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"Python from Intermediate to Expert" |
"RequirementsJust need basic Idea about Python programming.This Course guide you to the advance concepts including reference from basic tutorial.Description I will take your through a series of lectures and tutorials on python programming. I'll be teaching how to program using python advanced concepts in easy way.Python is a programminglanguage is well-known for being easy and simple to use, mainly because it allows the programmers to use a method rich in styles, instead of doing in a complex way. It also features the possibility of extending over other customization interfaces. What we are going to Learn in this Course ?Working with Files and DirectoryWorking with different database [Oracle and MySQL]Exception Handling in PythonWhy Use Lambda Functions ?Python DatesPythonJSONPythonRegExThis course is for: Interested in learning python programmingStudents and TeachersEntrepreneurs"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Working With Python and CSV with Oracle Database" |
"I knew it wouldn't take much code to do this, but there was still a little fiddling around and some odd errors along the way. Anyhow if you want to do this here is some helpful tipsFirstly download the latest stable version of Python. Next download and install the cx_Oracle extension, from Oracle official website. You will then need to download and install the Oracle Client ensuring you select the version specific to your installation ie. 10g or 11g etc. You can get the download from here Oracle software downloads.Make sure that you have the ORACLE_HOME variable set and the bin is in your PATH variable, otherwise you will get cx_Oracle DLL load failure messages.If you have a fairly, long complex SQL statement then encase the query within triple single quotes. It works a treat and takes care of new lines without need for you to do any formatting orstring manipulation. Lets StartNote : This Course explicitly for working with CSV, Python and Oracle . Good Luck !!!Thanks,Arun Ammasai"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Lambda with Functional Programming in Java8" |
"This Course basically designed for the people who has knowledge in prior knowledge about java.We will Cover the Followings in this course , LambdasStreamsParallel StreamsOptional New Interface Concepts Here the Sub Topics we are going to cover in this tutorial , 01 About the Course02 Why Java8 03 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 104 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 205 What is lambda06 Implement Runnable Using Lambda Expression07 Implement Comparator Using Lambda Expression08 How to install Java Decompiler in Eclipse09 Introduction to Functional Interfaces10 Consumer Interface Part-111 Consumer Interface Part-212 Consumer Interface Part-313 BiConsumer Interface Part 114 BiConsumer Interface Part 215 Predicate Interface Part 116 Predicate Interface Part 217 Predicate Interface Part 318 Predicate Interface Part 419 Function Interface Part 120 Function Interface Part 221 Function Interface Part 322 Unary and Binary Functional Interface23 Supplier Functional Interface24 Method Reference 25 Method Reference and Constructor Reference26 Lambda Local Variable27 Streams Introduction27 Streams Introduction 128 Streams Example Part 129 Streams Example Part 230 Streams Example Part 331 Streams Map Example Part 132 Streams Map Example Part 233 Streams FlatMap Example Part 134 Streams FlatMap Example Part 235 Streams FlatMap Example Part 336 Streams FlatMap Example Part 437 Streams Filter Example38 Streams Reduce Example Part 139 Streams Reduce Example Part 240 Streams Filter Map Reduce Example41 Streams MinBy, MaxBy Example42 Streams Limit Skip Example43 Streams AllMatch, AnyMatchExample44 Streams FindAny , FindFirst Example45 Streams Factory Method Example46 Numeric Stream Example 47 Numeric Stream Factory Method Example 48 Numeric Stream Factory Aggregation Method Example 49 Stream Boxing and UnBoxing Example 50 Numeric Stream Map Example 51 Stream Joining Example52 Stream Mapping and Counting Example53 Stream Summing and Averaging Example54 Stream Grouping By Example Part 155 Stream Grouping By Example Part 256 Stream Partitioning By Example57 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 158 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 259 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Use Case60 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 160 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 261 Optional Class Introduction62 Optional Class Example Part 163 Optional Methods Example Part 164 Optional If Present Method Example65 Optional Methods Example Part 266 Optional FlatMap Filter Example67 Interface Default and Static Method Introduction68 Default Method Sort Example69 Default Method Custom Sort Example70 Interface Method and Static Method Example"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda TypeScript do Zero" |
"O curso tem como objetivo ensinar o desenvolvedor a desenvolver com TypeScript, que uma linguagem muito utilizadas em Frameworks JavaScript como Angular e Vue. O TypeScript veio para facilitar a vida do desenvolvedor que no possui muitos conhecimentos em JavaScript.Nesse curso vc aprender TypeScript forma simples, objetiva e do jeito Certo."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"US Mortgage" |
"You might be wondering what is US Mortgage? Why it is important? What role it plays in US economy? Why it is important to learn about US Mortgage? Who should learn this domain? Why they should learn this domain? What is the complete life cycle of the Mortgage, right from Origination of the loan to selling the same loan in secondary market, who are the players involved? What all the processes involved? What all the consumer Affairs Laws & Regulations? And Key Terms and Concepts. The US Mortgage in a nutshellLets understand What is US Mortgage in a nutshell? US Mortgage, in this course you going to essentially learn about what is US Mortgage Banking, what all the risks involved in mortgage banking, What all the different types of Mortgages available in market? As fundamentals of US Mortgage.When it comes to Mortgage Production, you will learn about what all the different processes like Loan Origination, Processing, Underwriting, Closing & Funding. Each process again has multiple processes in order to make sure both borrower & lender are in compliance with federal laws. Lets see what we going to learn in Mortgage Servicing. This section of the course will talk about Loan servicing processes such as Cash Management, Investor Accounting & Reporting, Document Custodianship etc. Also, this section of the course will talk about Loan Servicing Players such as Loan Servicers, Trustees, Paying Agents, Primary Custodians, Primary Collateral Trustee etc.Last section of this course is the more exciting one. This section will throw light on Mortgage Secondary Marketing, who are all players, How the Securitization process is structured? What all the government sponsored entities are involved in securitization process? Which are called private conduits and their role in secondary market.So, who are target audiences? This course is meant for someone who wants to build their career as a business analyst, product owner/manager for Mortgage products, This course is for someone who is interested in Mortgage Business as an investor or financier, This course is meant for academicians who wants teach on US Mortgage domain, This course is prepared for all the people who works in the are of US Mortgage, but do not have complete understanding of how the mortgage is originated and finally sold in the secondary market. This course is intended for anyone who is in finance domain.So, at the end of this lesson, you will be able to understand the whole process of Mortgage production right from origination to selling them in secondary market, you will be able to answer all the questions related to US Mortgage, if you are investor in mortgage business, you will be much comfortable in your decisions since the decision you make will be informed decisions. If you are a product owner for a mortgage product, you will be enhanced with additional knowledge of mortgage.So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enroll this course and learn about anatomy of US Mortgage right from its inception to selling the mortgage in secondary market."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Definitivo de Investimentos para Iniciantes + 7 Bnus" |
"[**Atualmente este curso ocupa o 3 lugar no ranking de pesquisa por Investimentos na Udemy**]O que te impede de comear a investir?Para a maioria das pessoas, o medo do desconhecido o grande vilo desta jornada!Dele, desencadeiam-se outros ""problemas"" como a falta de dinheiro, por exemplo.Mas e se eu te disser que investir muito mais simples e voc pode comear com apenas R$30, voc acredita?Ao contrrio do que muitos pensam, no preciso ter um grande patrimnio para comear a investir o seu dinheiro.Muitas vezes o que falta conhecimento e os profissionais certos ao lado para iniciar a jornada como investidor.Por isso hoje, quero te apresentar o Curso Definitivo de Investimentos para Iniciantes.Com este curso voc vai aprender a investir em:Tesouro Direto Renda Fixa Fundos de Investimentos Fundos ImobiliriosAesAps 7 anos de estudos e prticas no mercado financeiro, este curso foi elaborado para o pequeno investidor.Meu objetivo ajudar voc a aprender a investir de forma simples, prtica e segura sem pegadinhas ou promessas mirabolantes.Sero apresentadas tcnicas utilizadas por investidores experientes, que so referncias no mercado financeiro.J ensinei mais de 42.000 pessoas e tambm posso te ajudar!**BNUSAlm do curso, voc vai receber os melhores ebooks de investimentos:Como escolher uma corretora?Guia Sobre Investimentos em Renda FixaGuia Fcil Sobre Tesouro DiretoFundos de InvestimentoAprenda a Investir em Fundos ImobiliriosAes - Guia como Comear a InvestirAes - Apreenda Como Investir em DividendosEste curso no indicado para:Quem busca ganhos expressivos no curto prazoInvestidores de nvel intermedirio a avanadoGarantia Total de SatisfaoCaso no gostar do contedo apresentado, voc pode solicitar o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Teste Prtico de Investimentos - Nvel Iniciante" |
"Para o processo de aprendizagem fundamental voc realizar atividades prticas.Trouxe questes que temos que resolver ao investir, tenho certeza que voc vai gostar!O objetivo destes exerccios validar o que voc aprendeu nos meus Cursos de Investimentos - Nvel Iniciante.Sero abordados os mdulos abaixo:Introduo a InvestimentosRenda FixaTesouro DiretoFundos de InvestimentosFundos ImobiliriosAes"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Sustainable & Thriving Homeopathy Practice" |
"I wish I had done a course like this before I started my practice 15 years ago. I've learned many lessons over the years and on this course I will be sharing this essential knowledge with you. I will be talking about good therapeutic relationships, creating a welcoming working space, basic business practice, peer support etc. Although this course is directed at Homeopaths there are many ideas that would also really help any Complimentary practitioner. We need to be good practitioners but we also have to be effective at marketing, business and know how to take care of ourselves in the process. Many Homeopaths succeed as Homeopaths but without these other skills they don't sustain in practice. This is a real shame as Homeopathy is amazing and I want to help change this. So please sign on to become a more successful Homeopath."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Journey To Healing with Medical Intuition" |
"This course answers some essential questions about what is Medical Intuition and teaches the student how to begin their journey or deepen their experience of becoming a Medical Intuitive. Through the history of Medical Intuition and some theories of what Intuition is, you will gain a context for your own Medical Intuitive development. In this course I will discuss where intuition comes from; a Divine Source, our unconscious or our previously forgotten knowledge? And look at what do some of the great thinkers and philosophers have to say about Intuition. You will learn ways to deepen your Intuitive/psychic abilities in order to help you on your 'journey to health' and I will talk about how I use Medical Intuition in my practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sacred Relationships; Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Soul Kin" |
"This course is a comprehensive, inspirational and informative journey into the world of Sacred Relationships. Whether you have had personal experiences of a twin flame, soul mate or soul kin or you are interested in knowing more about them or wanting to find ways of bringing these kind of relationships into your life, this course is for you. I will be looking at the history and social context of these relationships, exploring why and how they happen and offering a mediation to connect with your sacred relationships. As a Psychic Medium I have gathered this knowledge through my own experience and the studies I have been drawn to. This work has enhanced my work as a Psychic Medium as I have deepened my understanding of human soul relationships and how the energy of Spirit contributes to the flow of destiny within which we all live."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Awakened Psychic Mediumship" |
"Do you want to fulfil your potential as a Psychic Medium? Do you want to use your gifts and your skills to heal others and guide your own life? This course will help you become a more authentic Psychic Medium and a more authentic person.My life has greatly changed since I started working closely with Spirit. This path has been an important part of my awakening, to the sense of myself blending with the world of spirit and all that is. This is the filter through which I have gathered the information and targeted the guidance for the teachings in this course. Every reading I give, with clear evidence and a heart connection, feeds my soul. With the knowledge that we are spiritual beings in a human form, we need to support each other. As a result Psychic Mediumship is my mission, my purpose. And this course is about helping you fulfil your purpose and for you to grow as a Channel of divine light as a Psychic Medium. I've included the essential concepts of mediumship, from many years of Mediumship training and my own development. At whatever stage you are in your development you will find something in this course to move you forward and to inspire you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maintaining Your Energy as a Psychic Medium" |
"Knowing how to look after yourself as a Psychic Medium, in all different ways, is essential if you want to be successful and happy doing this important work. This course looks at healthy ways to be a Psychic or Medium. Based on decades of experience as a Counsellor and Supervisor, supporting students and as a Psychic Medium myself, I make many valuable suggestions to help you on this journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Love and the Soul" |
"Guide to Successful Love RelationshipsAre you about to enter into a committed long term relationship or are you already in one? Are you in love or hoping to find love and don't know how you can/will be your best? Are you questioning if you have the ability to create a relationship or sustain the one you already are in? Because these are the questions I can help with in this course. We don't always have the advantage of observing our parents happily married and not many people stay in relationships nowadays, so where are the role models?, Where is the Relationship manual?! Using my own experience, and the observations of the couples I have worked with as a counsellor over the years and some theory, I will be able to guide you towards reaching your goal of a long lasting, happy, healthy long term relationship or marriage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Celtic Divination, a course in Runes & Druid Ogham" |
"Once again Rev Linda Rauch has created a very special course. This will further deepen your Spirituality and the tools of Divination. Inspired by the Spirit of Wales, close to her heart, you will be taken on a journey through the symbols of the Celtic Viking Runes, the Elder Futhark and the Druid Ogham, the land, the history and the mythology. Channelled meditations will spark your intuitive abilities to work with the symbols themselves. As a bonus you will be provided with an in depth eBook with MindMaps of both sets of symbols which will help you learn and remember the meanings."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python 2020 -De cero hasta Tkinter, Flask y Django" |
"Bienvenido al Curso Completo de Python, desde Cero hasta Experto. Al terminar este curso completo de Python 2020, sers experto en Python, porque podrs hablar sin miedo de lenguaje de programacin Python, con ese conocimiento tambin podrs crear aplicacin para escritorio, web y adems podrs presentarte sin miedo a ofertas laborales como un experto desarrollador en Python. Este curso completo de Python 2019, esta divididos en 3 mdulos. Mdulo 01:Fundamentos de Programacin en PythonEn el primer mdulo aprenders todo sobre Python Bsico como: las herramientas esenciales y los fundamentos bsicos de Python. Por ejemplo, como crear un programa, variables, operadores, sentencias, programacin a objetos, Tuplas, y muchos ms.Mdulo 2: Programacin para EscritorioEn el segundo mdulo aprenders sobre diseo de interfaz grfica y desarrollando como ejemplo un proyecto real para escritorio. Mdulo 3: Diseo y Programacin WebEn el tercer mdulo aprenders sobre la creacin de aplicacin web y estaremos haciendo ejemplos con proyectos reales usando Django y Angular y otros.Solamente quiero decirte que no pongas escusas, olvida el miedo y pon las ganas de cumplir tus sueos y tus objetivos de ser un programador experto en Python."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de SQLite3 2019 Base de datos de SQLite-Python!" |
"Bienvenido al Curso de SQLite3 2019 Base de datos de SQLite-Python!al terminar este curso conocer sobre los fundamentos de base de datos, tambin conocer las herramientas para modelar una base de datos y herramientas para programar en cdigo SQL con SQLite 3. luego de eso aprender toda las funcionalidades de una base de datos con sistemas de escritorio, web y mvil.Mdulo 01:Fundamentos de Base de Datos En esta unidad aprender a modelar base de datos y codificar cdigo SQL con los dos lenguajes de base de datos DDLy DML. Mdulo 2: Funcionalidades de base de de datos con sistemas En la segunda unidad aprender todo sobre funcionalidades de base de datos con sistemas, como conexiones y realizacin de un CRUD.Solamente quiero decirte que no pongas escusas, olvida el miedo y pon las ganas de cumplir tus sueos y tus objetivos de ser un programador o desarrollado en Base de Datos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python desde cero - Aprende a Programar en Python" |
"CURSO EN LNEA CON ACCESO PARA SIEMPREEste lenguaje de python es mas recomendable para iniciar aprende el mundo de programacin en este curso aprenders los siguiente de python Fundamentos de programacinOptimizacin y manejo de datosProgramacin Orientada a Objetos Mdulos y Paquetes Manejo de Ficheros No esperes ms y descubre por qu Python es el lenguaje de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelante en tu carrera profesional."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso Practico de Django-Crear sitios web Personal y Empresa" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Prctico de Django, el framework web de referencia para desarrollar backends con Python.Me llamo Alex Roel, soy programador Python, Java Este es mi Curso de Django.Ser conciso y claro, el curso tiene un objetivo por encima de todo: aprender practicando cosas tiles y reales. Para ello te mostrar cmo completar dos proyectos paso a paso:- Web Personal: un proyecto bsico de introduccin al framework, basado en la creacin de una web sencilla con un portafolio dinmico y un panel de administrador para manejar los proyectos del portafolio.- Web Empresarial: un proyecto intermedio para practicar lo aprendido e introducir nuevos conceptos, basado en realizar la web de presentacin de una restaurante con varias secciones dinmicas manejadas desde el panel de administrador."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Massagem Modeladora" |
"Este curso prepara o aluno para se destacar no mercado de trabalho, aperfeioando-o para aplicar uma das modalidades mais procuradas, tornando-o capaz de analisar a pele, considerando a fisio anatomia do tecido celular adiposo e a fisiopatologia da HLDG, identificando as causas de disfunes estticas; avaliar a ao dos produtos cosmticos, considerando a fisio anatomia da pele e a permeao cutnea para a potencializao dos efeitos da massagem. Saber executar a massagem modeladora, com segurana e de acordo com a ficha de avaliao, empregando conhecimentos especficos sobre as manobras envolvidas e princpios essenciais de ergonomia, de forma a proporcionar conforto e bem-estar ao cliente; e identificar os principais protocolos e suas sinergias com a massagem modeladora."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Tutorial Pedras Quentes Como iniciar um Negcio de Massagem" |
"A rea de relaxamento e bem-estar no conhece a crise, tambm uma profisso significativa e gratificante: traz confiana e bem-estar aos seus clientes.Um dos maiores desafios de qualquer novo empreendimento saber como e por onde comear;Para ajud-lo nesse processo, dou aqui dicas para transformar essa aventura empreendedora em sucesso.Voc ter dicas como iniciar, executar e desenvolver uma prtica de massagem lucrativa e bem-sucedida.Voc ter todas as chaves em mos para enfrentar esse desafio de maneira brilhante!Com a preparao certa, uma perspectiva positiva e alguma ajuda da tecnologia moderna, no h razo para que voc no consiga construir um negcio de massoterapia bem-sucedido e satisfatrio, seja seu prprio chefe e divirta-se fazendo o que ama."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Entender el mal comportamiento de tus hijos" |
"Es evidente que, en muchas ocasiones, los comportamientos inadecuados de nuestros hijos nos agotan, nos sobrepasan y nos llevan incluso a cuestionarnos como madres y padres. Resultan frecuentes sus llamadas de atencin, que suceden en el momento familiar ms inoportuno, o pueden tomar forma de actitudes vengativas que nos dedican a nosotros o a sus compaeros. Como madres y padres vamos a tener que hacer frente tambin a sus negativas constantes, a su desmotivacin hacia lo que nosotros consideramos importante o a su particular manera de ver la vida, que muchas veces choca frontalmente con la nuestra y con la que creemos mejor para ellos.Quedarnos en una esquina, observando frustrados sus conductas sin saber qu hacer, todava nos paraliza ms y nos deja desconcertados ante qu actitud tomar. Debemos conocer mejor el origen de sus conductas, qu las provoca, qu sentimientos las apoyan para ayudarles a erradicar esos malos comportamientos con los que daan a sus familiares, a sus compaeros, pero sobre todo, a ellos mismos. A veces su rabia les impide sacar esa persona con valores y criterio que est daada, pero que vive dentro de ellos. Como madres y padres debemos profundizar en el conocimiento de sus actos y de los sentimientos que se asocian a sus conductas. Ayudarles a darse cuenta que pueden cambiarlos, superar su rabia y frustracin y transitar por la vida con una actitud ms positiva y tranquila que les har la existencia ms feliz, a ellos y a sus familiares!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin con adolescentes" |
"Eva Bach asegura que la adolescencia es terrible, terriblemente maravillosa. Qu opinas t?A travs de esta gua para madres y padres descubrirs las cualidades de tus hijos e hijas. No dejes que la adolescencia ni las etiquetas que van asociadas a este momento marquen la relacin con tus hijos. La adolescencia es donde florece su personalidad y donde se configura. Si el trabajo realizado durante las etapas previas ha sido bueno, no hay por qu preocuparse por nada. Pero sin duda, eso no implica que no se produzcan dificultades en el proceso, como puede ser la mala comunicacin entre los miembros de la familia. Es en este momento donde la adquisicin de los valores y los roles que representan, se quedan en manos de su grupo de iguales. Hay que confiar en ellos y seguir apoyndoles, a pesar de los inconvenientes que existirn a la hora de entablar una conversacin.Cmo lo conseguirs? Mediante herramientas y mensajes que llegarn al corazn potenciando una comunicacin afectiva y efectiva."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding: The Complete Course Part 1 - Strategy" |
"Youre here because you want to build a strategic brand from the ground up.A brand that sparks interest, connects through emotion and nurtures long-lasting and loyal relationships.Whether youre an entrepreneur building a new brand,a business owner who wants to improve performance,or a brand designer who wants to enhance their work with strategy,this course will teach you step-by-step, how to build a strategic brand from the ground up.What are the common mistakes that nearly all failing startups make?How can you spark your audiences interest and hold their attention?Why do most businesses lose money with their Facebook or Google Ad campaigns?How do you position your brand effectively to stand out on its own?How do you get your audience to feel something for your brand through personality development?How do you develop a brand voice that that makes it easy to resonate through content marketing and social media marketing?How can you enhance your marketing efforts through effective storytelling adapted for modern platforms?If you want to know the answers to these questions and learn the techniques, frameworks and processes to build a strategic & effective brand from scratch then this is the course for you.Welcome to Business branding: The Compete CourseThis is part 1 of a 2 part course where youll discover the techniques and processesthat will allow you to develop your own brand step-by-step as you work your way throughout the course.Youll learn about the importance of brand substance and how most people see through a brands fluff.Youll uncover exactly who your audience is so you can position your brand uniquely and effectively while youll use their characteristics and behaviours to resonate with them through personality.As we move throughout the course, Ill be prompting you to take action step-by-step, allowing you to build a brand with a solid foundation in place, strategically built around who your audience is.Youll then be perfectly placed to express your strategic brand through messaging, storytelling and visual presence, which well cover in part 2 of this course.As always theres the 30 day money back guarantee so theres no risk, if you dont like the content, you can get your money back.I truly believe that the information in this course, will help you to build a brand from the ground up, with a framework that allows you to connect with and nurture your audience to build long-term following and loyalty.I really hope to see you inside"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding: The Complete Course Part 2 - Expression" |
"Welcome to business branding the complete course part 2This is a continuation from business branding the complete course part 1If youve completed part one, you will have already developed a solid strategic foundation for your brand, which we we now look to strategically express in part two.Part 1 is all about strategy and developing a solid and substantial foundation for your brand.We set the tone with the brand anatomy outlining the elements of a strategic brand and where the all fit together before diving into the importance of strategy and strategic thinking.We laid out your purpose vision, mission and values of the internal brand which make up the substance, beliefs and behaviours of your brand before exploring and developing each element of your positioning strategy including your audience persona, competitive research and your differentiator.We developed your brand personality using advanced techniques through the archetypal framework along with a visual representation and tone of voice for your brand persona.In part two, well be taking everything youve created in part one and building on it to develop your brand expression framework which focuses heavily on your messaging and storytelling.We begin with a focus on brand psychology and neuroscience. Before we develop a communication framework, we need to understand what messages our brain seeks out and what they filter out and why.Well look at the impact emotion has on decision making and how the biggest brands in the world use it as a craft.Both our core message and brand story are intertwined and lean on each others to draw the audience in and then nurture them.We look at the advanced frameworks that allow us, not only to strategically break down what we want to say and how we want to say it, but that provides us with a guide for creating advertisements, website copy, email marketing, social media posts and more.Youll discover techniques and processes for developing a premium brand name and tagline before we define your brand promise and uncover its power.Well take an objective look at the visual identity and learn how to inject strategy into its development before we uncover how to build your brand presence using your communication frameworks and digital marketing channels.By the end of part one and part two, youll have built a strategic brand from the ground up. Youll have a brand book that will act as your brand management guide and the techniques processes and frameworks to replicate the process."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp Sfr!" |
"Bir fikriniz var ve 3D modellemek mi istiyorsunuz?Bu belki 3D bir logo, belki ne zamandr aklnzda olan o bir sehpa, belki de evinize ekletmek istediiniz bir otopark.ster fikirden modellemeye gidin, isterseniz grselinizden projeye.Bir ablon oluturun, llendirin, dilediiniz materyalleri atayn, kesitler aln, flycam videolar oluturun.Elinizdeki bilgisayarn nasl dakikalar iinde dev bir tasarm atlyesine dneceini izleyin!****MD YEN MFREDATIYLA!****"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Avanzado - El siguiente nivel del desarrollo mvil" |
"Desde flutter aprende a consumir cualquier API REST, almacenar datos sensibles en el dispositivo de manera segura, crear apps real-time con socket-io, crear tus propios plugins nativos con platform channels, crear apps de mapas con google maps y datos geoespaciales, crear animaciones y widgets complejos, crear un video chat con webrtc, crear y publicar packages y plugins en, mejora tus habilidades de diseo mvil e incrementa tus conocimientos de UX."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Foundation of Digital Painting in Photoshop" |
"In this course, you will learn a technique that is the foundation of digital painting, using the most basic brushes that come with the software.Youll become confident in mastering the process of painting and blending colours in Photoshop.If youre looking to improve your painting skills, understand how to mix colours together and achieve a smooth shading, this is the course for you!Course structure:The course is structured into 10 sections, comprehending 12 lessons, and includes 3 valuable resources to download.Well start by creating our very own colour palette.We'll learn how to use the Path Tool in Photoshop and also discover an alternative method.In the Painting Demonstration lesson you will learn how to approach digital painting and create a colour gradient using the most basic brush, the Hard Round Brush.Then, you will be guided through the painting phase of the drapery.In the Blending Demonstration lesson you'll explore the brush settings to achieve a nice and smooth blending, again using the most basic brush, the Soft Round Brush.Lastly well add some overall details, walk through some colour adjustments, and finalise the painting.Resources available to download:Reference picturePhotoshop document already setup (pencil drawing and paths included)Colour paletteBy the end of the course you will have the knowledge to paint and blend in Photoshop and to take that next step on your career path.The painter in you is about to be awakened! Let's get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide To Realistic Oil Painting - Part 1" |
"In this course you will learn the very basic foundations of realistic oil painting.Focusing on a very classical technique, you will be able to understand the secrets behind realistic painting, and then you will able to paint anything you want using this method.FIRST PART course structure:Well start by understanding the Oil Painting Creation Flowchart.Well explore the materials and the references we need for this course.You will be guided through the sketching and drawing phase.Well learn how to prepare our own support and transfer a drawing on to it.Then, well start painting!Well make an underpainting.You will learn an incredibly useful shading technique for blending colours together.Well make a grisaille.And finally apply a retouching varnish.SECOND PART is currently in production and it will be out soon.Resource available to download:Magnolia branch pencil drawing By the end of the course you will have a clear understanding of the technique I used and be able to produce a black and white painting ready for glazing.So lets get going!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Linux Ubuntu System Administration" |
"This course is designed carefully to be the perfect first footsteps with Linux system , to take you from a fresh knowledge of Linux to complete power managing the system and understanding each and every small detail running onto it . Based on years of experience this course isn't that boring structured scripted one, it's going though a real journey into the system and error handling ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mais de 80% das pessoas dizem no estar capacitadas em digitalizar suas empresas, seja um protagonista na transformao digital, com o curso de FAST MBA de Inovao e Transformao Digital, voc ter contato com os cases mais inovadores e impactantes do mundo, conhecer as profisses do futuro, as novas metodologias de gesto e principalmente ter contato com algumas das mais novas tecnologias.De forma geral, voc ser capacitado por uma das pessoas mais bem reconhecidas no mercado de Inovao e Transformao Digital e ao final do curso dominar os assuntos:FuturismoComo realizar transformao digital na sua empresaAs novas metodologias (Design Thinking, Sprint, Lean, Agile)As novas tecnologias (Inteligncia artificial, BlockChain, Drones, Impresso 3D, Robs, Carros Autnomos...)Fique tranquilo, este curso ir te capacitar caso voc no conhea nem um pouco sobre estes assuntos, o curso feito para todas as pessoas!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking & Experincia do Usurio" |
"Pensar em novos modelos de negcios, estratgia e desenho de servios e solues, sem dvida um grande desafio e que necessita de uma alta criatividade e consequentemente uma metodologia bastante embasada!No curso de Design Thinking & Experincia do usurio, o estudante ter contato com as principais ferramentas para desenho de novas solues e at mesmo com diferentes maneiras para mapear experincia do usurio.Conhecimentos como:CanvasMapa de empatiaCrazy8Jornada do usurioAnlise de errosBlueprintNo perca essa oportunidade de obter este contedo com o professor especialista no assunto e super reconhecido pelo mercado de Inovao e Design Thinking"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |