Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Information Security Foundation based on ISOIEC 27002 exams" |
"Information Security Foundation is a relevant certification for all professionals who work with confidential information within an IT context. It explains the concept, value, and importance of information security as well as the threats and risks.If you want to become Information Security Foundation (based on ISO/IEC 27002) Certified quickly then getting latest new dumps, and practice exam is the easiest way to pass in shortest time***** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 112 questions ********"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional" |
"The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is the most globally recognized certification in the information security market. CISSP validates an information security professionals deep technical and managerial knowledge and experience to effectively design, engineer, and manage the overall security posture of an organization. The broad spectrum of topics included in the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following 8 domains: Security and Risk Management Asset Security Security Architecture and Engineering Communication and Network Security Identity and Access Management (IAM) Security Assessment and Testing Security Operations Software Development Security*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 600 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Programmatic Advertising" |
"Programmatic advertising is growing at a rapid pace! Going by the Zenith Media programmatic marketing forecast, published in November 2018, about 65 percent of digital media spends in 2019 will be programmatic. In fact, in the United States, by the end of 2019, nearly 84 percent of digital display ad spends will transact programmatically. Programmatic advertising is becoming an increasingly important part of the digital advertising ecosystem and, as a marketer or an advertiser, it is imperative that you fully understand how it works. Its an in-demand skill that will help you take your career to the next level and this course will help you accomplish that!In this course, well begin with an understanding of what programmatic advertising really is. I will then take you through the fundamentals of the digital advertising auction, for those of you who are not familiar with it. We will look at the different components of the programmatic advertising ecosystem - demand side platforms, supply side platforms, ad networks and ad exchanges - what they are and where they fit into the ecosystem. You will learn the terminology that you will keep hearing in the programmatic advertising space - frequency cap, about the fold and below the fold inventory, run of network and run of site types of ad buying. You will also learn about brand safety, ad fraud and the concept of viewability in detail.The course will cover the different types of programmatic advertising - open auctions, private auctions, preferred deals and programmatic guaranteed deals with the pros and cons of each type. You will also learn about the Google programmatic ecosystem, the components that are part of it as well as the functions of each component.If you have always wondered what really makes programmatic advertising different from advertising on the Google Display Network through Google Ads, this course will take you through all those differences as well. You will also get a chance to look at some success stories from brands in the programmatic advertising space that will show you the true power of programmatic advertising.Heres a quick summary of the key topics that this course will cover:What is Programmatic AdvertisingDigital Advertising Auction FundamentalsThe early days of Digital AdvertisingThe evolution of Digital AdvertisingThe Programmatic Advertising EcosystemFrequency CapFirst, Second & Third Party DataATF and BTF, RON and ROSBrand SafetyAd Fraud & Bot TrafficAd ViewabilityWhat is a Deal IDThe four types of programmatic advertisingPublisher Ad Server Prioritization - The Publisher WaterfallOpen Auction Pros and ConsPrivate Auction Pros and ConsPreferred Deals Pros and ConsProgrammatic Guaranteed Pros and ConsThe Google Programmatic EcosystemProgrammatic Advertising vs Standard DisplayProgrammatic Advertising Success Stories"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Love Letters Technique - Manage ( Master) Your Emotions" |
"We all have suffered.Interestingly, its not trees and bees who hurt us. It's us, humans. All those people who have been around us all of our life influenced us, not in a good way at times. The Love Letters Technique is a healing practice that helps deal with problematic realitionships from the past. It will be the end of that boyfriend or ex fianc... That employer... That mother of Yours! Not to mention nutty Granny .... I will quide You through the process step by step, actually writing the Love Letter to My Grandmother.But let love conquer it all. We are keeping the good tone of voice in order to stay happy and look back with peace. No, we are not coming back ... Do you keep coffee at home?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness Yoga for Low Back Pain" |
"Introducing a Mindfulness based yoga practice for low back pain with an additional separate meditation video. Find out what could be causing your back pain and how to correct it. You can help your body heal as you move through this sequence, use your breath, and learn awareness and presence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Innovation" |
"This course is intended to help the audience develop new ways to innovate on any product development challenges they might currently be facing - whether they are developing new products or new business methods or business processes which they need to concern themselves with in order to build up a business or deliver results for their business. This online course will deliver value for the audience based on the different types of very practical methods with which one can easily generate new ideas and deliver actual innovation.The instructor describes a number of methods which have served him well across several industries based on past experience and which have also served many other business leaders throughout varied industries, ranging from hardware, digital technology, and even within the pharmaceutical industry.For each method we will delve into real use cases in production which have helped folks innovate, create new ideas, develop new products, and new ways of delivering value to their end-users and their businesses. Some use cases include exploring the relationship between innovation complexity and product embrace by the audience, methods to diversity products as part of the ideation process, and even enhancing the creative component during the product development process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presentaciones Eficaces en Power Point 2019" |
"Sers capaz de generar trabajos profesionales para aplicar en cualquier mbito, tanto en tu vida profesional, laboral y personal. Recorreremos todas las etapas del diseo de una presentacin, e investigaremos todos los recursos disponibles (como grficos, tablas, imgenes, formas, hipervnculos, contenido multimedia, etc.) que el programa nos ofrece para generar un resultado final sorprendente.Una vez finalizada la etapa de diseo, nos enfocaremos en las animaciones y transiciones, (sin dudas, la principal caracterstica de PowerPoint) y lo que le dar accin y movimiento a nuestros trabajos.Aumenta la productividad en tu trabajo, suma valor a tus proyectos, diferenciate del resto y obtiene esa ventaja competitiva.Estas preparado? Te espero!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Come Vendere Su Ebay Da 0 a 5000 al Mese con 0 Budget" |
"Vi insegner come vendere su ebay in prima pagina con almeno 100 vendite al mese spendendo 0 budget sfruttando le ricerche Seo e insegnando a vendere in tutto il web creando pagine prodotto competitive e con dei funnel di acquisto ottenendo il 70% di ricavi dalle vendite senza neanche vedere passare il prodotto da casa vostra ma tutto dietro un PC seduti comodamente e dedicando qualche oretta al giorno"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Corso SEO Avanzato 2019 Tool - App e assistenza" |
"Arriva in prima pagina per portare traffico e trovare clienti grazie al seo in pochi passi dando un occhiata hai vostri competitor cosi da superarli sia nel traffico sia come posizione nei motori di ricerca, analizzeremo e comprenderemo insieme e come usare il seo i vantaggi e gli svantaggi per chi non lo usa, cosi da avere un arma in pi rispetto al resto del web. Non vi resta altro che seguire il corso e comprendere tutto al meglio"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Corso completo Trading + spiegazioni Bolle + storia" |
"Corso completo Trading con reindirizzo alle piattaforme online di oggi e alle pi affidabili spiegazioni Bolle con una piccola parentesi del passato un po di storia del trading i boom dove investire ed i rischiparleremo anche di un caso studio avvenuto nei diversi anni passati, ora non vi resta altro che entrare nel corso e scoprire di pi, apprendendo tutte le nozioni necessarie per iniziare con il trading"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing il Tuo Successo Senza Sito Web 2019" |
"Affiliate Marketing il Tuo Successo Senza Sito Web o con, al interno troverete tutti i nuovi trucchi di affiliazione e i nuovi metodi per trovare pubblico gratis e a pagamento. Questo il nuovo metodo di guadagnare grosse cifre ma esso conosciuto da pochissime persone uno studio afferma che questo lavoro passivo conosciuto da 1 persona su 5000 quindi ancora siamo in tempo per ricavarci la nostra parte cosa aspettate entrate a scoprire il mondo del lavoro online Ci sono infinite possibilit con le quali tu puoi guadagnare online con o senza sito web. Immagina dessere in grado di guadagnare un percentuale dalla vendita dellultimo modello della Apple, E non finisce qui, qualsiasi azienda che si rispetti offre servizi di Affiliazione,Ma dato che hai a disposizione infiniti prodotti e servizi con quali poter guadagnare, e che praticamente chiunque pu diventare affiliato e farti da concorrente, devi agire con attenzione.Questo corso qui per aiutarti a sviluppare una strategia efficace e metterla in atto.Questo corso qui per fornirti svelarti abilit tecniche (e trucchetti) per non cadere nei classici errori da novellino.Sia che tu voglia arrotondare lo stipendio, sia che tu voglia guadagnare professionalmente come affiliato, questo il periodo giusto per iniziare, e questo il corso creato per farti realizzare qualsiasi tuo obiettivo finanziario grazie all'affiliazione.La stragrande maggioranza delle persone guadagnano denaro tramite quelli che sono chiamati Time Based Incomes, ovvero introiti basati sul tempo impiegato. Prendi 10 allora, lavori 8 ore, guadagni 80. LAffiliate Marketing non funziona cos. Per guadagnare online con lAffiliazione, occorre impostare, monitorare, mantenere e migliorare un Sistema. Non si guadagna con il tempo impiegato. Si guadagna con un buon Sistema, pensato bene e attuato bene.E questo il corso che ti insegner a guadagnare online tramite un sistema!Ogni minuto che passa sono potenziali vendite mancate, ogni giorno che passa la tua concorrenza diventa sempre pi forte, non perdere tempo ed iscriviti subito!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Tecniche di Vendita per servizi online e marketing" |
"Corso PRATICO e SEMPLICE sulle tecniche di vendita per acquisire Clienti e strategie ProjectMoney a esperienza nel campo delle vendite da 3 anniconosciamo tutte le tecniche innovative per la vendita tramite web nel nostro corso arruoliamo solo veri uomini e non vendiamo sogni ma solide realt provaci e vedrai se riusciremo a portare risultati modificando le tue strategie di vendita cosa aspetti vieni a vedere i nostro video corso"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"(Healthy back)" |
": , ; , ; ; 7-10 ; , , , ( )"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administration Essentials for New Admins exams" |
"Comprehensive and hands-on, Administration Essentials for New Admins is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce. Its a must for new administrators. We recommend administrators take this course before starting a Salesforce deployment or when taking over an existing deployment.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 630 questions ***"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce DEV-501 - Apex and Visualforce Controllers exams" |
"Salesforce Apex & Visualforce Controllers texam builds a power developer in you who can create Salesforce applications using Apex code toolset and the Visualforce framework. This Salesforce development training course will impart the knowledge and skills to build the applications; test and deploy Apex code. Participants will practice the capabilities of Apex Web services and callouts. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 186 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Building Applications with Force and VisualForce" |
"Building Applications with Force dot com & Visualforce is a must for application developers who want to create custom Force dot com applications or customize existing Salesforce applications. Participants will show how to use the declarative clicks not code capabilities of the Force dot com platform to create new applications as well as Visualforce pages and components to create custom interfaces. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 338 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin 1" |
"Salesforce Certifications are industry-recognized qualifications that prove to employers or clients that you excel in a particular field of Salesforce. Salesforce Certifications are held in the form of multiple-choice exams that can either be taken at an exam center or home using protected exam software requiring a webcam. The reason most people start with the Administrator exam is that it provides the foundation and knowledge of the standard Salesforce System From there users usually specialize in a field, you can go down the Implementation Specialists route if you are a consultant, go for the Advanced Administrator if you are an internal Administrator or if you are a Developer/Technical Architect go down the top route. Who should prepare for the exam ?New system administrators responsible for the setup, configuration, and maintenance of their organizations Salesforce applications. Other groups that would benefit from deepening their knowledge of Salesforce Lightning Experience, including power users, sales operations, and IT managers.The Salesforce Administrator credential is designed for those who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities.What you should knwo to pass the exam : Determine and implement appropriate data access and visibility settingsManage configuration changes in a sandbox environment and move data between environments using change setsExtend the functionality of your implementation with custom objects and appsExtend your reporting to provide up-to-date views of your businessCustomize the Salesforce mobile app and create quick actions to increase efficiencyImprove data quality so that the ongoing task of data maintenance is not so overwhelmingImplement complex business processes using workflow rules, Process Builder, approval processes, and flows.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 356 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder practice exams" |
"Preparing to take your Salesforce Platform App Builder credential?Ace your Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder exam by using this practice exam to test your knowledge. This practice exam contains 94 multiple choice questions and covers most of the topics on the Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder exam, including data modeling, security, process automation and business logic.Here are some examples of the concepts you should understand to pass the exam:How to design the data model, user interface, business logic, and security for custom applicationsHow to customize applications for mobile useHow to design reports and dashboardsHow to deploy custom applicationsThe Salesforce Platform App Builder credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and deploying custom applications using the declarative customization capabilities of the Lightning Platform. The candidate can create, manage, and update data models, application security, business logic, and process automation.The Salesforce Platform App Builder credential is intended for an individual who has experience developing custom applications on the Lightning Platform, including practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below.The Salesforce Platform App Builder generally has 6 months to 1 year of experience building applications on the Lightning Platform and/or on a similar technology platform.The Salesforce Platform App Builder candidate has the experience, skills, and knowledge outlined below:Familiarity with the capabilities of the Lightning PlatformAwareness of Salesforce license types and related considerationsAbility to design applications to support business processes and reporting requirementsFamiliarity with the social and mobile capabilities of the platform; accustomed to using and optimizing business applications on a mobile deviceFamiliarity with the Salesforce development environments and the options available to deploy applications and manage changes on the Lightning PlatformStudy of the resources listed in this exam guide and the additional required study materials provided by SalesforceA candidate for this exam is not expected to be able to administer Sales Cloud or Service Cloud, have programmatic development experience (Apex, Visualforce, etc.), design custom interfaces using Visualforce, or design custom Lightning components using Apex or JavaScript.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 94 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist practice exams" |
"The Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing marketing workflows through the Pardot platform. The candidate would know how to build strategic marketing processes that incorporate different tools like email marketing, lead generation, lead scoring, and can use reports to make data-driven decisions. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 211 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sales Cloud Consultant Certification practice exams" |
"The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have experience implementing Salesforce Sales Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The audience has proven experience with the administration and configuration of a Salesforce application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Administrator exam. The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant is able to successfully design and implement maintainable and scalable Sales Cloud solutions that meet customer business requirements, and contribute to long-term customer success. Exam Guideline:Domain KnowledgeGood understanding of End to End sales processAccount & Contact ManagementOpportunity ManagementIntegration and Data ManagementReports and Dash Boards Configuration*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 224 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin 2" |
"OVERVIEWComprehensive and hands-on, this course is for administrators who are ready to significantly ramp up their skills and knowledge about using Salesforce to solve their most pressing business needs. Using real-world scenarios, Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins covers topics such as extending Salesforce with custom objects and apps, generating complex reports and dashboards, and automating complex business processes to help you work more efficiently and get more out of Salesforce.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?Administration Essentials for Experienced Admins is designed for: Administrators with at least six months of experience using Salesforce; and/or Administrators who have completed the Administration Essentials for New Admins courseTO PASS THE EXAM, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: Determine and implement appropriate data access and visibility settingsManage configuration changes in a sandbox environment and move data between environments using change setsExtend the functionality of your implementation with custom objects and appsExtend your reporting to provide up-to-date views of your businessCustomize the Salesforce1 app and create quick actions to increase efficiencyImprove data quality so that the ongoing task of data maintenance is not so overwhelmingImplement complex business processes using work flow rules, processes, approval processes, and flows*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 229 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Canadian Securities Course (CSC) tutorials" |
"Welcome to Prep for Canadian Securities Course . In this course you would be getting 25 videos . Each video covers a chapter of CSCexam This course provides in depth knowledge of the Canadian securities marketplace. You will learn about the types, features, pricing and trading of fixed income securities while using relevant software. You will also learn about the Canadian securities industry and the regulatory environment, market and economic events impacting investment performance, and to analyze corporate financial statements. We will undertake an investigation of financial instruments such as fixed income, equities, managed products and structured products. Fee based accounts and derivatives are also included in this course. You will study:1. The Capital Market2. The Canadian Securities Industry3. The Canadian Regulatory Environment4. Economic Principles5. Economic Policy6. Fixed Income Securities:7. Features and Types8. Fixed Income Securities:9. Pricing and Trading10. Equity Securities11. Common and Preferred Shares12. Equity Securities13. Equity Transactions14. Derivatives15. Financing and Listing Securities16.Corporations and Their Financial Statements17 . Fundamental and Technical Analysis18. Company Analysis19 . Introduction to the Portfolio Approach20 . The Portfolio Management Process21. Fundamentals of Managed and Structured Products22. Mutual Funds Structure and Regulation23. Mutual Funds Types and Features24. Segregated Funds and Other Insurance Products25. Hedge Funds Exchange26. listed Managed Products27. Fee28. Based Accounts29. Structured Products30. Canadian Taxation31. Working with the Retail Client32. Working with the Institutional Client"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Financial Planning Tutorials" |
"We would be covering topics like : Advising in the Financial Services IndustryThe Financial Planning ProcessBudgeting and BorrowingTaxes, Investments, Retirement and WillsRisk Management and Life InsuranceFinancial Planning in CanadaThe Six Steps of the Financial Planning ProcessNet Worth Planning and General Strategies to Manage CreditFinancial Planning and MortgagesInvestment and Tax PlanningRetirement Planning and InsuranceEstate Planning & Family LawFinancial Planning for Small BusinessIn this course we would be covering topics that are tested in different exams like 1. Financial Planning I (FP I) course conducted by Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)2. Financial Planning II (FPII) course conducted by Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)3. Applied Financial Planning (AFP) Certification Examination conducted by Canadian Securities Institute (CSI)4. Certified Financial planning (CFP) certification examination conducted by Financial Planning Standards Council This course would also be helpful if you are taking personal financial planning course in your under graduation or graduation or you are working in financial services industry in Canada"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CFA Equity and Portfolio Management practical tutorials" |
"This course will help you understand practically the syllabus of portfolio management and equity analysis .This course is best suited if you are pursing Chartered financial analyst designation (CFA) or taking finance as specialization in your grad and undergrad. The focus of this course is applied learning . This course give you basics of stock trading platform and research platforms. We would be discussing topics like : 1. Asset allocation 2. Portfolio management - risk and return 3. Types of portfolio management- Active and passive 4. Portfolio management process5. Basics of equity 6. Types of equity 7. Equity markets - primary market operations 8. Equity markets - secondary markets operations (stock trading )9. Equity analysis - fundamental and technical analysis"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live Basico" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como manipular udio e MIDI para fazer a produo de sua msica utilizando o ableton live. do zero dando um norte a composio e produo das suas ideias dentro do programa. Criao de kicks, bass e melodias e o bsico de mixagem da faixa. Metodologia prtica de rpido aprendizado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exam Questions for SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting" |
"To make your SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting Certification Exam preparation easy, I have designed SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting Certification Practice Exam by carefully maintaining exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting Associates Certification Exam. My SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting Certification practice exams contain practical case study based questions and answers. I have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sculpting Hands In Zbrush Premium Course" |
"Sculpting Hands in Zbrush Premium Course is a short timelapse and real time annotated premium course (just under 2 hours).We are going to look at all stages of production from basic modeling with ZModeler (to have the most control of the mesh) to giving you all the necessary knowledge like proportions, bones, muscles and tendons to feel most comfortable creating your own hands.The course has a lot of photo references as well as anatomy plates to guide through the whole process. It's not only seeing how one creates the model and what brushes to use but also explaining how to read the surface forms with the help of anatomy to understand what is what and then creating your own hands :). Software used:Zbrush 2018What is included:HD video files (108 minutes of content). Timelapse and real time fully annotated videos. All relevant parts are shown in real time.Zbrush files of all stages with subdivision levels so you can follow along.Chapter list:01 - Intro02 -Hand anatomy overview03 - Modeling the base hand with ZModeler04 - Working on proportions05 - Basic ZBrush setup and brushes06 - Posing the fingers07 - Sculpting the hand part 108 - Sculpting the hand part 209 - OutroIf you want to check the style of my teaching you can find some of my free tutorials on my YouTube channel. Check my profile for the links.I have also made one chapter free to watch - ""Posing the fingers with transpose"", be sure to check it out.Credits:- For many of my anatomy plates in this course I have used - ""Anatomy For Sculptors: Understanding the Human Figure"" by Uldis Zarins with Sandis Kondrats.- I have also extensively used Gray's Anatomy plates from Wikimedia Commons.- Trailer music: The awesome music is created by Kevin MacLeod ""Rynos Theme"" Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Flujo de Caja y Proyecciones Financieras" |
"Para estudiantes, profesionales, empresarios y ejecutivos en el manejo de las finanzas operativas y estructurales de los proyectos, los emprendimientos y las empresas, desde el manejo conceptual y practico de la tesorera y las proyecciones financieras, el valor econmico agregado (EVA) y la planeacin estratgica a la inversa, incluye la capacitacin y usos de tres modelos financieros para manejo de flujo de caja, presupuesto base cero en todos los niveles de los negocios y modelo de calculo de EVA"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Canva - Canva for Beginners" |
"Get started with Canva & Graphic Design in this info-packed new course!Getting Started with Canva Canva for Beginners has been designed to help any entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, business owners, marketers, advertisers, bloggers & social media users take advantage of the powerful & FREE online software, known as Canva. This course teaches you everything you need to know about how to use Canva to create beautiful, engaging, unique & powerful designs to capture your readers, audience, customers or even just your family & friends attention.What you will learn in this course:Ive set up this course to take you from absolute 0 to being able to create your own graphics & designs in a quick & timely manner with the confidence. You will learn all of the basics of Canva so that you can get up and running quickly, plus a few valuable tips & tricks to really take your designs and brand to the next level. Within an hour, youll have all of the tools to create amazing graphics, images, pdfs & more.The lessons include the following:Creating and setting up your Canva account.Navigation around Canva's interface.Selecting & editing pre-made templates & layouts.Adding artwork, images, text, and backgrounds.Uploading your own images.Setting up your brand colors.Sharing your designs via email, links & on social media.Downloading and printing your designs.Plus, access to all the free updates made to the course in the future.Why is this course different?My approach is to not only explain what & how to do something, but to also SHOW you how & to include real life situations where features are useful. I show you the quickest way to accomplish tasks, but I also show you the other ways of achieving a task as you may find that way easier. This is a beginners course that takes you from starting your account, all the way to using effective shortcuts to complete incredible designs in a matter of minutes.P.s. Im a content creator & a teacher, I value the information given to me from my colleagues, students, or even just the casal observer. I welcome all forms of feedback, questions, discussions, or reviews on my courses. You can view my profile to see the various ways to contact me, &I'm looking forward to hearing from you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Educar A Tu Perro Y Ser Feliz Con l Sin Estrs." |
"En este curso aprenders como educar a tu perro y a disfrutarlo. Haz el video curso hasta el final para que tengas todas las herramientas y la educacin que le des sea efectiva. Si te gusto el video curso djame tus comentarios y cinco estrellas. Cualquier duda o inquietud escrbeme y te atenderemos lo ms rpido posible."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python Programming to Land up in a Job" |
"This course helps you becoming a Python Expert and get an in depth understanding of one of the most trending and in demand skill of 2020!Go from a complete beginner to building Python Projects including Game Development with this course, This curriculum covers coding lectures having deep dive explanation to each of the concepts in PythonNo need to wander around YouTube videos, documentation and random posts to find the information that you need to build your Python skills. This course gives you right set of information if you are beginner of programming or switching your programming journey from another language to Python.This course will give you under the hood details of every concept that is spoken about in Python and sets your fundamentals in par with a professional python programmer.If you are aiming to take up Automation of routine tasks with Python Scripting or get into web development or become a Data Scientist / Machine Learning & Deep Learning Engineer then you are at a very right place to start the journey by choosing to learn the tool that assists all the above operations.Instead of giving you abstract details on How to work with Python at a surface level, i will take you through a ground up approach and provide complete details and deeper understanding on how and why of varied Python operations and functionalities along with best practices and pitfalls faced to let you become a Python expert via this course. High level list of topics that are covered in this course are mentioned below:Understand how Python works Under the HoodBehavior of Python VariablesData Objects in Python - NumbersData Objects in Python - TextStatements and Operators in PythonData Structures in PythonLoops and ComprehensionFunctions in Python User defined Functions & Complete details and Implementation of DecoratorsFunctions in Python Built-In FunctionsException Handling in PythonIterators and Generators in PythonCollections in PythonObject Oriented Programming in PythonApplications and Game DevelopmentMore Details on some of the topics that are covered in this course which are unique compared to conventional Python programming topics are described below:Complete working style of Python- Along with the different components that python encounters during its executionDoes Python compile your code or interpret it or does both? In this section We will get this answer and realize how our software code gets executed on a physical(hardware) machineInstalling Python in your environment along with the required IDEs to start coding.We will get to know the best fit suite to run our Python code in this sectionPython Variables More than just a container to store the data and access the data as compared to other languages and reason behind its name of Dynamically Typed ProgramCan we write: x = 100 followed by x = 'Hello world' in the same piece of software code? Yes, we can do it in Python. Then what about data type assignment to a variable? is it really needed here? We are going to understand and get the answer for each of our questions on variables in Python and get to know how easy it is to develop applications with themDifferent Data objects available in Python Numbers, Strings, Boolean, List, Tuple, Set, DictionaryIf you have ever thought of, in how many types could i ever store data in a Python program? you are going to get the answer here.This section covers a lot of ground required for you to get skills of managing varied types of data in your programNumbers- Complete details about Integer and Floating point numbers and ways to circumvent the surprising arithmetics of floating point numbers with a good introduction to Python ModulesHave you ever thought about the data type required to store the count of people in your family at home and data type required to store the count of Trees present in amazon rain forest?Both are probably two extremes, isn't it? First case will mostly fall under 2 digits and second case may require atleast 12 digits to store.How do we do it in Python? Do we require multiple data category or will one form of number suffice the need. We will get clarity on the same in this section.What do you suggest the out come of below statement ?0.1+0.2 == 0.3Will it be TRUE or FALSE? Any body who is aware of general mathematics will definitely say it TRUE and its obvious that adding 0.1 and 0.2 constitutes to 0.3Will Python behaves the same way? We will see some surprising mathematics , reasons behind them and ways to circumvent it in this sectionStrings - Gain mastery over strings with different possible operations and see how they steal the pressure of coding!How easy is it to get each character from your name and join back them ? How could you reverse a string in just one line?Python strings and its function lets you do most complex task in a easiest way.Python Statements and operators - It is always required to logically and conditionally connect our data and code, here we will see how python brings that at its best!Data structures[lists, tuples,dictionary,sets] - Data structuring in Python eases the process of developing an application and we will here see different options that are made available in Python along with its complete functionalityHave you tried to store your Name, Age, Salary and Address in a same element? This section will help you implemented heterogeneous object storage using different mechanism.Here is a simple task for you, given below instructions:a=2b=ab=10whats the value of b and a? Its quite obvious that its 10 and 2 respectively, isn't it?ok now tell me,a = [2,3,4] # for now consider this as just another way of storing data in variables, we will discuss about it in detail in our coding lecturesb = aNow change the first element of b from 2 to 10 using following syntaxb[0] = 10 # once again dont worry about the details on whats this and how do we do it, will take you through during our lecturesCan you now tell me the value of b and a? Is it [10,3,4] for b and [2,3,4] for a? Definitely not.!Its because the value was never copied from variable a to a new memory location instead both variables a and b are pointing to same memory location, hence any changes made to either variable a or b reflects to the same memory location referred them. To make an actual copy of the value to new memory location we have something called as shallow copy and deep copy in python which we will understand in our courseModification of values to the elements of variable a and b are possible because they are mutable objects.What do you mean by Mutable and Immutable Objects? We will understand them in detail during our course along with their behavior.List Comprehension and Dictionary Comprehension are the Pythonic way of writing the code which we will understand and implement in this sectionLoops in Python We will see how easy it is to connect your data and metadata with coding magics like loops and iterators in PythonFunctions in Python - By using functions in Python we will understand how to modularize the application code, in this section we will implement different types of functions in Python.Let me give you a python function code snippet:name = 'John'def getName():name = 'James'print('Inside Function value of Name is: '+name)print('Outside Function value of Name is: '+name)Can you tell me if the result of both print statements yield same or different result?Will the name variable inside function and outside function return same or different values?We will see the answer in one of the coding lectures in our course and also get into the details of variable scoping and how to implement them based on the requirements.I will give you a requirement to create a user defined function that must perform addition of numbers, but the catch is you do not know how many arguments are passed to the function, sometimes your function may get 2 arguments, sometimes 4 arguments ... sometimes n arguments as numbers to be addedHow do we accomplish this? To achieve it, We have below concepts:packing and unpacking arguments (*args)packing and unpacking keyword arguments (*kwargs)Which helps us to cater the above defined requirement. We will step in to the detailed understanding of them in our course.If i ask you to create a simple function to find if a given number is even or not, how do you plan to do it?i will show you a smart one liner function to achieve the same:even = lambda x:x%2==0That's termed as Lamda Function, more details of which will be tought in our course.Have you ever thought about returning a function as part of another function's call and passing a function as an argument during a function call?Yes, that's very much possible in Python Functions and that's the reason they are termed as First-Class Functions, we will understand them and implement in our coding lectures.You are going to reach perfection in python programming by implementing following projects that span across the topics that we discuss:Facebook Friend List MakerGPA CalculatorJob Opportunity CheckerTweet ManagerGame Development - ""Reveal the secret""Game Development - ""Tic Tac Toe""Design and Development of Television"
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