Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Tcnico Manuteno de Impressoras e Multifuncionais Laser" |
"Nesse curso iremos aprender o funcionamento de uma impressora laser, desde o zero. Iremos abordar tambm outras qualidades que um tcnico precisa ter, como saber atender um cliente, como interpretar um manual de servios e muito mais.Esse curso foi idealizado em meados de 2006, e foi gravado e transformado em vdeo aula em 2017. Procuramos criar uma teoria bacana, com analogias serem entendidas mesmo pra quem no formado em eletrnica, pois entendo que somente sabendo perfeitamente o funcionamento de um equipamento, voc ser capaz de resolver seus problemas.Eu espero que aproveitem bem, e desde j comeamos alimentar o curso com aulas bnus. Colocarei esporadicamente aulas bnus de manuteno de impressoras, e tambm de instalao e configurao de softwares. Temos outros Tutoriais de impressoras e informtica em.Sucesso todosCarlos Talarico"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Finanzas Personales: Salir de Deudas (mtodo comprobado)" |
"Un elemento clave en las finanzas personales es el manejo adecuado de las deudas y crditos, sin embargo hay muchos elementos que debemos de considerar: tasa de inters, bur de crdito, amortizacin, CAT, fecha de corte, fecha de pago, pagos mnimos, etc. (Pero no te preocupes)Este curso esta diseado tanto para aquel que requiere nuevos crditos, como aquel que quiere un plan concreto para salir de deudas. Son 5 apartados clave los que revisaremos con detalle:1- Entender cmo funcionan los distintos tipos de crdito y conceptos clave que debes de dominar para solicitar el mejor2- Tarjetas de crdito desde como usarlas para no pagar intereses hasta simuladores para elegir la ms accesible3- Cmo mejorar tu historial crediticio (bur de crdito)4- Plan y plantilla para ahorrar y salir de deudas5- Alternativas de negociacin si tu crdito se ha salido de controlHemos ayudado a mucha gente a salir de deudas en El lago de los Business y con este curso quiero que sepas que no estas solo. Pero requerir seguir un plan estricto para lograrlo. Atte Manolo by Lago"
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Business Leadership" |
"This detailed training Course is a tool for the modern-day Entrepreneur who is seeking to boost your Leadership skills and development. This course was created with new business owners and recently-formed Entrepreneurs in mind. It is mainly for those who would like guidance on how to effectively lead your business organization into success.It is designed to help take you from whatever level you are at now and propel you into a higher stage in your Entrepreneurial journey to even greater success - not merely to move you from one place to a higher place but to transform you and your business how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. *It will clarify your role as a Leader and show you how to create and accomplish your upgraded personal and professional best.*How to lead yourself and others to pursue and achieve the extraordinary.*FINALLY it will show you amazing ways to deal with the problems and overcome the hurdles that didn't even exist for the entrepreneurs of previous time periods."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Restauracin de las Parejas por medio de la Palabra de DIOS" |
"Este es un entrenamiento encaminado a fortalecer la relacin de pareja a travs de la palabra de Dios, en donde se trabajar el amor incondicional y la importancia de descubrir y sanar las races que bloquean la unin de la pareja. Asimismo, se comprender la importancia de los hijos en la construccin y fortalecimiento del hogar."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn NetConf ,Yang ,SDN Opendaylight Netconf with practical" |
"Learn NetConf, Yang & OpendayLight NetConf Connector - Practical/Handson exercisesThis course is practical handson course with (cisco devnet lab - publicly available with FREE Access ). We DO NOT Provide any LAB from our side. This course covers all the major NetConf & Yang Concepts. Covers Opendaylight Netconf exercises- 100% handson Demonstration/Lab Exercises- Extensive step by step guides for all sessions.- All Documents/Exercises/Programs are downloadable. What will you Gain:- Understanding NetConf/Yang Concepts with extensive handson exercises with Cisco DevNet Lab- OpenDaylight Netconf exercises"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SDN Crash Course (Openflow, Mininet, RYU) Practical/Handson" |
"SDN self learning course. This is practical demo oriented course. For working professionals, This is crash course , help you to understand the Openflow SDN concepts with lab exercises in half day. You can setup SDN Test bed by yourselves and practice by yourselfs with REST API.All you need is, Ubuntu 18.04 VM/Desktop/Laptop for setting up the LAB. If you just follow the course, you would be able to understand/practice SDN Openflow concepts using REST API.For Students, This course covers with Mininet topologies, Writing Custom Mininet Scripts, RYU Controller Programming Exercises (L3 Switch, L4 Switch, Flow Timeouts, Flow Priorities, Flow Pipeline processing, Group tables, ARP PRoxy , etc ) This course talks about only OPENFLOW and Programming with RYU SDN CONTROLLER. This course will help you to do the Academic project in SDN ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"African GODdess Yoga: Journey to Power" |
"Goddess is not.a title, it is a level of 'training' for us to become leaders, teachers, healers, seekers of truth, freedom, masters and so forth. For too long we have been looking outside of ourselves for cures, saviors, and power when we have had it inside us all along. Congrats, lets begin your Journey to Power through cultural education, asanas, meditation, and self-inquiry. Your membership helps us to combat community deterioration, provides community yoga, and therapeutic healing spaces, contributing to alternative and holistic health resources for underserved communities. Let us Evolve our Communities through Yoga. Yoga literally means Unity. Join our amazing instructors in different styles of Yoga; with the goal of Self-Mastery, harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit. See you on your mat!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Business" |
"Are you prepared for the inevitable AI revolution? How can you leverage it in your current role as a business leader (whether that's a manager, team leader or a CxO)? Analytics Vidhyas Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) for Business course, curated and delivered by experienced instructors, will help you understand the answers to these pressing questions.Artificial Intelligence has become the centrepiece of strategic decision making for organizations. It is disrupting the way industries function - from sales and marketing to finance and HR, companies are betting on AI to give them a competitive edge.AI for Business Leaders is a thoughtfully created course designed specifically for business people and does not require any programming.Through this course you will learn about the current state of AI, how it's disrupting businesses globally and in diverse fields, how it might impact your current role and what you can do about it. This course also dives into the various building blocks of AI and why it's necessary for you to have a high-level overview of these topics in today's data-driven world.We will also provide you with multiple practical case studies towards the end of the course that will test your understanding and add context to all that you've studied.By the time you finish the course, you will be ready to apply your newly-acquired knowledge in your current organization. You will be able to make informed strategic decisions for yourself and your business."
Price: 11520.00 ![]() |
"Structured Query Language (SQL) for Data Science" |
"Structured Query Language (SQL) is a must have skill for every data professional. Whether you are a data engineer, a Business Intelligence Professional or a data scientist - you will need Structured Query Language (SQL) in your day to day work. This course will start from basics of databases and structured query language (SQL) and teach you every thing you would need in any data science profession including Writing and executing efficient Queries, Joining multiple tables and appending and manipulating tables.Key takeaways from Structured Query Language (SQL) for Data Science course:Start using MySQL the most popular Database Management SystemLearn how to perform database tasks in SQLHow to insert, update, and delete records from your databaseHow to create reports and perform basic analysis using SQLs aggregate functionsHow to perform efficient joins to fetch your data from multiple tables"
Price: 10240.00 ![]() |
"Krpersprache: Lgen aufdecken!" |
"Der Top-100-Trainer (DE, AUT, IT und CH) Elmar G. Arneitz steht seit 20 Jahren selbst hauptberuflich auf der Bhne. Er hat 6 Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation am Markt, wovon der Topseller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"" mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde.In diesem Video-Kurs verrt Arneitz Details und Wissen aus der Krpersprache, mit dem viele Kriminalflle in sterreich gelst wurden. Arneitz wurde dafr mehrfach mit Titeln geehrt.Inhalt dieses Video-Kurses:Grnde fr das Lgen erkennen im Business und Privat.Warum es Lgner gar nicht vermeiden knnen sich zu verraten.Vorstellung des Referenten mit Urkunde und Auszeichnungen.Frauen lgen anders und aus anderen Motiven, als Mnner.Die vier menschlichen Lgen-Typen.Abschnitt 1: Etwa 2500 mal am Tag fassen wir uns an den Kopf!Die Augen - der schnellste Werg um Lgen aufzudecken.Augenbrauen und Brille - was verbirgt sich hinter den Absichten meines Gegenbers.Nase - wie sich der berhmteste Lgner der Welt verraten hat.Lippen - dmliches Signal unvorsichtiger Lgner/Innen.Abschnitt 2: Warum die meisten Menschen mit den Hnden beschwichtigen wollen.Das unbekannte Schulternzucken und weitere Signale der Hnde.Emotionen und Taten an den Hnden leicht erkennen.Abschnitt 3: Warum Lgner/innen gerne davonlaufen wrden und nicht knnen:Lgen haben kurze Beine.Krperliche Reaktionen, die unkontrolliert ausbrechen.Bonusvideo:Der Vericator - geheime Software groer Unternehmen.ber den Trainer: Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit 20 Jahren Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Politik, und im Privatbereich. Seit 3 Jahren zhlt Arneitz zu den Top-100-Trainern (Speakers Excellence). Arneitz hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation geschrieben, die in mehreren Sprachen bersetzt wurden. Regelmig finden Seminare in Deutschland und sterreich von Arneitz statt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Verkauf: Akquisetricks (Kybernetik) im digitalen Jahrhundert" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie du zuknftig weniger Geld verschenkst, mehr Termine/Auftrge erhltst und deine Auslastung sprbar erhhen kannst. Lerne Du vom Bestsellerautor und TOP-100-Trainer, wie Du mit den kybernetischen Grundlagen spielend an jeder Sekretrin vorbei direkt zum Entscheider kommst. Hast Du die Logik einmal verstanden ist es fr dich in Zukunft ein Kinderspiel. Kennst Du den Satz Wer fragt fhrt?"" Dieser Kurs besttigt dies nicht nur, er zeigt dir wie Du Schritt fr Schritt reproduzierbare Ergebnisse erzielen kannst.Aber Vorsicht! Wenn Du nun denkst der Kurs ist nur fr Verkufer, dann berleg dir Mal, wie oft Du deine Meinung, deine berzeugung oder deine Argumente bei anderen Menschen anbringst mit dem Wunsch diese Menschen zu berzeugen. Auch das ist Verkauf. Du kannst jetzt wegklicken und damit bares Geld verschenken oder Du schreibst dich ein. Dank der 30-Tage Geld zurck sind beide Mglichkeiten risikolos. Der einzige Unterschied ist es, dass Du bei Variante 2 wertvolle Tipps von einem fhrenden Verkaufskybernetiker erhltst. Ergnzt mit wertvollen Arbeitsblttern und Bonuslektionen kannst Du mit diesem Kurs gar nicht verlieren. Sparringspartner fr den Text war Sven Scharly.Stell dir auch mal die Fragen: ""Warum bekommen einige wenige Menschen jeden einzelnen Termin, den sie wollen und andere fast keinen?""Warum ist fr einige wenige Menschen Kaltakquise ein Start-Ziel-Sieg whrend sich andere davor verstecken?Ganz einfach. Wer die kybernetsiches Akquise in digitalen Jahrhundert einmal kennt und anwenden kann, darf sich ruhig auf die sichere Kommunikationsstruktur verlassen, und Schritt fr Schritt neue Kunden an sich binden.Der Top-100-Trainer (DE, AUT, IT und CH) Elmar G. Arneitz zeigt seit 20 Jahren hauptberuflich unzhligen Unternehmen und Vertriebsstrukturen,. wie kybernetische Kaltakquise und Verkauf funktioniert. Er hat 6 Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation am Markt, wovon der Topseller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"" mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde.Fr diesem Kurs hat Arneitz den Manager Dr. Michael Zuber (Verantwortlich fr 640 Mitarbeiter in der Stahlindustrie) gewinnen knnen und verrt, was und warum sich kommunikationstechnisch in Kaltakquise vieles verndert hat.InhaltWarum wir alle die Kybernetik bentigen.Terminisieren am kalten Markt.Terminsieren und Verkauf am warmen Markt.Top-Fehler bei Angeboten.Die Geheimwaffe beim Erstkunden.Bonusvideo ""Zuhren""Zusatznutzen: Arbeitsbltter & ""Praxisbeispiel der Geheimwaffe in PDF-Form und Video"", sowie die 30-Tage-Geld-Zurck-Garantie von Udemy.ber den Trainer: Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit 20 Jahren Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und im Privatbereich. Seit 3 Jahren zhlt Arneitz zu den Top-100-Trainern (Speakers Excellence). Arneitz hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation geschrieben, die in mehreren Sprachen bersetzt wurden. Regelmig finden Seminare in Deutschland und sterreich von Arneitz statt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Verkauf: Kybernetische Verkaufstricks der Profis." |
"Warum verkaufen einige wenige Menschen was sie mchten, whrend sich andere extrem schwer im Verkauf tun?Warum mssen sich Unternehmen auf Preisdiskussionen einlassen, whrend anderes es schaffen stndige Zustimmung zu erhalten ohne den Preis in den Mund zu nehmen?Warum kmpfen die meisten Menschen darum, ihre Kunden zu behalten, whrend andere ihnen die Kunden ohne groen Aufwand wegnehmen?Die Antwort liegt auf der Hand: Die Kommunikation im Verkauf ndert sich gut alle 2 Jahre. Wer glaubt, dass mit derselben Struktur wie vor wenigen Jahren Kunden und Abschlsse gewonnen werden knnen, wird ein bses Erwachen erleben. Abhilfe schafft hier die Kybernetik.Direktes Wissen vom Top-100-Trainer (DE, AUT, IT und CH) Elmar G. Arneitz der seit 20 Jahren hauptberuflich unzhligen Unternehmen und Vertriebsstrukturen mit kybernetische Kaltakquise und Verkauf schult. Er hat 6 Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation am Markt, wovon der Topseller ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunikation"" mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde.Im digitalen Jahrhundert hat sich erwiesen, dass die kybernetische Verkaufsstruktur direkt den Faktor Mensch berhrt und damit fr massig Verstndnis und Zustimmung verantwortlich ist.Inhalt des Kurses:Vernderungen im Verkauf. Was funktioniert noch und was nicht mehr.Die Bibel im Verkauf: Die 5 GrundbedrfnisseKybernetische Verkaufsstruktur fr mehr JAs.Aktives Weiterempfehlungs-Marketing fr bis zu 500% Wachstum.Kybernetische Einwand-/Vorwandbehandlung.Bonusvideo: Erkennst du die Grundbedrfnisse?ber den Trainer: Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit 20 Jahren Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und im Privatbereich. Seit 3 Jahren zhlt Arneitz zu den Top-100-Trainern (Speakers Excellence). Arneitz hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation geschrieben, die in mehreren Sprachen bersetzt wurden. Regelmig finden Seminare in Deutschland und sterreich von Arneitz statt."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Der Erfolgscode. Weck den Sieger in dir!" |
"Wenn du immer schon gefhlt hast, dass du vom Leben noch mehr abgewinnen kannst, dann brennt in dir bereits das Verlangen nach Vernderung. Nur welchen Plan verfolgen, welchen Weg zur Vernderung gehen? Dieses Thema wird nicht in der Schule gelernt.In diesem Kurs erfhrst du auf anschauliche Art und durch viele Praxisstories der Referenten, deinen knftigen 5-Punkte-Plan, wie du jedes Ziel, jede Vernderung in deinem Leben formen und erreichen kannst. Du wirst am Ende des Kurses ""Der Erfolgscode - Weck den Sieger in dir!"" genau wissen, welchen Plan erfolgreiche Menschen verfolgen und welchen Hrden sie ausweichen.Der Referent Elmar G. Arneitz, fhrt seit 20 Jahren Menschen zum Erfolg. Er hat 6 Bcher zum Thema geschrieben und ist seit 3 Jahren unter den Top-!00-Trainern in Europa. Viele seiner Interviews - die die Basis fr diesen Kurs sind - kannst du auf seiner Seite elmararneitz(dot)com oder pro-kommunikation(dot)com nachsehen. Inhalt des Kurses ""Der Erfolgscode - Weck den Sieger in dir!"":Einfhrung von Elmar G. ArneitzLektion 1: Der Referent Stephan Stocker stellt sich und die Grnde fr den Kurs vor.Lektion 2: Finde und forme dein Ziel. Mache aus Trumen Ziele.Lektion 3: Visualisiere deine Ziele und programmiere dein Unterbewusstsein.Lektion 4: Bereite deinen Weg zum Ziel vor und entledige dich von Altlasten.Lektion 5: Setze Schritt fr Schritt deine Ziele um.Lektion 6: Trainiere deine Ausdauer. Ausdauer schlgt Talent.Lektion 7: Bist du ein Erfolgsverhinderer?Lektion 8: Suche dir erfolgreiche Vorbilder.ber den Referenten Elmar G. Arneitz:Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit nahezu 20 Jahren Unternehmen, Politiker, Manager, Fhrungskrfte und private Personen mit dem Thema Erfolg und Kommunikation. Er hat sechs Bcher zum Thema verfasst, wovon sein Top-Titel: ""Die geheime Macht der Kommunkation!"" mehr als 200.000 mal gelesen wurde. Arneitz wurde 2018 und 2019 mit den Unternehmenstiteln ""Top-Empfehlung"" und ""Top-Dienstleister"" von Udemy/Berlin ausgezeichnet. Er hat ist seit 3 Jahren Top-100-Trainer in Deutschland, sterreich, Schweiz und Italien und wird von der Agentur Speakers Excellence fr Tageshonorar von 4.000 Euro angeboten."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Visual Basic .NET ve ASP.NET renin" |
"**** VB.NET, C#.NET ve C++.NET arasnda projeler, kullanlan class ve namespace ler vb asndan hi bir fark yoktur. Tm derlendiinde ayn IL yani Intermediate Language e evrilir. Hatta bu dillerdeki projelerde reference edilen DLL ler dahi sonuta IL dilinde olduundan tm iin ayndr. Sadece kullanlan dilin syntax farkldr. Buradaki VB.NET i renenler iin C# da da her ey ayn ekilde yaplr hi bir fark yoktur syntax dan baka. C# ile Hayatn Gerekleri kursumda bu IL kodunun da nasl CRACK (yazlmn krlmas) edildiini gsteriyorum ki altndaki teknolojiyi grmeniz nemli. Piyasada hangi dili bilmekten ziyade kavramlar, teknii ve teknolojisini bilmek ve ileri seviyede uygulayabilmek nemlidir. Bu ilk admnzdr. Bu kursun daha ilerisini grmek isteyenler ve piyasann gerekleri ile karlamadan renmek isteyenler hi ekinmeden C# ile Hayatn Gerekleri kursuma kaydolabilirler. Bu kurs da Microsoft CTEC - Certified Technical Education Center larda verilen eitimin ayns verilmektedir. Balang ve Orta Dzeydedir. Baz ksmlar ileri dzeye de girmektedir. zellikle iyi bir altyap almanz amacyla 2003 den bugne kadar altyap, teknoloji ve mantnn deimedii .NET teknolojisini hem windows hem de ASP.NET uygulamalar ve veritabanndan stored procedure lara , OOP design dan programlamasna ve web servislerine kadar reneceksiniz. Eitim belki VB.NET ve baz yerlerde C# ile gsterilse dahi aslnda yazlm dilinden bamsz olarak .NET ve OOP mantn size retmektedir. Her konu iindeki aklamalarda o video iindeki konular ve kanc saniyede olduunu grebilirsiniz. C# ile hayatn Gerekleri kursumda bu konularn en nemlilerinin leri Dzey rneklerini anlatyorum ve karmamanz tavsiye ediyorum.Visual Studio 2003 den 2017 ye kadar tm editrlerle bu kursu pratik olarak yapabilirsiniz. zellikle belli bir IDE yani editr kullanm gerekmemekte .NET ve OOP ile ASP.NET , Web ve dier tm gerekli kavramlar gsterilmektedir. Karnza kacak projelerde yazlm ii en son i tir. nce planlama ve tasarm gelir. Bu nedenle iyi bir altyapnzn olmas ve kavramlar iyi renmeniz gerekir. Eitim hem teorik hem de pratik olarak olduka tatmin edici seviyededir. Ve Tamamyla Microsoft CTEC ler de ki eitimin ayn mfredatna sahiptir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain nedir ? Nasl yazlr? Srlar ve tm altyaps.." |
"**** Bu kursu tamamladktan sonra C# ile Blockchain Kodlama kursumu almanz harika olacaktr.**** Bu kursta herhangi bir yazlm projesi yaplmamaktadr. Size yaptm yazlmlarn baz ksmlarn ve akll kontrat kodlarn ve altyapnn ve almann tm srlarn gsteriyorum. Amacm bu konularda aldanmamanz. ICO ve akll kontrat ya da benzer projelerle kanlara kar veya kime nasl yatrm yapacanz bu bilgilere bakarak siz karar veresiniz diye anlatyorum. Bilgi her eydir. nann Ethereum un sahibi Vitalik Buterin dahi kendi yazlmnn srlarn bu kadar anlatmamtr. Ben kendi blockchain imi anlatrken aslnda Ethereum un da srlarn anlatm oluyorum. O C++ ile yazd, akll kontrat yazmak iin kendi solidity dili de var ve leveldb kullanyor ayrca PoW (Proof of Work) yaps var ve PoS (Proof of Stake) a gemeye alyor. Ben C# (neredeyse tamam ve akll kontratlarda C#) , C++ (leveldb) ,Python, Android,Kotlin kullandm ve ben de leveldb yi key-value iin kullanyorum ve offline mobile iin MongoDB (NoSql) kullandm ve tamamen PoS alyor. Green Tech yani. Bunu da ilk video da (Blm 2) mimari yi anlatrken tm aklyla anlattm.O nedenle bu kurs ok deerli bir kurs dur. Bugne kadar bu konunun srlarn bu seviyede anlatan hi kimse olmamtr. Yaptk yazdk diyenlerin bir tanesi bile yaplm projesini gstermemitir. Bu kadar byk bir yazlm projesinin kodlanmas ve buradaki 1 veya 1.5 saatlik video ile anlatlmas MMKN DEL dir. Ayrca bu projenin dersini yapmak dahi planlama vb ok zordur ve ok uzun , skc ve rencilerin ok ok ileri seviye bilgilerinin olmasn gerektirir. Belki mikro seviyede bir eitim yaplr ki yapyorlar ancak yararnn ne olaca da bilinmezdir. Sizin iin bu seviyede ve bu zamanda en iyi olan Blockchain in gerekte hi bilmediiniz ve duymadnz aklamasn byle bir yazlm yazm bir yazlm mimarndan dinleyeceksiniz. Anlattklarm oradan buradan alnan bilgiler deildir. Tamamen kendi yazlm tecrbem ve ARGE incelemelerim ile ortaya kardm bilgilerdir. O nedenle dier kaynaklardan ok farkl yaklamlar greceksiniz.Blok, Block zinciri, Bitcoin, Ethereum ve bunlarn teknolojisi ile kendi yazdm blockchain yazlmn ve bu yazlmn zerinde srlarn , mimarisi ve bileenlerini , alma annda ki durumunu ve her eyi greceksiniz. rnek bir akll kontratla blockchain zerinde sertifika larn nasl saklandnn srlarn da hem windows hem de web uygulamas ile greceksiniz. Akll kontrat ve kodlamas ve almas hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Sizinle paylatm dokumanlarda kripto para dndaki blockchain trlerinden kurumsal blockchain olan hyperledger , gelecekte ne olacan, borsa istanbul un blockchain projesinin gereklerini ilk yazan kii olarak bunun PDF dokuman da BONUS ! ..Hem bu teknolojiyi takip eden hem yatrmc hem de yazlm tarafndan bakanlar artk ok daha farkl bakacak , bu konuda ileriyi her ynyle daha net grebilecekler.HyperLedger Fabric (Kurumsal Blockchain) de nasl kolayca ilk yazlmnz gelitirebileceinizi ve business network gibi ana kavramlar gsteren PDF dokuman da BONUS !.BitCoin den Ethereum ve kendi blockchain yazlmm SEC Blockchain e kadar tm bu yaplarn avantaj ve dezavantajlarn , gelecekte lkemizde veya dnyada bu teknolojinin ne kadarnn kullanlabileceini anlatan PDF dokumanlar da BONUS !."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C# ile Hayatn Gerekleri" |
"**** VB.NET, C#.NET ve C++.NET arasnda projeler, kullanlan class ve namespace ler vb asndan hi bir fark yoktur. Tm derlendiinde ayn IL yani Intermediate Language e evrilir. Hatta bu dillerdeki projelerde reference edilen DLL ler dahi sonuta IL dilinde olduundan tm iin ayndr. Sadece kullanlan dilin syntax farkldr. Buradaki C#.NET ile konular renenler iin syleyelim VB.NET ve C++.NET de de her ey ayn ekilde yaplr hi bir fark yoktur syntax dan baka. Bu kursumda bu IL kodunun da nasl CRACK (yazlmn krlmas) edildiini gsteriyorum ki altndaki teknolojiyi grmeniz nemli. Piyasada hangi dili bilmekten ziyade kavramlar, teknii ve teknolojisini bilmek ve ileri seviyede uygulayabilmek nemlidir. Bu nedenle konu C# ile anlatlyor ben bu dili bilmiyorum demeyin nemli olan buradaki teknik, teknoloji ve bunun kullanmdr.Calculator uygulamas ve zerinde Visual Inheritance.. Kendi kontrolmz oluturmak ve sebepleri, Access Modifier lar. (Koda snyoruz)C# da AJAX kullanm ve AJAX teknolojisi..NET leri dzey Session Management Teknikleri.C# State ve Session Management kodlama - ViewState, ControlState, Hidden Fields, QueryString, Application State, Session State nasl kullanlr. Stateful ve Stateless nedir. Web de sayfadan sayfaya ve Server lara gnderilen ve gelen verilerin deeri nasl saklanyor. (stteki konu ile birlikte deerlendirirseniz harika olur)Web Farm, Web garden, Application Pool, Worker Process, Application recycle, CPU Affinity ve .NET.In Process , Out of Process (ASP NET State Server ve State Server olarak SQL Server).Web Garden da Processor Affinity Mask nedir ve .NET uygulamamz CPU lar nasl kullanr. Bamza neler gelebilir..C# , VB NET ve C++ NET ile yazlan programlar nasl CRACK edilir.C# ile leri dzey Web API Nasl yazlr.. (MVC projesi olarak) ASP NET den ve Android uygulamalardan nasl arlr. FIDDLER tantm. FIDDLER bir http debugger proxy application dr. Bu uygulama ile web browser dan http arlarnz debug edip her ayrnty grebilirsiniz. JSON ile Web API mize veri iletiminde client yazlm yazmadan test yapabileceimiz gayet iyi bir aratr.C# ASP NET ile leri Dzey Web Servisleri oluturmak. Proxy den veya On-the-Fly kod ile armak.C# ile TRANSACTION mantnn gsterilmesi. ATOMIC kavram, COMMIT ve ROLLBACKSQL Server zerinde TRANSACTION mantnn gsterilmesi. ATOMIC kavram, COMMIT ve ROLLBACKSQL Server zerinde SQL Profiler gsterimi ve faydas. Execution Plan nedir? Ne ie yarar.Yazlmda INTERFACE ve ABSTRACT kavramlar , detaylar ve C# ile uygulamas.Daha fazlas zaman iinde eitime eklenecek...Yaplan Projelerin tamamnn kodlarn da indirebilirsiniz..**** Burada kullanlan tm teknik ve teknoloji yaklamlarn AYNEN VB.NET veya C++.NET uygulamalarnzda isimlere varncaya kadar AYNI EKLDE kullanabilirsiniz. Sonuta tm .NET uygulamalar derlendiinde ayn IL (Intermediate Language) e evrilir.**** Baz eitimlerde sadece WEB API ve Web Servisleri 10 saat anlatlyor. Interface ve Abstract da ok uzun anlatlyor ki hi gerek yok. Yazlm dilini renmek den ziyade piyasada en fazla bilinmesi istenen kavramlar burada anlatlmtr ve devam da edilecektir. Bilinmesi gereken tamamen teknikler ve altyapdr. Bunun yannda tmne yaknnda yazlm projeleri ile de desteklenmitir. Burada ne kadar etkili anlatldn grp hemen sizde kolayca yazabileceksiniz. rnek projeleri indirip hem kendinizi gelitirecek hem de alabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"C# ile Blockchain Kodlama" |
"Bu kurs Blockchain nedir ? Nasl yazlr? Srlar ve tm altyaps isimli kursumun uygulamal olan bir devamdr.. C# yazlm dili ile youn kodlama ve anlatm vardr. Console .NET Core Application projesi zerinde allacaktr. (.NET Core uygulamalar Windows, Linux ve MacOS zerinde yani tmnde alr. Node yani blockchain veritabann tayacak olan makinalar bu iletim sistemlerinde alrlarsa ite bu bizim amzdan ok byk bir avantajdr.) Sizi hi skmayacak ekilde anlatm ve uzatmayan bir yapda yol izlenmitir.Blockchain nedir ? Nasl yazlr? Srlar ve tm altyaps isimli kursumda gsterdiim kendime ait gerek bir blockchain yazlmnn alma an ve tm zellikleri ile mimarisinin ok kk lekte ancak ok tatmin edici adan kurs haline getirilmi eklidir. O kursa konu olan yazlm ok ileri dzey ve ok karmak yaplar barndryordu ve bu konunun yazlmn en temelden renmek isteyenlere bu karmaklklara girmeden ancak bu ekilde yardmc olabilirim diye dndm.Ortaya hakikaten her yapdan ve seviyeden insann renebilecei ve skmadan net ve ok uzun olmayan bir kurs ierii kt.Bu kursu daha iyi anlamak iin mutlaka Blockchain in Srlar kursumu almanz isterim. Bu kurs rnekleri arasnda en iyi Trke ierikli kurslardan biridir.Kursun tm kaynak kodlar paylalmtr. Kurs Toplam 5 dersten olumaktadr. Her ders iinde tam konu ilenmekte ve yazlm bitirilip o blmn testi yaplmaktadr.Kursun ierii aadaki gibidir:Giri ve Block, Blockchain nedir , kodlama iin gerekenler.. Kavramlarn zeti ve kapsamn detaynn anlatlmas..Basit Blockchain Kodlama.. Block ve Blockchain class lar oluturma ve ilem...Proof Of Work Kodlama (Bitcoin ve ethereum da ki algoritma mantnn basite indirgenmi kodlamas)Transaction lar Kodlama , Mining (Kaz) ve dllendirme , Zorluk katsays mant kodlamas..P2P Network Kodlama, WebSocket Server ve Client class oluturma. Socket programlamay renme. Blockchain in datk yapda dier node (bilgisayar) larla senkronize olmas ve blockchain veritabann birbirleriyle gncellemeleri..** Sonunda ok kapsaml ekilde 5. aamadaki yaptklarmz da dahil yazlmn testini de gerekletiriyoruz.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Flutter Dart ile IOS ve Android Gelitirme" |
"Google n oluturduu ve ayn anda tek ortamda tek bir yazlm dili ile kodlama yaparak hem IOS hem de Android iin NATIVE kod retme ktphanesi (SDK - Software Development Kit ve API) Flutter ile onun programlama dili Dart reneceksiniz. Dart dilinin bu kurs iin en gerekli kullanmn reneceksiniz. Ancak Flutter iin en nemli konu Widget lar. nk flutter tamamyla widget lardan oluuyor. Bunu size ne kadar kolay rettiimi grecek ve baka hi bir yerde Trke olarak bu detayda konunun anlatlmadn da greceksiniz.. Widget lar iyi bilmiyorsanz dart dilini ve komutlarn ne kadar iyi kullanrsanz kullann hi bir ie inann yaramaz.te bu kurs nce dart lininin en gerekli komut seti ve yaps ile widget lardan balang seviyesinde balayacak ve yava yava ileri dzeye kadar gidecek..Kursumuza gn getike gerekli ve balangtan ileri dzeye kadar belli bir dzende konular eklenmeye devam ediyor. Her ders iin kodlama kaynak kodlar da indirilebilir. Ancak siz de mutlaka her ders iin pratik kodlamalarnz yapn ve aln. Greceksiniz yazdka alacak ve altka her detay kavrayacaksnz. Zaman iinde yeni eklemeler devam ediyor olacak."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effective Communication : Best STEP-BY-STEP Dummy Guide" |
"The Obstacle...A common problem leaders and managers face in their role is the struggle of having good communication. Most will face consequences like a lack of team work, lousy team performance, reduced profits and much more. This course has the purpose to provide you with knowledge and skills to be successful in the art of communicating.To increase your success rate of becoming a better communicator through this course, the approach of how you absorb the information is key. The course is designed with 2 key approach. 1)Straight-forward concepts 2) Easy to apply techniquesThe objective upon completion of the course is for you to grasp the idea that a large part of your success as a leader or manager is determined by how well you communicate and connect with people around you. The Framework of this course.The complete process is arranged in a before, during and after sequence. The course then breaks it down into step-by-step modules with in-depth details you can follow comfortably. Worksheets will be provided as tools for you to utilize what you have learnt instantly with your team as well as serving as a guide to your understanding of the course.The course is also constructed with questions to raise self-awareness and allowing you to learn through self-realization. This course, Power 1o1, will leave you with the understanding of the science behind effective conversations and directed procedures for your execution. Increase overall productivity you, your team and your company benefits Forge meaningful relationships and make your job more enjoyableDiscover a straight-forward model through step by step modules Embed a valuable skill and utilizing it anywhere throughout your journey"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Agile Fundamentos - o que voc precisa saber" |
"Para voc que ouviu falar de Agile e tudo ainda est meio nebuloso - este curso vai te ajudar. Ou para voc, que ser um Product Owner e ainda no entendeu direito o que este profissional faz, o curso tambm esclarece como este perfil atua no projeto.Ao acessar este curso, voc encontrar tambm:o porqu da forma tradicional de executar projetos no atenter mais a maioria das demandas do mercadoapresentar a origem do Agile, o manifesto e seus princpios - tudo comentado e exemplificado faremos um mergulho detalhado sobre o Scrum, o modelo de operao (framework) utilizado pelos times geis, inclusive como se utiliza os post-itsuma viso do princpio ao fim, de como um time de trabalho atua, conectando todos os conceitos apresentados no cursodicas, referncias bibliogrficas e o que vem depois da adoo inicial do AgileVamos juntos, de maneira descomplicada, entender o que o mtodo Agile tem para oferecer para ajudar na sua carreira e no sucesso dos seus projetos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
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Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Administration sous Windows Serveur 2012 En arabe marocain" |
"Cette formation concerne l'apprentissage de Windows Server 2012 R2. La virtualisation et la configuration dun rseau Microsoft partir de la base.Les tudiants apprendront installer, configurer et grer les rles et les services les plus courants disponibles sur un rseau Microsoft et les rles et fonctionnalits les plus avancs proposs par Server 2012 R2."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adoptive Parenting" |
"How to create a nurturing, loving, and peaceful home with your adoptive child. You will learn step by step how to identify your adopted child's needs and build the relationship you've always wanted! Through the stories I tell in this footage, you will begin to see that you are not alone if your adoption journey is not the picture perfect experience you expected it to be"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificao Java OCAJP 8 (1Z0-808)" |
"Ol, meu nome Edgar. Sou desenvolvedor web h anos e hoje trabalho como Analista de Sistemas.Desenvolvi esse curso a fim de ajudar os colegas de TI brasileiros a tirarem a certificao Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer (OCAJP 8). Hoje, o Java uma das linguagens de programao mais usadas no mundo. De posse da certificao voc estar na frente no mercado.O curso completo e EXTREMAMENTE OBJETIVO. Nas aulas tericas foco especialmente nas pegadinhas que iro surgir na sua prova. O curso possui inmeros questionrios, totalizando 308 questes todas comentadas em vdeos. Alm disso, h um simulado em ingls com mais 70 questes para que voc treine em um ambiente similar ao do exame. Dominando o contedo do curso voc estar capacitado e apto a ser aprovado sem precisar recorrer a nenhuma outra fonte.O curso indicado no s para quem pretende adquirir a certificao mas tambm para todo profissional de TI que queira conhecer melhor o Java e evoluir profissionalmente.Assista s aulas iniciais para conhecer melhor o curso e junte-se a ns!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Certificao AWS Certified Developer Associate 2019" |
"Ol, meu nome Edgar. Sou desenvolvedor web h anos e hoje trabalho como Analista de Sistemas.Desenvolvi esse curso a fim de ajudar os colegas de TI brasileiros a tirarem a certificao AWS Certified Developer Associate, uma das certificaes mais valiosas do mercado. Hoje a Amazon desponta na liderana entre as empresas fornecedoras de servios relacionados a nuvem e suas certificaes esto entre as que oferecem maior retorno financeiro.O curso completo e extremamente objetivo. Contm aulas tericas, prticas, questionrios, um simulado e centenas de questes comentadas em vdeos.Dominando o contedo voc estar capacitado e apto a ser aprovado no exame sem precisar recorrer a nenhuma outra fonte.O curso indicado no s para quem pretende adquirir a certificao mas tambm para todo profissional de TI que queira conhecer os servios da AWS e evoluir profissionalmente.Assista s aulas iniciais para conhecer melhor o curso e junte-se a ns! Um forte abrao."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"Creating a Growth Mindset Culture in Your Organization" |
"Many leaders and organisations are familiar with the idea of growth mindset the belief that skills can be improved through persistent effort.Do you need your staffto be more driven, more innovative and more resilient to change?Then you need to establish an organisational Growth Mindset.Growth Mindset is a ground-breaking initiative currently taking businesses by storm due to its impact on staff performance.This course was created to help leaders embed a Growth Mindset Culture (GMC) into your organisation or teams and enable you achieve increased performance.Growth Mindset Culture is key to transformation, engagement, and innovation and is the key factor in creating greater agility and innovation and developing an engaged, collaborative, highly committed and trusting workforce.This course shows you how to implement growth mindset transformation in your organisation and turn your visions into reality by adopting shared everyday habits, asking for feedback, embracing failure, and learning from mistakes.Studies show that organisations who develop a growth mindset culture have happier employers with a more innovative, risk taking culture, which leads tofaster organisational growth and better results.What you will learn on this course:Understand the meaning of Growth mindset for leaders and the organisationRecognise you own mindset and be equipped to change it to achieve high performanceImplement an array of activities that helps growth mindset behaviours stickHow to embed a Growth Mindset Culture to improve leadership and organisational performanceHow to use Growth Mindset to increase employee engagement, decision-making and innovation.How to overcome the challenges in embedding growth mindset initiativesInspire a growth-oriented culture that values learning and creativityBuild a more innovative team that sets and achieve bigger goalsYou willlearn how growth mindset organisations operate differently, and how to implement these in your organisation and team.If you are ready to transform yourself as a leader and change your organisational culture, enrol now. I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tax Saver Series (Standard Vs. Itemized) Deductions - 2019" |
"Do you have any fear or confusion about new tax reform called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017? Are you curious to dive deeper into it and formulate few strategies for maximizing your tax deductions on a personal level? How you could be legally eligible for a tax deduction of $12,000 to $24,0000 without spending a dime? For almost 12 years I have helped individuals, professionals, and small to medium size business owners, just like you in tax accounting, tax preparation, tax planning & tax resolution. This course is designed to take you through the same journey as some of my clients would go. I have seen a glowing face when I shared some of these tax tips about to share with you. Hope you also would have the same experience. This one line item on Form 1040 will affect millions of taxpayers across United States under the new tax reform. But youre ahead of the game by joining with me now.I will respond to your queries within the scope of the content discussed (ONLY) in this course at the Q&A section on a weekly basis up until October 10, 2019. Please look for new course series after that as you are well aware about the fact that tax law changes quite often.Disclaimer:This course is designed for educational purpose only and sold with the understanding that the instructor is not engaged in rendering, legal, tax, accouting or other similar professional services. If legal, tax advice or other expert advice required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. While the legal, tax and accounting issues discussed in this material have been reviewed with sources believed to be reliable, concepts discussed can be affected by changes in the law or in the interpretation of such laws since this was published. For that reason, the accuracy and completeness of this information and the instructor's opinions based thereon cannot be guaranteed. In addition, state or local tax laws and procedural rules may have a material impact on the general discussion. As a result, the strategies suggested may not be suitable for every individual. Before taking any action, all references and citations should be checked and updated accordingly.Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this communication is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues, nor a subtitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to avoid tax-related penalties. Results could vary based on individual situations. You would be responsible for your own decisions and actions, or consult with your own tax advisor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de jogos - LUA" |
"SEJA UM CRIADOR DE JOGOS PROFISSIONAL:O Curso Desenvolvimento de Games Completo um curso online de Desenvolvimento de jogos ideal para quem quer aprender a criar jogos mas no tem nenhuma noo, no curso so mostradas tcnicas para criar seu jogos de uma forma fcil , com uma linguagem de programao simples e fcil porem Muito potente, e o melhor que essa linguagem de programao em portugus, isso facilita quem no sabe outras lingus.Algumas das nossas vantagens : 10+ Aulas OnlinesComo criar seus jogos do absoluto zeroAprenda a criar jogos 3DDesenvolva 2 jogos durante o progresso do cursoComo construir modelagens 3D100% de GARANTIAAprenda a criar jogos aonde estiverAprenda a publicar seu jogo , sem gastar nadaDisponvel em todas as plataformas , Computador , ios , android , Aonde voc quiserGanhe dinheiro com seus jogos publicadosAlm de todo o Contedo do Curso Voc Ainda RecebeBnus Exclusivos e TotalmenteGratuitos"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |