Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
miracle-nakamura |
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Personal Transformation : Live with Thankfulness in 4 days" |
"Personal Transformation happens when you know what to change or develop or when you chalk down a transformational roadmap and start implementing. And you can only do that when two things happen : You are motivated to change and You know what you have and what to changeAs you know, there are two sides of everything, when you see what you have in a negative way, the chances of staying motivated reduce and hence reducing the chances of personal transformation as well. The first step to any personal transformation is the feeling of satisfaction and the feeling of happiness. And it can only happen when you are happily accept what you have. So, thankfulness can be named as the first step to personal transformation. With this short course on Start Living with Thankfulness in 4 days, you will be:Aware of what Thankfulness isKnowing what are the benefits of thankfulnessUnderstanding why we are not ThankfulAware of how thankfulness transforms us or upgrades usBuilding ThankfulnessPractice Daily Thankfulness PrayerStart Writing Thankfulness Journaland much moreIn this course, you will be getting : 13 lecturesMore than 1 hour of contentScientifically designed modules to be completed in 4 daysUnderstand the areas of life.Downloadable MP3 on Thankfulness Prayer for Daily PracticeActivity Book to support your learningAdditional Resources to dig deep learningSupport via Message - expect a reply in next 48 hours. So, I welcome you to this first step towards personal transformation - start living with thankfulness in 4 days. The benefits of thankfulness is really huge and it positively affects all areas of life - be in intellectual, or financial, or relationships, or emotions, or handling stress - whatever it be, thankfulness plays a vital role everywhere in life. Please note : Thankfulness or Thankfulness Prayer has nothing to do with any religion.It has only link with you as a person.This course must be completed in 4 days only. Please don't rush.This course can only be effective if you practice thankfulness daily."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Fundamentals for Your Church & Ministry" |
"Hello, I am Natchi Lazarus, your instructor. I am passionate about equipping the body of Christ fulfil the Great Commission using technology, digital tools and social media.I created this course to help you as a church leader in this smart-phone-dominated digital age get an understanding of how social media works and how you can use it to reach, connect and minister effectively to your audience.Through this course, I share many practical tips, workflow ideas and hands-on techniques that I have learnt and implemented personally in my 15+ years of consulting career, working with various churches, nonprofits and ministries.Through my book, The Connected Church, which is available on Amazon stores worldwide, 1000s of church leaders have already benefited from the S.P.I.R.I.T. framework and communication model that I have developed. Now, through this course, you have access to the framework and the model.Whether you are an established organisation or an individual starting your ministry, this course is designed to help you successfully implement a social media and digital ministry program, so that you can serve the people who you are called to serve, effectively, both online and offline.There are 6 modules or sections in this course with multiple lessons or lectures in each section.Module I - IntroductionIn this module, I will give you a quick introduction to the course and some tips on how to make the most of this course.Module II- Social Media & the ChurchIn this module, we talk about the importance of using digital, online and social communication medium. We explore the evolution of a new type of audience the connected audience, and help the reader learn the biblical basis of social media marketing and its relevance to the Great Commission.Module III The Communication ModelIn this module, I introduce you to the 4-part Connected Church communication model. We lay out a broader vision of a smooth, seamless communication within the Church, as one body using social media and technology.Module IV The Implementation FrameworkIn this module, we move from visioning mode to action mode. We will look at a six-step S.P.I.R.I.T. framework as a practical means to implement the communication model in your ministry. This is a hands-on implementation section that examines management strategies, marketing strategies and operational details.Module V Future Trends & the ChurchIn this module, we look at key future trends and how they might impact you as a ministry.Module VI - Future Proofing Your Ministry and Next StepsIn this final module, we look at ways in which you can future proof your ministry and be ready for the technological and digital changes that you may encounter. We also look at some of the next steps you could take after completing this course.I am excited to see how you will use the content of this course to grow your ministry, spreading the Good News by serving and impacting your community. I will see you inside the course.- Natchi Lazarus"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Projects, Project Management and the PMP Examination" |
"Want to pursue the PMP? Or Interested in knowing the basics of projects and project management? Then, this course is for you. The PMP is considered to be one of the toughest exams and one of the main reasons for that is the lengthy content to be covered by the aspirants. The course will make you familiar with the basics of projects, project management and the PMP exam. This course is a nice starter-kit for anyone who want to pursue the PMP. The course is carefully structured and explains the basics in clear and simple manner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SIG con Python en QGIS 3" |
"Introduccin a la programacin usando Python en QGIS 3. Aprende desde cero PyQGIS 3, mira como puedes automatizar y construir tus propios scripts.No requieres conocimientos previos, te enseamos paso a paso, primero aprenders lo bsico de Python3, luego como aplicarlo en QGis3 y posteriormente creamos nuestros scripts con cajas de dialogo.Crea tu propias herramientas, convirtete en desarrollador y da el paso para el siguiente nivel como especialista SIG."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QGIS Aplicado al Catastro" |
"Aprende a manejar la simbologa y etiquetado avanzado en QGIS, aplicndolo en el dimensionamiento de mapas y planos.Utiliza QGIS como una potente herramienta para el manejo catastral, redes En este curso te brindamos diversas opciones, tu decides que tanto profundizar: Acotado y mensura sencillo utilizando geoprocesos, soluciona con unos pocos clics Acotado con simbologa avanzada, aprende a crear los estilos ms verstiles y que podrs aplicar en cualquier ocasin. Crear y aplicar funciones Python, extiende la capacidad del generador de expresiones"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Comment tre visible sur les Rseaux Sociaux en 2019 ?" |
"Nous allons voir ensemble 8 piliers pour mettre en place votre visibilit sur les rseaux sociaux sans que cela soit chronophage. Vous allez pouvoir tre visible dans votre domaine d'activit grce ces 8 modules :- Premier module : on va voir ensemble comment avoir une prsence en ligne sur les rseaux sociaux et susciter de l'engagement.- Second module : vous allez dcouvrir quel rseau social choisir pour votre activit et comment l'utiliser.- Troisime module : vous allez apprendre comment faire pour avoir une vraie prsence sur le web seulement en 30 min par jour.- Quatrime module : vous allez voir quels sont les diffrents formats et canaux de communication que vous devez absolument utiliser.- Cinquime module : vous allez apprendre crer des contenus qui cartonnent et provoque un vrai engagement de la part de votre audience. - Sixime module : vous allez apprendre ce qu'il faut absolument faire une fois que votre contenu est publi. Les rsultats sont surprenants.- Septime module : vous allez comprendre et connaitre les meilleurs statistiques des diffrentes plateformes pour savoir quand publier.- Huitime module : vous allez apprendre faire un planning ditorial pour prparer l'avance vos contenus.- Modules Bonus : les cls pour aller plus loin vers une stratgie Inbound Marketing"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Online Marketing For Creative Introverts" |
"WHYTHISCOURSE?This course is specifically designed for introverts who are self-employed, have online businesses or want to develop their hobby into a profitable business.I know how tough it is to spread the word and talk about what you do. Most creative introverts I know just want to DOthe work - rather than spend their time and energy marketing it.In addition, most marketing advice out there is designed by and forextroverts - which doesn't take into account:1)Your unique, innate introvert strengths2)The problems and challenges introverts face3)The most effective way to use introversion to your advantage... And that's why this course exists.I've spent 5 years learning what to do (and not to do)in marketing online and offline, using the introvert traits that come naturally to me - and this course will show you how to do the same.***BONUS*** WORKBOOKANDMULTIPLETEMPLATES+CHEATSHEETSMy students love how actionable my courses are, and Igo all out on creating useful workbooks, templates and other printables and tools to make life super easy for you, and save you time.INCREDIBLE STUDENTSUPPORTI offer my time to regularly hold office hours with students. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I'll do my best to help you. Students can start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer your questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you!Ialso promise to regularly update this course to reflect the current marketing landscape, and what I'm learning.OVER 23 VIDEOLECTURES This course is comprehensive. It will make you a great marketer in a short amount of time, no 'extroverting' required. You will learn top social media marketing strategies, effective copywriting skills, how to get publicity for your business, introvert-friendly networking strategies, and lots more.After you complete the course, you will have a well-rounded understanding of various marketing strategies, and most importantly you will be able to choose and implement the ones that suit YOURpersonality type and preferences in order to grow your business.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Cultivate Creativity (A Practical Course)" |
"In this course, you will go on a journey to rediscover your natural creativity. You will dispel the myths surrounding creativity and let go of limiting beliefs that have been holding your creativity back. You'll walk away with a new understanding of creativity and strategies to start to cultivate more creativity in your daily life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Epic Games in Scratch 3.0" |
"Learn how to make Epic Games in Scratch 3.0! Taught by Sulaiman and Idris Jackson. Create awesome games, like a zombie shooter game, and a bonus lecture on how to create an awesome logo for your account in scratch!Sulaiman Jackson is CEOof SullyBully Studios, a game development studio that has already published two games on the App Store, and has countless years of experience in Scratch and UnityIdris Jackson is CEO of IdrisIdris studios, and has countless years of experience in Scratch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Epic Games in Unity" |
"Learn how to create epic games in unity! In this course, you learn how to make five awesome video games, taught by Sulaiman Jackson, an indie game developer who has been creating games for over 6 years. Resource Art is drawn by Idris jackson.Game 1: Flappy Birb.Game 2: Pong.Game 3: Zombie Shooter.Game 4: Endless Runner.Game 5: Airplane Shooter."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Byk lekli Mimari Projeler Nasl Tasarlanmaldr? P1" |
"ETMN AMACITasarmclar, mimari tasarm eitimiyle edindii bilgiler dorultusunda proje srelerini ynetebilmektedirler. Ancak edinilen bu bilgi birikimi mimari sektrde ynetmelikler, plan notlar ve dier disiplinlerin almalaryla desteklenerek gereklie eriebilmektedir. Eitimin temel amac mimari eitimde edinilmi bilgileri, reel sektrde yer alan parametrelerle (ynetmelikler, plan notlar, dier disiplinlerin almalar) btnletirip ana tasarm fikrini kaybetmeden uygulanabilir projeler oluturmaktr. ETM PROGRAMININ KAPSAMIKonsept ve Gelitirme srecine balama yntemleriKonut projeleri nasl tasarlanr?Konsept projesinin ynetmelikler ve plan notlar ile uyumlu hale getirerek uygulanabilir projeler oluturmakGncel imar ynetmeliklerini mimari bir dil ile okumay salamakKonsept, Ruhsat ve Uygulama srelerinin ileyiini kavramakBelediye srelerinin ileyiine hakim olmakMimari projede gerekli olan Statik, Mekanik ve Elektrik ihtiyalarna hakim olmakMimari sektrn ileyiine hakim olmakMimari projeyi batan sonuna kadar gtrebilecek bilgi ve bilence sahip olmakByk lekli mimari projenin detayl tasarm sreciEDNLECEK BLG VE DOSYALARBu ama ve kapsamlar dorultusunda hazrlam olduumuz bu eitimde, byk lekli mimari projelerin tasarlanma srecinde gerekli olan tm ynetmelikler, tasarlanma teknikleri, tasarm srelerinin dzenlenmesi gibi nemli tm aamalar detayl olarak anlattk. Sizlere kendi ofisimizde tasarlam ve gelitirmi olduumuz projelerimiz ve ktphanelerimizi paylayoruz. Bunun devamnda mimari sektrn ileyii ve gncel mimari problemler zerine de fikir ve dncelerimizi deneyimlerimizle birlikte paylayoruz. KULLANILACAK PROGRAMLAR. Autocad. 3DSMax"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Mimari'de Modelleme, Grselletirme, P-P, Animasyon P2" |
"""Byk lekli Projeler Nasl Tasarlanmaldr?"" Eitim Serimizin Devam Paketi...Bu eitim paketinde sizlerle byk lekli karma kullanm iki farkl proje zerinden;- Mimari Modelleme ve Cephe Tasarm- evre Modeli- Mimari Grselletirme (Gndz-Gece)- Post-Production- Mimari Animasyon - Animasyon Montaj- VR (Virtual Reality)konularn detayl bir ekilde ilemekteyiz. Kullanlan Programlar; Autocad , 3dsMax , Vray , Lumion , Photoshop , Topaz , Panorado , Movie MakerEitim Paketi ierisinde ilenen tm Dosya ve Arivler paket kapsamnda sizlere teslim edilmektedir. Bu paketi tamamladnzda;- Byk lekli Projelerin Tasarm Parametrelerine Hakim Olacaksnz.- Mimari Modelleme, Grselletirme ve Animasyon Srelerini 2 leri Dzey Uygulama zerinden reneceksiniz.- Mimari Tasarm ve Sunum Srelerini Batan Sona Deneyimleyeceksiniz.- leri Dzey Grselletirme ve Post-Production Yntemlerini Gzlemleyeceksiniz.- Mimari Animasyon ve VR Sunumlar ile Projelerinizi Daha Etkili ekilde Anlatabileceksiniz.- 3dsMax, Vray, Photoshop ve Lumion Programlarn Projelerinizde Etkin Bir ekilde Kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Mimari Projelerde Ruhsat izimleri ve Belediye Sreleri P3" |
"Mimari Proje Eitimleri serilerimizden 3.s olan bu eitimde bir proje zerinden detayl olarak Belediye Srelerine ve Mimari Ruhsat Projesi hazrlanmasna odaklanacaz. Hazrlam olduumuz ilk 2 eitimin devam olan bu eitimde ilk eitimlerde verdiimiz detayl ynetmelikler, emsal hesaplamalar, konut projelerinin nasl izilmesi gerektii, parsel zerinden gelitirmenin nasl yapld, konsept proje tasarmnn irdelenmesi gibi bir ok konudan faydalanyoruz. Bu bilgiler dorultusunda bir parsel zerinden;- Proje Gelitirme- Konsept planlarn oluturulmas- Oluturulan konsept projenin irdelenmesi- veren onay sonrasnda Belediye Srecine balanmas - Gerekli evraklar- verenin istedii dzenlemeler dorultusunda resmi evraklarla birlikte konsept projenin ynetmeliklere uyumlu hale getirilerek projelendirilmesi- Ruhsat projesinde yer almas gereken tm veriler - Bu verilerin izim yntemleri - Bu verilerin hesap yntemleri- Statik - Mekanik - Elektrik disiplinleri ile projenin paylam ve nemli hesap parametreleri- Paftalandrmaaamalarn detayl olarak ileyeceiz.Eitim Paketi ierisinde ilenen tm dosyalar paket kapsamnda sizlere teslim edilmektedir."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"ok Bloklu Villa Siteleri Nasl Tasarlanmaldr?" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde olduka eimli bir arazi'de tasarlanm bir Teamwork Architects(ok bloklu bir villa sitesi) projesi zerinden;- Proje arazi verilerini incelemeyi(reel);- Proje tasarm kararlarnn ve 2D izimlerin analizini;- 2D / 3D aras geii;- Proje Exterior 3d Modeli zerinden Modelleme, Malzeme, Ik ve Kamera Ayarlarn;- leri Dzey Renderlar iin Vray Ayarlarnn Anlatmn;- Interior Tasarm Kararlarn ve Interior Model Analizini;- Interior Render Analizini ve Post-Production Srecini;- Exterior Render Analizini ve Post-Production Srecini;- Konsept Proje Sunum Dosyas Oluturma Tekniklerini;- Lumion Modeli Analizi ve Mimari Animasyon Tekniklerini;- Mimari Animasyon Srecinde neler yapabileceimizi;Anlatyoruz. Eitim ierisinde kullandmz tm dosyalar sizlerle paylayoruz. Bu sayede her bir aamada neler yapabileceimizi daha iyi alglamanz salyoruz. ""Teamwork Academy"" rencileri iin cretsizdir.Tm proje dosyalar eitim kapsamnda sizlere teslim edilmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ok Bloklu Konutlar Nasl Tasarlanmaldr?" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde olduka eimli bir arazi'de tasarlanm bir Teamwork Architects(ok bloklu bir konut) projesi zerinden;- Proje arazi verilerini incelemeyi;- Proje tasarm kararlarnn ve 2D izimlerin analizini;- 2D / 3D aras geii;- Proje Exterior 3d Modeli zerinden Modelleme, Malzeme, Ik ve Kamera Ayarlarn;- leri Dzey Renderlar iin Vray Ayarlarnn Anlatmn;- Exterior Render Analizini ve Post-Production Srecini;- Konsept Proje Sunum Dosyas Oluturma Tekniklerini;- Lumion Modeli Analizi ve Mimari Animasyon Tekniklerini;Anlatyoruz. Eitim ierisinde kullandmz tm dosyalar sizlerle paylayoruz. Bu sayede her bir aamada neler yapabileceimizi daha iyi alglamanz salyoruz. ""Teamwork Academy"" rencileri iin cretsizdir.Tm proje dosyalar eitim kapsamnda sizlere teslim edilmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yksek Katl Konutlar Nasl Tasarlanmaldr?" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde olduka eimli bir arazi'de tasarlanm bir Teamwork Architects(yksek katl bir konut) projesi zerinden;- Proje arazi verilerini incelemeyi;- Proje tasarm kararlarnn ve 2D izimlerin analizini;- 2D / 3D aras geii;- Proje Exterior 3d Modeli zerinden Modelleme Tekniklerini;- Exterior Render Analizini ve Post-Production Srecini;- Konsept Proje Sunum Dosyas Oluturma Tekniklerini;- Lumion Modeli Analizi ve Mimari Animasyon Tekniklerini;Anlatyoruz. Eitim ierisinde kullandmz tm dosyalar sizlerle paylayoruz. Bu sayede her bir aamada neler yapabileceimizi daha iyi alglamanz salyoruz. ""Teamwork Academy"" rencileri iin cretsizdir.Tm proje dosyalar eitim kapsamnda sizlere teslim edilmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mimari Tasarm ve Uygulama Sreleri - Kafe/Restaurant" |
"Bu eitimimizde, sizlerle, daha nce Teamwork Architects olarak, hayata geirdiimiz bir Kafe Projesini paylayor olacaz. Bu projeye ait tm 2 boyutlu Autocad izimlerini, 3 boyutlu render grsellerini ve bu grselleri oluturmakta kullandmz 3Ds Max modelini, eitim dosyalarnn iinde, sizlerin kullanmna sunuyoruz. Autocad dosyalarmz; rlve izimi, ematik plan izimi, uygulama paketleri ve detay projelerini ieriyor. Modelimiz ise, meknmzda kullandmz tm malzemeleri ve objeleri iermekle birlikte, k ve kamera ayarlar yaplm olarak, render almaya hazr bir sahne olarak sizlere sunuluyor.Eitimimizin ieriinde, ncelikle Mimari proje srelerini anlatyor ve Kafe Projemiz zerinden bu sreleri detaylandryoruz. Proje hazrlk aamalar kapsamnda, tm i mimari sreler iin geerli olan, ivereninizle yapacanz ilk toplant ve bu toplantnn neminden bahsediyor, rlve srecinde dikkat etmeniz gereken noktalarn zerinde duruyor ve sizlerle kafemize ait rlve grsellerini ve izimleri paylayoruz. Konsept srecinde, meknda plan organizasyonumuzu olutururken aldmz kararlar etkileyen unsurlar zerinde duruyor ve bu kafe projesinin planlama srecini anlatyoruz. Uygulama projelerinde ise, i mimari uygulama proje paketleri ieriinden bahsediyor ve bu kafe iin hazrladmz uygulama paketleri zerinden, bu sreci detaylandryoruz.Eitimimizin son aamasnda ise, bu meknn, teslim edilen izimlere gre yaplan uygulamasna ait, u anki kullanmn gsteren grselleri ve videolar paylayoruz.Amacmz, bu eitimin sonunda, i mimari kafe projesi olutururken esas almanz gereken parametreler hakknda bilgi sahibi olmanz ve teslim ettiimiz proje dosyalar ile tasarm konusundaki geliimize katk salamak. Eitimimizde grmek zere."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ISO 27001 Bilgi Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi Farkndalk Eitim" |
"ISO 27001 Bilgi Gvenlii Ynetim Sisteminin ne olduunu ve ISO27001 Bilgi Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi Standardnn gerekliliklerinin neler olduunu aklayan eitim, rencilere bu standart hakknda genel farkndalk salamay hedeflemektedir. Eitimde bilgi ve bilgi gvenlii ile ilgili temel kavramlar anlatlmakta ve standardn gereklilikleri tek tek aklanmaktadr. Standardn btn, ve yaklam hakknda genel bilgilendirme yaplmaktadr. Son olarak ISO 27001 Standardna uygun ekilde bir Bilgi Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi kurulmasna karar verildiinde nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektii ve yaygn olarak yaplmakta olan hatalar hakknda aklama yaplmaktadr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"6698 Numaral Kiisel Verilerin Korunmas Kanunu erevesinde genel ykmllkleri anlatan farkndalk eitimidir. Kanun ile ilgili kavramlar, gereklilikleri, sorumluluklar merak eden herkese ve veri ileyen bir kurumda alan tm alanlara ynelik olarak hazrlanmtr. Kanun ile ilgili konular dnda, kiisel verileri korumak iin uyulmas gereken bilgi gvenlii kurallarndan da bahsedilmektedir. Kanun, tm alanlarn bu konular hakknda bilgilendirilmesini beklemektedir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"2 Zabbix: Construindo templates personalizados (kaspersky)" |
"Aprenda do Zero a A criar seus templates personalizados para Zabbix. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender diferentes maneiras de criar os mesmos para o monitoramento da soluo de antivrus kaspersky de maneria simples. O aluno ser capaz de criar templates personalizados para monitorar de forma eficaz desde sistemas servios e aplicaes da soluo monitorada. Os materiais complementares do curso tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante s aulas prticas e tericas.Utilizamos uma abordagem que consiste em uma analogia e logo em seguida a prtica. A nossa expectativa e tornar o curso mais interativo e menos cansativo para o aluno.Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3 Zabbix: Construindo templates personalizados (SMBShare)" |
"Aprenda do Zero a A criar seus templates zabbix personalizados Neste curso o aluno vai aprender diferentes maneiras de criar os mesmos para o monitoramento flexvel do servidor de arquivos de maneira simples consumindo o SMBShare (Server Message Block) do windows server, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019. O aluno ser capaz de criar templates personalizados para monitorar de forma eficaz do servidor de arquivos, pastas de rede da companhia e/ou dos seus clientes, todo o curso foi preparado com o zabbix server 4.2 e seu respectivo zabbix agente 4.2.Os materiais complementares do curso tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante s aulas prticas e tericas.Utilizamos uma abordagem que consiste em uma analogia e logo em seguida a prtica. A nossa expectativa e tornar o curso mais interativo e menos cansativo para o aluno.Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
learn-how-to-use-technology-in-the-arabic-language-classroom |
"... ... How to Use Technology in the Classroom?Top Tech Tools for K-16 Teachers & Students2019 Classroom Technology Guide with tips and tricksThis course is for ""teachers of Arabic"" who are eager to teach their students how to learn the Arabic language in an interactive and engaging way, using the latest technology-based tools and according to the assessment criteria of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Iassure your students that the Arabic Language learning is going to be fun and entertainment in this course which is based on updated criteria and guidelines. In short, this course is going to be the best way to learn about the recent educational tools that you can use for your teaching of Arabic.The ever-increasing number of tools and free multimedia software can be confusing and even daunting for teachers. Choosing an appropriate technology-based tool to use in the classroom should not be random. Every tool that the teacher uses should serve a specific, clear goal. For example, this course shows you the development and effectiveness of using a technology-based tool called Socrative in and out of the classroom. The course will walk you through all the steps of how to deal with Socrative from A to Z. Then, there is a bonus by the end of the course. Two more full videos about another educational tool called Kahoot are available and downloadable. Many sources are available to support the course and enhance your understanding to the content of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ARABIC Language: The Ultimate Arabic MASTERY Course LEVEL 1" |
"Simply put, this course is about how to learn the Arabic language in an interactive and engaging way, according to the assessment criteria of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Iassure my students that the Arabic Language learning is going to be fun and entertainment in this course which is based on updated criteria and guidelines. In short, this course is going to be the best way to learn Arabic online. If you are going to learn with me from scratch, then your current level is "" Novice Low"". We will see how it will be by the end of the first course. I say the ""first course"" because Iam sure that you are serious and eager to learn the Arabic language and, accordingly, Iexpect you to enroll in the upcoming courses for the higher levels. In this course, you will learn to read, write, speak and comprehend Arabic. You will also learn by the end of this course about Arab culture and society, especially the Egyptian society. You can guess why. Yes, I am Egyptian!This course will begin with an extensive introduction to the letters and sounds of the Arabic alphabet. The phonological system of the Arabic language will be covered in a comprehensive and easy way. Learning Arabic is going to be a ""turning point"" in your life as you are about to start a new journey. You will learn the language of 22 Arab countries. You will be exposed to the most interesting and richest culture on earth. In this course, Iam going to teach you a language that is written from right to left in horizontal lines, a language that has 4 sounds that do not exist in English at all, a language where many of its letters seem to be similar but what distinguishes them is ""dots"" above or below the letter. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the Modern Standard Arabic as it is spoken and written by a native Egyptian speaker who lives in the States and teaches Arabic, Media and Translation at the University of Arizona. This course combines a very progressive and rigorous grounding in Arabic. This course is full of energy & excitement about the Arabic language and culture. This excitement will be transmitted to my students in a very interactive way. It's a functional course of Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners. Other course that will get students to Intermediate, Advanced and even Superior levels will follow. So, if you plan to learn Arabic online, you are on the right track with Mohamed Ansary. This course is unique and different due to the following reasons:The teacher of this course, Mohamed Ansary, is currently a lecturer at one of the top 100 universities in the whole world; The University of Arizona. This course is written, designed and presented to you by Mohamed Ansary who was chosen by the Five Star Faculty Award Committee at the University of Arizona to be among the top three instructors of 2018. His official website is recognized by Al-Masdar as an open resource for K-12 teachers of Arabic in the USA. The teacher of this course is an Author, Blogger, YouTuber, Trainer, ACTFL Certified-OPI tester, Globally- Connected Educator &Technology Geek. The teacher of this course is a ""Success Influencer"" who has thousands of followers on YouTube & Instagram. This course will be integrated with some technology-based tools to facilitate learning Arabic online. Students will learn how to use technology to learn Arabic. It's an endless journey you are about to begin, a journey that has no end. Your Arabic Classes here will never end as this course will always be updated. You can also reach me easily any time via my course here on Udemy. Iusually respond fast. This is the most comprehensive and easiest course you can find online.This course will allow you to have access to many online resources forever. You will have access to the same resources that American students have."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
merchbyamazoncourse |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"A sokszn ingatlan befektets" |
"A kurzus tbb Magyarorszgon leglisan is jl mkd ingatlan befektetsi stratgit mutat be.A tanul ki tudja vlasztani a hozz legkzelebb ll befektetsi stratgit.Az ingatlan befektetsi stratgik mindegyike gyakorlati tapasztalaton alapul, ezrt biztos, ha a tancsokat megfogadja valaki, az mkdni is fog.Fontos, hogy elszr tanulj, majd gyakorolj, ismt tanulj, ismt gyakorolj, a vgre egy egszen kivl ingatlan befektet leszel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Az ingatlan feljts buktati" |
"Most van lehetsged megtanulni, hogyan dolgoztasd a pnzed s hogyan jtsd fel gy az ingatlanod, hogy kzben kevesebb legyen a kiadsod, mint ahogy tervezted.Megtanulod, hogy rdemes tervezni s arra is van md, hogy nagyon rszletes legyen a terved.Megtanulsz pnzt teremteni s hogy a te pnzed a te felelssged minden egyes mozzanat, amit a hzaddal csinlnak.Az a krds, hogy amikor a szakemberek a legjobbat hozzk ki magukbl, az neked elg?Bizony, nagyon rszletesen kell kvetelned tlk, s nagyon-nagyon oda kell figyelned a szakemberekkel val kommunikcira!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Az ingatlan brbeads rme" |
"Az ingatlan brbeads a vilg legjobb dolga. Kialaktasz egy rendszert a tanfolyam segtsgvel, amit ha kivlan raksz ssze s mkdni fog a befektetsed. Ne felejtsd el, hogy a j a kivl ellensge. Neked az alapokat kivlan kell sszeraknod. Nem szabad kompromisszumot ktnd ezen a tren. Lehet az ingatlan brbeadst rmmel csinlni. n rmmel kelek, s boldogan fekszek le aludni, mert imdom amit csinlok. Szeretek rtket teremteni s nagyon j ltni, hogy ez msoknak rmt okoz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Hogyan lettem ingatlan milliomos" |
"Elmeslem a videkon keresztl, hogyan lettem ingatlan milliomos. Ez egy kitaposott t. A lnyeg, ha pontosan kvetet az tmutatst, akkor pontosan oda jutsz, ahov n is. Lesznek ingetlanaid s a brleti djbl szabadon s boldogan lsz. Ez az t nagyon egyszer, mg is nagyon nehz. Azrt mert knny letrni rla, tl sok a csbts. Bizony nagyon sok paradigmnk van, mait le kell kzdeni, ez is megnehezti az ton maradst. Ne add fel soha, csak kitarts kell s semmi ms!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Az ingatlanbefektets 9 kkve" |
"A tanfolyam egy rszletesen kidolgozott zleti modell, amit ha vgigcsinlsz, garantltan sikeres ingatlanbefektetv vlsz. Ezidig nem sok olyan ingatlanbefektetvel tallkoztam, akik tnylegesen kidolgozott zleti modell mentn haladott. n szemly szerint 20% megtrls alatt nem beszlek befektetsrl, brbeadsnl. Ingatlan eladsnl a minimlis elvrt hozam 30-50%.Ezrt kapsz tlem egy rszletes ti tervet, amin ha vgigmsz egyszeren SIKERES INGATLANBEFEKTETNEK kell lenned!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ABRSM Grade 5 Theory Test Prep Course" |
"This course takes you through all the skills you'll need to pass your ABRSM Grade 5 Theory exam. You'll learn skills like major and minor scales, alto and tenor clef, intervals, transposition, voices in score plus many more. You'll also go through example test questions on every subject as well as gain insight on how to approach the test in the most successful way possible."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |