Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Master Graphic Facilitation: Draw for Trainings & Meetings" |
"Graphic facilitation is a method of using visual language to help describe and illustrate the idea that you are conveying. We are all visual thinkers and we can all draw. You can also draw! You don't have to be an artist to put several shapes together. With just a little practice, you will be able to draw memorable icons that will help you lead groups and individuals towards the goal. Graphic facilitation is a powerful tool that can be used to quickly understand the content, push new information into long-term memory and most importantly, inspire people to act.The course consists of four main sections:In the introduction section, you are going to learn how to get the most out of this course, what materials we are going to use and how the rest of the course is going to be conducted.In the second section you will learn how to draw by using 5 simple shapes only. You will learn all the necessary components to create a memorable poster. We are going to start with icons, then learn to incorporate shades and effects in your drawings. After that you will get familiar with drawing faces and facial expressions, platforms and signs to indicate the place, arrows to show the process and text and speech bubbles for bringing clarity. Finally you will learn about color theory, the meaning behind the colors and how to use them in the most correct way possible.The third section is completely dedicated to using your skills in practice. Here you will learn about the three main phases of a training session and how to use graphic facilitation for making those phases more effective. We will discuss specific examples and give you the templates that can be used in your future work.The last and the final section is about creating your own visual vocabulary. In this section you will learn how to create icons of your choice step by step. This will enable you to expand your visual library and work specifically within your context.One of the most important features of this course is that we are more than happy to have you on-board and guide you through it. This means that we are glad to answer all your questions individually and provide a helping hand if you need. We encourage you to check out the free previews to see what the course has to offer. Hope to see you in work soon!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Use Sketch Like a Pro in 60 Min" |
"Learn how to use Sketch like a pro. Starting from the basics and moving to some more advanced features. We will be covering most of the features and tools and we will be creating a few screens along the way.In this class we're going to learn all about Sketch, what it is and what it's great at. This is going to be more of a technical class on how to use Sketch and not so much about product design thinking (although we will do a little bit of that as well).This class is for people that are just starting out with Sketchand also people that are familiar with Sketch and looking to learn a few new tips and techniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UI Animations and Interactions with After Effects" |
"In this class, you will learn how to import your designs into After Effects and create beautiful interactions to show off in your next product demo. The ability to show how a screen moves and interacts is a crucial part of the UI process and this class is meant to help you take that process to the next level and give you the tools to create beautiful interactions for your products."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTTP a HTTPS: Crear un certificado SSL gratuito 2020" |
"Importante: Curso totalmente renovado, disfruta del nuevo contenido!-Tu sitio web an no tiene el candado de seguridad?Tenerlo no solo garantiza la proteccin de los datos de tus usuarios, sino que adems, buscadores como Google, sabrn que pueden confiar en tu trabajo, incrementando la probabilidad de aparecer en los primeros resultados de bsqueda.Con este curso aprenders a implementar y a administrar un certificado SSL, creado desde cero, legal y gratis.Te mostrar paso a paso como crear un certificado SSL gratuito, potente y legal usando un sitio web real como ejemplo. Conocers el proceso para instalarlo en tu servidor web, renovarlo cuando sea necesario o eliminarlo sin dejar rastros que ensucien tu trabajo. Adems, comprando este curso, obtienes acceso a la clase BONUS en la cual te enseo como usar la conexin HTTPS de manera automtica, lo que significa que tus usuarios estarn protegidos sin procesos adicionales.Entonces, si lo que buscas es mejorar la calidad de tu web, su posicionamiento en Google y aumentar la confianza con tus usuarios, vas por buen camino."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"What to do before coming to the US?" |
"This course is designed to help any student going to the US for Fall 2019. This course will help you get a head start in the US and get ahead of everyone for opportunities. I will help you in strategically deciding which admit to accept and how to get ready for your upcoming adventure!"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"The Correct Way to Use LinkedIn" |
"Hello everyone and welcome to my LinkedIn Course. I'm a LinkedIn content creator from Dallas, TX, USA. My content gets over 50,000 views a month and my profile get over 5,000 views. Have you always wondered how to get this level of success on LinkedIn? You are at the right course.In this course I will share my tried and tested methods that have helped me launch myself on LinkedIn. I will help you with everything from setting up your profile the right way to reaching out to influential people. Iwill also highlight some of the mistakes I committed early on so that you can avoid them.]So Ihope that you are excited to up your LinkedIn profile and see you in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Il Mio Microfono per Cantare" |
"Il Mio Microfono per Cantare un video corso che ti prepara nella conoscenza delluso del microfono.Liberandoti da qualsiasi incertezza o timore.Diventerai pratico ed esperto, sicuro di te su qualsiasi palco.Avrai la piena padronanza nell'usare il tuo microfono. Saprai come affrontare ogni situazione che ti si presenter. Conoscerai ogni utile informazione tecnica su come funziona il microfono e il sistema di amplificazione, seguendo le 19 video lezioni di questo Corso. Adesso sta a te decidere della tua vita professionale. Cogli l'occasione per diventare una Star."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Matlab ile Bilimsel Hesaplama" |
"Matlab bir bilimsel hesaplama, veri ileme ve uygun ktlar elde etme programdr. Alan fark etmeksizin matematiksel modellerin zmleri iin hzl, uygun ve rahat kodlanabilir bir programdr. Herhangi bir vesile ile Matlab ihtiyacmz doabilir. Fakat alma prensibini derinden rendiimizde, btn dncelerimizi hayat geirebileceimiz ve matematiksel soyut yaplarn nasl ilediini gzlemleyebileceimiz bir matematiksel deney makinesi olarak grnecektir. Matlab ile Bilimsel Hesaplama 1 kursu sfrdan balayan eitim ve eitli matematiksel problemler ile sizleri Matlab ile program yazabilen, problem zebilen ve zmleri yorumlayabilen duruma getirecektir. Ayn zamanda kursun devam ile spesifik uygulamal matematik alanlarndan (diferansiyel denklemler, saysal analiz, uygulamal lineer cebir, optimizasyon, graf teori) eitli uygulamalar anlayp kodlayabilecek yeterlilii salam olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"VirtualBox toutes les Cls pour se Lancer et tre Autonome" |
"Oracle VM VirtualBox est un logiciel de virtualisation multi-plateforme (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux et Solaris). Il vous permet d'excuter plusieurs systmes d'exploitation la fois sur votre PC. Par exemple, vous pouvez faire tourner Windows sur votre MAC ou bien un Linux sous Windows Server. Cest cela quon appelle la virtualisation. VirtualBox est une solution de virtualisation trs complte et performante, amplement suffisante pour crer vos machines virtuelles personnelles ou professionnelles pour des besoins personnel et professionnel.Dans cette formation VirtualBox, vous allez dcouvrir le systme de virtualisation Oracle et les postes de travail personnel. elle vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances et comptences pour:- Tlcharger et installer Oracle Virtual Box et son pack dextension sur votre machine personnelle ou de bureau (cest gratuit ont en profite).- Matriser la gestion des machines virtuelles Oracle Virtual Box dans un environnement de test personnel ou professionnel.- Grer les modes de connexion rseau utiles pour lintercommunication de vos Lab.- Crer et dployer vos machines virtuelles MS Windows et Linux dans toutes leurs versions. - Crer des partages de fichiers entre machines virtuels- Cloner des machines virtuelles- Crer et grer des captures instantanes de vos machines virtuelles- Ajout de matriels (RAM, Disque Dur, cartes rseaux...)- Et plus!Il existe plusieurs autres logiciels de virtualisation. Le concurrent le plus connu tant VMWare Workstation, malheureusement ce dernier est payant !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"VMware Workstation Tout pour vous Lancer et tre Autonome" |
"Oracle VMware Workstation Pro est un logiciel de virtualisation multi-plateforme (Windows, Linux). Il vous permet d'excuter plusieurs systmes d'exploitation la fois sur votre PC. Par exemple, vous pouvez faire tourner Ms Windows sur votre machine Linux ou inversement. Oracle VMware Workstation Pro est une solution de virtualisation trs complte et performante, amplement suffisante pour crer vos machines virtuelles personnelles ou professionnelles pour des besoins personnel et professionnel.Dans cette formation dedie Oracle VMware Workstation Pro, vous allez dcouvrir la virtualisation de postes dans son ensemble. cette formation vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances et comptences pour:- Tlcharger et installer VMware Workstation Pro sur votre machine personnelle ou de bureau.- Matriser la gestion des machines virtuelles Oracle VMware Workstation Pro dans un environnement de test personnel ou professionnel.- Grer les modes de connexion rseau utiles pour lintercommunication de vos Lab.- Crer et dployer vos machines virtuelles MS Windows et Linux dans toutes leurs versions. - Crer des partages de fichiers entre machines virtuels- Cloner des machines virtuelles- Crer et grer des captures instantanes de vos machines virtuelles- Ajout de matriels (RAM, Disque Dur, cartes rseaux...)- Et plus!Il existe plusieurs autres logiciels de virtualisation. Le concurrent le plus connu tant oracle VirtualBox."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GNS3+VirtualBox:Test des architectures relles d'entreprises" |
"GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulation) est une solution libre disponible sous Windows, GNU/Linux et MacOS permettant lmulation ou la simulation de rseaux informatiques via une interface graphique.Ce logiciel peut servir travailler diffrents protocoles ou mme reproduire une architecture complte (SI) en y ajoutant des machines virtuelles (VM). Idal galement pour crer de petits LAB et prparer des certifications telles que CCNA, CCNP de chez CISCO par exemple.A travers cette formation GNS3, vous allez dcouvrir l'outil GNS3 d'une manire simple, pratique et surtout pdagogique, avec des tudes de cas clair et pratique."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Solidity, Ethereum - Mdulo Bsico - Crie a sua criptomoeda" |
"Voc aprender a ler e escrever contratos inteligentes para a rede Ethereum. Mesmo que voc no seja programador, sair deste curso sabendo criar a sua prpria criptomoeda escrita em Solidity. um curso prtico: vamos mergulhar direto na criao de contratos inteligentes, em vez de discutir a teoria por trs da Blockchain e da rede Ethereum."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Piano Classics: Super Sonatinas #1" |
"These piano lessons teach Clementi's Sonatina in C, Allegro. They not only teach how to play Sonatina in C, but also how to approach learning a new piece. The structured approach works well with any piece you'd like to learn. This course is intended for intermediate students who have enough piano skills to play scales, chords, and arpeggios."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Sistemas de Ecuaciones Lineales. Aprende desde cero" |
"En cursos previos de matemticas y lgebra, encontraste la solucin de problemas y ecuaciones. Sin embargo, existen problemas ms estructurados que implican varias situaciones y se requiere ms de una ecuacin.Los mtodos de solucin son procedimientos que ayudan a resolver con exactitud un sistema de ecuaciones es decir, encontrar una pareja de valores que al sustituirlos en cualquiera de las ecuaciones del sistema stas se satisfacen.En este curso aprenders los siguiente mtodos para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales:ReduccinIgualacinSustitucinDeterminantesGauss-Jordan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formatao dinmica de TCC - Microsoft Word" |
"O Microsoft Word uma ferramenta incrvel e com ferramentas focadas para a produo de trabalhos acadmicos, como artigos, monografias, dissertaes, teses e etc. Porm, a maioria esmagadora dos seus usurios fazem um uso muito raso dessa ferramenta, ou at mesmo um uso inadequado, de modo que no aproveita todos os recursos disponveis e deixa pra se preocupar com a formao apenas como um ltimo passo do processo, sendo que isso poderia ter sido desenvolvido logo no incio com grandes benefcios durante o processo de escrita cientfica.No decorrer do curso sero apresentadas, formas de uso do Word que provavelmente voc nunca tenha visto, e que iro facilitar todo processo de desenvolver seus trabalhos acadmicos. Onde muitas coisas que voc leva um determinado tempo para fazer de maneira manual, o prprio programa ir cuidar disso pra voc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Matematik Kursu 24 saatte temel Matematik" |
"24 saatte matematik temelinizi atacaksnz, Videolar ve kitabn en nemli zellii Matematik renmede zorluk eken rencilerinmatematii kolay ekilde renebilmesi iin konular sihirli ekilde dizilmitir. Bu dizilile birlikte rahat bir ekilde ilerlediinizi greceksiniz.Bu videolar TYT KPSS DGS ALES ve bilimum (bu kelimeyi seviyorum) snavlarda 0 net yapan renciler iin faydal olacaktr. 0 netten 5 net ve zerine kabilirsiniz. Bu kursu bitirince Matematik n yargnz kracak ve Matematik temelinizi atm olacaksnz. Kursla birlikte 24 saatte temel matematik kitabnn beraber zlmesini tavsiye ediyorum. Kitab iler kitabevinden ya da internetten alabilirsiniz. Kitabn ismi: 24 saatte temel matematik Kursla ilgili sorularnz sormaktan ekinmeyin. Mesaj yazn.Kitabmzn n sznden...Deerli renciler,Matematik dersinde baarl olmak iin dersi sevmek, dersi sevmek iin ise sorularzmek gerekir. Bu kitaptaki sorular 24 saatte znce matematii sevecek,bu derse kar n yargnz kracaksnz.Kitabmz matematik temeli atmak isteyen renciler iin zel olarak hazrlanmtr.Her saatin banda o saat iin gereken konu anlatm ve zet, anlalr ekildeverilmi, o saatteki soru zmnde kullanlmayan zelliklere bilinli ekilde yerverilmemitir.Kitabmzda test sorular zellikle drt k olarak hazrlanmtr. k saysnataklmayn, nemli olan k says deil doru cevab bulmaktr.Bu kitabn en nemli zellii alma planna sahip olmas ve konularn sizinrenmenizi kolaylatracak, motivasyonunuzu ykseltecek ekilde sihirli diziliidir.24 saatte temel matematik kitabmz ile ilgili renci grleri:""ok gzel dizayn edilmi altka kendini sevdiren ve alma istei uyandran bir kitap ok teekkrler hocam"" Dilara T.""Hocam gerekten ok gzel bir kitap alal 4 gn oldu 10. Saatini de bitiriyorum 1.saatte acaba ok mu kolay kitap bana bir ey retmez mi ki dedim ama iinde her eit soru rnei var severek zyorum matematik kitabni ele almayan ben imdi her gn bu kitapdan zyorum nallah netlerim de de geliime olur saolun hocam sayglarmla"" Danla""Kitaba ilk baladmda yine kitabin yarsna gelmeden brakrm diyordum ama yle olmad ilk defa bu matematik kitabnda bu kadar ilerledim ? kitab zlm grdke mutlu oluyorum"" Nihal G. ""Kitap gercekten asiri harika ?"" Beyza T. (1. yorum)""Kitap hic bitmesin istemistim ?"" Beyza T. (2. yorum)""ncelikle hocam bana matematigi sevdirdiginiz icin size cok tesekkur ederim Allah sizden razi olsun hakkinizi odeyemem. Kitap almakta kararsiz olan arkadaslar icin kendi fikrimi soyluyorum bana cok sey katti. Onceden korktugum sorulara bakamazdim. Simdi her soruya korkusuzca bakabiliyorum netlerim de artti. Hepsi sayenizde hocam tekrardan Allah sizden razi olsun hakkinizi helal edin..."" Beyza T. (3. yorum)""Teekkrler hocam kitap bir harika temelimiz zayf olduu iin baz sorularda taklma olsa da iyi gidiyor. Kitap elime alnca zaman nasl geciyor anlamyorum. Teekkrler."" Mustafa . (1. yorum)""Hayatmda ilk defa bir matematik kitabna balayp bitirdim sklmadan tesekkurler hocam Allah sizden raz olsun benim gibi on yargl insanlarn yarglarn yendiniz ya hemen dier kitabnza balyorum bugn bitti ilk kitabnz"" Mustafa . (2. yorum)""Hocam tam olarak amacna uygun bir kitap olmu zerken hi sklmadm finallerim baladndan biraz ara vermek zorunda kaldm ama final alrken bile aklmda bu kitap vard. Unuttuklarm hatrladm ve yeni eyler rendim artk matematie ksen grdm herkese kitabnz tavsiye ediyorum."" T. T. Yorum yapan tm arkadalara gnlden teekkr ediyorum. brahim_hocca Kursumuzda yer alan videolarla ilgili renci yorumlar:""Hocam birok kii dinledim ama sizden anlyorum brakmayn video ekmeyi ltfen"" Adem Sefa A. ""Hocam allah razi olsun nceden 1-2 net yaparken simdi 5-6 seviyelerine geldim . nsallah daha iyi olacagim "" Alican Y.""Hocam Allah sizden raz olsun ok teekkr ederim iyi ki varsnz"" Betl T. (4. yorum)""Hocam harikasnz ,ok gzel olmu :)"" Hatice . ""Birinci derste biraz n yarglarm vard onlar ykld. 10. saate geldiimde bu matematii yapabileceimi artk zevk almaya baladm fark ettim. nallah dahada ilerletip dahada fazla netler yapmama neden olacak. Birde 24 derste bir yorum yazacam hocam. Teekkrler emekleriniz iin."" Mustafa . (3. yorum)""hocam spersiniz"" Elif . ""Hocam ok ciddi sylyorum gayet sper anlatiyorsunuz. Dier kanallar sadece kolay anlatiliyor. Siz kolaydan zora doru ilerliyorsunuz. Matematii sizin sayenizde anlayacam ok teekkr ederim :)"" Can Resl K. ""Sayenizde matematii seviyorum artk"" Beyza T. (5. yorum)""hocam gerekten bu seri cok gzel olmu matematik calmay brakmtm ama sizin sayenizde tekrar baladm. teekkr ederim :))"" Glseren B. ""Normalde matematik hi sevdiim bi ders degil ama inanlmaz akc dinledim ?"" Tuba K. ""Harikasiniz hocam"" Beyza T. (6. yorum)""Allah raz olsun hocam"" Elif . ""Emeinize salk hocam"" Nihal G. (2. yorum)""Matematigi sevdiren muhtesem adamsiniz hocam. Size ne kadar dua etsem azdir. Seviliyorsunuz hocam ?"" Beyza T. (7. yorum)""u ana kadar sizin sayenizde hocam matematii sevmeye baladm sa olun var olun hocam. Matematik o kadarda zor ve skc bir ders deilmi."" Mustafa . (4. yorum) ""Hocam aznza salk derslerden hi sklmadan dinliyorum. Valla vakit ne ara geiyor video sonlar ne ara geliyor kitabla ilgili konu ne ara bitiyor anlamyorum. Teekkrler."" Mustafa . (5. yorum) Yorum yapan tm arkadalara gnlden teekkr ediyorum. brahim_hocca"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Geometri Yapamyorum Diyenlere genler zel Anlatm" |
"Geometride konuyu biliyorum ama soru zemiyorum diyenlere balang-orta dzeyde, bir rencinin dndkleri sesli ekilde dnlp cevaplandrlarak zel bir konu anlatm yaplmtr. Bu sayede renci yalnz bana kaldnda -bu videolar zel konu anlatmn izledikten sonra- sorular daha kolay ekilde zdn fark edecektir. Geometri dersinde en nemli konu genler konusudur. Bu konu bilindiinde dier konular daha kolay ekilde zlecektir."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Network Even If You're An Introvert" |
"It's not what you know, it's who you know. In this fun and easily approachable course, Michael Whitehouse, author of The Guy Who Knows A Guy, will share with you a series of exercises to get you on the right track for building your personal and professional network. Whether you are a social butterfly or a wallflower, this course will be valuable for helping you make connections in your local business community, improve your reputation, and access new resources and contacts that you have never known before."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What Online Business To Start in 2020 (And How)" |
"This course is a comprehensive guide for starting online business for dummies. It offers a short, but very detailed overview of 10 popular online business ideas for 2020, which can be grown into profitable and sustainable online businesses, if done right. Each lesson covers one business model and provides a concise step-by-step guide on how to launch it, which includes a list of costs for each business. Almost all models in this course require very little capital and can be run from any location. The first lectures, however, also introduce very classic types of online businesses, so that the students can clearly understand how they operate. The goal of this course is to give a good understanding of what online business opportunities exist, and which of them is right for YOU, based on YOUR strength and skills. There are plenty of business models and each course creator will try to convince you to start a business that they know or built themselves. Each business model, however, has its PROs and CONs, many of which are not so obvious for an absolute beginner. Many new entrepreneurs end up investing a lot of time and money in a business, that was not right for them in the first place, and as a result they don't achieve success that they hoped for. That's why it is so important to get an objective overview of each businesses and understand what it really takes to start and bring them to success. This course will help you to make the right choice of a business model and avoid costly mistakes as a new entrepreneur."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Successful Event Planning 2019" |
"You want to become an event manager - plan your own events and earn money?Whether you've ever planned an event, or you want to move up to the next level of event management, the Event Manager Workshop will help you take on the dream job event manager and deepen your knowledge.After completing the workshop, you will have a clear and structured approach to how to make a successful event. With step-by-step instructions, we give you an exclusive look behind the scenes on how to turn your event idea into a professional concept."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Event Planung 2019 - Wie du erfolgreich Events organisierst" |
"Du mchtest ein Eventmanager werden - deine eigenen Events planen und damit Geld verdienen?Egal, ob du schon einmal ein Event geplant hast, oder du ins nchste Level des Eventmanagement aufsteigen willst, dieser Eventplanung-Kurs hilft dir den Traumjob Eventmanager wahrzunehmen und dein Wissen zu vertiefen.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses hast du eine klare und strukturierte Vorgehensweise, wie du ein erfolgreiches Event auf die Beine stellst. Mit der Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung gewhren wir die einen exklusiven Einblick hinter die Kulissen, wie du deine Eventidee in ein professionelles Konzept umsetzen kannst."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Business Analyst - SQL Survival Guide" |
"Are you a business analyst and have either avoided getting to know SQL, or haven't had the opportunity? Or, maybe you just want to a quick start to the basics of SQL without the advanced functions? If you've answered yes to any of these then this course is for you.Starting with the absolute basics, this course covers;What a database isHow applications use databasesEntity Relationship DiagramsWhat a data warehouse is and how organisations use themWhat software you'll need to connect to a databaseHow to create your own test databaseThe essential SQL commands you'll need to query datafrom one or many tables in a SQLdatabaseCommands you'll need to manipulate data (insert, update, and delete)How to export data to ExcelTo a business analyst, data is king. Accurate data is the easiest and most powerful way to prove or disprove a hypothesis or course of action, the challenge is getting your hands on it. If you don't have access or the skills to query a database you are reliant on someone else getting the data that you've asked for, which might not be what you want.I want to give you the skills to understand what a database is, how they work, and most importantly, how you access one and query the data so you can be self-sufficient getting the data you need."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a investir em Aes e Opes na Bolsa de Valores" |
"ATENOEsse curso NO dispe de Estratgia avanadas de Opes tais como: Trava de Alta, Trava de Baixa, Condor, Borboleta, Financiamento, dentre outras. Tambm NO fala sobre as gregas tais como: Delta, Theta, Gama e Vega. Portanto, no adquira o curso caso seu interesse seja aprender a operar estratgias avanadas conforme j mencionei acima.Todas as estratgias utilizadas nas operaes so feitas a SECO(sem travas).As informaes disponibilizadas nesse curso e utilizao de ativos objetos tais, como Aes e Opes de determinadas empresas no configuram qualquer tipo de recomendao. O uso da Corretora para realizar as operaes de compra e venda meramente educacional e tambm no tem o objetivo de fazer indicao aos alunos.Rentabilidade passada no representa garantia de resultados futuros e apesar do cuidado na coleta e manuseio das informaes, elas no devem ser colocadas em prtica sem conhecimento prvio por parte do aluno. proibida a reproduo total ou parcial de textos, fotos, vdeos, ilustraes ou qualquer outro contedo deste site por qualquer meio sem a prvia autorizao de seu autor/criador ou do administrador, conforme LEI N 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.DESCRIO DO CURSOEu criei esse curso visando passar um pouco da minha experincia operando na bolsa de valores.Mas o diferencial repassar esse conhecimento de forma didtica, com vocabulrio simples, claro e utilizando mapas mentais.Para levar adiante o desejo de repassar o conhecimento, tenho uma aliada importante nessa misso: A tecnologia da Informao, onde j estou atuando a mais de 20 anos.Quando voc utiliza mapas mentais, o contedo fixado rapidamente e com pouqussimo esforo.E se voc realmente deseja operar na bolsa de valores, extremamente importante ter os conceitos na ponta da lngua. Afinal de contas, o seu dinheiro est em jogo.Nesse curso, vamos falar sobre impostos, operaes com aes, operaes com opes, vamos escolher a corretora e realizar aulas prticas utilizando o prprio home broker da corretora.Portanto, agradeo a todos por adquirir esse curso. Solicito por gentileza deixar o seu feedback. No caso de crticas ou sugestes, no deixe de informar o motivo para que possamos melhorar cada vez mais.Agora voc ter a oportunidade de aprender a operar com Aes e Opes na bolsa de valores de forma didtica utilizando vdeos narrados em formato de mapa mental. No perca a chance de aprender atravs de uma linguagem simples e objetiva direto ao ponto. Pois est comprovado que atravs de mapas mentais voc consegue memorizar mais rpido."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Dinnertime Conversation on Bitcoin and Blockchain" |
"Learn the basics of blockchain and bitcoin in an hour! With a simple structure from introductory theory, to practical applications and next steps, and easy to understand graphics and explanation, this short course is designed to help people who are new to blockchain technology better understand its basic concepts and one of its key applications: Bitcoin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Education: Guide to Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies" |
"Course Update: November 2019The problem with learning about blockchain is that there is too much information but not enough structured knowledge. Oftentimes for the uninitiated, most of this information may be indecipherable. And it is becoming a big problem as professionals from a variety of industries are looking to understanding the technology and explore the opportunities for their sector. In, collaboration with Antony Lewis (author of The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains) we have developed the ultimate commercial education course for professionals and business students to learn all the fundamentals they need in relation to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs in an accessible, logical and structured manner. The course contains 10+ hours of materials including explainer videos, lecture notes, articles and learning summaries and quiz assessments at the end of each of the 8 core lessons.About the AuthorThe course is based on content written by Antony Lewis, author of The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains, an essential guide for anyone who needs to learn about cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and business blockchains. Having worked in the blockchain sector since 2013, Antony is Director of Research for R3, an enterprise blockchain company. Antony also advises to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission on FinTech. Prior to bitcoins and blockchains, Antony was a technologist at Credit Suisse in London and Singapore having started his banking career as an FX trader at Barclays Capital."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"(2019) The Complete Blockchain Career Interview Course" |
"Last Updated: February 2019Advance your career with our career management course specifically designed for aspiring blockchain talents. The course is a concise master guide to top career interview questions for blockchain related roles with regular updates to keep up to speed with the latest trends, topics and knowledge.As a subscriber to the course, you will get life access to:- Concise, direct to the point videos scripted and designed by leading industry talents- Personalised Q&A opportunities with lead instructor tailored for your interview preparation- Template and model answers for the most common interview questions with clear explanations- Latest career trends, statistics and skills demand in the blockchain career sectorGet quick answers to prepare for the most frequently asked questions such as:General- What do you know about blockchain? Explain the difference between blockchain and bitcoin.- Briefly use an example to explain how blockchain technology works.- What are the different types of blockchain? How do they differ?- What makes blockchain technology special? What are the key features and benefits?- What is the role of cryptography in cryptocurrencies and blockchain? Explain the role of hash functions and digital signatures.Investment - How would you choose a cryptocurrency exchange as an investor?- Who are the key participants in a cryptocurrency ecosystem?(Note that the course is based on information on Hashcademy's course set)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Interview Skills in 1 Hour with Fortune 500 Exec" |
"Master the most essential career interview skills and techniques in JUST 1 HOUR. This course will provide you with a highly effective and systematic framework to get yourself prepared for any kind of interviews, and we have combined key principles together with real-life interview examples to ensure an impactful learning experience. We will cover 4 key sections:1. Pre-interview preparation: Drafting your FAQ - typical question types Rule of 3 Headline Approach STAR-L Model2. Ace the interview: Master the art of first impression Create a compelling self-introduction Build instant rapport with interviewers How to tackle tough and trick questions3. Post-interview process: Meta questions How to effectively follow-up on the interview process How to keep contacts warm and enhance conversion4. The Winning Mind-set: Overcome psychological barriers Build confidence and presence Use the power of our subconscious mindWe focus on a new approach to business and career advancement education, offering practical courses in bitesize video format that fuse animation, interviews, examples and templates, and interactive exercises to achieve better outcomes. We also provide 100% personalised learning as our group of instructors and learning support staff are always available to assist on any queries you have related to the course topic. [The course is conducted in English with Chinese Subtitles]About the InstructorGary Lo - Professional Trainer & TEDx Speaker Former Fortune 500 executive and MBA Program Admission HeadGary is a former Fortune 500 executive and Admission Head from one of the top 20 MBA programs in the world. He has worked in leading companies across industries including LVMH, Apple Inc., Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline and Nestle. He is now an appointed career coach for top Universities and also a corporate trainer for organisations like J.P. Morgan, BlackRock, UBS, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart, FedEx, LOreal, Intercontinental Hotel Group etc. Gary is also a TEDx speaker and a High Impact Presentation Winner, where he has made over 500 public speeches in 30 different cities around the world. He holds an MBA degree from HKUST and also a Design Thinking Certificate from the MIT Sloan School of Management.About HashcademyOur mission is to up-skill individuals for career advancement in fast-changing and high impact technology sectors such as blockchain. We strive to build a learning community to share and grow knowledge around technology by providing structured learning and up-to-date knowledge to our community members."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Write An Effective Resume And Cover Letter In An Hour" |
"Last Updated: May 2020This course is targeted at young professionals who are looking to write and enhance their job application in order to land a career across professional services, startups, technology companies and other job prospects.The course has a simple structure which is delivered in a direct style, which includes:- A ""Career Direction"" section focused on helping you get your first job, obtain a promotion, be successful in changing your career and more of your FAQs answered- An introduction section on what makes an effective cover letter and resume- A case study section which comprises templates of effective resumes and cover letters from candidates we have provided guidance on and who have effectively secured their desired roles. The case study covers a range of candidates including students and young professionals who are looking across different sectors such as banking, legal, technology and startups."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan Tips and Tricks" |
"This course is to give an overview of various areas of a business plan as well as give you tools to assist you in developing your own. As you go through each area it will help you begin to identify and be able to articulate the business you have been given."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Measurement & Newton Mechanics" |
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Measurement (Physical Quantities, and Units) and Newtonian Mechanics (i.e. Kinematics, Dynamics, Mass, Weight and Density, Turning Effect of Forces, Pressure and Energy, Work and Power.There are 7 Sections in total. Each section has 3 parts."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Thermal Physics" |
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Thermal Physics (Kinetic Model of Matter, Transfer of Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Thermal Properties of Matter. This includes aspects such as States of Matter, Brownian Motion and Gas Pressure Laws). There are 4 Sections in total. Each section has 3 parts."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |