Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Responsive Web Development with HTML5 & CSS3 For Beginners" |
"There are A Whole Lot Of HTML And CSS Courses Out There That Follow The Normal Cliche Which Doesn't Really Work.In Some Courses, You Could Tell The Instructor Is Knowledgeable And Knows His Stuff But Sucks At Teaching Or Conveying That Information To His Learners.With This Course, It Sets You On The Right Path. There Is No Already Made Code And We Build Everything Right From The Ground Up. There Are No Starter Files With Already Made Code Where You Need To Try And Understand Someone Else's Code, Like I Said We Will Be Building Everything From Start To Finish.As A Self Taught Developer, I Know And Have Been Through The Hurdles And Frustrations Of Learning On Your Own,especially Getting Stuck And Making You Feel Like Almost Giving Up. This Course Will Teach You To Write Clean And Effective HTML/CSS.HTML/CSS Is The Basic Foundation Of Web Development,once You Get That Understanding, delving Into Other Languages And Frameworks Like Bootstrap,javascript, jquery And The Rest Becomes Really Easy. Not Only Will We Learn The Theory Of Html And Css Step By Step But Its Practical Aspect And We Will Also Apply That Knowledge By Building Real Life Projects . We Are Going To Be Building 2 Main Projects(A Simple Landing Page Website And A Restaurant Video Page Website. ) Alongside Mini Projects.This course is designed to help beginners and intermediates to learn the basics of HTML & CSS.No prior knowledge of HTML & CSS required. You will learn all that from scratch.."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Make a track from scratch in the style of The Chainsmokers" |
"In this course we are going to learn how to make a track in a similar style as The Chainsmokers.The Chainsmokers are easily one of the most popular and successful EDM groups of all time, with multiple hits around the world, and even a Grammy award. Their combination of pop and dance music has been a trendsetting theme for popular music as a whole.In this course we start at the beginning of the track, and create the entire song from intro to drop. We go over every detail to make sure you understand exactly the types of sounds and techniques The Chainsmokers like to use in their songs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a track from scratch in the style of KYGO" |
"In this course we are going to learn how to make a track in a similiar style as Kygo.Kygo is a Norwegian Producer and DJ who gained mainstream fame through his popularization of the Tropical House genre. Since then he has played in arenas and at festivals across the globe, and collaborated with stars such as Selena Gomez and Ellie Goulding find out why and learn how to capture this sound now!Whether youre a fan of Kygo, dance music, or you just want to see how the pros do it. This course takes you through the key steps and processes from getting your ideas down and picking sounds through to mapping out your arrangement and mixing your track."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Excel |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Belajar Web Development Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP" |
"Dalam kelas online Belajar Web Development Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP ini kamu akan belajar dasar-dasar pemrograman PHP secara online, dimulai dari pembahasan web di sisi klien seperti HTML, CSS, JavaScript dan jQuery. Kami telah menyusun kurikulum dan materinya dengan beragam format, sehingga bisa membantu kamu dalam belajar pemrograman PHP. Tidak hanya itu, ada juga materi yang menggunakan studi kasus sehingga kamu tidak hanya melulu belajar konsep, namun juga bagaimana penerapannya dalam membuat aplikasi berbasis PHP.Kamu dapat mengakses kelas ini selamanya, dan kami akan selalu memperbaharui konten secara berkala terutama terkait pembaharuan versi PHP, penggantian API terbaru dan penghapusan APIyang sudah usang (depecated)."
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
"Build Neural Networks In Seconds Using Deep Learning Studio" |
"In this course you will Machine Learning And Neural Networks easily. We will develop Keras / TensorFlow Deep Learning Models using GUI and without knowing Python or programming.If you are a python programmer, in this course you will learn a much easier and faster way to develop and deploy Keras / TensorFlow machine learning models.You will learn about important machine learning concepts such as datasets, test set splitting, deep neural networks, normailzation, dropout, artificial networks, neural network models, hyperparameters, WITHOUT hard and boring technical explanations or math formulas, or follow along code. Instead, you will learn these concepts from practical and easy to follow along teaching methods. In this course, Deep Learning Studio will produce all the python code for you in the backend, and you never even have to even look at it (unless of course you want to). By the end of this course you will be able to build, train and deploy deep learning AI models without having to do any coding.After taking this course you will be able to produce well written professional python code without even knowing what python is or how to program, Deep Learning Studio will do all this work for you. Instead you can easily stay focused on building amazing artificial intelligence machine learning solutions without programming.Also, if you just want to learn more about Deep Learning Studio and get a jump start on this revolutionary ststem, this is the course for you! Deep Learning Studio is just beginning to shake up the data science world and how artificial intelligence solutions are developed! Get ahead of the curve by taking this exciting and easy to follow along course!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Data science from zero" |
"OutlineA course that aims at establishes a framework that forms the core of dealing with data.What this course will teach you?This course aims at training you with tools and techniques for entering the world of data science and analytics. It teaches you the essential concepts that has to known and how it can be used to take data based decisions.How will it do so?We have introduced in this course, those key concepts that should be known by an analyst to solve data related tasks. Is this course relevant to you?This course deals with the most basic concepts of data science and analytics. It is relevant to anyone who looks at data science as a career or is just looking to learn something out of their daily schedule."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Revelando los secretos de las ventas en Facebook" |
"Si eres de las personas cansadas de teora, pasar horas de horas leyendo diapositivas, para que al final no sean exitosas tus ventas en Facebook. Este es tu curso perfecto ya que es, 95% prctico y, aprenders paso a paso los secretos de las ventas :Temas:- Panorama Digital- Pilares sociales- Pilares de contenido* Plataforma de Facebooka) Segmentarb) Palabras claves e, intereses (aqu est la clave de toda la venta en Facebook)c) Inversin d) Cuidar la lnea grfica * Caso prctico publicacin real en Facebook, de uno de mis clientes."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Comment Investir efficacement dans l'immobilier locatif." |
"Ce cours s'adresse aux investisseurs immobiliers dbutants qui dsirent apprendre comment faire pour acheter un bien au meilleur prix sans faire d'erreurs. Vous dcouvrirez comment dterminer avec exactitude un prix d'achat cohrent et rentable.Comment viter de faire un mauvais choix.Comment trouver le(la) vendeur(se) idal(e). Vous appliquerez une mthode simple et efficace multipliable a souhaits pour avoir des taux de rendement au dessus de 10% sans faire de dficit financier."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Just About Time Management" |
"Pressure and work build up progressively, and unless you can break the cycle the work will continue to pile up. Time Management is the key to gaining control over your working and personal time. Managing your time allows you to get on top of your work, and will get you to start being on top of the work load with reduced stress. This informative one-day training will provide you with a range of techniques and tools that will help you manage the normal stresses of business. Keeping things simple is the secret to good time management. We first need to identify trouble spots then implement time saving techniques we know we will stick to. This course provides techniques and strategies to increase your productivity without working harder or longer, to focus on high priority activities, to eliminate time wasting habits and overcome time wasting activities.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Just About Visual Merchandising - Attracting Shoppers" |
"Visual merchandisingis the activity and profession of developing floor plans, fixtures and displays in order to maximise sales, of both goods or services. The purpose of such visual merchandising is to attract, engage and encourage the shopper so that they will purchase the displayed items. We do, after all is said and done, Shop with our Eyes which is the reason Visual Merchandizing can either make or break a business. The purpose of visual merchandising is to:- Make it easier for the customer to locate the desired department and category.- Make it easier for the customer to find the products that they need.- Make it easier for the shopper to get other products that either match or blend in with their theme.- Make it easier for the shopper to find specially promoted, displayed or strategic goods.Shopping is a pastime that the majority of the population do not enjoy and would rather change the experience that they have. There is a problem with making a generalized comment on people going shopping in that there are certain stores that we love to visit, and others that we will avoid at all costs. Why is there such a very different experience between the perceptions of the different outlets? Quite often I have noted that a person will like a store from a group, and absolutely hate the same store in a different area."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Just About Negotiation Masterclass" |
"How to resolve conflict, make better deals and satisfy customers.Becoming a master of negotiation is crucial for busy executives who need to control complex situations every day whether its getting the salary you want or a deal you need.Negotiations are seen as a contest of wills in which power determines the outcome, each party fights it out until theres a winner and a loser, but this approach produces short-term results and leaves both sides exhausted, resentful and dissatisfied.Win Win is an attitude not an out comeThis highly intensive training course will provide you with an effective, efficient and principled negotiation style that will produce agreements to meet the needs of both parties and ensure we all win."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Node.js com MongoDB" |
"Curso de Node JS. Aprenda na prtica a desenvolver um sistema web com Node JS e o banco de dados MongoDB. Voc vai aprender os conceitos iniciais, bem como os passos para construir uma aplicao web utilizando o framework Express e ainda realizar uma conexo com o banco de dados MongoDB."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Por que no consigo Trabalho?" |
"Todos conhecemos e sabemos que o Brasil passa por uma grande recesso. Os noticirios do conta de cerca de 12 milhes de desempregados, entretanto, sempre haver algum contratando.Diante disso, muito mais difcil conseguir um trabalho nesse universo gigantesco de desempregados sedentos por uma oportunidade, o que torna suas chances muito reduzidas quando o assunto competio, e ainda mais, quando no se joga com as cartas certas e da forma correta.Vejo muitas pessoas capacitadas tecnicamente sucumbirem frente a pessoas despreparadas mas que jogaram da forma certa. De outro lado, jovens entrando no mercado de trabalho sem o menor conhecimento e sem nenhuma ajuda dos seus pais para uma simples entrevista de emprego.Esse curso, versar sobre esses temas. Sua proposta falar de uma maneira simples e direta para que todos possam entender que pequenas atitudes podem garantir uma boa oportunidade no mbito profissional, sobretudo na criao de oportunidades e nas entrevistas de emprego.Esse um trabalho que ser de grande ajuda para os jovens e adolescentes que esto entrando no mercado de trabalho, seja como jovem aprendiz ou primeiro emprego.Tenho certeza que este curso est na medida certa para sua mudana de vida profissional.Bons estudos.Lcio Reis - Professor."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Fotos Bearbeiten mit Adobe Lightroom - Entwickeln von Fotos" |
"Dieser Videokurs vermittelt alle wichtigen Grundlagen, um Fotos mit Adobe Lightroom zu bearbeiten.In diesem Kurs geht es hauptschlich um das Bearbeiten, bzw. ""Entwickeln"" von Fotos. D.h. der Kurs beschftigt sich konzentriert auf den ""Entwickeln"" Reiter in Adobe Lightroom. Hierbei erklre ich dir jeden einzelnen Regler und dessen Funktion. Du kannst anschlieend mit eigenen Fotos ben, kannst aber auch die RAW-Dateien verwenden, die ich dir zur Verfgung stelle.Auerdem erhltst du Informationen ber das Importieren und Exportieren von Fotos. In dem Kurs sind 2 Premium-Presets fr Adobe Lightroom enthalten. Das Erstellen und verwenden von Vorgaben bzw. Presets wird ausfhrlich gezeigt.Nach den theoretischen Aspekten zeige ich dir die Bearbeitung von Portrait und Landschaft anhand von Praxisbeispielen. Diese Beispiele helfen dir besonders gut, um Lightroom besser zu verstehen und um verschiedene Lichtsituationen zu bewltigen.Sollte dir der Kurs berhaupt nicht gefallen, bekommst du dein Geld innerhalb von 30 Tagen wieder zurck!Worauf wartest du also noch? Beginne jetzt gleich Lightroom zu lernen und schreib dich in den Kurs ein."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom Mobile CC Komplettkurs - Entwickeln am Smartphone" |
"Dieser Videokurs vermittelt alle wichtigen Grundlagen, um Fotos mit dem Smartphone zu bearbeiten. Bei diesem Kurs handelt es sich um einen Komplettkurs ber die App ""Lightroom Mobile CC"". Der Schwerpunkt des Kurses liegt auf dem Bearbeiten, bzw. ""Entwickeln"" von Fotos mit Lightroom Mobile. Hierbei erklre ich dir jeden einzelnen Regler und dessen Funktion. Du kannst anschlieend mit eigenen Fotos ben, kannst aber auch die RAW-Dateien verwenden, die ich dir zur Verfgung stelle.Auerdem erhltst du Informationen ber das Importieren von Fotos in die Lightroom App. Das Exportieren bzw. ""Abspeichern"" von fertigen Fotos wird auch gezeigt.In dem Kurs sind 2 Premium-Presets fr Lightroom Mobile enthalten.Das Erstellen und verwenden von Vorgaben bzw. Presets wird ausfhrlich gezeigt. Nach den theoretischen Aspekten zeige ich dir die Bearbeitung von Portrait und Landschaft anhand von Praxisbeispielen. Diese Beispiele helfen dir besonders gut, um Lightroom besser zu verstehen und um verschiedene Lichtsituationen zu bewltigen.Sollte dir der Kurs berhaupt nicht gefallen, bekommst du dein Geld innerhalb von 30 Tagen wieder zurck!Worauf wartest du also noch? Beginne jetzt gleich Lightroom zu lernen und schreib dich in den Kurs ein."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
using-command-line-like-a-hacker-completion |
"13 bash zsh shell"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PodmanBuildah Skopeo" |
"PodmanBuildah Skopeo Podman Buildah Skopeo Docker"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Terraform |
"GoogleAmazonNetflix Infrastructure as codeHashiCorp Terraform Terraform AWSGoogle CloudMicrosoft AzureDigitalOceanLinodeVultr Terraform Terraform"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
eyeforia_diamond_master |
"! lash-.: - ! , , ! , , !"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
silver_master |
". , , , , . , . - . , :- , .- - .- , -"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Invest in the Stock Market" |
"Don't you know where to invest your savings?Learn To Invest In The Stock Market Using The Internet And Start MAKING MONEY From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!If You Think That Investing In The Stock Market Is Very Difficult... Take This Course And You Will Be Surprised By How Easy Investing In The Most Important Markets In The World Can Be!Dear Reader,Congratulations!You are about to learn everything you need to start investing in the Stock Market so that you can MAKE MONEY through different financial instruments such as Stocks, Penny Stocks, ETFs and Options. Whether you do not know anything about it or have some KNOWLEDGE but you want to DEEPEN IT Whether you want to invest on your own or with an adviserThis Course Is For You!Evidently, very few people around the world invest in the Stock Market. The main reason of that is the general IGNORANCE on the subject. For that reason, when talking about stock investments is very common to hear various myths. So before going any further, let's finish with these fallacies: Myth #1: Investing in the Stock Market is very difficult; it is just for a few people.Undoubtedly, one of the most widespread myths is the one stating that investing in the Stock Market is very difficult and it is only for a few chosen ones. Nothing could be further from the truth than that. To learn to invest in the Stock Market you do not need to have any prior knowledge. And best of all, thanks to the Internet, today you can invest very easily from anywhere in the world. So, todayAnyone Can Invest In The Stock Market! Myth #2: To invest in the Stock Market, you need lots of money.Another of the most heard rumors is the one related to the money that is needed to invest in the Stock Market. Many people think that they need hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to trade in the Stock Market. That is totally false. You may be surprised to know that you can start investing with A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS right now. Myth #3: The Stock Market is a lottery game.In any discipline, to succeed in what you do, you must know the basics and fundamentals of how it works. Otherwise, the results obtained will be exclusively random. Investing in the Stock Market is not an exception to this premise. That is why TRAINING is so important. Of course, in this course, you will learn everything you need.So, let's be clear about this... INVESTING IN THE STOCK MARKET is one of the BEST alternatives to make HIGH RETURNS.It Is Time To Give Yourself The Chance!In this complete course of 5 hours, you will learn to:Invest in the Stock Market from your home using the InternetOpen a brokerage account with an American online broker from anywhere in the worldMAKE MONEY by buying and selling the Stocks of the major companies in the worldDetect bullish and bearish signals in the stock priceMAKE MONEY by going long or shortPlace buy and sell ordersAutomate trades using conditional ordersMAKE MONEY by investing in Penny StocksInvest in Gold, Oil and other commodities by using ETFsMake HIGH RETURNS by investing in OptionsAnd much moreFor all the cases real examples are included.There are 3 reasons why Investing in the Stock Market is one of the BEST ways to multiply your savings: You do it from your home: Thanks to the Internet, today you can invest very easily from anywhere in the world, including your own home! You manage the time: In order to succeed in the Stock Market you do not need to follow the markets 24 hours a day. Most trades can be automated, so you can obtain EXCELLENT RESULTS dedicating only a few hours a week or a month. You can make HIGH RETURNS: By investing in Stocks you can generate EXCELLENT PROFITS, and in addition, with Options, you will be able to make RETURNS GREATER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED!If you are still making plans to know where to invest your savings IT IS TIME to learn how to invest in the Stock Market. In this course you will learn everything you need to invest in the Stock Market SUCCESSFULLY and PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. SoWhat Are You Waiting For? Start Today!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Invertir en Bolsa" |
"No sabes dndeinvertirtus ahorros?Aprende AInvertir En BolsaA Travs De InternetY Comienza AGANAR DINERO Desde La Comodidad De TuCasa!Si Crees QueInvertir En BolsaEs Muy Difcil Espera A Tomar Este Curso Y Te Sorprenders De LoFcilQue Puede Resultar Invertir En Los Principales Mercados Financieros Del Mundo!Estimado Lector,Felicitaciones!Ests a punto de aprender todo lo que necesitas paracomenzar a invertir en Bolsade manera que puedasGANAR DINEROa travs de distintosinstrumentos financieroscomoAcciones, Penny Stocks, ETFs y Opciones. Ya sea queno sepas nadadel tema o bien tengas algunosCONOCIMIENTOS pero quierasPROFUNDIZARLOS Ya sea que quierasinvertir por tu cuentao travs de unasesorEste Curso EsPara Vos!Evidentementemuy pocas personasen todo el mundoinvierten en Bolsa. La principal razn de ello es el DESCONOCIMIENTO general del tema. Por este motivo, a la hora de hablar deinversiones burstileses muy comn escuchar diversosmitos. As que antes de seguir adelante, vamos aterminar con estas falacias: Mito #1: Invertir en Bolsa es muy difcil, slo es para unos pocos.Sin dudas, uno de los mitos ms difundidos, es el que afirma que invertir en Bolsa es muy difcil y que slo es para unos pocoselegidos.Nada ms lejos de la realidad que eso.Para aprender a invertir en Bolsa no es necesario ningn tipo de conocimiento previo. Y lo mejor de todo es quegracias a Internet, al da de hoy es posible invertir muy fcilmente desde cualquier lugar del mundo.Por lo tanto, al da de hoyCualquier PersonaPuede Invertir En Bolsa! Mito #2: Para invertir en Bolsa se necesita mucho dinero.Otros de los rumores ms escuchados es el referido aldinero que se necesita invertir. Muchas personas imaginan que para operar en Bolsa necesitan tener cientos de miles de dlares. Eso es totalmente falso.Quiz te sorprenda saber que con UNOS POCOS CIENTOS DE DLARES ya puedes comenzar a invertir hoy mismo. Mito #3: La Bolsa es un juego de azar.En cualquier disciplina, para tener xito en lo que se hace se deben conocer las bases y fundamentos de su funcionamiento.De lo contrario, los resultados que se obtengan estarn exclusivamente vinculados alazar.Invertir en Bolsa no escapa de esta premisa. Es por eso que la CAPACITACIN es tan importante.Por supuesto, todo lo que necesitas saber lo aprenders en este curso.As que pongamos las cosas claras la INVERSIN EN BOLSA es una de las MEJORES alternativas para lograrALTAS RENTABILIDADES.Es Hora Que Te DesLa Oportunidad!En estecompleto cursode 6 horas de duracin, aprenders a:Invertir en Bolsadesde tu casaa travs deInternetAbrir una cuentaen unbroker online de USAdesde cualquier pas del mundoGANAR DINERO comprando y vendiendoAccionesde las principales compaas del mundoDetectaralzasybajasen el precio de una accinGANAR DINERO invirtiendo alalzay a labajaCargarrdenesde compra y ventaAutomatizar operaciones mediante el uso derdenes condicionalesGANAR DINERO invirtiendo enPenny StocksInvertir en Oro, Petrleoy otroscommoditiesmediante la operacin deETFsLograr ALTAS RENTABILIDADES invirtiendo enOpcionesY mucho msParatodos los casosse incluyenejemplosreales.Hay3 razonespor las que Invertir en Bolsaes una de las MEJORES alternativas paramultiplicartus ahorros: Lo haces desdetu casa:Gracias aInternet, al da de hoy es posible invertir muy fcilmente desde cualquier lugar del mundo,incluyendo tu propio hogar! T manejas los tiempos:Para tenerxito en la Bolsano es necesario que ests pendiente de los mercados las 24 hs. La mayor parte de lasoperacionesse puedenautomatizar, por lo que puedes lograr EXCELENTES RESULTADOS dedicndole slounas pocas horas semanales o al mes. Puedes lograr ALTAS RENTABILIDADES:Invirtiendo enAccionespodrs obtener EXCELENTES GANANCIAS, y adems, a travs de lasOpciones, podrs lograrRENTABILIDADES JAMS IMAGINADAS!Si todava ests haciendo planes para saberdnde invertir tus ahorrosES MOMENTO que aprendas a invertir en Bolsa. En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber parainvertir EXITOSAMENTE en Bolsa y LLEVARLO A LA PRCTICA. Por lo tantoQu Ests Esperando? Comienza Hoy Mismo!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Invest in Options" |
"Tired of looking for high returns?Invest InOptionsWith TheMost AdvancedStrategies AndIncrease Your ProfitsToValuesGreater Than You Ever Imagined!If You Invest In The Stock Market And You Want To Increase Your Profits To Considerable Values, Look No Further In This Course You Will Learn To Invest In Options Like An Expert So That You Can MakeThe Highest Returns!Dear Reader,Congratulations!You are about to learn theMOST ADVANCED strategiesforinvesting in Options. Undoubtedly, wheninvesting in the Stock Market, one of the mostprofitablefinancial instruments areOptions. In this course you will learn the best strategies forMAKING MONEYwith them. If you invest in the Stock Market and you want to make the HIGHEST returnsIt Is Time To Invest In Options Like An Expert!When talking aboutStock Optionstwo very commonmythsarise:It is very difficult to understand how Options workandThey are too risky. Even if you have neverinvested in the Stock Marketit is very likely that you heard some of these two phrases. That is why for many investorsOptions are really a TABOO subject. However,those beliefs are totally falseso before going any further, let's finish with them: Myth #1: It is very difficult to understand how Options work.Undoubtedly, one of the most widespread myths is the one stating thatOptionsare verydifficultto understand.That is totally false.Options are neither more nor less difficult to understand than any other financial instrument. Of course, in order to invest in Options successfully, you must knowhow they really work. In this course, you will learn everything you need to invest in Options like a true expert. So you have no excuses becauseAnyoneCan Invest In Options! Myth #2: Options are too risky.Another of the most heard rumors is the one stating thatOptionsarevery risky.Nothing could be further from the truth than that.You may be surprised to know that Options were created precisely in order todecrease the riskof stock trades.If properly used,Optionsallow us to manage the risk of a trade and minimize it.So, let's be clear about thisInvesting in OptionsusingADVANCED strategiesis one of thebest alternativesto makereturns HIGHERthan you ever imagined.It Is Time To Give YourselfThe Chance!In thiscomplete courseof7 hours, you will learn to:Invest inOptionsusing more than 20advanced strategiesMAKE MONEY in any market condition(Bullish, Bearish or Neutral)Increase your Returnson investmentsManagetheRiskof your tradesLeveragepositionsAnalyze theinfluenceofVolatilityAnalyze theinfluenceofTime DecayPlace theordersto open and close the positions for the different strategiesMake RETURNS HIGHER than you ever imaginedusing the same strategies that the major Financial Institutions use to make their fortuneAnd much moreForall the casesreal examplesare included.There are3 reasonswhy Investing in Optionsis one of the BEST ways tomultiplyyour savings: You Leverage Positions:WithOptionsyou can make HIGHER RETURNS by usingless moneythan the one required with stocks. You Manage the Risk:One of the advantages of investing inOptionsis thatyou can manage the riskyou are willing to take when opening a position. You INCREASE yourReturns:Thanks to the use ofadvanced strategies you can make RETURNS HIGHER than you ever imagined!Option investingis one of thebestalternatives to make HIGH RETURNS. If you invest in the Stock Market and you want to increase yourprofitsto values greater than you ever imagined, this isyour chance. So...What Are You Waiting For? Start Today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Invertir en Opciones" |
"Cansado de buscar altas rentabilidades?Invierte EnOpcionesCon LasEstrategiasMs Avanzadas YAumenta Tus GananciasA ValoresJams Imaginados!Si Inviertes En Bolsa Y Quieres Llevar Tus Ganancias A Cifras Considerables, No Busques Ms En Este Curso Aprenders A Invertir En Opciones Como Un Experto Para Que Puedas Lograr LasMs Altas Rentabilidades!Estimado Lector,Felicitaciones!Ests a punto de aprender lasestrategias MS AVANZADASparainvertir en Opciones. Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los instrumentos msrentablesa la hora deinvertir en Bolsason lasOpciones. En este curso aprenders paso a paso las mejores estrategias paraGANAR DINEROcon ellas. Si inviertes en Bolsa y quieres lograr las MS ALTAS rentabilidadesEs Hora Que Inviertas En Opciones Como Un Experto!A la hora de hablar deOpciones Financierasdos grandesmitossurgen en torno a ellas:Su funcionamiento es muy difcil de entenderySon demasiado riesgosas. An sin haberinvertido en Bolsaes muy probable que hayas escuchado alguna de estas dos frases. Esto ha hecho que para muchos inversores lasOpcionessean realmente un tema TAB. Sin embargo,esas creencias son totalmente falsasas que antes de seguir adelante vamos a terminar con ellas: Mito #1: El funcionamiento de las Opciones es muy difcil de entender.Sin dudas, uno de los mitos ms difundidos, es el que afirma que el funcionamiento de lasOpcioneses muydifcilde entender.Eso es totalmente falso.Las opciones no son ms ni menos difciles de entender que cualquier otro instrumento financiero. Por supuesto, para invertir con xito en ellas, se debe conocer sufuncionamiento terico. En este curso, aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber para invertir como un verdadero experto. As que no tienes excusas ya queCualquier PersonaPuede Invertir En Opciones! Mito #2: Invertir en Opciones es demasiado riesgoso.El otro rumor ms escuchado es el que dice que Invertir enOpcionesesdemasiado riesgoso.Nada ms lejos de la realidad que eso.Quiz te sorprenda saber que justamente las Opciones se crearon con el objetivo dedisminuir el riesgode las inversiones burstiles.Bien utilizadas, lasOpcionespermiten administrar el riesgo de una inversin y disminuirlo.As que seamos clarosInvertir en Opcionesmediante el uso deestrategias AVANZADASes una de lasmejores alternativaspara lograr lasrentabilidades MS ALTASque te puedas imaginar.Es Hora Que Te DesLa Oportunidad!En estecompleto cursode7 horas de duracin, aprenders a:Invertir enOpcionesmediante el uso de ms de 20estrategias avanzadasGANAR DINERO en cualquier situacin de mercado(Alcista, Bajista o Lateral)Aumentar la Rentabilidadde tus inversionesAdministrarelRiesgode tus inversionesInvertir de formaApalancadaAnalizar lainfluenciade laVolatilidadAnalizar lainfluenciadelAvance del TiempoCargar lasrdenesde apertura y cierre de posicin para las distintas estrategiasLograr las RENTABILIDADES MS ALTAS que te hayas imaginadoutilizando las mismas estrategias que aplican las grandes Entidades Financieras para generar su fortunaY mucho msParatodos los casosse incluyenejemplosreales.Hay3 razonespor las que Invertir en Opcioneses una de las MEJORES alternativas paramultiplicartus ahorros: Logras Apalancamiento:Con lasOpcionesse pueden lograr MAYORES RETORNOS utilizandomenores cantidades de dineroque las que se requieren con las acciones. Administras el Riesgo:Una de las ventajas de invertir enOpcioneses queen todo momento puedes administrar el riesgoque ests dispuesto a tomar al abrir una posicin. AUMENTAS laRentabilidad:Gracias al uso deestrategias avanzadaspodrs lograr las RENTABILIDADES MS ALTAS que te hayas imaginado!Lainversin en Opcioneses una de lasmejoresalternativas para lograr las ms ALTAS RENTABILIDADES. Si inviertes en Bolsa y quieres llevar tusgananciasa valores jams imaginados, esta estu oportunidad.Por lo tantoQu Ests Esperando? Comienza Hoy Mismo!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web Design Business Series Part 1 Your First Website" |
"I am developing this course and will continually add new lectures. Step by step course showing you everything from how to create your very first website, optimizing and beautify websites all the way to finding clients . This is the steps to start and run your own web design / web development business and have the joy of independence. This course is for people with absolutely no experience. This is part one of a whole series I am creating which will cover many aspects of a successful web development / design business up to expert design, marketing even pricing."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Self-Discipline - Easy To Follow steps - Help Yourself" |
"Very upbeat tactics to develop self-discipline as fast as possible. No clutter, no nonsense, methods to cultivate will power, self control to the point where self-discipline will become second nature to you. Derived and concentrated from the world's most disciplined people. As far back as the Greek and Roman empires, the only people who achieved heights, was the ones with strong self-discipline and self control. The methods have thus been proven right through great wars."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"VideoScribe Whiteboard Animations - For business like a pro" |
"Use VideoScribe to set up a whiteboard animation business. VideoScribe is software for creating whiteboard animations automatically. VideoScribe is very potent and yet quite easy to use. American school children used VideoScribe to create a message forBarack Obama, pleading with the US President to reinstate their tour of the White House after it was cancelled by federal budget cuts. Let me teach you how to use VideoScribe to make video animations for clients and have a nothing less than decent income."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Automate Excel using Python - Xlwings Series 1" |
"This course teaches how to automate Industry-level datasets maintained in Excel sheets using Python programming language.MS Excel is a very helpful tool for record-keeping. But the language that comes by default for macro is VBA, which is dated. And in the field of Data Analysis, Python has a lot of interesting packages which makes a job easy. Package like xlwings links any Excel with Python macros. Packages like Pandas, takes data into tabular format and also has customized filtering of rows or columns for complex data analysis. Packages like Matplotlib, Plotly enables to create different plots - line plot, Scatter plot, Heat map for finding the correlation b/w different parameters. In the Series, 2 Case studies has been picked from Industry process line. And correspondingly, Python macros are created to:reduce time in analysisenable customization using python packagesreduce macros code lines in VBA codebase.create customized User-defined modules by python functions.The Series-2 is also available now in the Instructor's profile."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pinyin with similar English words - Chinese alphabet" |
"I use similar English words to explain you how to pronounce the pinyin, you will learn how to pronounce the 'Chinese alphabet' in an easy and clear way. Everything will be explained in plain English. In total there are three parts of Chinese pinyin - Initials, Finals and Tones. In the 4th lesson we will put everything together to pronounce real Chinese word. Let's find out ;)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to introduce yourself in Chinese! Beginner Chinese" |
"How to introduce yourself in Chinese? In this course, I will cover the following topics:1) What is your name? 2) How old are you?3) How many family members do you have?4) Where do you come from?I will also teach you how to build questions in Chinese?the normal way and with ' what / which / how many 'I explain everything gradually, you do not need to worry that you will take too many new knowledge in the short time. I am sure as long as you follow my lead, you can learn everything easily and fast. Please remember to repeat after me, and don't be shy ;) Read it out loud!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |