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"Vue JS de menos a ms" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar el framework VueJS en conjunto con la librera ElmentUI para el desarrollo de tus pginas web. Conocers varias herramientas y Plugins que te permitirn agilitar el tiempo de desarrollo y como aplicar las ventajas del framework para la escritura de un cdigo simple, ordenado y eficiente. En este curso no solo aplicaremos la mayora de los conceptos en un proyecto que rene las caractersticas para ser usado en un ambiente de produccin sino que la integraremos con una plantilla profesional e indicaremos las posibles adversidades que se presentan al momento de integrarla as como su correcta resolucin."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu primer videojuego con Unity" |
"En este curso de Udemy crearemos un videojuego con terminado profesional y sin programar. Al principio conoceremos conceptos bsicos de la plataforma Unity con la cual se han construido juegos como Mario Run, Pokemon Go, etc. Comienza tu carrera de desarrollador de videojuegos ahora!Este curso est enfocado a principiantes sin necesidad de programar. El objetivo es que conozcas la plataforma y funcionalidades bsicas, pero no tan fciles, antes de tirar cdigo.Crea algo grandioso con tus ideas de GAMER."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Uygulamalarla C Programlama Dili" |
"Bu kursumuzda sizlerle birlikte C programlama dilini kullanarak en basit uygulamadan balayarak zora kadar giden ama yaparken bir o kadar keyif alacanz uygulamalar yaparak, C programlama dilinde algoritmanz gelitirerek niversite vize ve final snavlarnda kacak sorular daha rahat cevaplayabilir hale geleceksiniz.niversite rencileri iin belirli niversite hocalarndan aldm sorulan vize ve final sorularn zerek sizin baar yzdenizi arttrmaya alacaz.C programlama dili,niversite eitiminde temel olarak verilen ders olduu iin buradaki rendiiniz yaplar uygulamaya dkme kabiliyeti kazandktan sonra,baka dillerde de bu kabiliyetinizin gelitiini greceksiniz.Temel yapnz bol rnekli ve kolaydan zora giden uygulamalar yaparak gelitirdikten sonra sizlerin dier programlama dillerinde zorlanmadan yapabildiinizi fark edeceksiniz.Bu kursta bilmeniz gerekenler tamamen C'nin temel yaplardr.(printf,scanf,if,dngler fonksiyonlar ve diziler nasl tanmlandn bilmek nemli ve sizlerle birlikte uygulama yaparak kullanmn rahat bir ekilde kavrayacaksnz.) Eer temel yaplarn bilip uygulama yapamyorsanz,uygulama gelitirme kabiliyetinizi bu kursta kazanabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Zorbala Nasl Mdahale Edilir?" |
"Bu kurs rehber retmenler, psikologlar ve psikolojik danmanlara hitaben ""Zorbalk"" konusunda ayrntl bilgi vermek ve zorbala mdahale ederken kullanlabilecek yntemler sunmak amacyla hazrland. Zorbalk maalesef okullarda sk sk karlalan ok hassas bir konu. Rehberlik olarak zorbala doru bir ekilde mdahale etmemiz gerekiyor ama bununla ilgili ne niversitede eitim aldk ne de ok ayrntl kaynaklar bulabiliyoruz. Kendi yaadm bu sorundan yola karak, yllarca okuduum aratrmalardan derlediim bilgilerle, kendim zorbalkla mcadele ederken gelitirdiim, uyguladm ve ok iyi sonular aldm teknikleri birletirerek bu eitimi hazrladm. Benim zorbalkla profesyonel mcadelemde ok etkili olan bu yntemlerin sizin de iinize yarayacan dnyorum. Ve siz deerli meslektalarma iyi seyirler ve kolaylklar diliyorum :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a programar e crie jogos com novo Scratch 3.0 - 2020" |
"Neste curso os alunos aprendero de forma rpida, simples e direta como utilizar a ferramenta de programao Scratch para criar projetos como Animaes, Games e Jogos EducativosCada projeto a criana desenvolve um programa do incio ao fim, aprendendo passo-a-passo os conceitos e fundamentos da programao e lgica computacional.O aluno pode se divertir depois brincando com o prprio jogo, se divertir com a famlia ou amigos, e ainda compartilhar com a comunidade do Scratch que possui milhes de programadores mirins.QUEMDEVEFAZERESTECURSO?Este curso foi feito para crianas e jovens de 7 a 18 anos, pais ou professores que querem aprender ou ensinar o letramento digital atravs da programao.O curso tem um nvel de dificuldade baixo, voltado para alunos com pouca ou nenhuma familiaridade com conceitos de lgica ou programao.O QUEOSALUNOSAPRENDERO ?Navegar pelo site do Scratch onde se encontra o editor, utilizar e identificar as funes do Scratch, criar programas, cenrios e personagens.Em cada aula uma nova atividade realizada e gradualmente a criana aprender como funciona o pensamento computacionalde forma ldica e divertida atravs dacriao de jogos, estrias, animaes e artes.OQUEOSCRATCH?OScratch uma linguagem de programao visual baseado em blocos de comando, onde as crianas criam seus programas unindo os comandos como um quebra-cabea.OScratch foi desenvolvido pela universidade americana MIT,especialmente criada para o ensino de programao para crianas e jovens.Com o Scratch possvel criar jogos, animaes, estrias, msicas e desenhos. Programar dispositivos externos como kits de robtica Lego WeDo e Lego Mindstorms. Tambm possvel utilizar em conjunto com dispositivos eletrnicos como Makey Makey e micro:bit. Alm disso possvel criar programas interativos e de realidade aumentada com o uso da cmera de vdeo. REQUISITOSNo necessrio nenhum conhecimento tcnico ou de programao para fazer este curso, apenas saber navegar pela Internet, manusear um Tablet ou computador.Aproveite a oportunidade para se divertir com seu filho(a)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Estrias, Animaes e Jogos c/ ScratchJr (5 a 8 anos)" |
"O curso foi desenvolvido para crianas de 5 a 8 anos, mesmo no alfabetizadas e tem 2 principais objetivos:introduzir o aprendizado de habilidades essenciais para o futuro das crianasajudar o desenvolvimento intelectual As crianas aprendero programao e lgica computacional de forma divertida e simples atravs da criao de Animaes, Estrias e Jogos.As aulas e atividades estimulam a criatividade e o raciocnio das crianas, ajudando a construir um pensamento crtico em relao aos problemas, pensar de forma lgica e sequencial.Memorizao, concentrao, matemtica e o ""story telling"" so outras habilidades desenvolvidas durante o curso que ajudaro as crianas em todas as outras reas de ensino e sero essenciais para sua vida acadmica e profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crypto Clear - Clearest Guide To Profit from Cryptocurrency" |
"Its natural to be cautious about investing in cryptocurrencies, a new asset that is so different from anything youve dealt with before, and so volatile. This course is aimed at lifting the fog and demystifying myths and conceptions you have about cryptocurrencies - and provide you the single and whole truth about this new asset, one of the most explosively profitable investments in human history. It is delivered in simple, easy-to-follow English, so that ordinary people like you and me do not get sidelined when the next cryptocurrency rally happen. Just like cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology today, a lot of smart people were convinced the internet was just a passing fad.And because of that a lot of regular investors missed out on once-in-a-lifetime gains.Perhaps you were one of themBut if you were one of the few with the courage to get educated, and confidently place a few small bets on internet technology before the rest of the world caught on to how big it was going to be. You could have made your fortune, all from a small starting stake.Now of course, there are no guarantees. And you shouldnt risk more money than you are willing to lose. But the potential here is clear. All signs are pointing to the start of big, TRILLIONS dollars of institutional money flowing to cryptocurrencies! If you wait until after all that money has flowed in, it WILL be too late! HENCE, its important you get in NOW."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Mechanical Drawings" |
"This course is meant to give a brief introduction to mechanical drawings that an engineer would typically give to a machine or fab shop or create for the mass production environment.We go over orthographic projection, section views, auxiliary views, dimensioning styles, and geometric tolerances. In order to learn all of these things, we utilize DraftSight, a free 2D sketch environment created by Dassault Systems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Games for Passive Income" |
"You will learn how to monetise mobile iOS and Android games. Increase installs flow. How to choose and promote games, create marketings assets, use analytics and more interesting things which help you earn good money. With our online tutorials, you'll be amazed how much you can earn with mobile games!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management Professional - PMI-RMP Practice Exam." |
" These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more study time on any of the project risk management processes (chapters). Most of the ideas of the real exam questions are covered in these practice tests, even those are not clarified well in the ""Practice Standard for Project Risk Management"" nor ""PMBOK Guide"". Many tools and techniques have been developed and are in widespread use to support the Project Risk Management processes. Some techniques can be used in more than one Project Risk Management process.In the PMI-RMP exam you will see many questions about tools and techniques, although is not clarified well or even mentioned in the ""Practice Standard for Project Risk Management"" nor PMBOK Guide, 5th Edition. (for example: Latin Hyprtcube, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).etc.)These practice tests will help you to understand all tools and techniques and you will be able to solve related questions in the real exam. Tell this moment the PMI-RMP exam is not updated yet , This course is structured as per the PMBOK Guide, 5th. Edition , It's expected to follow the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition updates and the new Risk Management Practice Standard in the 4th. quarter of 2020. Each Practice Exam contains 50 Questions and should be completed in 1 hour only. This way is acceptable by many students to avoid boredom and difficulty sitting for many hours in complete concentration without any distraction (ex: a phone call). Each question has only one best answer. Mark the one best answer on your answer sheet by filling in the circle next to it. You will find a justification for the answer with the reference in the Practice Standard for Project Risk Management or the PMBOK Guide 5th edition. I will update and add more questions depending on your rating."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Ecommerce Website Front-End Using HTML CSS Bootstrap" |
"Learn to create modern looking eCommerce website front end with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. You should have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap before starting this course. You will learn to create eCommerce website front page design and single product page design. You can find my project code in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Search Engine Optimization Made Easy - Beginner to Pro SEO" |
"I spent the last 10 years working with Search Engine optimization. I've worked with all kinds of websites in all kinds of fields and markets but the part of the job that I always found the most fun was educating other people about SEO. I've seen so many people with a few hours of proper SEO teaching get from being complete beginners into being able to make their own action plans and execute improvements on their websites to increase their rankings. That is a fantastic feeling.For that reason I feel very happy to have my first search engine optimization course published online. The course material is well tested with hundreds of people in companies of all sizes during the last 8 years. It covers all the basic knowledge you need to have to be able to start taking your own actions.I will go through the 4 foundations of SEO - Technical, Structure, Content and Links one by one - and give you all the important knowledge in these fields. The course starts off with making a status analysis, later on you make a keyword analysis that you can then implement to your structure and to your on site SEO. The course material is not based on having a website to work with. If you just want to watch and listen for example if you don't already have a website - that is also possible.On top of getting you loads of SEO knowledge and setting you up to take action during the course - I also update the course regularly with case studies of websites that I work with at the moment to give you inspiration for what you can try in your SEO work.I am also available in the course to answer questions and to take requests for future lectures. So regardless if you are a small business owner working with your own website, a developer, graphic designer or copy writer that want to broaden your knowledge to provide more value to your clients or raise your future salary or you want to learn the basics of SEO to see if it is your future career - enroll in the course and I'll see you on the inside."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SEO for Absolute Beginners - Learn SEO Basics Quickly" |
"After being in the SEO industry for about 10 years I have found a lot of situations where people really want to learn the basics of SEO as quickly as possible - to be able to talk to a consultant about it, to evaluate a proposal or to know if it is a field they want to dig deeper into and get more actionable knowledge. Because of these requests I decided to make this course - and to keep it as cheap as possible.I keep the lessons as short and to the point as possible - and we are not assuming that you have a website. Enroll as you are and learn the basics about search engine optimization."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a Professional 1-Page Wordpress Website" |
"In my work as a web designer and SEO-consultant i have often had people wondering if they can create a simple website themselves without much knowledge. The short answer is YES! You don't need to pay a developer to get a simple but still goodlooking Wordpress website. There are more than enough simple tools to achieve a beatiful, functional and mobile friendly result in a short time. You will be able to start your own project and follow along in the course to have your own 1-page Wordpress website ready after completing the course lectures."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Certified Aromatherapy" |
"This is a thorough clinical aromatherapy course that follows NAHA (National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists) Curriculum Guidelines for a 200 Hour Course and the course that we used while we were a NAHA approved school. We have since left NAHA in pursuit of other modalities. This course is written for both personal aromatherapy education and for those looking to get into aromatherapy for a vocation.Written and taught by a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and registered yoga trainer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fall and Winter Holiday Essential Oil Blending" |
"Learn about the top 10 Fall and Winter essential oils, by scent, that you can blend to make your own diffuser aromas. Learn safety and about essential oils, the profiles of Fall and Winter favorites, how to blend by notes, and get 10 recipes that you can mix up today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Herbal Healing Salves" |
"Are you looking to learn about making your own natural salves and balms? Looking to get a more natural healing or moisturizing cream without all the preservatives? This course will teach you how to infuse oils, how to make a salve, and give you a few starter salve recipes to get you started on your holistic remedy making journey."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Reiki I and II Attunement and Certification (+ Chakras)" |
"Have the tools you need to give yourself, and others, healing Reiki energy and be certified afterwards. All students receive:Consent and Intake TemplatesReiki Lineage Certificate82 page Reiki I Manual89 Page Reiki II ManualMeridians Handout7 Day Chakra Balance WorkbookYour certificate will be issued upon completion of the course materials and your attunement scheduled."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Make Essential Oil Roller Perfumes to Sell on Etsy and more" |
"Do you want to learn how to properly make an essential oil roller bottle perfume, either for your own use, for gifts, or for profit?In this course, you'll learn the safe way to create these perfumes from a certified clinical aromatherapist.Essential oil rollers for perfume use can be from premade essential oil blends or you can create your own; we'll show you the formula on creating the perfect EO blend. Learn it all in this easy course and get to blending your own masterpieces tomorrow!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Fragrant Essential Oil Synergies and Blends" |
"Learn out to create master blends of essential oils solely for their use in fragrances. Whether you want them for your diffuser or to use as a synergy blend to put with a carrier oil for bath salts and for topical use, this course will teach you:The proper dilution ratesAll about notes and blendingHow to categorize an essential oil for scentHow to make master blends"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Make Therapeutic Essential Oil Synergies and Blends" |
"Essential oils are more than just nice to smell, they also have the healing properties of the plants they're from. Learn how to safely blend and dilute these oils to make therapeutic remedies that you can use for an all natural way to boost your health. Remedy recipes are included in this guide."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to be a Successful Estate Agent in South Africa" |
"We will cover difficult clients, houses and banks. We will cover the points that you need to check and do to make your show house a success. We will cover points on keeping your Seller and your Buyer happy with your service. We will cover ways in which you keep your clients into their next sale or buying experience. We will cover what is needed for you to know when looking through stock at sure seller property and houses. Mostly we will cover where and how to find stock to sell and how and where to find Buyers. We will cover modern day marketing strategies. Marketing, marketing, marketing. We will also look into what is needed to start your own Agency. We will look at selling open land and what is required to do so successfully. We will discuss selling apartments or flats, estate, homes, running businesses and plots. I wonder why people are without jobs if it is so easy with this knowledge to sell property. Let's make money."
Price: 350.00 ![]() |
"Criando e consumindo servios RESTful com Asp.Net WEB API 2" |
"Crie e consuma do ZERO ao avanado, servios Rests com Asp. Net WEBAPI 2. Implemente sistemas de autenticao e autorizao, consumindo informaes tanto em ambientes desktop com Windows Forms(c#), quanto ambientes web com ASP. NET MVC 5. Aprenda a implementar servios com Padro Repository e Injeo de Dependencia(DI). Ser abordado, desde a utilizao bsica do Migrations, a implementao e consumo de servios utilizando JWT."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Desenvolvimento de Apps Android com JAVA" |
"Neste curso voc aprender desde o ZERO, a criar aplicativos que se comunicam com Banco de Dados!Aprenda a utilizar os principais widgets da plataforma, a trabalhar com os principais Layouts, customizao de Toolbar's, Cardviews, RecyclerViews e muito mais. D seus primeiros passos no desenvolvimento mobile!!! Inicie agora mesmo na programao mobile utilizando a linguagem mais utilizada e oficial para este fim! Torne-se um desenvolvedor Android agora mesmo!!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Programao Orientada a Objetos com C#" |
"Aprenda nesse curso, desde o 0 ao AVANADO a trabalhar com recursos da Orientao a Objetos utilizando a linguagem C#.Aprenda o que so classes, com uma abordagem terica e prtica.Aprenda a construir e manipular objetos no seu sistema.Aprenda conceitos essncias da orientao a objetos como Herana, Polimorfismo, Encapsulamento e Abstrao.Crie programas de forma totalmente orientada a objetos.Aprenda este Paradigma de programao, que simplesmente o mais requerido no mercado de trabalho.Aprenda de uma vez por todas, Orientao a Objetos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mergers and Acquisitions - From the Trenches" |
"Whether buyer or entrepreneur this course will help you better understand the merger and acquisition process and provide tools to help maximize the success of the venture. As an Entrepreneur you will learn how to prepare your company for acquisition. As an acquirer you will learn ways to conduct effective due diligence and to successfully integrate the companies that you acquire. Students and start up employees will learn about the acquisition process and how they will be effected."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Experiential Mindfulness Meditation" |
"Welcome to my course, which I have called experiential mindfulness meditation. This is a short course that includes a variation of short meditations and exercise that can be integrated into everyday life. Some of these techniques are for everyday use, whilst others are for when we are feeling overwhelmed and need to ground ourselves. As you run through this course you will be introduced to the meditation/exercise before being guided through an experiential meditation or exercise. I would advise to go through this course a lecture/module at a time and only move to the next one when you feel you have grasped the previous meditation/exercise. However, please feel free to move through the course at your own pace."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Mastery" |
"Imagine being awkward when making small talkORbeing nervous to give presentationsORhave a less than perfect relationship because of bad communicationAll of these scenarios paint the picture of who I was just a couple years ago. One day I realized I NEED to IMPROVE my skills and abilities to IMPROVE my life.Pretty basic insight, huh?Within a couple years, I've gone from having terrible, awkward social skills to mastering the principals of persuasion and generating tens of millions of views on the internet and being featured on some of the top websites.How was I able to do this?I changed by following 2 simple steps:1) Finding the right information2) Putting that information into practiceThere's a TON of information on the internet, but sifting through it is the tough part.Knowing information isn't valuable unless it's EASY to follow and you can use it RIGHT AWAY.I've done the work for you and condensed what works.Becoming a great communicator is one of the most important skills. It's heartbreaking that schools never teach this and most people don't learn about it on their own.But you're different.You deserve a better CAREERYou deserve better RELATIONSHIPSYou deserve a better LIFEImagine your life when you can communicate better at work. Imagine communicating better with your spouse or partner. Or by communicating better with your children or your friends.Take CONTROL of your life again and improve your skills. In this course I'll show you STEP BY STEP, the persuasive techniques that actually work and how you can use them in your life IMMEDIATELY.You'll learn the techniques and principals that bypass human thought and connect with human biology.Say goodbye to your old life and get ready to level up in life. I'll see you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP MySQL Registration System , Activation Email PHPMailer" |
"We're going to build a login , registration and reset password application , and email verification with PHP Mailer functionalities , We're going to make user authentication in the reset password system and test if this is the actual user or not , we're going to learn very very cool stuff, such as creating functions , php mailer , security , get and post method and we'll have alot of fun in this course ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Jewelry Making: All Types of Tassel Earrings From Scratch" |
"Forget about cheap, low-quality, mass-market tassel earrings. They just don't look good! This course will guide you step by step how to make your very own top-quality, straight and accurate tassel earrings. You will make your uniquely designed tassel earrings which will be second to none! Course is about all types of the tassel earrings. Crystal tassels, Chain tassels, Thread Tassels and many creative ideas in the future. Course is regularly updated with new and fresh ideas. The best thing about it? You can keep going and create new designs over and over again. You can literally match the colors of your whole wardrobe! :) Create the perfect earrings for yourself, your friends and your loved ones. You might as well diversify your selling profile and drive more sales! Don't wait and become your own tassel guru TODAY! Perfect for all level creators, from beginners to advanced. ;)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
fifreedom |
Price: 74.99 ![]() |