Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"I am highly Sensitive" |
"Being Highly Sensitive means you sense the world deeply. You connect with your environment with an energy frequency which is so refined that you often get lost in all the overwhelming stimulus. You sense more and have intuitive knowledge. This course will not cure you from this sensitivity. On contrary, being sensitive is a great talent and a precious gift in life. Most of you have an indestructible expression of optimism, a good overview in all kind of situations and a great sense of curiosity and compassion. More qualities are your ability to be creative in all forms. Thinking out of the box. Let your heart speak and act. Helping other living creatures/species/people to feel good.. Overview the lives of people you meet and respect the path they have to walk. This course will give you insights on how to survive in the tough human world.There are many benefits to know, especially when you are working in the field of taking care of others. You sense how caring gets more and more an issue of money, protocol and time-pressure instead of working with the heart. You become a more valuable worker in a variety of professions who are related to helping others. Highly Sensitive People are living all over the world. Unfortunately in many places they get squeezed by the lower frequencies of fear, violence and high expectations in society.First you have to recognise your talents as a Highly Sensitive Person. Once you are aware of these qualities in your life, you stop blaming and judging yourself of feeling awkward about your vulnerability. Youll learn to keep your frequency high by inviting the feeling of love, peace and joy. Master your energy and start to know why you are an emotional ping pong ball. Master your energy and prevent getting a burn out.Yolanda Onderwater would like you to invite you to join the course and learn to understand how to communicate in other frequencies.Yolanda Onderwater, being a HSP all her life, gave many people their strength back. She learned them how it is possible to be a HSP and stand firmly with two legs on this earth.Contents and OverviewThis course was designed for people who feel overwhelmed by the external world and wish to create more stable and peaceful life. In this course you will learn that making a connection with others is a choice.In this course you will learn how emotions, from yourself and others, affects your mood and stability.In this course you will learn how to stay balanced..By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you quickly recognise when you adapt and become a chameleon. You'll also receive bonus material that gives you a glimpse on how children and teenagers recognise that they act and react differently from other children. Maybe thats your story too.With these lessons, you'll learn to become your own best friend again."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Box With Cairo The Waikato Warrior George" |
"Cairo George is a professional boxer from New Zealand. This course is designed to teach you how to box, and to box safely anywhere in the world. From choosing a trainer and wrapping, to combination punching, this course has everything you need to begin to box, and achieve your boxing goals. Cairo is actively fighting in international fights, and is hoping to one day become a world champion!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Statistik mit R" |
"In diesem Kurs fhre ich dich in die Welt von R fr die statistische Analyse ein. Das ganze mache ich mit einer ganz klaren didaktischen Strategie: Du wirst auf eine sehr praxisorientierte Art und Weise das lernen, was tatschlich wichtig ist. Alles andere stellen wir mal hinten an -- das hier ist keiner der vielen Kurse, der mit 100 Stunden Laufzeit jede nur erdenkliche Funktion von R zeigen will. Im Gegenteil: Ich mchte dich dazu befhigen, selbststndig und selbstsicher quantitative Daten zu laden, aufzubereiten und letztendlich mit einem passenden statistischen Test zu analysieren. Und dazu braucht es nur eins: Fokus. Mit diesem Kurs biete ich dir genau das. Wir fokussieren auf die wirklich wichtigen Bereiche von R; in Nebenstzen zeige ich dir mgliche Entwicklungslinien fr die Zukunft auf.Aus statistischer Sicht werden wir uns vor allem mit dem Testen von recht einfachen Unterschieds- und Zusammenhangshypothesen auseinandersetzen. Den genauen Inhalt kannst du im (kommentierten) Curriculum nachlesen. Ich freue mich, dich im Kurs zu begren!Liebe GreDominik"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Systematische Reviews in 3 einfachen Schritten" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du eine systematische Literaturarbeit - zum Beispiel im Rahmen einer Dissertation, Masterarbeit oder Bachelorarbeit - effktiv und zielorientiert schreibst.Wir besprechen drei hauptschliche Phasen: die Planung, die Durchfhrung der Suche, und die Analyse bzw. das Reporting. Dabei gebe ich dir Tools und Templates mit auf dem Weg und fhre dich durch Beispiel aus der Praxis durch."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Jak wykorzysta smartfon do produkcji filmw edukacyjnych" |
"Ten kurs ma za zadanie nauczy ci wykorzystywa swj telefon komrkowy, a take niektre akcesoria do tego, aby tworzy profesjonalnie wygldajce nagrania wideo. Nauczysz si z niego caego procesu, poczwszy od planowania, skoczywszy na dystrybucji. Oczywicie, z racji tematyki, bardzo wiele czasu powicimy te samemu sprztowi, jego konfiguracji, zagadnieniom operatorskim, owietleniowym i dwikowym. Nauczysz si te edytowa wideo, ktre nagrasz. Tym samym - jest to kompletny kurs, ktry pozwala zdoby kompetencje w najwaniejszych profesjach zwizanych z wideo (reyser, operator, dwikowiec, montaysta, producent), jednak zamiast profesjonalnych kamer za setki tysicy zotych, skupiamy si na tym, co masz w kieszeni lub torebce. A wic: na twoim telefonie.Kurs zosta przygotowany gwnie z myl o tych, ktrzy maj za zadanie krci wideo w warunkach firmy czy organizacji. Zazwyczaj staj oni przed takimi zadaniami jak: zarejestrowanie wypowiedzi do kamery, nagranie wyreyserowanej scenki czy zaprezentowanie w formie wideoinstrukcji wykonania danej czynnoci. Rzeczy te wydaj si znacznie mniej skomplikowane, ni - przykadowo - nagrania z drona czy filmy 3D/360 stopni. Problem jednak w tym, e te pozornie proste rzeczy w caoci opieraj si na dowiadczeniu i warsztacie filmowca. Innymi sowy: trzeba sporo wiedzie, aby prost wypowied nakrci tak, eby wygldaa jakby do jej zarejestrowania uyto sprztu za 100 tysicy zotych. I to jest wanie sedno tego kursu.Mamy tutaj ponad 60 rnych zasobw (same lekcje wideo to ponad 5 godzin materiaw), gwnie w postaci lekcji wideo (stanowi ponad 3/4 treci), ale te artykuw, wicze i schematw pracy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Steps Into Management Accounting" |
"First steps into management accounting will show you that management accounting is not as confusing and boring as you think. And something more, it is not necessary to read tones of antique books to become confident in this area. The course consists of short, clear and easy to understand theory, explained examples and examples to check your knowledge. With this course, the learning process is just a piece of cake. Just take a cup of coffee, tea or some other favorite drink and let me convince you that the process of learning management accounting can be as pleasant as doing your favorite hobby. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Budget preparation through a case study - simple explanation" |
"With this course you'll take a close look at the process of budget preparation. It consists of just a little bit of theory and more practice. In the first section you have the opportunity to hear some important tips on how to learn effectively and take a close look at some essential accounting terms. If you already know them, you can go forward to the second section where you'll find the heart of the course - a case study with solutions which show the main steps in budgeting. Only the first two lessons of this main section present some short theory. All other lessons represent a practical explanation of each type of budget. The main idea of the course is to explain the process of budgeting simply. In this way everybody can understand the logic of budgeting and gain confidence in this field."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn MQL4 from scratch and build your own Forex Robots!" |
"This is a practical course for Forex or Commodity traders who want to learn MQL4 and program their own Forex Robots (aka Expert Advisor for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform). The student is assumed to have basic trading knowledge and knows how to use the MetaTrader 4 platform. This course also assumes the student is a total beginner in programming and is structured in a way to have a gentle learning curve."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Raising Backyard Chickens for Fun and Eggs" |
"Course will cover and be an In-depth and informational course of chickens, eggs and how to get started raising backyard chickens from an egg or hatchery to an egg laying chicken and even roosters. The individual breeds and characteristics of most of the breeds will be given along with the information for the student to be able to ascertain which breeds and characteristics fit their individual needs and desires. Where and how to house your flock as well as chicken diseases are discussed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto com Power BI: da Teoria Prtica" |
"Voc conhece o conceito de Business Intelligence (BI)? Sabe o que isso significa, na prtica? Se a sua resposta foi no, esse curso definitivamente foi feito para voc. E voc nem precisa ser formado em TI, Economia, Engenharia ou Matemtica.Neste treinamento, vamos ensinar os fundamentos e conceitos do BI com uma linguagem simples e didtica para que voc, seja qual for a sua formao, possa gerar relatrios com os resultados da sua empresa com mais facilidade.E no pense que se trata de mais um curso de software. Pelo contrrio! Com exerccios prticos, o Gesto Com Power BI: da Teoria Prtica um passo a passo descomplicado para ajudar voc a fazer a gesto da sua empresa e gerar ganhos, de tempo e de dinheiro, com o uso de uma ferramenta que pode ser acessada pelo computador e at pelo celular.Esse curso vai surpreender voc e seus clientes. No fique de fora!Veja abaixo mais vantagens para se inscrever:Voc vai aprender a associar o poderoso Power BI gesto da sua empresa, inserido o uso da ferramenta no dia a dia prtico dos profissionais e dos gestores;Vamos te ensinar tcnicas de fixao do contedo. Ou seja, com recursos bsicos voc vai passar a usar os fundamentos e conceitos do Power BI de forma automtica;Mesmo que voc se considere um usurio comum ou no tenha formao em TI, terminar esse curso sabendo o que Business Intelligence, o conhecido BI, e como aplic-lo dentro da sua empresa;Nada de aprender a mexer somente em ferramenta e software! Acredite: ao final desse curso, voc ter em mos recursos para fazer uma gesto melhor e mais estratgica do seu negcio, com mais ganhos, de tempo e de dinheiro, com o uso do Power BI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning no Power BI" |
"Descomplicamos a cincia de dados e criamos o curso Machine Learning no Power BI para usurios comuns, como eu, como voc, como o dono de um negcio de pequeno, mdio ou grande porte.Sim, a gente sabe que voc j deve estar se perguntando o que Machine Learning e o que isso vai mudar na sua rotina ou na gesto da sua empresa. Machine Learning quer dizer aprendizado de mquina ou aprendizagem de mquina e se trata de um conceito associado inteligncia artificial, tecnologia cada vez mais presente no nosso dia a dia.O termo parece complicado, mas com esse curso voc vai ver que no . O assunto vem sendo tratado pela comunidade acadmica, mas no muito acessvel a empresas porque existe o mito de que ele no pode ser facilmente aplicado gesto. A nossa proposta - e misso! - justamente essa: mastigar os conceitos de Machine Learning e tornar simples a sua aplicao em empresas para que elas tenham ganhos extraordinrios ao usarem as informaes que so geradas com esse tipo de anlise.Neste treinamento, voc vai aprender a gerenciar esses dados de maneira fcil, descomplicada e de acordo com a realidade da sua empresa, gerando ganhos, com o uso do Power BI. Vai entender tambm como possvel prever situaes futuras, de forma fcil e didtica, e sem bola de cristal.Pronto para comear? Veja mais alguns benefcios e inscreva-se:Voc no vai precisar comprar softwares caros e complicados de entender e manusear. O Power BI Desktop gratuito, ou seja, voc e sua empresa no tero custo algum na hora de aplicar o Machine Learning, com todos os recursos e facilidades que o Power BI fornece;Voc vai conhecer o mtodo criado com exclusividade pelo melhor instrutor de Power BI e aprender um passo a passo simples para aplicar o Machine Learning no Power BI;Vale lembrar que Machine Learning uma anlise avanada, de classificao e regresso. Com esse treinamento, voc vai surpreender clientes e proporcionar um verdadeiro salto na gesto da sua empresa;Aproveite para conhecer o bsico da Linguagem R, sem ter de atender a qualquer pr-requisito para isso;Voc ter acesso a um caso real de uma empresa que fez uso do Machine Learning na prtica e ver que vivel a sua aplicao em empresas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Le programme complet de yoga anti-stress propose de vous transmettre les techniques et outils issus du yoga, afin de matriser, rduire puis liminer votre stress.Apprenez ce qu'est le stress, en en dcouvrant la nature, ses effets physiologiques et psychologiques. Apprenez vous librer du stress grce aux pratiques proposes par le yoga, savoir : la pratiques des postures (asanas), de la respiration, de la relaxation et de la mditation.Un programme complet, profond et efficace, comprenant de nombreux documents, vidos et outils pratiques."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Business English Course by &" |
"! . . . . . , ! . ."
Price: 33000.00 ![]() |
"Learn C# Basic Step By Step" |
"Course will cover basics of c#. I will cover in such way that you able to answer the question in basic section of c#. Even if you are experience person you will get best basic knowledge here. Most topic covered are interview point of view. After this course you will get a confidence is basic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web API 2- .Net Core In depth In 5 Hrs" |
"Course will cover basics of ASP.NET Core with Web API 2 . I will cover in such way that you able to answer the question in basic section of ASP .NET Core and Web API Section. Even if you are experience person you will get best knowledge here. Most topic covered are interview point of view."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MongoDb With .Net Core-Sagar Jaybhay" |
"MongoDB is a distributed Database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and geographic distribution are built in and easy to use. This training will help you master the leading document-oriented NoSQL database.This course i have created for .net developer who want to learn & work on mongo. This course is also worked fine with .Net version 4 and above."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domain Flipping: Make Money Online" |
"DescriptionDo you want to make more money? Do you want to buy that new car that you've always wanted? Do you want to quit that boring 9 to 5 job that you have? If the answer is yes and you are willing to for this, then this course is for you.You will learn how to start a business with a limited budget flipping domain names.In this course, I will show you how to make money online through buying domain names, appraising and then selling them for profit! I will show you how to:- Find domain names- Valuate domain names- Check if a domain name is safe to purchase- Register a domain name- Create an amazing description for your domain names- Sell them, creating an auction saleRequirementsPlease have sufficient command of the English language to follow the lectures. There are no subtitles in this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crestron Grundkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernt ihr die Grundlagen von Crestron und die Steuerungsarchitektur. Den Umgang mit der Crestron Software SimplWindows, Visiontools Pro-e und der Crestron Toolbox.Ich werde euch erklren wie die Software Crestron Software SimplWindows, Visiontools Pro-e und der Crestron Toolbox funktioniert und wie ihr damit arbeitet. Am Ende werden wir zusammen ein kleines Programm erstellen bestehen aus einer Oberflche und der dazugehrenden Logik."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crestron Toolbox" |
"In diesem Kurs werden ich euch die einzelnen Tools der Toolbox (wie z.b. System Info, Debugger, EDID Tools, und vieles mehr) zeigen und erklren. Die Tools werden an praktischen Beispielen erklrt und so mglichst Praxisnah die Tools im Einsatz gezeigen. Die Beispiele werde ich als Download fr euch zur Verfgung stellen.Auch werde ich euch erklren wie ihre die Sicherheit eurer Steuerung einstellt. Damit nur noch Zugriff mit User/Password mglich ist."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crestron SimplWindows Logikbaustein" |
"In diesem SimplWindows Kurs, werden ausfhrlich die Logikbausteine aus der Crestron Logic Symbols Bibliothek erklrt. Er wird die funktion der Logikbausteine erklrt und wie die Logikbausteine Programmiert werden. Den Logikbaustein erklre ich mit einem Beispielprogramm, welches ich euch als Download zur verfgung stelle. Zustzlich gibt es eine kleine Info ber den Logikbausteine als PDF Dokument zum Downloaden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make sales straight away with the Amazon FBA 2019 guide!" |
"Hello! Thanks for checking out the course!I'm Will and will be your instructor. Here you will gain the confidence and knowledge to begin selling on Amazon by yourself completely independently. I will however be here to help should you need me but I am sure you won't!Confidence is a key trait of people taking the plunge into the world of Entrepreneurship. I will help re instate your mindset which makes up 80% of success! Go from zero experience to a proficient new seller. Make your first sales and grow your business from there!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Character Arcs" |
"Have you written a story with an exciting concept and interesting charactersbut it just isnt grabbing the attention of readers or agents? Its time to look deeper into the story beats that create the realistic and compelling character arcs that drive great fiction. Internationally-published and award-winning novelist K.M. Weiland shares her acclaimed method for achieving memorable and moving character arcs in every book you write.By applying the foundation of the Three-Act Story Structure and then delving even deeper into the psychology of realistic and dynamic human change, Weiland offers a beat-by-beat checklist of character arc guidelines that flexes to fit any type of story.This comprehensive course will teach you: How to determine which arcpositive, negative, or flatis right for your characterWhy you should NEVER pit plot against character. Instead, learn how to blend story structure and character developmentHow to harmonize the relationship between character and themeso you can stop churning out disjointed storiesHow to recognize and avoid the worst pitfalls of writing novels with no character arcsHow to hack the secret to using overarching character arcs to create amazing trilogies and seriesAnd much more!Gaining an understanding of how to write character arcs is a game-changing moment in any authors pursuit of the craft. Learn how to take your stories from good to great and bring your characters to unforgettable and realistic life!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Neuromarketing e Neurovendas" |
"Este curso visa provocar voc a aprofundar seus conhecimentos num patamar jamais pensado antes. Com as informaes, dados e dicas deste curso voc ser capaz de Sua presena aqui muito bem-vinda e fico muito feliz por sua escolha.Este curso foi criado levando em considerao as expectativas de muitos clientes e milhares de seguidores que me buscam de diferentes maneiras para ter acesso a informaes e formao na rea de Neuromarketing.As aplicaes dos conceitos deste curso esto diretamente ligadas s reas de Marketing, Vendas, Gesto de Pessoas e Estratgia.Espero poder lhe entregar um contedo profundo e digno de sua ateno.Ao final deste curso voc dever ser capaz de:Entender as premissas que compe o comportamento humano e suas decisesConhecer tcnicas para melhor abordagem de vendasCompreender as funes cerebrais bsicas que modificam o comportamento humanoAplicar tcnicas de neurocincia em relaes humanasAplicar tcnicas de neurocincia nas reas de comunicao e marketingEstabelecer novos padres de comunicao entre seus produtos/servios/equipe e os consumidoresBom curso e um grande abrao!Seu amigo,Felipe Nasser"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Stop Anxiety: Crush it without doctors, pills, or therapy." |
"Learn the easiest method to Crush ANXIETY for good IN AS LITTLE AS 1 DAY. This is a 20 video Course which walks you through ""HOW"" Anxiety is formed at BIRTH, and reinforced through your Environment & your Nurturing.To Eliminate Anxiety, you must know how you were programmed with ANXIETY. Once you understand how it was coded and became a part of you, Jamey Dragostea will teach you how to recode and replace ANXIETY with new programs like CONFIDENCE and PASSION. You will never be the same again. This course will TRANSFORM your life. The DRAGOSTEA Micro-Step Method is used by millionaires and moms to eliminate the feeling of Stress and Anxiety once and for all. The course is comprised of 20 engaging videos with an interactive work booklet. Over 4.5 Hours of entertaining and enlightening information, and techniques."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Matura podstawowa - prawdopodobiestwo i trygonometria" |
"Kurs zawiera rozwizania zada maturalnych z prawdopodobiestwa, kombinatoryki i trygonometrii na poziomie podstawowym. Skupiono si przede wszystkim na zadaniach otwartych, ale pojawiaj si rwnie zadania zamknite - wszystko po to, aby zapewni maturzystom kompleksowe przygotowanie do matury.S to zadania wycznie maturalne , w tym wszystkie, ktre pojawiy si do tej pory na maturach CKEoraz Operonu.Dodatkowo kurs zawiera rozwizania wybranych zada ze zbiorw maturalnych, ktre jeszcze nie pojawiy si na maturze, ale pojawi si mog.Zadania rozwizywane s ""na ywo"" i opatrzone wszelkimi potrzebnymi wskazwkami.Do kursu doczone s niezbdne materiay w formacie PDF. Naley je wydrukowa i rozwizywa zadania razem z instruktorem."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"moroccan recipes: traditional beef meat tajine" |
"Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Moroccan tajine recipe in a traditional and healthy way? your are in the right course. In this class, you will discover a beef meat tajine with vegetables, you will learn easily How to use and maintain a tajine pot. how to combine the ingredients to make a Charmola. cotrol the cooking process and how to serve you tajine.I guarantee you will impress your guests by making for them this special dish!!Have fun with healthy foods."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"American English Pronunciation: The Basics" |
"The English language can be difficult when it comes to pronunciation, but listening to a native speaker and learning some simple rules can help you gain confidence and be more easily understood in conversations.Teacher Amanda designed this 5-unit course for high-beginner to intermediate English students who want to learn and practice American English pronunciation with a native speaker.Each lesson includes:A text study guide (in PDF format)Audio of Teacher Amanda reading the study guideVideo version of the lessonChances to practice, with answers!Once you purchase the course, you have access to it forever.Optional add-on features include:A one-on-one private feedback / question session with Teacher AmandaPrivate conversation mini-sessions with Teacher Amanda"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo y construccin de redes de fibra ptica." |
"2020Las redes de telecomunicaciones estn en todas partes. Internet se ha vuelto algo indispensable en la vida de las personas ademas de mover millones de dolares da tras da. Pero atrs de todo esto que nosotros vemos como algo tan comn hay una infraestructura enorme. La fibra ptica es el material mas famoso e importante para construir redes de telecomunicaciones debido a sus increbles caractersticas, como por ejemplo enviar informacin a la velocidad de la luz y casi no tener perdidas de esta informacin en largos trayectos. En este curso veremos desde 0 todo lo que necesitaramos saber para ser tcnicos en fibra ptica. Vamos a ver como son los cables de fibra ptica.Entender los cdigos de los cables.Armar cajas de empalmes.Empalmar pelos de fibra ptica con una fusionadora-empalmadora.Medir pelos de fibra ptica para localizar fallas y errores con un OTDR. Entender diseos de diferentes tipos de redes. Ver todas las herramientas, instrumentos y materiales que se utilizan para trabajar con fibra ptica.Por qu debes tomar este curso? Principalmente para introducirte en este medio de trabajo que esta en todas partes del mundo y es realmente muy bien pagado y solicitado. En cada ciudad de cada parte del mundo habr una empresa que de servicio de Internet o televisin y sus redes existentes y las que estn por existir estarn compuestas por fibra ptica, y estas empresas estn buscando constantemente personal de este tipo. Este curso tambin incorpora: Acceso de por vida a todas las actualizaciones futuras. Soporte por parte de el instructor en la seccin ""Preguntas y respuestas"" del curso. Documentacin adicional. Certificado de finalizacin de Udemy listo para descargar al finalizar el curso. Garanta de devolucin de dinero de ""30 das sin preguntas""!."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
chi_nutrition_secrets |
"-. , . , . . , ! , , . , ! , , . - . , . , - ! , ! !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
chi_nutrition_expert |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
chi_nutrition_pregnancy |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |