Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Human Resource Management - Comprehensive Course on HRM" |
"HRM defines the organizations intentions and plans on how its business goals should be achieved through people. It is based on three propositions: first, that human capital is a major source of competitive advantage; second, that it is people who implement the strategic plan; and, third, that a systematic approach should be adopted to defining where the organization wants to go and how it should get there. HRM is a process that involves the use of overarching approaches to the development of HR strategies, which are integrated vertically with the business strategy and horizontally with one another. These strategies define intentions and plans related to overall organizational considerations, such as organizational effectiveness, and to more specific aspects of people management, such as resourcing, learning and development, reward and employee relations.The rationale for HRM is the perceived advantage of having an agreed and understood basis for developing approaches to people management in the longer term. HRM supplies a perspective on the way in which critical issues or success factors related to people can be addressed, and strategic decisions are made that have a major and long-term impact on the behaviour and success of the organization. The fundamental aim of strategic HRM is to generate strategic capability by ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained competitive advantage. Its objective is to provide a sense of direction in an often turbulent environment so that the business needs of the organization, and the individual and collective needs of its employees can be met by the development and implementation of coherent and practical HR policies and programmes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupunture)" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, YNSA201845(YNSA)somatotope 122000YNSA"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"-(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupunture)" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, YNSA201845(YNSA)somatotope Y2008YNSA"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"-(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupunture)" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, YNSA201845(YNSA)somatotope J-K somatotope, I-somatotope2015YNSA"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"-(Yamamoto New Scalp Acupunture)" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, YNSA201845(YNSA)somatotope 20182018YNSA"
Price: 2000.00 ![]() |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-Basic" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is invented by Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto. It was published in 1973. The treatment is different with traditional Chinese medicine. Rather than points in traditional Chinese medicine, there are somatotopes in YNSA. The physician uses these somatotopes on the head and body to treat patients.YNSA is that stimulate points on the head and body by needle. This therapy is very effective in neurologic disease, and pain control.YNSA has rare pain when treating, without soreness and numbness, so it is suitable for women and kids.The feature of YNSA: convenience, less pain, Fast outcome, and low price.Convenience: We treat patients on the head, without taking off clothes. It is very convenient for women.Without pain: The acupuncture needle is thin, only 0.24mm, so the pain is lesser.Fast outcome: Pain and discomfort will relieve soon after treatment.Low price: Fewer needle than Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and the cost is lower.The basic seminar includes basic points, sensory points, brain points, 12 cranial nerve points, and Hoku diagnosis.Basic points can alleviate the syndrome of musculoskeletal disease.Sensory points can alleviate the syndrome of facial features.Brain points and 12 cranial nerve points can alleviate the syndrome of cranial nerves and central nervous system.After finished this seminar, you can relieve the discomfort below:Locomotor system: acute phase of contusion and sprain, lower back pain, neck pain, and limb pain.Facial feature: dry eye syndrome, tinnitus, hearing loss, rhinitis, stuffy nose, and sore throat.Neurologic disease: stroke rehabilitation, Parkinsons disease, and Bells palsy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-Medium" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is invented by Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto. It was published in 1973. The treatment is different with traditional Chinese medicine. Rather than points in traditional Chinese medicine, there are somatotopes in YNSA. The physician uses these somatotopes on the head and body to treat patients.YNSA is that stimulate points on the head and body by needle. This therapy is very effective in neurologic disease, and pain control.YNSA has rare pain when treating, without soreness and numbness, so it is suitable for women and kids.The feature of YNSA: convenience, less pain, Fast outcome, and low price.Convenience: We treat patients on the head, without taking off clothes. It is very convenient for women.Without pain: The acupuncture needle is thin, only 0.24mm, so the pain is lesser.Fast outcome: Pain and discomfort will relieve soon after treatment.Low price: Fewer needle than Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and the cost is lower.The medium seminar includes Y points and neck diagnosis.Y points can alleviate the syndrome of internal medicine disease, such as chest pain, palpitation, or headache.Neck diagnosis can help you to find out the positive reaction of Y points.After finished this seminar, you can relieve the discomfort below:Digestive system: diarrhea and constipation.Respiratory System and cardiac system: chest pain and arrhythmia.Urinary system: Frequent urine.Neurologic disease: Trigeminal neuralgia, stroke rehabilitation, Bell's palsy, and kinetic disorders."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-Advanced" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is invented by Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto. It was published in 1973. The treatment is different with traditional Chinese medicine. Rather than points in traditional Chinese medicine, there are somatotopes in YNSA. The physician uses these somatotopes on the head and body to treat patients.YNSA is that stimulate points on the head and body by needle. This therapy is very effective in neurologic disease, and pain control.YNSA has rare pain when treating, without soreness and numbness, so it is suitable for women and kids.The feature of YNSA: convenience, less pain, Fast outcome, and low price.Convenience: We treat patients on the head, without taking off clothes. It is very convenient for women.Without pain: The acupuncture needle is thin, only 0.24mm, so the pain is lesser.Fast outcome: Pain and discomfort will relieve soon after treatment.Low price: Fewer needle than Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and the cost is lower.The advanced seminar includes J-K somatotope, I-somatotope, and upper extremity diagnosis.J-K somatotope can alleviate the syndrome of locomotor diseases, such as chest pain, low back pain, or headache.Upper extremity diagnosis can help you to find out the positive reaction of brain, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar points.After finished this seminar, you can relieve the discomfort below:Stroke rehabilitation, numbness of fingers and toes, cold finger and toes, chest tightness, shoulder pain, low back pain.The points in this seminar will support basic points, sensory points, and brain points."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture-Expert" |
"Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is invented by Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto. It was published in 1973. The treatment is different with traditional Chinese medicine. Rather than points in traditional Chinese medicine, there are somatotopes in YNSA. The physician uses these somatotopes on the head and body to treat patients.YNSA is that stimulate points on the head and body by needle. This therapy is very effective in neurologic disease, and pain control.YNSA has rare pain when treating, without soreness and numbness, so it is suitable for women and kids.The feature of YNSA: convenience, less pain, Fast outcome, and low price.Convenience: We treat patients on the head, without taking off clothes. It is very convenient for women.Without pain: The acupuncture needle is thin, only 0.24mm, so the pain is lesser.Fast outcome: Pain and discomfort will relieve soon after treatment.Low price: Fewer needle than Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, and the cost is lower.The expert seminar includes introduction, change, cancel, and updated somatotopes in 2018. We will still introduce the new diagnosis method and demonstration.This seminar is the newest version of YNSA in the world.After finished this seminar, you can relieve the discomfort below:Stroke rehabilitation, Parkinson's disease, knee pain, autonomic dysfunction, and pain control.The new diagnosis in this seminar will support Hoku, upper extremity, and neck diagnosis."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Wordpress |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
App? |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
5percent |
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"FaceBook Chatbot" |
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Curso Integral de SketchUp Pro 2018" |
"SketchUp pro es una herramienta de diseo 3D que ha revolucionado el mercado gracias a su facilidad de uso y herramientas intuitivas.Este curso tiene como finalidad, ensearle a nuestros alumnos las herramientas mas importantes y relevantes de este increble software a travs de un ejercicio prctico de modelado de una habitacin interior.Este curso abarca desde aspectos simples como configurar el espacio de trabajo, hasta funciones mas avanzadas como suavizado de geometra, luces y materiales.Preprate a dar los primeros pasos en SketchUp Pro 2018Programa:CONFIGURACIN DEL ESPACIO DE TRABAJOSeleccin de Plantilla Agregar y modificar barras de herramientasBarra de estadoMedicin y unidadesHerramientas de desplazamientoHerramientas de ZoomCmara Isomtrica y PerspectivaHERRAMIENTAS BSICASHerramientas de dibujo 2D y herramientas referencialesHerramientas de modelado 3D bsicasInformacin de la entidadEjes del espacio de trabajo e inferencias para dibujar.VistasEstilo de Aristas y Estilo de CarasMODELADO DE UN OBJETO BSICOHerramientas de seleccin de objetosCreacin de grupos y componentesUtilizacin de la herramientas Outliner para gestin de componentesHerramientas de conformacin de escenasHerramientas de modelado 3D avanzadasAgregar/eliminar geometra en un objetoMODELADO DE UNA HABITACINInsercin de componentesEdicin de componentesConvertir en objeto nicoOpcin Fijar a cualquier planoVolver a cargar / exportar componenteOpcin crear aberturaDescarga de componentes desde el 3D WarehouseEscenas y configuracinGeneracin de recorridos virtualesExportar imgenesIntroduccin a la herramienta Estilos para presentacionesHerramienta SombrasColocar la fecha y hora Regulacin de luces y sombrasInsertar texturas en un objetoEditar texturas dentro de Sketchup (UVW mapping)Funciones de los alfileres fijosEditar texturas fuera de SketchupGenerar y editar texturas nicasTexturizado de caras Proyectar un texturaGuardado y gestin de materiales"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso integral de Lumion 9 para Renders interiores" |
"Este curso es dictado por Aufiero Informtica, distribuidor mayorista oficial y exclusivo de Lumion 9 para Latinoamrica. Pueden encontrarnos en nuestras redes sociales y pgina web como Lumion-LALumion 9 es una herramienta de renderizado de alto nivel y calidad, que permite generar visualizaciones 3D fotorrealistas en tan solo segundos.En el presente curso Integral de Lumion 9 para Renders Interiores, se realizar una revisin completa de todos los aspectos pertinentes para realizar un render interior de calidad. El curso es dictado por nuestros instructores acreditados por Lumion.Se dar especial nfasis en temas como: Clima, Materiales, Efectos, Iluminacin y Cmara, donde el estudiante aprender a usar los componentes predeterminados de Lumion 9 y tambin crearlos desde cero, dndole un mayor control a los elementos de la escena.Convirtete en un experto y dale vida a tus renders con Lumion 9"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Integral de V-Ray para SketchUp" |
"Este curso es dictado por Aufiero Informtica, distribuidor mayorista oficial de V-Ray para todas las plataformas en Latinoamrica.V-ray es la herramientas de renderizado mas conocida y utilizada mundialmente por millones de usuarios de todos los campos del diseo 3D. Permite generar imgenes y videos fotorrealistas de una calidad inigualable, maravillando a los clientes y usuarios.En el presente curso Integral de V-Ray para SketchUp, se realizar una revisin completa de todos los aspectos pertinentes para realizar un render de calidad.Se dar especial nfasis en temas como: Iluminacin, Materiales, Cmara y opciones de Render, donde se explicar cada elemento y se darn tips para lograr el fotorrealismo deseado en poco tiempo y sin complicar el proceso.Convirtete en un experto de V-Ray para SketchUp"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Secrets from an Insurance Broker" |
"My name is Juan Carlos Fernndez Alemn, and I have 22 years in the Insurance Brokerage market. I have more than 20,000 policies sold in the local and international market, I come from 3 generations in the insurance brokerage, and today I want to talk to you about the insurance market.We have designed this course so that you can succeed in this business, a super competitive and spectacular market because it allows you to travel and rub shoulders with people anywhere in the world.Here we are going to give you all the keys for you to be successful so that your career is much more comfortable and you can achieve the goals with a robust insurance portfolio that is renewed every year by 90%.In this course we will give you all the tools, from personal presentation, social networks, how to create your brand, how to be successful, what are the keys, what do you have to know about insurance and reinsurance. All the doubts we will clarify in this course, and we will tell you how to do networking, how to do rapport, how to reach customers, how to close more clients and how to renew them.Register now in this course!This is the best course for insurance brokers."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Segredos de um Corretor de Seguros" |
"Ns projetamos este curso para que voc possa ter sucesso no mercado de seguros, um mercado super competitivo e espetacular, porque permite que voc viaje e converse com pessoas importantes em qualquer lugar do mundo.Aqui vamos dar-lhe todas as chaves para ser bem sucedido, para que a sua carreira seja muito mais fcil e possa atingir uma slida carteira de seguros que renovada todos os anos em 90%.Neste curso, daremos a voc todas as ferramentas, desde apresentao pessoal, redes sociais, como criar sua marca, como ser bem-sucedido, quais so as chaves, o que voc precisa saber sobre seguro e resseguro. Esclareceremos todas as dvidas deste curso e falaremos sobre como fazer networking, como fazer rapport, como alcanar clientes e como renov-los.Registre-se agora neste curso!Este o melhor curso para vendedores de seguros."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Secrets d'un courtier d'assurance Niveau 1" |
"Je m'appelle Juan Carlos Fernndez Alemn, j'ai 22 ans d'exprience dans le courtage en assurances, plus de 20 000 polices vendues sur le march local et international, je suis issu de trois gnrations dans le courtage en assurances et, aujourd'hui, je veux vous parler du march de l'assurance.Nous avons conu ce cours pour vous permettre de russir sur le march de lassurance, un march extrmement concurrentiel et spectaculaire, car il vous permet de voyager et de ctoyer des personnalits importantes partout dans le monde.Ici, nous allons vous donner toutes les cls pour russir, pour que votre carrire soit beaucoup plus facile et que vous puissiez atteindre vos objectifs avec un solide portefeuille dassurances renouvel chaque anne 90%.Dans ce cours, nous allons vous donner tous les outils, de la prsentation personnelle aux rseaux sociaux, en passant par la cration de votre marque, la russite, les cls pour ltre, ce que vous devez savoir sur lassurance et la rassurance. Tous les doutes que nous allons clarifier dans ce cours et nous vous dirons comment mettre en rseau, comment tablir des relations, comment atteindre les clients, comment fermer plus de clients et comment les renouveler.Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour ce cours!C'est le meilleur cours pour les vendeurs d'assurance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Market Sizing: How to size a market" |
"Analytical skills are critical in a number of different fields. This course helps you understand the analytical process. It explains what market sizing is, why it is needed and how it is done. It even prepares you to deal with situations where data is scarce or unavailable. It is designed to help professionals across entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, sales, research, analytics, market intelligence and related fields understand markets and size them like pros, impress clients and supervisors and move up in their careers. It will also help those aspiring to get into leading B-Schools and other institutions ace interviews for admission."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI): What's the big deal?" |
"There is a lot of buzz around Artificial Intelligence and related areas: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing etc. But do we really know what it means? Despite all the noise, it is difficult for someone not working in these fields as a programmer or data scientist or consultant to understand what these terms really mean, how they are related to each other, why they are needed, how they work and where they are used. While a lot of courses are available on specific tools and techniques for those already in these fields, for the rest of us it is difficult to understand what they are really all about. This course explains the very basics. Starting by breaking down these terms and understanding their dictionary meanings, understanding why they have become so important, getting a basic understanding of how each of these really works, looking at examples of things we do on a daily basis where these tools/technologies play a critical role. Think of it as your one-stop-shop for Artificial Intelligence concepts and how and where they are applied."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Analytics for Dummies" |
"We live in a world dominated by Marketing. It's impossible to live in today's world and not be exposed to Marketing. We also live in a world that is driven by data and technology. The intersection of Marketing, Data and Technology is therefore where all the action is. This course explores exactly that. It explores what Marketing is and how it works. It then similarly explores Analytics - what it means, how it is done. Finally it looks at how Analytics is applied at each stage in Marketing and how that helps increase the efficiency, effectiveness and Return on Investment (RoI) of Marketing. This is a course for beginners and requires no prior knowledge or understanding of Marketing or Analytics. It is non technical and focuses on explaining concepts and discussing how they are applied in the real world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Becoming Better Interviewers" |
"While we all prepare for being interviewed, how many of us actually prepare for interviewing others? An interview is the building block of a great organisation. People who are driven by the same cause and who share the same beliefs make formidable teams that change the world. So shouldn't we prepare ourselves to be better interviewers? Especially those of us who have already conducted interviews or are going to do so? This course is designed to provide a step by step guide to help you find the finest professionals for your team. Irrespective of whether you are a for profit enterprise or a non profit. Government or private. Corporate or academic. This will provide you the framework you need to become ace interviewers and build high performance teams that drive outstanding results"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Basics" |
"They say we live in a world where machines are getting smarter and people dumber! While the jury's still out on whether we are getting dumber, there is no doubt that machines are getting smarter. They are increasingly able to do things we always thought were too vast and complex for anyone but the smartest humans. Intelligence is no longer the exclusive domain of human beings. Computers are increasingly outsmarting the world's best professionals in areas as diverse as the most complex multi player games, the most difficult medical diagnoses and the most challenging legal problems, to name but three. At the heart of this revolution in 'artificial intelligence' lies machine learning. It's changing every field, everyday. None of us are left untouched. It therefore essential for all of us to understand what machine learning is, why it is becoming so critical and fundamental, and how machines learn. This course takes you through all of this in a simple, easy to understand manner. So whether you plan to engage with machine learning professionally - as a technologist, data scientist or business professional; or whether you are just a layperson interested in understanding what the big deal is, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Read Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Made Easy" |
"Reading Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) is an essential skill for Plant Operators in the Oil and Gas sector, Chemical Industries, Water Treatment and Wastewater Collections Operators, Engineers, Technicians, Safety People, College Students and even Plant Management. In fact, it is a fundamental skill in a variety of Operations in many Industries.If youre one of those mentioned here, or you just want to acquire this knowledge for your role in the Process and Power Plant Industries, this training is for you.Upon completion of this in depth, holistic Reading P & IDs course you will be able to identify symbols and function labels commonly found on P & IDs; describe how system components are related; and trace process stream flow and control loop functions. In fact let me ask you:Do you work in the Process Industries or Power Generation sector and you require a kick ass ability to Read Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P & IDs)? If you are looking to get this skill of How to Read P & IDs Easily from a holistic course that was written by an experienced guy, following ISA, ANSI, and ASME standards, then this training is for you. Yes, you could be from Plant Operations, Plant Maintenance, Plant Safety, and Engineering, or even from Plant Management, the skill to interpret P & IDs is foundational in your career. Senior Plant Managers agree that its the Master Key to working in the Process and Power Generation sectors. Here is a chance to stop embarrassing yourself if you cant, or lack confidence in interpreting Piping and Instrumentation Drawings. Simply enrol into this training. It will show you everything you need to know about reading P & IDs in a one stop shop. No matter the complexity of the drawings.Imagine that you are walking around your workplace (Plant Site) in darkness, and a stranger brings you a flashlight so you can see your surroundings and avoid tripping hazards. This Video Training Course is the flashlight that will provide the light that will enable you to see the plant and avoid costly mistakes that could cost your job. The ability to Read P & IDs empowers you to be able to discern whats in the field from your desk in the office. Doesnt that make your job preparation easier? Imagine how much power and what that will mean for your career when you gain the ability to easily interpret any P & IDs at your workplace despite level of complexity. Imagine:1. Getting access to a Video Training Course that shows you everything A Z there is to know about How to Read P & IDs closely following ANSI/ISA S5.1, and ASME code. P & IDs are used to train personnel for a reason. If you can read them, it means you can understand the process faster and stay competitive at work. All the hidden secrets your colleagues don't tell you about are staring at you on the P & IDs!2. A Video Training Course that uses a simplified approach of breaking a P & ID into 6 Areas and demystifying them one at a time, before bringing them together so you can read complete and real world P & IDs. These are accompanied by a downloadable eBook and a Workbook of Practice Questions and hands on exercises for interpreting real world P & IDs that you will find in the last chapter with BONUSES.3. A Video Training Course that will walk you through all sections of a P & ID - From the Legend/Master/Lead Sheets through The Title Block, The Main Diagram, Line Schedules, Equipment descriptions, Notes, down to Zone Numbers. All this leads you into the final step of a kick ass ability to trace process flows that span across multiple P & IDs regardless of complexity.4. A Video Training Course that shows you and explains about Instrument Symbols, Valves and their identifications, Control Loops, Interlocks, Management of Change (MOC) process, Primary Flow Elements, Line Designations, Process Piping, Sizes and Identification, Including Insights into how Process Operations are controlled.5. By the end of the Video Training Course you should be able to handle any kind of P & IDs no matter their level of complexity. Picture yourself self-reliant with soaring confidence at work, with colleagues and bosses respecting you. Do they even have an option when you can discern the plant using the master key, the laser eyes in the form of an impeccable ability to read the Plant P & IDs? Even if you are in College or University, this Video Training Course will be of immense help in Reading P & IDs for some of your classes and/or arm you with a profound skill you can use when you go to work.Let me show you how Ive helped thousands of people like you to easily Read P & IDs. These people work in the Oil and Gas Industry, Power Generation, Chemical Plants, Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, and anywhere where you can find P & IDS being used. Some were Tech school (College) and University (Engineering) students. You may be interested in the Course Outline:Course Outline - Topics Include: Define what a P&ID is Describe why they are important to the operation of your facility Give examples of when you might use a P&ID Use a Legend/Lead/Master sheet as a reference for identifying P&ID symbols and labels found in line tables, instrument; symbols and designations tables, and graphic symbols tables Identify the symbols for selected vessels, compressors, heat exchangers, valves, and pumps Interpret an example numbering system used for labeling equipment on P&ID Explain why instruments and control loops are important for the safe operation of a plant Identify the symbols for selected instruments Describe how instruments in control loops are related and named on a P&ID Identify piping and give specific information about a pipeline including material in the line, size, and line number as well as whether or not the line is insulated or traced Identify pneumatic, electric, and hydraulic instrumentation signals lines Trace the flow of a process stream into a P&ID, through the pipes and equipment, and out of a P&IDSo what that means is this Course will give you 3 Very Valuable Items:1. A Comprehensive Video Course on Reading and Interpreting P & IDs called, Reading and Interpreting Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Made Easy valued at $14972. An accompanying eBook on Reading and Interpreting P & IDs Valued at $1973. An accompanying eWorkBook with theory questions and 2 Real World P & IDS for practising reading and interpreting P & IDs. You will also go through a Plant exercise where you walk down your area going through the P & IDS. At the end youll know your plant area like the back of your hand Valued at $97.Total Materials Cost is: $1791...But that is not what you're paying today!If all this did was give you the kickass ability to Read and Interpret P & IDs no matter how complex they are, wouldnt it be worth it remembering how important the skill of reading P & IDs is to anyone working in the Process and Power Plant Industries?If all this did was give you back your self-confidence, feelings of adequacy from feeling competent, pleasure in doing your work easily from this new cutting edge skill, the ability to express yourself with all levels of plant hierarchy, would it be worth it? If this gave you autonomy and the power to command respect from peers at work, would it be worth the few dollars compared to a lifetime career value it gives you???The only reasonable thing for you to do if you care about your life, your future and your career is get started in this course by clicking the Buy Button."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como Obter xito no Cumprimento de Metas" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender qual o mtodo passo a passo para estabelecer e cumprir qualquer meta desejada de forma inteligente e eficaz, da mesma forma que eu fiz e fao.Com esse exato mtodo finalizei duas graduaes, finalizei minha especializao, galguei o cargo de gerente em uma grande empresa, cheguei a nveis avanados no ingls e no espanhol, desenvolvi profissionais e lderes de alta performance, alm de muitas outras pequenas metas bem sucedidas em minha trajetria pessoal e profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Walmart's Retail Link Reporting System" |
"The objective of this course is to provide Walmart US suppliers with a broad overview of the most common features and applications of Retail Link, including basic report building. This class centers on the fundamentals of Retail Link, allowing the student to gain knowledge of all of the features available within this powerful tool."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Cypecad - Projeto Estrutural de 5 Pavimentos" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo (a), leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como utilizar o Software Cypecad para projetos estruturais em concreto armado. necessrio que o aluno possua o software Cypecad instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas. O Cypecad um poderoso software de modelagem, clculo, anlise e detalhamento estrutural, e ser abordado como exemplo, o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial de cinco pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm das plantas baixas em DWG e os parmetros normativos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos estruturais. Objetivo: Proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos BSICOS e prticos sobre a utilizao do Cypecad. No curso ser realizado o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial de cinco pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado, abordando:Configuraes inciais de projeto.Importao de plantas DWG.Lanamento de pilares.Lanamento de vigas retangulares.Lanamento de Lajes macias.Lanamento de Escadas.Lanamento de cargas de alvenaria e caixa d'gua.Lanamento de bloco sobre estacas.Clculo da estrutura.Gerao de pranchas DWG.O curso Ideal para profissionais e estudantes que ainda no tiveram contato com projetos estruturais ou querem conhecer a ferramenta Cypecad. As videoaulas explicam minuciosamente o passo a passo da utilizao do software, sendo bem detalhadas e explicadas, o aluno conseguir desenvolver o projeto com exatido."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Pr-dimensionamento de Estruturas de Concreto Armado" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo (a), leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como encontrar as dimenses iniciais de pilares, vigas e lajes para projetos estruturais em concreto armado. necessrio que o aluno possua o software Autocad instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm das plantas baixas em DWG e os arquivos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos estruturais. O curso abordar: . Locao de Pilares.. Dimenses iniciais dos pilares para o projeto estrutural.. Dimenses iniciais das vigas para o projeto estrutural.. Dimenses iniciais das lajes para o projeto estrutural.O curso Ideal para profissionais e estudantes que ainda no tiveram contato com projetos estruturais ou no tem conhecimentos de como pr-dimensionar pilares, vigas e lajes."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Clculo e oramento de muro de arrimo em concreto armado" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo (a), leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como calcular, gerar o detalhamento em dwg e orar um muro de arrimo em concreto armado, com dimenses de 3,5 metros de altura por 10 metros de comprimento, utilizando o software da CYPE. necessrio que o aluno possua o software CYPE instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm dos arquivos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso Eberick 2019 / 2020 - Projeto Estrutural" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo (a), leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como utilizar o Software Eberick 2019 / 2020 para projetos estruturais em concreto armado. necessrio que o aluno possua o software Eberick 2019 ou 2020 instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas, podendo utilizar a verso do estudante que totalmente gratuita. O Eberick um poderoso software de modelagem, clculo, anlise e detalhamento estrutural, e ser abordado como exemplo, o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial de dois pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm das plantas baixas em DWG e os parmetros normativos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos estruturais. Objetivo: Proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos BSICOS e prticos sobre a utilizao do Eberick 2019. No curso ser realizado o projeto estrutural de uma edificao de dois pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado, abordando:Importao de plantas DWG.Lanamento de pilares.Lanamento de vigas retangulares.Lanamento de Lajes macias.Lanamento de Escadas.Lanamento das sapatas.Lanamento de cargas de alvenaria.Processamento e anlise da estrutura.Gerao de pranchas.O curso Ideal para profissionais e estudantes que ainda no tiveram contato com projetos estruturais ou querem conhecer a ferramenta Eberick. As videoaulas explicam minuciosamente o passo a passo da utilizao do software, sendo bem detalhadas e explicadas, o aluno conseguir desenvolver o projeto com exatido."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |