Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"La formation avance en Autocad 2D" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation avance d'Autocad.Ce cours est un module d'apprentissage complet d'Autocad qui contient presque tous les dtails dont vous aurez besoin pour raliser vos rendus. Il est conu pour les utilisateurs dbutants et expriments.C'est notre deuxime formation sur le logiciel Autocad. Elle sera la suite du cours prcdent. Au cours de cette formation, vous allez apprendre raliser vos rendus et concevoir vos projets d'architecture sur Autocad. A la fin, vous serez capables de matriser l'intgralit de ce logiciel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
cyclocoagulation |
"- , "" "" ( 3D ), , , . . , , , , .This course is dedicated to methods of transscleral diod-laser cyclocoagulation - classical and microimpulse. The course allows ""to visit surgical theatre"" (watch 3D stereo film of classical procedure), will get familiar with indications and contraindications to DLCC, complications and its prophylaxis. Doctors will receive the sample of documents: surgical protocol, scheme of postsurgical medicines regimen, and list of instruments and medicines, needed for procedure. The language of this course is Russian."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda sobre empreendedorismo como alavancar seus negcios e ser bem sucedido, existe um caminho antes do sucesso que todos passam por ele, se algum conseguiu voc tambm consegue, se ningum conseguiu voc ser o primeiro.Se inspire com casos de sucesso que realmente aconteceram, e frases que tem o potencial de mudar sua vida!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux Storage" |
"Infelizmente, em minhas andanas, encontro empresas com servidores de arquivos mal estruturados no que se diz respeito a tolerncia a falhas. O disco rgido um componente principal para o armazenamento de dados, em contrapartida o que mais falha. Enquanto um processador, a placa me e memria so substituveis os dados gravados na HD no so. Um banco de dados corrompido pode representar uma perda irrecupervel para uma empresa. O RAID veio exatamente para contornar esse problema. Caso um disco venha a falhar, o sistema operacional ter um outro que o compensar resultando em um rpida recuperao dos sistemas sem perda de dados. Neste curso iremos estudar a fundo esse recurso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gelmi Gemi En yi AfterFX Eitimi (2019) - MasterClass" |
"After Effects CC 2019 ile detayl ieriinde tm teknik konular ieren ve dier Adobe rnleriyle etkileime sahip en kapsaml Trke kurslardandr.Kursumuzda After Effects renirken Photoshop ve Illustrator uygulamalaryla nasl tmleik alr hale geldiini beraber greceiz. Basit animasyonlar ile balayp ileri seviye grsel efektler kullanmaya balayacaz. Teorik bilgiler ile beraber Web Site Banner'lar, TV Subtitle'lar, Sosyal Mecralardaki animasyonlarda dahil olmak zere pek ok alanda rnek almalar ile ksa zamanda After Effects Uzman olacaksnz.Ksaca bahsetmemiz gerekirse grsel efektler, hareketli grafikler ve etkileyici videolar hazrlamak isteyen arkadalarmz bu eitim seti ile dijital dnyada video/grsel efekt alannda byk paya sahip olan After Effects'i basit ve anlalr ekilde renmi olacaklardr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:Video dzenleme ve montaj yapmak isteyenler,Dijital mecralarda grsel animasyonlar oluturmak isteyenler,Ksa film hazrlamak isteyenler,"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
bila-regime |
"- . ,, ( ) (2) : ( ): ( ) :- (-) - - """" - ( ) """" ( ) : (- - - - )- "" "" - : -- "" "" "" "" "" "" : -- - --- -"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
bela-regime-p02 |
""" "" (-- -- ----) . :- : "" "" :1---- 2- 3-: 4-20 5- /"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ingles bsico para principiantes TODO LO QUE NECESITAS SABER" |
" Este es un curso de ingles bsico que te ayudar a comunicarte fcilmente en ingles, sin complicarte tanto, nosotros somos una marca con mas de 10 aos de experiencia enseando alrededor del mundo va online. Nuestro canal de Youtube consta con casi 170 mil estudiantes dispuestos aprender, nos basamos en ensear de manera natural sin enfocarnos demasiado en los mbitos de la gramtica, sino que buscamos que nuestros estudiantes puedan HABLAR ingles sin dudar si estn usando bien o no las reglas gramaticales.Las razones para estudiar ingls son muchas y variadas. Aqu te queremos ofrecer las ms importantes, aparte de un poco de informacin sobre el idioma, y una lista con consejos prcticos con los que podrs aprender ingls de una forma mucho ms rpida y eficaz Tal vez la razn fundamental por qu estudiar ingls es tan importante es porque el ingls es fundamental a la hora de encontrar trabajo. El ingls nos dar acceso a una mejor educacin y por lo tanta a la posibilidad de un mejor puesto de trabajo. Nuestras oportunidades laborales se multiplicarn en cuanto dominemos el idioma. Tanto en reas gubernamentales como en empresas multinacionales, sin importar tu campo de trabajo, el ingls te aportar siempre ventajas a la hora de ascender o acceder a otro puesto de trabajo, ayudndote a mejorar tu situacin laboral actual. Otra importante razn para aprender ingls es que podremos acceder a una educacin mejor, sin limitarnos a las universidades o centros de formacin de nuestro propio pas. Adems nos dar acceso a informacin ms actual y completa, conoceremos los ltimos avances y podremos acceder a la mayora de textos cientficos, acadmicos y tecnolgicos, escritos en ingls. Segn un estudio ms del 56% de los sitios de Internet estn editados en ingls. En segundo lugar se encuentra el alemn con un 8%."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Small sided games nel calcio: che cosa sono e come usarli" |
"Gli small sided games (SSG) sono una metodica di allenamento che nasce dall esigenza di integrare in ununica forma di allenamento lo sviluppo dei temi tecnico-tattici, le richieste bioenergetiche della partita e la motivazione dei calciatori cos da ottimizzare il tempo dellallenamento.La moderna metodologia dellallenamento degli small sided games prevede lutilizzo di esercitazioni tecniche, con palla, nella forma di partite a ranghi ridotti per lo sviluppo delle capacit fisiche dei calciatori.In letteratura, si dimostrato che luso di esercitazioni a campo ridotto incrementi la crescita tecnica e fisica nei giovani calciatori, poich attraverso il maggior numero di contatti col pallone e attraverso linterazione con compagni si acquisiscono e si migliorano quelle che sono le abilit specifiche e capacit coordinative del gioco sviluppate in un contesto il pi fedele possibile. Inoltre, negli ultimi anni, i ricercatori monitorando le esercitazioni e manipolando alcune variabili: numero di giocatori, durata dellesercitazione, durata dei recuperi, numero di serie, numero di tocchi e dimensioni del campo hanno notato come queste influenzino la prestazione fisica.In questo Webinar vogliamo analizzare la letteratura scientifica degli ultimi 20 anni sullargomento, parlando sia delle risposte fisiologiche del carico interno sia delle richieste di carico esterno, evidenziando pregi e difetti degli SSG anche dal punto di vista tecnico e metodologico. Inoltre, cercheremo di capire quale sar il futuro degli small sided games e se cos strutturati potranno ancora esistere/resistere per molto tempo in questo calcio moderno in costante evoluzione metodologiche e tattica."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Preparazione Atletica Pre-Campionato" |
"Performancelab vi propone un nuovo corso online. Nel corso parleremo di Preparazione Atletica Pre-Campionato approfondendo in maniera dettagliata ogni argomento.Il corso tratter dei seguenti argomenti:La valutazione funzionaleQuali test utilizzare per valutare latleta? Come utilizzare alcuni elementi del functional movement screen (FMS) e del pattern motion assessment (PMA). Da dove partire programmando regressioni-progressioni in funzione dei deficit riscontrati?Test metaboliciQuali sono i test utili per valutare la condizione metabolica dei nostri atleti? Questi test sono davvero affidabili per poter costruire un programma di lavoro in grado di migliorare la fitness? Se si, quali sono i parametri da prendere in considerazione?Test di forzaCome scegliere una batteria adatta alle nostre esigenze? Analizziamo insieme i test pi importanti, per capire cosa valutare e come farlo, partendo dalle esercitazioni pi semplici a quelle pi complesse. Vi sono delle esigenze sport specifiche? Se si, quali test le individuano al meglio?Come programmare la forza?In base alla valutazione effettuata nei test neuromuscolari e ai risultati della valutazione funzionale, come possiamo stilare una progressione adeguata al miglioramento della capacit di forza? Vediamo insieme come e se possibile pensare ancora al concetto di forza come a quello di una periodizzazione, o se invece necessario adattarlo alle esigenze degli sport di squadra, che hanno richieste completamente differenti da una programmazione di sport individuale.Come calcolare la VAMCi addentreremo e approfondiremo un aspetto pi teorico ma assolutamente importante: il calcolo della VAM. In base a questo parametro ruotata la programmazione dei lavori metabolici per decenni, nel calcio e non solo. Cerchiamo di capirne gli aspetti fisiologici che lo contraddistinguono e come ancora possibile applicarli allo sport moderno.Come programmare lallenamento della resitenza?Siamo giunti probabilmente alla domanda delle domande: il lavoro metabolico deve essere svolto a secco, o con il mezzo (pallone)? In entrambi i casi, come si pu impostare una progressione di lavoro efficace?Che mezzi di allenamento scegliere?Monitorare il carico di lavoro uno degli aspetti certamente pi interessanti, importanti e anche complessi che contraddistinguono il lavoro del preparatore atletico, in qualsiasi disciplina. Un corretto monitoraggio del carico in grado di garantire la riuscita di un programma di lavoro, ridurre il rischio infortuni e permettere una performance ottimale; al contrario, un monitoraggio errato pu compromettere irrimediabilmente unintera programmazione. Partendo dai mezzi a costo zero, fino ai tools pi sofisticati, cerchiamo di capire quali sono i valori pi importanti da rilevare per ottenere il massimo dai nostri atleti.Come programmare il pre-campionato nei dilettanti?La pratica al centro di tutto: dopo aver analizzato una miriade di aspetti pi o meno teorici, proviamo ad unire i puntini. Quali sono le principali differenze tra un atleta dilettante e professionista? Come deve adattarsi il lavoro di conseguenza? Comprendere le diversit nellapproccio sar fondamentale per garantire la riuscita del programma di lavoro.Come programmare il pre-campionato nei professionisti?Che differenze ci sono tra dilettanti e professionisti? Da che livello partono i professionisti e come programmano i loro allenatori? Scopriremo insieme tutti i dettagli di una preparazione atletica pre-campionato fatta da un club di serie A."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping: Scrape Websites without Coding" |
"This course will teach you how to scrape data and useful information from any website without using any paid tools and without coding.The course will have STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIALS on video guiding you through the entire data scraping process. You will have lifetime access to the videos and can take the course at your own pace. If you've ever thought web scraping is like magic, you will be the magician at the end of this course. Remember:ANYONE can scrape web dataYou don't have to be a coder to scrape the internetEvery video in the course will teach you one new method of web scrapingAfter each lesson, you will be able to scrape more websites than you did in the last lessonAt the end of the course, you'll be equipped to scrape any website you wantThe course is 100% actionable and the scraping level increases slowly with each lessonYour web scraping skills will be better than programmers as you will leverage available methods and toolsRecent review: ""Practical stuff. Get scraping in a day.""This course will be particularly useful in:Web ScrapingGrowth HackingLead GenerationCompetitor ResearchBusiness DevelopmentDigital MarketingAnd to show off your amazing new skill to your colleagues and friends! Recent review: The instructor was very clear and precise about various web scraping concepts and tools. Enjoyed learning about various aspects previously unknown to me.WHY WEB SCRAPING?If you're a growth hacker or digital marketing, you would usually think of the most common application of web scraping as LEAD GENERATION. However, that's not all! Other than the application of web scraping in growth hacking, here are the other ways people use Web Scraping - Listings gathering - This is an area where the businesses are using web scraping to gather already listings from any website (example: job listings, real estate listings, etc - can be applied to any industryEmail Address gathering - The purpose of this is lead generation. Lead generation and Email extraction is a big application of web scraping for both B2B and B2C companiesProduct review scrapes - this is an important one and the reason why many companies use it is so that they can keep an eye on their competitors.Scraping for database creation or app creation - The purpose is to get similar data from different websites and then post all that data into one.Social listening - Collecting data from different social media websites, what's trending and what's in.Stat collection - Getting massive amounts of data for research purposes - This could be scraping of government websites or other websites for stats, general information and such.Research & analysis - Research companies pull in massive amounts of data and then make sense of it. Usually, this data is put into an analytics tool.User sentiment & product feedback analysis - Understanding customer sentiment and feedback by extracting reviews from E-commerce portals and other public forumsProduct catalog creation - Building product catalog and using price data from competitive pricingSocial campaign extraction - Extracting data from social media sites that allow crawling to gauge consumer trend and the way they react to campaignsAggregator creation - Extracting hotel data and airline data to build aggregators, generate leads and provide better a custom experience from the insights derived from the reviewsComparison sites - Building price comparison sitesRisk prevention - Various government and private watchdogs can use web scraping to prevent malicious activitiesCompetitor Analytics - Competitive intelligence by monitoring other playersReputation management - Scrape people profiles from social networks for tracking the online reputationSEO - Scrape search engine results for SEO trackingAd targeting - Provide better-targeted ads to their customersIf that's not enough, remember you can always build your own applications of web scraping. Recent review: The instructor has clearly explained what I need, spot on!Here's the secret:DATA is expensive. Most BIG companies today are in the data business. Everyone is making profits off of data. Web scraping helps you gather, collect, and organize data from the internet which you can use for any of the above, or more, applications and uses.This is probably the best skill you can build as it's a skill for multiple skills. Web scraping will make you a better marketer, a better entrepreneur, a better techie, and a better resource overall. Moreover, with the right application, web scraping is a skill that will make you richer.SO go ahead and up-skill yourself by adding web scraping to your credentials with this lean course. See you in the course :)And get ready to LEVEL UP and get the SUPERPOWER of being able to scrape any website on the internet!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Helix Jump UNITY" |
"50% -> BUY_1025% -> BUY_15 helix Jump"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herkes iin Tinkercad ile 3 Boyutlu Tasarm Dersleri" |
"boyutlu tasarm ve modelleme iin sadece Internet ve Tinkercad yeterli! Bu kurs ierii 3 Boyutlu tasarm hakknda bilgi edinmek ve tasarm yapmay renmek isteyen byk kk her ya grubundan herkese aktr.Bu kursa; ocuklarn kodlama alannda ynlendirmek isteyen anne-babalar, okulda ocuklara kaliteli cretsiz kaynak gstermek isteyen ayn zamanda 21.yy becerilerini kazandrmak isteyen retmenler ve bireysel proje gelitiren ve tasarmlarn geree dntrmek isteyen herkes katlabilir.Video eitim serisinde Tinkercadi en temel zellikleriyle ele alyoruz. boyutlu basit nesneler ve modeller yaratmak, bunlar yaratrken hazr ekilleri farkl formlarda kullanarak istenilen tasarm elde etmek ve tasarmlarmz nasl gelitireceimizi detaylca anlatyoruz. Bununla birlikte somut ve grsel bir anlatmla sadece Tinkercadi deil, aslnda boyutlu tasarmn temellerinikavryoruz."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Skills & Strategies for Better Productivity" |
"This course is constructed in an easy-to-follow approach and easy-to-understand sections .It is precise and to the point , thus it provides you with all the skills, strategies , and techniques , with a clear and systematic delivery .This course is loaded with real-life examples , so you will find yourself in one of the examples given inside .Plus , it carries the solution for each and every time wasting problem that you could have encountered .Not to forget, this course has many Action items and workouts that will help you to implement the strategies and techniques delivered inside this material .One nice thing about this material is that , each lesson has the main part "" explanatory part"" and then a ""recap part "" to help you stay on track .Go on , sign up and start benefiting from the advises given inside that will help you reach an optimum work/life balance See you inside Sam"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Universal React with Next.js. Complete guide - Updated 2020" |
"Next.js is a react framework which is very popular and a lot of big companies are using it. You can use Next.js to build universal JavaScript application. Think of react code which works for Server Side Rendering as well as Client Side Rendering and no pain when it comes to SEO. In this course you will learn a lot of new features about this framework.The course has been updated on Feb 2020 with Next.js v9"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendisliinin Temel Konular" |
"Gnlk yaamda kullandmz tm elektrik ve elektronik cihazlarn temeli olan elektronik devre elemanlarnn alma prensipleri ve uygulamalar sade bir dil ile anlatlmtr. Sistemin ileyii fizik ve matematik bilimi ile temellendirilmitir. Bu ders atom fizii ve elektronlar ile balayp, Ohm Kanunu, devre analizi, AC, DC, komplex empedans, RC ve RL devreleri ile devam etmektedir.Ar teknik ve matematiksel ilemli dier kurslarn aksine. bu video, eitmen ile birlikte bir yolculua kma tadnda olacaktr. En karmak ve matematiksel kavramlar anlalr bir ekilde sunulmutur. Elektrik-Elektronik Mhendisliinin tm teorik ve pratik ynlerini renmekle kalmayacak, ayn zamanda bu alanda edindiim deneyimleri gerek dnya ipular ve pf noktalar ile deneyimlemi olacaksnz.Bu kurs zellikle Elektrik-Elektronik mhendislii okumak isteyen arkadalara verecekleri kararda yardmc olacak ve internette teorik bilgilerini snayabilecekleri ara ve gereleri de renmi olacaklardr. Konu ierii zenginletirilerek mosfetler, tranzistrler, op-amp devreleri ile tamamlanacaktr."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Bode Plots and Stability of Power Supplies (Buck Converters)" |
"In this lecture, the concepts of frequency domain analysis, Bode plots, gain margin, phase margin, cross over frequency and the power supply stability criteria are explained.Power supplies are mostly designed in the frequency domain to obtain a lot more information about the relative stability of the power supplies. In the time domain where the power supply is given a step load and looked at its transient response, the stability criteria are not investigated properly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Potoshop CC Easy" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Master" |
"If you're scared to speak in front of others or need helping knowing what to say then this is the course for you. It tackles all the ins and outs of public speaking! All these tips can be incorporated to fit your exact needs, no matter the situation of public speaking you're in! You need that promotion at work? Then sound confident in front of others! You need your professor to give you a good mark? Then convince him/her in style! There are two main categories of public speaking...funny and serious speeches. However, all types of public speaking have very overlapped structures about them. If you need to sound better in front of others then this is the course for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"line& Illustrator ++ !" |
"ILLUSTRATOR++/ ILOGO99 LINEline , 6/HELLO KITTY//SNOOPY/7-11OPEN!ILLUSTRATOR ......................................................................................................................................!"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Improvising Pop Piano Accompaniment 1" |
"Have you ever wanted to just sit at the piano and play?Not worry about sheet music or knowing a certain song?Play in a band by just jamming on ideas?In this course you will learn the basics of Jamming. You will learn how to play chords and improvise different accompaniment patterns. You will start with the basics of music theory, major harmony, chord construction and the major scale. All this information once learned in the key of C major can then later be transposed to all other keys."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Object-Oriented Masterclass" |
"""- the use of classes ... is the source of a number of complications. This paper discusses prototypes as an alternative to classes ... In a prototype-based language, copying rather than instantiation is the mechanism provided to the user for making new objects.""This is a line from a 1986 research paper discussing prototypes as an alternative to classes. Did you know that JavaScript is a prototype-based language and does not need classes? Did you know that JavaScript's Object-Oriented system is actually simpler than classes?Unfortunately, due to the language being marketed as ""Java's little brother"", something called the ""constructor pattern"" was designed as a way to for the language to ""look like"" class-based Java. The decision to conceal JavaScript's true identity as a prototype-based language in favor of something that looked like half-baked classes has led to widespread confusion among developers that lives to this day.In this course, we will explore JavaScript's true identity as a prototype-based language and look at different ways of doing OOP in JavaScript. We don't ignore classes or constructors - we will study them deeply and learn how they are abstractions over a prototype-based system and learn how to effectively utilize them.In this lesson, we will learn how to write effective, maintainable and robust object-oriented code using JavaScript."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Developing Easy and Worthy" |
"HTML(the Hypertext Markup Language) andCSS(Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages.HTMLprovides the structure of the page,CSSthe (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices. Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web Styling HTML with CSS. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Discapacidad en el siglo XXI: Aprende lo ms avanzado." |
"La discapacidad, es reconocida como un fenmeno social, que corresponsabilidad a la sociedad en general. An no se entiende y conoce el tema y por eso la Inclusin Social, es un proceso lento en su construccin. Con este curso abrirs el panorama en los elementos y caractersticas que rodean al concepto. Al terminar, tendrs herramientas suficientes para ver a la Discapacidad desde otra perspectiva."
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"PHP v.7+ MySQL" |
", PHP . , , , PHP. ,5 . 6- CMS, ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Teacher of Me Myself and I (TOMMI)" |
"The Teacher of My Myself and Icourse was developed for people to understand that they are teachers of themselves. This connection will be made through understanding how their brain and body connects to process experiences through their thoughts and emotions. In the process students will develop self- confidence and identify through understanding themselves. This enables people to connect and learn life skills of resilience, success and the ability to achieve their life goals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Python -" |
"Python Python Google, Youtube, Dropbox Python PyCharm PyCharm Jetbrains Python IDEIntegrated Development Environment)ORM SQLAlchemySQLAlchemy Python ORM Flask Flask ExtensionsFlask Python Python web Pinterest API Flask 120Flask-WTF : WTForms Flask-Bcrypt : Flask-Login : Flask-login Flask-Uploads : Flask-Uploads debug web web"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Hiking with dogs" |
"This course is about hiking with dogs in the mountains . Hiking with dogs requires more than just walking out. You need to pack the right things, train on the right stuff and prepare both you and the dog for the challenges it entails. This course goes through preparation from packing to health check and food. It is a basic course and only takes into account the dog perspective."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The everyday dog" |
"This course is for those who want to understand your dog better and create a good everyday life together. This course addresses what a dog is, where it comes from and what it needs. Everything from the adult dog's perspective and it specially aims at those who have taken care of a rescue dog and who want to understand your dog better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner noseworks" |
"This is a course for those who want to activate their adult dog. You may want to compete in the future and in this course we lay the groundwork, but above all, this is an activity for adult dogs who need mental training and perhaps increased self-confidence. Extra good for so-called rescue dogs"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business E-Mail Writing Skills" |
"Complete this proven program and you will;Learn why you need to re-program your writing approach for the business worldImprove productivity by spending less time writing professional business e-mailsEnsure your business e-mails get read and acted onTransform your professional business writing image Practice many real business e-mail case studies with answersGain templates and tools which can be immediately applied to future work emailsNote:This is a professional communication skills program. Not suitable if you are looking to improve your English grammar, spelling or punctuation skills.What is in this program?4 x core section modules with activities +reflection 2 x practice section modules with multiple exercisesSome of the communication topics included on the program;- High +low context communication, rule of 23, curse of knowledge, flexing communication, signalling and more.......Bonus: Shared examples + assignment e-mails +practice exercises- Downloadable PDF workbook & answer book, vocabulary bank with templates + sample sentenceFeedback from other users on different platforms;""Wish i had taken this program earlier"" ""Extremely practical +useful"" ""Extremely helpful program"""
Price: 104.99 ![]() |