Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"REAL World Website Hacking and Penetration (101% Practical)" |
"The Objective of the Course is to Teach you how to perform full penetration testing on web applications.This Course is Not like Other Courses:ONLY PRACTICAL Demonstration 0% TheoryHands On 100%We DO NOT teach you the stuff which you can easily find on Google with 1 click!You will get enough confidence to perform and operate full penetration testing on web apps.Short , To the Point VideoYou will able to perform web security break! *This Course Is For Educational Purposes Only* *This Course Is For Educational Purposes Only*Why Website Hacking is important?If you dont understand how black hat hackers could get into your systems, youre going to have a hard time securing them. Learning how to hack can help you implement the strongest possible security practices. Its as much about finding and fixing security vulnerabilities as it is about anticipating them. Learning about the methods hackers use to infiltrate systems will help you resolve issues before they become dangerous.Think of it this way: a computer network is like a yard with a fence to keep people out. If youve put something valuable inside the yard, someone may want to hop the fence and steal it. Ethical hacking is like regularly checking for vulnerabilities in and around the fence, so you can reinforce weak areas before anyone tries to get in.Average Salary:The average payout to a Certified Ethical Hacker is $71,331 per annum"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A robust blog application with PHP(OOP) and MySQL" |
"Do you want to know how real world application are made? Do you want to write clean code?Do you want to be expert in PHP?This course take you form scratch from designing of web pages to designing database structure to writing reusable code with object oriented programming approach. I have seen many courses made in php and mysql in udemy were very basic which definitely not helpful for students to be a market ready after completing those courses. Therefore i thought to make a robust web application where i can teach my students not only writing code and storing data in database but better approach to do the task. Therefore i came with a blog application to make my students easy to understand about the project requirements.PHP is one of the high demanded programming languages in the world. Around 80% of websites and web applications are made with PHP.Therefore, you can take the advantages of this language to be a better programmer/engineer in software companies with a good whats the course about?I will personally guide you, step by step, in creatingyour ownrobust blog application:creating unique slug for each posts. slug are more SEO friendly than IDinserting data to database with multiple parameters and conditionsstoring tags for each post. one post may associated with multiple tags. Think about stackoverflow where users can browse all posts associated with that tag.We make pivot table and you will learn how to query thatwe will implement the search engine feature for our blog application.we will add most popular posts feature in our application. How we do that??we will add comments system as most of the websites in the world allows users to leave their opinion about the article. This should be approved by admin before they come live. we will handle this as well.we will add authentication system and you will see how session are used to protect routes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP and develop Projects." |
"About CourseThis course is designed for PHP beginners and intermediate developers where students will be learning from basic PHP to intermediate level by developing two awesome projects. The first project will teach students how to use PHP with HTML and dealing with validation of form. Before starting Project 2(Client contact app ) we will be learning all things(Basic PHP,Form validation, SQL query and Bootstrap) that make us perfect to start project 2. The project 2 is intermediate level project which not only teach students to write code in PHP but also integrate popular PHP and Jquery library such as PHP Faker, PHP mailer and jquery data table for rapid application development.In project 2 students will learn about session, flash message, adding ,updating clients and deleting unnecessary data. students will also learn how easy to send email from our application to client email address with few lines of code. students will learn to generate Fake data in database within a second using PHP faker library. Students will learn how to make login system for admin and use session and also learn to give flash message. We will allow only authorized user(ADMIN) to access clients information.What is PHP?PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.Is PHPstill popular in 2019?Around 80% of websites are built with PHP. The popular CMS such as Wordpress ,Magento, Drupal etc use PHP. The most popular PHP framework like Laravel and Symfony are using PHP. PHP is easy to learn in comparisons to other programming language .Therefore its first choice programming language among beginners.You might be interested in what really large platforms have used this programming language? The shortlist below might be enough to convince you:Facebook 21.7B Monthly Estimated VisitsWikipedia 15B Monthly Estimated VisitsYahoo 4.8B Monthly Estimated VisitsFlickr 118.0M Monthly Estimated VisitsTumblr 685.3M Monthly Estimated Visits"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Laravel PHP with basic to advanced project:Job portal" |
"What is Laravel ?Laravel is the best platform for big projects. According to a recent study, Laravel is one of the popular PHP frameworks for web applications. It is the most popular among developers due to its rapid development capabilities. Laravel is an open source PHP framework development and is freely available to all. For creating complex and large web applications, it is best suited. In this course we are making a job portal with Laravel 5.8( Popular PHP framework). If you are thinking to work as a PHP developer ,Laravel has become the crucial need for company so you need to know it .Imagine about satisfaction that will get when we learnt much and make a complete application that really matters. In your life you have might visited various job portal websites and applied for the position. In this course we will together make a similar kind of job portal that you used to use frequently to hunt a job in your life. Before making this application , i tired to make comfortable for Laravel beginners as well. Therefore, i made some videos such as about fundamentals of Laravel and Relationship in Laravel . By knowing these, it would be much easier for even a laravel begineers to follow this course . Moreover, i have included a crud application vidoes for beginners for better understanding of laravel . The second project will teach students how Restful API are build . In this project i have also used vue js for better user experience. If you don't know vue js ,it won't be a problem because we complete the project first with only Laravel and then we update some functionality already we made in laravel with vue js.What is in the course?We are going from the basic level and we make four projects which include beginner level, intermediate level and advanced projectUpgraded to Laravel 6 from Laravel 5.8 : Section 26Section 1: The basicin this section you will learn all the basic stuffs about the Laravel. This section is targeted for those students who have a zero knowledge in Laravel.You will learnEnvironment setup to install Laravelinstallation laraveldatabase setupMVCRoutesformhow to get input from formhow to pass data to view migrationseederpaginationand many more...Outcome: You will Learn about fundamentals of LaravelSection 2: The RelationshipsIn todays era of fast paced development, writing direct SQL queries can be pretty time consuming and tedious for a developer. So here comes relationship conceptYou will learnone to one relationshipone to manyone to many(inverse)many to many(Polymorphic Relationship )Outcome: You will be comfortable using relationship in Laravel for inserting , fetching data from database and more...Section3: Now you are more familiar with Laravel. so we will make a basic CRUD to utilizing all knowledge we learnt till now .You will learnTo make to make model ,controller and table using migration for crud appTo insert dataTo fetch data from databaseTo show data in other pageTo delete dataTo validate formTo paginate dataOutcome: You will learn to query data with Laravel and be more confident by making your first app and to be prepared for next LevelSection 4: Restful ApiWe will do the same thing that we have done in crud appoutcome: You will learn basic about Restful ApiSection 5: Gallery App- Laravel 5.8You will learnEverything about file handlingValidation of fileResizing imageStore multiple image for a single album name with jquery and without jquerySore image based on category/albumDeleting file from Storage directory when you delete from dbConfirmation with bootstrap before deleteYou will make admin and allow only admin to access dashboard and rest users can only view the photos on websiteOutcome: You will make a awesome photos website that you can lunch as well as a personal website.Section 6: Job Portal App-Laravel 5.8You will lots of things ..You will make your own job portal app. You can start your own jobportal company with this app.In short: There will be 3 kinds of users, one job seeker who apply for a jobs , another is employer who post the jobs and admin manages the entire application.some cool things are. posting and listing of jobs. different types of filters for categorised based on category .email verification system while registering for both jobseeker and employer. Three different types of users interact with the system ie: Job Seeker, Company(employer) and Admin. Mail job links someone(eg:friend) .Job recommendation system.application sent with vue js. favourite jobs with vue js.learn to integrate HTML template in your project.A blog system included, admin manages the blogand more...Please check the Job section part, you will see what you will learn and make there.Outcome: You are now able to work on any kinds of Laravel project independently"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress 2020: Crea tu web Profesional de 0 a Experto!" |
"Este curso tiene por objetivo poder crear una Web, Blog o E-Commerce desde 0 sin tener ningn tipo de conocimiento previos.Aprenderemos a instalar la ultima versin de WordPress, como usar componentes antiguos que van mejor que los nuevos, como adaptar nuestra web a nuestras necesidades.Haciendo un resumen puntual de lo que contiene este curso es:Preparacin del hosting y instalacin de Wordpress.Navegando por WordPress AdminElegir e instalar temas ideal gratuitos o de pagoEntradasArchivos MultimediaPaginasComentariosMenu WebLos Widgets y PluginsAdministracin de usuariosAjustesElementor Page BuilderFormulario de contacto - Formulario de contactoWooCommerce - Tu tienda onlineGoogle AnalyticsWordPress SEO con YoastSEO el mejor Plugin de SEO para WordpressPagina Web en Construccin / MantenimientoMigrar WordPress de Localhost a un Servidor o de un Servidor a OtroRating en nuestros post para mejorar el SEO en Google"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PrestaShop 1.7: Crea tu Tienda Online de 0 a Experto!" |
"Este curso tiene por objetivo poder crear una E-Commerce Multilenguaje muy potente desde 0 sin tener ningn tipo de conocimiento previos.Aprenderemos a instalar la ultima versin de Prestashop 1.7, como usar componentes antiguos que van mejor que los nuevos, como adaptar nuestra E-Commerce a nuestras necesidades, como gestionar los modulos y hacer que se comporten como nosotros lo necesitamos y lo mas importante, como tener nuestra web en varios idiomas casi sin esfuerzo..Haciendo un resumen puntual de lo que contiene este curso es:Introduccin, Qu es Prestashop y que conseguirs en este curso?Preparacin del hosting y instalacinPedidosCatalogoClientesServicio al clienteEstadsticasMdulos y serviciosDiseo y PlantillasTransportesMtodos de pagoInternacional y TraduccionesParmetro de la tiendaParmetros AvanzadosRegalo para vosotros!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS Grid: Principiante a Experto Creando Web Responsive" |
"Aprenderemos la nueva forma de crear Layout sin tener que usar libreras pesadas nicamente con CSS Grid, veremos lo potente que es y lo muchos casos de uso que tiene.Cogeremos paginas complejas y las adaptaremos a CSS Grid en cuestin de pocas lineas y demostrar que un proyecto complejo se puede convertir en uno simple con el simple uso de CSS Grid.En este curso aprenders desde lo bsico a lo ms Avanzado.Que es Grid ?Como combinas CSS GRID y elementos con FlexboxPosicionar columnas y filas dentro de CSS Grid.Lo fcil que es hacer Web Responsive y posicionar los elementos con CSS Grid.Trminos y funciones clave de CSS Grid como repeat(), minmax() auto-fit, auto-fill y mucho mas.Crear sitios web responsive fcilmente.Recreando la Home de Apple un poco modificada."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native Expo: Creando un TripAdvisor de Restaurantes" |
"Gracias a este curso aprenders desde los conceptos bsicos de React Native, hasta lo ms avanzados para crear una APP completa desde cero como la de TripAdvisor.Una vez terminado el curso sers capaz de crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin mvil conectada a una base de datos sin necesidad de ayuda.Aprenderemos desde las bases de React Native al uso de elementos nativos del mvil, como puede ser la cmara o el sistema de ficheros de fotos.Gracias al uso de Expo con React Native aprenderemos a configurar los elementos nativos del dispositivo de una manera muy fcil.Seras capaz de desarrollar cualquier aplicacin mvil para Android y iOSAprenders a desarrollar el sistema de navegacin como un SideMenu, BottomMenu, entre otros componentesAprenders a usar el sistema React Native para crear AppConocers Expo, todas sus herramientas y beneficiosAprenders a configurar y usar Firebase y Firestore para cualquier tipo de proyectoManejaremos distintos tipos de autenticacin en tiempo real con FirebaseVirtualizacin un Sistema Android y iOS para hacer DebugUtilizaremos la Geolocalizacin y los mapas de Apple Maps y Google MapsCreacin autenticaciones con Email, Facebook, etc...Aprenders a controlar los datos que fluyen por React Native entre componentesCrearemos componentes para reutilizarlos en la aplicacinAprenders a usar React Navigation 5, sus Hooks y mucho ms...Crears formularios completamente personalizadosAprenders a crear el sistema de Infinity ScrollAprenders a crear un sistema de bsqueda de restaurantesAprenders a crear un sistema de Favoritos con su propio listadoAadiremos un Preloader para mostrarlos mientras cargan los componentesCreacin de Toasts compatibles con Android y iOSAprenders a crear un sistema de rankings de restaurantesAprenders a crear un sistema de votaciones y reviews sobre los restaurantesUsaremos elementos interno del dispositivo como puede ser la Cmara, Galera, Geolocalizacin, etc...Aprenders a crear un sistema de login y registro de usuarios completoAprenders a usar React Native Elements.Generar .APK y .IPALo mejor de todo, es que este curso no acaba aqu, va a tener continuas actualizaciones para ir mejorando la aplicacin cada vez mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript y ES6: Lo ltimo en JS con Proyectos Reales" |
"Gracias a este curso aprenders desde los conceptos bsicos de JavaScript, hasta lo ms avanzado para crear una pginas webs completas desde cero.Una vez terminado el curso sers capaz de crear cualquier tipo de script o pgina web conectada a una API de datos sin necesidad de ayuda.Aprenderemos desde las bases de JavaScript y ES6 y crearemos poderosas pginas webs que consuman APIs de terceros sin dificultad.QU APRENDEREMOS?Aprenders a consumir APIS REST con JSON y Fetch API + Async / Await, uno de los temas ms importantes como desarrollador JavaScript.JavaScript es el lenguaje ms buscado por las empresas hoy en da.Crearemos peticiones HTTP con un Fetch para consumir datos de APIs externas.Veremos qu son las funciones Asncronas, para qu sirven y como usarlas.Aprenders programacin orientada a objetos con Classes (ES6) y Prototypes (ES5)Veremos qu es el localStorage, lo potente que puede ser para almacenar datos en el navegador.Aprenderemos que es el formato de datos JSON, para que se utiliza y por qu es tan popular.Veremos el uso de Cookies como crear, modificar y borrar cookies en el navegador del cliente.Aprenderemos que es una Variable y una Constante y sus diferencias.Crearemos Objetos desde lo ms simples a Objetos complejos.Crearemos sentencias de condiciones IF ELSE o SWITCH.Aprenderemos a crear bucles para recorrer Arrays de una manera rpida y sencilla.Veremos qu son las funciones y crearemos ejemplos prcticos.Veremos qu es una funcin de tipo flecha y qu diferencia tiene contra una funcin convencional.Crearemos funciones para retrasar ejecuciones de cdigo.Veremos qu hace la funcin MAP y para qu se suele utilizar con ejemplos partidos.Veremos las funciones para poder realizar filtro de datos.Aprenderemos a usar funciones para remplazar un texto por otro.Veremos con transformador los tipos de datos para poder manejarlos de diferente forma.Lo mejor de todo, es que este curso no acaba aqu, va a tener continuas actualizaciones para ir mejorando tus conocimientos cada das ms y ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React JS Hooks: De Cero a Experto Creado Aplicaciones Reales" |
"Gracias a este curso aprenders desde los conceptos bsicos de React JS, hasta lo ms avanzado para crear pginas webs completas desde cero.Una vez terminado el curso sers capaz de crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin web SPA conectada a una API de datos sin necesidad de ayuda.Aprenderemos desde las bases de React JS y crearemos poderosas pginas webs que consuman APIs de terceros sin dificultad.Tambin vamos a aprender a crear aplicaciones web con Next.JS para hacer webs Server Rendered y aprenderemos a usar REDUX con React JS.QUE APRENDEREMOS?Crearemos nuestros proyectos Reales que te puedes encontrar en el mundo laboral.React JS, la librera de Javascript ms demandada en el mercado laboral actualmente.Usaremos los Hooks de React, useState, useEffect, useRef, etc...Crearemos nuestros propios Hooks.Aprenderemos a consumir API REST.Una nueva forma de trabajar ms ordenada, limpia y declarativa por componentes.Conocer todo lo que tiene React y lo que podemos hacer con el.Conocer qu es el State, Props, Tipos de Componentes en React y mucho ms!Utilizaremos React JS con otras tecnologas de JavaScript como LocalStorage.Deployment de Aplicaciones en React de una manera muy rpida y sencilla.Crearemos una web de React completamente con estticos usando Next JS.Escribiremos cdigo React que siga las buenas prcticas.Aprenderemos a usar Redux con un proyecto real, lo configuraremos desde cero.Aprenderemos a usar NextJS para crear aplicaciones Server Rendered.Gracias a todo este contenido podras conseguir trabajo como desarrollador ReactJS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do you want to function in Business internationally but your communications skills are minimal? Do you want your English to be taken seriously in Business Communications? Is it often difficult for you to understand English in a business context? Do you lack the tools you need to find language solutions to understand information you need for work?In this INTRO to BUSINESS ENGLISH will get all the tools and resources to prepare for the analytical approach to English Grammar in the next course: BUSINESS ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS: GRAMMAR MASTER and have all the resources you need to be effective in Business Communications in any sector.This Video Course is made for all E-Learners, with any background or level, who want to improve and perfect their use of English for International Business Communications.Your video course can be watched anywhere, anytime, with practice and resources available 24 hours a day."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"INTRO to Grammar Logic: Part 2" |
"Welcome to Business English for Professionals! This is Part 2 in the series and introduces GRAMMAR LOGIC.Part 1 describes the tools and learning methods in order to follow the entire course. You are welcome to view it at any point!The structure of this course covers:PARTS OF SPEECHWORD ORDERINTERROGATIVE EXPRESSIONSVERB TENSES & FORMS:- AFFIRMATIVE (+)- NEGATIVE ()- INTERROGATIVE (?)- TIMELINE- USAGEGood luck and enjoy!!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Amazon - O Novo Curso Completo" |
"Este curso sobre o mundo da Amazon e como voc pode se tornar parte dele. Ele ensina como se preparar, encontrar seu prprio produto, e depois, comercializar esse produto para o mundo.Nos ltimos anos, me tornei um especialista em Amazon. Por tentativa e erro, sei o que funciona e o que no funciona. Agora, gostaria de compartilhar esta informao inestimvel com voc.Ao longo deste curso, vou te mostrar o passo a passo do processo para construir um negcio de longo prazo no Amazon e tudo isso da forma mais simples possvel."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mastering IPv4 & IPv6 Addressing and Subnetting" |
"This course introduces students to the field of Networking with an emphasis on IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. One of the most complicated and challenging topic as you go into the field of networking is the concept of Subnettting, Supernetting &VLSM. This course will make the topic easy to undertsand . After the course, you should be able to not only configure subnetting with ease, but also have complete control over more intimidating but practical assignment of IPAddresses using Variable Length Subnet Masks. This course will also give you a complete understanding of the IPv6 addressing which is the new version of IP. You will understand the format of IPv6 addreses, the different types of IPv6 addresses. You will also be able to handle IPv6 subnetting, which is a topic that is generally not covered. You will also learn about the different ways to assign IPv6 addresses to devices including SLAAC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA R&S 2019 (200-125) By Hexa CCIE Khawar Butt" |
"Jumpstart your career in IT and networking by understanding the fundamentals of Networking. This course will get you started in the exciting and lucrative field of Cisco Networking. You will be taught to learn the concepts for the technologies & how to implement them. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of all the topics required for passing the Cisco CCNA exam. This course is taught in a way that it is easy to understand. The focus is to break each technology down into small components that can be understood and mastered easily. It will lay the foundation for not only passing the CCNA exam but also for future higher level certifications.In this course, you will:- Understanding the requirement for a specific technology before learning it. - Learning the concepts behind the technology and how to implement them on a Cisco Router / Switch.- Technology implementation with step - by - step approach.- Build the skills and confidence to not only ACE the CCNA 200-125 exam but also be prepared for the Real life implementations.- Use the knowledge and skills to jumpstart your networking career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementing a Cisco ASA Firewall 9.X - All - in - One" |
"This course teaches you how to implement the Cisco ASA Firewall from scatch. No Firewall knowledge is required. The topics covered include the following: Basic Configuration Interface configuration Security Levels Management [Telnet / SSH] Routing [RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP] NAT [Dynamic/Static NAT, Dynamic/Static PAT, Manual NAT] Access Policies Transparent firewall Initialization Access policies Ethertype ACLs Redundancy Redundant Interfaces Port-channels Security Contexts Failover [Active/Standby & Active/Active] Clustering Deep-Packet Inspection using MPF Tuning the global policy Configuring custom L7 policy ASA VPNs Site To Site IPSec Site To Site NAT T Remote access Web VPN AnyConnect"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The New CCNA Exam v1.0 (200-301) By Hexa CCIE Khawar Butt" |
"Jumpstart your career in IT and networking by understanding the fundamentals of Networking. This course will get you started in the exciting and lucrative field of Cisco Networking. You will be taught to learn the concepts for the technologies & how to implement them. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of all the topics required for passing the Cisco CCNA exam. This course is taught in a way that it is easy to understand. The focus is to break each technology down into small components that can be understood and mastered easily. It will lay the foundation for not only passing the CCNA exam but also for future higher level certifications.In this course, you will:- Understanding the requirement for a specific technology before learning it. - Learning the concepts behind the technology and how to implement them on a Cisco Router / Switch.- Technology implementation with step - by - step approach.- Build the skills and confidence to not only ACE the CCNA 200-125 exam but also be prepared for the Real life implementations.- Use the knowledge and skills to jumpstart your networking career."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CCIE Security v5 by Khawar Butt" |
"The CCIE Security v5 Bootcamp is an in depth course covering all the technologies required for the CCIE Security Lab Exam. The topics covered are:1. VPNs - Basic LAN - To - LAN VPNs [IPSEC (Crypto Maps), GRE, GRE Over IPSec, S-VTI] - M-GRE - DMVPN - GET VPN - IKEv2 VPNs - Flex VPN - VRF Aware VPNs - Certificate Based VPNs - ASA Based VPNs (LAN-2-LAN, VPNs thru the ASA, Remote Access VPNs (WebVPN, AnyConnect)2. Firewall - ASA Firewall (Basic Initialization, Routing, NAT, Redundancy, Virtualization) - Zone-Based Firewall (ZBF) - FTD (Basic Initialization, Routing, NAT, ACP, IPS)3. Content Filtering - WSA (Basic Initialization - CLI, Basic Initialization - GUI, WCCP Relationship with Router, Access Policies) - ESA (E-Mail Flow Overview, Basic Initialization - CLI, Basic Initialization - GUI, SMTP Relay Configuration, E-Mail Policies)4. Wireless Networking - Overview of Wireless Networking (Controlled Based Wireless) - Networking configuration required for Wireless - Basic Initialization of the WLC - Basic Wireless LAN Setup5. ISE Configuration - Overview of ISE - Wireless ISE (Dot1x Authentication) - Wired ISE (Dot1x Authentication, MAB) - Device Administration using ISE"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WhatsApp - Criando Um Chat WhatsApp Com Vrias Contas (WP)" |
"Aprenda configurar WhatsApp chat. com o recurso multi departamentos(Vendas, SAC, etc) no seu site Wordpress, no ser necessrio ter conhecimentos em linguagens de programao neste curso.Com ele ser possvel otimizar vendas e ter agilidade no atendimento como pr-vendas, atendimento ao cliente com funes multi usurios assim maximizando a possibilidade de fechar novas vendas ou prestando atendimento premium para seus clientes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn street and formal Arabic/MOROCCAN" |
"I'm teaching Arabic for foreign so they can use it in a lot of situations, example businessmen or working people that work temporarily or permanently in an Arabe country whether it's in north africa or in the golf area and it also :Boosts brain power. ...Improves memory. ...Enhances the ability to multi-task. ...Sharpens the mind. ...Keeps the mind sharper for longer. ...Enhances decision-making. ...The first language is improved. ...Improves performance in other academic areas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kalari - Strength & Conditioning Level-1 Instructor Diploma" |
"Kalari - Strength & Conditioning Level One Instructor Diploma course is based on various forms of Indian Martial Arts strength and conditioning workouts. This course will improve your overall physical fitness, endurance, stability, stamina, power, strength and conditioning. It doesn't matter whether you are a fitness professional, or sportsperson, or a martial arts practitioner, or maybe you are simply working out at your convenience at your home. Although this program is high intensity. I presume even beginners with zeal, motivation, ambition, determination and dedication can enroll for this program. When you complete this program as an Instructor, you will set apart from others at your training centre a high intensity workout for your members and you will stand out among your competitors as a front-runner and it will give you an upper edge over others. This program is set up with simple stretching, low intensity to high intensity warm-ups, drills based on animal postures, shadow fighting drills, and a extremely high intensity Yuddha Kalaa (All round fighting system).The program is designed by Anil Machado a traditional teacher of Kalaripayattu, an Indian martial arts. Black Belt in Budokon Karate, Member of International Self-Defence Organization (Greece), Regional Director for Poland for ISU(International Street Fighting Union, Greece). Besides Martial arts, he follows a living philosophy of Yoga.In 2019 Anil Machado was awarded by the Polish Press as No.2 Fitness Trainer in Poland."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Prenatal Yoga" |
"A great method to maintain a healthy mind and body through prenatal yoga. Prenatal yoga focuses on poses for pregnant women, in order to increase strength and flexibility. It also helps pregnant women to develop proper breathing and relaxation techniques for easier and more comfortable labor. You may practice this daily at your home. You can start practice as early in your pregnancy as you like. However, if you are not feeling well, it may be better to wait to start a yoga regimen until your morning sickness has passed, which is usually in the second trimester.Before you begin a prenatal yoga program, make sure you have your health care provider's OK. You might not be able to do prenatal yoga if you are at increased risk of preterm labor or have certain medical conditions, such as heart disease or back problems. Set realistic goals.When it comes to labor and delivery, the mind-body connection is paramount, and prenatal yoga is one way to help women access deep stores of emotional strength and confidence that they can put to use during contractions and pushing the baby out of the womb. ... But with regular yoga practice, women's ""bodies will open.There are about 43 poses, meditation technique and relaxation technique in this course and most of them are variations or modified to suit the women during pregnancy. In addition there is a bonus material with 2 guided Yoga sequences Edyta is performing observing me.These poses and the sequence can be performed during all the trimesters, but however, during the trimester ensure that you do not strain yourself and modify them to avoid strain and discomfort.Performed by Ms. Edyta Wrbel who is a student of Anil Machado and she is also a certified Yoga Teacher from Shiv-Shakti Yogashram, India.In the Prenatal series Anil Machado is instructing the poses and sequences to Ms. Edyta and she is spontaneously following Anil Machado by observing his movements. I had made this program in a more realistic mode as to give the viewers a first hand look about the course .The course is fully accredited by WCTTA (Poland)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver with Docker, Jenkins & AWS" |
"Docker is one of the hottest technologies in the recent years. Docker helps us to automate the infrastructure. This course is about how docker can be used in Test Automation along with Selenium WebDriver.To become very comfortable with docker from zero knowledge!To learn CI/CD pipelines from zero knowledge!To run our selenium tests inside a docker containerTo bring up the Selenium Grid infrastructure on-demandTo run multiple test suites in parallelTo run our tests in the cloud like AWS / Azure / Google-cloudTo save tons of time from managing the infrastructure."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java 8 and Beyond for SDET" |
"Java is the one of the most popular programming languages. It has still been HOT even after 20 years! There is always huge demand in test automation for the candidates with skill set - Java + Selenium WebDriver. To advance your career in Test Automation and to do your job more efficiently, it is important to know all the basic and advanced concepts of Java well. That is what this is course all about!To make you feel very comfortable with JavaTo introduce functional style of programmingTo be very confident with lambda & streamsTo write clean code by using polymorphism instead of ugly if-else/switch blocks Live coding with test automation examples"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem de programao C# Completo e com Fundamentos" |
"Este curso transforma o conhecimento fundamental em uma base para o aluno saber o que programar e tambm entender como programar na teoria e na prtica utilizando a linguagem de programao C# . Ensina a compreender aspectos essenciais tal como a logica necessria e os recursos de programao de que a linguagem dispe . Prepara o aluno para estar capacitado a desenvolver com conhecimento programas desde a fase inicial de sua jornada no mercado de programao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Invest According To Science" |
"Students will learn how to invest using strategies developed in academia and proven to work in the real world regardless of current wealth status or level of investment knowledge. This course is derived from lectures and seminars I've given over the past 40 years as Founder and CEO of an investment management firm."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Way of the Laugh" |
"Ever thought comedy writing might be for you? If you have, then you're right. It is! Anyone can be funny, and, more importantly, the world needs all the humor it can get. Join me as a student of the laugh. In this course we'll get into the philosophy of great joke writing, then build on those skills to write full-blown comedy sketches. Come on in and let's have some fun."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Plaxis 2D naat (Geoteknik) Mhendislii Modelleme Program" |
"Geoteknik mhendislii iin en yaygn olarak kullanlan modelleme program Plaxis 2D eitimi verilmektedir. Giri, Men Tantm ve Uygulamalar eklinde 3 genel balk altnda eitim verilmektedir. Eitim genel olarak uygulamalar zerinden anlatlmaktadr. KURSUN AMACI zemin mhendisliini retmek deil program retmektir.3 adet rnek benzer yaplmam uygulama ve yaplan uygulamalar paylalmaktadr. Uygulamalar batan sona detayl olarak projeye gre modellenip analizleri yaplmakta ve yorumlanmaktadr. Detayl ve samimi anlatm ile inaat alannda bylesine ok nemli bir programn bilgisi yaygnlatrlmas amalanmaktadr."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 ile Proje Ynetimi" |
"naat sektr iin son zamanlarn en ok talep edilen becerisi ve dal proje ynetimidir. Primavera, proje ynetimi zerine yazlm, son zamanlarda i verenler tarafndan bilinmesi en ok talep edilen becerilerden biridir. Kurs size inaat sektr merkezli planlama program Primavera P6 y anlatmak zerine hazrlanmtr. Kurs bitiminde Primavera y renmi olacaksnz. Ancak bu eitim, 'PROGRAMI ANLATMAK VE TANITMAK' amacyla hazrlanmtr.Eitimin amac Primavera P6 hakknda ' GENEL BR BLGYE SAHP OLMASI PROGRAMIN MANTIINI ANLAMASI VE PROGRAM MENLERNE HAKM OLMASI ' dr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como estudar: Tcnicas e Produtividade nos estudos" |
" Este curso composto de aulas rpidas e explicativas, com dicas que te ajudaro a impulsionar seus aprendizados. Sero apresentadas tcnicas para te ajudar a eliminar a procrastinao e manter o foco nos estudos, alm de tcnicas que podem ser utilizadas para anotaes, resumos e reviso dos contedos. Tudo isso em pequenas aulas para que voc possa avanar rapidamente para a prtica. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching sem desespero: Ferramentas para ganhar confiana" |
"O curso ""Coaching sem desespero: Ferramentas para ganhar confiana"" um treinamento para Coaches formados, que no conseguem fechar processos por medo, insegurana ou at por falta de contedo, e tambm para pessoas que buscam o autoconhecimento, podendo passar pelo processo, enquanto eu explico cada ferramenta! A maioria dos Coaches que no alcanam o sucesso, atribuem esse fato, principalmente, por no saber como fazer uma sesso inicial ou como abordar os Coachees. Aqui eu explico e te ajudo nesse sesso inicial e como buscar seus primeiros Coachees nas redes sociais!Esse treinamento foi dividido em pequenos e mdios vdeos, para que voc absorva ainda mais o contedo! Alm disso, nas primeiras aulas, eu ensino como voc pode assistir esse treinamento 2X mais rpido, absorvendo muito mais contedo!Para mais detalhes, verifique o contedo mais em baixo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |