Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How To Break Habits and Master New Ones That Benefit You" |
"A lot is said by people about breaking habits and forming new ones. We are told it takes 21 days to form a new habit which is actually false.In this course, you will learn the different models of habit formation. Let your focus be the possibility of breaking the old habits one step at a time and replacing it with a new one."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Basic Childhood Trauma Recovery" |
"Children face trauma in different ways and forms. Due to their age, it may be difficult to identify this except one pays attention to this hence the need for this course.This course opens you up to the various aspects of childhood trauma such as what trauma is, signs and symptoms, types of trauma and most importantly basic recovery"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to sleep effectively and balance your mental health" |
"This course aims to teach the importance of sleep in the recovery from mental health problems. It also looks at how the lack of sleep can be the genesis of mental health problems. Everyone who takes this course will get to know what changes are needed to achieve the proper sleeping patterns. Sleep plays a great and critical role in our mental and psychological health.Over the years, research has shown that sleep is critical to our mental stability, emotional stability, and a great deal of productivity.This course focuses on types of sleep, the importance of sleep, best sleep practices, the impact of sleep on our mental health, the correlation between sleep and mental health, what do do if you cannot sleep properly, amongst other things.The goal is to see that at the end of this course, you will be able to sleep well if you put into practice lessons from this course. You also will be able to give knowledge to people who may be struggling with sleep but not diagnose them. Be informed that this course doesn't give any form of diagnosis but provides knowledge that you need to understand what happens to you or anyone who finds it difficult to sleep. You should consult a professional if you have sleep difficulty. I also provide professional help if you need someone."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Administer Psychological First Aid" |
"It has become necessary for everyone to be equipped with basic skills for providing aid in the face of a disaster. This course offers basic insight into psychology first aid, PFA.It also includes case study which shows how to intervene in the case of a collapsed building. 2 different approach methods were shared here which are the ASSIST Model and the 4 L model"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Iniciacin en Blockchain y Criptomonedas" |
"Te ayudaremos a sentar las bases para una inversin segura en CriptomonedasPersonas de distintas edades y profesiones se interesan cada vez ms en descubrir el apasionante mundo de las criptomonedas desde cero. Pero Qu son? Cmo se crean? Para qu sirven? Qu futuro tienen? Cmo me puedo beneficiar de ellas? Son una burbuja?.Son algunas de las preguntas que se responden en esteCurso Online de iniciacin en Blockchain y Criptomonedas.Porqu debera de hacer este curso?Tecnologa cambiante Al igual que toda la tecnologa, el mercado de las Criptomonedas evoluciona muy rpido y, con ello, las oportunidades de obtener rentabilidades consistentes. Este curso se actualiza peridicamente, para garantizar que la informacin proporcionada es an til.Desconocimiento del mercadoEl mercado de las Criptomonedas es an desconocido para la mayora, por lo que las opciones de compra de Criptomonedas an son muy atractivas. Cuanto antes aprendas, ms posibilidades tendrs de generar beneficios y rentabilidades.Inversin segn perfilNo necesitas una cantidad mnima para invertir, por lo que puedes minimizar tu riesgo hasta que te sientas seguro y confiado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3D-Druck Schritt fr Schritt Hard- & Software All-in-One" |
"3D-Drucken lernen Der Praxisguide fr EinsteigerSie interessieren sich fr 3D-Drucker und suchen einen praxisnahen und kompakten Einsteiger Kurs zum Thema 3D-Druck und dessen Grundlagen, haben aber keine Lust auf Lesen oder aufwendige Informationssuche? Dann sind Sie mit diesem Kurs bestens versorgt. Denn, in diesem Workshop lernen Sie alle Grundlagen, die Sie fr die Bedienung eines 3D-Druckers und fr die Umsetzung eigener 3D-Drucke bentigen. Starten Sie jetzt mit der anschaulich aufbereiteten, schrittweise gefhrten und professionellen 3D-Druck Anleitung im Videoformat.Die Vorteile im berblick:Schritt fr Schritt Grundlagen Erklrungen zur Verwendung von Hard- und Software. Durch die Anleitung eines Ingenieurs und erfahrenen Anwenders alle Grundlagen zum Thema 3D-Druck lernen und schnell einen einfachen Einstieg finden.Einfach nachvollziehbare Erklrungen der Thematik. Ideal fr Einsteiger, Anfnger und Anwender.3D-Drucker sind auch fr den Heimanwender bezahlbar. Inklusive einer Kaufberatung fr einen gnstigen 3D-Druck Anfang.Kompakt und auf den Punkt gebracht:Gesamtlaufzeit ca. 80 MinutenFAQs zum Kurs:Was kann ich im 3D-Druck Workshop lernen?Der Workshop beinhaltet alles, was Sie fr den Start in die Welt des FDM 3D-Drucks und dessen Anwendung wissen mssen. Von einer Kaufberatung bis hin zum Umgang mit der notwendigen Software und einem 3D-Drucker, sind auch Kapitel zu Materialien, Troubleshooting und dem 3D-Scannen enthalten. Schritt fr Schritt wird die notwendige Hard- und Software fr den 3D-Druck vorgestellt und anhand von Musterbeispielen, die sie kostenlos ausdrucken knnen, erlutert.Was brauche ich fr den 3D-Druck Kurs und wie lange dauert dieser?Der Workshop hat eine gesamte Laufzeit von ca. 80 Minuten (unterteilt in mehrere Einzellektionen). Sie knnen selbstverstndlich frei whlen, welche Kapitel Sie zu welcher Zeit ansehen mchten und jederzeit auch eine Pause einlegen. Fr den Workshop brauchen Sie idealerweise einen eigenen 3D-Drucker. Eine Kaufberatung ist im Workshop enthalten. Falls Sie kein eigenes Modell kaufen mchten, werden Ihnen auch Alternativen aufgezeigt, bei denen Sie externe Stellen nutzen knnen. Auch in diesem Fall knnen Sie von diesem Workshop profitieren.Was kostet ein 3D-Drucker?Qualitativ gut druckende 3D-Drucker fr den Heimgebrauch knnen Sie bereits ab ca. 400 erhalten. 3D-Druck muss also nicht teuer sein. Die allgemeine Preisspanne bewegt sich im Bereich FDM 3D-Drucker ungefhr zwischen 400 - 5000 .Ist das Tutorial nur fr 3D-Druck Einsteiger gedacht?Dieser Kurs ist generell fr alle am 3D-Druck oder allgemein technisch interessierten Menschen konzipiert. Egal ob nur zu Informationszwecken ber die Technik oder zur Anwendung und Umsetzung eigener Modelle. Alle Vorgnge werden ausfhrlich erklrt und sind gut verstndlich aufbereitet. Ideal ist dieser Kurs auch fr Tftler, Erfinder, Ingenieure, Architekten, Knstler, Studenten, Jugendliche usw.Von wem werden mir die 3D-Druck Grundlagen in diesem Kurs gezeigt?Der 3D-Druck Kurs wird von einem Ingenieur und erfahrenen Anwender im Bereich des 3D-Drucks geleitet.Ist 3D-Drucken lernen schwierig?3D-Drucken ist durchaus ein komplexes Thema, da der Umgang mit Soft- und Hardware erlernt werden muss. Ohne Hilfe kann man da schon einmal den berblick verlieren. Mit diesem 3D-Druck Tutorial haben Sie jedoch alle Informationen in einem Format vereint und behalten so stets den Durchblick. Auf diese Weise gelingen sowohl ein unkomplizierter Einstieg, als auch die weitere Anwendung.Was kann ich berhaupt mit einem 3D-Drucker anfangen?Sie haben die Mglichkeit zahlreiche (100.000+) tolle Objekte von sogenannten Content-Plattformen kostenlos herunterzuladen und auszudrucken. Sehen Sie sich als erste Inspiration auch gerne den Trailer des Workshops an.Lerne ich auch eigene Objekte zu konstruieren?Das Thema der Konstruktion eigener Ideen wird in diesem Workshop angeschnitten. Das heit, Konstruktionsprogramme werden vorgestellt. Der Vorgang des Konstruierens hingegen wird nicht gelehrt, da dies den Rahmen des Workshops sprengen wrde."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Workout - Gym ball - Physio" |
"Would you like to feel better in your body and try to do something fun? Do you want to stretch painful muscles and feel some good change after 20 minutes? would you like to have your private coach, wherever you are? Do you want to do exercise at home whenever the time is right for you? Yes? Then continue with reading.I have prepared this exercise on Gym Ball, because I have successful lessons for my in person clients and I really love it! You can find many exercises to help get six pack abs, but it's harder to find some exercise for the Gym Ball. So, I have decided to prepare one.Every lesson takes 20 minutes with warm up and cool down. The program of this course is for one week, but you can simply do this exercise forever, just change the repetition, or pick your favorite positions and do more of those.We will focus on our arms, legs, stomach muscles, and deep stability muscles. I have prepared 10 exercise positions for each lesson.You will get an introduction video about Gym Ball as well. I will talk about benefits/ adventures , what you do on Gym ball, or about the most common mistakes."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate and Complete Course on High-Probability Trading" |
"I have created this extremely comprehensive derivatives trading course with the sole purpose of helping aspiring and even experienced derivatives traders who are constantly losing money due to bad trading practices and inherent psychological hurdles. I have made it my personal goal to make this course as complete as possible as to provide a turn-key solution for individuals looking to succeed in trading on the financial markets. When considering the content and pricing of this course it should be clear that the sole aim is to educate and equip."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Balloon Art For Beginners!" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make basic balloon art, one balloon figures, balloon animals, shapes and hearts and a lot of cool stuff!If you want to make your life more funny, to be the coolest guy in the room and to earn some money from balloons - this one is for you!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Balloon Art For Advanced!" |
"If the answer is yes, this one is for you! cool balloon art for advanced! how to become pro, we will learn some cool stuff and take the balloon forward! If you want to learn some awesome things, creations and cool balloon art - this is your address!In this course you will learn how to make awesome balloon hats, cool more than one balloon animals, magic wands and wings and some extras!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning: Build neural networks in 77 lines of code" |
"From Google Translate to Netflix recommendations, neural networks are increasingly being used in our everyday lives. One day neural networks may operate self driving cars or even reach the level of artificial consciousness. As the machine learning revolution grows, demand for machine learning engineers grows with it. Machine learning is a lucrative field to develop your career.In this course, Iwill teach you how to build a neural network from scratch in 77 lines of Python code. Unlike other courses, we won't be using machine learning libraries, which means you will gain a unique level of insight into how neural networks actually work. This course is designed for beginners. I don't use complex mathematics and Iexplain the Python code line by line, so the concepts are explained clearly and simply.This is the expanded and improved video version of my blog post ""How to build a neural network in 9 lines of Python code"" which has been read by over 500,0000 students.Enroll today to start building your neural network."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning: Beginner Reinforcement Learning in Python" |
"This course is designed for beginners to machine learning. Some of the most exciting advances in artificial intelligence have occurred by challenging neural networks to play games. I will introduce the concept of reinforcement learning, by teaching you to code a neural network in Python capable of delayed gratification.We will use the NChain game provided by the Open AI institute. The computer gets a small reward if it goes backwards, but if it learns to make short term sacrifices by persistently pressing forwards it can earn a much larger reward. Using this example I will teach you Deep Q Learning - a revolutionary technique invented by Google DeepMind to teach neural networks to play chess, Go and Atari."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ENTENDA A MEDITAO As diferentes fontes de informao que encontramos na Internet nos deixam confusos. Afinal, o que a meditao? Quais os seus verdadeiros propsitos? Quais benefcios pode me trazer? Como fao para meditar se nunca consegui? Aprenda toda a teoria e prtica desta atividade milenar.AUTOCONHECIMENTO Conhea-te a ti mesmo Compreenda seu corpo, suas emoes, seus sentimentos, seus pensamentos como nunca imaginou ser possvel. O estado de Iluminao passa obrigatoriamente pelo autoconhecimento.RELAXAMENTO Aprenda como lidar e se defender do estresse dirio. Encontre dentro de voc mesmo a serenidade mental para superar com equilbrio e tranquilidade os desafios da vida.EQUILBRIO Controle os seus altos e baixos emocionais, sua raiva, suas dores, suas reaes exageradas. Atue com mais sabedoria interna, melhorando seu bem estar, relacionamentos e sade.EXPANSO DE CONSCINCIA Atravs da produo de um estado alterado de conscincia, expanda seu entendimento sobre a vida e o Universo. Percorra com mais profundidade o seu caminho espiritual.CONEXO COM O EU SUPERIOR Nunca nos entenderemos se no tivermos um dilogo aberto com nosso Eu Maior, que est alm da Mente Humana. Aprofunde esta conexo consigo mesmo, trazendo sabedoria, intuio, crescimento, paz interna e felicidade. PRTICA - APRENDA A MEDITAR DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS Voc j tentou meditar alguma vez e desistiu? Ento, faltou orientao correta, s isso D-se a chance de meditar de forma profunda, completa e verdadeira, atravs de tcnicas simples e fceis de serem seguidas. Aprenda a silenciar a sua mente agitada, compreenda o propsito de tudo que estiver fazendo durante a prtica e supere sua descrena em voc mesmo. Conhea uma nova realidade que j mora dentro de voc.MUDE SUA VIDA Voc entender por que a meditao milernamente considerada como a ferramenta mais importante para o nosso crescimento espiritual, expanso de Conscincia, Equilbrio Interno e Iluminao. FACILIDADE Diferente do que se imagina, a meditao pode ser feita por qualquer pessoa, independentemente de sexo, idade, estado de sade, agitao mental, religio, falta de tempo ou crenas limitantes. Saiba como meditar e como encaixar a meditao na correria do seu cotidiano, para usufruir de todos os incrveis benefcios que ela oferece."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"iMovie for Beginners - Create Your Own Movie With Confidence" |
"I am very excited to help you create and edit your own movie. It gives me much pleasure to know that I can be part of you making lasting memories using iMovie. Although I titled the course ""iMovie for Beginners"", doesn't mean you only get the basic stuff. You'll learn ""Advanced"" techniques as well! My goal is to get you from ""Zero"" knowledge of iMovie to a ""confident"" editor at the end of this course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer pruebas de Performance con JMETER" |
"JMETERes el software de Apache-java que nos ayudara a hacer pruebas de rendimiento est en alta demanda Ejemplos en tiempo real en la prueba de carga con la herramienta de prueba de rendimiento de cdigo abierto ms popular: JEMTEREl curso ms popular en espaol en udemy con las inscripciones de estudiantes ms altas y excelentes comentarios Incluye soporte de instructor de por vida El curso est diseado de tal manera que el usuario puede comenzar las cosas desde el principio sin ningn conocimiento previo en Jmeter o Performance Testing Una vez finalizado el curso, se dominar en la definicin de casos de pruebas de rendimiento con Jmeter y podr implementarlo con xito en su lugar de trabajo o seguramente aterrizar en trabajos de alta remuneracinA continuacin se muestra el curso que enseo aqu en esta plataforma y muchos ms en camino! Para pruebas de automatizacin web: 1.- Thread Group2.- Samplers3- Timer4.- CVS5.- Listener6.- Log7.- Variables8.- Comand Line9.- Assertions10.- HTTP SMTP11.- HTTP Request12.- HTTP JDBC13.- HTTP FTP14.- Pre Procesor15.- Expresion Regular16.- Reporte Grafico17.- Plugins Manager18.- Record Blazemeter19.- Recording With Jmeter20.- Api RestY otros conceptos"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"La guia completa de REACT (Redux, Thunk, json-server), 2019" |
"Este curso te introduce de manera sencilla y sin muchos explicacin al desarrollo de aplicaciones web con Javascript y la librera React. Adoptando un enfoque prctico y directo, y mediante el desarrollo paso a paso de un proyecto, te mostramos las claves del desarrollo con React, aplicando Redux, Redux-Form,Thunk, json server.Este curso se divide en varias secciones. En cada seccin ahondamos un poco cada vez para que al final termines con un conocimiento slido y claro de cmo empezar y continuar con una aplicacin web desarrollada con React. Creando una tienda Deportiva el cual se puede adaptar a cualquier sistema web.Ademas tendremos un repositorio donde podras descargar todo el cdigo de nuestra aplicacion y podras comparar con el avance de tu codificacin para no perderte en la implementacin.Puntos que se abarcan:Material de apoyoIntroduccin al Mundo de ReactInstalacin y preparando nuestros entornosEnlazando nuestro primer proyecto React y GIT LabCreando nuestro primeros componentes en REACTComponentes en React : Ciclo de VidaHeader y FooterReact Router y Componente ContactoLogin en ReactConceptos y aplicacin de ReduxConcepto y aplicacin de Redux FormReducerRedux ThunkFeedBack ConceptoJson Server"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"API testing - RestAssured (Spring boot) y HTTPClient" |
"El curso de servicios web / API Testing est diseado para hacerte un experto en trabajar con Back End Testing.Hoy en da, casi todas las aplicaciones web utilizan servicios web para comunicarse o interactuar entre s. La mayora de los servicios web modernos se basan en la arquitectura de transferencia de estado representativa (REST); REST ha ganado mucha popularidad y continuar haciendo lo mismo debido a su simplicidad en comparacin con otras tecnologas.El 90% de la industria de TI ahora se dirige hacia esta API para automatizar servicios. Al finalizar el curso Estar familiarizado con las pruebas REST API utilizando swagger, Java Spring Boot , RestAssured y puede implementarlo con xito en su lugar de trabajo o seguramente obtendr un trabajo de alto pago."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Aprediendo Protractor para aplicaciones Angular desde cero" |
"Esta es una serie de cursos de automatizacin JMETER, Restassured, Serenety, transportador""Bienvenido al curso en lnea en el mundo que cubre la automatizacin usando la API de Protractor usando Javascript Jasmine mas creacion de jobs en jenkis Por qu transportador? Protractor resulta ser la herramienta de prueba de automatizacin ms popular del mercado con un aumento repentino de la demanda de marcos de Javascript como Angular, React for Front End UI development.Protractor es desarrollado por el equipo central de Angular y tiene una ventaja clara sobre todas las otras herramientas de prueba para la automatizacin de Angular Apps en trminos de estabilidad, confiabilidad, rendimiento y complejidad del cdigo.Como beneficio adicional aparte del transportador, aprender muchas nuevas tecnologas en este curso, como Javascript, mecanografiado, nodo, jazmn, etc.Como regalo te dare el repositorio del framework RestAssured para que te descargues y hagas la prueba backend automation A continuacin te muestro se muestra el contenido del curso que cubrimos:-Introduccin al transportador-Instalar aplicaciones y complementos para encontrar elemetos -Conceptos bsicos de Node.js con instrucciones de configuracin-Configuracin e instalacin del transportador-Conceptos bsicos de Javascript-Descripcin general de la API del transportador-Diferentes estrategias de localizacin disponibles en Protractor-Comprender las promesas asincrnicas de Javascript-Trabajar con elementos de IU angular con transportador-Comprender el archivo de configuracin-Encontrar elemetos con varios complementos-Generar Reportes Allure-Generar un Screeshot de la corrida de testing-Instalar Jenkis-Crear un Job en JenkisTe deseo lo mejor! Nos vemos en el curso :)Para quin es este curso?Cualquier software profesional QA automatizacin o cualquier persona"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias. Mas de 40 problemas!" |
"Primero, mediante el siguiente cupn obtienes descuento de 50% Cupn: 52A613D601F55B507B1CEn este curso encontraras una gran variedad de ejercicios que resolveremos de diversos tipos de ecuaciones diferenciales, esta rea de la matemtica es muy practica, y resolver muchos problemas ayudara a dominar mas las ecuaciones diferenciales. El rea de las Ecuaciones Diferenciales es muy importante para un ingeniero, matemtico, fsico o qumico, existen muchos fenmenos fsicos que su comportamiento puede modelarse matemticamente, y en esos modelos estn involucradas las ecuaciones diferenciales. En este curso tambin encontraras problemas de aplicacin fsica Con respecto a la evaluacin, el curso consta de 7 evaluaciones, para incentivar mas al estudiante a que resuelva ejercicios por si solo, incluso se le recomienda resolver ejercicios que son resueltos en el curso antes de que se muestre su solucin ( esto una vez dada la teora y al menos un ejemplo del tema). El estudiante puede tener comunicacin directa con el instructor, realizar comentarios y preguntas que sern respondidas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estudio de los Circuitos Elctricos de Corriente Continua" |
"Obten un descuento mediante el siguiente cupn:CUPON: D1EE07EF9011277B97E8En este curso se explicar y desarrollar desde 0 las bases tericas para la simplificacin y reduccin de circuitos elctricos de corriente continua, tambin se resolvern diversos problemas de cada tpico del curso. Las redes elctricas son la base para la carrera de cualquier area de la electricidad, (electrnica, potencia, sistemas de control, ...), por lo que es de suma importancia aprender y tener claras la teora de redes. Con el desarrollo de ejercicios en el curso el estudiante crear destrezas y habilidades a la hora de resolver estos problemas. El curso consta de mltiples evaluaciones, lo que incentiva al estudiante a resolver ejercicios por si solo, ademas de obtener confianza al ver el resultado de sus evaluaciones. El estudiante puede tener comunicacin directa con el instructor, realizar comentarios y preguntas que sern respondidas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL. Curso completo de SQL. Aprende desde cero. Comandos SQL" |
"Aprenders a realizar consultas bsicas y avanzadas, realizar actualizaciones y modificaciones sobre cualquier base de datos, mediante el lenguaje SQL.Estos conocimientos de SQL sirven para cualquier base de datos del mercado: MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, y muchas ms.Aprender SQL es una de las formas ms rpidas para mejorar tus perspectivas profesionales, ya que es una de las habilidades tecnolgicas ms demandadas actualmente!En este curso aprenders rpidamente, mediante ejemplos con explicaciones cortas y sencillas!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Amazon AWS. Curso bsico de Amazon AWS. Aprende desde cero" |
"Amazon AWS Aprende la computacin en la nube con el proveedor lder del mercado, Amazon AWS.Temas tratados en este curso de introduccin a los servicios en la nube de Amazon AWS:IAM - Gestin de acceso e identidad IAM - Introduccin IAM - Grupos IAM - Usuarios IAM - Roles IAM - Polticas IAM - Contraseas IAM - Acceso multifactor IAM - Laboratorios entrar con usuario nuevo y otro con verificacin multifactorS3 - Almacenamiento de datos seguro en la nube S3 - Introduccin S3 - Crear bucket y subir ficheros al bucket S3 - Control de versiones de los ficheros S3 - Copias de seguridad de los ficheros S3 - Lnea de comandos - CLI - Acceso desde SSH a los recursos de S3 S3 - Ciclo de vida de los ficheros S3 - Seguridad y encriptacin S3 - Transferencia acelerada de datos S3 - Laboratorio para crear sitio web esttico S3 - Eliminar ficheros y bucketsCloudFront - Distribuir datos globalmente CloudFront - Introduccin CloudFront - LaboratorioStorage Gateway - Nube hbrida Storage Gateway - Explicacin de la nube hbridaSnowball - Migracin de datos Snowball EC2 - Capacidad informtica en la nube EC2 - Introduccin EC2 - Crear instancia con servidor web Apache EC2 - Parar y eliminar una instancia EC2 - Grupos de seguridad EC2 - Volmenes o discos virtuales EC2 - Balanceadores de carga EC2 - Crear una imagen de una mquina - AMI EC2 - Crear una AMI en otra regin EC2 - Crear copia de seguridad - snapshot EC2 - Borrar una instancia, una imagen y una copia de seguridad EC2 - Lnea de comandos - CLI - Acceso desde SSH EC2 - Roles EC2 - Ejecucin de comandos al arrancar una instancia EC2 - Datos de instancia y de usuario EC2 - Autoescalado - Incrementar nmero de servidores (instancias) automticamenteCloudWatch - Monitorizacin de los servicios AWS CloudWatchEFS - Almacenamiento de archivos flexible EFS - Introduccin EFS - LaboratorioLambda - Ejecutar cdigo sin servidores Lambda - Introduccin Lambda - LaboratorioRoute 53 - Gestionar dominios en el cloud Route 53 - Introduccin Route 53 - Crear un dominio web nuevo Route 53 - Crear instancias EC2 para el dominio nuevo Route 53 - Enrutamiento ponderado Route 53 - Enrutamiento simple Route 53 - Enrutamiento de conmutacin por error Route 53 - Enrutamiento por geolocalizacin Route 53 - Enrutamiento por respuesta multivalorBases de datos Bases de datos - Introduccin Bases de datos - Crear instancia MySQL y conectarse desde EC2 Bases de datos - RDS - Backups, snapshots, multi-AZ y rplicas Bases de datos - RDS - Laboratorio Bases de datos - DynamoDB Bases de datos - Aurora"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Productivity and Organize Your Life" |
"A positive attitude and a willingness to learn new things are absolutely required for this course. Basic computer skills will also help you get the most out of this class when we reach the lectures pertaining to your digital life. Ill be using my Apple computer for these sections, but you should be able to pick up the basic concepts and apply this to whatever machine you use. Overwhelmed with tasks, documents, ideas, things, etc? Take this course.Need someone to come in and just save you from this mess? Take this course.Already slightly organized, but want to reach your final form? Take this course!Some of the tools Ill be using in my lectures:Calendar (any calendar app or physical calendar will suffice)Trello (free)Dropbox (free until 2GB, plans available thereafter)iCloud (free until 5GB, plans available thereafter)Airmail ($9.99 USD, Mac only, any mail client with similar features will suffice)Numbers (any spreadsheet program will suffice)External Hard DrivesThe powers youll acquire from this course: * Be able to take on every day with precision because everything is already laid out for you. * Create a system that works best for you and allows you to be productive.* Streamline the everyday organization of documents and media files.* Learn methods to be more effective with your organizing so that you never have to think about it.* Automate tasks that will free up your time to do the things that matter to you (like binge-watching the entire Star Trek franchise if thats your thing).My students are looking to increase their productivity by putting systems in place that will streamline their everyday tasks. They want to free up their schedule and eliminate the distractions of a cluttered lifestyle so they can focus on their projects and dream life."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Medical Terminology" |
"This online, self-paced course uses narrated presentations, pictures, and tables to introduce you to: 1) medical combining forms, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations; 2) anatomy and physiology basics of body systems; 3) pathologies and associated signs and symptoms; 4) procedures, therapeutics, and healthcare specialties; and, 5) associated pharmacology! Perfect for medical students, pre-med students, nurses, therapists, social workers, and the curious student of any age!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NCLEX - Pediatric Eye, Ear, & Throat Disorders" |
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NCLEX - Pediatric Integumentary (Skin) Disorders" |
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NCLEX - Pediatric Hematological Disorders" |
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Direito Administrativo para Administradores Hospitalares" |
"O curso tem como objetivo auxiliar os administradores hospitalares, principalmente queles que mantm relaes com o Poder Pblico, a entender e compreender o direito administrativo e seus impactos nos instrumentos jurdicos firmados entre parceiros pblicos e privados. No curso bsico o aluno ter acesso ao conceito de Direito Administrativo, seus princpios, conceitos de Administrao Pblica, um panorama geral dos principais instrumentos jurdicos (contrato administrativos, convnios, termos de parceria, contratos de gesto, entre outros) e algumas diretrizes do relacionamento com o Poder Pblico.O curso fornece uma exclusividade aos seus alunos matriculados: dois certificados de concluso do curso. Um certificado expedido pela Udemy ao final do curso e outro pela Law & Health Courses, caso tenha um aproveitamento superior a 70% no exame final e tenha completado todas as aulas. Ambos os certificados no possuem validade para fins de crditos acadmicos, porm continuam a ser uma excelente ferramenta para atestar os conhecimentos para fins profissionais."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Paying off Student Loan Debt, The Complete Finance Course" |
"THE ULTIMATE STUDENT LOAN COURSE - LEARN HOW TO GET DEBT FREE AND TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR PERSONAL FINANCES! BREAK FREE FROM YOUR STUDENT LOANS!Set yourself up for success and take full control of your student loans - from Repayment to Refinancing.With years of experience coaching folks to pay back their student loans and helping my student save $750k in interest, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge. And today, we want to share that information with you. Well help you take the first (or second) step in getting debt free.In this course, we have simplified the student loan process. One that typically brings stress, uneasiness, and frustration will no longer do so as you understand and take control of your finances.The student loan industry is an ever-changing landscape. This course will serve as your roadmap to navigating the steps and ensuring you are on your way to being debt free!So, whether youre 250k in debt, or 15k in debt let this course be the first step of a lucrative and debt free life.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Why pay off your student loans in the first place?1. Eliminate monthly payments Lets be honest, nobody likes paying monthly on debt. So, youll be happy to hear that we dive through specifics so that can have the $500 payment back in your pocket as quickly as possible. 2. Your interest rates are killing you, REFINANCE TODAY Your private loans likely have HIGH interest rates that are causing you to pay $1,000's and $10,000's in added money to banks. Lowering your interest rates = keeping more $$$$ for yourself.3. Live debt free Debt sucks. I get it. I graduated college and came out of school with $30K in student loan debt. Not knowing what to do, I studied the ins and outs of student loans for 3 months and taught myself the best way to refinance student loans. Through this process I was able to refinance not only my loans, but also my 2 siblings student loans and save the 3 of us a combined $75K in future interest. 4. Take control of your personal finances Most people don't pay off their student loans until well into their 30s and sometimes 40s. A 4-year degree should not cost you 20 years of your life.5. Educate yourself Knowing more about student loans not only will help you with paying them off faster, but also help you know more about personal finance and deepen your knowledge in an oftentimes neglected area of your life. 80% of your decisions are made off money, so you might as well get a grip on it!So if youre looking for a challenging and rewarding career, I highly encourage you to take the interview prep seriously!Just ask the students whove already taken this course: Have learned more about Student Loans and personal finances in 30 minutes the 20 years of school. Through the refinancing process I was able to save ~$8000 in interest by refinancing my private student loans. The excel spreadsheet is extremely helpful for keeping track of loans. Highly recommend this course! --Emily Bowe Such a great course! Very happy I was able to take it!-- Logan Guest This is just what I have been looking for. I have previously been kind of lost scouring YouTube for help with refinancing, and have come to a dead end (watch a few hour+ long videos that didn't get me anywhere). I appreciate how this information is current and gets right to the point. Definitely will rewatch as I am working through this process and look forward to any future content. This should be 101 requirement for any student entering college. -- Mark James As a recent college graduate, I think it is important to understand student loans and how they can be adjusted according to ones lifestyle. I think this course did a great job in explaining the basic of student loans and how to approach refinancing them. Would definitely recommend to others! -- Zach HustWhat exactly is included in this course?Student Loan Basics learn what your loans actually areA breakdown of each of the types of loansLearn how to properly refinance your loans, and which loans not to refinanceGain insight into how much your loans will cost to pay back.Example: $30,000 Loan, 7% Interest Rate, 15 year term = $270/month payment and $18,537 in interestYou pay $48,537 for a $30,000 Loan!!!! - You're getting screwed!!Still Unsure?I understand why this course, why not just google and youtube your way to student loan success so heres a list of extra bonuses that are included, as part of your enrollment to the course:- Comprehensive student loan spreadsheet - so you never feel unprepared again!- A Guide to Refinancing there's a right and wrong way to do it. You might as well go with the right.And if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of the course, youll have the knowledge and the means to apply that knowledge, to not only your student loans but your entire personal finances.So, if you have any interest at all in making your career a successful one, enroll today, and get started learning the fundamentals of the student loan process today!What youll learnFederal vs Private LoansHow to properly pay back loansMinimizing your interest paymentsHow to refinanceHow to pay off your loans fasterWhat to pay off firstPersonal finance tips and mindsetAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?NoWho this course is for:Recent grads and individuals with student loansFolks looking to get debt freeFinancial AdvisersThose who want to level up their personal finances"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Descomplicando RESTFul API's com Laravel" |
"Este curso ir te mostrar de forma clara como possvel criar uma API RESTFul em pouco tempo com Laravel. Curso sem enrolao, direto ao ponto e com bastante reaproveitamento de cdigo!Abordaremos assuntos relevantes que outros cursos no abordaram ainda. Voc entender a implementao do jwt-auth, aprender sobre CORS, Upload de arquivos, relacionamento de tabelas, traduzir a api e muitas outras coisas. O Curso tambm foca no reuso de cdigo, pois uma das grandes vantagens que temos em utilizar o Laravel nos nossos projetos. Enfim, voc se tornar um desenvolvedor backend mais completo com este curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Colocando um Sistema Laravel em Produo" |
"Neste Curso iremos aprender como simples colocar um sistema Laravel em Produo.Hospedaremos nosso sistema na LocaWeb, GoDaddy, tudo explicado e sem mistrios, realmente do Zero.Iremos conhecer um pouco sobre o Software WinSCP, comandos do Shell do Linux para compactar arquivos com a extenso .tar.gz , mudaremos a verso do php destas hospedagens e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |