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"Mistrz Power Query w Excelu" |
"Power Query to darmowy dodatek do Excela (oraz cze darmowego programu Power BIDesktop), ktry daje olbrzymie moliwoci w dziedzinie ""Inteligentnej"" Analizy Danych (Bussiness Inteligence). Dziki Power Query moesz pobiera dane z rnych rde:Ze stron internetowych.Plikw .txt, .csv, Excela, xml.Z folderw.Baz danych, Accessa.Facebooka.I wielu innych rde.Za pomoc Power Query moe przeksztaca dane na wiele sposobw:Dodawanie oraz usuwanie kolumn i wierszyDzielenie kolumny wedug ogranicznika lub iloci znakwFiltrowanie i sortowaniaZamiana wartociFormatowanie mae lub wielkie litery, przycinanie, dodawanie tekstu itd.Operacje na danych mnoenie, dzielenie, modulo, potgi itd.Grupowanie danychczenie i scalanie (""WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO"") danychAnulowanie przestawienia kolumn, czyli operacja odwrotna do tego co wykonuje tabela przestawna i wiele innych przeksztace.Dane z Power Query moesz po przeksztaceniach zaadowa bezporednio do Excela, do tabeli przestawnej, zosta tylko jako poczenie w Power Query, albo do dodatku Power Pivot.Dodatkowo Power Query zapamituje przeksztacenia jakie wykonasz krok po kroku, dziki czemu wystarczy, e zmienisz rdo, z ktrego pobierasz dane, a ono niemal automatycznie zostanie przeksztacone zgodnie z krokami, ktre wykonae. I to wszystko moesz robi korzystajc z interfejsu uytkownika, czyli jest bardzo proste, a ten kurs pokae Ci gdzie znale poszczeglne opcje i jak z nich korzysta, eby uzyska podany efekt. W tym kursie zobaczysz jak krok po kroku wykonywa poszczeglne czynnoci oczyszczajce dane, tworzy czytelne raporty oraz znale interesujce Ci odpowiedzi na temat danych.SPIS TRECI:Wstp - podstawowe informacje o Power QueryPobieranie danycczenie zapytaGrupowanie danychPivot i Unpivot (Tworzenie kolumny przestawnej i Anulowanie kolumny przestawnej)Dodawanie kolumnOperacje logiczneParametry i parametryzacja zapytaTworzenie wasnych funkcjiPraktyczne przykady (rne przykady uycia Power Query, ktre mog okaza si przydatne)KIEDYwarto nauczy si POWERQUERY?Jeli codziennie pracujesz z danymi.Regularnie tworzysz wiele dashboardw (paneli menaderskich).Gdy importujesz dane do raportw z rnych rde i musisz je czy ze sob?Musisz wykonywa cikie i powtarzajce si oczyszczanie danych przed wykonaniem waciwej analizy.Regularnie tworzysz raporty.Jeste analitykiem danych.Uywasz zoonych/zaawansowanych formu Excela lub makr VBA, ewentualnie zapyta SQL.Pracujesz z duymi zbiorami danych (przynajmniej kilkadziesit tysicy, a nawet milionw wierszy/rekordw).Power Query oszczdzi Ci wiele godzin pracy przy wykonywaniu powyszych czynnoci!Zapisz si i poznaj zaskakujce moliwoci Power Qeury do analizy danych."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Excel Mistrz" |
"Excel to najbardziej popularny arkusz kalkulacyjny. Umoliwia Ci:proste i bardziej skomplikowane obliczenia,przechowywanie danych,prezentacj danych,przeksztacanie danych,tworzenie raportw.Co da Ci ten kurs?Jeli kiedy miae problem z odpowiedzi na pytanie,ktry produkt przynosi najwikszy zysk, ktry sprzedawca ma najlepsze wyniki i w jakim wojewdztwie,ile to bdzie netto/brutto, jak cz przychodustanowi podatek VATalbo chciae przedstawi dane w czytelny sposb, eby szef by zadowolony i bez problemu ledzi tok Twoich oblicze to, a nawet duo wicej, znajdziesz w tym kursie.Zaczynasz od prostych tematw, takich chociaby jak filtrowanie i sortowanie danych, aleju one uatwi Ci prac z Excelem. Szybko pozwol skupi na tej czci danych, ktra jest najwaniejsza w danym momencie. Te operacje to dopiero pocztek moliwoci Excela, a ju ich dobre poznaniepozwoli oszczdzi Ci godziny pracy. Nie wierzysz?Najbardziej ekstremalna historia, ktr syszaem, opieraa si o to, e przeoony chcia konkretny wycinek danych na osobnym arkuszu i tam jego podsumowanie, a osoba, ktrej to zlecono, zamiast w minut naoy filtr i skopiowa dane,przepisywaa je rcznie kilka dni!Moe byo to zwizane z tym, e bya to instytucja pastwowa, ale bardziej chodzio o to, e Excel by traktowany jako sposb do przechowywania danych, a nie do ich zarzdzania i analizowania.Podobnych funkcjonalnoci, ktre uatwi Ci codzienne zadania, ktrych rcznie wykonanie zajo by Ci godziny, Excel ma znacznie wicej. W tym kursie znajdziesz ich duo, a poznanie ich zwikszy Twoj efektywno w pracy.Jedn z najbardziej przydatnych funkcjonalnoci jak poznasz s tabele przestawne, ktrych wiele osb si obawia, bo ich nie zna, a po ich poznaniu nie mog si nadziwi jak s proste, bo w wikszoci sytuacji musisz tylko wiedzie gdzie klikn i przecign myszk.Spis treciKurs jest podzielony na 21 sekcji, ktre umoliwi Ci poznanie Excela krok po kroku, zaczynajc od podstawowych tematw przechodz do coraz bardziej skomplikowanych:Rodzaje odwoaSortowanieFiltrowanieFiltry zaawansowaneTabele ExcelaOperacje na tekcieFormatowanie liczbowe i niestandardoweSkrty klawiszowe i dostosowanie wstkiFormatowanie warunkoweTabele przestawneSprawdzanie poprawnoci danychNazwy w ExceluWykresyGrupowanie danych i sumy czcioweDrukowanieFunkcje i operacje logiczneAnaliza bdwWyszukiwanie danychOchrona danychPobieranie i analiza warunkowa danychWstp do makr i kodu VBADodatkowe wiczeniaJak to si mwi wiczenie czyni mistrza tak jest i w sytuacji Excela, musisz sam przewiczy poszczeglne funkcjonalnoci, eby lepiej je sobie utrwali w pamici, dlatego do poszczeglnych rozdziaw znajdziesz te wiczenia do samodzielnego rozwizania, eby mg utrwali sobie poszczeglne funkcjonalnoci Excela. eby zachci Ci do wicze, na pocztku kursu, znajdziesz jeszcze plik z punktacj by mg ledzi swoje postpy i obserwowa jak osigasz kolejne poziomy zaawansowania w Excelu, a do Mistrza Excela.Wiedz, e nie musisz si spieszy, nie musisz wykona wszystkich wicze, a nawet nie musisz obejrze wszystkich filmw kursu. Ten kurs ma za zadania uatwi Ci poznanie Excela, na takim poziomie jaki potrzebujesz. Jeli wystarcz Ci podstawowe funkcjonalnoci to ju dobrze. Wane, e bdziesz mia kurs, do ktrej bdziesz mg zajrze jeli bdziesz potrzebowa wicej i ktry mam nadziej zachci Ci do poznania potnego narzdzia jakim jest Excel. Zreszt zobacz sam udostpnione publicznie filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI - zosta Mistrzem Power BI Desktop" |
"Czym jest PowerBI Desktop?to narzdzie Microsoft, ktre umoliwi Ci byskawiczn analiz biznesow i wizualizacj danych.Dziki temu zaawansowanemu narzdziu stworzysz interaktywne raporty. Bdziesz mg czy swoje dane z wielu rde, modelowa je, a nastpnie wizualizowa.Mwi si, e obraz wart jest 1000 sw.Tak te jest w przypadku danych. Mao kto jest w stanie zrozumie dane rdowe.Najpierw naley je przeksztaci, a nastpnie odpowiednio je zaprezentowa.PowerBIDesktop ma bardzo rozbudowan cz wizualnej prezentacji danych - wiele rodzajw wykresw,w tym mapy, z prost, wrcz intuicyjn obsug, wystarczy przecign pole do wykresu i ju zaczyna prezentowa dane.Dziki tym wizualizacj rozmwcy byskawicznie wyapi kluczowe informacje wynikajce z danych,a tym samym bd si zgadzali z Twoim puntem widzenia i propozycjami.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co da Ci PowerBI?Moliwo importowania milionw wierszy danych z przernych rde zarwno lokalnych jak i internetowych.Moliwo prezentowania danych zmieniajcych si w czasie.Moliwo prezentowa dane na mapie wiata z lokalizacja po punktach jak i obszarach/regionach i na ponad 100 innych nowoczesnych wizualizacjach.Moliwo tworzenia dodatkowych oblicze za pomoc jzyka DAX.Moliwo tworzenia relacji pomidzy tabelami.Moliwo dzielenia si swoimi Dashboardami online.Moliwo monitorowania kluczowych danych (KPI).Moliwo bezpiecznego publikowania w Internecie lub na lokalnym serwerze raportw albo osadzanie wizualizacji we wasnej witrynie internetowej.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spis treci kursu o PowerBI:Kurs jest podzielony na 6 sekcji, ktre pozwol Ci zapozna si z programem PowerBI i tworzenie w nim wizualizacji.Wstp do aplikacji PowerBI Desktop i jej moliwociTworzenie i modyfikowanie zapyta (pobieranie danych)Modelowanie danych w PowerBI DesktopWizualizacja danych i tworzenie raportwUsuga internetowaPowerBI Pro - kilka sw o patnej czci usugi PowerBIZobacz udostpnione filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uwaga PowerBIzmienia si systematycznie i pojawiaj si nowe funkcjonalnoci. Niestety, w ktrym momencie zmiana dotyczya interfejsu uytkownika usugi online i ta cz filmw nie pasuje graficznie,do aktualnych grafik. Moe kiedy uda mi si znale czas, eby te filmy nagra ponownie."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA i rejestrowanie makr" |
"Zaczn od tego, e to jest najstarszy dostpny mj kurs, wic miaem jeszcze mao wprawy przy nagrywaniui widz, e mwi wolniej, czciej si zacinam itp. Dlatego upewnij si ogldajc pokazowe filmy, e nagrania s dla Ciebie OK.e bez problemu jeste w stanie przyswaja z nich wiedz.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zacznij ?? programowa ?? w ExceluWedug mnie Excel jest najlepszym dostpnym arkuszem kalkulacyjnym!Nie sobie rwnych jeli chodzi o przeliczanie danych ich podsumowanie i tworzenie raportw,a nawet daje wiele moliwoci jeli chodzi o wizualizacj danych.Ale w pewnym momencie gdy dugo pracujesz w Excelu zaczynasz czu znuenie,bo po raz kolejny musisz wykona ten sam raport. Zrobi to samo podsumowanie. Masz do powtarzajcych si czynnoci, ktre zajmuj ogrom Twojej pracy!Jeli masz takie odczucia to VBAmoe przyj Ci z pomoc i zautomatyzowa wiele z tych zada.?VBAmoe nawet wysa za Ciebie maila!?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co da Ci ten kurs?Ten kurs wprowadzi Ci w tajniki rejestrowania makr i pisania kodu VBA.Dziki niemu bdziesz mg rozpocz swoje pierwsze kroki na drodze to automatyzacji zada w Excelui wykonywaniu za da, ktre z uyciem samego Excela byy niemoliwe, albo bardzo trudne.Dowiesz si jak rejestrowa wasne makra, ktre bd pierwszym krokiem do automatyzacji zada np: tworzenia raportw.Dowiesz si jak w prosty sposb komunikowa si z uytkownikiem.Jak pracowa na wielu arkuszach na raz,Jak korzysta z instrukcji warunkowych w VBAczyli gwnie poznasz zapis funkcji JEELI w VBA ;)Jak tworzy ptle (podstawowe narzdzie w programowaniu)Dowiesz si czym s obiekty w ExceluPoznasz sposb tworzenia formularzy uytkownika (User Forms), czyli bardziej zaawansowanego sposobu komunikacji z uytkownikiem Dowiesz si jak tworzy makra, ktre same si uruchamiaj, gdy otworzysz plik lub zmienisz co w komrce Excela.Wramach kursu zamieszczone s rwnie zadania do rozwizania, do wikszoci ktrych s zaczone przykadowe rozwizania.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Czym ten kurs NIE jestNa pewno nie jest on bibliotek wszystkich moliwoci VBA.Nie poruszam w nim niektrych bardziej skomplikowanych tematw np: tworzenia klas w Excelu,bo w momencie tworzenia kursu sam ich nie rozumiaem.Wane jest co daa mi wiedza, ktr przekazuj Ci w tym kursie!Nawet nie potrzebowaem nauczy si zmiennych tablicowych, ani wysyania maili za pomoc VBA;)Pozwolia mi zarabia na wykonywaniu maych projektw, prostych automatyzacji zada.Raz ekstra 50z, czasem 100z. Wszystko na bazie wiedzy z tego kursu.Atego czego mi brakowao potrafiem ju sam wyszuka w samym VBA albo w Google!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spis treci kursu o VBA:Kurs jest podzielony tematycznie na sekcje zwizane z konkretnymi funkcjonalnociami VBAbd elementami Excela, z ktrymi pracujemy w VBA:Wstp do rejestrowania makr i kodu VBAInstrukcje warunkoweProsta komunikacja z uytkownikiemZmienne i obiektyPtle w VBAObsuga bdw i tworzenie wasnych funkcjiMakra, ktre same si uruchamiaj - eventyArkusze i plikiZmienne tablicoweFormularz uytkownika (User Form)Wysyanie mailiPamitaj! Zobaczy udostpnione filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu i upewni si, e ten kurs pomoe Ci nauczy si VBA."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Dashboard (Panele Menederskie)" |
"Czym s Dashbaordy (Panele Menederskie)?Dashboard, czy te Panel Menederski to specjalistyczna nazwa raportu, ktry zawiera wizualizacje (wykresy, tabele przestawne i inne), ktre mona zmienia przez klikanie w przyciski, paski przewijania, pokrta i inne obiekty Excela.Mwi si, e obraz wart jest 1000 sw.Tak te jest w przypadku danych. Mao kto jest w stanie zrozumie dane rdowe.Najpierw naley je przeksztaci, a nastpnie odpowiednio je zwizualizowa.Sztuk jest wanie odpowiednia wizualizacja, bo nawet tworzenie wykresw moe okaza si sztuk w Excelu,ktr warto opanowa, eby twoi rozmwcy byskawicznie rozumieli kluczowe informacje wynikajce z danych,a tym samym zgadzali si z Twoim puntem widzenia i propozycjami.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co da Ci ten kurs?Ten kurs nauczy Ci tworzy dobrze zaprojektowane pulpity menederskie w Excelu, dziki czemu Ty i Twoi wsppracownicy moecie zobaczy trendy i podejmowa szybkie decyzje na podstawie danych.Poznasz proces tworzenia Dashboardu od pocztku do koca na przykadzie dwch Dashboardw. Jak stworzy niesamowite wizualizacje danych w cigu kilku minut!Jak modyfikowa wygld wykresw w Excel - stylu, kolory, serii danych, czenie rnych typw wykresw, ksztatw, efektw czy etykiet danych itp.Poznasz przydatne funkcje, takie jak: WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO, INDEKS, PODAJ.POZYCJ, SUMA.ILOCZYNW, WYBIERZ itd.Dowiesz si jak tworzy mini-wykresy (wykresy przebiegu czasu i inne) w komrkach Excela i jak sprawi, eby analiza danych bya przyjemna!Zobaczysz jak tworzy zaawansowane typy wykresw w rnych wersjach Excela, takie jak wykres lejkowy, Pareto, Gantta, Mierniki, wykresy wodospadowe i wykresy punktowe.Jak wykorzysta efektywnie w Dashboardach formanty formularzy, takie jak Combo Box, Scroll Bar, Check Box itp.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spis treci kursu o Dashboardach:Kurs jest podzielony na 6 sekcji, ktre pozwol Ci wej w tematyk wizualizacji danych w Excelui tworzenie Dashboardw za pomoc odpowiednio stworzonych tabel przestawnych, wykresw i innych obiektw Excela.Prezentacja danych na wykresachWizualizacja danych za pomoc formatowania warunkowego i liczboweFormanty i VBA przy wizualizacji danychDashboard podsumowujcy sprzeda za pomoc Tabel PrzestawnychDashboard mapa lotwBudowanie i wykorzystanie dynamicznych zakreswZobacz udostpnione filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Excel Mistrz Formu, czyli 20++ Funkcji ktre wpiszesz w CV" |
"Excel jest najbardziej popularny arkuszem do wykonywania przernych oblicze. Przede wszystkim, dziki funkcjom, ktre stworzy Microsoft. Dziel si one na rne kategorie. Najwaniejsze to:Wyszukiwania,Daty i czasu,Tekstowe,Statystyczne,Logiczne,Informacyjne,Matematyczne. Co da Ci ten kurs? W tym kursie poznasz najwaniejsze z funkcji Excela i najczciej wykorzystywane na praktycznych przykadach,ktre pozwol Ci zobaczy jak wielkie moliwoci daje Excel pod ktem oblicze i wycigania informacji z danych.Jeli masz problem z odpowiedzi na pytanie,ktry produkt przynosi najwikszy zysk, ktry sprzedawca ma najlepsze wyniki i w jakim wojewdztwie,jaka jest cena produktu, jaka premia naley si sprzedawcy, ile to dni roboczych to, a nawet duo wicej, znajdziesz w tym kursie.>>> Wszystko za pomoc funkcji Excela! <<<Zaczynasz od prostych funkcji, takich jak SUMA, REDNIA, MIN i MAX, a pniej przechodzisz do bardziej skomplikowanych (np: WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO, SUMA.JEELI, WYBIERZ, ZNAJD). Znajomo tych funkcji pozwoli Ci zaoszczdzi czas. O wiele z nich (przede wszystkim WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO) rekruterzy pytaj na rozmowach o prac. Po tym kursie bdzie mg wpisa e je znasz w swoim CV!Bdziesz mg wpisa, e znasz ponad 50 funkcji Excela! Ale 20 w zupenoci wystarczy ;) W tym kursie znajdziesz te plik .pdf: - Zkrtkim opisem wszystkich funkcji uywanych w tym kursie, - Ze skadni funkcji, - Z dokadnym opisem dziaania funkcji i jak rol odgrywaj poszczeglne argumenty funkcji, - Oraz przykadw zapisu funkcji. Poznaj fundamenty Wtym kursie poruszane s podstawowe tematy dotyczce pisania formu w Excelu (definicje i rodzaje odwoa) oraz proste funkcje jak np:SUMAi REDNIA, ale szybko omawiane tematy przechodz do poziomu redniozaawansowanego (moje okrelenie to Excel Discoverer), dlatego zanim przystpisz do tego kursu poznaj dobrze fundamenty Excela! Najlepiej jeli przeszede ju mj kurs Mistrz Excela, albo inny, dziki temu omawiane w tym kursie problemy nie bd stanowiy dla Ciebie problemu. Spis treci Kurs jest podzielony na 6 rozdziaw, ktre umoliwi Ci poznanie funkcji Excela krok po kroku, zaczynajc od podstawowych tematw przechodz do coraz bardziej skomplikowanych:DEFINICJEi ODWOANIA Wtym rozdziale poznasz podstawowe definicje zwizanie z uywaniem funkcji i tworzeniem formu w Excelu oraz poznasz rodzaje odwoa do komrek arkusza, eby atwo mg kopiowa stworzone przez siebie formuy. Wtym rozdziale poznasz te najwaniejsze skrty klawiszowe w Excelu i jak moesz z nich korzysta w rnych miejscach w Excelu, eby mg przyspieszy swoj prac.PODSUMOWANIAi ZAOKRGLANIE Ztego rozdziau wycigniesz informacje o podstawowych funkcjach podsumowujcych i analizujcych dane. Dowiesz si te jak zaokrgla zarwno liczby jak i czas.Gwne funkcje uywane w tym rozdziale:SUMA, REDNIA, MAX, MIN, ILE.LICZB, SUMY.CZCIOWE, ILE.NIEPUSTYCH, MAX.K, MIN.K, SUMA.ILOCZYNW, ZAOKR, ZAOKR.DO.WIELOKR, ZAOKR.W.D.MATEMATYCZNE, ZAOKR.W.GRA, ZAOKR.GRA, REDNIA.GEOMETRYCZNAPODSUMOWANIAWARUNKOWE Czyli wszelkiego rodzaju obliczanie Sum, rednich, Maksymalnych i Minimalnych wartoci oraz podliczania pod 1 warunkiem, albo kilkoma warunkami. Gwne funkcje uywane w tym rozdziale:SUMA.JEELI, REDNIA.JEELI, LICZ.JEELI, SUMA.WARUNKW, REDNIA.WARUNKW, LICZ.WARUNKI, SUMA.ILOCZYNW, MOD, LUB, ORAZ, MAKS.WARUNKW (od Excel 2019), MIN.WARUNKW (od Excel 2019), BD.ILE.REKORDW, BD.ILE.REKORDW.AWYSZUKIWANIE Czyli wszelkiego rodzaju wyszukiwanie informacji, zaczynajc od znalezienie ceny produktu w tabeli cennika, przez znalezienie nalenej dla sprzedawcy premii, znalezienie wartoci w tabeli na przeciciu wiersza i kolumny, wyszukanie ostatniej wartoci w kolumnie, czy wypisanie wszystkich wynikw speniajcych podane przez Ciebie kryteria.Gwne funkcje uywane w tym rozdziale:WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO, JEELI.BD, JEELI.ND (od Excel 2013), CZY.LICZBA, PODAJ.POZYCJ, INDEKS, MAX, WIERSZ, WYSZUKAJ, CZY.TEKST, ZCZ.TEKSTY, POCZ.TEKSTY (od Excel 2019)OPERACJEna DATACHi CZASIE Wtym rozdziale poznasz funkcje, ktre uatwi Ci obliczenie liczby dni roboczych pomidzy datami lub dat, po okrelonej liczbie dni roboczych. Jak obliczy godziny przepracowane w nocy i prawidowo obliczy nalen pensj za przepracowane godziny. Jak wskaza weekendy i dni wolne od pracy. Jak ustali dat ostatniego dnia miesica. Jak wyznaczy numer tygodnia w roku. Gwne funkcje uywane w tym rozdziale:ROK, MIESIC, DZIE, DATA, WYBIERZ, JEELI, ZAOKR.GRA, JEELI, PRAWY, LEWY, FRAGMENT.TEKSTU, DZI, TERAZ, NR.SER.OST.DN.MIES, NUM.TYG, DATA.RNICAOPERACJEna TEKCIE Ten rozdzia pozwoli Ci pozna funkcje tekstowe, czyli midzy innymi jak wyciga znaki z pocztku, koca lub ze rodka tekstu. Jak czy ze sob teksty. Jak podstawia lub wstawia nowe fragmenty tekstu w innych tekstach. Gwne funkcje uywane w tym rozdziale:LEWY, PRAWY, ZNAJD, SZUKAJ.TEKST, D, KOD, UNICODE (od Excela 2013), ZNAK, ZNAK.UNICODE (od Excela 2013), FRAGMENT.TEKSTU, USU.ZBDNE.ODSTPY, PODSTAW, ZASTP, TEKST, POWT, WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO Dodatkowe wiczenia Jak to si mwi wiczenie czyni mistrza tak jest i w sytuacji Excela, musisz sam przewiczy poszczeglne funkcjonalnoci, eby lepiej je sobie utrwali w pamici, dlatego do poszczeglnych rozdziaw znajdziesz te wiczenia do samodzielnego rozwizania, eby mg utrwali sobie poszczeglne funkcjonalnoci Excela. wiczenia s w trakcie przygotowania i powinny by gotowe do koca weekendu majowego.Wiedz, e nie musisz si spieszy, nie musisz wykona wszystkich wicze, a nawet nie musisz obejrze wszystkich filmw kursu. Ten kurs ma za zadania uatwi Ci poznanie funkcji Excela oraz budowania bardziej skomplikowanych formu. Jeli wystarcz Ci podstawowe funkcje to dobrze dla Ciebie ;) Wane, e ten kurs, bdzie dla Ciebie rdem, do ktrego bdziesz mg zajrze jeli bdziesz potrzebowa rozwiza konkretny problem albo chcia lepiej pozna funkcje Excela.Zreszt zobacz sam udostpnione publicznie filmy z kursu klikajc w podgld tego kursu."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Advanced - Intermediate, in-depth training" |
"Excel 2016 Advanced - Intermediate, in-depth trainingExcel 2016 Advanced explores ways to enhance Excel workbooks with topics in analyzing data, collaborating and workbook security, and adding graphical elements. This series covers important Excel functionality such as format as table, conditional formatting, shared workbooks and tracked changes, and data validation. While Excel 2016 Advanced is a continuation from the Excel 2016 Essentials series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to excel to the next level of skills. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Excel 2016. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced, as well as a separate series for Excel functions. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Excel like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training forMacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Advanced for Mac- Intermediate, in-depth training" |
"Excel 2016 Advanced for Mac - Intermediate, in-depth trainingExcel 2016 Advanced for Mac explores ways to enhance Excel workbooks with topics in analyzing data, collaborating and workbook security, and adding graphical elements. This series covers important Excel functionality such as format as table, conditional formatting, shared workbooks and tracked changes, and data validation. While Excel 2016 Advanced for Mac is a continuation from the Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to take their Excel skills to the next level. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Mac OS. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Excel 2016 for Mac. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced, as well as a separate series for Excel functions. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office for Mac 2011, or even the brand-new Office for Mac 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training for Windows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth training" |
"Excel 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth trainingExcel 2016 is the powerful spreadsheet application in the Office suite. It seems every organization, large and small, uses Excel to organize and analyze data. However, many users are intimidated by Excel and confused by how it behaves as an application. The Excel 2016 Essentials series strives to empower users by learning the foundations to conquer this program. We begin with basic skills such as navigating the interface, identifying items in a spreadsheet, selecting cells, and inputting data. The series also covers formatting text and numbers, modifying a worksheet layout, printing and page layout, and managing worksheets in a workbook. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks for experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Excel 2016. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced, as well as a separate series for Excel functions. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Excel like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training forMacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac - Beginner, in-depth training" |
"Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac - Beginner, in-depth trainingExcel 2016 for Mac is the powerful spreadsheet application in the Office suite. It seems every organization, large and small, uses Excel to organize and analyze data. However, many users are intimidated by Excel and confused by how it behaves as an application. The Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac series strives to empower users by learning the foundations to conquer this program. We begin with basic skills such as navigating the interface, identifying items in a spreadsheet, selecting cells, and inputting data. The series also covers formatting text and numbers, modifying a worksheet layout, printing and page layout, and managing worksheets in a workbook. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks for experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Mac OS. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Excel 2016 for Mac. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced, as well as a separate series for Excel functions. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office for Mac 2011, or even the brand-new Office for Mac 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training for Windows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Functions - Beginning to advanced, in-depth training" |
"Excel Functions - Beginning to advanced, in-depth trainingExcel is more than just columns and rows of data. Excel can perform calculations from simple addition to complex formulas with its vast library of named functions. In this series, we cover everything you need to know about crunching numbers in Excel. There are multiple sections ranging from the very basics to more advanced data analysis to a reference guide of the different Excel functions by category. This series is for beginners as well as advanced users of Excel. Functions are demonstrated on locally installed Excel 2016 on Windows operating system.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Excel 2016. This series focuses specifically on Excel functions. We also offer series for Excel Essentials and Advanced for both PC and MAC. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Excel like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. However, the basic functionality of Excel functions should translate to all platforms."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OneNote 2016 for Windows - In-depth, comprehensive training" |
"Microsoft's OneNote is the helpful note taking application in the Office suite to keep you organized for any project. Whether is it for working on a large project with co-workers to tracking recipes for dinner, OneNote is a great answer for keeping everything in one place. In this series, you will learn how to create and organize notebooks, add different types of content and stay on task with tags, use helpful features such as Linked Notes and the OneNote Web Clipper, share notebooks with others, and how OneNote interacts with other Office applications. The series specifically covers the OneNote 2016 application in the locally installed Office suite for the Windows operating system. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. This application has only 1 levels of training for purchase. Looking for OneNote for Windows 10? Youre covered. We have specific training forOneNote for Windows 10 for purchase. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of OneNote like Office 2013, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OneNote for Windows 10 - In-depth, comprehensive training" |
"OneNote for Windows 10 - In-depth, comprehensive trainingMicrosoft's OneNote for Windows 10 is the helpful note taking application to keep you organized for any project. Whether is it for working on a large project with co-workers to tracking recipes for dinner, OneNote is a great answer for keeping everything in one place. In this series, you will learn how to create and organize notebooks, add different types of content, stay on task with tags, use helpful features such as the OneNote Web Clipper, and share notebooks with others. This series specifically covers the OneNote application that is part of the Windows 10 operating system. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. This application has only 1 levels of training for purchase. Looking for OneNote 2016? Youre covered. We have specific training forOneNote 2016 for Windows for purchase. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of OneNote like Office 2013 or even the new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Advanced - In-depth training" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Advanced - In-depth trainingIn this PowerPoint 2016 Advanced series, users will be shown more advanced topics such as the slide master, audio and video, link and embed external content, comments and compare, and custom shows . The series will also cover collaborating with others using OneDrive, rehearse timings, action buttons and hyperlinks, advanced file properties, Zoom, drawing, and best practices for effective presentations. While PowerPoint 2016 Advanced is a continuation from the PowerPoint 2016 Essentials series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to enhance their PowerPoint skills. This series is specifically for the Windows operating system with PowerPoint 2016 locally installed. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for PowerPoint 2016. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of PowerPoint like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training forMacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Advanced for Mac - In-depth training" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Advanced for Mac - In-depth trainingIn this PowerPoint 2016 Advanced for Mac series, users will be shown more advanced topics such as the slide master, audio and video, and custom shows. The series will also cover collaborating with others using OneDrive, rehearse timings, animate as background, action buttons and hyperlinks, advanced file properties, and best practices for effective presentations. While PowerPoint 2016 Advanced for Mac is a continuation from the PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to enhance their PowerPoint skills. This series is specifically for locally installed PowerPoint 2016 on Mac OS.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for PowerPoint 2016. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of PowerPoint like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training forWindows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth training" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth trainingPowerPoint 2016 is the popular application within the Office suite to create on-screen presentations. This series starts at the very beginning by exploring the PowerPoint environment, how to add slides to a presentation, insert text and images into slides, and create tables and charts. The series continues by enhancing a presentation with design themes, animation, and transitions, then concludes with preparing and delivering a robust presentation. This series is specifically for the Windows operating system with PowerPoint 2016 locally installed. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for PowerPoint 2016. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of PowerPoint like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training forMacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac - In-depth training" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Essentials for Mac - In-depth trainingPowerPoint 2016 is the popular application within the Office suite for Mac to create on-screen presentations. This series starts at the very beginning by exploring the PowerPoint environment, how to add slides to a presentation, insert text and images into slides, and create tables and charts. The series continues by enhancing a presentation with design themes, animation, and transitions, then concludes with preparing and delivering a robust presentation. This series is specifically for locally installed PowerPoint 2016 on MacOS. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for PowerPoint 2016 for Mac. This application has 2 levels of training for purchase Essentials and Advanced. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of PowerPoint like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training forWindows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Advanced for MAC - Intermediate, in-depth training" |
"Word 2016 Advanced for Mac explores ways to enhance Word documents with graphical elements that include images, shapes, tables, and charts. The series also demonstrates different techniques for users to automate tasks by using templates, macros, and mail merge. While Word 2016 Advanced for Mac is a continuation from the Word 2016 Essentials for Mac series, it can be viewed as a standalone course for users looking to go beyond just adding and formatting text. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on MacOS. Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016 for Mac. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools for MacOS training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office for Mac is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office for Mac 2011, or even the brand-new Office for Mac 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training for Windows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Advanced - Intermediate, in-depth training" |
"Word 2016 Advanced - Intermediate, in-depth trainingWord 2016 Advanced explores ways to enhance Word documents with graphical elements that include images, shapes, tables, and charts. The series also demonstrates different techniques for users to automate tasks by using QuickParts, templates, macros, and mail merge. While Word 2016 Advanced is a continuation from the Word 2016 Essentials series, it can be viewed as a standalone show for users looking to go beyond just adding and formatting text. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training for MacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth training" |
"Word 2016 Essentials - Beginner, in-depth trainingAs one of the cornerstones of the Office suite, Word 2016 is a powerful word processor that allows users to create both simple and sophisticated documents. This series explores the essentials to getting started with Word 2016. We begin with basic skills such as navigating a document, selecting text, inputting basic text, and document proofing. The series also explores all aspects of character and paragraph formatting as well as page formatting and layout. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training for MacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Essentials for MAC - Beginner, in-depth training" |
"Word 2016 Essentials for MAC - Beginner, in-depth trainingAs one of the cornerstones of the Office suite, Word 2016 for Mac is a powerful word processor that allows users to create both simple and sophisticated documents. This series explores the essentials to getting started with Word 2016 for Mac. We begin with basic skills such as navigating a document, selecting text, inputting basic text, and proofing a document. The series also explores all aspects of character and paragraph formatting as well as page formatting and layout. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks for experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on MacOS.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016 for Mac. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools for MacOS training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office for Mac is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office for Mac 2011, or even the brand-new Office for Mac 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training for Windows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Expert - In-depth training for long documents" |
"Word 2016 Expert explores how to enhance long documents with episodes that include: creating a table of contents, generating an index, adding footnotes and endnotes, inserting bookmarks and cross references, labeling figures with captions, and citing references for a bibliography. Also covered is how to create a master document and add sub documents for large projects. Other topics in this series include how to collaborate in Word and through Office 365 online, secure your documents, and add or edit document properties. While Word 2016 Expert is a continuation from the Word 2016 Advanced and Essentials series, episodes can be viewed individually for specific topics or enjoyed in sequence. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Windows operating system.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office 2013, or even the brand-new Office 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for Mac? Youre covered. We have specific training for MacOS available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Word 2016 Expert for Mac - Long document, In-depth training" |
"Word 2016 Expert for Mac explores how to enhance long documents with episodes that include: creating a table of contents, generating an index, adding footnotes and endnotes, inserting bookmarks and cross references, labeling figures with captions, and citing references for a bibliography. Also covered is how to create a master document and add sub documents for large projects. Other topics in this series include how to collaborate in Word and through Office 365 online, secure your documents, and add or edit document properties. While Word 2016 Expert for Mac is a continuation from the Word 2016 Advanced and Essentials for Mac series, episodes can be viewed individually for specific topics or enjoyed in sequence. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on MacOS.Course formatBinge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. Each episode has downloadable files to help you follow alongYou can pick and choose episodes by specific topic or can watch as a complete seriesEnjoy cats, NSYNC, and some real-world examples to keep learning fun Other coursesReady to be an Office pro? Get more OfficeProTV training for Word 2016 for Mac. This application has 3 levels of training for purchase Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. Also check out the full line of Microsoft Office Productivity Tools for MacOS training from Vonne and OfficeProTV. Office versions and updatesGot another computer update? Probably. Frequent updates are a cornerstone feature of a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, and Office for Mac is always changing from the interface to the expanded functionality. That being said, some features such as icons, buttons, and options have updated since the time of this series recording. While bells and whistles change, the foundations stay the same. Many of the skills covered in this course can be translated to previous versions of Word like Office for Mac 2011, or even the brand-new Office for Mac 2019, locally. If you are using Office Online only, some lessons and demonstrations from this series may translate, but the online platforms are quite different. Looking for Office for PC? Youre covered. We have specific training for Windows available for purchase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Applied Fundamentals: Guess the Number" |
"Applied Fundamentals: Guess the NumberIf you are still working on honing your programming skills, then building something simple can help that skill development along. In this series, we are going to build another simple game that allow you to flex your programming muscles. See you there!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Applied Fundamentals: Hangman" |
"Applied Fundamentals: HangmanLearning the fundamentals of programming is very empowering, but the next question is how can I use it? We are going to use some of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired to build a childhood game, Hangman, on in the command line environment. Let's get started!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chat App with React and Firebase" |
"Chat App with React and FirebaseReact and Firebase are two technologies that are becoming more and more mainstream. You may have heard of both, but how do the pieces fit together? Join us in this series as we take React and build a chat application that leverages Firebase for all of the backend services. You will discover building React components, using Firebase observers to sync data to your front-end application, the difference between Stateful and Stateless Functional Components, and much more. If you are looking to level up your understanding of React and Firebase, then we will see you there!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Representation and Serialization" |
"Data Representation and SerializationIn this series, we take a look at common formats for saving, reading, and shuffling data around such as Comma Separated Values (CSV), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML), and eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If you want to know more about these data formats as well as how to interact with these different data representation using Python, then we will see you there!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Canvas Graphics and Animations" |
"HTML5 Canvas Graphics and AnimationsHTML5 Canvas elements bring art and animation to the browser. In this series, we explore the capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas element in conjunction with JavaScript. This includes simple ""pen"" drawings, image displaying, image manipulation, and animations. Knowing HTML5 Canvas provides a great way to start with in-browser games as well as expressing those artistic desires. Hope to see you there!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Canvas Projects" |
"HTML5 Canvas ProjectsWith the advent of the HTML5 Canvas tag, the world of graphical manipulation in the browser has become a reality. This series is an exploration of some the possibility that are available when using the canvas element. The ultimate aim is to use project-based exploration of the capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas element by building games as well as some utilities. Along the way, you may learn some other interesting JavaScript uses. See you there!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Intro to AngularJS" |
"Intro to AngularJSIn this series, Justin takes a look at AngularJS, a web framework that has been around for a while. He demonstrates the use of the basics of AngularJS as well as discusses preferred practices for creating application code as well as organizing code. Some of the topics that he discusses are: the use of controllers, what is $scope and how to eliminate the use of $scope, using the built-in directives to render lists, handle events, and dynamically style your application. If you are interested in learning more about AngularJS, then join us!Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Ansible" |
"Intro to AnsibleAdministering and configuring infrastructure is a necessary but sometimes very difficult undertaking. Manual configuration of infrastructure is a full time job that takes away from other valuable activities that is prone to errors and difficulties in reproducing system state. Ansible allows one to create plans for managing infrastructure using an agentless (no outside system required) approach. During this show we will cover what Ansible is, how to set up Ansible, and use Ansible to create reproducible server configurations.Course Format Binge-worthy TV shows! Watch comprehensive, in-depth episodes that use a talk show-like format to keep you engaged while learning. You can pick and choose episodes or you can watch as a complete series. A little humor, anecdotes, and real-world examples.Other CoursesReady to become a DevPro? Get more DevProTV training with a variety of topics. Join Justin and DevProTV to level up your programming prowess!Updates and VersionsThe programming world updates at a break neck pace. As a result, there are times that certain tools, editors, libraries have changed. While syntax or names may change, the foundations remain the same. Though we hope to keep things updated, there may be time before that can occur. I recommend seeing if you can translate between changes and if all fails, ask questions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |