Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn to Cook Iconic Thai Food with Montira" |
"This course will teach you how to prepare Iconic Thai dishes. The recipes are authentically Thai and will give you that real Thai flavor. Simple step by step directions ensure that even the newest cook can successfully create delicious Thai meals. Your instructor, Montira, grew up in Thailand and holds a bachelors degree in Food Science from Khon Khan University. When you complete the course you will be ready to cook authentic Thai dinners for both family and friends. These dishes are great for parties and themed occasions too!Who this course is for:Anyone who enjoys cooking and eating Thai food.Anyone who wants to learn how to cook Thai food and cooking techniques.Anyone looking to experience real Thai flavors at home."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Cook Iconic Thai Food with Montira Part 2" |
"This course will teach you how to prepare Iconic Thai dishes. The recipes are authentically Thai and will give you that real Thai flavor. Simple step by step directions ensure that even the newest cook can successfully create delicious Thai meals. Your instructor, Montira, grew up in Thailand and holds a bachelors degree in Food Science from Khon Khan University. When you complete the course you will be ready to cook authentic Thai dinners for both family and friends. These dishes are great for parties and themed occasions too!Who this course is for:Anyone who enjoys cooking and eating Thai food.Anyone who wants to learn how to cook Thai food and cooking techniques.Anyone looking to experience real Thai flavors at home."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flow Simulation using SolidWorks -" |
" ( ) . Bernoulli's Principe. Reynold's number. Continuity equation. Types of flow. Losses in flow. Friction factor. Moody chart. ( - ) Piping system. Ball Valve. Electric circuits - Basics of Heat transfer. Exhaust catalysts. Calculate drag coefficient. Calculate hydraulic losses. Heat Exchanger. . .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Analisis Tcnico para iniciarte en el mundo del Trading." |
"Este es un curso que pretende introducir al estudiante en el mundo de los mercados financieros de manera que al finalizar el curso pueda conocer: Qu es hacer trading?, Cules son los instrumentos financieros ideales para a la operativa burstil? Qu es la accin del precio y cmo se mueve el precio? Qu es el anlisis tcnico y qu representa una grafica de precio? Cmo realizar una correcta graficacin? Cul es la importancia del volumen para el movimiento del precio? Etc.De esta forma, una vez concluido el curso el estudiante poseer una visin idnea y analtica del mercado. Logrando una correcta toma de decisiones frente al mercado, pudiendo incorporarse a este de forma segura y con altas probabilidades de tomar posiciones rentables."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016" |
"Este curso est especialmente diseado para todas las personas que quieran aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones de integracin con el bus de servicios de Microsoft llamado BizTalk Server, en el curso utilizaremos la versin 2016 e iremos realizando ejercicios prcticos para construir cada uno de los elementos que comprenden una aplicacin BizTalk, iremos desde la creacin de esquemas y mapas, hasta el desarrollo de orquestaciones y su publicacin en la consola de administracin de Biztalk.El curso ya cuenta con casi 5 horas de video, en donde se abordan cada una de las temticas que los alumnos irn aprendiendo con ejemplos prcticos, adicionalmente se agregan diferentes talleres con los cuales los estudiantes pueden poner a prueba sus conocimientos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2019) - Financial Derivatives" |
"What you will learn?Types of Derivative Instruments and marketsDefinitions and terminologiesPricing and Valuation of derivative InstrumentsVarious factors affecting price and valuation of derivative instrumentsInclude all major topics covered in Reading 56 & 57, especially Arbitrage, No-Arbitrage Pricing, Option Value Drivers, Put-Call parity, SWAP valuation, FRAs.RequirementsNoneDescriptionIf you are a beginner and dont know much about Financial Derivatives. Then you have come to the right place as I have covered all the concepts from scratch.Why you should take this course? What value it will add?Let me first discuss some problems and issues that students encounter when they study Financial derivatives.First, Financial derivatives is one of the complexed courses in Finance, as the students need to have a strong knowledge about fundamentals of Finance to understand the pricing and valuation of financial derivatives instruments.Second, one concept leads to another, so students find it difficult to understand linkages between various interlinked concepts.Third, many of the concepts covered in Financial derivatives are difficult to relate to real life examples as compared to the other subjects in Finance such as Corporate Finance or Financial Reporting and Analysis.I have tried to address the above mentioned issuesBy adding complementary lectures to explain fundamentals of finance which are relevant to the topics covered in the Financial derivativesI have divided the concepts into various parts and explained each part separately and also how all components are related to one anotherI have included examples and focused on relating a concept to a situation. This will help students to visualize, which in turn help them to retain the conceptsUsed plain languageThis course is divided into five sectionsIntroductionForward & FuturesOptionsPricing and Valuation of ForwardSwapsI will advise you to watch the videos in the manner that they are listed as videos in the later sections contain examples explained in the earlier videos. By the end of his course you will be able to understand all major concepts covered in Reading 56 & 57Who this course is forThis course is for CFA Level 1 CandidatesThis course is for students who are interested in studying Financial derivatives at University level programsRequired Disclaimer: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by CFINACC or Udemy. CFA institute, CFA and the Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"After Effects Trapcode Form ile ntro Animasyonu" |
"Bu eitimde,Redgiant firmasnn VFX tabanl Trapcode Form uygulamas ile, temel seviyede Partikl ve kamera animasyonlar gerekletireceiz. Partikl animasyonlarn olutururken, sahnede ki partikl saylar ve yerleimlerini kullanacak, After Effects Kameras sayesinde detay hareketleri gerekletireceiz. Eitim sonuna doru Wiggle efekt kullanarak intro bitii gerekletireceiz. Sklkla anahtar karelerde Graph Editr yardm ile Ease-Ease, Ease-In gibi anahtar zellikleri kullanarak daha organik hareketler elde edeceiz. Sahnede kullanacamz Kamerann Depth of Field zelliini kullanacak ve sahnede ki k kaynaklarn, kamera hareketlerine gre dzenleyeceiz. Eitim boyunca renebileceiniz bir ok farkl ilemi ayn anda kullanarak, bu ilemlerin bir biriyle olan etkileimlerini daha iyi pekitirecek, farkl denemeler yaparak daha farkl sonular elde edebileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Teacher Cecile - Place Values & Rounding Numbers" |
"This course consists of two sections. Place Values & Rounding Numbers. Both sections will teach the student all that they need to know for junior school Mathematics. The lectures start at the basic level and work up to the end of the junior school curricullum. Practice worksheets follow each lecture in order to build the student's understanding in these topics. Step-by-step instructions begin with number line illustrations to allow the student to relate to the basics taught in the previous lecture series on Bonds."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python pour Dbutants: Apprendre en Crant 4 Projets" |
"Ce cours a t cr pour vous donner les outils ncessaires pour dvelopper vos propres programmes en Python. Aprs avoir dcouvert les bases de la programmation avec Python vous allez directement mettre en application ce que vous avez appris dans les premires sections. Pour cela vous allez crer tape par tape 4 programmes pour dcouvrir les diverses possibilitis ouvertes vous. Le cours est divis en 10 sections:Section 1 : Installation des prrequis et prsentation des outils que nous allons utiliserSection 2 et 3 : Introduction aux fondamentaux du langage PythonSection 4 : Utilisation et prsentation de quelques fonctionsSection 5 : Exemple de la programmation oriente objetSection 6 : Projet 1 Dveloppement dun jeuSection 7 : Projet 2 Cration dun nuage de motsSection 8 : Projet 3 Cration dune interface graphiqueSection 9 : Prsentation de 3 bibliothques utiles pour analyser des donnesSection 10 : Projet 4 Cration de graphiques et animationsPour vous encourager rflchir et rsoudre un problme par vous mme, vous trouverez au cours de la formation des dfis qui vous permettrons de tester vos connaissances et den acqurir de nouvelles."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Comment installer GLPI et le plugin Fusion Inventory [2019]" |
"Dans cette formation on va voir comment installer GLPI (Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique) et son plugin Fusion Inventory.A la fin du cours on verra comment se fera la remonte automatique d'information depuis les machines de notre parc informatique.GLPI est un HELP DESK qui facilite l'administration d'un parc informatique.C' est un gestionnaire de parc informatique libre. GLPI permet de centraliser des outils lis l'administration d'une structure informatique d'une entreprise. Mais comment installer cet outil ? C'est ce que nous allons voir dans cet article.Nous allons dans cette formation voir comment installer GLPI sous Linux et ensuite installer le plugin Fusion Inventory qui permet d'effectuer une remonte automatique d'inventaire sous Linux et Windows 10. Nous couvrirons l'installation de l'agent fusion inventory sous Linux (Debian) et WIndows 10."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comment installer Openvpn sous linux Debian" |
"OpenVPN permet la cration de rseau priv virtuel VPN (Virtual Private Network).Openvpn est un Vpn libre et gratuit !On va voir dans cette formation comment l'installer et le configurer.Openvpn permet des pairs de s'authentifier entre eux l'aide d'une cl prive partage l'avance, de certificats ou de couples de noms d'utilisateur/mot de passe. Il utilise OpenSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) pour l'authentification. Logiciel libre, il existe sous Linux, Mac OS X et Windows.OpenVPN cumule de nombreux avantages car il est :open source et fiablegratuit au niveau logicielmulti-plates-formes (c'est--dire compatible Windows, Linux, Mac OS X...)trs rpanducapable de tourner sur n'importe quel port en coute ct serveur (y compris 80 ou 443).Dans la suite de ce chapitre, nous allons installer ensemble OpenVPN. Cela vous permettra de comprendre avec un client gratuit ce que fait un VPN : vous allez pouvoir observer de nombreux changements ! Notre mthode d'apprentissage est progressive et nous vous aidons installer pas pas OpenVPN pour arriver la fin avoir un ensemble parfaitement fonctionnel et oprationnel.Si vous avez la moindre questions ou difficult, je suis votre disposition pour vous aider avancer, n'hsitez pas me demander dans la partie Q/R."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping Profi Kurs - Shopify Kurs" |
"In dem Dropshipping Profi Kurs erfhrst du wirklich alles von A bis Z wie du Schritt fr Schritt einen Dropshipping Shop mit Shopify aufbauen kannst und diesen mit den aktuellen Traffic Methoden mit hungrigen Kufern fllst.Du erfhrst auch wie du deinen Shop mit Affiliate Marketing und Influencer Marketing schnell skalieren kannst, tolle Produkte und Lieferanten findest und Werbung schalten kannst."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme" |
"A-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme kurs sonunda Html 'nin son srm olan HTML5 ile ilgili btn html kodlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksn. A-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme , html dersleri sadece bu kurs iin hazrlanm sunum pdf leri zerinden ilenir. Her dersin kaynaklar ksmnda , html pdf dersini indirebilirsin. Byk bir zen ve almann sonucu olan A-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme , sadece teorik olarak ilenmez. Anlatlan her konu Sublime Text 3 editr zerinde rencilerime en basit ve yaln haliyle , elenceli bir ekilde UYGULAMALAReliinde yaplr. Bu kursu kimler almal ?A-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme kursunu kimler almal ?Web tasarm' a ilgisi olup hi birey bilmeyenlerNe gzel siteler yapyorlar keke bende kendi sitemi yapabilsem diyenlerHTML kodlar hakknda ufak tefek bilgim var ama bunlar uygulamal olarak birisi retse diyenler,Wordpress,joomla gibi hazr ierik sistemleri kullananlar, temalar zerinde deiiklikler yapmak isteyenlerHTML 5 'in yeniliklerini uygulamalar zerinde grmek isteyenlerA-Z Kolay ve Pratik HTML renme 'de Neler reneceksin ?!doctype ifadesi ile balayan html nedir ? hakknda bilgimetataglarnkullanm ve google seo (arama motoru optimizasyonu)asndan nemihtml 5 ile gelen yenilikler ve etiketlerin kullanmSral listeler ,tanml liste rnekleriSayfa iskelet yaps ve kullanm Html ' e yeni balayanlar iin temel oluturdukTemel seviye den sonra orta ve ileri seviye html dersleri ve html kodlar"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Software Testing Masterclass (2020) - From Novice to Expert" |
"Welcome to the Complete Software Testing Masterclass.Learn software testing with this course and become successful Software testers / Agile Tester. Obtain the core Mobile Testing, Backend testing, Web testing, Test Engineering skills and learn JIRA, SQL, TestRail, TestLodge, Confluence, Charles Proxy and gitHub. At the end of this course, you will have enough knowledge to get a job as a software tester or to start working as a freelancer! We will also explain many testing platforms, where you can start earning money as a BETA tester.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Software Tester.The course includes over hours and hours of 1080P (HD) video tutorials with high-quality sound. All the videos are hand edited and unnecessary parts are removed. You will only learn ""what you need to learn"" to become successful!All videos have hand edited subtitles. We spent many hours to correct all the subtitles to help you to have a smooth learning experience.Why should you take this course?This is the best and most up to date software testing course on Udemy. We explain all the important testing methodology in both Agile- and modern way, with supporting real life examples. Most of the other testing courses created by inexperience people or someone who has a very few understanding of testing. This course is created by a Senior QA Engineer, who has experience from 3 different countries and who is still actively working at one of the TOP company in the Netherlands.Sign up today, and look forward to:Over 5 hours of HD video contentAll the knowledge you need to start your software testing career.Start practising online and earn money immediately.Learn the latest IT industry topics and stay up to date.Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course:""I really enjoyed this course. I did some mobile testing in the past but learn some new concepts like postman, testrail, and testlodge. Ozan is a good teacher and this is a great course to take."" - Merlin Hunter""I am so glad I took the course, I just ended it and I feel really excited. I found the videos engaging and interesting which kept my attention focused until the end. Lessons are very well organised around key concepts that are communicated in a clear and effective way."" - Juan Jose Hernandez Garrido""Great course! It covers all the topics necessary for a good understanding of software testing with the perfect pace and in enough detail. And it is nice that the instructor is a very experienced person in this industry so he knows well what he is talking about. I think this course will be a good choice if you are considering to start a career in QA or want to increase your knowledge in software testing."" - Ivan Koryshev""The most comprehensive and practice-value oriented software testing training I've ever seen."" - Viktor Samusenko""It was a very good match for me, I enjoyed the techniques used in deploying the lecture. Good examples made it easier for me to understand. Thanks :) "" - Ayodele Lekan""Course was extremely informative and the examples given really helped tie everything together!"" - Selma SharafTheres no risk!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, you will receive a 100% refund.Ready to get started ?Enrol now by using the Add to Cart button on the right, and become a successful software tester! Or, start watching the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you at the course!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Testing Masterclass (2020) From The Beginning" |
"Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your first Mobile Testing job- move to a more senior testing position- get started with Android Studio, ADB Tools, logCat or other hot areas that Software Testers specialises in- or just learn Mobile Testing to be able to start your freelancing careerthen you need a solid foundation in Mobile Testing. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Mobile Tester.This course is aimed at complete beginners who have no testing experience, as well as existing software tester who want to increase their career options by learning Mobile Testing.The course includes over hours and hours of 1080P (HD) video tutorials with high-quality sound. All the videos are hand edited and unnecessary parts are removed. You will only learn ""what you need to learn"" to become successful!All videos have hand edited subtitles. We spent many hours to correct all the subtitles to help you to have a smooth learning experience.Why should you take this course?This is the most up to date Mobile testing course on Udemy. We explain all the important testing methodology in both Agile- and modern way, with supporting real life examples. Most of the other testing courses created by inexperience people or someone who has a very few understanding of testing. This course is created by a Senior QA Engineer, who has experience from 3 different countries and who is still actively working at one of the TOP company in the Netherlands.Heres just some of what youll learnAll the essential Software Testing theory needed to fully understand exactly what youre testing and why You will learn mobile application testing on real devices/emulators and simulators.5+ Tools such as Android Studio, logCat device log collection, ADB Tools, JIRA, testRail and more!Start practising online and earn money immediately.Learn the latest IT industry topics and stay up to date.What if you have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Theres no risk!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, you will receive a 100% refund. You literally cant lose.Ready to get started ?Enrol now by using the Add to Cart button on the right, and become a successful software tester! Or, start watching the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you.See you at the course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"League of Legends: Guia EXPERT na Jungle! [pt-br]" |
"Como esse curso irei passar tudo que aprendi com muito estudo da Jungle de forma pratica e rpida com demonstrao em game.Fundamentos de comeo na jungle, como dar invade, tracking do jungler inimigo, controle dos objetivos, tomada de decises, mentalidade, e dicas em geral de como ser melhor na soloq e como carregar o jogo sozinho."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Research Methodology" |
"Learn about key concepts of Research Methodology such as Research Problem, Research Design, Sampling Techniques, Research Proposal, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Research Report (Dissertation/Thesis). This course aims to explain the concepts within shortest time possible whilst keeping it real SIMPLE.This course designed to be practical. The theoretical knowledge that constitutes research methodology is therefore organised around the operational steps that form this research process for both Quantitative and Qualitative research.I have taken a very bold step in breaking down, where possible, the wall between qualitative and quantitative research by describing both methodologies parallel to one another within a common framework.This course will primarily benefit 3 groups:Students: Who are newcomers to academic research and have therefore assumed students of NOThaving any prior knowledge.Professionals: Gain significant knowledge on concepts of market research or journal writing.Academic Supervisor: Use this course to teach students about key research concepts.......and of course, research enthusiast are welcome, too.This course will not teach how to do statistical calculations. Statistic is not a core element of a research. You can conduct a perfect research work without conducting any statistical calculations. Moreover, the type of statistical calculations used for research varies markedly - from person to person, from discipline to discipline.This course will not cost you a fortune; you just need to skip 2/3 cups of coffee but the knowledge you will gain worth a lifetime. See it for yourself!Stay tuned, enjoy the course and feel free to ask questions if you have any. Captions: English. Subtitles: Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Turkish."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management, Quality Management" |
"Risk and Quality - the two most important elements of any project, is often times overlooked or under-implemented, leaving organisations vulnerable and unprepared. In today's challenging work, no project is immune from Risk and Quality issues. Therefore, it is imperative to be aware to key Risk and Quality issues to be able to respond to project changes. This course will provide you with the fundamental concepts necessary to understand the function of Risk and Quality and help you to:Get Practical - Understand the concept of Risk and Quality Management Develop New Skills - Learn how to implement Risk and Quality Management Tools and Techniques in any project Learn from the Best - From very simple to complex explanation. Some of the key elements of this course are:Quality: Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Function House (QFD), House of Quality, Ishikawa 7 Tools, Failure Mode Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Cost of Quality, Prevention-Appraisal-Failure Cost (PAF) Statistical Quality Control, Statistical Process Control (Cp and Cpk), Accuracy &Precision, Taguchi Loss Function, Sig Sigma, DMAIC etc.Risk: Risk Management, Risk Planning, Risk Identification, Qualitative Risk Analysis, Quantitative Risk Analysis, Decision Tree, Sensitivity Analysis, PERT, Tornedo Diagram, Probability Analysis, Risk Response, Risk Monitor, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)The course will benefit the learners from all walk of life, but primarily the following group will be hugely benefited Project ManagersSoftware/Full Stack DevelopersManufacturing Engineers Product Owners/DesignersBusiness and Project Management StudentsThis course is inclusive of knowledge area relevant for various Project Management / Risk Management / Quality Management Certification (e.g. PRINCE2, PMI) Only tools and techniques that are established by Risk and Quality bodies and are widely accepted as standards across various organisations, included in this course.Any question, please get in touch."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Simple & Quick Steps to Speed Up Your Wordpress Website" |
"How fast is your Page Load Speed on your Wordpress website? You don't know? You should. And if you don't like the results, how do you improve them? Your Wordpress website's page load speed serves two important functions:Visitors spend more time on websites that load faster (fact). Google takes your website's page load speed into account when ranking your website. In this course, I will walk you through how to test your website's page speed, optimize your Wordpress website, and then check the results of your optimization. And it's easier than you think. Really!Come join me and let's knock up your page speed a notch!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Concept Art Essentials Digital Painting From Scratch" |
"This class got you covered with a highly intuitive and efficient learning approach while creating a full conceptual artwork from start to finish in 100% Realtime, no time-lapses, no parts skipped. So if you just fell in love with the world of digital art and want to deepen your knowledge or get out of the beginners stage, this might be the perfect class for you! "
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Concept Art Masterclass Create Conceptual Art from Scratch" |
"Learn the ability of incorporating renderings in your workflow and take your creation process to the next level. This 8+ hour class will take you through all the steps from 100% start to finish on how become an efficient artist and create powerful conceptual artworks in no time.You will learn the Basics of 3D modelling in an intuitive learning approach which not only keeps you motivated, but also gives you an actual in depth insight on how professionals work. Working with 3D-concepts is probably the most direct and the fastest way to take your portfolio to the next level. If you're genuinely interested to land your first job in the industry and gain the core knowledge of creating conceptual artworks then this is the perfect class for you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Interview Answers that will Elevate your Career!" |
"During this course I will be using my personal tutoring experience with many students, from many different business areas around the world, to increase your confidence and understanding of the Business English language. I have come to realize the importance of role playing in an interview process, in order to really get a good handle on the relevant English language and terminology. Therefore, I have prepared many sections in this course, in which I will be taking the role of the interviewee and answering questions, to make it easier for you to follow my expressions, body language, techniques and skills. You will have the chance to observe 14 different interview questions, from basic screening questions, to more advanced ones. You will then be asked to create your own answers and evaluate them, based on specific qualities. Having sample answers from a vast selection of different interview questions, you may copy, practise and adapt them to your own interview preparation. The key element being, to create your own, customized answers, using the appropriate expressions and the proper body language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Geografia para Concursos Pblicos ENEM e Vestibulares" |
"O curso abrange todo contedo necessrio de Geografia para a matriz do ENEM e dos principais vestibulares do pas, alm de constar em todos editais de concursos pblicos que cobram temticas geogrficas. A metodologia baseada nas relaes dos atributos fsicos e sociais no espao geogrfico. O contedo trabalhado com objetividade e direto ao ponto, foi elaborado em cima das questes dos ltimos concursos pblicos, enem e vestibulares."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Understand Angular and NodeJS- A Developers Course" |
"Create Beautiful and fast web applications using the latest technologies like Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB and ExpressThese four technologies are the parts of the famous MEAN stack pattern and they can help you to build a full stack application and of course become a full stack developer. Use the Angular as your front-end framework, benefit from it by building a beautiful UI and a super fast application. After that connect it to your NodeJS server and finally communicate with MongoDB a super flexible database to fetch and save your data.Refresh your Memory This is not an Angular course and i expect from you to have a basic knowledge of the framework but still i try to explain everything we do step by step.In this course Markos Klinakis will take you from the hand and guide you to the MEAN world and build together a real web application using and explaining these fantastic four technologies.Every section in this course is seperated and explained also seperately. We explain each technology in the beggining of the section and then we dive into our project for the specific part. This will help you to understand better each of these four and in the end we will see how to combine all these parts.Learning Topics of this course:Build our own Login System from Scratch with NodeJSUse Express framework together with NodeJSBuild components that can be reused with Angular and see how reactive our page will beConnect third-party libraries and frameworks to our Angular app like Angular Material, Bootstrap, ngx-bootstrap, MomentJSCreate Endpoints with NodeJS and then send requests to them with Angular RequestsExplain how to Upload Images and fetch them backMake your Application more secure by implementing Users, Authentication as well as AuthorizationImplement beautiful tables using Angular Material and add PaginationAnd a lot more...!This course will dive deeper and we will not stay to begginer levels.Far from basics!In most courses here on Udemy you will learn a lot but only a few dive deeper and close to real web app. You will a lot in this course and you'll see some real-time problems that you may face later on as Software Engineer and a Software Developer.Who should take this course?Basic NodeJS and Angular Experience is strongly recommended and it will help you a lotYou should be familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript basicsMongoDB (+ Mongoose) knowledge is a plus as MongoDB will be used in this course but wont be subject of in-depth explanationsNO expert or advanced knowledge on any of these topics is required or assumedBy the end of this course, you will be able to create your own MEAN Stack Application!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Deploy your Angular NodeJS Application on Server" |
"You may have build your MEAN Stack application but you don't know how to deploy all these stuff to a real web server like the Amazon web Server. In this course we are going to see everything step by step and i will show you the options you have to deploy your MEAN Stack application to AWS from Scratch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel bsico" |
"Ocurso de Excel Bsico ideal para voc que est no nvelprincipiante no Excel.Neste curso de Excel Bsico, voc vai aprender a planejar e trabalhar com planilhas, criar funes e frmulas, formatao de clulas, planilhas inteligentes, grficos e muito mais.Este curso o primeiro passo para iniciar os estudos e aprendizado no Excel. Com este curso de Excel bsico, voc vai destravar e com certeza ter mais segurana no Excel. Comece agora a aprender frmulas, recursos, ferramentas e truques de nvel bsico do Excel!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learning How To Master Adobe After Effects" |
"In this class I'll teach you how to get started and hone your newly found Adobe After Effects skills so you can really enhance you work with the extra flare you've been looking for. Here I'll show you everything from initially booting After Effects all the way through to making your first project and Rendering it out into a finally video. I've also attached the final project file and footage from the tutorial bellow so you can open it up yourself and follow along whilst you watch."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Lose Your Belly Diet Deluxe" |
"This powerful upgrade will make it easier to get started and stay committed to change your life by changing your body and health.This video version of the 'The Lose Your Belly Diet' guide will help you:Avoid missing any important key details about effectively working towards improving your look, sex life and relationshipMake sure you are more likely to be employed, earn a higher salary, avoid producing significantly more stress hormones.Stay focused and accountable, and follow through and make sure you get ongoing results.Avoid drastically increasing your likelihood of developing a number of different conditions as well"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"FaceBook Monetization Strategies" |
"Veteran Product Creator Charles Terrence Harper Outlines The Strategies For Success. Facebook Monetization Strategies For Courses, Bonuses and Content in Your Business!Inside this video course, you are about to learn a method of monetization in Facebook that you will be able to implement, while at the same time, youll be able to allow it to run without you being present.This means that once youve automated your traffic, youll be free to replicate this cycle in multiple niches and will primarily be talking about executing a content membership. Learn more inside..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn Success" |
"With more than 500 million users, LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site in the world and an excellent place for companies to make meaningful connections with others in their industry, find highly qualified and targeted leads, and to drive more traffic to their business websites to increase brand awareness and generate leads.In today's age of social media, leveraging a professional social network like LinkedIn to drive sales leads is becoming more critical than ever before.This step by step course will show you how to use LinkedIn to generate targeted leads and dramatically increase sales for your business.Topics covered:3 Simple Ways to Increase Sales with LinkedIn4 Ways to Utilize LinkedIn Video to Increase Sales5 Creative Strategies for Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads5 Tips for Using LinkedIn for Business MarketingHow to Create a LinkedIn Profile That Will Get You NoticedKey Strategies for Leveraging LinkedIn to Generate More LeadsThe Best Way to Increase Highly Targeted Leads in LinkedInThe Best Ways to Utilize LinkedIn to Promote Your Business and Increase SalesTop 5 Strategies for Using LinkedIn Ads to Generate TrafficTop Tips for Using LinkedIn to Increase Business SalesIncludes ready sales materials!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace the ACT Reading Comprehension Exam" |
"Introduction to the Reading Comprehension Section of the ACT ExamIn this course we will look at all of the following strategies, so that you get the highest number of questions correct.I Strategy: TIME is an issue, perhaps the only time on the test where this is so. 8 to 8.5 minutes for EACH of the four passages, reading the passage and 10 questions.Types of strategies:1) Read the questions first, and answer some without reading the passage. Go to the specific types of questions below, and answer them without reading the passage. There will be anywhere from 3 7 of these every time. Questions with line numbers. Questions with proper names, people, labels, countries. Specific facts and numbers (%s, 6 million years ago) in the questions and answers. Vocabulary words in context.There is a good possibility that these questions can be answered without reading the passage first the questions direct you to the place to look.2) Read the Passage first, then answer the questions. Do the passages you like the most / hate the least -> There is a rationale for this. Read quickly and focus on paragraphs and organization. What are the facts? Is there a tone or direction switch? Underline only 3 things: a) 1st sentence of the paragraphs. b) last sentence of the paragraphs. c) Relevant Facts (this is ACT language).3) Some combination of the above a mix of strategies.There will be questions not answered directly by the passage especially in the prose fiction and humanities passages, which are more philosophical."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |