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"Curso Bsico TQS - Projeto Estrutural" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo, leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como utilizar o Software TQS para projetos estruturais em concreto armado. necessrio que o aluno possua o software TQS instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas, podendo utilizar a verso do estudante que totalmente gratuita. O TQS um poderoso software de modelagem, clculo, anlise e detalhamento estrutural, e ser abordado como exemplo, o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial trrea TOTALMENTE em concreto armado. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm da planta baixa em DWG e os parmetros normativos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos estruturais.Objetivo: Proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos BSICOS e prticos sobre a utilizao do TQS. No curso ser realizado o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial trrea TOTALMENTE em concreto armado, abordando:Configuraes inciais de projetoImportao do projeto arquitetnico.Lanamento de pilares.Lanamento de vigas retangulares.Lanamento de Lajes macias.Lanamento de cargas de alvenaria e telhado.Lanamento das sapatas.Clculo.Anlise da estrutura.Gerao do detalhamento dos elementos estruturais.O curso Ideal para profissionais e estudantes que ainda no tiveram contato com projetos estruturais ou querem conhecer a ferramenta TQS. As videoaulas explicam minuciosamente o passo a passo da utilizao do software, sendo bem detalhadas e explicadas, o aluno conseguir desenvolver o projeto com exatido."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico Cypecad - Projeto Estrutural de 2 Pavimentos" |
"Ol, seja bem-vindo (a), leia a descrio at o fim:Nesse curso, voc aprender como utilizar o Software Cypecad para projetos estruturais em concreto armado. necessrio que o aluno possua o software Cypecad instalado em seu computador para acompanhar as aulas. O Cypecad um poderoso software de modelagem, clculo, anlise e detalhamento estrutural, e ser abordado como exemplo, o projeto estrutural de uma edificao residencial de dois pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado. Ao adquirir o curso voc ter acesso s videoaulas do Engenheiro Civil e Especialista em Estruturas de Concreto Armado Welliton Peterle Sandrini, alm das plantas baixas em DWG e os parmetros normativos necessrios para acompanhar as aulas e utilizar em seus projetos estruturais. Objetivo: Proporcionar ao aluno conhecimentos BSICOS e prticos sobre a utilizao do Cypecad. No curso ser realizado o projeto estrutural de uma edificao de 2 pavimentos TOTALMENTE em concreto armado, abordando:Configuraes inciais de projeto.Importao de plantas DWG.Lanamento de pilares.Lanamento de vigas retangulares.Lanamento de Lajes macias.Lanamento de Escadas.Lanamento de cargas de alvenaria e caixa d'gua.Lanamento das sapatas.Clculo da estrutura.Gerao de pranchas DWG.O curso Ideal para profissionais e estudantes que ainda no tiveram contato com projetos estruturais ou querem conhecer a ferramenta Cypecad. As videoaulas explicam minuciosamente o passo a passo da utilizao do software, sendo bem detalhadas e explicadas, o aluno conseguir desenvolver o projeto com exatido."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Paint foliage with confidence" |
"Learn to paint Foliage with confidence both traditionally and digitally!In this 1.5hr tutorial we go over the observations and practices used to paint Foliage (and more broadly, trees) with confidence. Whats more, there are 3 traditional painting demonstrations narrated to communicate these core ideas! How fun?!This tutorial will work through the ideas of- Giving your foliage a purpose- learning how to use foliage to make your paintings stronger!- Simplifying the process of painting foliage- Applying force to make your foliage look natural and tell a story- How to not be overwhelmed by lots of foliage!- How to avoid ""The green problem"", and make your foliage feel vibrant and full of color!- and much more...By the time we are done you will be equipped with everything you need to more readily understand how to confidently create paintings full of vibrant foliage!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to create traditional looking paintings in Photoshop" |
"Start creating convincing traditional looking paintings in Adobe Photoshop today!All you need to create amazing paintings is imagination and a little know how. You provide the imagination and we'll provide the know how. You'll be amazed at the techniques that can be achieved with Photoshop!Its a rabbit hole of exciting possibilities and I'd love to guide you through.Make paintings the way you imagine them!we'll be working through 5 key techniques to emulating a traditional painting.Included is an hours worth of discussion about how to best emulate not only the technique, but also the understanding that pervades the paintings of the masters. You will be given discrete instruction on some very technical ideas, as well as visually and verbally guided through the painting of an entire piece, start to finish.By the end of the course, you'll be able to create a masterpiece of your own.BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive...- 22 Brush tools- Hi-res textures- Reference imagesGo ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Justin Donaldson"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Neurocincia e Psicologia" |
"Quer um desconto + 1 curso grtis? Envie uma mensagem e solicite ao instrutor pelo e-mail ( ou atravs do instagram @descomplicandocienciaParabns por encontrar este curso. Em tempos de crise difcil abandonar a procrastinao e aprender algo novo. Mas este o momento de dar segundo passo e se inscrever agora. No adie o seu aprendizado, pois amanh voc desejar ter comeado o curso hoje. A final, do seu sucesso que estamos falando.Quer saber o que voc est para alcanar? O mais importante, se voc no gostar em 30 dias, devolvemos seu dinheiro. Aqui voc encontra segurana.O objetivo levar ao publico curioso e tambm o acadmico, o conhecimento acerca da cincia que estuda o comportamento, a mente, a cognio.Se inscrevendo voc vai aprender sobre os fatores que influenciam o ser humano. Aprender porque somos um ser Biopsicossocial.Voc ser capaz de entender qual a relao entre a psicologia e o funcionamento do crebro. Como as pequenas estruturas se unem para formar os processos cognitivos mais incrveis, como a memria. Voc ser capaz de compreender como sistema nervoso capaz de processar as diversas emoes que sentimos.Este curso vai te colocar por dentro do funcionamento do Crebro, com todos seus bilhes de neurnios, e sua estrutura bsica. Alm disto, nos temas sobre PSICOLOGIA, falaremos de forma breve sobre as principais correntes psicolgicas, como PSICANLISE, GESTALT, BEHAVIORISMO e outras. Conversaremos sobre conceitos prprios da psicologia como reforo, punio, condicionamento, dentre outros.Este curso no te traz uma frmula mgica de aprender sobre psicologia ou neurocincia. Ele no te trs 7 passos para o sucesso no trabalho ou na faculdade. Mas a proposta deste curso, com certeza, levar ao publico diverso, o conhecimento fundamental para se aplicar este conhecimento nos diversos setores da sua vida. Seja ambio pessoal, acadmica ou profissional.Aprendendo os fundamentos voc ser capaz de aplicar estes conceitos na universidade, no seu negcio, no seu aprendizado, na sua vida. Pois voc entender o mecanismo de funcionamento e no 7 frmulas de ser bem sucedido, 7 passos para turbinar o ser negcio.Para de procrastinar e venha aprender aqui, o que voc vai levar para a vida inteira.BEM VINDO."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"A Psicologia na Construo da Inteligncia" |
"No verdade que o crebro utiliza somente 10% de sua capacidade. Ele utiliza todos os recursos disponvel o tempo todo. Aqui voc ir entender como usar suas habilidades cognitivas ao seu favor.Voc ir extrair o seu potencial mximo. E descobrir aqueles erros cometidos inconscientemente, erros comuns cometido por pessoas que so inteligentes, mas que se auto sabotam e acreditam que no so boas em nada.Se voc tem dvidas se pode melhorar sua capacidade intelectiva, ento este curso pra voc.Voc ir aprender quais so os tipos de inteligncia, como utilizar seus pontos fortes ao seu favor, se livrar de hbitos e identificar atitudes que podem se tornar hbitos disfuncionais e pouco adaptativos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Orientao Vocacional" |
"A evoluo vivida pela nossa sociedade nas ltimas dcadas possibilitou muitas melhorias e facilidades no que diz respeito ao acesso a educao. As geraes atuais desfrutam de uma gama de possibilidades com relao ao seu futuro. Tal diversidade, no entanto, pode trazer consigo muitas dvidas que permeiam tais indivduos, tornando o processo da escolha profissional um momento de apreenso e nervosismo. A Orientao Profissional a chave para que esse cenrio seja mudado. Entre e conhea o curso!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To AirCrete" |
"Introduction Course Teaching You Quickly And Concisely How To Make &Build With This Amazing Forgiving Insulating Building MaterialFirst, What is AirCrete? AirCrete is cement inflated 6 times in volume. This creates a beautiful forgiving, carvable, structural building material that also insulates. It allows you to put a the structure &insulation for $8 to $9 dollars per square foot; depending on where you live and the cost of local building materials.Its my goal to move you as quickly as possible to understanding how to make AirCrete and how to stack it into a dome for a home, studio, or storage building. I am not going to give you 25 hours of video or mix the subject with other subjects, like stacking dirt bags. Ifocus on the elementary components of the process and show you every step of the way. When Complete you WILL be capable of building your own structures shell.My Story:Some years ago Igot involved in permaculture. It is a agraculture design science that can build a permanent culture or society. In that Isaw the beauty of a life without the rush of our current society. This got me to start thinking about applying an intentional design process to the way Ilive. Over the course of many years of building and testing every idea under the sun. Iwas able to create a lifestyle that lets me work on things Ilove 40 hours or so per month in various construction trades. Yes Isaid month. Iam able to travel the world and stay out of the country for 3 months at a time. Ihave used my abundant time to follow a path of self growth. Eventually, Igrew enough to follow my passion for the money Ineed.How This Story Applies To This Course:Ihave worked in construction for over 30 years. Ihave tried every alternative building type:Earth ship, rammed earth, adobe, cob, straw bale, light clay straw, truss wall, and conventional. AirCrete is the single best way Ihave found to quickly build a beautiful elegant artful home. It requires a hand full of tools, cement, water, and power. All of which can be thrown in a truck or delivered anywhere. For $38+per square foot, with appliances, a single person can have a starter home shell up in 14+ days.I believe everyone, at any income level, is entitled to have a home and live well. Thriving, not surviving. Infact, a highly committed and self disciplined person making minimum wage can have a tiny starter home on their own lot in as little as 1 year. Setting you free from rent and mortgage for the rest of your life. What would you do with the extra money from rent or mortgage if it was in your hand to spend right now? Buy nice things? Save up and travel? Work less? Start a business? You see its this very thing Iam passionate about. Building your own home gives you the step one from which you can move your life in the direction of your heat! Its the foundation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Real Estate Flipping Strategies" |
"In this course, Clint Coons, Esq., of Anderson Business Advisors walks you through the do's and don't of running a real estate flipping business. In a litigious world, you will learn how to properly structure your business for maximum asset protection and tax savings. In the past, this expert level information was only offered at private seminars. It is now available for you here at Udemy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mixed Reality for developers: Microsoft HoloLens (1st Gen.)" |
"This crash course start with an overview of the definition of Mixed Reality and an introduction to Unity3D. It follows a guide to know features, specs, and limitation of Microsoft HoloLens headset. Then, the course guide you to use HoloLens for the first time and to build applications using Mixed Reality HoloTookit library. Students will learn how to use Unity3D for creating Mixed Reality project, how to build their first applications using Gaze, Gestures, Spatial Mapping and Spatial Sound. The HoloLens version used here is the 1st Generation (not HoloLens 2).RequirementsIn case you never used HoloLens and you don't know what Mixed Reality is, you'll need to purchase another course we released that was meant to target a broader audience (also non-developers): Mixed Reality for beginners: Microsoft HoloLens (1st Gen.)Also, students need to have a basic knowledge of software development.Legal NoticeThe copyright of this course - including each lesson, scripts, and material - belongs to the publisher. Is therefore legally forbidden any duplication of this course in Udemy, Youtube or any other platform, And any inappropriate usage of the lessons. It's also forbidden any inappropriate behaviour in the reviews, that will be promptly reported to Udemy, according to Udemy Policy. For more information, please visit the LecturerThe Lecturer is a Software Engineer professional with more than 4 years of working experiences in the field of Extended Reality that offered availability to create this course. She developed Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality projects, including on contract consultancy activities of extended reality projects. She recently received an upgrade to Project Management activities of Extended Reality projects."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Nadex Binary Options Trading" |
"Beginner's Guide To Wall Street.You may not be a wolf yet, but you will be one bada** sheep.Take your time with this one, this isn't just another course.This course will help you start off small with your Nadex account and grow it to something amazing.Nothing happens over night and you MUSTNOTRUSHTHISPROCESS!I will teach you proper risk management and trading strategies tested and used by me.By the end of this course, you will be trading fearlessly with confidence.This course includes detailed videos on RSI, MACD, BBands, Price Action, Trend Lines, Support & Resistance.You will have two live videos of the good & the bad of trading.Raw, Uncut, Real Trading.1. Start with a demo account.2. Do not over trade.3. Do not over leverage.4. Write everything down on paper (ledger).5. Keep track of your progress.6. Do not rush your process, everyone has a different learning curve.7. Stick to one working strategy, avoid hopping from strat to strat hoping one is 100%perfect.8. NEVEREVERREVENGETRADE (Get into a trade to make up a loss out of anger, JUSTWALKAWAY).Disclaimer: NO TRADE METHOD IS 100% ACCURATE OR GUARANTEED ANY INVESTMENT INTO THE MARKET IS AN INVESTMENT YOU'RE WILLING TO LOSE. NEVER INVEST MONEY YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO LOSE. NEVER TRADE OUT OF GREED OR DESPERATION. REMOVE ALL EMOTIONS FROM TRADING AND TRADE WITH A CALM COLLECTED STATE OF MIND."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Trke SAP/ABAP 4 Eitim Seti" |
"Trke Online SAP/ABAP eitim setiBu eitim ile birlikte SAP/ABAP dilini balang-orta seviye arasnda reneceksiniz. Bu eitimin en nemli hedefi SAP/ABAP renmek, gelitirmek isteyen ve Trke kaynak bulamayan kiilerdir. SAP/ABAP yazlm dilinde Trke ve kaliteli kaynak bulmak olduka zor. zellikle son yllarda Trkiye'de birok firmann SAP kullanmna gemesi ok fazla ABAP yazlmcs ihtiyacn dourmutur. Eitimi alrken aklnza taklan , anlayamadnz , yanl/eksik anlatm olan yerleri bildirirseniz en ksa srede zm salayabilirim. Eitim ierisinde aklnza taklan her konu iin ekinmeden bana yazabilirsiniz. Eitim ierisinde bulunan btn videolar belirli periyotlarla dzenlenecek ve srekli olarak gncellenecek , yeni videolar , konular, dokmanlar eklenecektir. Yeni videolar eklendiinde mail ile bilgilendirme salanacaktr. Eitim ierisinde bulunan btn dokmanlar ahsm tarafndan hazrlanmtr. zin alnmadan paylalamaz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Process Workflows" |
"Process WorkflowsProcess Workflows are a diagrammatical representation of a sequence of activities that take place in order to achieve a particular task, or series of tasks. Its typically linear and sequences are determined by actions taken so as to achieve the task at hand.Typically they refer to business processes in the manufacturing sector, but more and more are used to identify improvements in efficiency in all areas of business. They are associated with business improvements programs such as Lean and Six Sigma.Process Workflow mappingProcess Workflow mapping involves illustrating all these sequential activities, so as to look for improvements in the processes used.Analysis for improvement in this manner can influence efficiency, productivity, proficiency and profitability by reducing the uses of resources, thereby saving Time, money and potentially increasing intangibles such as morale and motivationWho is this course for?Those business owners, or business people who: Wish to learn how to document a workflow, identify improvements in it and benefit from those improvements. Havent any process workflow experience and are curious on how they work, why they work, and when to use them. Would like to optimise their workflow processes but cant necessarily engage a business analyst due to cost Are familiar with process mapping and would like to re-engage their skillsOr,Those not necessarily in business, but who: Are looking to improve processes in tasks they complete Havent any process workflow experience and are curious on how they work, why they work, and when to use them."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Design a 2d Game Castle in Photoshop." |
"Welcome in my course where we design and create a castle for a 2d game in Photoshop. The goal of this course is not only to learn you the technics in photoshop to create a 2d castle. But, also to teach you a method to design 2d game assets. Whether it concerns a castle, a spaceship or a windmill. We will look at practical techniques in Photoshop as well as a number of theoretical concepts to design and create your own 2d game assets. The method we will use for this consists of 3 major steps, these are also the 3 sections of this course.In the first section we will look for reference material to design our castle. It is important that you always look up reference material, analyze it properly and make your own design from there.In the second section we will design the castle by using the vertical and horizontal design technique. The idea behind this is that you start by designing one component and then proceed to do both horizontal and vertical variations. In this part, you will also learn basic and advanced Photoshop techniques to work in a non-destructive manner. You will learn how to use layers, masks, smart objects, marque tools and a lot of other Photoshop tools.In the third part we will merge all the elements from the second part and in this way realize a number of castles in the same style. Let's get started. I wish you a lot of fun with the creation of your own 2nd game castle."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"11 SECRETOS del XITO que APREND de mis amigos exitosos" |
"En este cursos aprenders los mayores secretos que me ensearon mis amigos exitosos para lograr el xito, basado en los elementos comunes que diferencian a las personas exitosas de los perdedores. Y que tuve la oportunidad de aprender directamente de ellos.Mis amigos exitosos reconocen haber aprendido de mentores y otros medios, todos aquellos secretos que les han llevado al xito.Dentro de los 11 Secretos que logrars hacer parte de tu vida en 21 das y te llevarn a otro nivel. conocers:Cmo organizarte y organizar tus metas.Aprenders a enfocarte.Sabrs cmo decir No.Entenders la importancia de separarte de lo nocivo.Sabrs cmo usar la palabra y el pensamiento como las mejores herramientas creativas.Aprenders a tener la actitud apropiada.y muchos otros secretos que aplicados te encaminarn a una vida exitosa.Este curso est creado en base a mis entrenamientos privados, por esta razn te guo con ejercicios prcticos para que puedas en un mnimo de 21 das aprender y aplicar estos secretos que me ensearon mis amigos exitosos.El curso est diseado en 16 clases en vdeos, donde te enseo todo el conocimiento terico para que rompas paradigmas limitantes y te guo en ejercicios prcticos para que produzcas los cambios necesario en ti y puedas modelar a las personas exitosas.Empieza ya el camino hacia el xito de manera rpida y prctica."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"PNL. 10 TCNICAS Guiadas para TRANSFORMAR TU VIDA. Prctico" |
"La PNL (Programacin Neurolingstica) es la disciplina con ms xito en las ltimas 40 aos en lo referido al desarrollo de las personas y las mejoras en sus vidas.La PNL ha sido tan exitosas con sus mtodos y tcnicas que es utilizadas en decenas de reas como:EducacinDeportesVentasSeduccinPublicidadDesarrollo personal entre otros.En este curso, se te ensea, para uso personal, 10 de las mejores Tcnicas de PNL (Programacin Neurolingstica) para mejorar y activar lo siguiente:Usar cualidadesMotivacin.Autoestima.Lograr metas.Resolver problemas con otras personas.Cambiar malo hbitos.Crear buenos hbitos.Tener voluntad.Aliviar dolorCombatir el estrsAliviar alergias y mucho ms.Cada clase explica el por que de la tcnica de PNLy contiene la Tcnica de PNL explicada y guiada por la voz del autor para su aplicacin personal.Estas Tcnicas de Programacin Neurolingstica han sido usadas por mi en mis coaching privados con un extraordinario xito en la solucin de lo buscado segn cada tcnica.Aprovecha esta oportunidad de conocer estas Tcnicas que darn un cambio de 180 grados a tu vida, cambiado toda aquello que te impiden y limitan la transformacin de tu vida y el logro de tu xito.Importante: Estas tcnicas solo deben ser usada como actividad complementaria y no como sustituto de tratamientos mdicos o farmacolgicos."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Sabes por qu hay personas que venden miles de dlares en internet?La razn es que conocen las mejores Tcnicas para crear Mensajes Persuasivos (Copywriting y Neuromarketing), haciendo que las personas decidan comprar o realicen una accin determinada.Con estas 10 Tcnicas Persuasivas para Vender por/en Internet, crears Mensajes que activen el estmulo-respuesta y precipite una emocin (Neuromarketing y Copywriting), que se derive en una compra , dejar su correo, llenar una planilla. insertar su nmero de tarjeta de crdito o cualquier cosa que requieras.Estas 10 Tcnicas para Vender por/en Internet con Mensajes Persuasivos que aprenders en este curso (con ejemplos prcticos) son perfectas para:Enviar correos vendedores.Crear contenidos efectivos en tu blog.Crear textos para pginas de captura.Crear cartas de venta.Crear Mensajes cortos y precisos para Vender por Whatsapp.Subir post a redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest y otras) para que las personas lean, se persuadan y realicen la accin que ests buscando.Sin prdida de tiempo, sin clases de relleno, en solo 2 horas, aprenders el por qu es posible persuadir a las personas, aprenders los elementos bsicos de todo texto persuasivo y aprenders, con ejemplos, las 10 Tcnicas de Persuasin para Vender por/en Internet que usan los grandes vendedores del mundo digital.Empieza ya este curso y empieza a vender."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"AMAZON. VENDE tu LIBRO como los BEST-SELLERS. Marketing" |
"Amazon. No publiques como un escritor del montn!Tienes Libros publicados o quieres publicar en Amazon?Te gustara publicar tu pgina de Libro en Amazon de manera original y diferente que te destaque del montn?Te gustara asesorar a Escritores para construir su marca como autor?Aprende rpido y fcil a:Crear pginas de venta de Libros con diseo y contenido profesional en Amazon. Aprende a posicionar Libros en los primeros resultados de bsqueda en Amazon.Aprende a disear una Portada de Libro Profesional y de manera gratuita.Aprende donde crear un blog o web de Escritor para tu imagen profesional.Aprende cmo usar una pgina de captura de email de tus lectores para poder promocionar tus escritos y Libros.Aprende como usar auto-responder gratuitos para hacer envo de correos masivos a tus seguidores.Aprende a disear portadas de autor en Facebook Y Twitter,Aprende a usar Facebook y Twitter como Escritor (Consejos Prcticos)."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"GANAS DINERO con YOUTUBE?Quieres tener un Negocio RPIDO, SEGURO y RENTABLE?YOUTUBE es la segunda red social de internetMillones de personas ven vdeos a diarioAprende a crear Vdeos Rpido y Fcil, rentabilizndolo desde el primer da.NO ESPERES A QUE YOUTUBE TE MONETIZE Y TE PAGUE CENTAVOS POR LOS VDEOS!Maneja tu NEGOCIO y haz que cada Vdeo TRABAJE PARA TI.Aprende a crear canales profesionales, tengas o no tengas uno ahora.Aprende a subir decenas de vdeos a la semana con el ms mnimo esfuerzo.Aprende, en el BONOEXTRA, los SECRETOS de los YOUTUBERS para tener muchas vistas de tu Vdeos en YOUTUBE, que estos se posicionen y GANAR DINERO con cada vdeo.Y mucho ms...Es el momento que decidas vivir de internet con VDEOS en YOUTUBE"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Recalculando tus finanzas con educacin financiera" |
"Descubre en 3 pasos, Qu te impide tener la vida prspera que tanto mereces y Cmo manejar el dinero de forma correcta para lograrlo? en este taller RECALCULANDO TUS FINANZAS, Un taller sobre educacin financiera.Acompaa a su creadora Tatiana Saldivia a descubrir los conceptos bsicos que debes saber sobre el dinero y su funcionamiento, lo que te ayudar a alcanzar el camino hacia la libertad financiera, hacia la prosperidad.Te prometo que ser un taller en lenguaje coloquial, fcil de entender, donde no tendrs que sacar ninguna cuenta, ni utilizar calculadora. Este taller te pondr en modo reflexivo, lo que ayudar a identificar Dnde est tu problema financiero? y te dar herramientas para solventarlo.Los problemas financieros no tiene nada que ver con la cantidad de dinero que tengas, hazlo y veras."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Front-End Web Development Certification Practice Exam" |
"This series of easy-to-follow, multiple choice questions will showcase what you will need to know and understand about web development on the front end. Also, this will help strengthen and hone your skills in web development/design.There are 4 test exam areas for completing this course:HTML KnowledgeCSSKnowledgeJS Knowledge Some range from selecting one option as an answer, to selecting multiple answers to one question. Included in every question, is a descriptive reasoning behind why each answer has been given, as well as links attached to most for material reference purposes. If you are on the road to becoming a web developer, or are simply curious to test your knowledge, then I fully recommend this practice exam before your certification tests. It is definitely going to give you a lot of key insight, and a leg up in the tech field of programming and writing code.Do not forget to look at the Knowledge Area for extended important information on each Q&A, and why each answer is the way it is in this test. With the right amount of perseverance and dedication, coupled with time and care, you can be the future coding generation that companies (or your own business) needs in this world. These questions are designed to help you test your knowledge, whether beginner or expert, in the field of Front-End Development. The saying goes, it takes 10,000+ hours to master something. I disagree. Ibelieve it only takes a strong will, and self-discipline of repeated practice to learn something you are passionate about, whether it be for your career, or simply the want of more knowledge. Good luck and feel free to email me how you did! I'll be proud of you either way for trying your best."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin No Verbal: Interpretando al Cuerpo" |
"Se recomienda tomar el curso: Introduccin a la Comunicacin No Verbal. En este curso analizaremos ms de 100 posturas, gestos y ademanes y sus mltiples significados dependiendo del contexto. El lenguaje no verbal es un arma poderossima, que est disponible para todos pero es utilizada por unos pocos. Saca ventaja a esta herramienta aprendiendo a descifrar lo que los dems sienten y utiliza la comunicacin a tu favor para que te perciban como desees. Desarrolla tus habilidades sociales, de liderazgo, ventas, seduccin, deteccin de mentiras, carisma, entre otras."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin No Verbal: Deteccin de Micro Expresiones" |
"El curso que necesitas para comprender a los dems y a ti mismo, descifra sus emociones, descubre la personalidad y mejora tus habilidades de persuasin, seduccin y liderazgo con la poderossima arma del lenguaje no verbal que est al alcance de cualquiera.En Centro de Lenguaje Corporal nos gusta ser eficientes y eficacez, por lo que te brindamos un curso que no tiene informacin de sobra, sino que va directo al punto con la informacin que necesitas para hacerte un analista de Micro-Expresiones Faciales. Para Paul Ekman, el genio detrs de esta ciencia, bastaba con un entrenamiento de 1 a 2 horas. Por eso es que no necesitas ms. Claro est que despus de la teora, tendrs que practicarlo para dominarlo.No te pierdas esta increble oportunidad de dominar esta habilidad que muy pocos conocen y an menos aplican. Nos vemos en el curso, te aseguro que te encantar!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Comunicacin no verbal: Deteccin de Mentiras" |
"Alguna vez soaste con la capacidad de detectar mentiras? Quisieras poder saber si alguien te est tratando de engaar? Ahora esto se ha vuelto realidad. Con esta herramienta avanzada podrs aumentar tu habilidad para descubrir mentirosos, y diferenciarlos de quienes dicen la verdad. No te quedes ms tiempo sin esta asombrosa y extremadamente til habilidad en tu arsenal. Aprenders las herramientas ms actuales en el campo de la ciencia y de la psicologa, aprenders cmo los profesionales de instituciones como la CIA o el FBI detectan mentirosos. Y descubrirs los mtodos ms avanzados para hacerlo. Este curso es una recopilacin de ms de 20 libros y decenas de cursos tomados algunos de ellos con autnticas autoridades internacionales en la deteccin de mentiras y comunicacin no verbal, adems de compartirte mi experiencia en varios casos analizados y decenas de cursos dados en diferentes ciudades.Este curso ser explicado de manera sencilla para que cualquiera pueda comprender la informacin, aadiendo tambin dinmicas para que puedas poner en practica lo aprendido. Didctico, Dinmico y Divertido, es el lema de Centro de Lenguaje Corporal que busca llevar el conocimiento a todo tipo de pblico.Por litmo, te recomendamos tomar previamente nuestros 2 cursos iniciales: Comunicacin no Verbal: Interpretando al Cuerpo y Comunicacin no Verbal: Deteccin de Micro-Expresiones en los que podrs adquirir las habilidades necesarias para sacar el mximo provecho a este curso y tambin desarrollar al mximo tu potencial.Al finalizar cualquiera de nuestros cursos, solicita tu constancia digital avalada por Centro de Lenguaje Corporal y la Secretara del Trabajo y Previsin Social por el nmero de horas que hayas cursado y firmada por el instructor!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Secret Conversation Styles of Men, Women and Bosses" |
"Didyou know that men and women both have the same goal in conversation but their natural methods can make the other feel disrespected and wind up alienating the other?I'm Jenn Flaa, CEO of Vettanna and The Bird Commission. I've lived in a man's world my whole life. From growing up with two brothers, to studying engineering and technology management and entering the male dominated world of high tech. Even in music, I'm the only girl in the band! I had to figure out how to communicate successfully in order to not just survive but to thrive! I was lucky to have forthright brothers, friends and mentors who ""schooled"" me along the way about what I was doing ""wrong"", why ""my way"" wasn't working and ideas to course correct.In this class, I reveal my secrets as we explore the natural communication styles of men, women and bosses and how they go sideways.We discuss the role of the listener and easy remedies both the listener and the speaker can use when the conversation becomes less than desired.We explore the tough topics of mansplaining, intimidation and the effect of #MeToo on the workplace.If your business communications are frustrating you this is the course for you. Bring an open mind and a willingness to experiment with new techniques in order to transform your business relationships.Note: Although this course isnt designed to fix your communication frustrations at home, you can apply the course takeaways in non-work communications too. However; the examples given will be business based."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Basketball Out of Bounds Plays" |
"Drone footage and voiceover instructions of over 30 of the best basketball out of bounds plays to help your team score more points and win more games. Plays are run from the sideline and baseline vs man to man and zone defenses. We've also included last second plays to run vs a man to man."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Complete Canva Course 2019 - Learn Advanced Graphic Design!" |
"In this course you will learn how to create AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, PROFESSIONAL graphic designs with Canva completely for FREEDo you want to create your own graphics for social media or the internet, but don't know where to begin?Have you spent time and energy Googling graphic design application tutorials online only to find out that it never covers exactly what you need?Is outsourcing your graphics to a 3rd party a hassle, especially when you have to go back and forth to make changes before the project is completed?Have you tried to create your own designs but they just don't look professional?And have you then tried to outsource these designs and have to pay a lot of money for designs which aren't absolutely perfect?So, do you want to create these designs yourself completely for free in a matter of minutes?If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place!I know that designing can be time consuming and sometimes frustrating, but with Canva you can create designs so quickly and also make them look professional. So throughout this course, I will be showing you guys through in-depth tutorials how to create your own graphic designs quickly and easily, this will be done through 10 projects where we dive deep into what Canva has to offer. And because Canva is completely free to use, you can imagine the huge chunks of money you will be saving on outsourcing. Personally, I enjoy using Canva because it has a huge amount of tools to offer, you can literally create anything, and this means I am able to get fantastic end results all the time!If this isn't enough for you, I even allow you access to some free additional content where you can gain special access to some more tips and tricks as well as a playlist of new Canva videos!That's why I created this course - to teach people just like you how to easily get started with Canva.I have spent a lot of time designing with Canva, literally all of my YouTube thumbnails, my website designing and all of the logos you can see have been made with Canva. This means I have a huge amount of experience as I use Canva each and every day!Have fun while learning! Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taught all of the key tools embedded in the Canva workspace and then we will dive into 10 projects where I will be spending time showing you how to develop various graphic designs for a whole range of purposes!The Parts of the Course:Part 1We will take a look at each of the tools built into Canva and really begin to understand what Canva has to offerCreating an AccountUnderstanding the Canva InterfaceWhat are Templates and How Can You Use them?Shapes, Photos and LinesGrids and FramesIllustrations, Icons and I Love CanvaChartsMessing about with TextGet the Perfect Background with CanvaUploads - Using your own imagesWhat are Folders?The Amazing Addition of AppsPart 2We will learn Design Theory which is very important and only the top designers actually bother to learn this!Colour TheoryIntegrating ShapesUnderstanding TypographyPart 3We will create a whole range of detailed graphic designs putting what we have learnt into practice!Here are the 10 Projects we will complete:YouTube ThumbnailYouTube Channel ArtPresentationLarge Rectangle AdBookmarkLogo DesignWebsite DesignBirthday InvitationDesktop WallpaperiPhone X WallpaperIf this isn't enough for you, I even allow you access to some free additional content where you can gain special access to some more tips and tricks as well as a playlist of new Canva videos!By the end of this course you will have created some amazing designs for yourself, and you will have mastered the skills necessary to achieve professional results. You will be able to apply these skills to any project you wish, and with each video accurately planned and recorded I don't waste your time, instead I teach you everything quick enough so you can easily understand it and go design!Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day money back guarantee, you can take this course risk-free!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Python Course 2020 - Beginners to Advanced!" |
"In this course you will learn all of the FUNDAMENTAL programming techniques used within all programming languages to help you create AMAZING and EFFICIENT code! You will also learn AUTOMATION with Python by sending emails, reading and writing excel and text documents, as well as controlling the keyboard and mouse automatically!Do you want to learn all the fundamental programming techniques quickly and effectively?No more rummaging through YouTube videos, documentation and random stack-overflow posts to find the information you crave. This course gives you instant access to everything you need to know to get programming in Python, and puts it all right at your fingertips!This comprehensive, in-depth and meticulously prepared course is going to teach you everything you need to know to program in Python! A - Z, it's all here!This course is great for those who haven't programmed before, you guys will be given detailed video tutorials of each programming structure and we will implement these structures into several problems and coding exercises throughout the course.We will also take a look at some awesome fun things you can do with Python, we will be learning to:Program the computer to draw - PyAutoGUISend and receive emails with PythonTake information from a website and make use of it in a program - Web ScrapingAnd much more!What can you do with all this Python knowledge?Python is HOT right now. The demand in the IT job market for Python skills keeps growing and growing. If you're looking to get into programming as a career, level-up your existing career or open up new doors in the IT field, you really need to learn Python!Perfect for Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, the Web and More!Once you've completed this course you'll know how to write programs that will run on the Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. You can even take what you've learned and apply it web applications.The Parts of the Course:Part 1We will take a look at fundamental programming techniquesPrint Statements and IndentationData Types and VariablesListsArithmetic OperatorsUsing Operators with Strings and ListsString FormattingString OperationsIf, Else and ElifConditional OperatorsFor LoopsWhile LoopsBreak and Continue StatementsElse Clause with LoopsFunctionsClasses and ObjectsDictionariesModulesPart 2We will create a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with Tkinter. You will be able to use Python to develop applications for computers to make use of. From this you will be able to launch your own applications online and on the Mac App Store.Part 3We will learn file handling. This section teaches some really useful things such as reading and writing Excel files and Text files on notepad (windows) or textedit (mac)!Part 4In this section of the course we will be tackling some more advanced Python skills. We will begin by taking a look at GUI Automation and controlling the mouse and keyboard with Python as well as drawing with Python code. We will also learn how to take screenshots with some code. The next advanced feature will be web scraping which involves extracting data from various websites to use within your code, an example of this would be taking data for various properties which can be taken from several websites and compared to find the cheapest price. This is a very widely used feature within the realms of programming and is a very good skill to have. One of the other amazing advanced features we will be learning is how to send and receive emails and automate this process. We will also be looking at Regex (Regular Expressions) which is a feature used within several programming languages and is a very great advanced skill to have. We will be going through each of these advanced skills step by step and in detail to ensure you guys understand what is going on.GUI AutomationWeb ScrapingRegex (Regular Expressions)Sending and Receiving EmailsPart 5We will be implementing our skills into 5 challenging problems from Project Euler which will get your mind thinking in a more computational sense! This will teach you mathematical skills and how to link these to programming.Our GoalBy the end of this course you will have learnt all of the fundamental programming techniques and will have become a pretty advanced programmer. Having learnt all of these new skills you can now go on to programming in the real world continuously building upon your knowledge! And with each video accurately planned and recorded I don't waste your time, instead I teach you everything quick enough so you can easily understand it and go design!You will be ready to delve deeper into the realms of machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as earn money from programming as a freelancer after having learning how to automate several tasks with Python.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day money back guarantee, you can take this course risk-free!ENROLL NOW!Frequently Asked QuestionsWill I get support if I get stuck?Yes, feel free to ask any questions and I will get back to you within 48 hours. If possible, try to use resources like StackOverflow or other online resources to figure out the needed solution, 50% of programming is problem solving and how to tackle any issues you encounter!Does this course cover Python 2 or Python 3?Python 3Does this course expire?No, this course is always yours and will continuously be updated to stay relevant to new changes in Python"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Course 2019 - Programming Exercises!" |
"In this course you will implement all of your Python skills into a huge series of challenging programming exercises. This practice will improve, refine and solidify your Python coding skills!This course is perfect for those of you who have beginner knowledge in Python with things such as variables, functions, and loopsThese exercises will also progress into more challenging problems which may require skills you haven't touched upon yet. But not to worry as all the solutions are provided and explained!If you are stuck on a specifically challenging exercises you are able to scroll down and find a hint which will help you get started!These challenges are great and will help you to not only refine your coding skills but also your problem solving skillsYou will need to create programs from scratch, fix bugs and make improvements to existing code!This large variety of exercises ensures you will have the ability to comfortably manage different real-world programming scenariosBy the end of this course you will have learnt all of the fundamental programming techniques and will have become a pretty advanced programmer. Having learnt all of these new skills you can now go on to programming in the real world continuously building upon your knowledge! And with each problem accurately planned you won't be wasting your time!What can you do with all this Python knowledge?Python is HOT right now. The demand in the IT job market for Python skills keeps growing and growing. If you're looking to get into programming as a career, level-up your existing career or open up new doors in the IT field, you really need to learn Python!Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day money back guarantee, you can take this course risk-free!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"4G LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC) - Concepts and call flows" |
"LTE (4G) is the first network technology that is capable of delivering high-speed data to subscribers. It is the most widely deployed 3GPP technology and its adoption has been the fastest compared to its predecessors (2G, 3G). 4G LTE lays the foundation for the future 5G networks. This course is designed to provide students with in-depth information regarding LTE EPC architecture. The course has been designed for all levels and starts off by providing the introduction to LTE and its advantages over legacy technologies. We then quickly start by building the foundation needed to understand the LTE technology and its architecture. During the lectures, all concepts are introduced by means of intuitive diagrams and real-network examples whenever possible. Here are some of the reasons why this course is different compared to others - 1. Robust structureLTEEPC is a complex and very exhaustive topic. That is why we have organized the lectures in a way that students can quickly understand concepts.2. Intuitive Examples and Use Cases So many courses and books just bombard you with the theory. But they forget to explain, perhaps, the most important part:why you are doing what you are doing.And that's how this course is so different. We focus on developing an intuitive*feel*for the concepts behind LTE.3. Real network Examples In this course, we use real Wireshark traces from a test network to describe call flows rather than just relying on theory. This way we are able to deliver practical information to the students that will help them in real-world scenarios.4. 3GPP based material Throughout the course, we refer to the relevant 3GPPspecifications so that students can become familiar with 3GPPspecifications. 5. IN-COURSE SUPPORT Have you ever taken a course or read a book where you have questions but cannot reach the author?Well, this course is different. We are fully committed to making this the most disruptive and powerful LTE EPC course on the planet. With that comes a responsibility to constantly be there when you need our help. No matter how complex your query, we will be there.The bottom line is we want you to succeed.Therefore, feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.Good Luck and Happy learning!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls: Completo, Fcil e Prtico" |
"Voc tem objetivos pessoais e/ou profissionais bem definidos! No perca mais tempo com experincias frustradas. V direto ao encontro de quem pode realmente te levar proficincia no idioma.O objetivo do Curso Regular levar o aluno do ponto zero de conhecimento at o nvel de fluncia nas funes fundamentais do idioma, tais como:SOCIALIZAO, CONVERSAO GERAL, ATIVIDADES COTIDIANAS, AMBIENTE DE TRABALHO, SADE GERAL, ALIMENTAO, DESLOCAMENTO, ETC.Nossa proposta oferecer contedo relevante de forma objetiva e eficaz. Os assuntos abordados vo das noes essenciais de gramtica e vocabulrio explorao do vocabulrio nos temas comuns ao uso da lngua."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |