Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Object Oriented Programming in C++" |
"This course has been designed meticulously to help students master the Object Oriented Programming skills in C++. It covers basic topics like input/output streams, namespaces, classes and objects, constructors, function overloading, function overriding through to advanced topics such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Templates, Exception handling, File handling etc,It will be a stepping stone for learning other technologies like Java, Ios, Windows phone programming etc.In today's scenario it is almost impossible for a budding programmer/developer to survive in the market without a solid foundation of OOPs concepts. There is no better option than to start with C++ for this purpose. Once you acquaint yourself with the aforesaid topics there won't be any looking back.The initial lectures explain the pillars of OOPs with the help of real-life examples.The best part of this course is all the concepts have been elucidated in simple English language followed by example codes. I humbly advise tall the students of all my courses to practise writing programs as much as you can."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Helix Jump Complete game in unity with source code" |
"Learn helix jump complete game in unity, This course is best for all unity students who want to develop games. In this course you will learn instantiating gameobjects, coloring gameobjects, applying different backgrounds, interacting with 2d and 3d objects. Exciting adventure of the bouncing ball through the helix tower labyrinth. One-tap easy-to-learn controls, rich visual effects and addictive gameplay mechanics."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ETL With Microsoft SQL Integration Services (SSIS)" |
"Microsoft SQL Server (Schedule)"
Price: 5800.00 ![]() |
"Job Search Mastery: Create Your Dream Job & Networking Guide" |
"Are you eager to work in a field that you're deeply passionate about, make an incredible living doing it, and skip years of ""climbing the ladder"" to get where you want to go?Do you know that you have the potential and the drive to succeed, but you're not sure how to get your""big break"" in life?Look no further.This course will teach you the best and easiest way to get ahead in your career.In it, you will learn some of the most powerful, simple techniques used by some of the worlds most successful people, including...Tim FerrissRyan HolidayBill BelichickBenjamin FranklinEdward C. Barnes (Thomas Edison's business partner)And many more...And while bits and pieces of the magic have been shared in hundreds of books, blog posts, and podcasts for the last several hundred years, there has never been a comprehensive strategy to reproduce the magic...... until today.This course will teach you how to build and leverage your personal brand to work with top influencers, empowering you to achieve anything and everything faster and more effectively. Whether you want to work with top thought leaders in the education space, get a job at a high tech company, or start your own business, this course is about how you can leverage an innovative and untraditional method for leapfrogging your success, skipping the ladder, and living life on your own terms. You will learn the exact process that people just like you have used to land positions working directly with people like...Kevin Harrington, original shark on Shark TankDavid Osborne, founder of the 4th largest real estate company in the United StatesNoah Kagan, 8 figure founder of Sumo and AppsumoOh, and here's the crazy part:In this course, you will learn nothing about resume writing, CV writing, cover letter writing, interview preparation, attending career fairs, or other ""job hunting""strategies.Why?Well, first, because that's what everyone else is doing, and for that reason... it doesn't work!And second, because once you learn the techniques taught in this course... you won't need them!But here is what you will learn:How to use the ""Silence DogoodStrategy"" to get your work in front of high level influencersHow to develop an irresistible personal brand that will make anyone salivate over bringing you onto their teamThe difference between ""Technicians""and ""Rainmakers""and why being a rainmaker can 10X your opportunitiesHow to use the Sell the Click email strategy to make sure your ideas get heardThe exact steps you must take to have a successful call with someone high up How to use the coveted ""Slipstream Technique""to work with anyone you wantAnd much much more!And, on top of that...You don't need any skill or experience to get started. This course will guide you from square one, with no brand or idea where to start, to working side by side with game-changing influencers and leaders, making a dramatic impact on the world.Its going to be one heck of a journey, and we cant wait to see what you will accomplish!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crea un Webinar gratuito desde 0 y dispara tus ventas" |
"Si quieres empezar a vender online y a ganar dinero por internet los webinars son una gran opcin para ti.De hecho, casi todos los bloggers ms famosos estn ganando dinero desde casa con webinars, tanto en vivo como en automtico.Un webinar o clase online en directo impulsar tu negocio y tus ventas, y en este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para realizarlo desde 0.Descubre qu es un webinar y qu puedes conseguir hacindolo, y aprende desde la parte tcnica para realizarlo gratuitamente hasta las mejores opciones para conseguir asistentes y llenar la sala.Adems, te dar una estructura infalible con la que venders si o si con tu webinar y empezars a ganar dinero en internet de forma constante.Hay muchas plataformas para hacer webinars, Webinar Jam, Click meeting, Ever Webinar, etc, pero en este curso vas a aprender a hacer webinars gratuitos, usando sobre todo Youtube Live.Con Youtube live podrs realizar emisiones en directo totalmente gratis, e interactuar con tu audiencia en tiempo real durante la emisin.Adems, el curso incluye una clase de Facebook Ads de Jose Mark, un autntico crack en el tema y uno de los mejores creadores de cursos en Udemy.Este curso es para ti si:Quieres empezar a ganar dinero en internet, o simplemente aumentar tus ingresosQuieres aprender a vender tu infoproducto de una forma efectivaQuieres ganar dinero con un blog y no sabes muy bien como empezarQuieres mejorar tu marca personal y tu presencia en internetQuieres aprender una nueva forma de vender que puede disparar tus ingresosQuieres aprender cosas nuevas sobre marketing digital y seminarios web"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"VideoScribe - Aprende a crear videos animados fcilmente" |
"Quieres aumentar tu audiencia en Youtube? Quieres empezar a trabajar de freelance realizando vdeos animados para tus clientes?O quiz simplemente quieras realizar presentaciones que dejen con la boca abierta a cualquiera que las vea.Todo esto y ms aprenders a hacerlo en este curso de VideoScribe, en el que de una forma totalmente prctica aprenders a crear vdeos animados de pizarra blanca de una forma sencilla y rpida.Este tipo de vdeos los crean agencias de vdeo marketing, y por 10 minutos de vdeo te cobran ms de 300.Hacer vdeos animados es una estrategia de marketing y una forma de ganar dinero por internet fantstica, y VideoScribe es el programa de animacin n1 para hacerlo.El curso es totalmente prctico, e incluye una clase de ms de 1 hora en la que te muestro paso a paso como realizo un vdeo REALpara mi canal de youtube.En ningn otro curso de VideoScribe en Udemy encontrars una clase prctica como la clase 12 de este curso.En pginas como fiverr, por ejemplo, hay muchsima gente ganando miles de euros realizando vdeos de este tipo con VideoScribe.Este curso es para ti si:Tienes un canal de Youtube y quieres ofrecer vdeos geniales a tu audienciaTienes una empresa y quieres vender ms gracias al marketing en vdeoQuieres ser freelance y ganar dinero por internet realizando vdeos promocionales para tus clientesQuieres realizar presentaciones espectaculares que sorprendan y gusten a todosIncluso si quieres hacer un currculum vitae sorprendente, por qu no usar el vdeo animado y destacar ante tu competencia?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende SEMrush desde cero - la mejor herramienta SEO" |
"El SEOse vuelve fcil con SEMrush.Aunque empieces con esto del SEOdesde cero, en muy poco tiempo podrs convertirte en un experto gracias a SEMrush.SEMrush es una herramienta de marketing online muy completa que incluye todo lo que necesitas para mejorar el SEOde tus pginas web y adelantar a tu competencia.En SEMrush encontrars lo necesario para mejorar el posicionamiento en Google de tus palabras clave y para llevar a cabo estrategias avanzadas de link building. Adems, podrs analizar a fondo a toda tu competencia y mejorar sus estrategias para adelantarles sin complicaciones.En este curso sobre SEO con SEMrush no solo encontrars un tutorial sobre cmo funciona esta herramienta, sino que tambin descubrirs mis mejores trucos en SEMrush.Te ensear los siguientes trucos SEO, algo que muy pocos cuentan:Cmo escribir un artculo que posicione nmero 1 en Google gracias a SEMrush.Cmo analizar si tus artculos tienen trfico y qu hacer con ellos si no lo tienen.Cmo tener ideas infinitas para escribir artculos que posicionen en Google.Cmo robar las mejores keywords o palabras clave de tu competencia.Cmo usar la herramienta Dominio vs. Dominio de SEMrush para analizar a tu competencia a fondo.Adems, en el curso no vamos a usar un ejemplo tpico como Amazon o Ebay, sino que voy a usar mi propia pgina web y mi propio nicho, para poderte hablar en primera persona de todo lo que veamos.De hecho, incluso te ensear como he escrito una de las guas ms importantes de mi web para lograr que posicione en la primera pgina de google para una palabra clave muy competida, y te mostrar todo lo que s de SEOpara que tu puedas lograr lo mismo.Adems, el curso incluye SEMrush gratis durante 14 das, el tiempo suficiente para aplicar todo lo que aprenders en este curso aunque seas un principiante en esto del SEO."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"15 Secretos de Copywriting para escribir mejor y vender ms" |
"En este curso aprenders los secretos ms importantes del Copywriting, que te permitirn escribir mejor y vender ms.Es un curso bsico, pero que sirve perfectamente para iniciarse en este mundo.Descubre como llamar la atencin de tu audiencia y retenerla para que compren lo que les quieras vender.En el curso voy a mostrarte ejemplos prcticos y reales de buen copywriting, desde cmo escribir ttulos que llamen la atencin hasta los secretos de los mejores vendedores para triunfar con tus campaas de venta.Todo lo que aprendas en el curso te servir para escribir tus textos, ya sean artculos de un blog, correos electrnicos de tu campaa de email marketing o pginas de venta.Pero no solo eso, tambin lo puedes usar para tus vdeos e incluso para llamadas telefnicas.El copywriting es esencial para vender, ya que te permite darle a tu potencial cliente lo que quiere.Las tcnicas de copywriting son muy conocidas, pero no siempre se aplican. Con lo que aprendas en este curso podrs empezar a pensar desde el punto de vista de tus potenciales compradores, y podrs hablarles en su lenguaje para que terminen comprando lo que vendes.Para quin es este curso?Cualquiera que quiera escribir mejor y vender ms.Emprendedores online.Freelancers que quieran empezar a ofrecer servicios como Copywriters.Vendedores de empresas o autnomosY muchos ms... Pinsalo, incluso para convencer a alguien de tu entorno de algo te servir el Copywriting!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fondos de inversin: La estrategia de inversin ms sencilla" |
"Invertir tu dinero y sacarle rentabilidad es fundamental, pero en ocasiones parece tan difcil que directamente no llegas a empezar.Quiz, pensando que no podrs hacerlo tu mismo, acudes al banco a pedir consejo, y ese es un gran error.En este curso te ensear lo que necesitas para empezar a invertir tu dinero sin complicarte y sin tener que dedicar tiempo gracias a los fondos de inversin, sin duda la mejor estrategia de inversin para alguien que no sabe nada sobre este mundo.Me centrar en la inversin en bolsa, ya que considero que es la mejor opcin para casi cualquiera.Es un curso muy breve y directo, pensado para gente que no sabe nada sobre inversin ni fondos, pero que quiere empezar a obtener rentabilidad por su dinero.En el curso tambin te contar la mejor forma para empezar a invertir tu dinero, sin ni siquiera tener que aprender a hacerlo, y sin tener que pagar grandes comisiones como en la mayora de bancos.Si lo que quieres es descubrir la forma de hacerte rico rpidamente o de doblar tu dinero en unos meses no lo vas a encontrar aqu, y de hecho quien te prometa algo as seguramente te est mintiendo.La estrategia de inversin basada en fondos de inversin es una estrategia a largo plazo, que te permitir ver como tu dinero crece a medida que pasan los aos sin mucho riesgo.El curso es introductorio, y te servir como punto de partida para empezar tu camino en la inversin. Si tomas el camino rpido, tras terminar el curso podrs empezar a invertir tu dinero al instante, y si decides seguir aprendiendo sabrs cmo hacerlo."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2019 -Domain Practice Test" |
"The Cloud Practitioner is the first level of assessment in the AWS certification program.Anyone who has had an entry level experience of amazon web services is eligible to take the exam. It tests the examinee's ability in four main areas : Understanding the basics of Cloud Computing.Understanding the security aspects of AWS cloud infrastructure.Understanding the core service offerings from AWS Understanding pricing.The course is divided into six tests. The first four tests are aimed at assessing the candidate's knowledge in the above four areas. My advice to students is to take each quiz after preparing the relevant section. Please go through the quiz explanations for a quick revision of the concepts.The last two tests are full length practice tests. Take them after completing your preparation.All the very best for your exams. And I sincerely hope that 2019 be the year you arrive in style to the world of Cloud ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Naturheilmittel gegen Kopfschmerzen" |
"In diesem Kurs erklre ich euch, wie ihr mit einfachen Hausmitteln, welche ihr vor eurer Haustre findet den Kopfschmerz besiegen knnt.Von Lavendel ber Weide oder Beifu sind viele kleine ntzliche Helferlein in der Natur, welche euch ganz ohne Chemie von euren Kopfschmerzen befreien knnen.Viel Spa beim Entdecken und Lernen. Eure Ellen Langstein"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Naturheilkruterkunde |
"In diesen Videos habe ich mich darum gekmmert die gngigsten Heilkruter zu beschreiben und Ihre Wirkung transparent zu machen. Durch erste Anwendungsvideos knnen die Heilkruter direkt nach diesem Kurs selbst vorbereitet und zur Heilung eingesetzt werden.Vergessenes Wissen, welches in uns allen Schlummert kommt so wieder zum Vorschein und wir haben die Mglichkeit uns selbst zu helfen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manager Digitale - Digital Marketing per Imprenditori!" |
"Un corso dove imparerai a progettare unastrategia di digital marketing, applicando ilMetodo A.S.S.E.T.direttamente sulla tua azienda. Un metodo che in soli 5 step, ti permettere di ottenere il tuomodello di business digitaleutilizzabile da subito! Un corso utile anche a chi vuole lanciare un progetto in digitale, ma non sa da dove iniziare ed alla ricerca di una guida pratica che gli consenta di non commettere errori e di impostare una strategia di digital marketing utilizzabile da subito.Lo scopo del corso quello di acquisire la logica ed il marketing digitale che ruotano intorno agli strumenti digitali. Troppe volte, quando si avvia un progetto, si provano ad utilizzare degli strumenti promozionali senza ottenere risultati concreti. Questo accade perch manca una strategia di utilizzo, senza la quale il solo strumento non pu funzionare. La visione di insieme, la definizione degli obiettivi, un metodo di lavoro, sono gli elementi fondamentali per il successo nel digitale.Voglio quindi aiutarti ad acquisire il giusto approccio mentale, che ti permetter di raggiungere finalmente i tuoi obiettivi."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Decision Making in Supply Chain: Python with Simulation" |
"The world of Supply Chain Management can be intimidating, but this course simplifies the process of a consulting with Simulation. It is totally a hands on course. With this tutorial you are going to be aware of:- How to conduct a Supply Chain Project with support of a software- General Concepts of Discrete Event Simulation - Main Use Cases of Simulation- Comparision of Python & Commercial Software of Discrete Event Simulation- Apply Concepts in 2 hands on examples of Supply Chain Management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Change be Yourself" |
"About the courseAre you overwhelmed with Self-help content?Do you feel lost in a million suggestions?Are you confused about where to begin?.................................................................................If yes, you have arrived at just the right place! Here you will find a carefully stitched summary of the latest and greatest science of personal change drawing from the most relevant concepts of neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum model of reality and psychology.Additionally, you will get actionable advice on connecting who you really are, and a step by step approach to reinventing yourself that is in alignment with your true and authentic nature.Course StructureThis course is divided into Four sections:Section 1: Change in the context of Mind, Body, and EnvironmentThis section will help you discover What is it inside you that compels you to change and digs further into how this inner desire for change plays out for you in your outer environment.Section 2: Hardwiring Brain and BodyThis section will help you discover how you hardwire your brain to produce the same thoughts and condition your body to produce the same emotions almost on an everyday basis.Section 3: Change your Beliefs - Change your RealityIn this section, you will learn how your beliefs create your reality. Further, this section enables you to identify the beliefs that are holding you back and provides a step by step approach to changing your old beliefs and adopting the new ones that support your desired future state.Section 4: Humans: The Ultimate Adaptation MachinesThis section talks about the latest science which proves that humans are ultimate adaptation machines - both from a neurological (i.e. brain) and biological (i.e. body) standpoint. Additionally, it touches upon how the Quantum Model of Reality opens the door for endless possibilities in your life.Finally, we would love to have this material available to you at all the times, in a format that makes it most consumable for you. Hence, we are including an ebook and audiobook complimentary for the students of this course."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Industry 4.0 Learning Essentials" |
"In this course for beginner's, there are ten sections which cover over 12 lectures worth over 44 minutes of content;Section 1 - Introduction to Industry 4.0 - A comprehensive section about what Industry 4.0 is, what the Industry 4.0 Section 2 - Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 - In this section we talk about the evolution of Industrial Revolutions from the 1st Industrial Revolution to 4th Industrial Revolution.Section 3 - Industry 4.0 Components - In this section, we talk about the Industry 4.0 Components.Section 4 - Industry 4.0 Design Principles - In this section, we talk about the Industry 4.0 Design principles which are Interoperability, Virtualization, Decentralization, Real-Time Capability, Service Orientation and Modularity.Section 5 - The Advantages of Industry 4.0 - In this section, we talk about the advantages of Industry 4.0.Section 6 - The Challenges of Industry 4.0 - In this section, we talk about the challenges of Industry 4.0.Section 7 - Future Workforce of Industry 4.0 - In this section, we talk about future workforce requirement based on Industry 4.0.Section 8 - The Industry 4.0 Demo - In this section, we talk about the demo of Industry 4.0 by different companies.Section 9 - Covid-19 impact on Industry 4.0 - In this section, we talk about Covid-19 impact on Industry 4.0.Section 10 - Conclusion and next journey towards Industry 4.0 - In this section, we talk Conclusion and next journey towards Industry 4.0."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams (2019 Edition)" |
"Hello, and thanks for taking a look at my course for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam. Within this course are a series of questions, created to help prepare you for the AWSCloud Practitioner Exam. This is the 1st exam in the line of certifications for AWS. Please be aware that these questions should be used as a study aide/guide, in combination with other learning methods. I hope you enjoy this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 CompTIA A+ Study Guide (220-1001)" |
"Candidates for COMPTIA A+ will be able to:Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionalsConfigure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) softwareTroubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scriptingSupport basic IT infrastructure and networkingConfigure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardwareImplement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practices"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
astroforyoulove |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Crie um shooter Mobile na Unity e publique na Google Play" |
"Nesse curso vamos criar um top down shooter e depois fazer a converso dele para celular. Iremos trabalhar nas principais interaes para Android, como publicao na loja, integrar com Ranking e Conquistas usando o Play Services do Google. Propagandas usando Unity Ads e Admob. Compras no aplicativo, produtos consumvel e no consumvel, e restaurao do produto no consumvel. Ainda contaremos com uma seo extra para vermos como implementar sistema de notificao local, faremos converso de um jogo simples de plataforma para praticar a converso para mobile. E outras implementaes especficas de celular.Espero que faa um bom proveito e que possa agregar bastante ao seu aprendizado!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Image Slider with JavaScript" |
"In this class we are going to learn how to build a Image Slider with JavaScript, this is a great project to test your Front End Skills, and an awesome opportunity to enrich your Portfolio Website.In order to follow and take the best out of this class you should have a basic knowledge of:HTMLCSSJavaScriptBut dont worry, I will cover everything at a very slow pace, and explain each step of the process, if you have any questions, post them down and we will be happy to help you :)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Build your First Website for Total Beginners" |
"In this class you are going to learn how to build your first Website, this is a great way to start learning HTML & CSS, and don't even need any experience at all, in fact if you have ZEROKnowledge this will be even more exciting for you to bring this project to life! By taking this course you will learn the following skills:HTML & CSSResponsive Design so your websites look great on Tablets and PhonesBasic JavaScriptAnd don't worry, I will cover everything at a very slow pace, and explain each step of the process, if you have any questions, post them down and we will be happy to help you :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CSS Animation Build 5 Projects" |
"In this course you are going to learn all about CSS3 Animations and transitions, and to make things even more interesting, you are going to build 5 exciting projects, that you can use on your personal websites.By taking this course you will learn the following skills:LEARNING OUTCOMESCSS AnimationsCSS TransitionsAnd dont worry, I will cover everything at a very slow pace, and explain each step of the process, if you have any questions, post them down and we will be happy to help you :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to React" |
"In this course you are going to build your first React application, you don't need any previous experience with React as I will cover every single detail so you guys can easily follow along. By taking this course you will learn:Learning outcome:Create a React applicationHow to create React ComponentsDifference between Class and Functional ComponentsInstall Bootstrap on ReactHow to use React Stateand much more..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Security Specialty - Practice Tests" |
"Each practice test consists of 60 unique questionsCourse contains 3 practice test sets and no duplicate questions across the test setsDomain areas covered in practice tests are,Incident ResponseIdentity and Access ManagementLogging and MonitoringData ProtectionInfrastructure SecurityYou will find the breakdown of the correct &incorrect answers at the end of the each practice test. This will help you to assess and improve your AWS knowledge and make you more prepared to pass theactualexam."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Simulator - PMBOK 6TH Edition -" |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PMP By Process Groups - PMBOK 6th" |
"This Simulator is meant for preparing for the PMP certification exam. Whether you are in the final stages of preparation, interested in familiarizing yourself with the question formats, or simply looking for additional practice in answering exam questions .This Simulator Based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Sixth Edition, and follow a similar structureNow You Are on The Right Way to Pass Your Exam in First Tray"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solution Architect - Associate Practice Exam" |
"These sample questions will help students to assess their preparation for AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) certification. As I get more free time, I would continue updating this course and will guide you through the process of getting certificated as AWS Solution Architect. I have tried to cover the following topics in this course. Domain 1: Design Resilient ArchitecturesDomain 2: Define Performance ArchitecturesDomain 3: Specify Secure Applications and ArchitecturesDomain 4: Design Cost-Optimized ArchitecturesDomain 5: Define Operationally-Excellent Architectures"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Neurofinanzas: Mentalidad de Riqueza Para Ganar Dinero" |
"""Si Transformas Tu Mente Transformas Tu Bolsillo"". La mayora de personas ricas en el mundo concuerdan en que la riqueza es una frmula que requiere mtodo y direccin, y que puede ser aprendida si se cuenta con la gua adecuada. Busca y escoge tu mejor opcin para aprender a ser rico y feliz de la manera ms fcil, rpida y segura que sea posible!LAEMPRESASOYYO te ofrece el mejor curso introductorio de neurofinanzas en el que aprenders a pensar como rico, ganar dinero y mejorar tus finanzas personales aplicando los 5 pasos para lograr libertad financiera en 5 aos. Este es un curso educativo y transformador a manera de ShowConference en vivo para que aprendas de forma amena, divertida y prctica.Te esperamos para ensearte y ayudarte a transformar tu vida (Y tu bolsillo para siempre!)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pronunciation: Learning and Teaching the Sounds of English" |
"The ability to hear the sounds of English is critical for listening, speaking and reading (phonics). In this course I will discuss the method proven to be the most effective way to teach the sounds. There will be some theory for those who are interested, but there will also be a lot of practice. Students will learn and learn to teach. The method discussed is High Variability Phonemic Training (HVPT). Also, the videos are downloadable so teachers will be able to use them in their classrooms."
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Corso Email Marketing" |
"L'email Marketing uno degli strumenti sicuramente pi potenti per il business e web marketing. Tutto il Business Online di qualunque settore di mercato Ruota intorno al lemail marketing. Acquisire contatti e Creare delle campagne email marketing efficaci significa far crescere il tuo business, indipendentemente da quale sia la tua attivit o nicchia di mercato."" I Soldi Sono nella Lista - Se non impari a conoscere e sfruttare con efficacia l'Email Marketing presto potresti essere tagliato fuori da qualsiasi attivit commerciale...""Email Marketing non significa solamente creare ed inviare un messaggio commerciale, ma significa soprattutto ""Fidelizzare le tue Liste"", saper pubblicizzare in maniera adatta il tuo business, creare un rapporto di fiducia con i tuoi iscritti, saper programmare in maniera efficace una o pi campagne email marketing, saper prevedere le ""Sensazioni"" dei tuoi iscritti e molto altroCome progettare newsletter che realmente fidelizzino gli utenti e campagne email marketing capaci di Vendere con efficacia permettendoti di raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi?Se sei alle prime armi ed hai poca esperienza con le tecniche di email marketing ma vuoi portare la tua attivit di business online ed offline ad un livello Superiore devi necessariamente imparare come sfruttare lemail marketing per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi creando delle campagne email marketing davvero performanti ed efficaci.In questo corso imparerai non solo a conoscere dalla A alla Z le potenzialit e le caratteristiche dell'Email Marketing, ma apprenderai anche TUTTE le metodologie e tecniche di E-mail Marketing testate sul ""Campo"", dalla creazione di email efficaci alla gestione di newsletter e mailing list professionali. La maggior parte dei Neofiti, professionisti e addirittura aziende sfruttano solo il 20-25% delle reali potenzialit offerte dalle-mail marketing semplicemente per mancanza di conoscenze e linee guida. Ci comporta una pianificazione errata delle campagne basate tra laltro su strategie del tutto inefficaci, a volte controproducenti.Dopo aver seguito con attenzione tutte le lezioni di questo corso, Saprai progettare e gestire campagne di email marketing rendendole efficaci e coinvolgenti per il tuo pubblico. Imparerai a conoscere ed evitare gli errori che vanificano lefficacia delle tue campagne di email marketing. Potrai inoltre applicare gi da domani tutte le strategie e metodiche sulle principali piattaforme di email marketing.Grazie a questo corso avrai a disposizione ben 3,5 ore di contenuti grazie ai quali imparerai come Creare, Ottimizzare e gestire Autonomamente Campagne Email Marketing efficaci e adatte al tuo pubblico, capaci di rafforzare il rapporto di fiducia con i tuoi iscritti e trasformarli da semplici iscritti in clienti paganti, aumentando sensibilmente il tuo ""Database"" dei ""Potenzialiclienti"" oltre che vendite e Fatturato. Iscrivendoti a questo corso Ottieni:Accesso alle 14 Video LezioniDownload delle Slide in PDF di ciascuna LezioneDownload Audio lezioni in formato .Mp3Aggiornamenti GarantitiConsulenza Email diretta con il RelatoreUn investimento Formativo che non invecchiaPeriodicamente aggiorniamo le lezioni del corso con nuove risorse ed informazioni adatte al fine di rimanere ""Aggiornati"" con le dinamiche del Web Marketing. Grazie alla tua iscrizione, il tuo investimento non ""Invecchier Mai"". Avrai sempre accesso a tutti gli aggiornamenti che ti verranno notificati tramite email e che potrai consultare direttamente nella tua Area Corso."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |