Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
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Price: 9000.00 ![]() |
"How to start selling on Amazon." |
"This course takes you from 0 to having your first product all set and ready to be sold on Amazon. We will take you step by step through all the phases of getting your Amazon business started. From doing proper product research to finding your first product. Also on how to create your own brand and make the product your own, all the way through negotiating with suppliers and testing your first prototype. This course contains exclusive information gathered by AMZScout from working and interacting with thousands of its users that are successful sellers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"APRENDA A INVESTIR: O dinheiro trabalhando para voc ;)" |
"Bem vindos ao CURSO de INVESTIMENTOS para sua LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA, eu sei que isso pode assustar um pouco, quando entrei nesse MUNDO dos investimentos tambm me assustou.Mas tive a oportunidade de aprender com os MAIORES INVESTIDORES o real sentido do mundo dos investimentos, tambm dediquei horas e horas do meu tempo lendo dezenas e livros sobre o assunto, e cheguei em uma simples concluso: INVESTIR realizar o SONHO da LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA;)Isso mesmo, quando voc investe com propsito, voc alcana a LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA, nesse momento os rendimentos dos seus INVESTIMENTOS pagam seu estilo de vida dos SONHOS, e nessa JORNADA quero ensinar exatamente isso, voc vai aprender o que precisa, sem mimi das teorias financeiras, e sem as conversas fiadas de quem apenas FALA mais nunca FAZ.Tenha certeza, tudo que voc vai aprender nesse curso EU COLOCO em PRTICA na minha VIDA, voc vai ter todos os meus segredos, vou indicar e ensinar apenas o que eu fao.Se o que fao certo?!Os resultados vo mostrar para voc, ento garanta agora sua VAGA nesse incrvel CURSO que vai preparar sua vida para LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"""Cmo ser Feliz!!"" Concete a ti mismo." |
"No te ha ocurrido que te levantas sin ganas de ir a trabajar, o sin energa. Pensado Por qu te toca hacer lo que estas haciendo?No sabes que te gusta y menos que te hace feliz. Pues el inconveniente muchas veces radica en que no sabes quien eres!!Este curso est basado en mi libro ""La prctica de la Felicidad"", especficamente en materia de Autonocimiento. En el que encontraras herramientas para conocerte mejor, conocer lo que eres, y quien crees que eres, y lo que puedes llegar a SER. Contenidos:Introduccin a la Felicidad: definicin segn la cienciaHistoria de la Felicidad: antecedentes histricosLa ciencia detrs del autoconocimiento:Herramientas prcticas para descubrir:Quin EresCmo te ven los dems La historia de ti vida quin te hizoTipo de personalidad: miedo y motivadoresInteligencia EmocionalPsicologa positiva de Martn Seligman: placer, fluir, propsitoLas 5 dimensiones de la felicidad segn Tal Ben Shahar5 Hbitos de felicidad, retos y actividades. Es el primero de una serie de 7 cursos: PrximamenteLa prctica de la felicidad: relacin con los demsLa prctica de la Felicidad: atencin plena.La prctica de la Felicidad: comunicacin y cooperacinLa prctica de la Felicidad: hbitos mentales positivosLa prctica de la Felicidad: ciencia detrs de la gratitud y la innovacin.La prctica de la felicidad: la felicidad en la empresa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 pasos para escribir tu libro (Cmo escribir un libro)" |
"Si eres de los que quiere escribir un libro pero no sabe por dnde iniciar, qu se requiere y cmo son los trmites legales, pues este es el curso para ti. 10 pasos sencillos sobre todo el proceso que conlleva escribir un libro, incluye consejos y ejercicios prcticos. Contenido:10 pasos para escribir tu libroPaso 1. Intencin y tipo de libroPaso 2. Miedos y paradigmas al escribirPaso 3. Cmo iniciar: creatividad y Mapas metalesPaso 4. Planeacin y OrganizacinPaso 5. Consejos para RedaccinPaso 6. Revisin y edicinPaso 7. Diseo libro y portadaPaso 8. Editoriales y AgentesPaso 9. Plataformas de Publicacin en lnea (autopublicacin)Paso 10. Registro e ISBNEscribir un libro trae mucha felicidad, pero tambin es una buena opcin al momento de cuidar tus ideas. Despus de haber escrito 6 libros y ms de 100 artculos quiero hacerte la vida ms fcil!! Bienvenido!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"0 zu 100.000 Instagram Follower - erstellt von Influencern" |
"Dies ist der effektivste Kurs zum Thema Instagram Marketing.Wir decken von A-Z alles ab, was du wissen musst, um bis zu 100.000 Abonnenten aufzubauen.Dieser Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Anfnger als auch an fortgeschrittene Instagrammer, die bereits Erfahrung mit der Plattform haben.Ich selbst habe ber 100.000 Abonnenten und Wissen aus eigener Praxis Erfahrung vermitteln."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bioestatstica Bsica Fcil" |
"O curso de Bioestatstica Bsica ensinar aos alunos os conceitos bsicos de bioestatstica e fornecer elementos para o desenvolvimento de TCCs, teses de Mestrado e Doutorado nas reas de sade. Linguagem clara e excelente didtica para o completo entendimento do contedo programtico. As aulas tero exemplos prticos em pesquisa cientfica e vdeos em excelente qualidade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Awakenings, a course in Spiritual Awakening" |
"YOU WANT TO KNOW YOUR SOULS PURPOSE!YOU SHOULD BE LIVING EACH DAY FILLED WITH JOY, EXCITING CHALLENGES WHILE CREATING NEW IDEAS.If you feel frustrated and confused as to why your life is not the way you once imagined it, believe me---YOU are NOT alone.It is only because you dont REMEMBER the rules to navigating life as you have been conditioned to think that life is full of sacrifices and difficulty.Its not hard to start now. YES, this very secondYou need an Awakening!!!Here are a few signs that you are not living your Souls Purpose:You feel frustrated at your present lifeyour job, your relationships and/or your financesYou have an extreme desire for solitudeYou no longer like what you once liked to doYou go through bouts of anxiety and depressionYou feel like deep down you know that life should not be this hardYou crave more joy in your lifeIf any of these statements are TRUE for you, its time to stop hitting snooze on LIFE and start CREATING your Legacy Worth Re-Telling!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"pfSense - Fundamentos y Administracin - en Espaol" |
"Aprend a usar pfSense y maximiza tus conocimientos con esta excelente herramienta de firewall.Aprenders todas las tareas necesarias para la administracin diaria de esta potente herramienta.Realiza control de contenidos, permite tener redundancia de acceso a internet, conecta lugares remotos entre s, permite que un usuario acceda a la red estando fuera de su oficinas, todas estas cosas y muchas ms las podrs aprender en este magnfico curso.Deberas contar con conocimientos basicos de redes, servicios, DNS, IP, DHCP, entender que es una ruta, y la mayoria de los terminos necesarios para entender un curso que te dira como hacer tal o cual cosa de manera explicita.Unico curso que va al centro de las cosas, al hueso, como un pitbull.Y lo mejor de todo es que este curso EST DICTADO COMPLETAMENTE EN ESPAOL"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manual Photography: Use Your Camera Wisely" |
"If you love photography, but youre still shooting automatically, this class is for you. It will put you in your journey of being a professional photographer and gives you a big push forward.In this 25-minute class, you will learn about fundamentals of camera controls, the effects which they have on your final photo, key factors to a successful image and essential compositions; so you understand better what you can possibly accomplish with your camera.In this class youll understand:Focal LengthFocusApertureShutter SpeedExposure TriangleLensFile FormatsWhite BalanceCompositionLightingSubjectAfter this class, you will have better ideas for capturing your subjects; and because you will learn how to shoot manually and understand how cameras work, you can bring those ideas to life a lot easier.Enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Testosterone and Sex Drive Naturally" |
"Whether you're a man or a woman; by increasing your testosterone levels and optimizing your endocrine system, you can experience the real power that's been inside you, and become a truly superhuman. Of course not Superman or Wonder Woman, but the super version of yourself. whatever it is.By optimizing your hormonal system, not only you experience the peak of your sex drive; but also you'll have more energy, productivity, motivation, strength, and confidence. you will have better health, you will combat depression, reduce injuries, and regain your romantic drive.After all we are in the age of information. And finding a lot of it on any subject on the web for free is not a hard thing to do. So, what makes this course different?I put a lot of emphasis on ONLY giving you the information that is not hard to implement, nor confusing at the end.This course is not about bombarding you with a lot of information but only giving you the straight forward & easy strategies that really works and cuts down years of trials and errors for you.So, This course will be a SHORT and PRACTICAL guide to help you increase your testosterone levels naturally & safely to experience the peak of your sex drive.Hope you enjoy..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling: Engage Your Audience Share Ideas Effectively" |
"Learn how to tell a story in an engaging way.Whether you want to use storytelling for entertainment, sharing ideas, or marketing; This class is for you. It makes you understand how stories work and helps you start to write your own story.This 30-minute class covers all the fundamentals of storytelling. You will learn about the Story, Plot, Emotional arc of a story, Keeping a story fresh and exciting, Characters, Overcoming writers block, and Starting a story in an engaging way.This class is filled with tips and tricks for all levels."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lucid Dreaming: Complete Guide Beginner to Advanced" |
"I don't know about you, but it's always hard for me to read a long description of a course to figure out if it's useful or not. So, we decided to make it easy for you, we as the Skill360 team don't believe in making things harder than they seem.So we made a short introduction (7 minutes) which is free and by watching it, you will understand the whole structure of the course. You will also get other useful information about lucid dreaming which could be helpful for you.I hope you enjoy and find this course valuable."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Beneficial Tips When Buying A Car" |
"Years ago, you could pretty much figure on just about three different makes of cars to select from. Everyone had their favorites and as far as colors went, well youd better like black or white! Financing was much different back then as well. If you did not have A+ credit you could figure on walking or finding an alternate form of transportation. There were no alternatives for borrowing. It was the bank or a finance company.You did not have much trouble back then with selecting a dealer either. Each town or municipality generally had one dealer for each of the three major manufacturers and that was it.What about used cars, you ask? Well, you bought those at the new car dealer. They were almost always cars that were traded in on a newer model. The other thing you did not find much of back then was hype. Somewhere along the industrialized way car salesmen picked up a bad reputation for promising the moon and not even delivering the blue cheese!The sad thing is that as the market became larger so did competition. When you are looking at literally hundreds of make and model combinations you realize that cars represent a real tough competitive industry.You havent seen any hype thus far in the introduction to our Car Buying Tips and you wont. Our entire premise is to bring you valuable information that will give you buying leverage when shopping for a new or used car. Follow our advice in the 5 lectures that's including within this course to buy a car safely."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"31-Days Re-assess and Motivate Your Life" |
"Welcome to the Live and Grow Now - Alive in 5 series. If you are wanting to make changes in your life, start here and work your way through the next 31 days with this five-minute daily motivation. The workbook for this series can be used as a journal for your own personal thoughts as you progress through each topic. Although originally formulated in 2018, this series has value for any year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Things You Can Learn In A Storm" |
"If you have been walking this life for any length of time, you are well acquainted with what we call storms. Storms are those times when everything seems to be in turmoil and out of our immediate control.I have been hearing a lot lately about people who are going through something. Much is happening in the world today. We are finding people who are faced with situations that they have never dealt with before. People are troubled about the economy and how they are going to keep up with the basic necessities in life. People are losing loved ones at what seems to be an alarming rate.Hearing these things from friends, associates and family caused me to even reflect on past situations. August 1015th of 2008 was a devastating period in my own life. I lost my ex-husband (we were planning to reunite) and an aunt on the 10th; an uncle on the 12th and my mom passed after midnight on the 14th though her death certificate says she died on the 15th of August 2008.I have been thinking about how I felt during that time. It was like being in a whirlwind or a storm. I want to share how God brought me through that time and I want to share it in a way that gives hope to the people that cross my path. It is my prayer that this will help you. If you are presently in a storm you can glean from the information. If you are just coming into a storm, this can offer you guidance in how you walk out the process you find yourself in at the present time. If you have been through a storm, it is my hope that you can relate and in some way, find yourself. No matter where you are in this process, and even if you do not profess to be a Christian, I believe you can receive something of value."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get ready for Power BI certification- Exam 70-778" |
"************** Please review courseand share your feedback***************I have received a lot of people asking me how to prepare for the Microsoft Certification Exam70-778: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI. In this test series, I am going to share the general information about the exam and my experience preparing for the exam. I will also provide some of my study materials and highlight the important areas that you will need to focus on the exam.Quick insight and we will talk about many of these over tests"" The biggest thing is that there was more Power BI Service admin than I expected, things like location of certain settings, etc. But the Power BI desktop stuff involving data modeling / dax / power query was pretty straight forward"" Exam detailExam Length: 150 minutesPassing Score:700 is passing score out of 1000 points(70%)Number of questions: 45-55Languages: This exam is proctored in ENGLISH only. There is not an option for local language PROCTORING AT THIS TIME. Audiences: BI professionals, data analystsCertification path: MCP, MCSAIs the exam difficult?Power BI is very simple, friendly and intuitive. However, you need to setup environments that have complex technologies to connect to Power BI. You need for example to have SSAS knowledge, SharePoint, Reporting Services, Big Data and Azure SQL. The exam is not hard, but learning all the technologies required for the exam, is definitely hard.Your performance will be analysed on below exam section-Consuming and Transforming Data By Using Power BI Desktop (20-25%)Consuming and Transforming Data -Connect to data sources -Connect to Databases, Files (import from Excel) and Folders -SQL and SQL Server Analysis Services (SASS)Perform transformations -Design, Develop basic and advanced transformations -Apply business rules -change data format to support visualizationCleanse data -Manage incomplete data and meet data quality requirements-Modeling and Visualizing Data (45-50%)Modeling and Visualizing DataCreate and optimize data models -Manage data relationships -Optimize models for reporting -Manually type in data -Power QueryCreate calculated columns, calculated tables, and measures -Create DAX queries formulas for calculated columns -Calculated tables, and measures -Use What If parameters Create Measure performance by using KPIs, gauges and cards -Calculate the actual; and target and calculate actual to target -Configure values for gauges -Use the format settings to manually set values Create hierarchies -Create date hierarchies -Add columns to tables to support desired hierarchy issues Create and format interactive visualizations -Select a visualization type; configure page layout and formatting -Set up configure interactions between visual -Configure duplicate pages -Handle categories that have no data -Default summerization and data -Categories of columns; position, align, and sort visuals -Enable and integrate R visuals -Format calculated measures -Use bookmarks and themes for reportsManage custom reporting solutions -Configure and access Microsoft Power BI Embedded -Enable developers to create and edit through custom applications -Enable developers to embed reports in applications -Use the Power BI API to push data into a Power BI dataset -Enable developers to create custom visuals-Configure Dashboards in the Power BI Service(25-30%)Configure Dashboards, Reports and Apps in the Power BI Service Accesses on-premises data -Connect to a data source by using a data gateway -Publish reports to the Power BI service from Power BI Desktop -Edit Power BI Service reports by using Power BI desktopConfigure a dashboard -Add text and images -Filter dashboards -Dashboard settings -Customize the URL and title -Enable natural language queriesPublish and embed reports -Publish to web -Publish to Microsoft SharePoint -Publish reports to a Power BI Report ServerConfigure security for dashboards, reports and apps -Create a security group by using the Admin Portal -Configure access to dashboards and app workspaces -Configure the export and sharing setting of the tenant -Configure Row-Level SecurityConfigure apps and apps workspaces -Create and configure an app workspace -Publish an app -Update a published apps -Package dashboards and reports as appsAre you ready to take this challenge?--------------------------30 Days Money back guarantee--------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Server Qualified Associate Exam" |
"Sample tests will provide information on the structure of the exam, along with the knowledge and skills being measured. It will also guide you to resources to help you prepare for success.EXAM SETUP1) Strongly recommend you find a better connection( A latency of 50ms or below is ideal. If your result is 150ms or above, its likely you will experience a response lag during your exam)2) Internet Speed( Recommend a minimum download speed of 4 Mb/sec and a minimum upload speed of 2Mb/sec. A low reading could indicate high usage on your network)3) Make sure proctor will able to access your computer, and ensure your webcam and microphone are functioning properly4) Physical Environment( Quiet, private room. Clear workspace. No Writing during your exam. Only one screen during exam. Erase whiteboards, turn off televisions. You can use the Google Chrome browser for your exam) EXAM FORMATExam duration: 90 minutes (Plan for extra time for exam setup) Passing Score: 75% Number of Questions: 80 Question Format: Multiple choice, multiple response, true/false Platform: Windows VMFee: $250(For every attempt)Title valid for: 2 YearsCurrent Version Exam Tested On: 2018.2IMPORTANT THOUGHTS""Its highly recommended to go through the Tableau server admin guide from cover to cover, multiple times. This is also what has been recommended to me as the best form of revision for the server QA exam""YOU WILL BE TESTED ON FOLLOWING:Planning Your Tableau Server DeploymentTableau Server InstallationSecurityManagement of Users, Content, and Data SourcesPermissions Best PracticesAutomating Server TasksSchedules and Data Driven AlertsMonitoring Server StatusCustomizing Your Server"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting ready for the Tableau Desktop Certification" |
"Sample test will provide information on the structure of the exam, along with the knowledge and skills being measured. It will also guide you to resources to help you prepare for success.EXAM SETUP1) Strongly recommend you find a better connection( A latency of 50ms or below is ideal. If your result is 150ms or above, its likely you will experience a response lag during your exam)2) Internet Speed( Recommend a minimum download speed of 4 Mb/sec and a minimum upload speed of 2Mb/sec. A low reading could indicate high usage on your network)3) Make sure proctor will able to access your computer, and ensure your webcam and microphone are functioning properly4) Physical Environment( Quiet, private room. Clear work-space. No Writing during your exam. Only one screen during exam. Erase whiteboards, turn off televisions. You can use the Google Chrome browser for your exam) EXAM FORMATExam duration: 120 minutes (Plan for extra time for exam setup) Passing Score: 75% Number of Questions: 36(Knowledge base and hands-on)Question Format: Multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, hands-onPlatform: Windows VMFee: $250(For every attempt)Title valid for: 2 YearsCurrent Version Exam Tested On: 2018.2IMPORTANT THOUGHTS""Its highly recommended to go through the Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate Exam Guide cover to cover, multiple times. This is also what has been recommended to me as the best form of revision for the Desktop QA exam""YOU WILL BE TESTED ON FOLLOWING:Data ConnectionsOrganizing & Simplifying DataField & Chart TypesCalculationsMappingAnalyticsDashboardsCheck the notifications at the top right for the auto-generated email with the data set and the solution workbook."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"InstaFamous - Instagram Marketing 2020 Followers To Profit" |
"Attract targeted Instagram followers and use Art, Science, and Psychology to turn them into fans and long term paying customers.My Instagram name: juntopmodelMy life changed because of Instagram. Now it's your turn!Start growing your followers, your engagement, and your business today!People are growing their influence on Instagram and getting hundreds of targeted followers daily. Don't get left behind! You should be growing right now. There is no moment to lose!Successful Instagram Users know they are building a Community. From raving fans to paying customers, what you do with your community is completely up to you.No one likes boring lectures. I will take you on an adventure as I give you a VIP tour of Instagram.Instagram and Social Media, in general, is like an addictive video game. There are casual users playing for fun and there are others who play like a champ, using it as a major stream of income. We will play this Instagram Video game with intention. I will hold your hand as we uncover how to Craft a unique voice, an unforgettable identity that immediately makes someone respect and like you.Build a polished and stylish profile that makes people want to follow you.Create entertaining and valuable content so that people will stay following you and turn into fans. Use proven business strategies to not only turn fans into paying customers, but also get sponsorship deals, and other opportunities.Use Engagement boosts, algorithm strategies, and analytics to grow targeted followers. 2K, 5K, 10K, 25K, 50K... (I am about to reach 50K. Let me show you how I did it- Without paying for ads or using automation software that can get you banned on Instagram)As an added bonus, you will learn the secret of getting people to like you. I worked in the entertainment industry and marketing industry for over 15 years and have learned from the best.There is a reason why some performers always book gigs. There is a reason why some businessmen always make sales.Now is your turn.Let me guide you through the psychology of being an online life of the party. Your Instagram profile is the first step. It's time to work on the Instagram features that matter. Style, design, content, captions, hashtags, videos, posting schedule, IG stories, story highlights, and everything that makes a profile attractive, making people want to come back again and again.As an Extra Bonus, you will see that I am as real as it gets!What sets this apart from other courses is that you can check out my IG account and see what I am doing and posting in real time! Nothing is hidden. Everything I am teaching, I am using at this very moment!It might sound crazy that a simple photo sharing APP changed my life. But it's true, and now it's your turn.Let's start today! #instagram #marketing #instagramfollowers #profits #instagrambusiness"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Business - Sell On Instagram - Customer Psychology" |
"Instagram Marketing Tips; Instagram Business; Instagram Growth Strategy; Instagram Tips; Get Instagram Followers FastMy Instagram name: juntopmodelYou are taking this course because you want to grow your business on Instagram.I know that. That's why I am going to give you what you want. You want me to show you how to make a sale on Instagram. I will do that.You also want me to show you different ways to grow your brand and influence.I will do that.And you don't want any bullshit. I will do... I mean I won't do that. I hate videos that waste your time. In Business, time is money. This is why I concentrated everything I know about doing business and making money on Instagram into a 3.5 hr video course. Because hey, if I can't explain a business concept to you in 5-10 minutes , then I don't understand the concept well enough to share it with you. It's time to attract targeted Instagram followers and use Art, Science, and Psychology to turn them into fans and long term paying customers.Successful Instagram Users know they are building a Community. From raving fans to paying customers, what you do with your community is completely up to you.As an added bonus, you will learn the secret of getting people to like you. I worked in the entertainment industry and marketing industry for over 15 years and have learned from the best.There is a reason why some performers always book gigs. There is a reason why some businessmen always make sales.Now is your turn.Let me guide you through the psychology of being an online life of the party. As an Extra Bonus, you will see that I am as real as it gets!What sets this apart from other courses is that you can check out my IG account and see what I am doing and posting in real time! Nothing is hidden. Everything I am teaching, I am using at this very moment!It might sound crazy that a simple photo sharing APP changed my life. But it's true, and now it's your turn.Having a business is owning an empire. A powerful influential force that controls a niche. And what do empires do? They conquer.It's time to help you build your empire. Let's start today! #instagram #marketing #instagramfollowers #profits #instagrambusiness"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing War Strategies" |
"Ultimate Branding course for small and growing businessWhat is branding?You know what Branding is. And I am sure you know its more than just creating a logo or putting a watermark on something.When no one knows who you are, why would anyone pay attention to you?I dont waste any time in my courses, thats why we are going to hit the ground running.Lets start by understanding the differences between Tactics and Strategies, so that you can immediately start growing your business with minimal risks.Then we will dive into the essence of branding and explain these simple but crucial formulas that will make your branding more powerful than others.Branding = 1 Type of Product + 1 Way + 1 Type of CustomerBranding = Quality + Product + MeaningTactic = Competitor Knowledge + Marketplace TrendStrategy = Tactics + Time + (Why it works)Let me help you find a Brand name for your business by showing you what works and what doesnt. Believe it or not, your name falls under 5 categories and there are 3 basic naming rules that you should follow for your name to be unique.Now that you have a unique brand name its time to make it meaningful and memorable by using visual power. I will show you how to use visuals and how to anchor it in the minds of your customers, so that whenever they think if your niche, they will think of you.And finally, I will bring you into the marketing battlefield and tell you war stories. Why do some businesses grow, while others die?By the time you reach the end of the course, you will have a good idea how to take your brand to the next level. You will know what mistakes to avoid and how to stand out and survive in the marketplace.As an added bonus, you can even contact me on Instagram. I will personally take a look at your brand and give you custom tips.Instagram Name: juntopmodelSo what are you waiting for?Let me show you why Branding is the single most important thing you can do for your Business.#branding #marketing #business #management"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Childcare Basics - How to Find Daycare, BC Canada" |
"CHILDCARE BASICS - HOW TO FIND DAYCARE: Get an overview of the childcare industry in BC, Canada, learn about different types of child care : from licensed daycare facilities to perfectly legal licence-not-required home-based daycare arrangements. Most importantly, get guidance on figuring out what type of care is right for you and your child and Tips and Tricks on HOW TO FIND A DAYCARE SPOT WITHIN DAYS or WEEKS not months! I'll walk you step-by-step through things to consider when selecting a daycare, things to ask the childcare provider about, details of a standard contract you'll be asked to sign and what to watch out for. I'll give you guidance on how to assess safety and security of a childcare facility you chose, what background information to look for and where to get it.I'll break down the costs of putting your child into daycare: not only daycare prices, but all other hidden costs such as registration fees, waitlists, supplies, etc. But most importantly, I will also give you an overview of savings through BC government programs that could help you reduce the costs through benefits and subsidies. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE FULLY DETAILED AND STEP-BY-STEP SO ANYONE CAN FOLLOW THEM EASILY.So often I hear horror stories that it takes this or that family 4-5 months to find a daycare spot, that a family ""had to take what was available"".Most painful for me are the stories about families not being able to afford to put their kids into the program, and as a result one of the parents has to chose or is forced to stay at home, at the expense of their career, education, realizing own potential. On the other hand I hear stories of daycare providers having to close their perfectly amazing daycare facilities as they can't find enough kids to fill-up to capacity. Running a daycare is expensive! As most family-based and home-based facilities can only host 7-8 children, one child out of the program is a direct hit on their bottom-line. Whaaaat? you ask me. I was looking for a daycare for 5 months! and you are telling me daycare owners can't find kids? you're kidding!Nope. There is a grandiose mismatch happening as caregivers may lack technical sophistication, knowledge or resources to advertise, and the parents do not know where to look! That simple!But is it really possible? The short answer is ""yes.""The longer answer is ""yes, but you need to know the tricks and be engaged in the process. You also need to know what you really want."" I myself have a 3yo son. Our family have moved few times around Canada, landing in BC in early 2017. My son was 1.5yo at the time. I was able to find a fantastic daycare and start him on the program within 4 weeks. The second time around, when he was ready to move on to 3-5yo program, it took me only 10 days to find an amazing spot, which he absolutely loves and the cost for it is way lower than I budgeted for!I've helped a dozens of my friends and acquaintances to find a quality and affordable daycare solution quickly - typically within few weeks. We even ran a Daycare Concierge service on HopKidz website, helping families with their childcare arrangements!In my course, I give you a step-by-step overview of all available options, and show you have efficient, mostly online, search actually works. I will share with you tips and tricks that I've personally used. NOTE: Throughout my course you will be referred to video lessons. The information provided covers Child Care regulation in British Columbia Canada, and is inclusive to changes made in late 2018 (new Affordable Child Care Benefit introduction, and Universal Childcare pilot programs). I will try to keep all the information in video lessons as up to date as possible, please exercise your own due diligence and cross-reference current childcare regulation. LASTUPDATE: January 2019What youll learn:Types of Child Care in BC, CanadaRegulationsSafety, screening, education requirementsSearching for a Daycare SpotChoosing whats right for you: questions to ask and things to considerPaying for Child CareAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?None.Who this course is for:Intended for parents with small children, parents with newborn, expectant parents, families planning to have a child, anyone interested in childcare industry in British Columbia, Canada. No prior experience requiredSome light legalize, but I have to put it here: PLEASE NOTE THAT INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS COURSE IS INTENDED ONLY AS OVERVIEW & RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE AUTHOR AND THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PUBLICLY INCLUDING ON GOVERNMENT WEBSITES. NONE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE IS TO BE TREATED AS LEGAL ADVICE.THE AUTHOR IS NOT A REGULATOR OF CHILDCARE AND CANNOT ADVISE WHETHER ANY RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES ARE APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. YOU HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO FOLLOW THE SUGGESTED RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES. HOWEVER IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAILOR THEM TO SUIT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE, AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.THE AUTHOR DOES NOT BEAR OR ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THESE RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES. YOU SPECIFICALLY INDEMNIFY THE AUTHOR AND ALL ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES AND HOLD THEM HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES, COSTS, INTEREST, LOSS OR INJURY OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER ARISING, WHICH IN ANY WAY RELATING TO THESE RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Job Search 101: Complete A-Z Guide." |
"Course DescriptionThis course focuses on providing an overview of the job hunt landscape, bringing clarity to the hiring process and developing the interpersonal and professional skills that successful job candidates demonstrate in order to secure employment.SummarySubject(s): Career DevelopmentTopic or Unit of Study: Job searchLanguage: EnglishGrade/Level: no grades are givenObjective: to give a comprehensive overview of all aspects involved in the job search process applicable to North America (Canada & United States of America)Time Allotment: self-paced online coursePrepared by: Alexandra Nestertchouk @ ChickWhoBusinessCourse version: 1.0Course Last updated: April 12, 2019Who is this course for?While this course is the absolute Best for Technology Professionals permanently moving to North America (Canada and USA) and who need to get familiar with ""the rules of the game"" for job search here, the material will benefit greatly to the wide range of job seekers:Immigrant and Newcomer ProfessionalsStudents and recent graduatesPeople considering a career changeAnybody who is looking to develop or redevelop their careerMoms and Dads coming back to the workforce after a substantial leaveAnyone who hasn't entered the job market for some timeOrganizations helping newcomers and immigrant professionals to find employmentSocial workers and community buildersSerious-minded professionalsRecruiters and Hiring ManagersMaterials & ResourcesThe course is presented via a set of video lectures with additional downloadable resources and links to external material.What are you going to learn?By taking this course students will get a comprehensive overview of all aspects involved in the job search process applicable to North America.Students will learn about:Standard employment types and placement options, and to determine whats best for their specific case.Where and how to search for a job online, in-person and through other means, such as working with recruiters and placement agencies.Overview of the best practices in writing a professional resume and cover letter.The importance of professional online presence, and how to set yourself up online and leverage it to increase hiring success.A comprehensive overview of the Hiring process and all aspects of it from the interview to background checks.Standard components of an Employment offer and a Consulting contract, what to include, ask about and be on the lookout for.The course is an introductory overview level, focusing on What needs to be done, and is not intended to provide a deep-down detailed manual on How to.Prerequisites and RequirementsPrerequisites: There are no prerequisite courses or materials to take this course.Requirements:Access to the InternetMotivation and Hunger to find the next best job, and is ready to spur to actionAccess to Microsoft Word, Pages (Mac), or other word processing softwareDetailed Course OutlineThe course is broken down into 6 parts, covering each of the topics: Overview of Options, Job Search, Resume and Job Search Prep, Online Presence, Hiring Process, Understanding the Job Offer.Part 1: Your OptionsStudents will learn about employment legal relationship types available( employee, subcontractor, consultant, intern, co-op, volunteer), and about the differences and specifics of working for a particular company type (enterprise, small business, startups, government and public companies)Part 2: Job SearchStudents will get a comprehensive overview of the job search process and various outlets they can utilize in their job search and career advancement activities: online, via mobile apps, in-person, career fairs, events, personal and professional networks, working with recruiters and placement agencies.Part 3: You on PaperThe importance of a professional resume and cover letter will be discussed. Students will get an overview of the best practices, dos and donts in their preparation process, specifics on formatting and documents pairing.Part 4: Your Online ProfileStudents will learn how to leverage online presence to increase hiring success. Students will be walked through the basics of setting their professional online presence, including social media profiles, LinkedIn as The Business Network, and how to set up their web-portfolio.Part 5: Hiring ProcessStudents will get an overview of the hiring process: interview preparation, phone interview, in-person interview, technical interview, personality tests, background checks, additional documents that they may be asked for during the hiring process.Part 6: OfferStudents will get an overview of the standard Employment letter, and Consulting contracts. Highlighted: what sections and terms should be included in an employment letter and a consulting contract, what to ask about and how to negotiate. Well briefly touch on Benefits and Organizational Policies and Procedures that are standard for North American work environments.The course is an introductory overview level, focusing on What needs to be done, and is not intended to provide a deep-down detailed manual on How to.If you are ready to dig-in, do the work and tackle your biggest goals, you are in the right place! About your Educator:Your host: all-business-girl, educator, public speaker and travel-addict Alexandra Nestertchouk.""Im an expert in small business, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life)""A first-generation immigrant and a mom to a 3yo, Alexandra has a Business Management Degree and background in Computer Science, topped with over ten years of experience in business management and technology. She has worked within a variety of industries, in COO-type, Business Operations, Project Management, Recruitment, Strategy, and Business Development Roles. Alexandra has successfully launched four businesses of her own.Through her career she was on both ends of the spectrum multiple times: she was looking for new career opportunities, and she was on recruitment and hiring side for a number of years. Everything that is being discussed, all tips, tricks, strategies, and methods, are based on both: well-done research into the topic, and more importantly, her personal experience. Alexandra is a renowned educator and public speaker and is very active in her community. Just recently, she has presented at ""Self-Employment Roadmap - Exploring Entrepreneurship for Newcomers"" conference. In addition, Alexandra has been nominated for numerous awards, including Women of Influence 2018, Mompreneur Award 2019, and (with her venture HopKidz) Small Business BC 2018 Award in Best Concept and Best Community Impact categories.Check out ""Chick Who Business"" Instagram Blog (@ChickWhoBusiness) where Alexandra shares her experience in Career, Entrepreneurship & Startup World through her own hustle as an immigrant mom. ------------------------Legal DisclosurePLEASE NOTE THAT MATERIAL PROVIDED IN THIS COURSE IS INTENDED ONLY AS OVERVIEW & RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE AUTHOR AND THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PUBLICLY INCLUDING ON PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENT WEBSITES. NONE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE IS TO BE TREATED AS LEGAL ADVICE.THE AUTHOR IS NOT A REGULATOR OF EMPLOYMENT AND CANNOT ADVISE WHETHER ANY RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES REFERRED TO IN COURSE MATERIAL ARE APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE. YOU HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO FOLLOW THE SUGGESTED RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES REFERRED TO IN COURSE MATERIAL. HOWEVER IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAILOR THEM TO SUIT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE, AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.THE AUTHOR DOES NOT BEAR OR ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE COURSE MATERIAL MATERIAL. YOU SPECIFICALLY INDEMNIFY THE AUTHOR AND ALL ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES AND HOLD THEM HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES, COSTS, INTEREST, LOSS OR INJURY OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER ARISING, WHICH IN ANY WAY RELATING TO COURSE MATERIAL."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Write A White Paper In One Day" |
"How To Write A White Paper In One Day is the compressed video course that will teach you everything you need to know to write (and even design) a 2,000 word white paper, completing your first draft in a single day.After watching one lesson a day for one week, you'll know:What a white paper is (and even more important what it isnt).How to make yours compelling from the first second your reader sees the title. How to structure your argument so they read it through to the end.How to write your first draft using my step-by-step White Paper In A Day Template.How to edit your copy like a pro.How to distribute your white paper for maximum exposure.Created By A Veteran Copywriter (Me!)My name is Brian Boys and Id been successfully writing advertising and marketing copy for 20 years before I was asked to work on a white paper.I knew less about them than you do now.So I read everything I could find about white papers. I compiled lists of tips and techniques offered by copywriters who specialize in white papers. Every day I would go hunting online for the best examples.And, using the most effective ones I could find, I created a point-by-point outline of an ideal white paper argumenta copywriters blueprint I could use to write my own.What I Learned About Writing White PapersAlong the way I discovered that the toughest part about writing the white papers isnt the actual writing. Its the structure. Where do you start? What do you say to hook your reader? How do you take them on a logical path to your conclusion?So from my outline I created the White Paper In A Day Templatethe fill-in-the-blanks pattern well use for this course.The reason youd pay a copywriter like me $2,000-$4,000 to write your white paper for you is that it takes a lot of time to comb through your research and figure out how to turn it into a coherent argument from beginning to end.Surprisingly, I gured out that if you ip the process around, you save a ton of time and your white paper can be even more compelling.You get all this and more in a course designed for experienced professionals with basic business writing skills.But, you say, I have NO time to take a long course. No problem.Lets Do Lunch For A WeekHow To Write A White Paper In One Day is divided into seven video sessions, averaging about 20 minutes long. Each lesson comes with a print-out that includes a Quick Quiz (to make sure youre awake) as well as other resources.Most importantly, you get several versions of my White Paper In A Day Template to make it easy to get the big picture and then create a more detailed plan of what your white paper is going to say.Just watch one lesson a day for a week. And by the time youre tired of looking at my face on video youll be ready to start your white paper."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Orgonite Segredos Revelados, Renda Extra! Aulas." |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender sobre a histria da orgonite, cuidados necessrios, dicas de materiais, acabamento, etc.Voc poder fabricar peas grandes e pequenas como pirmides, pingentes, broches, chaveiros, quadros decorativos, etc. Basta ter imaginao, criatividade e certos cuidados.Voc poder presentear e comercializar as suas prprias peas de orgonite.Aprendendo a trabalhar com a resina voc poder fazer no s orgonites mas tambm peas de decorao caso queira.Voc vai aprender a manusear a resina."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Lucre Publique sua Msica Youtube Spotify Amazon Google etc." |
"Voc aprender sobre direitos autorais, Royalties, divulgao de sua msica e cadastro diversos sites j conceituados.Seu trabalho musical na Internet! Publique e fature dinheiro com os seus Royalties.Voc aprender sobre direitos autorais, Royalties, divulgao de sua msica e cadastro diversos sites j conceituados.-Neste curso voc vai aprender como funciona os direitos autorais e como fazer o seu cadastro de solicitao.-Royalties que o seu direito de coletar dinheiro com a sua obra musical.-Com seu trabalho sendo exclusivo e original ser possvel cadastrar em sites como Youtube Music, Youtube Content ID, Facebook, Spotify, Deezer, Google Play Music, Itunes, Amazon Music, Line Music, 7digital, 8tracks, Akazoo, Anghami, AWA, iMusica, KDigital, KKBox, MediaNet, Napster, NetEase Cloud Music, Pandora, Saavn, Shazam, Slacker Radio, SoundExchange, Synchtank, Tidal, TouchTunes & PlayNetwork, United Media Agency (UMA), Yandex.- possvel tambm fazer a monetizao de seu trabalho musical em vdeos do Youtube. alm do mais voc vai poder ser reconhecido com sua msica pelo Youtube atravs do Content ID.Esse curso excelente para voc que j tem o seu trabalho original e no sabe por onde comear.-Divulgao e ferramentas para comercializar a sua msica.- possvel tambm produzir o seu prprio CD ou disco de Vinil como opo.-Renda extra de forma passiva pois assim que voc o detentor dos seus direitos autorais voc poder coletar esse dinheiro assim que a sua msica for reproduzida pela internet (streaming) ou a cada venda de disco ou download baixado.-Mesmo que voc no seja msico ou produtor musical, este curso tem um propsito educacional e ainda voc ter dicas de divulgao e como funciona esse mercado na internet, pois os direitos autorais se aplicam no s para msicas mas tambm para obras de fotografia, livros, contedo audiovisual, publicaes, etc..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Office Yoga" |
"Learn simple Chair Yoga practices at your desk, while traveling, or from home, to keep healthy, energized, flexibility, balanced and calm throughout the work day. This course includes:Chair Yoga seated poses5-10 min Office Yoga videosSeated and standing pose Office Yoga videosStanding yoga break at your desk (8 min)Walking and Gazing MeditationsGuided relaxation video (4 and 20 min videos)5 and 30 min guided meditation videos10 min Chair Yoga on a bench, for lunch breakVegan recipes for healthy lunch ideasBonus: 20 min Gentle Yoga practice for home offices or weekends (floor poses)PDF downloadsCourse Instructor is Stacie DooreckAuthor SunLight Chair Yoga books and Bay Area Office yoga instructorTaught yoga weekly for bebe stores inc, Lucasfilms and many companies in N. CAStress Management Specialist for Ornish Heart Disease Reversal ProgramsFeatured on CBS News, KQED, SF & LA Yoga MagazineCreator and instructor for SunLight Chair Yoga teacher trainings online, self-paced & at the Bahamas Sivananda Yoga Ashrams"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Sivananda Yoga" |
"Sivananda Yoga consists of yoga poses (asanas) after warm-ups (Sun Salutations), with guided relaxation and meditation for inner peace and radiant physical health. Yoga improves flexibility, strength and, balance, increases energy and calms the mind.This includes a video with Chair yYoga adaptions to the Sivananda Yoga sequence so that everyone can practice, whether seated or standing. Yoga is for everyone! The benefits are worth it and not just physical. Yoga helps calm the nerves, the ability to concentrate, sleep better and feel more at peace. This also includes additional videos: a 28 minute Hatha Yoga with Gentle Yoga sequence as on cable TV and a Chair Yoga for work sequence to practice.You can adapt poses and exercises so that all are comfortable or skip poses as you need. If you are injured, ill or pregnant, you will have to modify or check with your physician before starting this or any exercise or yoga practice. Enjoy your journal to radiant health, more balance and inner peace!Namaste, StacieAuthor Yoga for Everyone! and SunLight Chair yoga books, and leader of Sunlight Chair Yoga online teacher trainings"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento de Marketing para Empreendedores" |
"Aprenda praticando a planejar as aes de marketing de sua empresa.O objetivo desse curso levar aos participantes, conhecimento para atuar no marketing dessa nova era que estamos vivendo, utilizando as diversas ferramentas digitais de comunicao, seja para captao ou relacionamento entre a empresa e seus pblicos seja para ampliar os negcios."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security Self Start - Theory Based Cyber Security Guid" |
"Cyber Security Experts are getting 100,000/year as Salary- GlasdoorIf you are planning to start the Amazing journey in the cyber security World then this is the Prefect course for you to Start the Journey!In this course we will Give you a basic overview of cybersecurity!Here we will Discuss:Cyber security starts with selfWe will introduce the importance of cybersecurity starting with individualsKey security PrinciplesWe will cover the key principles for cybersecurity. The chapter is divided in to two categories vision and mindset, organization and processEssential Security ActionsThis chapter will cover the list is a set of practical steps that enterprises of all sizes can take to reduce risk associated with cyber security incidents. While not comprehensive or exhaustive, ensuring your business is engaged in these activities will set a proper course towards information security excellence.Applying Principles to Information SecurityThe key principles to be applied for the information security is important.This is a joint responsibility of the senior leadership and the employees and the other folks in the ecosystem. We will cover the key tenets of the implementation Security Risk Assessment This chapter presents a simple checklist as a tool for management to help guide review companys cyber resilience capabilities. The self-assessment questionnaire can be used as a checklist by companies for information security initiativesSecuring DevicesThis chapter introduces the various aspects of how to secure the devices for cybersecurityHow to use internet securelyThis chapter will cover the comprehensive usage pattern for how to browse safelyUnderstanding Key Cybersecurity Frameworks and ControlsThis chapter will cover the important frameworks of cybersecurity"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |