Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification" |
"Get certified as Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant, learning the basic and advanced concepts of Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool not just by visualizing but by actually looking at the tool in action as this course gives you the videos of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool. The course covers all the topics & concepts from the certification guide in detail which are required to clear the certification. Important tips for the certification exam are explained throughout the course. "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification" |
"Get certified as Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist, learning the concepts of Email Marketing and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool not just by visualizing but by actually looking at the tool as this course gives you the videos of Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool as well. The course covers all the topics mentioned in the certification study guide with sample Exam Questions for each topic. And at the end of the course there are 2 practice tests with 40 questions to prepare yourself for the certification.Practice Tests, Videos, Concepts - all covered in this course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Practice Exams" |
"This course is specifically to practice the exam questions for Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification. This has 6 Practice Tests, each with 20 questions. So, in total there are 120 Questions in this course. That's just right amount of practice questions you need for the exam preparation. Each practice test has a time limit of 30 minutes. And the passing score is 65%. This is very similar to the actual certification course in which you have 60 questions in 90 minutes. With the same structure I made these practice tests to be 20 questions in 30 minutes each.If you are new to Salesforce Marketing Cloud, it is recommended to take the ""Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Certification Course"" that I published earlier in which I explained the concepts of Salesforce Marketing Cloud with videos as well. That is quite useful to get full understanding of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Primeros pasos con Inbound Marketing" |
"Este curso fue creado con el fin de brindar un paso a paso prctico para los emprendedores que estn iniciando en el mundo del Inbound marketing, para que aprendan cmo crear una estrategia exitosa. Empoderandolos con el conocimiento necesario para acelerar la transformacin digital de sus negocios y as conquistar ms clientes. El curso ensea la metodologa del Inbound Marketing, para aquellas personas que desean comenzar a producir contenido, aprender cmo promocionarlo y atraer potenciales clientes, las principales herramientas que te ayudan en la ejecucin y lo que es esencial analizar y monitorear."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Ingls sin mtodos aburridos y rpido." |
"En este curso aprenders ingls sin darte cuenta, solo haciendo lo que te gusta, sin sentirte obligado, o aburrido. Hemos crecido escuchando que el ingls te abre muchas puertas y pues... es totalmente cierto. Sea cual sea la razn por la que quieras aprender, yo voy a ayudarte a que eso se haga realidad, y dejes de pensar que alguuun da lo aprenders. Puedes contar conmigo porque ser tu apoyo y amigo en este proceso. Vamos a darle con toda."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adiestramiento canino: Resolver problemas de necesidades." |
"Estas cansado de que tu perro haga caca y pis por toda la casa?No queres gastar mas dinero en productos o costosas sesiones de adiestramiento? Entonces este curso es para vos.Vas a poder resolver estos molestos problemas de necesidades en cuestin de una semana si sigues todo este curso al pie de la letra.No esperes mas y entra ahora mismo al curso y empeza a corregir este problema desde ahora mismo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"FNP Exam Review Quick Tips" |
"This is a course to help Family Nurse Practitioner students to prepare for their board exam. FNP students can use this course to assist them in answering questions on the board exam. This course goes over some basic hot topics in most of the body system addressing common topics that are likely to appear on the board certification exam. Prior to viewing this course, you will need either one of the following items such as a smartphone, ipad, tablets, laptops, desktops and any electronic device that has video with good sound quality. I recommend using a notepad to take down some notes and write down topics to research in details."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Unity 2018 ile Oyun Gelitirin! Temelden leri Seviyeye" |
"Hayalinizdeki oyunu oluturmaya hemen balayn!Dnya'nn lider cretsiz oyun gelitirme arac Unity'i kullanarak oyun oluturmay renin. stelik hibir Unity bilgisine ihtiyacnz yok! Bu eitimimiz ile birlikte sfrdan neler baarabileceinize inanamayacaksnz!Eitimimizin ierisinde Unity arayznn nasl kullanlacandan, arayzdeki btn ipularna kadar her eyi reneceksiniz. C# programlama dili ile birlikte nasl oyun gelitirildiini reneceksiniz ve bu rendiiniz her eyi birok uygulama rnei ile birlikte pekitireceksiniz.Bu eitimi satn alarak mr boyu eriim hakk ve her yerden eriim salayabileceksiniz.Eitimimiz ierisinde aklnza taklan herhangi bir soruyu 7/24 bize sorabilirsiniz.Unity ile gelitirilmi baz oyunlar;Kerbal Space ProgramHearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftWasteland 2RustTemple Run Trilogy"
Price: 269.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye AutoCAD 2019!" |
"Bu kurs ne ile ilgili?Bu kurs ile AutoCAD2019'u en temel seviyeden balayarak profesyonel seviyeye kadar reneceksiniz. Kursumuzun ierisinde komutlar, komutlarn nasl kullanldn reneceksiniz. Bu komutlar, rnek altrmalar ile teoride deil, uygulamada nasl kullanldn reneceksiniz. Kursumuzun ierisinde size izim altrmalar sunulacak, bu izimleri nce kendinizin yapmaya almas daha nemli. Yapamadnz m? Hi sorun deil, gelin, videoda birlikte tekrar izelim. Bu kurs ile birlikte meslek hayatnzda kullanacanz her eyi reneceksiniz.Kursumuzla ilgili aklnza taklan her eyi 7/24 bize sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"COMO FINANCIAR IMVEIS? Saiba cada passo e muito mais..." |
"Voc ir compreender que o processo de financiamento imobilirio no nenhum bicho de sete cabeas. Ter acesso a informaes relevantes sobre o que mais reprova na obteno de um financiamento imobilirio. Entender tambm como fazer de forma fcil e rpida a simulao de seu financiamento diretamente pela internet, seja de um computador ou direto da tela de seu celular. Este material foi preparado com o auxlio de grandes profissionais, alguns deles com mais de 20 anos de experincia dentro do mercado imobilirio. Alm de dar os primeiros passos para aprovar seu financiamento imobilirio, voc vai saber neste curso porque no me orgulho mais por por ter atuado pouco mais de 20 anos neste segmento. Saber de parte do que esta oculto deste segmento.Hoje conheo um pouco mais das grandes iluses e incrveis desigualdades geradas pelo sistema. Ana Clara Ribeiro escreveu certa vez: importante entender a teoria poltica, o cerne do capitalismos para compreender o uso do espao no que tange a comercializao e conduo do poder; somente e ento somente entenderemos os elementos que constituem o conflito. (RIBEIRO, 1991). Em 1897 Durkheim afirmou: ""Se o indivduo cede ao menor choque das circunstncias porque o estado em que a sociedade se encontra fez dele uma vtima sob medida para o suicdio"" (DURKHEIM, 1897)Todavia neste curso voc ter tambm acesso a informaes relevantes e dicas de especialistas para entender como funciona o processo de APROVAO DE SEU FINANCIAMENTO IMOBILIRIO. Ainda ter uma aula bnus sobre leiles de imveis. Voc saber como eu consegui comprar um terreno DESOCUPADO de apenas 3MIL REAIS que valia quase 3 vezes o valor pago."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Make living abroad a living experience" |
"Have you ever considered to live or study abroad? Did you just move to abroad or you are already an experienced expat in your current location? Have you desired to travel the world, discover other, exciting places and cultures? Living abroad can be an unforgettable, amazing life experience. However, it holds many obstacles and challenges that can be adventurous, yet frightening and in some cases, unbearably difficult. The honeymoon of living abroad will disappear but our desire which brought us out there, doesnt have to. Keep this online course on your cellphones desktop and it will serve you as your first (and best) friend abroad. There are certain international skills that will help you not only embrace the difficulties but to enjoy your life abroad. These skills are valid regardless of your age, gender and cultural background, this course will teach you how to apply them.Enroll in this course and make your experience abroad a living experience."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tekla Structures for concrete buildings ( )" |
"( ) .. In this course we will learn how to model concrete items (pad footings, columns, beams, slabs and stairs) and learn how to generate general arrangement drawings from model. Also, we will learn how to import IFC model from CAD drawing and how to print drawings in PDF format and how to export drawings to DWG files."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn AutoCAD Structural Detailing - ASD ( )" |
"( ) .. In this course we will learn how to model concrete items (pad footings, columns, beams, slabs and stairs) and learn how to generate shopdrawings from model. Also, we will learn how to export drawings to DWG files and how to create bar bending schedules (BBS) and how to export to excel and how to generate concrete quantities."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"AUTOCAD - -" |
": ? : ? . , . , '. -10% *************************************** '. : , , . - , .****************************************LAYERS : ? . . .******************************************************* ? . :SAF************************ : , . ***************************** : LAYOUT ''.---------------------------------! ! ---------------------------------************************************* (, ') ' ************************************************ . , AUTOCAD 7 . . . , ."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Invention Help - Start to Finish" |
"Have you ever seen a product on television or on the internet and said: ""That Was My Idea?""Where would you be in life if you followed that vision and launched that idea?In this course, I will show you step by step, how to bring your idea to life!Dont waste your time and money with expensive companies to assist with your invention.Yes this course is less then 1 hour, but its designed to get right to the point and get your ideas developed quickly! I will give you all the tools resources needed to get your idea to an actual prototype all from the comfort of your home.This course will discussimportant topics such as:Where and how to find a CAD engineerWhere to get your prototype, 3D printedBonusSection: Where and how to find a Manufacture"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autoestima, conecta con tu amor propio para ser FELIZ!" |
"Deseas llevar tus sueos a la accin y vivir una vida completamente apasionada?En este curso encuentras la posibilidad de reencontrarte con tu nio interior para sanar emocionalmente y conectar con tu pasin en la vida.Los ejercicios propuestos te permitirn recrearte en tus actividades preferidas, activando tu creatividad para ponerle accin a tus sueos. Por medio de esta formacin tendrs la posibilidad de crear un cancin consciente que te lleve a lo ms profundo de tu ser, reconociendo tu esencia y recordando tu poder interior.Las actividades a desarrollar en el curso te brindaran diferentes y poderosas herramientas para enamorarte del ser ms importante tu vida, t; y recuperar tu autoestima. Sanemos juntos para elevar la frecuencia de amor de nuestro planeta. Enamorarte,Marcela Ramirez"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Modelagem de Personagem 3D no Cinema 4D." |
"Fala galera, eu sou o Darlison Siqueira, Artista 3D e Motion Designer Profissional, e vou guia-los nesse Curso sobre Modelagem de Personagem 3D do Zero utilizando o nosso querido e poderoso Cinema 4D. E o personagem escolhido para este curso foi o Sonic, um dos personagens mais conhecidos e amados do mundo dos games!E Neste curso vou ensin-los de forma bastante pratica, dando dicas, macetes e principalmente mostrando solues de como Modelar um Personagem do zero, utilizando um Model Sheet e Tcnicas de Modelagem por Subdiviso, na qual iremos utilizar uma simples primitiva e dela dar forma para a Cabea do Sonic, para os Espinhos, que so vrios, para o Corpo, aprender a criar as Luvas, as Meias, os Sapatos, os Olhos, enfim, modelar o Personagem Completo a partir dessas primitivas.Olha s que legal galera! E todas as tcnicas mostrada nesse curso, voc poder utilizar para criar qualquer tipo de Personagem, Mascotes 3D, e muitos outros. Ento ta esperando o que? Vamos l mergulhar de cabea nesse mundo incrvel e cheio de possibilidades, que o 3D, onde s sua criatividade ilimitada!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Rigging de Personagem 3D no Cinema 4D." |
"Ol pessoal! Meu nome Darlson Siqueira. Artista 3D e Motion Designer Profissional, e sejam muito bem vindos a este curso onde vamos criar um Rig de Personagem completo utilizando o nosso querido e poderoso Cinema 4D.Neste curso teremos trs grandes etapas que eu estarei explicando pra vocs:1Etapa: O Rigging. Que ser o processo de construo e configurao da cadeia de ossos do nosso personagem. Utilizando a incrvel ferramenta Character do Cinema 4D.2 Etapa: O Skinning. Nele a gente vai definiras reas em que os ossos faro a deformao correta da malha do nosso personagem, deixando ela mais reflexvel e suave para gente fazer as poses e futuramente as animaes.3 Etapa: O Rigging Facial. Usaremos a ferramenta chamada Morph para fazer algumas expresses faciais, como abrir e fechar os olhos, e mexer a boca do personagem.Ento isso galera, vamos mergulhar de cabaa agora no universo do rig utilizando o Cinema 4D, aguardo vocs."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Control Interno Organizacional" |
"En este curso se abordarn aspectos relacionados con control interno bajo el marco COSO, Gestin de Riesgos (Identificacin, Anlisis, Evaluacin y Remediacin), Mejora de Procesos Vs Reingeniera de Procesos, Herramientas Tecnolgicas, Control Interno Vs.Auditora Interna Vs. Control de Gestin, Ejemplos de Casos Basados en Hechos Reales, y otros aspectos de inters."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Auditora Forense Empresarial" |
"El curso Auditora Forense Empresarial abarca la metodologa de la auditora forense aplicable a las empresas, destaca aspectos relacionados con fraude corporativo y a nivel de empleados, consideraciones legales, describe casos de estudios basados en hechos reales, brinda un panorama general de informtica forense como base de resolucin de casos relacionados, detalla aspectos que deben contener los informes forenses, entre otras consideraciones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Preparacin y Evaluacin de Proyectos en Telecomunicaciones" |
"En este curso podrs aprender desde base cero en aspectos tcnicos y financieros, lo cual implica que el participante no requiere conocimientos previos para el curso. Se plantearan distintos tipos de proyectos y escenarios, que dentro de las reas de telecomunicaciones y fibra ptica son los ms requeridos en el mercado.Este conocimiento te permitir tomar decisiones con anlisis empresarial, especialmente aquellas que por su impacto econmico pueden determinar la continuidad del proyecto.Aprender sobre:Mejores prcticas y lecciones actuales de la experiencia en proyectos de telecomunicacionesEnfoque integral en los aspectos financieros a la hora de afrontar un proyecto.Consideraciones crticas en los mbitos de regulacinPlanteamientos en recursos y tecnologas aplicables a cada tipo de proyectoAnlisis de riesgos, punto de suma importancia que le ayudara a minimizar posibles prdidas econmicasEste curso es para:Profesionales en el rea de la tecnologa (Sistemas Informtica Telecomunicaciones), inversionistas, personas que trabajen en organizaciones pblicas, privadas o de manera independiente (en el mbito de telecomunicaciones y fibra ptica), personas que deseen adquirir conocimiento en preparacin y evaluacin de proyectos en telecomunicaciones y fibra ptica, aquellas personas que deseen ser futuros ejecutivos y/o de asesores de proyectos desde su inicio hasta su puesta en marcha."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self" |
"Learning to live your life authentically is a process. This course takes you through that process on an introspective journey that will result in newfound self-awareness, self-confidence, and the courage to create a life that truly makes you happy.Youll find tools, techniques, and strategies throughout to make your journey a success. The course includes 49 lessons with a variety of reflections, exercises, and even a field trip to guide you through this exciting journey to authenticity.Your journey starts with getting to know who you really are. Clarify your beliefs and values. Discover your true passions. Develop a healthy self-concept. The path continues with proven techniques that will help you accept and love the person you find inside.Put your new self-knowledge to work in the next part of your journey as you discover your life purpose and determine your priorities in life whats most important to you!The last few stops on your journey help you to develop the courage to show the world who you really are. Set yourself free from the expectations of others. Create a compelling future that excites you as you end this journey of discovery and start a new one as the real, authentic you!In this course, youll learn how to: Discover who you really are Find out your true passions Build your self-esteem Let go of past mistakes and accept yourself Break free from crippling self-doubts Embrace your individuality Love yourself Find your life purpose Show the world the real youCreate a joyful life by living authentically"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"21 Day Mindset Detox Challenge" |
"My name is Lindsey Dinneen, and I am passionate about helping people live their most inspired, empowered lives through incorporating meditation, movement, and mantras into their daily routines. The 21 Day Mindset Detox Challenge is designed to assist people in detoxing their minds and powering up their bodies. The course contains daily 10-15 minute videos that address challenging topics such as Boundaries, Fear, Anxiety, Toxic People/Relationships, Jealousy, Regrets, and more, while doing stretching exercises to nurture the mind/body connection. The course also includes topicalwrittendaily reflections, reminders for the daily challenges, and Dig Deeper resources for further exploration on many of the topics. Living Your Most Empowered LifeI feel better now than I ever have before. I have unlocked secrets to detoxing from negative influences while connecting with my body that I will directly share with you in this course. Since I believe so strongly in the positive effects of combining mental work with physical work, I put the two together to make you the first-ever program that gives you the benefits of doing 30 minutes of stretching AND the benefits of a 30-minute meditation/mindset routine--in 15 minutes--or less (this course is a multi-tasker's dream). Here's what you'll get in this 21 Day Mindset Detox Challenge Course:21 Days of energizing, guided stretching and mindset routines, with a different detoxing and empowering focus each day. 21 Daily Challenges to encourage an immediate, practical application of our daily topics!Body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!21 Daily Inspirations to keep you motivated and gain the next-level confidence it takes to become even more fiercely YOU. All 21 routines and bonus materials are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want. Do this course for 21 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours. Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite classes or inspirations anytime you want to!With this course you will:Transform your mind and body in just 15 minutes a day or less, focusing on a holistic approach.Learn new stretches and exercises that are accessible for people of any level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, using mindset techniques in your real world. Strengthen your mind so it works for you, and not against you--you'll likely sleep better, worry less and know how to switch on your peace and happiness more on command. Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU. Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully work on their mindset with guided direction. People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle. People who want to completely detox their minds and lives along with powering up their bodies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"20 Moves in 20 Days: Beginning Tap Dance" |
"Have you always wanted to learn to tap dance but not felt ready to jump into a tap class? I completely understand, and that's why I created this online course for you! In just 20 days, you will learn 20 different tap moves that will introduce you to all the essential beginning steps. I walk through each one slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step, and even provide a couple camera angles to demonstrate. After 20 days, you will emerge from this course at a beginning tap dancer's level (I teach ALL of the steps in this course that I do in my community college Tap Dance 1 course!), and you'll even learn a fun combination to practice all your newfound skills! Here's what you'll get in this 20 Days in 20 Moves: Beginning Tap Dance course:20 Days of energizing new tap dance steps.Ankle and leg strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!All 20 demonstration videos and bonus materials are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for 20 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps or bonus materials anytime you want to!With this course you will:Learn a new skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance techniques in your real world.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"20 Moves in 20 Days: Beginning Ballet Barre" |
"Have you always wanted to learn to dance ballet but not felt ready to jump into a ballet class? I completely understand, and that's why I created this online course for you! In just 20 days, you will learn 20 different ballet moves that will introduce you to all the essential beginning steps for a classical ballet barre. I walk through each one slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step, and even provide a couple camera angles to demonstrate. After 20 days, you will emerge from this course at a beginning ballet dancer's level (I teach ALL of the steps in this course that I do in my community college Ballet Dance 101 course!)!Here's what you'll get in this 20 Days in 20 Moves: Beginning Ballet Barre course:20 Days of energizing new ballet dance steps.Full-body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!All 20 demonstration videos and bonus materials are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for 20 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps or bonus materials anytime you want to!With this course you will:Learn a new skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance techniques in your real world.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"20 Moves in 20 Days: Beginning Jazz Dance" |
"Have you always wanted to learn to jazz dance but not felt ready to jump into a jazz class? I completely understand, and that's why I created this online course for you! In just 20 days, you will learn 20 different jazz moves that will introduce you to all the essential beginning steps for a classical jazz class. I walk through each one slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step, and even provide a couple camera angles to demonstrate. After 20 days, you will emerge from this course at a beginning jazz dancer's level (I teach ALL of the steps in this course that I do in my community college Jazz Dance 101 course!)!Here's what you'll get in this 20 Days in 20 Moves: Beginning Jazz Dance course:20 Days of energizing new jazz dance steps.Full-body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!All 20 demonstration videos and bonus materials are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for 20 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps or bonus materials anytime you want to!With this course you will:Learn a new skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance techniques in your real world.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stretch & Tone" |
"My name is Lindsey Dinneen, and I am passionate about helping people live their most inspired, empowered lives through incorporating meditation, movement, and mantras into their daily routines. Stretch & Tone is designed for all fitness levels, and incorporates a full-body workout, as well as targeted workouts for abs, legs, and arms, as well as a stretch routine. Here's what you'll get in this Stretch & Tone Course:A 30 minute full body workout that incorporates the best of abs, arms, legs, and booty workouts, plus amazing stretches.Four other 10-15 minute workouts that specifically and uniquely target abs, legs, arms, as well as a full-body stretch!Body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!Workouts to keep you motivated and gain the next-level confidence it takes to become even more fiercely YOU. All five unique workouts are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want. Do this course for five consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours. Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite workouts anytime you want!With this course you will:Transform your mind and body in just 30 minutes a day or less, focusing on a holistic approach.Learn new stretches and exercises that are accessible for people of any level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had.Strengthen your mind so it works for you, and not against you--you'll likely sleep better, worry less and know how to switch on your peace and happiness more on command. Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU. Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully work on their fitness and flexibility level with guided direction. People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level (although this course is suitable for all levels).People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle. People who want to completely power up their bodies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stretch & Tone: Morning Stay-In-Bed Stretch Routine" |
"My name is Lindsey Dinneen, and I am passionate about helping people live their most inspired, empowered lives through incorporating meditation, movement, and mantras into their daily routines. Stretch & Tone: Morning Stay-In-Bed Stretch Routine is designed for all fitness levels, and incorporates seven days of full-body stretch routines that you can do from the comfort and warmth of your own bed to get your day started off in the best possible way! Here's what you'll get in this Stretch & Tone Course:A 30 minute full body workout that incorporates the best of abs, arms, legs, and booty workouts, plus amazing stretches.Four other 10-15 minute workouts that specifically and uniquely target abs, legs, arms, as well as a full-body stretch!Body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!Workouts to keep you motivated and gain the next-level confidence it takes to become even more fiercely YOU. All five unique workouts are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want. Do this course for five consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours. Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite workouts anytime you want! With this course you will:Stretch your body in just 15 minutes a day or less, focusing on a holistic and healthful approach.Learn new stretches and exercises that are accessible for people of any level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU. Who should take this course?People who want to purposefully work on their flexibility and energy levels with guided direction. People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level (although this course is suitable for all levels).People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle. People who want to power up their bodies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"20 Moves in 20 Days: Intermediate Tap Dance" |
"Do you understand the basics of tap dance, but want to take your skills to the next level? Are you not ready to jump into an in-person class, or maybe don't have the time to do so? I completely understand, and that's why I created this online course for you! In just 20 days, you will learn 20 different tap moves that will introduce you to all the essential intermediate steps. I walk through each one slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step, and even provide a couple camera angles to demonstrate. After 20 days, you will emerge from this course at an intermediate tap dancer's level (I teach ALL of the steps in this course that I do in my community college Tap Dance 2 course!).Here's what you'll get in this 20 Days in 20 Moves: Intermediate Tap Dance course:20 days of energizing new tap dance steps.Ankle and leg strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!All 20 demonstration videos are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for 20 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Learn these moves in under 10 minutes a day, often less time than that!Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps anytime you want to!With this course you will:Continue growing in a skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance techniques in your real world.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?People who want to learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"20 Moves in 20 Days: Intermediate Jazz Dance" |
"Have you always wanted to keep improving your jazz dance skills but not felt ready to jump into a jazz class? I completely understand, and that's why I created this online course for you! In just 20 days, you will learn 20 different jazz moves that will introduce you to all the essential beginning steps for a classical jazz class. I walk through each one slowly and clearly, so that you know exactly how to execute each new step. After 20 days, you will emerge from this course at an intermediate jazz dancer's level (I teach ALL of the steps in this course that I do in my community college Jazz Dance 2 course!)!Here's what you'll get in this 20 Days in 20 Moves: Intermediate Jazz Dance course:20 days of energizing new jazz dance steps.Full-body strengthening to keep you more injury-free and strong--great for any age!All 20 demonstration videos are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.Do this course for 20 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite steps anytime you want to!With this course you will:Continue growing in a skill that is accessible for people of any fitness level.Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, by learning fun dance techniques in your real world.Challenge yourself to be the best possible YOU.Fulfill bucket list dreams!Who should take this course?People who want to learn a new skill that engages their mind and body.People who want to transform their lives into the most empowered and successful they can be.People who can move and stretch at a beginning level.People who would like a strong role model for mindset, fitness, inspiration, and healthy lifestyle."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Menschen berzeugen - Ansehen gewinnen - Kompetenz zeigen" |
"Spielt es eine Rolle fr den eigenen Erfolg ob man wirklich kompetent ist? Alles in uns will diese Frage mit JA! beantworten, doch wir wissen dass es anders ist. Warum sind also so viele Menschen in verantwortungsvollen Positionen, obwohl andere scheinbar besser qualifiziert wren? Das liegt daran, dass es einen gewaltigen Unterschied zwischen der realen Kompetenz und der wahrgenommenen Kompetenz gibt.Erfolg hngt von der Kompetenz ab. Aber eben hauptschlich von der wahrgenommenen Kompetenz. Fakten, Abschlsse und rationale Grnde sind nicht entscheidend. Oder glaubst du wirklich, dass wir ohne Medizinstudium die wahre Kompetenz eines Arztes bewerten knnen? Nein, aber wir wissen trotzdem, welchem Arzt wir vertrauen. Aber das passiert bestimmt nicht anhand seiner Abschlsse oder seiner besuchten Seminare. Du kannst steuern, wie andere dich wahrnehmen!Wenn du bewusst daran arbeitest, wie andere dich einschtzen, kannst du mit jeder angewandten Technik deinen Status verbessern. Bringe dein Selbstvertrauen und dein Selbstwertgefhl auf ein neues Level!Denn du vernderst nicht nur die Meinung von anderen, sondern auch deine eigene Meinung ber dich. Das ist der Weg zu einer ganz anderen, besseren Selbstwahrnehmung. Das ist in jeder zwischenmenschlichen Beziehung wichtig, denn nur wenn du dir vertraust, vertrauen dir auch andere. Wenn du zu 100% hinter dir selbst stehst, ist es ein leichtes beliebt bei den Freunden und respektiert in der Karriere zu sein. Fundiertes Wissen hilft dir weiterDer Kurs ist auf dem aktuellsten Stand der Psychologie. Damit kannst du mit nonverbaler und verbaler Kommunikation dafr sorgen, dass du selbstsicher in jedes Date, aber auch in jedes Bewerbungsgesprch gehst. Denn egal ob du flirten oder verhandeln willst, schon bevor du zwei Stze gesagt hast, macht sich dein Gegenber auf einer unterbewussten Ebene ein Bild von dir. Deswegen ist es uns auch wichtig, dir zu zeigen, wie du bereits Selbstsicherheit und Fhigkeit ausstrahlst, obwohl du noch kein Wort gesagt hast.Denn so kannst du dich optimal verkaufen. Auerdem gehren Angst vor dem Bewerbungsgesprch oder vor einem Vortrag so der Vergangenheit an.Gunther Lekies und Benjamin Scholln haben gemeinsam die entscheidenden Techniken gesammelt, zusammengetragen und so aufbereitet, dass jeder diese Techniken anwenden kann. Denn mit der richtigen Selbstdarstellung schaffst du es, dass deine Kompetenz wahrgenommen wird. Hole dir die Werkzeuge um mit den besten Techniken aus Krpersprache, Redetechnik und Psychologie dein Auftreten zu verbessern und genau dann zu berzeugen, wenn du es dir wnscht. Sichere dir den Platz im Leben, den du wirklich verdienst!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |