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hznubotf |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting To Grips With HR Software" |
"Technology innovations such as SaaS, Cloud, and Artificial Intelligence have disrupted markets and business models and as a result, the globally connected economy has become so dynamic and complex that most companies with their traditional command-and- control hierarchies and ponderous decision making processes are incapable to react with agility and speed, thereby losing resilience for change.Remember, by 2025 nearly 3 billion more people will have access to the Internet, with more consumers interacting in the global digital economy, the combination of mobile computing devices, high-speed wireless connectivity and applications (HRIS, HCM, HRMS, ERP) is projected to see unprecedented growth.The ongoing digital revolution is sweeping through businesses all over the globe, bringing new capabilities and efficiencies to the workplace but also creating unique challenges.This course shares how organisations and specifically HR needs to adopt a new attitude to risk, to become less hierarchical and to embrace new methods of working."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CryptoCandle - Getting started with cryptocurrency trading" |
"Students will learn how to get started with cryptocurrency trading and will get step by step guidance that involves buying cryptocurrency according to their respective country regulations.They will learn how to trade with the bought cryptocurrency and finally get profit directly in their bank account at the end of the day. They will also get to know about the various types of trading that they can choose from depending on their aim and the time they are willing to invest in trading along with basic technical analysis required for a beginner to start with cryptocurrency trading.Furthermore, Students will get to know about various mistakes that novice traders usually make and how to avoid those mistakes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Problemas resueltos de fsica 1-mecnica" |
"En este curso tendrs todo lo necesario para la preparacin de tus exmenes de fsica de universidad. Resolveremos todo tipo de problemas, de todos los niveles de complejidad.Encontrars ejercicios con los cuales los conceptos que has aprendido van a ser aplicados y desarrollados de una forma que puedas entender fcilmente, adicionalmente si necesitas ayuda con algn ejercicio me lo puedes enviar para ayudarte a resolverlo.En el curso tendrs una gua de problemas que vamos a resolver a medida que avanzamos en el curso, adems de un resumen de ecuaciones de cada tema y la forma en que debes utilizarlas para diferentes tipos de ejercicios.El curso comienza con la solucin de problemas relacionados con el movimiento en 1D a travs de ecuaciones y grficas, este tipo de movimiento en especfico ser el movimiento uniforme y acelerado. Posteriormente, trasladaremos las ideas aprendidas hacia el movimiento en 2D, en donde resolveremos problemas de proyectiles y movimiento circular.Para entender el por qu del movimiento, avanzaremos hacia las ecuaciones de Newton, en donde las fuerzas sern las principales responsables de resolver esta respuesta. Resolveremos ejercicios en donde veremos fuerzas de muchos tipos, tales como, peso, friccin, fuerza normal, fuerza centrpeta, tensin, fuerza del resorte. Otro planteamiento ser involucrado para resolver los problemas mediante el concepto de energa, aprenderemos la facilidad de esta metodologa para resolver distintos tipos de ejercicios.Hasta aqu habrs aprendido mucho, sin embargo, pasaremos a comprender la interaccin de objetos mediante el momento lineal y su principal aplicacin que sucede en los escenarios de choques elsticos e inelsticos que veremos en 1D y 2D. Aqu tendremos muchos problemas que vamos a resolver detalladamente.Finalmente, trasladaremos todas las ideas aprendidas hacia la solucin de problemas acerca del movimiento de los objetos cuando se tiene en cuenta que rotan sobre su propio eje e interactan mediante el momento angular. Sean todos bienvenidos a este maravilloso mundo de la fsica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de maquiagem profissional Chic Makeup" |
"Esse curso para quem pretende se tornar uma maquiador profissional ou para quem s ama maquiagem.Durante o curso te ensino sobre:*Visagismo e temperamentos*Colorao pessoal e cartelas de cores*Colorimetria*Tcnicas de texturizao de pele *Vrias tcnicas de esfumados e delineados*Maquiagem para noivas*Maquiagem para pele negra*Mercado de trabalho*tica profissional*Como identificar os formatos e cerdas dos pinceis*Temperatura de pele*Design de sobrancelha para maquiador*Instagram de tendncias para voc seguir *Impregnando seu estilo na maquiagemDurante o curso voc vai poder realizar algumas tarefas guiadas para fixar o contedo.As apostilas como o conte~udo tcnico vo te ajudar a fixar mais ainda o contedo.No final estar pronto para iniciar jornada de sucesso como maquiador ou usar todos esse conhecimento para ficar ainda mais linda e maravilhosa.QUANDO VOC SE FORMAR FAA CONTATO CONOSCO PARA SER TREINADO E SE TORNAR UM INSTRUTOR CHIC NA SUA CIDADE"
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics para principiantes" |
"El curso Google Analytics para principiantes ensea a los nuevos usuarios a crear una cuenta, implementar un cdigo de seguimiento y configurar filtros de datos. Tambin indica cmo se consultan los informes y la interfaz de Google Analytics, y cmo se configuran los paneles y accesos directos. Adems, en el curso se explica cmo analizar los informes bsicos Audiencia, Adquisicin y Comportamiento, y cmo configurar el seguimiento de campaas y objetivos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Tcnicas, Ferramentas e Estratgias" |
"Torne-se um profissional completo do Marketing e Comunicao por meio de nosso curso profissional de Marketing. Aprenda as principais teorias do Marketing e saiba como utilizar as mais importantes ferramentas que possibilitaro que voc realizediversos projetos de consultoria e montar planos de Marketing e Gesto com a finalidade de potencializar os resultados de forma eficiente e eficaz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building Advanced iOS UI with Xcode and swift 4" |
"I'm sure you've seen very ugly UI in apps and most courses you've taken only go so far in the UI aspect.The User Interface of your app has a really great effect on how engaging your app is to your users and immensely impact how well you retain them. In this course:You will learn the basics of swift.You will be introduced to git and Github.You will learn how to use iOS UIKit library very comfortably and how to modify UIKit UI elements.I will take you through the concepts of iOS designs as i walk you through the mock-ups from the designer.Break every design element down and the thought process behind them.We'll export all the assets and import them into Xcode where you'll use them.You will learn how to build the front-end of three beautiful apps.You'll be provided with two psd files of mockups at the end where i'll ask you to build any and the solution will be in the bonus section.Enroll today! Can't wait to see you inside the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to build a PHP API" |
"Learn to build your own fully functional PHP API backend for your mobile apps and web apps.I have put in a lot of time and effort into making sure that this course follows the up to date and standard methods and technologies like: Google Cloud compute engine, SSH, Linux, PHPmyadmin and others."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Elevator Pitch Mastery- Answer ""What Do You Do"" Successfully" |
"Imagine, being excited to talk about your business or life to new people and get them interested or even, excited to know you. Picture, answering the What Do You Do? question with ease and confidence. Now imagine, the satisfaction you will feel easily talking about yourself, your product or service and growing your business. See the sales results you will achieve, when you are equipped with an Elevator Pitch that feels natural and easy to deliver. This is quite possibly my best kept secretThe Elevator Pitch Mastery isnt anything new.As a matter of fact, as an award-winning marketer, I've been telling business owners what to say to grow their businesses for over 20 yearsnow...And as a result, Ive had the privilege of helpinghundreds of people to achieve marketing and sales success.But I was dedicated to working 1 on 1 with business leaders who could dedicate significant time and money to afford my marketing and sales expertise and I wanted to help way more people to succeed in their businessesAnd because of this, I wasnt able to give the experience to tens of thousands of people...So, I created something special...Introducing the Elevator Pitch Mastery...What is Elevator Pitch Mastery?The Elevator Pitch Mastery is an online training program for people who:Operate a business selling products or services to consumers or businessesWant a better way to explain what you do to potential customers and stand out from your competitorsWant to improve your sales and networking resultsNeed an easy and confident way to introduce yourself to new peopleNeed to be shown HOW to create an Elevator PitchWant to create your Elevator Pitch quickly and on your own timeIf you want someone to break the process down for you, step-by-step, to show you how to improve your sales and get more customers and referrals using your Elevator Pitch, this course is for you.You know you NEED an Elevator Pitch, but HOW do you create one?Most of the Elevator Pitch resources online tell you the importance of a good Elevator Pitch, but they dont show you HOW to create one. In this course, you go through a step-by-step process to develop your Elevator Pitch. Learn How to Say What You Do with Confidence Create Your 6 Must Have Elevator Pitch Components Learn HOW to Create YOUR Personalized Pitch Message Understand the 3 Types of Elevator Pitches Discover How YOU are Different in Your Industry Determine WHY People NEED to Buy from You Learn the 4 Purchase Motivators of Every Buyer Identify How to State the EXACT Results You Create for Your Customers How to Package your Elevator Pitch - Putting it Together So It Flows How to Deliver your Personalized Elevator Pitch with Ease and Confidence Be Prepared for Success with Elevator Pitch Usage & Practice Tips and TricksThis course shows you exactly how to create your unique personalized Elevator Pitch. You will be taken through a detailed walk-through, with supporting documentation, exercise and guides to successfully produce your Elevator Pitch. Why Elevator Pitch Mastery Works So WellThe course helps you get the work done that you need to do to create a great pitch that is unique for you and acts as a form of accountability to yourself...When you combine it with an online community, it adds an even stronger layer of accountability......It also doesn't hurt that it is step-by-step.The Course is Backed by Science of The Emotional Appeal TheoryIve created the Elevator Pitch Mastery course using the Emotional Appeal Theory created by Roy Garn in the 60s. Garn, known as the pioneer of direct mail marketing, created the four types of emotional appeal four ways to motivate people to action... What does that mean?One pitch does not work for all people! Sales people have been using this theory for decades to achieve incredible sales results. I call these emotional appeals the ""4 Buyer Motivators"" and I take you through them in detail in the course, so you can tailor your sales pitches to four different types of people. Amazing right? Based on the 4 Buyer Motivators, can you see how creating your Elevator Pitch will give you the highest possible chances of increasing your buyers? ""I just created my new business and before this course, I had no clue what to say about my business. Now, I cant wait for people to ask me What Do You Do? and just landed my first client using my brand new Elevator Pitch! Thank you so much! ~ K. Braznick, Photographer, @KBrazPicsOnly a few days into the course and already getting results. Using the easy exercises, I have my Power Statements, know the exact clients I want to pitch and got an article published in the newspaper from the pitch copy I created in this course! I cant wait to see what else I will learn! ~ A. Bran, Founder, Marketer & Brand Strategist, Rex ImageSandy has taught this old dog the power of communications and social networks. She presented the material in a thoughtful and approachable manner. I would recommend Sandys classes without hesitation. ~ Ron Spence, Owner, Spence Software I can't wait for you to experience the thrill of knowing WHAT to SAY to motivate people to become your customers. IN this course, you will learn my Elevator Pitch and understand WHYit is so successful. Let's get to work..."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Personal Influential Communications" |
"IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION AND CONNECTION IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - EVEN IF YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED, NOT HEARD, OR HAVE FAILED IN THE PAST!Sandy Gerber, Canada's communication expert, trainer, coach and creator of The Decision Driver Communication Technique invites you to enroll in her Personal Influential Communications course that will change the way you communicate and connect with the people in your life - at home, work, and everywhere you go.THIS COURSE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO:Are struggling with their current relationship, co-parenting or have failed at marriageWant to know how to easily talk and connect with people at the office, with their family or people they just metAre willing to learn how to boost their communication skills and are committed to doing the workKeep picking the wrong partner and want a successful and respectful relationshipWant hands on tools and learning they can apply right awayTHIS COURSE IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO:Are seeking relationship or marriage advice or counsellingWant a manipulative way to convince people to do what they wantAre not ready to learn and apply a new communication techniqueBlame other people for their communication problemsTHIS IS A COURSE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE READY TO LEARN WHAT THEY NEED TO DO TO MAKE THEIR RELATIONSHIPS SUCCESSFUL AT HOME, WORK OR PLAY.The Personal Influential Communications course is perfect for you if you want to:Strengthen communication and connection in your relationshipsMotivate people to action with your wordsQuickly connect with people you meet anywhere, anytimeAppear more confident and interesting to peopleSpeak in front of people with confidenceImprove your rapport building skillsUnderstand why you act and react the way you doEasily be liked, respected and rememberedBe a charismatic master of small talkBe known as an amazing listenerLearn communication skills you can use immediatelyThis course is good for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills to strengthen their personal relationships. The Personal Influential Communications course teaches you easy to implement techniques to make connections easier, be more confident speaking and how to motivate others to listen or act to your requests.Course Founded in Expertise and ScienceThe Personal Influential Communications course was developed by Sandy Gerber, North Americas communication expert using her 25+ years communication and marketing industry experience, motivational behaviour research and a decade of study in psychology, marketing, communications, sales and relationships."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Chiho's English" |
"29402917ChihoChihocomprehensive input ChihoChiho"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Chiho's English" |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"A to Z" |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Creating a Robust Financial Plan for Your Business" |
"About the Course .Getting your businesses financials together is easier than you might think. Whether youre interested in obtaining funding for your business or running your business with more peace of mind, this course will help you organize the financial side of your business, painlessly. All of the forms, information, and support you need are included, removing the heaving lifting from your shoulders. Your part is simply plugging your business data into the financial model worksheet. We will cover the 3 key revenue financial models (Revenue, Staffing, and Expense) as well as the 2 key financial statements (Income and Cash Flow). Downloadable worksheets for all models and statement are included. Dont be one of those businesses that stalls on the runway due to bad cash flow management (it has happened to the best of entrepreneurs). Instead, commit to understanding the key principles of small business financials and comfortably master that money side of your business. Through the 13 lectures in this course, ""Creating a Financial Plan for Your Business,"" you'll grasp the key fundamentals of managing the finances of your businessfrom the basic underpinnings of sound planning to key financial statements like your P&L and cash flow and financial models like staffing, revenue, and expenses.Upon completion of this course, you will have created a full set of financials. Details about the Course:The Financial Primer - In these videos, well examine and counteract common mis-perceptions about financial planning, learn about different models for revenue and cost projections, and discuss concepts such as the maximum negative cash flow that potential investors will scrutinize. Key expense and revenue models and financial statements will be walked-through.Your Revenue Model - In these videos, well look at what drivers create revenue, which revenue models work best for product, service, and subscription or membership businesses, and how to predict how fast your business will scale. Detailed worksheets accompanying this learning stream help you develop your own models that are succinct, understandable, accurate, and actionable. Your Staffing Model - In these videos, well not only cover how staffing plans interact with the rest of your financial reporting, but well establish guidelines for whether to build staff or hire contractors, how to set pay rates and predict costs of benefits, and calculate the ROI of positions across the organization.Your Expense Model - These videos detail potential expenses and their classifications, along with their potential tax implications, and offers a detailed worksheet for breaking out and tracking all the costs involved in running your business. Your Income Statement - These videos examine the five components of the income statement and how they relate to the models and projections youve already built, and explore what the summary numbers reveal about your business potential for growth through such calculations as net revenue, gross margin and operating margin. Your Cash Flow Statement - Cash flow statement provides an ongoing record of income, investments, and expenses so you can adjust activities and stay on target. In addition to addressing these crucial calculations, these videos delve into strategies for managing cash flow and establishing a realistic basis for cash flow projections. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"SCRUM MASTER - CURSO COMPLETO para certificao + Simulados" |
"Com este treinamento voc ter todo o contedo necessrio para se preparar para obter uma certificao de Scrum Master. Este treinamento e composto por contedos e videos que explicam detalhadamente todo o fluxo de processos do Scrum para voc entender em detalhes o que precisa para usar o scrum no seu dia-a-dia e obter a sua certificao."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para a Certificao Scrum Master International" |
"Com este contedo voc vai conseguir medir os seus conhecimento atuais sobre o Framework Scrum e poder se preparar para realizar o exame de Certificao Scrum Master para ser aprovado na primeira tentativa. Este material te ajuda a conhecer os gaps que tem de conhecimento sobre Scrum e ajudar no processo de preparao, focando os seus estudos nas reas que ainda tem alguma dvida. Voc poder utilizar este material para complementar os seus estudos sobre o framework Scrum."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"COBIT 2019 - Foundation - Simulados para o novo exame (2019)" |
"Este simulado ajudar a voc que est no processo de preparao para obter a nova CERTIFICAO COBIT 2019 - FOUNDATION. Alm de trazer perguntas do exame, este simulado traz as respostas que te ajudaro no processo de preparao e tira dvidas.Alm disso, voc ainda receber orientaes sobre como realizar o processo de registro e compra do exame oficial (que poder ser realizado pela internet em qualquer horrio e local)."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Product Owner - Simulados para Certificaes PSPO e SPOAC" |
"Estes simulados foram elaborados para auxiliar os alunos que esto se preparando para obter a sua Certificao como Product Owner (PO) que o papel do Dono do Produto no Framework Scrum.Nossos simulados contm explicaes que ajudaro na sua reviso e complemento dos estudos.Ao ser aprovado nestes simulados voc estar apto a comprar e fazer os exames oficiais para obter uma certificao de Product Owner PSPO I ou SPOAC."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"VEX EDR V5 & VEX Coding Studio - Introduction" |
"******This is the first of a series of short courses, with short and to the point lessons about VEX Robotics' EDR V5 hardware and the VEX Coding Studio Software./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please note that VEX Robotics discontinued the VEX Coding studio software. // If you're still using VCS, this set of courses is some of the only resources still available. // Seeing that C++ is used in the lessons, the examples could also be used for VEXcode Pro. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////In this course, we get to know the components of the new system and begin to explore VEX Coding Studio. I point out and provide links to all the important steps to get your V5 system ready for action and also get VEX Coding Studio installed on your computer. (If you are all set up and using your V5 already, you should probably skip to the VEX EDR V5 - VCS C++ Programs for Motors course.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VEX EDR V5 - VCS C++ (#2-Programs for Motors)" |
"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please note that VEX Robotics discontinued the VEX Coding studio software. // If you're still using VCS, this set of courses is some of the only resources still available. // Seeing that C++ is used in the lessons, the examples could also be used for VEXcode Pro. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Course 2 in the series VEX EDR V5 & VEX Coding Studio. Learn how to write programs for the motors, using VEX Coding Studio and C++. This Code will also be compatible with the new VEXcode programming suite VEX is developing. We'll program a robot to drive and move its arm and claw. We'll look at limiting arm and claw movement to protect your motors and gears. After that, we'll write functions to simplify the code. We'll learn more about loops, conditional statements, program flow and more. We used the Clawbot for demonstration purposes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VEX EDR V5 - VCS C++ (#3-Programs for Remote Control)" |
"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please note that VEX Robotics discontinued the VEX Coding studio software. // If you're still using VCS, this set of courses is some of the only resources still available. // Seeing that C++ is used in the lessons, the examples could also be used for VEXcode Pro. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////This is the 3rd course in the series about the VEX EDR V5 and VEX Coding Studio C++. In this course we'll write code to operate your VEX EDR V5 robot with the wireless controller. Learn how to write programs, using VEX Coding Studio and C++. This Code will also be compatible with the new VEXcode programming suite VEX is developing.We'll write standard and adapted drive programs for Tank and Arcade control.Program buttons for Arm and Claw movement.Add limits to the arm and claw movements.Learn to program using the competition template. Discuss the Field Control System and how to ensure that your robot is compliant. Discuss the the different times during a match (Pre Autonomous, Autonomous and the Driver Control period) and how this should be included in your programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VEX EDR V5 - VCS C++ (#4-Programming for Sensors)" |
"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please note that VEX Robotics discontinued the VEX Coding studio software. // If you're still using VCS, this set of courses is some of the only resources still available. // Seeing that C++ is used in the lessons, the examples could also be used for VEXcode Pro. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Last course in the series about the VEX EDR V5 and Vex Coding Studio C++. In this course we'll make use of sensors that enable your VEX EDR V5 robot to react to its environment. Learn how to write programs for the sensors, using VEX Coding Studio and C++. This Code will also be compatible with the new VEXcode programming suite VEX is developing.We'll use the Ultrasonic distance sensor to measure distance and make the robot react to obstacles.Use the Infrared line trackers to follow lines or stop on marks/lines on the floor.Use the Gyro to make precise, measured turns.Use the Vision Sensor to track colored objects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Text Programming for VEX IQ (RobotC)" |
"This course is designed to help you transition from the block based programming we used in RobotC graphical, to ""real"" text based programming. We'll write programs for all the sensors and the remote control, learn more programming structures and complete the intermediate level Barcode programming challenge from RoboMatter at the end of this course. When you're done with this course, you'll have a thorough understanding of RobotC and programming your VEX IQ Robot will be a breeze."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VEXcode IQ Blocks - Master the new software in a flash" |
"This course is intended for beginner robot coders or others transferring from RobotC (or ModKit). VEXcode looks and works like SCRATCH, so if you're familiar with Scratch, you'll quickly learn the basics of programming your VEX IQ robot. This course covers all the sensors, including the new Vision Sensor, as well as the remote control - at the end of this course you'll be able to confidently program your robot to do some neat tricks./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Please note that VEX Robotics changed the name of the software to VEXcode. // It is now possible to create text programs from within the same editor. // I'll create an intermediate level course for VEXcode using C++ shortly. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VEX EDR V5 and VEXcode Blocks/Text Intro" |
"This course is intended for absolute beginners as far as the VEX EDR hardware and the VEXcode software is concerned. We'll look at the basic functions of all the parts of a VEX EDR V5 Kit and how to use them, how to install the VEXcode software, configure a robot, update the firmware and write a drive program using both the VEXcode V5 Blocks and VEXcode V5 Text software in order to allow you to make an informed decision on the software that suit your needs. Using both software suites, we'll set up the Vision Sensor, save a color signature and use the vision sensor data in programs.If you're a long time user of VEX Robotics, and only want to learn the new software, please be patient for a little while - I'm working on the next course: VEXcode V5 TEXT- Controllers and Motors already. It should be vailable soon. I took note of feedback I got from students in my VEX Coding Studio courses and combined the motors / controllers courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discrete mathematics for computer science complete course" |
"We will cover all topics of discrete mathematics for computer science start from definition to advanced topics. Each topic will be explained with examples. The topics covered in our course are logic, arguments, inverse,contrapositive, contradiction, tautology,sequences, series, mathematical induction, proofs, venn diagrams etc. For more you can see the videos for the course outline."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C++ Programming For Beginners" |
"In this course tutorial lectures you will learn introduction to C++ Programming fundamentals For Beginners langauge in urdu hindi in dev software or you can also work in visual studio or turbo c++. I will teach you topic first with examples then you will be assigned tasks or programs for practice to do yourself based upon the concepts taught in the lectures. These lectures playlist is best for beginners and also for intermediate students. Each program task is taught by executing the programs on screen by typing or writing source code with examples. This is what a learner needs to be learn. After learning basic concepts we will move to projects like simple calculator, car parking like projects also games like tic tac toe game in hindi. We will revise all the basic topics of c++ like functions classes do while for loops pointers array variables etc. Hope you guys like my teaching method! GOODLUCK :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming" |
"In this course of assembly language and computer architecture, first we will learn about the basic computer architecture then In next tutorial we will be programming full course with examples and also understand about the working of computer in depth. Major topics will be covered in this course in very easy manner. Hope you liked it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |