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"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Waves" |
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Waves (Wave Properties, Light, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Sound. This includes aspects such as Wave Motion, Types of Waves, Reflection and Refraction of Light, Lenses, and Sound Waves). There are 4 Sections in total. Each section has 3 lectures."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Electricity & Magnetism" |
"This course covers the iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics syllabus for - (a) Electricity, and (b) Magnetism. For Electricity and Magnetism you will learn about - (1) Static Electricity, (2) Current of Electricity, (3) Direct Current Circuits, (4) Practical Electricity, (5) Magnetism, (6) Electromagnetism, and (7) Electromagnetic Induction.There are 7 sections in total. Each section has 3 lectures.The section begins with a discussion of electric charges that are static, i.e. not moving. Next, we study the phenomena associated with moving charges and the concepts of current, voltage and resistance. We also study how these concepts are applied to simple circuits and household electricity. Thereafter, we study the interaction of magnetic fields to pave the way for the study of the interrelationship between electricity and magnetism. The phenomenon in which a current interacts with a magnetic field is studied in electromagnetism, while the phenomenon in which a current or electromotive force is induced in a moving conductor within a magnetic field is studied in electromagnetic induction."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mimari projeler nasl tasarlanr?" |
" Mimari proje okumay, tasarm ve izim yapmay elbette bu kurs sayesinde renmeyeceksiniz. Ayrca bu kurs size mimarlk yapabilme yetenei de kazandrmayacak. nk mimarlk bir ka saatlik anlatyla renilebilecek bir alan elbette deildir. Ancak mrn bu meslee adam ve en iyi eserini 80 yanda (Selimiye Camii) tamamlayan MMAR SNAN'n da dedii gibi; ''Yaptn ii gnlnde hissedersen, rmaklar alar iinde..'' yani severek, azimle ve isteyerek renme tutkusuyla kendini mimari alanda gelitirmek isteyenlere bu kursta ok fazla ey var. Bu eitim zellikle henz meslee yeni adm atan yeni mezun mimarlar, i mimarlar, inaat mhendisleri ve farkl alanlarda alan dier profesyoneller iin olduka faydal olacaktr. Mesleki geliim ve kariyer basamaklarn trmanmak belirli zorluklar atktan sonra gelir. Bu eitime sahip olarak neleri kazanacanz aadaki maddelerde sizlerle ksaca paylaabilirim;Henz meslek seiminde bulunmam paydalar iin mimarlar neler yapar? sorusuna detayl yantlar bulabileceksiniz. Eer ok taze iseniz biraz beyniniz yanabilir ama en azndan gz ainalnz olur. Bu da ileride nelerle karlaabileceiniz noktasnda size harika fikirler verecektir.Mimarln sihirli dnyasna yeni adm atanlar iin bulunmaz yllanm tecrbelerin paketlenmi haldeki bilgi kapsllerini sunar. Bylelikle hangi durumda nasl davranacanz dmeden , yanllar yapmadan renme ihtimaliniz artm olur.Projecilik yapan mimarlar iin gncel mevzuatlarn pratik ipularn hemen hemen her derste paylam olacam. Bu, pratiklik ve bilgi daarcnzn artmas anlamna gelirken, yeni & alternatif i kaynaklarn da sizlere sunmu olacaktr.Sektrde statik proje, elektrik projesi, mekanik proje gelitiricilii yapan mhendis ve teknikerler iin mimari projeleri daha iyi tanma frsat sunar.Yap, inaat ve mimarlk sektrnde olmamasna ramen bu eitimden faydalanan kimseler sektrmze ilikin faydal ve zellikli bilgilere mimari proje nasl tasarlanr? Proje iziminde nelere dikkat edilir? gibi sorulara harika yantlar alr.Sektrdeki yenilikler, daha farkl ve metodoloji bakmndan katk salayacan dndm ilave notlar ve anlatmlar olduunda bu eitim videolarna eklemeler ve gncellemeler srekli olarak yaplacaktr. Bu eitim sayesinde kendi iimizde bir topluluk oluturarak soru ve fikirlerinizi cretsiz olarak paylaabileceiniz kolaylkla ulaabileceiniz bir mimar danman da kazanm olacaksnz. Kursa indirimli olarak kayt olmak iin sitesine ye olup benimle iletiime geebilirsiniz.KURSLA LGL BAZI DEERLENDRMELER; ""Merhaba hocam sizi m**** sitesinden beri takip etmekteydim o dnemde de sorduum tm sorular itenlikle cevaplamtnz kurs yaynladnz grdmde de direk aldm. Piyasada 3 yldr kurumsal firmalarda gerek tasarm mimar olarak gerekse proje mdrl yapm biri olarak unu syleyebilirim ki yaynladnz eitim seti yeni mezun ve zel sektrde alacak arkadalar iin Hint kuma niteliinde. Maalesef ki sektrde bu bilgileri kimse hap olarak paylamyor yada paylamak istemiyor:) Bu kadar czi bir miktara bu deerli bilgilerinizi bizlerle paylatnz iin size ahsm adna da ok teekkr ederim.Elinize emeinize yreinize salk."" Halil A. ""Sradan bir 5 puan olarak deil de ""yldzl 5 puan"" demek daha doru olur. Sayn hocamz gerekten bilgilerini ve tecrbelerini samimi bir ekilde anlatyor. Kafama taklan soru iaretlerini tamamen giderdi diyebilirim. Sorularma ynelttii cevaplar ok acklayc ve titizdi. Hatta ihtiya halinde bizden daha fazla gayret edip yeni eitim videolar da hazrlyor. HERKESE YZDE YZ TAVSYE EDERM. altnz ofislerin birounda 2 fincan kahve fiyatna g bu kadar bilgi ve tecrbe vermezler. Tekrar tekrar teekkrler Murat hocam."" Ali Kemal K. ""ok faydal,hayat kurtarc ve pratik bilgiler edindim. anlatm teknii son derece baarl."" K.Kbra . ""Arkadalar kurs gerekten faydal onun bunun minnetini ekipte renemeyeceiniz birok bilgi burda ve sorularnz ok hzl cevaplanyor hatta soru sordum ve 1 saat ierisinde ""37. Ynetmeliklerdeki deiiklikleri okumak"" adl Videoyu resmen benim sorum iin yaynlad :) Ben ok istifade ettim, mimarlkla alakas olan herkese ok faydal bilgiler var. Murat Abiye teekkr ediyorum."" Taha Y. ""Bu le ilgili herkesin edinmesi gerekn bir kurs kesinlikle. Kursu almadan nce kursun ieriinin zenginlii ilgimi ekmiti ama anlatm da gerekten bir o kadar kaliteli. Murat hoca ok iyi bir eitmen bu kursun iinde iyi kt herkese bir katks olacandan phem yok. Murat Hocamzn yreine salk. Umarm almalar sadece bunlarla snrl kalmaz baka eitim kurslarn da grmek dileiyle. Bize daha fazla eyler katacan umuyorum. Tekrar teekkr ederim."" Hseyin ""ndirilebilen ierikleri gerekten dolu dolu. Ayrca konunun zeti sade bir ekilde anlatlm. Hocamzn emeine salk."" Mehmet K. ""Mimar olmama ramen yllardr piyasada i mekan projelerinde (maaza, restorant, otel gibi) ve sahada da ince iler zerinde almamdan dolay; ruhsat projelerinde bulunamamtm. Ofisimi atktan sonra hem i mekan hem de ruhsat projeleriyle de ilgilenmeye baladm. Fakat ruhsat projeleri iin gelen talepler karsnda hep bir tedirginlik yayordum.. ders sresince de bahsettiiniz zere ynetmeliin srekli deimesi ve detaylarn ok fazla olmas benim geri durmama sebep oluyordu.. aklma taklan kk sorular evremden rensem de her seferinde rahatlkla sorulamyor malesef.. bu sebepten eitiminiz karma ktnda; bu duruma cevap olabileceini dndm ve satn aldm. ou konuyu ve detay bilsem de anlattnz ufak tefek nanslar, konular netletirmemde byk yarar salad. Piyasada bu konuda uzun sre alan birisinden bunlar renmek byk art. Byle bir eitimi hazrlam olduunuz iin ok teekkr etmek istedim.. Gncellemelerinizi ve dier derslerinizi de takip edeceim."" Buket C. ""ok zenle hazrlanm bir kurs. Yeni balayan arkadalara adeta eskiden ben ilkokuldayken mehur ve gerekli olan bir TMDERSLER KTABI vard onun kadar deerli. Meslee ainal olanlarn bile kendine bireyler katabilecei gzel bir kurs."" Murat . ""Kesinlikle tm mimarlk rencilerinin tekrar tekrar izlemesi gereken bir video eitim. Bu videodaki bilgilere sahip olmadan piyasada izim yapma ihtimalimiz yok."" smail Cem C."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Mimari tasarm nasl yaplr?" |
"Benim kurduum Mimarlar.Online sitesine ye olarak en az 5 konu paylaan arkadalarma bu kursu CRETSZ olarak hediye edeceim. Merakls iin mimari tasarm kritikleri, mimari tasarmn temelleri , yaplar anlamak ve yorumlamak isteyenlere teknik analizlerin serpitirilerek anlatld keyifli bir eitim.. Aslnda bir eitimden ziyade bolca mimari proje zerinden binalara mimar gzyle bakmay anlatan ve bunu yormadan yapan bir monolog da diyebiliriz. Binalarn tasarm ykleri, son kullancya ve iverene yansyan izdmleri bu kursta sizlerle olacak. Mimarlk; kltr ve sanatn tam merkezinde yer alan, tarihin ekilleniine tanklk eden mekan tasarlama iidir. Mimarlarn farkl snrlayclar ile nasl altklarn, mekan tasarmna etki eden doal ve insani faktrleri rnek yaplar zerinden sizlere yorumladm. Manzara, kuzey, insan ve ara sirklasyonu, yayalarn yapy deneyimleme biimleri zerinden ktlesel form denemelerini izleyerek renebileceksiniz. Tm bunlar konsept projeler zelinde analiz edebilme yetenei kazanarak eer profesyonel olarak bu ii yapyorsanz da daha geni bir tasarm spekturumu zerinden yorumlayabileceksiniz. Bu ii prefosyonel olarak yapyor olmasanz bile binalarn ne anlattn, tasarmclarn projeyi ekillendirirken neleri dndn en iyi o binalar soluyarak, tadarak, koklayarak deneyimleyebilirsiniz. En iyi ihtimalle yaadnz mekanlara ve yaplara daha farkl bir bak asyla yaklama ekillerine tanklk etmi olacaksnz. Bu kurs, size mekan deneyimi ve binalarn ekilleniini maksimum verimle deneyimleme frsat sunacak. Gnmzn modern yapm teknikleri ve popler mimarlk kavramlar da bu eitimde sizlerle.zetle yaplarn nasl okunduunu anlatan, mimariyi ve mimarlk kavramlarn rnekler zerinden gerek hayata dayandrarak aklayan bu eitim, tersine mhendislik yntemiyle tasarm srecine katk salayabilecek verilerin nasl retildiini sizlere sunmu oluyor. Eitim ierii ve mfredat zaman ierisinde gncellenmeye devam edecektir. Bu noktada geri dnler ve talepler titizlikle deerlendirilecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sketch Up ile Mimari 3D kat plan modelleme eitimi" |
"Benim kurduum sitesine ye olarak en az 5 konu paylaan arkadalara bu kursu CRETSZ olarak vereceim.Sketch Up ile mimari 3d kat plan modelleme ve grselletirme eitimi, sektr profesyonelleri ile bu alana ilgi duyan herkes iin en pratik yoldan etkili bir inai tasarm sunumu yntemini retmektedir.Tm bunlar yaparken Sketch Up ve CAD programlar ile sizi sonuca en hzl ekilde ulatrabilecek bir yntem / anlatm biimi zerinden yola kld.Bu kurs ayn zamanda Sketch Up iin yeni balayanlara ynelik hzl bir eitim de iermektedir. Yani klasik program anlatmlarnda olduu gibi her bir ara ubuu, arayz tantm, skc men eleri anlatm yerine direkt olarak bir rnek alma zerinden program da retmekte..Mimari modelleme ii; modern an bir gereksinimi olarak biz mimarlar ve bu alanda alan dier tm profesyoneller iin henz kat zerinde uygulanmayan bir tasarm teknik izimlerden arnk ekilde, son kullancya ya da bir iverene en iyi ekilde ulatrabilecei gzel bir seenektir.naat sektrnde sadece bu ii yaparak ok iyi paralar kazanan firma - kiiler olduu da dnldnde bu eitimi tamamladnzda edineceiniz bilgiler, size ok gzel kariyer ve i olanaklarnn kaplarn da aralam olacak.Yine Udemy'de yer alan ""Mimari projeler nasl tasarlanr?"" kursunun bir tamamlaycs olarak da dnebilirsiniz. Orada iin teknik ve mevzuat boyutu ele alnrken bu kursta ise mimari tasarm, modelleme ve grselletirme konularnda nemli bilgilere sahip olacaksnz.Ayn zamanda i mekan tasarmna dair efektif ipular da bulabileceksiniz. Anlatlanlar uygulayarak renme deneyiminizi maksimuma ulatrmak iin bahsi geen programlarn kurulu olduu bir PC'niz varsa bu harika kursa hemen kayt olun!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Selling on Amazon FBA- Private Label Intro Course" |
"Take advantage of the free data on the internet and Amazon to figure out a successful product to launch with some easy to follow strategies such as:Analyze the BSR.Compare and contrast weak and strong listings.Research potential barriers that will prevent you from launching your product.Deciding on a brand name through proper research."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Physical Access Hacking Windows Xp, 7, 8, 10, Linux & Typing" |
"How to hack, how to touch type, using a faster method called, ""Key Rollovers"" instead of the standard method typically taught in schools. Everything is laid out very carefully to ensure that it's easy to learn from. I have been using computers since I was 13 years old, now I am 29 years old. I have learned my way around the Windows Command Prompt, and Linux Terminal and I also have experience in Data-Recovery which I plan to pass onto you during the Course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Touch Typing Correctly - Key Rollovers 120WPM" |
"I believe that everyone has the ability to type 90+ WPM, if they are trained using the correct method of Typing. When I first started, it took me around 1 month of periodical training to reach 60 W.P.M. Back then I had no knowledge of ""Key Rollovers"" but just to understand the correct finger placement and apply it, it took that long. I expect to gradually receive positive feedback on this course after people have had time to apply the training knowledge that I teach them. This course is just a couple of weeks old right now, and not many people have had time to properly test the methods that I am teaching. Most Typing Instructors Neglect ""Key Rollovers""and don't even mention them to their students. You are probably thinking at this point, Am I qualified to teach you? I have first learned the Standard method of Touch Typing from Lessons that I purchased for $30, then I transformed my Standard Touch Typing Skills with my onscreen keyboard thatI developed using, the ""Key Rollover"" Method to help me soar above the 60 W.P.M. (Words per Minute) expectations that I was originally told was for successful Typing Students. My Onscreen Keyboard comes with a wordlist broken down in motions, which encourages Key Rollover Training for around 1,000 Common English Words, 0/9 Numerical Keys, and Syllable Training, which contain Common Syllables that are found in over 5,000 common English words. Why do we need to know Syllables in Typing?If you are familiar with the Syllable inside of a Word that is not in your Vocabulary then you can type the Syllables that make up the word instead, this will speed up your typing speed dramatically vs. writing each individual Keystroke as you see them, because it increases the speed at which you can process the word. The Real Question that you're wondering is, How Fast am I in comparison to your current WPMSpeed? There's one way to find out. Go test yourself at 10fastfingers, take a Typing test, can you defeat my score of 118/123 W.P.M.? Only 1 out of every 100+ Typists will be able to surpass my speed. Do you want to be within the top 1% of Typists in the world also? Being able to Type at a speed of 120 W.P.M. for an entire minute is something only 1% of all Typists can do. In order to do this, you must train the correct way. What is the secrets to typing fast? A few that can be named is Accuracy, using Multiple Fingers, and Key Rollovers = pressing multiple keys down together just milliseconds apart but at the same time. Reading Ahead of what you're typing. I will share my techniques, and secrets which will help you to improve your speed drastically. Do you have a busy schedule? You will also get my Onscreen Keyboard App for Windows Xp, 7, vista, 8, and 10 both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions and multiple Keyboard Skins. That I have developed to help people increase their speed at their own pace. This Onscreen Keyboard is compatible with nearly every windows program, browsers, that can be run in windowed mode along side of it. You can practice good Touch Typing form while writing your e-mails, web browsing, playing games, or writing stories. It will monitor your Keystroke Speed, and it Displays the WPM result back to you in real-time every 5 seconds so you can keep an eye on your raw ""5 Second Speed Burst"" as you press them. In addition, my Keyboard also has start/reset/stop/replay short-cut keys which can also tell you your T.W.P.M. (Total Words Per Minute Average) for any amount of Seconds that you've been typing. (Seconds or minutes.) Using a Math Formula the Program will do the calculations, and determine an estimation of your Raw Average WPM (Raw means the WPM will also include any Typos you make during the Second Duration.) When you start/stop the Internal Secs (Seconds) Counter. Replaying keystrokes to the Keyboard is optional, if you ever want to cancel the replay, it's as simple as pressing ""Ctrl+DownArrow"" during the replay. At the same time that you are typing words, you will see the appropriate fingertip light up when a key is pressed. I also have ""Color Coded""Skins which helps you to always know which fingers should press the keystroke you are wanting to press, even before you press the keystroke. Note: Since the Keyboard App monitors your Keystrokes in order to replay them back to you in real-time, Certain Virus Scanners might see it as a false positive and mistake the file for a dangerous file. So you may have to allow it through your virus scanner in order to use it. If you do not want to install the Keyboard App, you do not have to, you can always re-watch the video in slow motion, and type the words as I do. The Keyboard App has been created to help make everything easier for you while developing your typing skills and letting you type at your own pace."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"English Pronunciation: Alphabet, Blends, & Syllable Sounds" |
"This course is for teaching how to pronounce, and how to sound out words that you know, and words that you do not know. 1. I'll walk you through each Alphabet letter sound, with word examples.2. We'll then proceed to ""Blends"" which is multiple letters blended together to create new sounds.3. Finally we'll learn about Syllable Sounds, there are 320+ Syllables which can be found in, thousands of common English Words. Once you remember all of the Syllables in this Course, You'll start to notice them everywhere in the English Language. This will help you to recognize the sounds, and have the ability to read words that you may not even know. Note: I do not go over the meaning of most of the words, I only teach how to recognize the syllables within them. So, if you need to know the definition of a word that I go over, just go to Google and type, ""thewordyouwant definition"" without the quotes. This will bring back the meaning of the word in question.--If you've never tried to Incorporate Syllable training in your reading style, then a whole style of reading awaits you."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Launch a LAMP Stack and Install WordPress on AWS" |
"Learn how to launch a LAMP stack on an AWS EC2 server, install Apache, MySQL, PHP, WordPress and configure SSL. This course is beginner-friendly and no prior experience with AWS is needed however knowing basic shell commands is helpful. The course is divided into seven sections and each section builds upon the lesson learned in the previous lesson. It is important not to skip lessons in order to get the most out of this course. We will learn the following:How to launch an EC2 server on AWSHow to Install ApacheHow to Install MySQLHow to Install PHPHow to Install WordPressHow to Install SSL"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with R" |
"This course is for all who wants to explore and pursue a career in Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing with R. The course will drive you through all the techniques you need to process structured and unstructured text data and corpora. It will also teach you how to deal with multi-lingual text."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Get Lit Training" |
"This course will provide detailed training for real life application of administrative support skills in a legal setting. This course will help educate and empower individuals career tracking into the legal Industry and for existing professionals transitioning from one support position to another. This course will cover topics such as litigation time lines, terminology, document preparation and court research. This course is strongly recommended for anyone interested in taking on a legal secretary or paralegal role in a law office."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creating a 2D Side Scroller Game in Unity3D" |
"Learn creating 2D side scrolling game in Unity 3D using C#. This course is divided into four parts, in the first part you will start by creating player character. Learn how to create animations using the Animation window and control animation states in the Animator controller window. We will then create our first C# script to handle player input and use it to transition animations from one state to another. We will then learn about Unity physics system.In part 2 we will make our game a bit challenging by adding obstacles to our game, write scripts to move objects, learn about collision detection and understand the difference between collision and trigger. You will edit the Unity Collision matrix, and learn how you can enable or disable collisions between objects in different layers. We will then work on object pooling technique, where you reuse different types of obstacles, after instantiating it only once. You will learn about rendering order for 2D games and control the order of objects being rendered on screen. We will add parallaxing effect to our game by adding different layered objects.Then finally we will work on integrating UI to the game, where you add buttons and other UI elements and add functionality from scripts. We will also add touch based controls to our game to support mobile devices.This course covers widely used techniques like object pooling and parallaxing and some intermediate unity concepts like Collision matrix, Delegates and co-routines. This is useful for both Beginners and intermediate students in Unity and game development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tecniche base di Matte Painting con Photoshop - II parte" |
"In questo Corso creeremo una set extension: un arricchimento di una foto tramite l'aggiunta di elementi architettonici e paesaggistici. Per rendere l'effetto veramente credibile, oltre alla giusta prospettiva occorre dare a questi elementi gli stessi effetti di luce e di atmosfera della foto di base, con tecniche che in gergo si chiamano ""color correction"", ""color match"" e ""shadows match""."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"7 PR Secrets All Nonprofits Should Know" |
"Lets face it. Most Executive Directors (ED) think Public Relations (PR) is something that a college intern can do by Mailchimping a pitch to a list of reporters scrapped from the Internet. Its usually the last thing a nonprofit or an ED thinks of while their building their nonprofit.Im sure you struggle to figure out when to do PR, what type of PR you need, and more importantly, how to go about getting your message out into the world. Dont worry. The 7 PR Secrets All Nonprofit Should Know is for the nonprofit who wants to understand how PR can help their nonprofit and to make the right decisions about when to hire a professional.Youll Learn How To:Learn the 7 secrets of PR and why every nonprofit should be thinking about themUnderstand whats important and whats not important for nonprofit PRIdentify what makes your nonprofit unique among everyone elseCraft a reporter pitch that gets resultsIncorporate PR into your fundraising and social media effortsConstruct a PR Narrative that is the tip of your PR & Marketing spearIhope you'll join me and learn the 7 PR Secrets All Nonprofits Should Know."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Personagens 3D e 2D para Games - Rpido e Fcil" |
"Utilizando uma tcnica extremamente produtiva o aluno dominar a criao de personagens 3D e 2D para games. Desenvolver seu prprio estilo de design e poder vender assets em todos os assets stores online. Aps a aprendizagem do contedo do curso o aluno no ter limitao na produo de assest para seus prprios projetos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
outputsoftware |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cell Phone Photography for Pet Lovers" |
"Master your cell phone pet photography using an iPhone or Android to improve you dog and cat snapshots. Learn about camera choices, hacks, composition and framing, lighting, exposure settings, tips for working with dogs and cats, editing apps and what's in my cell phone photography accessory bag. Taught by a professional pet and people photographer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Tennis: Learn The Technique & Mindset of The Pros" |
"Learn Learn the basics of modern tennis game with this course, easy to follow description of the baseline ground strokes, the forehand and backhand. We go deep into the most important aspects to learn and focus. Also, I'll teach you what is the real aspect you need to focus on when learning the game and how to work mentally from the moment you set foot on the court for the fist time. I'm a former tennis Pro and son to a Davis Cup, and Touring Pro player from Mexico. I have almost 30 years of experience teaching from beginners to WTATouring Pros. I'm also a High Performance speaker & coach with years of experience working with athletes and non-athletes in the improvement of their performance and the evolution of their mentality.These are short-length lessons that focus on whats important to help you throughout the learning process with the best mental and physical approach. I will cover specific modern techniques used by the best tennis player in the world as Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, backed up with video and pictures of them to help you match and analyze what you're learning and what they are doing. We go even deeper on the structure of the mindset of the world-class performers and how your mind needs to work if you're serious about becoming a tennis player."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Edio e produo de udio utilizando Reaper" |
"Ol, que bom ter voc por aqui.Quem nunca precisou editar algum trecho de um udio e ficou preso a grandes editores ou de baixa qualidade , que atire a primeira pedra.O reaper um software fantstico que vai trazer mais facilidade e agilidade na hora de enviar seu contedo diariamente.Alem de possuir diversas vantagens como ser um software para trabalho em multipistas ele apresenta personalizao completa de temas e componentes visuais para que assim, voc possa utiliza-los da melhor forma possvel.O curso apresenta atualizao constante das aulas trazendo mais novidades e funcionalidades focadas para a parte prtica de sua usabilidade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Manuteno de Computadores - Hardware e Software" |
"Ol tudo bem?Voc busca aprender mais sobre os componentes que compem o hardware de um computador e junto a isso aprender como formatar de forma completa sua mquina?Voc vai aprender sobre gerencia de processos, memrias primria e secundria, componentes de hardware, ativos de software, sistemas operacionais e muito mais.Este curso pra voc que est em busca de um lugar no mercado de trabalho, com apenas algumas horas de curso voc ser capaz de identificar os principais problemas que so ocasionados na parte fsica dos computadores(hardware) e sobre os problemas com a execuo de tarefas, software.No decorrer do curso existem simulados com mais de 50 questes de concursos pblicos que iro fixar o contedo hardware e software na sua cabea e te ajudar estudar.Apertem os cintos e mo na massa!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Como aprender lgica de programao comeando do zero" |
"Lgica de programao o modo como se escreve um programa de computador, um algoritmo. Um algoritmo uma sequncia de passos para se executar uma funo. Um exemplo de algoritmo, fora da computao, uma receita de bolo.Todos os passos devem ser executados de forma correta, ou seja, antes necessrio preparar nossa base para depois aplica-la.Dentro deste curso o aluno ser capaz de conhecer a estrutura bsica de como funciona um software, tipos de varivel, estruturas condicionais, laos de repetio, funes, arrays e muitas outras funcionalidades.O desenvolvimento dos exerccio durante o curso realizado dentro do software Eclipse."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Basics: ESL Grammar" |
"This course is for new learners of English or advanced learners who want to review the basics. Lessons include: parts of speech, prepositions, present simple, and more! Use this course as the first step to achieving your English language goals. Knowing the foundations of any language is a must. So use this course to help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures And Algorithms In PHP" |
"PHP being the most popular server side scripting language powers more than 80% of the web. PHP is beyond Wordpress and it deserves more. By the release of PHP 7 , it is also capable of creating an enterprise application. We already know the importance of problem solving and arise in demand for developers especially web developers. Data structures are the core of computer science and it is the most involved topic on problem solving. Apart from being it is the most important topic asked in interview data structures helps to solve most of the problems when developing applications. So next time when your are going for a PHP developer interview and the interviewer asks to implement some data structure don't think of using C , C++ or Java... lets implement it with PHP itself!! In this series you will learn the most important world of linear data structures linked list, stacks and queues. You will learn how to implement it, how to perform insertion and deletion operations and some problems based on this data structures. Linked list :-Do you know PHP array(but trust me it is not the array like other languages) itself implemented with doubly linked list and hash table internally? In this you will learn the importance of linked list and why it is preferred for inserting and deleting the data when compared to array. You will learnHow to create an linked list in PHPHow to insert an element at first position of the listHow to insert an element at the last position of the listHow to insert an element at the given positionHow to delete the first element of the listHow to delete the last element of the listHow to delete an element at the given positionYou will learn all types of linked list that you definitely need to know.Stack:-Do you know the function calls and variable declarations are internally maintained using stack. Yes programming languages itself make use of stack data structure for some of its operations. In this you will learn,How to implement stack using arrayHow to implement stack using linked list(I hope you may come across this is interview)Some problems based on stackQueue:-Operating systems processes are rely on this cool data structure. In this you will learn How to implement queue using arrayHow to implement queue using linked listSome problems on queueTake your next step by enrolling to the course. Developers are on rise. But not everyone get hired those who know how to solve problems are the one getting hired. Apart from learning Laravel,Yii,etc,.. lets learn the core of problem solving. The reason I made two parts of this course is that next part consist of non-linear data structures which is some what difficult to grasp and more over we are going to develop an real world application based on all the data structures we learned. Yes!!! that's true. It is not enough to learn only the implementation of these data structures, we must need to know how to implement it at perfect scenario. Join the course to see more!!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terraform and AWS for Website Hosting" |
"As software developers, we often face a task of providing infrastructure for a web app we are building. There are tons of services to host the web app and provide CI/CD for it. A lot of them only creates abstraction levels above infrastructure as service providers such as AWS. And in reality, it is much easier to learn how to deal with Terraform and AWS, so that you can use those tools not only for hosting and providing CI/CD but for any DevOps-related task, you may encounter.In this course, we will buy a domain via Route53. Then we create a certificate via the Certificate Manager. After that, we will use CloudFront to deliver web app to the users. Then we will make CI/CD pipeline via CodePipeline so that every time we make a commit in particular branch web app will be updated. And finally, we will provide all this infrastructure for the stage version of the app. To create all this resource we will use Terraform, it means, we will not click buttons and fill forms to create resources but write actual code.At this course, you will learn how to create and manage AWS resource via Terraform. And next time you will need to provide infrastructure for a web app it will take you just a few minutes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start React Project: Best Practices" |
"At this course, we will make a project started with create-react-app scalable and production ready by adding libraries, common patterns, utils, reducers, and sagas. My goal at this course is to share with you my findings of the last few years about what steps and decisions are better to make at the beginning of development so that you will have a good starting point for your new project.We will bootstrap the new project with create-react-app and right from the start will add a tool that automatically formats our code. For state management, we will use Redux and will take a look at how to organize reducers the right way. Then we will introduce react-router to our app. For styling, we will use styled-components, and we will find how to better manage UI themes. Then we add Storybook a development environment for UI components. To make side effects easier to manage we will use redux-saga. Also, we will implement common patterns for authorization, so that later we will only need to add requests to the API. Then we talk about how to make our progressive web app installable. In the end, we will add tools for error tracking and analytics.All the source code you will find in the repository. Each part will have a link to the corresponding commit and names of libraries we need to install. There is a lot of things to cover in this short course so let's jump in."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Snake Game With Rust, JavaScript, and WebAssembly" |
"In this course, we will build a Snake Game with Rust, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. We will learn how to export API implemented with Rust to JavaScript app. We will get to know canvas rendering, applications of vectors, and basics of game development so that at the end of the course, you can take the core of this project and improve it or create your game.Before we start writing code, we need to have a clear vision of what we are going to build. Let's first decide on what features the game will have and how it will look like so that we can make a plan of action.We are going to build a classic snake game that you can see on the screen. When the snake eats food, it becomes longer, and the score increases. If the snake heats the wall or bites the tail game is over. Additionally, we will allow the player to stop the game by pressing the space button. To keep the user motivated, we will save the best score and show it alongside the current one. We make sure that the game looks good on any screen size, be it a tiny mobile phone or a large TV.We want each component of the game to be as independent as possible. We will implement the core logic of the game with Rust and will export API to JavaScript via WebAssembly.The main thing that we will export from Rust is Game struct with a constructor and two public methods. The first method will receive a duration from the last update and direction that the user wants a snake to take. The second method will check if the game is over.On the JavaScript side, we will run the game loop, call API methods, render all game elements, capture user input, and save the best score.Now let's plan how we are going to make it all happen. First, we will install the tools needed for development and start the project. Then we will create an instance of the Game struct from JavaScript. Next, we will render all the objects of the game. Then we will implement logic to place food in a random place that is free from the snake. After that, we will start the game loop and make the snake move. Next, we will allow the user to control the snake direction and stop the game. After that, we will make that every time the snake eats the food, its tail grows longer. Finally, we will complete the development of the game by adding logic that will restart the game when the player lost and deploy the game.All the source code you can find in the repository. Each part will have a link to the corresponding commit. There are a lot of things to cover in this short course, so let's jump in."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting Mastery" |
"Setting Goals are paramount if you want to achieve true success in life. This course gives you the Step by Step plan to * Set and reach your Goals and thus achieve Success in your Life. * Multiply your Productivity.* Stay Focused and get Results.* Visualize your Goals.* Review and Reflect your Goals.* Be more accountable towards your Goals.* Develop Winning Habits.* Handle Obstacles during the process of reaching your Goals.* Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Procrastination. * Build your inner motivation and passion, which in turn helps you to reach your Goals faster.* Handle Stress and Overwhelm which are a part of the process of reaching challenging Goals. This course helps you to Set and Reach Goals Successfully, gives you valuable productivity hacks how you can stay focused and take action towards reaching your goals, and it helps you get unstuck in your Goal Setting endeavors by helping you to Overcome Obstacles which prevent you from achieving your Goals. Thus by taking this course, you can accelerate your efforts to reach your desired Goals and achieve Success in life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas Hacker em Redes Wi-Fi (completo)" |
"Um curso que abordar e mostrar as principais tcnicas sobre invaso redes sem fio (wireless) . O curso possui os entendimentos necessrios para que se aprenda de tudo o que h de mais atualizado em invaso de redes wif-i. Um treinamento voltado especialmente para aqueles que desejam aprender como funcionam de verdade os ataques a redes wi-fi e o melhor de tudo! totalmente na prtica. No importa se voc iniciante ou especialista a busca pelo conhecimento sempre ser vlida! O curso de invaso a redes wireless voltado para qualquer pessoa, todos os passos so minuciosamente detalhados para que o aluno tenha o mximo de aproveitamento do contedo em cada aula."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |