Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Methodological course to learn and speak Arabic and French" |
"This course is based on a scientific and pedagogic method; it's methodological and used a very easy concept to teach all levels two languages.First part contains the Arabic language; the second part contains the French language, you can Learn Arabic only, French only or both languages also.The lesson is so amazing and easy because it's based on many videos and animations.The method used in this course helps anyone to learn in comfortable conditions. The plan of course starts by the alphabet, after that, we will learn letters, parts of words, words and pronunciation. Third we will learn the basics of each language (pronouns, nouns, verbs, articles, determinants, adjectives, conjugation). After that we will learn a big vocabulary in many useful domains and finally we will see animated conversations and dialogues to handle many situations. So with the plan of this course, anyone can learn and speak one or two languages (Arabic and/or French) easily, with amazing way and in comfortable conditions. I encourage you to learn this course, it's so rich and important."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Top 10 Recipes: Of Moroccan & Tunisian Foods" |
"This course offers to the lovers of tasty foods an easy way to learn how to cook and eat top 10 tastier moroccan and tunisian foods. These 10 foods are so delicious and healthy. So this course teach you how to do it at home by offering you clear and easy videos and animation.From now you can cook many tasty and healty foods from the moroccan and tunisian kitchen. Enjoy it!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Qualificao em Coaching" |
"Curso no qual ir desvendar e esclarecer todas as dvidas sobre a metodologia coaching, para que gestores, lderes, empreendedores, ou para aquelas pessoas que tenham curiosidade e desejam abraar esta carreira, poderem conhecer os passos, benefcios as caractersticas deste profissional, as ferramentas e metodologias utilizadas, alm de mostrar estratgias e desafios na rea da comunicao, e passar a vocs recursos disponveis para traar mtodos para vencer os mesmos.Nosso objetivo aqui te levar a um novo nvel de desenvolvimento e percepo, utilizando atravs do coaching algumas ferramentas que voc possa auto utilizar para busca de sua evoluo pessoal e aplicar tambm ao desenvolvimento do prximo.Seja Mais Forte Que Sua Melhor Desculpa !#VemComigoFabiana Pereira"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max from scratch" |
"This course will show you how to use the tools of 3DS MAX at an expert level, even if you are a beginner. I will deliver the information you need the same way I learned except 500 times more awesome. I have 6 years of experience when it comes to 3DS MAX. As a university student I know exactly what you need to know to get started in creating advanced designs and amazing concepts. Don't miss this chance. PS: if you decide to go through with this course please, make sure you practice when I ask you to. It will really help you see the progress that you'll have in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara il C++ creando giochi in un'ora!" |
"Perch dovrestiimparare ilC++?Prima di tutto, perch C++ un potente e moderno linguaggio di programmazione, uno dei pi diffusi e richiesti al mondo.Conoscendo il C++ sar pi facile entrare nel mercato del lavoro e lavorare per aziende importanti.Inoltre, conC++ potrai sviluppare moltissimi tipi di applicazione:Videogames (con Unreal Engine)Windows Apps (con Visual Studio)Microservice, e altre applicazioni server-side suMac/Linux/WinLibrerie grafiche e motori graficiPlugin per una grande quantit di programmi professionali (es: Maya)Questo corso una guida pratica aC++. Contiene i fondamenti base del linguaggio, che vengono insegnati attraverso la realizzazione di un clone estendibile del famosissimo gioco Snake.Insieme ci soffermeremo sul perch si fanno determinate cose, oltre che su come farle, in modo tale da fornire una conoscenza solida delle basi del linguaggio."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Learning to work with Emacs" |
"Emacs is not just a text editor. Learn how Emacs can replace multiple programs and remain fast and efficient.For Linux lovers to Sys admin, if you work in text mode, edit lots of file and are constantly in a terminal emulator, then Emacs is a tool you want to learn. You will do away with multiple external program. Plus Emacs operation with key binding is so much faster then operation with the mouse."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo programacin .Net/.Net Core (C#)" |
"Quieres aprender a programar? Te llama la atencin la tecnologa que te ofrece Microsoft ? Si es as, este es tu curso!!En este Curso abordaremos desde un nivel bsico todos los conceptos relacionados con .Net y C#, poniendo ejemplos de cada leccin. Abordaremos las nuevas caractersticas de .Net Core hasta sus ultimas versiones haciendo ejemplos prcticos.Tienes delante posiblemente el curso MS COMPLETO realizado nunca en espaol sobre .Net y C# ya que abarcamos todo tipo de temas que te resultaran muy tiles, como los Principios SOLID, Entity Framework Core , una introduccin al cloud de Microsoft , Azure.Se realizaran ejemplos en cdigo de todo lo que se haga, que podrs descargar para revisarlo.En algunos mdulos se propondrn unos ejercicios, para que puedas practicar lo aprendido, que vendrn resueltos, para que puedas entenderlos si te quedas bloqueado.Al finalizar el curso, te propondr 2 ejercicios, que podrs mandarme para que te lo revise y te de feedback de como esta realizado.Cuando acabes este curso, seras capaz de realizar aplicaciones en .Net y .Net Core y lo ms importante, entendiendo lo que haces en todo momento.Se vern los siguientes conceptos:Introduccin a .Net y .Net Core, su historia y evolucinVeremos como descargar e instalar Visual Studio (2017 y 2019), para poder realizar todo el curso sin problemaVeremos los conceptos bsicos de C# (gramatica de C#,bucles, variables, constantes, etc)Veremos como usar mtodos y funciones con C#Veremos todo sobre el uso de cadenas en C#, (Strings y StringBuilders)Veremos todo sobre colecciones y como usarlas. (Hash tables, Colas, ArrayList, Pilas)Veremos los conceptos de la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO)Veremos todo lo relacionado a las ClasesVeremos como usar InterfacesVeremos los conceptos avanzados de C# (Delegados, Eventos, Enumerados, Metodos Anonimos etc..)Veremos el uso de GenericsUsaremos y pondremos ejemplos de Diccionarios y TuplasVeremos como podemos depurar aplicaciones con Visual StudioVeremos como podemos tratar excepciones y crear excepciones customTrabajaremos con Streams y ArchivosVeremos los conceptos de la Programacin Asncrona y TasksVeremos en detalle LINQ.Veremos una breve introduccin a Azure, crearemos un SQL Server y un App service en el cloud de Microsoft.Veremos Entity Framework Core, y crearemos un proyecto de ejemplo, usando localDBVeremos lo que son los principios SOLID, con ejemplos de cada principio (Aadido Julio 2019)Veremos los principios API REST y la pirmide de madurez de Richardson (Aadido Julio 2019)Veremos lo que es la inyeccin de dependencias y como usarla con el inyector por defecto de .Net Core (Aadido Agosto 2019)Crearemos una API desde cero en .Net Core, para que sepas crear tus propias APIS sin ayuda, aplicando los conceptos vistos anteriormente (Aadido Agosto 2019)Veremos que es OpenAPI 3.0 / Swagger y haremos ejemplos prcticos , configurando y documentando una proyecto de API de .Net Core 2.2 (Aadido Agosto 2019)Veremos la nueva caracterstica disponible desde la versin 2.1 de Net core HttpClientFactory, con ejemplos de uso. (Aadido Septiembre 2019)Novedades Asp.Net Core 3.0 (Aadido Noviembre 2019)Conocimientos necesarios:Ninguno, se vera todo desde un nivel bsico, para aprender a programar.Conocimientos recomendados:Haber visto algn lenguaje de programacin, conceptos bsicos sobre la programacin orientada a objetos.Requerimientos:Manejo de Windows a nivel de usuario.Instalar Visual Studio (en el curso se dir como).Muchas ganas de aprender.Todas las herramientas que veremos en el curso son gratuitas."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Strengthen the Immune System!" |
"Have you ever wondered why some people get sick, and others do not? Well, its all about your immune system. Your immune system determines your body's susceptibility to infections, colds, severe disease, and whether or not you succumb to alleges, auto-immune or even cancer. In this course, I will cover the basic concepts of the immune system, what it is,how it works, and how to strengthen it to avoid future illness and to extend your life."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Detox and Weight Loss Program" |
"Scott Summer LAc has been practicing Holistic Medicine for over 20 years. He is now very excited to share his weight loss secrets based upon his own years of research. He has taught thousands of patients how to use food as medicine and how to detoxify the body of the many things which sabotage the body, hinder weight loss and damage your metabolism. Scott is confident this information will help you become the best you can be, and live a vibrant abundant life full of energy, health, and vitality! You can do it!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades Comunicacionales en el entorno laboral" |
"La accin comunicativa del liderazgo como herramientas de los procesos administrativos en la gerencia empresarial. De esta manera, la competencia comunicativa es aquella capacidad de los hablantes no slo para producir oraciones gramaticales bien formadas, sino la capacidad para comunicarse entre s: se trata de la cabida de generar actos de habla con sentido dentro de determinadas situaciones reales. Sin embargo, la competencia lingstica es un saber universal, cuyo aforo est posibilitado por la internacionalizacin de las normas pblicas del lenguaje llevado a cabo por el hablante en el proceso de socializacin. Todo acto de habla posee necesariamente una dimensin interactiva en el que los individuos hablan entre s."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A beginners guide to window cleaning business" |
"This course will cover most of the aspects of window cleaning business. You will learn what you need to start it from scratch. We willnot only cover how to clean different types of windows, but it will also go through how to get the customers, what not to do, how to price the houses and much much more. As you probably know, window cleaning can be a very lucrative activity and with the right knowledge and tactics, you can have a flexible work in no time. Being your own boss is a dream come true for most people and with the knowledge of running window cleaning business, you can start putting all those gems into practice in a matter of days. The fact that it is relatively inexpensive, compared to other businesses, makes it a great opportunity for people on the budget or young people. The instructor owned 2 successful window cleaning businesses which were running on the principals and techniques taught in these lessons. After the completion of this course you too should be able to start your own window cleaning business in no time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eBay Dropshipping (The Smart Way) - LukeProfits" |
"Dropshipping is a form of arbitrage that lets you create a store, list products, and then forward the orders that you get onto a supplier that can fulfill them. You profit the difference between the sale price and the cost of having the order fulfilled.It is one of the best ways to start your own e-commerce journey and learn to become an entrepreneur. Anyone in the world can make money dropshipping. All it takes is a bit of knowledge, and the diligence to keep up with your orders. The method shown in this course is the product of several years of experimentation; hundreds of students have replicated it successfully.Benefits:Ability to start making money immediately.Ability to work from anywhere.Ability to start without having any money.Ability to scale up as much as you want.Safe business model with minimal risk.Unlimited earning potential.Learn how professional eBay sellers make ridiculous amounts of money dropshipping, and then outsource their daily tasks to third-world countries to free their time -- effectively generating cash on autopilot. What's stopping you from becoming one of them? Everything you need to know to get started making money by tomorrow is included in this course.Guarantee:This course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. If you do not find it helpful, you'll get a refund. Feel free to reach out to me first though, and I will see if there is anything that Ican do to help address any questions or concerns that you may have.Included with this course are: Access to a private Facebook group exclusively for students, downloadable templates, dropshipping software discounts, and lifetime access to future course updates."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Luke Profits eBay Dropshipping Course" |
"Learn to create a dropshipping business step-by-step. Work from home. Profit. Outsource & free your time.13+ Hours of training. Everything you need to start making money this week is included in this course.WORK FROM ANYWHEREAnyone in the world can make money dropshipping. All it takes is a bit of knowledge, and the diligence to keep up with your orders.START MAKING MONEY QUICKLYThe method shown in this course is the product of several years of experimentation. Hundreds have replicated it successfully.UNLIMITED EARNING POTENTIALLearn how professional eBay sellers make ridiculous amounts of money dropshipping, and then outsource their daily tasks to third-world countries to free their time -- effectively generating cash on autopilot. What's stopping you from becoming one of them? Benefits:Ability to start making money immediately.Ability to work from anywhere.Ability to start without having any money.Ability to scale up as much as you want.Safe business model with minimal risk.Unlimited earning potential.Learn how professional eBay sellers make ridiculous amounts of money dropshipping, and then outsource their daily tasks to third-world countries to free their time -- effectively generating cash on autopilot. What's stopping you from becoming one of them? Everything you need to know to get started making money by tomorrow is included in this course.Testimonials:I wasn't sure how well the items would sell, but they really are! I've only been doing this for 3 days, but I've gotten 40 sales already. - Paul WhittemoreI got way more sales than I was expecting. Literally got my first sale within an hour of the listings going up! I'm making more money now than before with a tenth of the time spent. - Cary TerzieffMoney Back Guarantee:This course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. If you do not find it helpful, you'll get a refund. Feel free to reach out to me first though, and I will see if there is anything that I can do to help address any questions or concerns that you may have.Included with this course are: Access to a private Facebook group exclusively for students, downloadable templates, dropshipping software discounts, and lifetime access to future course updates."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Basic Nanotechnology in Dentistry Quiz" |
"Test your knowledge about current concepts of nanotechnology and their applications in dental materials through highlighting on the nanostructures and various applications in dentistry and medicine. Preventive dentistry has also utilized nanodentistry to develop the nanomaterials for inclusion in a variety of oral health-care products, no certificate available in this quiz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic tools for researcher, presenter and teacher" |
"By the end of workshop, participants will be able to: Understand types of research and their scientific steps Planning a research Project Use scientific search engine and data bases. Dealing with word and pdf file. Recognizing images files and learning the basic programs used with it. Understand and apply the basic skills of Photoshop and PowerPoint program for your data presentation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estrategia de inversin en Bolsa de New York E-mimi S&P 500" |
"Este curso contiene el material esencial para formarte como trader de futuros. Primeramente comprenders el funcionamiento de los mercados financieros y el alto potencial de ganancias. Ademas aprenders y dominaras una estrategia de inversin clara y rentable para aplicarla en los mercados de futuros, puntualmente en el S&P 500. Finalmente te mostraremos las alternativas que tienes a tu disposicin para obtener financiamiento para operar con capital externo y obtener grandes margenes.""El xito en las inversiones burstiles consiste exclusivamente en la entrega, disciplina y constancia a la que este dispuesto el operador""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Negocios rentables por Internet" |
"Aprende a ganar dinero por Internet con 4 modelos de negocios completamente rentables y seguros. Conoce los aspectos importantes de cada negocio y aprende a desarrollarlos de forma simple pero efectiva. No necesitas tener conocimiento o habilidades en el tema, solo disposicin para aprender a manejar las herramientas o plataformas necesarias."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Product Design From Home Course" |
"At Home Engineering The Course has helped hundreds of people worldwide to learn CAD and product design.This is the course to learn CAD, product design, and engineering fundamentals. I have over 6 years of experience designing and building in industry and research, and I have a Masters of Science in mechanical engineering from the U of MN. I was a mechanical engineer at Google [X], and I've worked with multiple world-leading researchers in technology.After taking this course, you will be able to make custom parts from almost any material, including metal, plastic, ceramic, and composites, enhancing you through tools and knowledge. Using modern, professional, and free tools, I bring together the best of the internet to get you designing and building in 2020.You'll Learn:CAD from the ground up. What CAD program to use, the 4 methods to draw any part in 3D, and bringing your product to motionSimplified materials: How to choose materials for your designs, whether a metal, plastic, ceramic, or composite -- AND when to choose them.The 6 manufacturing methods to produce any part. You'll also learn programs and websites to get your parts made. With these 6, you can command real parts from your computer to your door. How to produce quality 3D images that can be used for marketingDesign a product! I take you through a design from idea to final design Check out the course outline. I dont just teach you CAD, I teach you CAD mindset and methods when you are designing. I teach you the list of need to know manufacturing methods. I simplify materials for you, and give you go-to materials that will meet almost all of your needs. The course is built to get anyone up and running, drawing parts in 3D in a CAD program, and getting them made. Whether you want to build an idea you have, sharpen your design skills or are new to product design altogether, this course will take you there. "
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Master Affiliate Marketing in 14 Days - Beginner to Master!" |
"If you want to be successful with Affiliate Marketing via Proven Online Marketing Methods like Facebook ads and Google marketing, you might love this course! You get principles and strategies that will work for you based on my experience having earned over 2 Million Likes for my Clients pages and finding hundreds of clients for free using Facebook pages.If you are like me, you are reading more now because you want to know for sure whether this course is worth taking before you invest your money and time in it. While I love data, you might prefer simply to be able to ask me any question you have about Affiliate marketing. I will answer every question you ask in the course about Affiliate Marketing and do my best to give you a complete answer that is useful.If you still are not sure about taking the course, maybe these stories of what the students before you experienced will be more useful than whatever I can say about this course. Maybe you can see if you identify with where they were when they took the course and what they got out of it.Great Course from a Top Teacher by Melissa Duarte.Loved this course. Not only did I learn a lot about Facebook ads, but all the little tips on Affiliate marketing and what approaches work were well worth the time. The course is organized well into over 10 lectures and more are continually being added to keep us up to date with what is working now. Video and audio quality is good; everything is clear and easy to understand. Marvin clearly knows FB ads like the back of his hand and it is also obvious that his knowledge comes from being out there in the marketing trenches and not just from reading an e-book to two. Bottom line, if you want your offers to have a presence on Facebook, invest in this course. You won't be sorry.If you take this course... you will learn everything you need by Joel Colas.I have followed Marvin's work for over a year. If you want to know anything about how Facebook ads & Affiliate Marketing work, this is the course. So many of them are about 'how to get 40000 customers for $10'. Marvin's course shows you how to zone in on what works then gradually scale up to something that may actually work over a long time. He is a the superman of Affiliate Marketing! This course has it all.Useful, actionable information by Cyrus lWang.This course gave me a few very solid takeaways around the overwhelming topic of Online Marketing. I am somewhat familiar and have done some ad testing, so the format was great in that I could jump around to the sections I wanted and really drill down into the specifics that were relevant to me. I loved learning about the strategy around .01 likes and how to rapidly create and test multiple campaigns (a real time-saver). Marvin has a great conclusion showing the ratio of effort vs. return that is a really great take-away from the course (I won't spoil it here). I can't wait to try out some of these tactics with my own online courses.Very in-depth and step-by-step structure by Lasse R. Birk.Marvin's course is definitely a course you want to go through if you have anything to do with Online advertising. I think it's genius how he teaches you the method for getting $0.01 likes and conversions as social proof in order to sell to your target market with more authority. Thanks for continually updating the course with more relevant info and material! -LasseAmazing and Inspiring Work by Mohammed Abdelrasoul.Dear Marvin, this course is amazingly great and very in depth, i have seen you have put a lot of determination and hard work into understanding and applying these principles into making it happen for you, i really like your examples and would request you to keep doing whatever that you are doing with teaching , it was great to learn from you, i would seriously recommend this to all who are interested to learn more about social media or Facebook. You're an amazing person !Amazing :) by Ivy Khan.This is an incredibly informative course. Helped me gain tips and tricks to increase my Facebook followers, Website Traffic. I can always count on Marvin to deliver solid content. Will continue taking his courses.Thank you very much for reading so much of this already and seeing what the people before you thought of the course! You have already spent so much time here that by now I can guess you might enjoy the course a lot! Find the ""take this course"" button above to join 3000+ students that have enrolled in the course today!If you want to continue learning more about the course, you can see more below exactly what the course contains! Know that as soon as you enroll, you get access to share any question you have with me in the course discussions and I will give you an answer to it as soon as I see it. I find this is the main way most students find the course really helpful and I work each day to serve you in this course! Join 3000+ students using this 2019 Affiliate Marketing and Facebook ADS course to discover why Facebook showed over 600 million ads for me at $0.01 CPC and gave me over 3000 new students for free! The Affiliate Marketing and Facebook ADS strategies I share with you WORK FAST and WILL ALWAYS WORK! Nearly all of my success on Facebook has come within the two years and everything I show you is based on principles that will work in any situation! You can skip trying to learn Online Marketing for your startup or company the hard way like I did and just learn what works! I struggled to have any success with growing my pages and making any money on Facebook when I got started. I made nearly every mistake you could make! In 2015, I started trying to learn Facebook ads and realized all I had to do was reach the audiences most advertisers were ignoring! In 2017, I made a huge breakthrough with Facebook marketing my courses through groups that have allowed me to be here with you now! Enjoy both PRACTICAL and INSPIRATIONAL lectures! You get everything you need in this course to build your Facebook page, website traffic, and business on Facebook into consistent growth towards numbers you would never have believed possible for yourself! Act on your feelings of LOVE, HOPE, and FAITH to take this course now! Get lifetime access to the information that took me nearly 3 years to learn on my own backed by a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, honest, and detailed! Learn the Affiliate Marketing Methods that generated over 50,000+ conversions free from countries where ad costs are high such as the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada. See how I have earned over 2 million likes using Facebook ads to get $0.01 likes and clicks to build my clients social proof up to a top world influencer in social media marketing and online advertising. Try the Facebook marketing strategy that landed me a six figure client for free using Facebook messages!Thank you for making this the bestselling Affiliate Marketing course! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your questions in the course discussions!Take this course now to get lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about making money on Facebook & Any Online Platforms! If you use Facebook for business, want to use Facebook to make money online, or simply want to use any online platforms and devices to get better results with Facebook ads, you can count on this course to give you the very best, most original, and most detailed information available anywhere online!How did I get the experience necessary with Facebook to share it with you in this course? In August 2013, I started using Facebook when I was in still in School.I was one of the first users to sign up to even think about Affiliate Marketing. In 2014, during a Facebook chat with my friends, I was inspired to start my first company online despite having no funding, no clients, no business knowledge, and no experience marketing or advertising. I am grateful to have earned over $600,000 online since then through helping hundreds of clients with their Online marketing and advertising. You get the best of what I know about being successful on Facebook when you take this course now!What specifically did I do to learn Facebook ads? In 2015, I spent $23,296.84 on Facebook advertising in my own Facebook ads account and managed ads for clients in more than twenty countries. Facebook showed 502,439,911 ads for me and generated 2,534,256 clicks on my ads at an average cost of under $0.01 per click. These clicks led to 1,825,229 page likes and gave me the social proof to land hundreds of new clients for free by sending Facebook messages to pages needing help with growing their audience. In 2018, I carefully documented my entire process for doing this and share it all with you in this course along with making live ad campaigns using the Facebook ads manager, power editor, and even video ads! How will you feel when you can achieve these exact same results and better after taking my course now in 2019?Act on your feelings of love, hope, and faith to en roll in this course now and get lifetime access!Want to see how to get your next 1,000 sales using Affiliate marketing & Facebook for free and how to get your next 100,000 likes for under $1,000 in Facebook ad spend? You will get that and much more in this course on Facebook marketing and advertising! When you enroll in this course, you will feel the love, hope, and faith that inspired me to create this course for your benefit!In the very first you can see for free exactly what you get out of this course. The first section shares the strategy that has been most effective for me in building relationships online and shows you how you can get started with doing it immediately on your own Facebook account without paying Facebook anything! You then get the basics of Online marketing and Online pages giving you the chance to build a strong foundation in understanding the complete user experience and opportunities available to you online to make money.What people love about this course are the 3+ hours of HD screen capture tutorials showing how I make exceptional Landing Pages and how you can use the same tactics I use to get low cost clicks, likes, cheap website traffic, conversions, and sales no matter what niche you are working! If you want to generate leads, make sales, build your marketing funnel, and grow your business, you can count on this course to share a system with you that you can apply to what you are doing starting today.Actually, I even built a Sales Funnel & I'm giving it for free to my students because they asked for it in our facebook group. I was able to build a whole funnel for their first affiliate promotionWhether you have studied Online Advertising, marketing, and ads a long time or are just learning, this course has fresh information from 2019 that you will see for the first time combined with inspiration that will leave you feeling confident that you can be successful with your own Facebook advertising campaigns!How did I gain the knowledge it takes to effectively teach you about Affiliate Marketing?You can insert what you are doing and use this course to build a formula for your success! You get only what I know from experience and the information you need to start applying the course today! Here are some more skills you can learn in this course!You can use this course to build and sharpen your Online advertising skills!If you want hands on screen captured videos, you will get to see me making ad campaigns for my promotions and website conversions.If you want to see how to build your business using social media marketing, I discuss how to grow powerful relationships on Facebook and how to build social proof globally using Facebook ads.You can depend on me to always add new material and update existing lectures recent and ongoing already!If you use Facebook for business or are a Facebook page owner or admin that wants to get better results out of Facebook ads or get your page viral by working smart instead of hard, you can depend on my course to give you everything you need to take the next step!This course is evergreen, but you only need to pay once, so if you're reading this, I'm still working on new videos to include for next week ;)Thank you for learning more about my course and I hope what I share with you when you are enrolled in the course will prove helpful! Click on ENROLL now to get started!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blogging For Beginners - A Complete Blog Starting Course" |
"Blogging For BeginnersBlogging for beginners is a step by step course for newbies who know nothing about blogs. It doesnt matter if you have any prior information about blogs. This course will help you understand how to start a blog with all the necessary knowledge and tools to make it successful.Furthermore, it will help you to learn the important terminologies of blogging with their understanding and implications. Hence you will be able to follow the blogging experts better due to your enhanced knowledge of blogging.In this course, we will learn how to make a website withGoogle Blogger: How to Create a Blog. You know Google is one of the biggest corporation. It also provides free web hosting with sub domain name. You can also create manyweb blogfor different category. I will teach you the exact way to create contents and publish them. You will learn how to manage your contents and install web templates on it. How to post and built pages. Also, know the use of layout and set your costume theme. In the setting section, you can setup all important things.Bloggeris best for every beginner to come and know all about website.Who this course is for:Any student who want to learn about website.Who want to create a website with Google Blogger."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Classification Bootcamp in Python" |
"Are you ready to master Machine Learning techniques and Kick-off your career as a Data Scientist?!You came to the right place!Machine Learning skill is one of the top skills to acquire in 2019 with an average salary of over $114,000 in the United States according to PayScale! The total number of ML jobs over the past two years has grown around 600 percent and expected to grow even more by 2020.This course provides students with knowledge, hands-on experience of state-of-the-art machine learning classification techniques such asLogistic RegressionDecision TreesRandom ForestNave BayesSupport Vector Machines (SVM)In this course, we are going to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of state-of-the-art classification techniques. We are going to build 10 projects from scratch using real world dataset, heres a sample of the projects we will be working on:Build an e-mail spam classifier.Perform sentiment analysis and analyze customer reviews for Amazon Alexa products.Predict the survival rates of the titanic based on the passenger features. Predict customer behavior towards targeted marketing ads on Facebook.Predicting bank clients eligibility to retire given their features such as age and 401K savings. Predict cancer and Kyphosis diseases.Detect fraud in credit card transactions.Key Course Highlights: This comprehensive machine learning course includes over75 HD videolectureswith over 11 hours of video content.The course contains 10 practical hands-on python coding projects that students can add to their portfolio of projects.No intimidating mathematics, we will cover the theory and intuition in clear, simple and easy way.All Jupyter noteboooks (codes) and slides are provided. 10+ years of experience in machine learning and deep learning in both academic and industrial settings have been compiled in this course. Students who enroll in this course will master machine learning classification models and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets of Gypsy Jazz Guitar" |
"Do you know the feeling of ""mystery"" that surrounds the Gypsy Jazz style?How to get that special sound?How to play that unique swing?How to create those stylistic super-cool solos?Absolutely everything you need is right here the most accurate guidance, the best exercises, the most important techniques, so after learning this course you'll be able to play any song you want in the Gypsy Jazz style and sound like the ""real-thing.La Pompe the heart of Gypsy Jazz rhythmStylish chord shapes and chord progressionsRest-stroke picking The Gypsy Jazz techniqueArpeggios and stylistic licksOrnaments and embellishmentsImprovisation in the Gypsy Jazz styleYou'll learn all the basics of this style. After learning this course, you'll be free to continue your journey in the Gypsy Jazz style, with confidence. Youll know what youre doing, because you get those elusive essential fundamentals that you may have heard hinted at or taken for granted elsewhere."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Social Ballroom Dance Course" |
"Want to learn to dance - minus the intimidation?The Step to the Beat course is for everyone. No exclusion, no judgment!WHY SHOULD YOU DANCE?Learning to dance can be very stressful, let alone stepping onto the dance floor for the first time surrounded by strangers. Not knowing what youre doing could be disheartening. In fact, studies show that most people stop dancing because they feel stuck, are afraid others opinions, or feel like they are not progressing quickly enough.Our goal is to help you learn the basics and fundamentals of dance - before you step into a class with other people. Well teach you 8 of the most popular social dances worldwide, helping you form strong foundations for a thriving future in dance. Whether you want to dance socially, recreationally, or competitively, our classes are the perfect starting point! Learn to dance in the comfort of your own home Master the basics of movement to the beat Save time and money, with no need to travel Learn at your own pace with no pressure Improve aerobic fitness Manage or maintain weight Boost self-esteemOur dance students, young and old, love the fact that they can view our lessons as much (or as little) as they want, and at a time that suits them. Sure, you could perform a quick search on YouTube for free dance instruction videos, but these wont get you the results youre searching for. Why? Because they simply dont go into enough detail for beginners.Each dance is demonstrated to music by our dancers and then demonstrated in slow motion. The leaders steps are analysed slowly step by step and then the steps are shown to music allowing you to mirror the dancer. We repeat the same format for the follower and then repeat the dance demonstration.WHICHDANCESWILLILEARN?We tech the basic foot patterns in Waltz, Cha Cha Cha, Quickstep, Argentine Tango, Swing Jive, Rhythm Foxtrot, Mambo/Salsa, and Rumba.WILLINEEDANYSPECIALEQUIPMENT?All you will need is a comfortable pair of shoes, loose clothing and a few square meters of space. You may if you wish purchase a strict tempo dance practice CD for any extra practice. There is a great deal of music available on the internet, but if you are having difficulty finding appropriate music we are always happy to help. You will need to do regular recaps to set the routines into your muscular memory. With a positive attitude and a little time you will master the basics of Ballroom Dance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Catch Up With The Best - Leadership Essentials" |
"Learn the most important leadership principles and become a trust-centric leader for your team. This season contains 18 episodes with a total length of 3 1/2 hours. Full of practical, real and practicable tips discussed with a group of exceptional international leaders. Invest in yourself today and see for yourself!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"MASTERING LIGHT LIVING: Transform Heaviness to Happiness" |
"Welcome to the Light Living Masterclass! I'm so excited to share this time and space together to explore deep transformation through direct experience and real-life application. Idesigned this course because I see certain themes come up again and again in my practice.My clients have checked all the boxes on their 'I'll be happy when...' list, and somehow there's still something missing. On paper their lives look amazing, but they know in their hearts that there is something more and they are right! That is my drive for making this information accessible for anyone!The focus areas addressed in this course cover the most common pit falls and misconceptions as well as exploring and challenging the old limiting beliefs that hold us back from AMAZING FREEDOM&LIGHTNESS. And yes, Ido mean to say that, most often, we are only a thought away from what we truly want. When we learn to step back from our minds and see that we are so much more, life takes on a new richness. Through this course I want you to experience this truth for yourself. Don't believe my it!In order for your to experience the transformation fully, I ask you to come with:An Open Mind and Heart: You were drawn to this course for a reason. Nothing will ever be forced onto you, and I trust you to choose what feels right. What Iask is that you remain discerning but leave your scepticism at the door. Be open to trying new things and seeing where the exploration takes you. True Curiosity: If you truly desire to live a life of LIGHTNESS and to learn how to work with your fears and headspace, then things need to change. Remain curious to see if there is another way...perhaps something you've never considered before. An Application Mindset: Learning without direct application simply goes in one ear and out the other. Every section in this masterclass is accompanied by Life Application Exercises that give the chance for real-life integration. Iwish for you deep transformation and to experience the space of Light Living! Let's do this!If you have questions or feel you'd like to dig deeper, please reach out through the email"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"FastReport para Delphi" |
"Ser demostrado como gerar relatrio de forma pratica e rpido, utilizando a ferramenta FastReport. Ser mostrado a construo de 2 relatrios, de forma simples. E com base nestes, ser possvel gerar vrios outros relatrios.Este curso, tem como principal objetivo, a simplicidade para se construir um relatrio com um timo visual e atendendo as boas praticas de desenvolvimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ROS Robot Operating System for absolute beginners Hands-on" |
"The future towards a well paying job and skill is working in the present. One of the highest paying and in-demand skill is Robotics. Robots are growing very fast and it's time we get skilled with Robotics.With ROS - Robot Operating System you can now simulate and control high end industrial and research robots without buying them. Yes, you heard me right! It's free under Open Source ROS license to simulate the famous robots like TurtleBot2, R2D2, Hector Drone and many more.Skilling on ROS however, has it challenges. The top two challenge being - ROS has an upward skilling demand (hard to learn alone looking at Official wiki) and many find it difficult to install ROS locally which takes away the fun of learning.I have devised this course which takes care of these two challenges by - Installation challenge - I share with you 2 preinstalled versions of ROS VM with this course.Steep curve through ROS Wiki - I have designed this course as Hands-on through 10 projects.Get skilled in the most in-demand skill in the market - robotics with this course. Over 5 hrs of content and sample codes.This course would teach you ROS - Robot Operating system in an easy way through applied 10 projects.Simulate a Hector drone with Joystick, Design a Python 2 wheel robot, Panda robotic arm, TutleSim, Turtlebot2, R2D2, ROS With Arduino and Servo - all on 1 course!Learn how to use Gazebo, Rviz and MoveIT packages with simple example projects.The approach is through hands-on projects using ROS. What will you learn and do after this course?Project 1# Create a ROS chatter application in less than 10 minutesProject 2# Simulate TurtleSim in Keyboard based teleopProject 3# Simulate a custom 2 wheeled robot using PythonProject 4# Simulate an R2D2 star wars robot in ROS and GazeboProject 5# Simulate TurtleSim in Joystick based teleopProject 6# Simulate the famous TurtleBot2 robot in ROSProject 7# Run the Hector drone in a ROS Outdoor environmentProject 8# ROS Serial with Arduino Uno & ultrasonic sensor Project 9# ROS Serial with Arduino Uno & Servo control Project 10 # Use basics of MoveIT to run the Panda Pick and place robot This course also has a section on how to use ROS with Arduino Uno. The last section has ROS Melodic installation along with MoveIt package to simulate the Panda Pick and Place robot.No installation needed as Oracle VM box with ROS Indigo and ROS Melodic is provided for download.Reviews from past Udemy stduents on this ROS Course - ***** 5 star reviews""This is an amazing course filled with an incredible amount of information and value. I wanted to learn more about robotics and controlling my Arduino with more advanced features, this course delivers. I also had a few questions and Anirban was quick to respond. Each section is a good amount of time for the material presented. As recommended, download and using the supplied virtual machine, then set your own up later if you desire"".""It was a great learning experience and I would like to thank Mr. Anirban for coming up with such a well compiled ROS- teaching course"".""The course content was very precise and tailored to suit the needs of the beginner. This comes as a huge advantage to the people who are doing this for the first time. The language is crisp, the videos are solid. I would highly recommend this course to my peers"".Buy with confidence with 30 days money back guarantee from MieRobot and Udemy. Certificate from Udemy.What is not covered?Support related to unix commands, typing errors, syntax errors. The course is to be worked upon using the VM provided with the course. This is to focus on ROS and not on unix. Providing support in QA for personal ROS instances will not be possible as it will not be in sync with the videos presented and I have no control or visibility of the installations you may have performed for ROS.I want you to succeed in your robotics journey. Enrol today!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"how to make 4 Traditional Tasty Yemeni dishes" |
"Hello my friendsAnd you are welcome in the Yemeni kitchen tableIt's wonderful today and In our humble kitchen, we show you ""how to make four very delicious and original Yemeni dishes""Which u will not resist its tasty and its wonder flavorAnd I am very excited to show you the secret way of making our dishes for this dayWhich will amaze your friends and your families and also yourself So our dishes for this day will be varied between:the main dish which will be ( chicken aden zurubian)And the secondary dish will be (the Oven-Roasted Vegetables)And the third dish u will be amazed because it is (original Yemeni bread) that is called alrashosh And the last fourth dish will be Unique sweet dish that is (dates dough with cream )and which will preparing from our third dish So my friends stay with me to know how to make this delicious Yemen dishs (4"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 : Plugin Development Course" |
"This is an online Dynamics 365 Plugin Development Course. One of its kind technical course for beginning your journey in becoming an expert Dynamics 365 Developer or Technical Consultant.Microsoft Dynamics 365 Plugins Development Course CurriculumMicrosoft Dynamics 365 IntroductionModule 1: Extending Dynamics 365Overview about Extending Dynamics 365 CRMTypes of ExtensibilityWhy Custom Development is needed?Consideration before custom DevelopmentModule 2: Fundamentals of Plugin DevelopmentWhat is a Plugin? Introduction to the event frameworkUnderstanding Event Execution pipelinePlug-in Basics Develop Plug-ins Module 3: Register and deploy Plug-ins Plug-in RegistrationPlug-in DeploymentModule 4: Tracing & Debug Plug-insTracing in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement PlatformDebugging Plug-ins on 365 CE on-premiseDebugging Plug-ins on 365 CE onlineModule 5: Deep Dive Plugins Advanced Concepts Use Shared Variables in Plug-ins Impersonation in Plug-ins Secure and Un-secure configuration in Plug-ins Exception Handling in Plug-insIf you want be a Dynamics 365 Developer or Architect or Technical Consultant, this course is right for you.If you are a beginner at Dynamics 365 Development, and upgrade yourself to a PRO.Life time access with ample of hands-on practice with development.You will be able to crack technical interview questions with ease.This is a live course. Topics will be added or removed on demand and need basis.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeWe are offering 30 day money back guarantee, so if you are not happy with the course for any reason whatsoever, you can get your money back, no questions asked."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Custom Workflow Development Course" |
"This is an online Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Custom Workflow Development Course. One of its kind technical course for beginning your journey in becoming an expert Dynamics 365 Developer or Technical Consultant.MICROSOFTDYNAMICS365 CUSTOMWORKFLOWDEVELOPMENTCOURSE CONTENTModule 1: Extending Dynamics 365 Overview about Extending Dynamics 365/CRM Types of Extensibility Why Custom Development is needed? Consideration before custom DevelopmentModule 2: Fundamentals of Workflow What is a Workflow? Different Types of Workflow Differences between these different types of workflows Workflow Basics and Its Components Develop WorkflowModule 3: Adding workflow steps Workflow Create Record Workflow Scope of Workflow Workflow On Demand Workflow Workflow Check Condition Workflow Update Record Workflow Conditional Branch Workflow Assign Record Workflow Default Action Workflow Send Email Workflow Wait Condition Workflow Child Workflow Workflow Perform Action Workflow Custom StepModule 4: Workflow Deep Dive (Custom Workflow Development) What is Custom Workflow Activity? Scenarios for Custom Workflow Activity Basics of Custom Workflow Activity How to Create/Develop a Custom Workflow Activity?Module 5: Register and Deploy Custom Workflow Register a custom workflow Deploy Custom workflowModule 6: Debug Custom Workflow Debugging Custom workflow on Dynamics 365 CE on-premise Debugging Custom workflow on Dynamics 365 CE onlineModule 7: Bonus information Best Practices Similarities and Difference between Workflow and Plugin Choosing between Workflow or PluginIf you want be a Dynamics 365 Developer or Architect or Technical Consultant, this course is right for you.If you are a beginner at Dynamics 365 Development, and upgrade yourself to a PRO.Life time access with ample of hands-on practice with development.You will be able to crack technical interview questions with ease.This is a live course. Topics will be added or removed on demand and need basis.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeWe are offering 30 day money back guarantee, so if you are not happy with the course for any reason whatsoever, you can get your money back, no questions asked."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind" |
"What will you learn?How to cut through the philosophical jargon and clearly explain the main theories in Western Philosophy regarding the nature of the mind and body and how they interact.How to critique the theories advanced in the Philosophy of Mind, such as substance dualism and reductive physicalism.Identify how philosophical theories in the Philosophy of Mind often echo other parts of culture, such as religious attitudes and developments in science.Who is this course for?This course gives an introduction to the Philosophy of Mind and can be studied by those who have never studied Philosophy before. It will appeal to those who are simply interested in the topic; those teaching the topic who want fresh ideas on how to explain the Philosophy of Mind, or those wanting to take an A level qualification in Philosophy. What does the course cover?Philosophy of Mind asks important questions about what it is to be human. Among other questions it asks if we are two things: body and soul, or whether we are only one. It asks what the role of consciousness is in our lives and whether science can explain it. It tries to find the right analogy for humans: do we process problems like computers, or are we biological machines piloted by our spirits? It asks whether we are unique or whether the increased sophistication of robots shows that beings as complicated as us can be constructed using physical components. If you have ever wondered about the fundamental nature of what it is to be human then this course is for you. This course is set at introductory level so begins by covering key terms in the Philosophy of Mind. The next section covers Descartes' Substance Dualism, including some objections to his position. The third section covers Property Dualism, a modern development from Descartes' philosophy, and again some issues with this position are explored. The fourth section looks at Physicalism, the view we are only our bodies. The various subtypes of Physicalism are explored along with the problems with each.The course is structured to be interactive, with activities spread throughout and a multiple choice quiz after each section. Information is delivered mainly through narrated slideshows. Each slide includes images that have been paired with the ideas and concepts discussed to help make the material easier to understand and remember. There is also a transcript of each video to help you follow the material and know how to spell new terms. If any topic particularly takes your interest then you can access the additional resources section of each lecture, which will enable you to explore further. There is also a discussion group where you can discuss the ideas and concepts you will be studying.The syllabus covered in this course is that listed in the AQA's 7172 A Level Philosophy syllabus for the 'Metaphysics of Mind' module. Further information on how this qualification is structured and assessed are attached to the introductory lecture. I will be covering the material from the A Level's 3 other modules in upcoming courses, these are Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology (Philosophy of Knowledge) and Ethics."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |