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"Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice Test" |
"Welcome to the Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice Test.Are you ready to pass the Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 2 full practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CCNA 210-260 exam. Make sure you are ready to pass the CCNA 210-260 exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the Microsoft exam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Como Viajar Usando Apenas Milhas Areas" |
"O curso Os Segredos Para Viajar Mais um treinamento online contendo 06 Mdulos, distribudos em vdeo aulas, dentro de uma rea exclusiva de membros, de maneira didtica e organizada para voc absorver o contedo da melhor forma possvel. Trata-se de um treinamento que vai te proporcionar realizar suas viagens sem pagar passagens areas. Para isso utilizamos como mtodo, diversas tcnicas avanadas de Pontos e Milhas que te permitem ganhar pontos e milhas de at 4 formas diferentes na mesma compra. Consequentemente, se voc uma pessoa que est habituada a acumular pontos, somente no carto de crdito. Com o nosso curso voc vai aumentar seus ganhos em at 1000% e at 10X mais rpido, sendo conservador nos nmeros. Mdulo 1 Primeiros Passos Vamos trabalhar atitudes, hbitos,conceitos e pensamentos que transformaro a forma como voc enxerga o Mundo dos Pontos. Voc vai entender DEFINITIVAMENTE os reais benefcios de se acumular pontos/milhas. Consequentemente no vai Rasgar mais Dinheiro e tambm no ir trocar 10.000 pontos por uma sanduicheira de R$ 35,00 Reais. Depois deste mdulo, a venda que te impede de enxergar, o que h por trs deste super benefcio , te far pensar: Porque no vi isso antes?.Mdulo 2 Programas de FidelidadeVoc vai entender de maneira simples e detalhada, tudo que voc precisa saber sobre os que consideramos ser, os principais programas de fidelidade que toda pessoa que deseja viajar mais, precisa saber. E isso te ajudar adquirir sua passagem area grtis. E no pense que vamos nos limitar aos 4 principais programas, vinculados diretamente s companhias areas, vamos te ensinar muitos outros, alm de saber identificar qual o melhor programa. Mdulo 3 Cartes de Crdito Voc Sabia que possvel, ganhar pontos e no pagar anuidade? Neste Mdulo 3 vamos entregar em detalhes, um olhar diferente da maioria em relao aos cartes de crdito. Vamos apresentar informaes, pontos de vista e exemplos que far voc no mnimo ter uma nova viso em relao a esta ferramenta e consequentemente voc ser capaz de definir situaes que iro desde saber se carto de crdito para voc ou no at qual o melhor carto de crdito.Mdulo 4 Clube de MilhasEste tema, tem tantos detalhes e informaes a serem apresentadas, que optamos por oferecer um mdulo exclusivo s para tratar dele. Nele voc ter um aprendizado muito aprofundado sobre os Clubes de Milhas. Iremos te apresentar todos os prs e contras, para que voc saiba tomar de maneira consciente a deciso de utilizar ou no, como utilizar,quando utilizar, como extrair apenas os pontos positivos e ainda definir qual o melhor. Mdulo 5 Extraindo Pontos de PedraJ ouviu dizer aquela expresso, Tirar Leite de Pedra. Aqui neste mdulo a situao similar, porm ao invs de jorrar leite, vai jorrar pontos e mais pontos. Quando voc chegar aqui, voc j ser a referncia no quesito Pontos. Porm voc ir se surpreender com algumas ferramentas que iremos te apresentar neste mdulo. Talvez voc at j as conhea, mas o que talvez voc no saiba, o poder que elas tm combinadas as tantas formas de ganho que teremos te apresentado.Mdulo 6 Comprando Passagens com PontosNeste Mdulo voc vai aprender sobre comprar passagem com pontos e quais so os principais buscadores de passagem e aprender tudo que voc mais precisa saber sobre cada um deles, inclusive como programar cada um deles para trabalhar 24 Horas para voc em busca da Melhor Promoo. Evitando que voc passe dias e at semanas na frente do computador. Apenas este mdulo tem o poder de fazer voc e sua famlia economizar muito dinheiro. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda J a Ler em Ingls - Mesmo Sem Ser Fluente!" |
"Precisa ler textos em ingls, mas no tem tempo de fazer um curso completo?E se voc pudesse comear a entender textos complexos em ingls EMAPENASALGUNSDIAS? exatamente isso que voc conseguir fazer aps ingressar neste curso!Este curso vai ensinar a voc tcnicas consagradas de leitura e compreenso de texto que o ajudaro a decifrar textos em ingls e ainda melhorar a sua leitura em portugus! Este curso abordar estratgias de leitura que alavancaro a sua leitura em qualquer idioma!E a, est preparado para mudar a sua vida? Ento, te esperamos dentro do curso!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Sales Training for Freelancers: Land High-Ticket Projects" |
"- ""Your rates are beyond our budget""DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?Back in 2007 when I started freelancing, I used to get that all the time - but that was before I learned how to sell...Hi, my name is Bruno Padilha and Ive been freelancing for 12 years now - and I'm the first one to admit that, in the beginning, I was absolutely CLUELESS when it came to selling.After investing a lot of time and money in courses, books and hiring a sales coach, I eventually learned how to land really good clients - and got to the point where I was working in a couple of 6-figure projects simultaneously.Learning how to sell is what changed the game for me. And that's why I'm so excited to be launching this course: it is all about how to sell your freelance services in a way that helps you land bigger, better clients.The course is divided in three modules: [MODULE 1] The Right Mindset - The concepts and principles of selling [MODULE 2] The 3-Step Sales Process - A powerful sequence that is highly effective for high-ticket projects. [MODULE 3] Sales Techniques to Seal the Deal - 'Mind hacks' based on human psychology to help you sell!Check out all the course information in this page and - if you feel like this is something that can help you - let's get started right now!--WHAT YOU GET:26 HD videos (1080p) where you'll learn about sales mindset, strategies and techniques that you can start using right now;The '4-Pillars of Sales' Cheatsheet that you can refer to during sales calls to make sure you're covering all bases and greatly increase your chances of making the sale;3 Word-by-Word Scripts that you can use to book your leads in for a consulting call, what to say in that consulting call, and how to pitch.BONUS VIDEO: '9 Words Before the Pitch'. I'll teach you the exact wording you can use to seamlessly transition from having a nice conversation with a potential client to the actual pitch (with zero pressure). It's just 9 words!7 Bullet-Proof Sales Techniques that are based on human psychology and work like MAGIC. These are the same techniques that I teach in my $4,000 private coaching program."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a investir em aes a longo prazo" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a metodologia de investimento Buy and Hold. Aprendendo a selecionar as melhores e mais promissoras aes da bolsa de valores e como utilizar mtodos e ferramentas para lucrar alm da simples variao delas.Aprendendo esta metodologia voc pode viver de renda ou at mesmo utilizar como uma meio para garantir a aposentadoria."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Etkili sunum hazrlama ve sunma teknikleri" |
"Kursu alan kii etkili bir ekilde sunum hazrlar ve sunar. Bu kursta balang seviyesinde bilgisayar kullanabilme becerisine sahip olmas kurs boyunca rahat bir ekilde ilerlemesine olanak salar.1) erik Hazrlanmas 2) Sunuma Hazrlk 3) ekli Kurallar 4) Grsellik5) Sunum AnSunum heyecan ile ba etmek baz insanlar iin dnldnden zordur. Heyecannz yattrmaya ve dikkatinizi sunuma younlatrmanza yardmc olacak baz nerileri bu blmde bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of Ayurveda" |
"Looking for a new perspective on your health or health in general? Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Ayurveda.Described as the Vedic Science of Life, Ayurveda is a five thousand year old healing tradition originating in India. It is the sister science to yoga or the medical side of yoga. Ayurveda studies the harmony between humans and the environment and treats every individual as a whole, assessing body, mind and spirit to assist in maintaining overall health.In this course youll have the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of Ayurveda and how you can use those principles to start peeling back the layers of who you think you are to reveal who you really are and own it. Discover how to be the happiest and healthiest version of YOURSELF.*Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Accredited (3 hours)WHO IS THIS COURSE FORAnyone who is ready to take their health and well-being into their own hands.WHAT'S INCLUDEDSeven learning modules with guided audio:What is AyurvedaThe five elements and their qualitiesThe three Ayurvedic body constitutions or doshasYour Ayurvedic body constitution and what that means.Ayurvedic Daily RitualsAyurveda and FoodHow to use Ayurveda in your every day lifeThree 5 minute guided audio meditations (one for each Ayurvedic body constitution)Three guided breath work videos (one for each Ayurvedic body constitution)Meditation and breath work scripts with list of benefits.A two week self-awareness guide to help you ease your way into living Ayurvedically.Three meal recipes (one for each Ayurvedic body constitution) with list of wellness benefits.Kitchari recipe (for seasonal cleansing) with list of wellness benefits.Golden Milk recipe with list of wellness benefits.CCFG Tea recipe with list of wellness benefits.Ghee recipe with list of wellness benefits.Detailed instructions for 6 easy to incorporate Ayurvedic daily rituals.WHAT YOULL TAKE AWAYA new perspective on your body and your health.How to start making small changes with a big impact.The tools you need to start living a life that caters to you and your unique qualities so that you can feel and be the best version of yourself!RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITSNone"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
".1 : 1- RankBrain:1- UX ( ).2- ( ).3- micro niche ( ).4- .2- :1- 2- 3- 4- .5- .3- 1- 2- robots.txt.3- ..2 : 1- :1- 2- .3- .2- :1- bad Backlink2- .3- .3- :1- .2- .3- ..3 : ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
WordPress |
"- - . . . . . . . . . . ! : . . . . . . . . . . . . Wordpress . . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Content Marketing for You: Top Strategies that Work" |
"You will expect to learn:1. Tips on how to best manage your Facebook content and calendar (using good case studies from key industries)2. Dos and Don'ts : What works and what doesn't 3. How to better utilize Facebook Marketing Advertising/ Facebook Business Manager to drive web traffic (using audience network, look-alike audience, demographic and key market or country segmentation)4. How to gather the best variety of content and engage your Facebook fans/ users properly through A/B testing (likes/ shares/ comments)5. How to optimize your marketing campaign for better results (remarketing/ testing)5. Concrete and relevant examples and case studies based on select top brands6. Deep dive into the best social media marketing strategies adopted by reputable international brands7. Useful for small to big business owners, marketers, beginners from all industries and backgrounds as well.Lydia Yang is a Singaporean Digital Marketing Consultant and experienced trainer with years of experience working for top multinational brands in the travel, retail, and consumer goods industry. She has also lectured for multiple training institutes one of which includes a renowned polytechnic in Singapore. She has conducted Digital Marketing Bootcamp courses for mid-career individuals looking to explore a digital marketing role."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Pursue Your Purpose In Life" |
"Become A Purpose-Driven Productivity GURU!This course has been put together based on 10+ years of experience in personal development and the BEST books on the subject in the world.This course is a Complete Guide! It goes through a step-by-step procedure that is guaranteed to help you find your mission in life, find your priorities in life and design the perfect schedule for exceptional productivity.This course has been tried and tested, and is yet to fail on delivering true, long-lasting results! I carefully put this program together when I was at a point in my life where I felt very stuck. I had recently graduated from uni and was working a dead-end job. I hated the idea of staying in one job for the rest of my life. I knew I had more in me. I knew I could offer the world much more than plugging data into an Excel sheet!I took a self-made retreat, in the beautiful Lake District. Before leaving I designed myself the BETA version of this program. I came back switched on, determined and ready to take on the world. Until one day I stopped to realise that the program was pure gold - it worked magic for me! More people deserve to try this program. So I put it together and I began coaching people using it. The results?! Staggering productivity and fulfilment in life, but don't take my word for it - try it out for yourself and you'll see.Enjoy a more productive and more fulfilling life, starting from today :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A complete practice test for C# Developers" |
"I have been searching for the perfect quizzes to help myself learn for years. I did not find them so i thought i might as well create them.The purpose of this practice test is to help you revise your working knowledge of C# and use it everyday. I will continually be adding to and updating this course.Tests will be divided into categories to make it easier to know what topic you are focusing on.These quizzes will be continuously added to and updated so you can be assured they will be useful for a long time coming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner Lower Back Pain Course" |
"The Beginner Lower Back Pain course has been designed as an entry level rehabilitation and strengthening course which progresses over the course of 12 weeks. The course is divided by 4 Phases Phase 1: We learn the fundamentals of bracing the core and begin to regressive bodyweight exercises. Phase 2: We progress the exercises you have completed in phase 1 in a structured manner. Phase 3: We begin to introduce exercises of a larger the range of motion and which now require to stand more frequently. Phase 4: We now add weight to more advanced exercises, acquired strength and more confident than ever to exercise without pain."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Intermediate Lower Back Pain Course" |
"Educational Videos about Lower Back Pain which include common reasons why people suffer lower back pain, common misconceptions about lower back pain and why this time your efforts will be different.We master the the basic and fundamental exercises to loosen and strengthen your lower back.We gradually build more strength and confidence whilst moving and exercising pain free in doing so do more and more volume of work."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Advanced Lower Back Pain Course" |
"Educational Videos about Lower Back Pain which include common reasons why people suffer lower back pain, common misconceptions about lower back pain and why this time your efforts will be different. We master the the basic and fundamental exercises to loosen and strengthen your lower back. We gradually build more strength and confidence whilst moving and exercising pain free in doing so do more and more volume of work."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Teradata Fundamentals - Comprehensive SQL course on Teradata" |
"Why Teradata Database:Teradata is considered to be one of the most popular database management system,famous for large data warehousing applications .Also, It is capable of handling large volumes of data and is highly scalable. Why to Learn SQL:SQL aka Structured Query Language is the most popular database language so it's use is everywhere whether we talk about Database,Data warehousing,Data Science or BI.Many big companies like Deloitte,Amazon,Netflix etc using this language to retrieve data from database.Important thing needs to understand that,the basic syntax of SQL for all databases is the same, so, if you have mastered SQL on Teradata, the use of SQL on other databases would not be a problem for you.Career Perspective:If you want to pursue a career in one of the above fields this course is right for you.In this course, we will make your foundation by starting from very basic and then later in the course,we'll cover some advance topics , so, in-case you are very new or have no knowledge of SQL,by the end this course,you will attain maximum knowledge of SQL.Another aspect of this course is that not only I am going through all the concepts but also give the practical demonstration by writing SQL queries in Teradata SQL assistant tool.The pace of this course is very slow,means,I will emphasize ample time on the subject and will try to cover everything that I can.After this Course:Once your are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of SQL and can apply these concepts in different fields as mentioned above.Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rust Programming Language:Beginner to Expert Rust Level" |
"Brief Introduction about Rust:Rust is a system programming language focused on safety, especially safe concurrency.Rust is similar to C++ but is designed to provide better memory safety while maintaining high performance.According to stack overflow,Rust is the most loved language by 2018 and it is top 10 most wanted languages.What you will Learn:In this course,you will learn the following:Learn how to install Rust on your computer system.Learn how to declare different variables.Basic Fundamentals of RUSTLearn the concept like Functions,arrays, tuples, Loops,ownership,borrowing,closures,traits,threads etc..Learn the concept of memory management in Rust language.Learn the topics of concurrency and parallelism in RustMuch more Once your are done with the course,you will have great knowledge of RUST language and will be in a position of writing RUST code effectively.After this Course:Once your are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of RUST language and you will be ready to apply all these concepts.Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SQLite Fundamentals - Comprehensive SQL course on SQLite" |
"Unlike MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server SQLite database is a server less database that serves the different purpose altogether. SQLite emphasizes economy, efficiency, reliability, independence, and simplicity.Use of SQLite:SQLite database requires no administration so it is best suited for embedded devices and the internet of things.Why to Learn SQL:SQL aka Structured Query Language is the most popular database language so it's use is everywhere whether we talk about Database,Data warehousing,Data Science or BI.Many big companies like Deloitte,Amazon,Netflix etc using this language to retrieve data from database.Important thing needs to understand that,the basic syntax of SQL for all databases is the same, so, if you have mastered SQL on SQLite database , the use of SQL on other databases would not be a problem for you.SQLite Major Topics:Introduction to SQLite DatabaseOperators in SQLAggregate Functions in SQLJoins in SQLSub-query in SQLAnalytical functionsTriggers in SQLAdvanced topics(Case statement,Views,Index,etc)Another aspect of this course is that not only I am going through all the concepts but also give the practical demonstration by writing SQL queries.The pace of this course is very slow,means,I will emphasize ample time on the subject and will try to cover everything that I can.After this Course:Once your are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of SQL and you will be ready to apply all these concepts.Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) Fundamentals and DWH Concepts" |
"Brief Introduction:Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) provides the Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) capabilities.Through this process,data is captured,transformed and stored in a uniform format.Some of the features of Pentaho data integration tool are mentioned below.Data migration between different databases and applications.Huge volume of data can be loaded from different heterogeneous sources. Data Cleansing with steps ranging from very simple to very complex transformations.Components of Pentaho:Below are the components of Penatho data integration tool.Spoon.bat----It is User Interface used to create Jobs and Transformation.Pan.Bat------It is used to run transformation from the command line.Kitchen.Bat---It is used to run Jobs from the command line.Carte.Bat----Execute your Jobs and Transformation on Web Server.Encr.Bat------Helps you to generate encrypted passwords.Career Perspective:If you want to pursue a career as an ETL developer,you should definitely consider taking this course.Most importantly,If you learn one ETL tool whether it's Pentaho or Informatica,learning other ETL tools won't be difficult.Also,the demand of ETL developer is keep on increasing as the data size is increasing. After this Course:Once you are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of all the transformation steps that are required to clean the data.Furthermore,you can apply all the attained knowledge in the industry.Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MicroStrategy for Business Intelligence" |
"MicroStrategy is a Business Intelligence software, which offers a wide range of data analytics capabilities. MicroStrategy has some great features such as:Data DiscoveryData WranglingData Mining and Predictive AnalysisMobile PlatformReal time DashboardsWhat are we learning in this course? This course consists of three different sections.In the first section of the course,we will be discussing data warehousing and dimensional modeling concepts.Second section is on MicroStrategy Desktop and the last part will be on MicroStrategy Web.Section:1Overview of Data warehousingDimensional Modeling conceptsSection:2Attributes,Facts and MetricsReports and FiltersPrompts and Search ObjectsConsolidation and Custom GroupIntelligent Cubes and FreeformSQL report and much moreSection:3Visualizations and Dashboard creationCareer Perspective:If you want to have a career as a Data analyst or Business Intelligence,this course will help you big time.Many big companies like Netflix, Adobe, Adidas,Shell, and McDonald's etc are using MicroStrategy for data analysis so this course will add a tremendous value in your resume. The important aspect is that after this course,learning other BI tools will not be very difficult.After this course:Once your are done with the course,you can apply these concepts making reports,making visualizations and creating attractive dashboards. Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Natron - Compositing, Keying and Rotoscoping using Natron" |
"Through this course you will also learn the difference between node based composting and layer based composting and which has more usage. This course will help you to learn about the fundamentals of node-based compositing using Natron, this course will also demonstrate the user interface of Natron along with features & applications of Natron. This course will also help you to learn about how to import media supported in Natron and would also give you knowledge with working on the basic nodes and its parameters."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blackmagic Fusion - The Ultimate Guide 2019" |
"This course will help you to learn about the fundamentals of node-based compositing using Fusion, this course will also demonstrate the user interface of Fusion along with features & applications. This course will also help you to learn about how to import media supported in Fusion and would also give you knowledge with working on the basic nodes and its parameters. Through this course you will also learn compositing viewers and keying using Fusion. Below are the details about all that we are going to understand here. You shall be learning about the overview of UI, various nodes and working with nodes such as adding node, duplicating node, merge node, removing node, importing footage, re-sizing composition. Time Ruler- In this section you are going to understand current time, key frame ticks, changing the display format, ranges, global start and end range, render start and end range, visible range slider, render button, playback buttons and composition quality options. Animation in Fusion- Through this section you shall be learning about Creating Basic Shape, adding keys, adding mask to shapes and animating shapes in motion."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Compositing using After Effects" |
"After Effects is a Compositing, VFX, and Motion graphics application developed and owned by Adobe Systems. It is generally put to use in the post-production stage of the film making and TV production pipe-line. Besides the features mentioned above, After Effects can effectively perform a handful of jobs as keying, tracking, compositing and animation. With this software application, you can even work on some non-linear editing in Video and Audio platforms.This course gives an in-depth knowledge of Compositing & Motion Graphics using Adobe After Effects CC.The training will include the following;Keying-Chroma Keyer, Luma Key,KeylightClone Stamp Tool- PaintColor Correction- EffectsEffects and PresetsSelective Color CorrectionCreating Stunning Effects- Disintegration, Shatter etc"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Generating Particles in Fusion" |
"This course will help you to learn about the fundamentals of generating particles using Fusion, this course will also demonstrate the user interface of Fusion along with features & applications.Below are the details about all that we are going to understand here.ParticlesWorking with 3D ViewerCreating EmittersWorking with ParticlesUnderstanding Physics of ParticlesParticle FlowsAttributes of ParticlesCreating Rain and SnowCreating FireworksConverting 3D Particle to 2DRenderingRendering CompositionRendering in different File Formats"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro - The Complete Video Editing Master Class" |
"This course would help you to learn the technical properties in a video, like Video Frame Size, Frame Per Second(FPS), Scanline, Pixel Aspect Ratio, different kinds of Audio Channels.Adobe Premiere Prois a timeline-based video editing Softwareapplication. It is part of theAdobe Creative CloudThis course would help you to learn the technical properties in a video, like Video Frame Size, Frame Per Second(FPS), Scanline, Pixel Aspect Ratio, different kinds of Audio Channels.This course would teach you to start with Adobe Premiere Pro, by creating a new project, sequence, with different settings required for different platforms. Customizing and saving your own sequence settings for future need.It also gives an in-depth knowledge on the GUI / Interface of the software, along with customizing and saving your own Workspace according to your preference.This course would also teach you, importing clips , videos, media, into your project and timeline.This course would take you through the different panels like Project Panel, Source Panel, Monitor Panel, Tools Panel and Timeline demonstrated in details with its options and attributes explained.This course would also teach you to save a single image from a Video.Working with Markers for selecting a particular range from a Video has also been covered, through In and Out Points, along with Customizing your own markers in the video footage.Basic editing in Premiere, like inserting and overwriting video and audio clips into timeline has also been shown in this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Combustion - The Ultimate Guide 2019" |
"Autodesk Combustion is a computer program for motion graphics, compositing and visual effects. It is commonly likened to Adobes After Effects. This software offers digital artists and filmmakers with industry standard tools to create compositing and visual/special effects. This is a one stop tool to paint, animate, edit and compose in 2D and 3D are combined in an integrated environment and easy to use interface. Through this course you will learn animation, 3D compositing, and much more. This course will teach you creating basic composition working with layers, working with alpha channel, working with layer blending and working with layer controls."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rotoscopying using After Effects" |
"After Effects is a Compositing, VFX, and Motion graphics application developed and owned by Adobe Systems. It is generally put to use in the post-production stage of the film making and TV production pipe-line. Besides the features mentioned above, After Effects can effectively perform a handful of jobs as keying, tracking, compositing and animation. With this software application, you can even work on some non-linear editing in Video and Audio platforms.This course gives an in-depth knowledge of Compositing & Motion Graphics using Adobe After Effects CC.The training will include the following;Pen ToolVertex Tool-Adding and Deleting VertexMask Feather ToolUnderstanding Mask Shape ParametersAdding Mask FeatherRoto Brush ToolPerforming Rotoscopying on Live Action FootageRendering your Composition"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MapReduce Architecture for Big Data" |
"MapReduce Architecture for Big Data:In this module, we will understand what is Map Reduce and what is the necessity of Map reduce in big data world, We will learn how map reduce is different from traditional programming and map reduce framework as a whole. MapReduce is a programming model suitable for processing of huge data thus are very useful for performing large-scale data analysis using multiple machines in the cluster.The tutorials will include the following :1.Introduction to Mapreduce2.Data Flow Architecture of Mapreduce3.Concept of Mapper4.How Reducer works5.Importance of Combiner in Maprduce6.Understanding Partitioner7.Input Format8.Speculative Execution9.Input split VS Block10.Counters11.Job Optimization and Performance Tuning12.Example on how Map and Reduce work13.Implementing example of Map and Reduce programmatically."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Random Forest Algorithm in Machine Learning" |
"Random Forest Algorithm in Machine Learning:Machine learning is a scientific discipline that explores the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data. Such algorithms operate by building a model from example inputs and using that to make predictions or decisions, rather than following strictly static program instructions. Machine learning is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also specializes in prediction-making.Through this training we are going to learn and apply how the random forest algorithm works and several other important things about it.The course includes the following;1) Extract the Data to the platform.2) Apply data Transformation.3) Bifurcate Data into Training and Testing Data set.4) Built Random Forest Model on Training Data set.5) Predict using Testing Data set.6) Validate the Model Performance.7) Improve the model Performance using Random Forest.8) Predict and Validate Performance of Model."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"R Programming - Data Science using R" |
"Beginners Training on R ProgrammingR is a programming language and related to software environment for statistical computing and graphics. R programming languages is mostly used in graphics, it also used mostly by statisticians for developing softwares. Through this course one will be learning about basic R functions, special numerical values, array and matrix, repository and packages, installing a package, how to calculate variance, co-variance, cumulative frequency, learn about statistics, probability and distribution, random examples, discrete example and many as such concept about R.Through this training you are going to learn the basics of R and how it can be used for data processing and data visualization to carry out exploratory analysis.Target Customers:Analytics professionalAnyone interested in R Programming related TrainingWeb developersPeople interested in statistics and data sciencesResearchersPre-Requisites:Passion to learn about R Programming CoursesComputer ready to run R and RStudioBasic knowledge of statisticsComputer with Internet ConnectionStatistics Essentials for Analytics Beginners:Data and analytics is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also specializes in prediction-making.Through this tutorial you are going to learn the basic statistical concepts that are important to data analytics and its application using R, SPSS and Minitab.The training will include the following;Module1: Introduction to basic elements of StatisticsModule2: Measures of central tendency using R or Minitab SoftwareModule3: Measure of Dispersion using R/Minitab SoftwareModule4: Correlation and Simple linear regression using R programmeModule5: Understanding of Normal Distribution using R programmeMarket Basket Analysis in R:Market Basket Analysis is a modelling technique based upon the theory that if you buy a certain group of items, you are more (or less) likely to buy another group of items. We are understanding the conceptual foundations of association analysis and perform market basket analyses.The training includes the following topics;1. What is Market Basket analysis Introduction What Market Basket Analysis is not Elements of MBA and key terminologies Understanding Confidence and Support Association rules Examples of MBA Applications2. Case study MBA for marketing campaign using R Problem statement Introduction to apriori algorithm in R Deciding the support and confidence cutoffs Executing MBA Visualizing the results in RData Visualization with R Shiny Basic Tutorials:Data visualization is understanding the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. Patterns, trends that might go unnoticed in text-based data can be exposed and recognized easier with data visualization software. It basically involves presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format.Through this training we are going to learn how to use R and Shiny to create fascinating data visualizations.The training will include the following;IntroductionWeb DevelopmentShinyResourcesGetting StartedStructure of a Shiny AppUIServerReactive ProgrammingAdd-on Packages"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen Practitioner Masterclass for Continuous Improvement" |
"This course will help you learn Kaizen methodology. Kaizen methods aims to eliminate the wastes from all the processes. Kaizen brings in better changes by using less resources. You will learn from this course about the organisations that have successfully created a culture of continuous improvement using principles of Kaizen. This awesome course will help you to deploy Kaizen methodology and drive great performances in business. You will also learn the structured approach to eliminate wastes and to achieve overall improvement and efficiency. Kaizen equips companies to generate a process-oriented way of approach and create strategy for continuous improvements. The Kaizen strategy is that improvement being made somewhere in the organisation every day. Kaizen is a Japanese word for Continual Improvement. KAI means Change and Zen means Good (For Better). So meaning of Kaizen is Change for Better. Creating continuous improvement and positive changes can deliver great improvements. This course will teach you Kaizen methods in a simple and step by step method."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |