital coloring, but are not sure where to start? Have you tried a few techniques, maybe from places like youtube, but found them lacking? If you're wanting to REALLY bring up your A game in digital coloring, this is the course for you! Join me as I go through the units below in real time. No fast forwarding. No quick edits to catch mistakes. Just looking at the REAL process and approaches to having a finished colored piece. This course was created in Clip Studio Paint, but is applicable for programs like Photoshop, and Procreate as well.This course will cover...Understanding LightingFlat ColorsHow and Where to add DetailsCell ShadingHow to use Layer MasksUsing GradientsReal applications of LightingLine HoldsColor HuesPaintingEffectsOther tips and tricks! Join me now, and let's take this digital walk together! - Ed FoychukThe course files (psd, csp) can be found on gumroad, feel free to pm me for directions.Use the code free4students to get it for free!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Animals - Anatomy, Details and Motion" |
"Welcome to How To Draw Animals. Maybe you loved drawing as a kid, but sort of left it behind. Or You've been looking to round out your drawings skills and Animals is the next hurdle on your list. Well, this course is specifically designed for you. An intense, concise, and detailed series of videos outlining the steps you can take to improve your animal drawings. The pdf included is designed to accompany the video series titled How To Draw Animals. To start, we will have 10 animals. One for each unit. But as the months go on, and feedback is received from students, NEW units will be added (free of charge to those who have already purchased the course). At over 5 hours long, this course starting out is huge! I can't wait to see it grow along with you. Our first animal units will beRabbitsRhinocerosGorillasLeopardHorsesArmadilloSharksMonkeyBatsWolvesThe course is structured to have you follow along with it on the pdf. You'll note there are two pages to each unit - one with my sketches on it, and one that is blank - for YOU to fill up! Let's get back to that childhood joy or drawing animals! Won't you join me? Ed Foychuk"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Backgrounds and Learning Perspective" |
"Do you ever struggle with backgrounds and perspective? Maybe you're not completely sure how or where to start? Your fundamentals are shaky, and could really use some instruction. Or you admire a well drawn scene, and wish you could capture that skill.If that's you, Ed Foychuk's new course ""How To Draw Comics Perspective and Backgrounds"" might just be just what you need to help you solve those s obstacles once and for all.When it comes to drawing characters in comic books, animation, story boarding or concept design, understanding backgrounds is critical to drawing scenes that look accurate.Every shape, every structure, every part of the scene is deserving of accuracy. Sure, you can bend and break rules at times, but you have to KNOW them before you do that.It's tough, to say the least. But learning it is essential to mastering your illustration skills.If you can hack the intricate, underlying rules that govern perspective and backgrounds, you'll be able to produce pieces that can convey any message you want to bring across. And story you need to be told. Imagine, not being afraid of backgrounds, but actually ENJOYING them! That's what this course aims to give you in 22 lessons, spanning over 6 and a half hours of intensive Perspective training. When you get this course you'll watch example after example as to how each stage is deconstructed, then reconstructed. Each demonstration is specifically designed for you to follow along with, with easy to follow steps that clearly show you how to give the basic foundations for your background construction..How To Draw Comics Perspective and Backgrounds covers:1 Point Perspective2 Point Perspective3 Point Perspective4 Point Perspective5 Point PerspectiveChanging Vanishing Points and Varying Horizon LinesDigital Tips and TricksBasic Background Rulesand many Bonus UnitsPerspective and backgrounds is often an area that many artists overlook. It's one they think they can skip over... until they realize they can't. So whether you're a beginner, or further along on your artistic path, if you're looking to improve your craft, this is the course for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drawing and Designing Creatures, Dragons, and Dinosaurs!" |
"Welcome to Drawing and Designing Creatures, Monsters, Aliens, & LegendsHave you ever struggled with creating a creature that looks right? You know, that perfect balance between your imagination, and reality? Something that could easily be pictured stomping through a city squishing innocent masses? lolWell, this course is for you! In this class, we learn how to apply real world lessons to the fantasy. We combine the beasts and legends of old, with actual, practical, examples. So join me, and let's get to creating some really awesome stuff! This course has the following units:Bonus - Paws Claws Talons and HoovesBonus - Simplified Human SkeletonThe MinotaurThe KrakenThe GriffinGogmagog OgreThe CentaurAliensThe Swamp CreatureThe WerewolfDragons!StegosaurusT-RexPteranodonVelociraptor-Ed"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ansys Workbench - Sanayi Uygulamalar" |
"Merhaba,Kursumuzda Endstriyel uygulamalarda mhendislerin oka karlat bir ka problemi, Ansys Workbench ile modelleyerek zeceiz.Plastik blgeyi tanmlayarak, malzemelerin akma gerilmesini getiinde nasl bir davran sergilediklerini gzlemleyerek problemlerimizi zp sonular inceleyeceiz.Plastik ekil deitirme analiziEme, bkme, burkma analizleriSk geme - akma - skme analizleriHiper Elastik Malzeme AnalizeriMalzeme dorulama analizleriMulti-Step analizlerBu konularda gerek problemler zerek mhendislik bilgilerimizi gelitirdiimiz gibi nasl Analiz Case kurulur bunu da detaylca renmi olacaz."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Parametric Design - Solidworks & Ansys" |
"Merhaba,Bu kursumuzda Solidworks ve SpaceClaim programnda Parametrik olarak tasarm yaparak ilerimizi fazlasyla hzlandracaz.Ansys programnda Parametrik olarak tasarladmz paralar sadece bir kere analiz ortam kurarak birden fazla parann nasl otomatik olarak analiz edileceini reneceiz.Montaj ynetimlerinde, daha az para ile oklu konfigrasyonlar oluturarak almalarmz hzlandracaz ve montajmz optimize edeceiz.Herkes iin faydal bir kurs olmasn mit ediyorum.Sayglarmla."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Mekanik Titreimler - Teori ve Uygulamalar" |
"Merhaba sevgili renciler.Bu kursumuzda, titreimin temellerini rendikten sonra Ansys Workbench ile uygulamalar yapacaz. Temel ve basit konulardan ileri mhendislie kadar ilerleyeceimiz bu kursta, mhendislik problemlerine daha doru yaklamay ve zm odakl dnmeyi reneceiz. Titreim ve TemelleriModal (Doal Frekans) AnalizleriRandom (Rastgele) Titreim AnalizleriHarmonic Responce AnaliziFFT ve PSD hakknda bilgi ve uygulamaok Analizlerigibi konular renerek ileri mhendislik becerilerimizi gelitireceiz."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"oklu Cisimler Dinamii - Teori ve Uygulamalar" |
"Merhaba,Kursumuzda bir mekanizmann hareket dinamiklerinin nasl modelleneceini en ince ayrntsna kadar reneceksiniz.Joint (Eklem Balants) TrleriJointlere hareket vermezDOF (Degrees Of Freedom) Serbestlik DereceleriJoint Probe'lar ile sonu almaSonu yorumlamaKtle Atalet kuvvetlerinin tayiniSnrlandrmalarYay ve Damper mekanizmalar tasarmMhendislik bilgileriBunlarn yannda bir sistemin veya mekanizmann analizini yaplrken nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiinin yan sra, Rigid Body Dynamics analizlerinden, Transient Structural analizlere nasl gei yaplacan da reneceiz."
Price: 229.99 ![]() |
"Kompozit Malzemeler - Teori ve Ansys ACP Uygulamalar" |
"Bu eitim ile kompozit malzemelerin karmak dnyasna gzel bir giri yapacaksnz. Kompozit malzemelerin eitlerinin yzeysel fakat neredeyse tamamnn anlatld bu eitimde, elyaf ile takviye edilmi polimer matrisli kompozitlerin ok lekli tasarmn saysal analizler ile gerekletirebileceksiniz. Lamina teorisi, laminat teorisi ve bunlarn mikro ile makro analizini gerekletirip, ANSYS ile pratik olarak simlasyonlar gerekletirebileceksiniz.Bunun yannda Ansys ACP modln de renerek kompozit tasarmlarnz doru ekilde analiz etme frsatn yakalayacaksnz. Eitimler videolar ve materyalleri rencilerden gelen talepler dorultusunda srekli gncellenmektedir."
Price: 269.99 ![]() |
"Become a Master Influencer with Spirituality" |
"What makes Spiritual Healing a Game Changer in Social Media Marketing? While the Masters of Online Marketing have the knowledge and tools to produce logical results online, they are missing the essence of personal connection. This course compliments and Integrates the Business of Selling Transformation. Most humans in this world are looking to escape a situation in one area of their lives. As a Spiritual Healer, not only do we have the tools, but we have the heart and empathy to truthfully want to change lives. We want to experience the power of impact that we can have on a person's life. Some call it fulfilling an Ancestral Calling. Others would say, its about walking in destiny. And, I would say that it is a human need to want to connect and contribute to the betterment of a person and the people in this world. Are you ready to Turn your Spiritual Practice into an Online Business? From the comfort of your home, with a computer and internet, you can begin to build an online Spiritual Healing business TODAY!I am Kareen Williams, I am an Astrologer and began practicing my craft on friends and colleagues. Within four years, I had established loyal clients and was invited to speak on an Astrology panel on my local TV station. I went from an idea to a manifestation. There were many things I did well on my journey, but several things I did not. This course is a methodology that incorporates my WINS and Lessons learned on my journey in Online Marketing. I want to provide for you the convenience of avoiding Entrepreneurship pitfalls. I want to share with you the very formula that supported me to be an Authority in my niche and continues to do so. In this course you will learn how to:- use your personal facebook page to grow your business - convert likes on your facebook business page - create content in bulk work cycles - engage online and influence a following- create a blog/website and collect emails- find popular topics and keywords in your niche- stand out in your niche - define your style and ""swag""- use my four rules to engage followers who want to pay- gain confidence in pitching sales I hope you will join me TODAY on this journey. How powerful you are is in recognizing that the only moment you have is now, if you want to realize your vision in the near future."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Content Marketing Course for TikTokers" |
"Please note: This course, lecture and the teacher is not affiliated with TikTok ; its trademark, business, or standards of operation. Imagine gaining 1000+ of followers without having to hustle on Instagram with ""follow for follow"" or spending your valuable time figuring out content for your Youtube channel. You may be thinking, ""How can I stand out more in my industry when it is overly saturated?""One of the best strategies to gain awareness for your personal or business brand is to dominate a social media marketing app that is new AND growing exponentially. And TikTok is the leading social media app of 2019-2020.Why should you join a new app when you have accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube? Well, the Brands that have some of the biggest followings on these platforms, where creating content when the apps were new and less known. Because of their ability to utilize the platforms early, they were able to be an authority and grow their followers in great quantities. On TikTok, you can begin to grow your social media marketing following and then link your Instagram and Youtube accounts to your profile. Why take this course? This course will help save you time on learning how to use the app. You will also receive Insider Secrets on how to gain more of a following and become what we like to call, 'TIKTOK FAMOUS'. This course is updated frequently whenever there are new trending techniques and changes to the app. All of the information that you need to succeed is available in this course. THIS IS A COMMUNITY...Be sure to send messages and converse with other students of the course. This is a community to share strategies and ask any questions that you still are not getting answers to. Save time with step by step tutorialsUnlock your Social Media Marketing geniusImprove your creativityGain Followers and Fans while reducing stress and having funGrow your team supportAvoid Burnout You have 3 options. Option 1: You can bypass this course. Continue to learn how to swim in the ocean of Instagram and Youtube Influencers. But if you have read up to this point, then you probably are beyond this option.Option 2: You can go and learn how to use the app yourself. Option 3: Take the course, learn the shortcuts to success and if you still do not see results then... GET A REFUND in 30 days! JOIN the Community and grow your fans, followers and subscribers before its too late and the secret is out! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |