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"Stock Footage Masterclass - passive Einnahmen generieren!" |
"Lerne alles was es zum Thema Stock Footage zu wissen gibt. Verdiene passiv Geld mit Clips, die eventuell nur auf deiner Festplatte versauern. In diesem Kurs gehe ich mit dir Schritt fr Schritt jeden Step durch und beantworte dir alle wichtigen Fragen. Egal ob du ganz am Anfang stehst oder bereits ein paar Clips online hast - dieser Kurs fngt ganz vorne an und geht bis ins kleinste Detail."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Vesta Control Panel completo desde 0 a experto" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de Vesta Control Panel (VestaCP) completo, desde 0 a experto.Si deseas tener tu propio servidor de alojamiento web y de correo electrnico y al mismo tiempo tener la oportunidad de vender alojamientos web y de correo electrnico, este curso es perfecto para ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y s un experto en alojamiento web y de correo, utilizando VestaCP.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Vesta Control Panel, Web Hosting, Mail Hosting - Apache - PHP - NGINX + Apache - NGINX + php-fpm - MySQL + phpMyAdmin - PostgreSQL + phpPgAdmin - Bind9 - Exim4 - Dovecot - ClamAV - Spamassassin - Cron - IPTables - Fail2Ban - Vsftpd - ProFTPD - RoundCube - Softaculous - SFTP CHROOT - File Manager - Backups"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Pfsense Firewall completo, desde 0 a experto" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de Pfsense completo, desde 0 a experto.Si deseas tener tu propio firewall, mejorar la seguridad en tu red, e interconectar a tus clientes o servicios, este curso es para tiAprovecha esta oportunidad y s un experto en Firewall, utilizando Pfsense.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.PfSense: el firewall de cdigo abierto ms confiable del mundo - DHCP- NTP - SNMP - Routed - Ntopng - OpenVPN - IPsec - L2TP - Snort - Bind - Cron - PfBlockerNG - SquidGuard - Suricata - Syslog-NG - NAT - Virtual IPs - Traffic Shaper - Aliases - Load Balancer - Nmap"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de OwnCloud completo, desde 0 a experto" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de OwnCloud completo, desde 0 a experto.Si deseas tener tu propia nube privada donde podrs almacenar y combatir tus informaciones de forma segura, este curso es perfecto para ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y s un experto en OwnCloud.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Psicologa de Liderazgo, Influencia y Relaciones Personales" |
"Master Training: Psicologa de Liderazgo, Influencia y Relaciones Personales.Sabemos que si estas leyendo esto; ya eres un lder o deseas serlo. Sin embargo, sabemos que deseas alcanzar el siguiente nivel.Imagina los resultados que tendras en diferentes reas de tu vida si la influencia que tienes fuera 10 veces ms grande en este momento. Es eso lo que puedes alcanzar a partir de hoy!En este entrenamiento aprenders los principios de influencia que usan los grande lderes, empresarios, polticos, atletas y dems personas de alto rendimiento. Aprenders a ser consciente de las formas, las intenciones ocultas y los intentos de manipulacin hacia ti. Adicional, aprenders a utilizar stos principios para influenciar a la gente a cosas que ni siquiera crees posibles.Contamos con ms de 25 aos sumados en el rea de desarrollo y capacitacin de lderes y empresarios. Miles de casos de xito nos respaldan en temas de formacin de personal. Nuestras habilidades, conocimientos y competencias estn avaladas y reconocidas por universidades, empresas y centros de capacitacin del ms alto nivel.Este tipo de entrenamientos normalmente se encuentran disponibles nicamente de forma presencial. El elevado precio de los entrenamientos presenciales es una enorme barrera para la mayora de las personas. Por eso hemos decidido crear un nuevo producto online que te permite acceder a conocimientos que de otra manera seran difciles de adquirir. Por solamente una fraccin de su valor real y con las ventajas de poder realizarlo a tu ritmo y desde cualquier lugar.Este entrenamiento es para ti si deseas mejoras en tu energa vital, en tu trabajo, en tus relaciones personales, en tu dinero y otras reas de tu vida. No dejes pasar esta gran oportunidad de ser uno de los primeros estudiantes en obtener increbles resultados.Inscrbete ahora al entrenamiento con la seguridad de nuestra garanta completa de satisfaccin!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cuentos En Francs Vol. I & II. (2 cursos en 1)" |
"Bonjour ! Tu veux amliorer ton niveau de franais ?Ya has aprendido o ests aprendiendo las bases del francs. Ahora cul es el siguiente paso?Cmo mejorar tu pronunciacin y tu vocabulario?No creemos que sea justo que solamente unos cuantos afortunados puedan entender y hablar francs con una buena pronunciacin. Por eso hemos creado este curso para ti.Qu incluye nuestro curso de lecturas cortas en francs? Historias- Videos:Curso 1: 16 cuentos cortos en francs que hemos elegido cuidadosamente y simplificado para estudiantes de nivel bsico-intermedio.Curso 2: 8 cuentos en francs que hemos elegido cuidadosamente y simplificado para estudiantes de nivel intermedio-avanzado.Puedes leer cada una de estas historias en un video que incluye el texto y el audio en francs grabado profesionalmente por Camille (una profesora francesa). Tambin hemos incluido una pequea seccin con el vocabulario ms importante de cada lectura.*Una clase con Camille o con la mayora de profesores franceses profesionales por internet te costara 50 Euros por 50 minutos. El precio mnimo que pagaras por una clase particular de francs de calidad es de 20 Euros.Pensando en que tendrs acceso ilimitado de por vida a todos los videos de este curso, estos estn valorados en al menos 150 Euros. Bonus 1: Herramientas.Mejora tu pronunciacin.Sabemos que leer las historias no es suficiente para mejorar tu pronunciacin. As que tambin te compartimos la tcnica de Shadowing que nos ha ayudado enormemente para aprender idiomas.Traduccin:Qu pasa si hay ms palabras, adems de las incluidas en la seccin de vocabulario que no entiendes?No te preocupes, tambin te compartiremos una increble herramienta de traduccin gratuita que nosotros usamos todo el tiempo y te ensearemos a usarla.Es muchsimo ms completa que el traductor de Google y puedes acceder a ella por medio de su sitio web o descargar la aplicacin gratuita en tu smartphone.ChecklistPor ltimo, sabemos que no siempre tenemos la disciplina y el orden para tomar un curso online y sacarle el mejor provecho.Para ayudarte con esto, hemos diseado un checklist que te ayudar a marcar y visualizar tu progreso y a asegurarte de que ests cumpliendo las metas de cada mdulo. Bonus 2: eBookTambin podrs descargar nuestro eBook con todos los cuentos en formato PDF. Para leerlos cuando quieras y desde donde quieras. Bonus 3: Pistas mp3No tienes el tiempo suficiente para estudiar?No te preocupes. Tambin podrs descargar todas las pistas de audio grabadas en un estudio profesional por Camille. De esta forma podrs escuchar todos los cuentos mientras haces ejercicio, viajas o en cualquier otro momento en el que normalmente escuchas msica.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No lo pienses ms. Inscrbete a nuestro curso ahora mismo con nuestra garanta completa de satisfaccin. No tienes absolutamente nada que perder!A bientt dans la premire leon !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Curso De Francs Para Viajar: Videos + eBook PDF + Audio MP3" |
"Bonjour ! Tu aimerais voyager en France ?Te gustara poder viajar con confianza por cualquier pas de habla francesa?Si ests aqu es porque sabes que entender el idioma francs y poder comunicarte de forma bsica es esencial para poder disfrutar tu viaje al mximo. Sin embargo, probablemente no quieres invertir ni el dinero ni los aos necesarios para aprender el idioma de forma presencial o para recordar lo que estudiaste hace mucho tiempo.Nous sommes Camille et Aln. Y somos viajeros, productores de multimedia, emprendedores y profesores de idiomas con experiencia internacional. Tanto con nuestros estudiantes como en nuestros viajes hemos notado que uno de los ms grandes miedos de las personas al viajar y una de las barreras ms grandes para disfrutar tu viaje al mximo o simplemente animarte a realizarlo es el idioma.-""Qu pasa si no entiendo y si no me puedo dar a entender?""Es posible viajar sin poder comunicarte de forma bsica en el pas a donde vas? Ciertamente. Sin embargo... crees que tu experiencia de viaje ser la misma? Adivinaste bien.Por qu? Por que adems del problema lgico de la comunicacin, simplemente no es posible entender una cultura de verdad si no entiendes al menos lo ms bsico de su idioma. Porque la gente siempre te trata mejor y te aprecia ms cuando al menos intentas hablar un poco de su idioma y sobre todo porque tu confianza y tu seguridad al viajar es muchsimo mayor cuando sientes que puedes expresar tus necesidades bsicas. Adems, esto obviamente impresionar a tu familia o amigos si viajas con ellos, y si viajas solo entonces te permitir conocer personas que no hablan tu idioma.Crenos, nosotros y miles de viajeros alrededor del mundo coincidimos en que poder darte a entender en un idioma extranjero es una de las experiencias de viaje ms increbles que existen.El gran problema es que aprender un idioma de la forma tradicional implica invertir aos y bastante dinero .Por eso hemos creado este curso online en el que aprenders las frases y las palabras esenciales en francs para disfrutar de tu prximo viaje al mximo.Este curso sirve como un libro de frases pero mucho ms completo. Obviamente incluimos un hermoso libro de frases y vocabulario en francs que puedes descargar en formato PDF, pero tambin hemos grabado videos en los que no solamente podrs leer y escuchar las frases y el vocabulario que necesitas para tu viaje, tambin desglosamos las frases para que aprendas las palabras clave en cada una de ellas.Qu ests esperando? Inscrbete con nuestra garanta completa de satisfaccin, y empieza a aprender hoy mismo las palabras y frases en francs esenciales para viajar. bientt dans la premire leon ! - Nos vemos en la primera leccin!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Francs Nivel Intermedio- Verbos y Conjugaciones En Francs." |
"BONJOUR ! Te gustara mejorar tu nivel de francs?Tal vez ya tienes un nivel bsico de francs pero sientes que an no te puedes comunicar con otras personas cmo te gustara. Tal vez ya tienes incluso un nivel intermedio y has estudiado las conjugaciones pero te gustara tener en un solo lugar, un sistema paso a paso con las reglas ms importantes de las conjugaciones en francs para poder revisarlas constantemente. O tal vez simplemente necesitas ejercicios de prctica y ejemplos ledos por una profesora francesa, para mejorar tu comprensin, tu vocabulario y tu pronunciacin en francs.Si te puedes identificar con cualquiera de esas situaciones, entonces este curso de francs de nivel intermedio es perfecto para ti. Objetivos de este curso de francs: Aprender paso a paso las reglas de conjugacin ms importantes de los tiempos y modos verbales ms frecuentemente utilizados en el francs actual.Aprender los verbos regulares ms frecuentemente utilizados y su conjugacin.Aprender los verbos irregulares ms frecuentemente utilizados y su conjugacin.Aprender a buscar fcilmente las conjugaciones de verbos irregulares difciles con una herramienta gratuita en internet.Aprender el uso de los diferentes verbos por medio de ejemplos.Mejorar tu vocabulario y entender mejor las diferentes estructuras de las oraciones en francs.Mejorar tu pronunciacin al escuchar y repetir las conjugaciones y los ejemplos en francs.Adquirir estos conocimientos a largo plazo mediante ejercicios de prctica.Material del curso: Lecciones de video con diapositivas y audio.eBooks de acompaamiento en formato PDF.Quizzes y ejercicios de prctica.Un checklist para ayudarte a visualizar tu progreso a lo largo del curso.Estructura del curso:Este curso contiene 16 secciones. Hemos creado una seccin para cada tiempo o modo verbal.En cada seccin aprenders:- El uso de cada tiempo verbal, con un ejemplo traducido al espaol para entender como y cuando se usa.- Las reglas para conjugar los verbos regulares.- Ejemplos de conjugacin y del uso de los verbos en oraciones.- Los 10 verbos irregulares ms importantes y su conjugacin, con ejemplos de su uso en oraciones.- Un Quiz con diferentes ejercicios para practicar lo aprendido en cada seccin.Tus profesores:Somos Camille & Aln. Somos viajeros, productores de multimedia, emprendedores y profesores de idiomas con experiencia internacional. Estamos obsesionados con encontrar las formas ms eficientes no solamente para aprender, sino para ensear idiomas y ayudarte a ti a aprender el francs actual y a poder comunicarte en el menor tiempo posible. Por eso hemos creado este curso para ti! Hemos analizado, simplificado y juntando en un solo lugar las reglas gramaticales para conjugar todos los verbos regulares en los tiempos y modos verbales ms importantes en francs. As como los verbos ms utilizados, incluyendo los verbos irregulares ms tiles, con ejemplos de su uso en diferentes oraciones, grabados profesionalmente por Camille. Adems, hemos incluido ejercicios para ayudarte a practicar los conocimientos aprendidos. Y lo mejor de todo es que puedes aprender paso a paso, a tu propio ritmo, desde cualquier lugar y con una verdadera profesora francesa.No esperes ms, inscrbete a nuestro curso sin preocupaciones y con nuestra garanta completa de satisfaccin y de devolucin de dinero. No tienes absolutamente nada que perder, y si eres como nosotros probablemente te arrepentirs si cierras est pgina y nunca regresas.As que no lo dejes para otro momento, empieza a aprender hoy mismo a conjugar en francs y mejora tu nivel enormemente! bientt dans la premire leon !Camille & AlnFundadores, FRENCH ACADEMY ONLINE"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
bellarozental3 |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
bellarozental4 |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Formularios de Google, sper rpido, sper sencillo" |
"Formularios de Google es una herramienta extremadamente til para realizar encuestas de todo tipo (en este caso, haremos una encuesta sobre gustos y habilidades que es muy til en la orientacin vocacional).Con el conocimiento adquirido, podremos realizar encuestas para nosotros o para quien nos lo requiera, de esta manera, ser posible sacarle un provecho econmico a lo aprendido.Te lo digo por experiencia: las empresas buscan quien les ayude a conseguir informacin... y estn dispuestas a pagar por ello.Una encuesta bien realizada, nos proporcionar informacin de, entre otras cosas:Reclutamiento y seleccin (yo trabajo mucho en esto)Aplicacin de psicometras (tambin en esto)Orientacin vocacionalEstudios de mercadoSatisfaccin del clienteClima laboralAdems, aprenders a realizar el proceso y la devolucin de la informacin de manera general y particular, lista para mostrrsela al cliente!Empecemos!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"The Complete Facebook Ads Masterclass 2019" |
"Welcome to the Complete Facebook Ads Masterclass 2019If you have control over any business and if you need more clients visiting your store every day by promoting your brand, this course is for you.You're looking atComplete Facebook Ads Masterclass 2019that'll teach you everything you need to do in order to attract new Clients to your store, increase sales, and promote your business and products using Facebook.This one right here is the perfect course for you. Why?With the skills learned through this Facebook Ads Course, you can:GROWyourbusinessthrough Profitable FacebookAdsGENERATE more salesREACH customers/clients (or potential clients) that live anywhere around the globe, in yourneighborhood or in a particular city and let them know about your brand/businessI promise to do everything I can to help you learn all thesemarketing strategies:You Will learn all About Facebook Advertising, the Most Powerful Way to Grow Your Business Using FacebookYou will learn how to use dozens of proven Facebook Ads strategies to skyrocket your BusinessYou will see tangible results by taking action throughout the entire courseYou Will learn How to Reach Hundreds, Thousands or Millions of People on FacebookYou will Stop spending money onFacebookAds that are NOT WorkingYou will increase conversions and sales with real-world techniquesYou will learn how to Create optimized Facebook Ads for your business, investing a small amount that will attract hundreds of new customersBonus: The cost-efficient and most effective Advertising Technique; The Facebook Retargeting Ads that way turn even the last single website visitor to your loyal customer.WHATDOYOUGET WHENYOUENROLL INTHE FACEBOOK Ads Masterclass 2019?Lifetime access to the course and all updatesPersonalized support and answers to your questions30-Day 100% money back guarantee -no questions asked!GETREADYTOTAKEACTIONThroughout the entire course, you'll be taking action!You'll learn the proper techniques and strategies for each section. Finally, you'll take action yourself, and see real results!NOWISTHETIMETOSTARTUSING FACEBOOK ADSTOGROW YOUR BUSINESSWhether you're completelynew to all of these topics, or you use a few of them, now is the perfect time to take action.Do you want more people visiting your store?Or maybe you want to increase your sales and add more value to your clients,or maybe what you want for your business is to create a powerful online presence and to grow your brand reaching thousands of potential customers.Well, you are in the right place!In this course, you willlearn the complete step by step formula to reach people around the world with Facebook Ads.By the end of the course,you will have Facebook Ads running 24 hours a day,reaching potential clients/customersthat are interested in your products or services.We'll defineyour target audienceto ensure that its optimized for your Business and avoiding spending money with Facebook Ads that do not work.You will also learn how tocreate a super optimized Facebook Pages for your Local Business,and how to sell your products, services, and ideas to all your followers.And you will learn how to use andconfigure the Call-To-Action button on your Facebook Page,using it to connect these Facebook fans with your local business.My goal as the instructor is to make sure that you get real results,and to accomplish that we need to take action! And take the right actions, thats why I created this course.I'm sure you'll love the course, and by the end you will have Facebook Ads, generating sales and bringing customers and followers to your business every day.But if for any reason, you do not like the course, you can request a full refund in the first 30 days, no questions asked.Just to recap:When you join to Facebook Ads for Local BusinessTODAY you receive:* Instant access to 1.5+ hours of step by step video training.* Lifetime Access to the Course.* Lifetime Access to the Forum and Q&A section where you can ask me anything.With all this guarantee you have nothing to lose,Enroll nowand let's start using all power of Facebook Ads to generate more sales, attract more followers and grow your online presence exponentially right now!Who this course is for:Business Owners and EntrepreneursIf you have any sort of Business or your client's Business and want to create a powerful Online presence on Facebook, This Course is For You!Small, medium or big businesses that want to increase sales and reach millions of new clients that are looking for your products and servicesIf You are Trying to Create a Presence on Facebook but Your Current Strategies Are Not Working, This Course is for You!If You Have an Online Business, or Local Business This Course Is for You!If you are asking yourself: How can I use Facebook to always find new clients? How can I reach thousands of people every day? How do I create super optimized Facebook Pages Groups for my Business? And How can I optimize my Facebook Ads to skyrocket my results and save money? This course is for you!If you want to reach people around your business, This Course Is for You!If Your are creating Facebook Ads for your business and your Ads are Not Working, This Course is for You!If Your are Trying to Create a Presence for your local business on Facebook but Your Current Strategies Are Not Working, This Course is for You!This Course Is for Anyone That Wants to DOMINATE Facebook Advertising using the most advanced techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - 6 Tests - 350+ Questions" |
"This practice set will help you validate your preparedness for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification exam. It will help you make sure you are ready for the $100 exam prior to appearing for it.This exam validates your knowledge against all the points laid down by AWS:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS CloudThis practice test includes questions that will test all the required skills, help you realize your weak points and strengthen them before appearing for the certification exam. With over 350 questions, this is the ultimate practice test you will ever need before the certification."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"ESP32 - Treinamento Essencial" |
"Esse curso dividido em introdutrio e outros 4 captulos.Na introduo, ocorre um overview sobre o curso, em seguida mostra como feita a instalao dos softwares que sero utilizados durante o curso.Capitulo 1: Conceitos bsicos de microcontroladores, como entradas e sadas digitais e analgicas, PWM, timer, interrupo, terminal, random, delay.Capitulo 2: Protocolo MQTT, mostrando como feita a instalao, configurao do MQTT, conexo do ESP32 ao MQTT e envio e recepo de dados.Capitulo 3: Interface do ESP32 com o Firebase, que nos d a possibilidade de criar aplicativos para controle remoto.Capitulo 4: Introduo ao FreeRtos, o sistema operacional dos microcontroladores de 32 bits. Capaz de aproveitar ainda mais o dual core doESP32."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to secure your first school leadership position." |
"The purpose of this course is to be able to:Shape your practice and professional development as a leader within and beyond your school.Provide clear guidelines with examples of the skills, competencies and behaviours of leaders.Inform of the relevant interview questions that will support your appointment as a school leader.Inform a shared view of leadership and the appraisal of leaders.In this course my promise to you is that :I will give you everything you need to know in order for you to step up to leadership and secure a leadership position.I am sharing the exact method I have used to become a Subject Leader, Head of Department, Head of Key Stage 4 and Lead Practitioner, and, the exact method I will continue to use in order to progress further into leadership.I will deliver as much values as I can in my courses.I offer on this course a wealth of expertise and experience that will allow you to lead, motivate, inspire and teach. What are you waiting for? Get Stepping up to leadership today!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PMP Real test ideas" |
"1. The only source of answers is pmbok 6th edition .2. The question-asking style is simple and similar to the real test questions. 3 - A clear and comprehensive understanding of all tools and techniques and understanding through the scenarios of questions. 4 - The course has a large number of questions with new ideas and not presented in any other course. 5 - Finally more success and success for all those who come to the certificate of professional project management. 6. Any inquiry or question I am fully prepared to answer all your queries. [phone number 0096650747897] also whats app7. The course will be regularly updated with new ideas through lessons learned. 8. I will be very happy with your success. All thanks, appreciation and respect to all trainees.God willing , this course will talk about itselfMostafa Megawer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMO - CP (project management office certified practitioner)" |
"This course talks about the PMO value ring methodology . related to PMO Global Alliance. This methodology is especially for Mr. Americo who is the owner of this organization. the contents of the methodology as follows :1- define PMO functions2- define PMO mix of functions3- define PMO processes4- define PMO performance indicators5- define PMO team in terms of competences6- define the maturity of PMO (how maturity will evolve)7- define the PMO ROI (align or not)8- define 4 perspective we will monitor (the value that is being generated by PMO)REGARDS :MOSTAFA MEGAWERPMO-CP CERTIFIEDPMO - CP INSTRUCTOR"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMP Review Course . According to PMBOK 6th Edition" |
"PMP Review Course . According to PMBOK 6th Edition. . . * Professional project management is the art of project management. How to manage your projects professionally.*The content of this course is 10 cognitive areas that are explained through 49 processes that I will explain in detail. And they are :1- Project scope management: And this chapter, we will know together how the requirements are collected from all concerned so that we can define the scope of work well. You will also know how to Validate and control the scope of projects .2- Project schedule management: Managing the project schedule and how to define activities and their sequence. Developing schedule. We will know together how the schedule is compressed and how to control the project schedule.3- Project cost management : How to estimate the costs of activities - calculate the project budget - how to control project costs .4- Project Quality management : Quality is knowing the characteristics of the product and then delivering the product according to these characteristics. How do you manage all quality management activities . What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance performance . How to control the projects quality management processes .5- Project Resources management : Resources are (labor - equipment - materials - suppliers) .. Is there a difference between the project manager managing human resources and managing the physical resources?In this chapter, you will know when to be a leader of your project team and when to be a manager of your project team .6- Project Communications management: In this chapter, we will know together what are the types of communication and what is the best way to communicate with those involved in your project. What are the skills as a project manager to make communication management successful?7- Project Risk management: What are risks and what are their types - how can you identify the risks of your project? How to rank these risks. Each risk must have an appropriate response plan. How to implement the risk response plan and then how can follow-up work on risks and re-evaluate risks .8- Project procurement management : Types of contracts - how to manage contracts between the owner and seller. How can we identify potential sellers . What are the criteria for choosing a project manager for a particular seller?9- Project stakeholder management : How to make seller performance reviews10- How can we identify stakeholders in the project to obtain a record of those involved Then we perform a process of analyzing the stakeholders so that we can know the authority and powers of each individual in the registerThen we follow the process of following them up and sharing them with you in the project so that we can overcome all their problems.11- How to integrate between all Knowledge Areas .12- This Course Prepared By Eng . Mostafa Megawer PMP , RMP ,PMO CP , ACP ,Scrum , 6 sigma , TOT Finally I will be very happy with your success . All thanks, appreciation and respect to all trainees.Eng. Mostafa Megawer "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Augmentez le ROI de vos actions avec le Marketing Analytique" |
"Formation au marketing Analytique.Les spcialistes du marketing veulent comprendre et prvoir comment les clients achtent des produits et services et comment ils ragissent aux actions marketing.Si vous souhaitez:largir votre vision du marketing et avoir une approche plus analytique du marketingtre capable damliorer la valeur de revenu par clientPrdire vos ventes futuresDcouvrir des concepts-cls pour optimiser votre retour sur investissementAlors le cours sur le marketing Analytique vous aidera atteindre vos objectifs!Dans ce cours, dcouvrez comment des algorithmes sont utiliss pour amliorer la prise de dcision des entreprises dans plusieurs domaines du marketing: segmentation. calcul du retour sur investissement, estimation de vente, analyse du mix marketing....Vous dcouvrez comment lanalyse prdictive et lapprentissage automatique permet de prvoir limpact des ventes.Vous apprendrez utiliser des modles probabilistes et des outils d'optimisation pour modliser les prvisions de la demande des clients, la sensibilit la tarification et comment exploiter ces donnes pour prendre des dcisions optimales concernant la conception de nouveaux produits, la segmentation et la stratgie marketing.Ce que vous allez apprendreComptences acquises aprs le cours:Calcul de rgression linaire via Excel pour dterminer limpact dune campagne publicitaire sur ses ventesDterminer la valeur client vie pour l'analyse du client (Customer Lifetime Value) aussi bien pour un site e-commerce quun business model reposant sur un abonnementFacteurs prendre en compte lors de la conception dune mthode exprimentaleConnatre les algorithmes cachs derrire la segmentation prdictive. la fin de cette formation:Vous comprendrez comment le marketing analytique peut tre utile pour toute entreprise/organisationVous serez capable de fixer des prix optimaux pour vos produits travers lAB testingVous pourrez connatre rellement limpact dune campagne publicitaire sur les ventes en appliquant la mthode exprimentaleVous saurez comment calculer la rentabilit dune activit et comment baisser vos cots par acquisition travers la CLVLe cours dure plus de deux heures. Vous tes donc tout proche dobtenir une comptence analytique dans le domaine du marketing.Inscrivez-vous ds maintenant!"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Russir votre campagne lectorale grce la vido spontane" |
"OBJECTIF : REMPORTER LLECTIONUn des enjeux principaux de votre campagne ? Russir votre communication ! Allez-vous attendre que les mdias fassent votre communication et vous tendent leur micro ? C'est vous qui prenez le micro et qui dcidez de votre stratgie de communication.Lenjeu de votre communication est den garder le contrle et de dvelopper votre capacit crer la proximit avec les lecteurs et de les convaincre de la lgitimit de votre candidature comme de votre mandat.A a, vous allez me rpondre : jai pas de budget, jai pas de temps et pas les comptences pour men occuper. Ou bien encore, je n'ai pas besoin de vous, j'ai dj un des meilleurs communicants qui je consacre une bonne part de mon budget de campagne.Que vous soyez seul ou soyez arms des plus gros budgets et des meilleures quipes, il faudra de toute faon produire vous-mme et au fil de leau de votre campagne. Parce que les messages que vous voudrez faire passer de trs tt le matin jusqu trs tard le soir, le travail de porte--porte, les runions Tupperware comme le dit mon ami Stphane Boisson de Poligma, tout a il va falloir limmortaliser, le valoriser. Vous naurez jamais une quipe de quatre personnes avec vous systmatiquement pour faire le travail. VOTRE AVIS est important ! Vous avez des remarques, des suggestions, voire des coups de gueule, dites-le ! Sur Udemy, on vous demande de noter. Alors si vous n'tes pas satisfait, plutt que de dmolir des mois d'effort, contactez-nous car nous travaillons sur des mises jour constantes... Et si a ne vous convient pas, vous disposez de 30 jours pour changer d'avis, il suffit de contacter Udemy.IMPORTANT : mises jourDepuis sa sortie, ce programme est rgulirement remis jour. Vous disposez des mises jour de la formation, vie. De nouveaux chapitres sont en cours de production.CONTRIBUTEURSPlusieurs professionnels ont contribu ce programme, notamment :Stphane Boisson : ""Fort d'un parcours en sciences sociales (science politique, conomie et sociologie) mais aussi en informatique, j'ai trs tt uvr dans le champ politique pour organiser des campagnes lectorales (directeur de campagne), travailler comme collaborateur d'lus et comme plumitif pour la rdaction de documents politiques et documents d'analyses territoriales. 2me sur liste complmentaire du concours interne de l'ENA aprs avoir suivi la formation l'IEP de Grenoble.Mon exprience m'a conduit travailler sur des questions d'analyses des donnes publiques de datavisualisation (INSEE, collectivits territoriales, finances publiques etc.), de stratgies lectorales et m'a permis d'imaginer la solution dveloppe aujourd'hui par POLIGMA, outil d'aides la dcision dans le champ politique.""Un grand merci !REMERCIEMENTSDe nombreuses illustrations ont t utilises au sein de ce programme. Merci notamment :(LISTE EN COURS DE MISE JOUR)MENTIONS LGALES Ce programme est produit par : Franois Abbe / MESCLADO - Titulaire dun CAPE, SA CAE SCOP CREALEADAdresse : Htel de la Coopration 55 rue Saint Clophas 34070 Montpellier, France (mtropolitaine), Tlphone : +33 467069672, Capital social : Capital variable ; Numro d'immatriculation lgal : SIRET 438 076 200 00023 ; Directeur de la publication : Franois Abbe ; Dclaration CNIL : 1648693 ; APE : 7022Z - No de formateur : 91340487134 (cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrment de lEtat)"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer staking de criptomonedas" |
"La prueba de participacin no se trata de recibir dinero regalado, sino de recibir recompensas por contribuir a la seguridad de la red, a la circulacin de monedas y a la votacin de los cambios en las reglas, e implementaciones futuras que puedan requerirse. En este curso aprenders qu es el staking, cuales son los principales y mejores proyectos con los que puedes realizar staking y te mostrar paso a paso como hacerlo con cada uno de ellos."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"civil 3d 2020 , 4 projects" |
"this course start from scratch until expert in civil 3d program designing 4 ( ) dwg"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
zpjouajh |
" "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
kgkvelvo |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"TOPCON GPS surveying as ""surveyor craft"" from SCRATCH (NEZ)" |
"this course start from scratch until professional start from how to fix the tripod and starting the base device also the rover and controlling of them by controller so we will start a project together and how to get points then i will show you some tips and tricks in surveying works , all my course is from the site that i already working in it so i hope you will interesting with TOPCON GPS course see you there ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Total station , surveying for beginners" |
"this course will take you from start to be perfect in using total station in surveying field so you will take from component of the device then to fixe the tripod as the total station it self also how to use the total stationstep by step until to collect points from the site by making aproject , then taking this points to autoucad and get it back to total station and setting it out in the site ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Extreme Vocals Course FRY SCREAM/ FALSE CORD/ GROWL" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate Extreme Vocals Course where you can begin your extreme vocal adventure or become a better and more aware vocalist, if you are already a more advanced singer/screamer.I am Matt and since many years I help people around the world to get and to improve their extreme vocal techniques like screaming or growling. There are people from Poland, USA, China, India, Brazil, Spain, Lebanon, mostly the viewers of the You Tube channel I grow since 2017 - Sibila Extreme Vocal.In 2019 decided to gather the most important information, valuable knowledge, examples, exercises and started to work on creating a simple yet effective program that will help each of You to become a better singer/ screamer every day! And the result of my work & research is this whole course.The Ultimate Extreme Vocals Course touches every aspect of extreme vocal techniques - beginning from the most important essentials like: the proper breathing technique and the breath support (engaging our diaphragm and other muscles for singing & screaming), the voice emission - how to open our throat, avoid constrictions, have to develop our clean voice and how to use it for improving our screaming. Having such foundations You will be ready to learn and practice extreme vocal techniques like Fry Scream, False Chord Scream & Growl, Gutturals and Singing with the Distortion in a healthy, simple and effective ways!The huge advantage of the course is that you will avoid straining your voice, the program of the course guide you step by step through every aspect of singing and screaming techniques so you would learn everything that is necessary to develop your vocals effectively and how to avoid anything that could harm it.Also if you acquire the course, feel free to contact me anytime if you had any questions about exercises or needed any help with your practice. I will likely help you out and you can count on me anytime!All you need to do is to START and practice step by step with patience and true dedication!Pack some water, put on fire the desire to become the best vocal version of Yourself and let's head out to our vocal adventure!Reviews:Adrianna Bielak *****""Great introduction to the topic and the whole lead. Readable, understandable and effective. Well done""!Andreas Renner *****""Comprehensive, educational and fun! My goal was to develop black/thrash metal vocals and this turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate the courses structured approach of explanatory videos, methods, demonstrations and exercices. I found the full workout videos especially helpful in developing my vocals for a beginner like me, they really take out the guess work in trying to figure out where to start or how to schedule vocal trainings. (...) Furthermore, this course introduced me to other types of vocals Id never thought would be for me (raspy vocals; old school growls; yell scream; etc.), but now Im really thinking about expanding my horizon and seeing where my voice takes me :) Matt is a great instructor, very professional and clearly knows what hes talking about. Practicing growls and screams has been frustrating for me at times, but Matts sense of humour and his supportive attitude really keeps me going and helps me to get over myself ;) Its evident that he put a lot of effort and heart into this course and I can wholeheartedly recommend it for any metalhead dreaming about becoming a vocalist!""Abraham Duafala *****""Dude knows what he is talking about. He gives good examples of all the different types of extreme vocals and how to achieve them. He likes the similar extreme music i.e. Death Metal, Black Metal and Thrash Metal. This is the only place on the internet I have found with this amount of in depth extreme vocal teachings. I found it a little easier to get into the course since I had a basic background in singing and understood what he meant with fry screams and he describes false chords well enough. My review may be a little skewed from others as the similar tastes in music and basic understanding of the voice made this course geared especially for me. I would recommend to anyone trying to get into Extreme Metal Vocals."""
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso para Controle da Ansiedade usando Hipnose & PNL" |
"O Brasil sofre uma epidemia de ansiedade. Segundo dados da OMS (Organizao Mundial da Sade), o pas tem o maior nmero de pessoas ansiosas do mundo: 18,6 milhes de brasileiros (9,3% da populao) convivem com o transtorno.E esse curso foi feito pensando exatamente para pessoas que de alguma forma sofrem com ansiedade. Esse curso est dividido em 7 mdulos. Onde os dois primeiros mdulos so tericos sobre o que ansiedade, como funciona, para que serve. Os mdulos 3 e 4 eu falo sobre meditao e hipnose, abordo assuntos como: Mitos sobre os temas, como funcionam e como as prticas meditativas e de auto-hipnose podem nos ajudar com a ansiedade.J os mdulos 5 e 6 so mdulos prticos para voc entender e aplicar, o mdulo 6 exclusivo de tcnicas para controle de ansiedade. Essas tcnicas so as mesmas tcnicas que ensino aos meus clientes que atendo com Hipnoterapia, se voc nunca ouviu falar de Hipnose para tratamento de ansiedade, recomendo que voc pesquise por que realmente a Hipnose pode ajudar nesses casos.O ltimo mdulo contm o material complementar do curso e indicaes de sites, vdeos, livros sobre Hipnose, PNL, Meditao. Qualquer dvida, fique a vontade para entrar em contato comigo, ser um prazer ajudar!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Bu kursun hedef kitlesi kimlerdir?Sfrdan balayarak sizlere tek tek btn yap elemanlarn,harita-kot lm cihazlarn,zel kazlar, makine ve ekipmanlar anlatarak ileri dzeyde bilgi seviyesine ulamanz salayacam.Blm sonunda oluturulan quizler ile rendiklerinizi sca scana pekitireceksiniz.n anlatm tamamladktan sonra aama ama tm imalatlar, grsel ve video anlatmlarla srasyla sizlere sunacam.Kursumuzun son safhasnda ise daha nceden ihalesi ve yapm biten bir atk su ihalesine ait maliyet hesabn ve teklif edilecek bedeli beraber hesaplayp,ihaleye katlm kriterlerini beraber irdeleyeceiz.Bu kursu tamamladktan sonra ,Kanalizasyon inaatnda ilave herhangi bir bilgiye ihtiya duymadan antiye efi ve saha efi olarak alabilirsiniz.Kanalizasyon ihalelerine ait maliyet hesabn yapabilir ve teklif mektubunu oluturabilirsiniz.Teklif birim fiyat szlemesinin bir paras olan teklif birim fiyat listede bulunan pozlarn bedellerinin hangi usul ve esaslar erevesinde yazldn ve bu dalmdaki pf noktalarnn neler olduunu renebilirsiniz.Kanalizasyon ihaleleri iin istenen yeterlilik kriterlerini salayp salamadnz renebilirsiniz.Sizlerin de bildii gibi son zamanlarda inaat sektrnde bir daralma yaanmakta ve kan Tasfiye Yasas kapsamnda, yapm devam eden baz ihaleler yklenicinin talebi dorultusunda tasfiye edilmektedir.Altyap ilerinde de tasfiye ilemleri her ne kadar yaplm olsa da,insanln temel ihtiyac olan su getirme ve atk su uzaklatrma ilerinde yarm kalan ilerin ikmal ihaleleri yaplp bu ihtiyalar en ksa zamanda giderilecektir.Gelecekte de bu ilere ait ihalelerin azalmayacan artan nfus ile beraber ihtiyacn artaca ortada da olup, bu ilere ait ihalelerin artaca aikardr.lerleyen srete eski dnemlere gre bina inaatlarnn ihalelerinde (elzem olanlar hari) saysal olarak bir azalma olacan dnmekteyim ancak altyap grubunda ihaleye klan iler,yukarda anlattm sebeplerden dolay artacaktr.Meslektalarmzn byk bir ounluu st yap(bina) ilerine ilgi duyduklar iin,altyap ilerinde alabilecek kalifiye personel ihtiyac sektrmzde bir yavalama olmasna ramen halen devam etmektedir.lerleyen zamanlarda altyap ihaleleri ounlukta olacandan ve bu sektrdeki kalifiye personel ihtiyac da gz nnde bulundurularak;sizlerin de kendinizi bu alanda gelitirip gerekli bilgi seviyesinde olmanz gerekir, bundan dolay bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan balayarak aama aama bir bina inaatnn nasl olutuunu ve imalatlarn hangi srayla ve nasl yapldn grsel materyaller zerinden anlatyorum.Eitim Setinin erii;A) KABA NAAT 1.Kaz1) Blokaj2) Grobeton3) Yaltm Membran4) Geotekstil Kee2.Kalp1) Klasik Ahap Kalplar2) Panel kalplar*Malzemesine Gre Panel Kalplar- Plywood Panel Kalp- elik Panel Kalp- Polyester Panel Kalp*Uygulama ekline Gre Panel Kalplar- Kayar Kalp- Trmanr Kalp- Tnel Kalp3.Demir1) Betonarme elik ubuklar2) Hasr elikler3 ) Profil elikler4) Lamalar5) Levhalar4.Beton1) antiyede Hazrlanan Beton2) Hazr Beton- Tayc Sistem Betonu- Kendinden Yerleen Beton3) zel Betonlar- Pskrtme Beton- Polimer Beton- Ar Beton- Transparan Beton** Temel Topraklamas** Atk Su Tesisat** Yaltm malatlar**Yangn Tesisat**Kaskad Tesisat**Temiz Su Tesisat5.Duvar1) Bims Duvar2) Tula Duvar3) Gazbeton Duvar*Duvar Nasl rlr?*Havalandrma Tesisat6.at1) at Trleri2) at Kaplamalar3) Ahap Oturtma atB) NCE NAAT 1.Duvar;Kaba SvaKaba Al (Perlitli)Saten Al (Perdah)Seramik KaplamaBoya Duvar Kad*Ano tas le Sva2.Deme;Tesviye Betonu (ap)Doal Ta ve Seramik Deme KaplamalarPVC Esasl Deme KaplamalarAhap Deme KaplamalarHal Deme Kaplamalar3.Tavan;Alpan Asma Tavan Tayn Asma Tavan Alminyum Asma Tavan Petek Asma Tavan Baffle Asma Tavan 4.D CepheKaba SvaYaltm (Tayn, EPS, XPS)Yaltm zerine Fileli SvaMineral SvaD cephe BoyasGiydirme Cam CepheAlminyum Kompozit Cephe 5.Montaj leriKapDolapTezgahDoramaKorkuluk*hata Duvar*Aydnlatma Direi*Tretuvar"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Course Creation: Create Digital Course Topics with Heart" |
"Hey, did you know individuals quit during their course creation process because they can't decide on a course topic that they're confident at teaching? The first step people take while searching for their golden idea is scouting what's already out there. People look first, not with their interest in mind, but only on what topics are selling. As a result, they begin creating content for about a topic that has no true interest to them and without validating it with real potential students to make sure their course will sell. Halfway through the content creation process, they quickly become disinterested because of all the research they have to do and never finish. What's even worse, they finish their course, launch it to the world, then crickets.In this course, I want to show you how to create course topics with heart through a more repeatable systematic approach. Topics discovered with heart, create courses that sell and engaging student's that buy again and again. How do different online instructors sell the same content as every other instructor and still be successful? Their obvious passion and heart behind their teaching styles coming from a place of authenticity. YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO:Discover your next digital course topic by leveraging your unique qualities.Brainstorm and validate your ideal topics with your internal network.Find the problems and pain-points of potential students within the scope of your natural skills.Validate your topics with your prospective student's pain-points to ensure the success of your course.Creating your digital course topic is the most critical step in the course creation process, and has a direct correlation with your course's success. So if you're ready to create a successful digital course with a topic that screams passion within and help people solve their problems within the scope of your natural skills, then this course is for you. This course is backed by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not happy for any reason, you will be refunded in full!I'm excited to see you take your first steps into the world of digital course creation, and I hope to see you on the inside!-Shana"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |