Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Get sexual desire back into your relationship!" |
"Do you feel lonely and rejected in your relationship? Do you fear that your partner may cheat on you, because you have lost sexual desire? Do you fear that you may not be able to withstand the fact that your partner ignores sex and cheat on him. Do you fear that it may destroy your relationship?You love your partner. You dont want to lose him, but the lack of sex drives you crazy.Many problems arise in a relationship, when one of the partners loses his sexual desire.Are you advised to diversify your sex life? How can you diversify something that you or your partner doesnt want to do?In fact, ignoring sex is only the tip of the iceberg of the problems that exist in a couple.We will find out what problems in a couple can hide behind the unwilling to have sex and what causes them.We will learn how to solve these problems. You will have some practical tasks to improve your relationship with your partner.Each couple is unique, but there are some problems that are typical for all the couples who have problems with sex. We will study them in our course. Moreover, you can always ask me questions about your relationship and your situation with the partner. I am always happy to help and solve your problems.This course is based on my personal experience and the experience of many scientists. I have developed it to help you to save your relationship and improve them, to avoid adulteries and break-ups and to get passion, desire and joy back into your relationship.I have prepared a maximum of useful information and effective methods that will help each of you to improve your relationship with your soulmate and to make things the better. Join the community of happy people!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical Approach to Performance Improvement" |
"This course is first in the series of courses designed to practically implement Human Performance Improvement Plans. Whether you are currently working on improving your own performance or are in a professional environment responsible to improve someone elses performance, this course will help you understand some of the underlying principles you will need to set the improvement expectations right."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Instructional Design Techniques and Tools" |
"If you are searching for course creation tools and methods or finding it difficult to narrow down on what instructional techniques to use for developing your next course, then this course is for you!! In this course we will be sharing instructional design strategies, templates and other useful resources to help you organize content and meet learning objectives."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Trading Robot Development in MQL5" |
"Hello!This course is a beginners course in coding trading programs and technical indicators for algorithmic trading. This could be in futures, stocks, commodities, crypto currencies and Forex. This course teaches you how to code in MQL5 for the Metatrader 5 platform, this is a free platform with a huge support base and you don't even have to have a broker account to get started (it comes with it's own demo account!). But crucially, the MQL5 network allows you to create products and sell them, trade and be followed (copy trading)or act as a freelancer (this is very well moderated!). So you don't have to have some magical all winning strategy to earn money, not if you know how to code in MQL5. Despite the large support network, filled with tons of help, if you are new to programming it can all be a bit overwhelming. This course is designed to give you some basic programming skills to bring you up to speed (if you need it)and then to move on and create some programs!Enjoy!Sam"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emagrecer em Casa programa de treinamento" |
"Mais que um curso um programa de treinamento onde te ensinara o funcionamento correto de seu corpo, aps esse modulo cientifico e terico vamos para 2 modalidades de treinamento com cronograma completo de exerccios eficazes e super rapido. voc estar pronto para ter excelente resultados alimentando-se corretamente e treinando em casa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Todd Lammle's CCNA R/S 200-125 Certification Practice Tests" |
"""Todd Lammle, The Name You Trust!""Get the best, from the best!Todd Lammle is world famous for his amazingly high quality Cisco CCNAStudy guide - the best selling networking book in the world! In this product, you will receive over 400 of the Todd Lammle authored Cisco CCNA200-125 questions!Todd Lammle has been in the Cisco Network world since 1986 and started on the CLIin 1989!Todd Lammle knows his Cisco!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Todd Lammle's ICND1 100-105 Certification Practice Tests" |
"""Todd Lammle, The Name You Trust!""Get the best, from the best! Todd Lammle is world famous for his amazingly high quality Cisco CCNA Study guide - the best selling networking book in the world! In this product, you will receive over 300 of the Todd Lammle authored Cisco ICND1 100-105 questions! Todd Lammle has been in the Cisco Network world since 1986 and started on the CLI in 1989! Todd Lammle knows his Cisco!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Todd Lammle's ICND2 200-105 Certification Practice Tests" |
"""Todd Lammle, The Name You Trust!""Get the best, from the best! Todd Lammle is world famous for his amazingly high quality Cisco CCNA Study guide - the best selling networking book in the world! In this product, you will receive over 200 of the Todd Lammle authored Cisco ICND2 200-105 questions! Todd Lammle has been in the Cisco Network world since 1986 and started on the CLI in 1989! Todd Lammle knows his Cisco!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como administrar o dinheiro para ter sucesso e felicidade." |
"necessrio compreender o dinheiro para saber us-lo em nosso favor. O primeiro passo desfazer mitos criados para demonizar os ricos e as pessoas que obtm o sucesso financeiro. Compreendendo que dinheiro no mocinho nem vilo, ficaremos tranquilos para seremos felizes com a fartura, com a certeza de que ricos e pobres podem alcanar a salvao, porque no a condio financeira que determina quem so ungidos e condenados.Buscar o sucesso uma grande virtude. Para tanto, importante Educao Financeira para manter equilbrio, pois, se houver desajuste nas contas, certamente entraremos no ""vermelho"". O objetivo no tornar o dinheiro um mocinho ou vilo, mas retirar dele a ndoa injusta que o transformou numa espcie de ""demnio"".Deus, paz, sucesso, famlia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"FOREX - Bsico ao Avanado - Com especialista da rea." |
"Prezado Investidor;O objetivo deste Curso Mostrar mtodos e preparar voc a escolher a melhor forma prtica para operar com conhecimento o Mercado Forex usando estratgias e tcnicas do Mercado financeiro. Que tem como foco principal a plataforma Meta Trader 4. Foi elaborado de forma bastante simples e fcil de entender, mesmo para quem nem tenha bem noo do que um grfico.Hoje para voc investidor comear um novo desafio. Para isso deve saber a onde voc quer chegar? Qual o seu objetivo e seus sonhos. Pensamentos assim trazem para ns aquilo que desejamos. Se procurar algo como independncia financeira, talvez este seja o caminho certo. Suas conquistas, conhecimentos podem estar levando voc ao sucesso nesse maravilhoso mercado financeiro."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Educao financeira para Realizar o Sonho da Casa Prpria" |
"Como especialista em Educao Financeira tenho atendido pessoas em todo o Brasil em projetos de Consultoria e Coach Financeira. Otema moradia (casa prpria) um dos que mais nos assustam devido a erros que as pessoas cometem, gerando graves impactos a vida financeira e por, consequncia, sade fsica, mental e emocional.O objetivo deste curso fornecer a voc um conjunto valioso de orientaes que sero essenciais para que voc tome as decises corretas para concretizar o objetivo de morar bem, com qualidade de vida, e sem comprometer o bem estar."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate No-Content Kindle Publishing Quickstart Course" |
"A quick and effective KDP (or Kindle) Publishing course that takes beginners through free and easy to use methods for creating no-content products that sell on Amazon. Offering easy to make journals through Kindle Publishing is one of the best opportunities in online business today, and by partnering with a company with a great track record such as Amazon, anyone can get started today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Applied Machine Learning with R (Trading Use Case) - 2020" |
"The course is designed to fully immerse you into the complete quantitative trading/finance workflow, going from hypothesis generation to data preparation, feature engineering and training testing of multiple machine learning algorithms (backtesting). It is a bootcamp designed to get you from zero to hero using R. The course is aimed at teaching about trading, giving you understanding of the differences between discretionary and quantitative trading. You will learning about different trading instruments/products or also known as asset classes.Course elements:Learn about trading and the quantitative trading workflow. Develop a solid understand of what is required to do quantitative trading analysis and the advantages and disadvantages.Learn how to write simple and complex codes in r with some r refresher lecture. Learn how to use the quantmod package to access/load free market data from yahoo finance and other sources.Learn how to download futures data from NinjaTrader. Load the data in R and do data preparation and visualization.Explore various trading ideas/hypothesis on the web, and learn how to generate original trading ideas. Learn and understand what machine learning is and get a good grip of the type of machine learning algorithms available to solve different type of problems ( namely classification and regression problems).Code along while learning about feature engineering, write algorithms for training and testing support vector machine, nave bayes and random forest models and use these to predict the next price direction of crude oil futures. Realize that these strategies can be used for other trading instruments/products.Compare the model performance and do portfolio selection by only selecting the non correlated models.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risks."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Develop a Profitable Stock Trading Strategy with R" |
"This is meant to teach how to develop a profitable stock trading strategy in R and backtest it on historical stock market data. I will share my profitable strategy with you and transfer some valuable skills to you in order to take your trading and investment to the next level.The course is aimed at teaching about trading. You will about the stock market and write algorithm from scratch in R coding along.Course elements:Learn how to write simple and complex codes in r with some r refresher lecture. Learn how to use the quantmod package to access/load free market data from yahoo finance and other sources.Load the data in R and do data preparation and visualization.our trading ideas/hypothesis looking at chart pattern and learn how to generate original trading ideas.Get to understand which technical analysis we will use in the course.Develop the trading strategy and backtest it based on Historical data. We will look at different companies and see how to algorithm perform and how we can make it even more profitable.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risks."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Applied Machine Learning with Python (Trading) - 2020" |
"The course is designed to fully immerse you into the complete quantitative trading/finance workflow, going from hypothesis generation to data preparation, feature engineering and training testing of multiple machine learning algorithms (backtesting). It is a bootcamp designed to get you to hero using Python and Google Colab. The course is aimed at teaching about trading, giving you understanding of the differences between discretionary and quantitative trading. You will learning about different trading instruments/products or also known as asset classes.Course elements:Learn about trading and the quantitative trading workflow. Develop a solid understand of what is required to do quantitative trading analysis and the advantages and disadvantages.Learn how to write simple and complex codes in python using google Colab. Learn how to use the quantmod package to access/load free market data from yahoo finance and other sources.load data with pandas from github repositoryLearn how to download futures data from NinjaTrader. Explore various trading ideas/hypothesis on the web, and learn how to generate original trading ideas. Learn and understand what machine learning is and get a good grip of the type of machine learning algorithms available to solve different type of problems ( namely classification and regression problems).Code along while learning about feature engineering, write algorithms for training and testing support vector machine, and random forest models and use these to predict the next price direction of Bitcoin. Realize that these strategies can be used for other trading instruments/products and in other timeframes.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Trading Using Machine Learning with R" |
"DescriptionFinally, a series of courses that will teach how to develop quantitative trading strategies for important asset classes. This course is a way to share with you some of my profitable trading ideas, that you can always take forward, modify as you please and even increase its profitability.There are many courses out there that teach the use of R or Python for finance even trading, but only on that theory and the strategy they show are merely basic and are not of good value to people looking to find profitable trading ideas/strategies. I want to reverse that trend by teaching and sharing with you my profitable trading ideas which I have developed after many years of investigation, research and putting real funds on the line. These strategies make use of data analytics and machine learning.In this course, we are to develop the BTC-ema trading strategy using the statistical programming language R.This course aims at being focus on the development of the trading strategy and will go in-depth with coding along lectures, where the student has the ability to follow and develop the strategy himself instead of copying and pasting the codes from a document. Nevertheless the codes will be made available on files for downloading purposes.What will you learn?Bitcoin and the BlockchainCryptocurrency exchangesWhere to find crypto market dataBinance APIPlotting Market Data using the Quantmod packageDevelop and backtest the trading strategyUnsupervised machine learningIf you are looking for a course where you learn to develop and original trading idea for bitcoin (Applicable to Litcoin and Ethereum), this is your course.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risksWho is the target audience?Investment professionals who is interested in the cryptocurrency trading spaceInvestment professionals and students who would are sourcing innovative investment ideasAnyone looking for ideas and the development of quantitative trading strategyAny R enthusiastAny data analysis/analytics enthusiast"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Applied Unsupervised learning with Python (Bitcoin trading)" |
"DescriptionFinally, a course that will teach how to develop profitable trading strategies for cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin). This course is a way to share with you some of my profitable trading ideas, that you can always take forward, modify as you please and even increase its profitability. There are many courses out there that teach the use of R or Python for finance even trading, but only on that theory and the strategy they show are not of good value to people looking to find profitable actionable trading ideas/strategies. I want to reverse that trend by teaching and sharing with you my profitable trading ideas which I have developed after many years of investigation, research and putting real funds on the line. These strategies make use of data analytics and machine learning.In this course, we are to develop the BTC-ema trading strategy using Python. We will combine technical analysis and machine learning to develop a reliable trading strategy for trading bitcoin on the daily chart. This course aims at being focus on the development of the trading strategy and will go in-depth with coding along lectures, where the student has the ability to follow and develop the strategy himself instead of copying and pasting the codes from a document. Nevertheless the codes will be made available on files for downloading purposes.What will you learn?Explanation of the trading strategyWhere to find crypto market dataNumpy, Pandas, matplotlibMachine LearningUnsupervised LearningDevelop and backtest the trading strategyIf you are looking for a course where you learn to develop and original trading idea for bitcoin (Applicable to Litcoin and Ethereum), this is your course.DisclaimerThis course is for educational purpose and does not constitute trading or investment advice. All content, teaching material and codes are presented with sharing and learning purpose and with no guarantee of exactness or completeness.No past performance is indicative of future performance and the trading strategies presented here are based on hypothetical and historical backtesting. Trading futures, forex and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital you can afford to lose, and the risk of loss being substantial, you should consider carefully the inherent risks"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
1645-melo |
"16451645Stand by meKey=AAF#mDE"
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Know Your Asana" |
"WHAT YOU WILL LEARN?The benefits of each type of poseLearn how each pose type benefits your students so you can communicate confidently and clearly what students should focus on during each section of your asana class.Key AlignmentLearn key alignment for poses to assist students in getting the most out of their yoga practice. ContraindicationsLearn how to modify poses to meet individuals unique needs.Identify the most common misalignmentsKeep your students safe and injury free by learning to spot common misalignments and assist students with finding the best version of the pose for their unique body.Key cuesLearn to use verbal cues successfully and skillfully.Safe and Powerful AssistsLearn how to give impactful assists that will deepen your students experience of the pose.This course covers 30+ of the most common poses taught in a vinyasa yoga class."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"10 Gorgeous Cake Decorating Techniques for All Levels" |
"This detailed course covers 10 cake decorating techniques for buttercream cakes, from drips to painting, buttercream borders and sprinkles. Each technique is broken down into manageable steps using 48 cakes to demonstrate methods, variations and troubleshooting tips. Youll receive a quick reference guide for each technique, 5 recipe handouts, and a bonus module on how to frost a cake with smooth buttercream."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Decorate Half and Half Cakes" |
"In this course you'll learn step by step how to divide the frosting on a cake neatly into two halves using a simple technique and minimal tools. You'll use different colours and/or textures of buttercream to decorate the halves of the cake differently and then add finishing touches to the join between the two halves such as piping or sprinkles. BONUS LECTURE: you'll learn from start to finish, step by step how to create a half and half cake divided into sprinkled and floral stripes."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Passive Income For Yourself?" |
"I Will Show You Step By Step How I Built My Artist Collection That Literally Generates Thousands Of Dollars Every Month For Me And I'm Teaching You So That YOU CAN BUILD YOUR EMPIRE TOO!What Are You Going To Get?1.5 hour of training: The video is packed with pure value and actionable steps, so you can take immediate action.Close Mastermind Facebook group: A close place for you to ask anything you want about this unique business model.Materials: In the mastermind group you will find all the templates, contracts, and messages that I'm using in my business for FREE!Is This $19.99 Training Worth It?What could you do with an extra thousand, two thousand, three thousand dollars a month?You can do this with an artist collection.But an artist collection is only what you make it, and to make it something, first you need the knowledge. For a single $19.99 payment, you will gain the knowledge to change your life, and the lives of your fellow artists. On top of that, you will be able to use some of these techniques in many other areas of ecommerce and continue to grow your brand.The better you understand the world of ecommerce, the bigger impact you can make. Knowledge is of more value that gold- Solomon"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to make investment Investment Course Full Guide" |
"In this course you will see all types of investment.And this course is basically for beginners and advance level both.In this course I will teach you how to make investment and how you gain more profit in less money.If you have any problems,questions and doubts you can message me.and don't forget to review of this course.Thank You.NEERAJ SWAMI"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Effective Body Language for Communication and Influence" |
"I entered the interview room. The executive walked in, shook my hand, and my anxiety vanished! What Just Happened?He had presence. He made me feel welcome and cared about, and it made a world of difference. I interviewed well, and I got the job!Have you ever failed at communicating a great idea because you didnt look self-assured?Have you ever been reluctant to believe someone who wont make eye contact?PRESENCE IS EVERYTHINGHave you seen someone not have a strong argument, but the WAY they said it made people believe?Have you ever irritated others by rolling your eyes, sighing, or pursing your lips while listening?IT TAKES LESS THAN 7 SECONDS TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION. How many words can you cram into 7 seconds? Don't even try, because your body language speaks for you. Research from Northwestern and Stanford shows that body language matters more than hierarchy in making a person think, act, and be perceived in a more powerful way.YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE FOLLOWING IN EVERY SITUATIONBuild trust, clarity and rapport when you communicate.Present a confident and assertive youSend the right non-verbal message to reinforce your wordsWHO THIS COURSE IS FORI designed this course for men & women who want to make their PRESENCE FELT. At work, at networking events, and in social settings... if you want to make a greater impact, take this course and get better, way better at:Communication skillsLeadershipAssertivenessSocial skillsPublic speakingPersuasionPresentationsWHY LEARN FROM ME?I use the OBSERVE -TRY - FAIL - LEARN model. Teaching and learning are not the same thing. Teaching demonstrates what is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. As a professor who understands that difference, Idesign my courses to help you learn effectively. I have taught for 15 years at top-tier universities. Read what my students have to say below.MY GUARANTEEI am one hundred percent confident that this course will help you improve your body language, so try it risk free. There is a 30 day money back guarantee. Each section has been recorded and produced at a professional quality level. You will learn effectively through demonstrations with live actors. Upon completing the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.WHAT STUDENTS SAY: A very effective teacher""A very friendly approach makes the fine lectures very interesting""""A very interactive course with a great faculty""""Activities are very helpful, give us more!""""An open minded way of delivery. It helps in breaking down our barriers""""Best Experience and learned a lot. Class is interactive and useful""""Each class is fun and knowledgable""""Excellent classes full of fun and engagement""""Excellent teaching methodology. Extremely engaging and innovative""""He has a very creative method of teaching. He keeps us attentive throughout the class""""His interactive and innovative teaching methods make this subject all the more interesting""""My favorite teacher personally!""""The most creative teacher from the lot and I always look forward to attend his lectures""""Attending his lectures has actually made a difference to me""""Probably the best lectures out of all the others""""Very well structured, explained and well delivered""""Your unique pedagogy style is amazing. Looking forward to more fun-based learning"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Confidently Network with Anyone" |
"I am an introvert. I hate networking. Yet, each time I have needed to create new opportunities in my career, I figured out a way to network without being awkward or inauthentic. If I hadnt made connections and uncovered opportunities, my life would be very different today. If I can do it, you can too.Do you want to expand your network, but you dont know how to start?Would you like to put spark into your networking and have people remember you?MAKING CONNECTIONS WITH OTHERS IS THE KEY TO FINDING OPPORTUNITIESYou cant make productive connections without getting rid of awkwardness. I will show you how to get the conversation flowing smoothly.Networking produces results only if people remember you when opportunities arise. So you have to leave people with a great story about you. I will show you how to build a memorable story.It takes less than 7 seconds to make a first impression. Ill show you which behaviors to avoid, so that people dont form a negative impression of you.YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE FOLLOWING IN EVERY NETWORKING SITUATIONInitiate conversations without awkwardnessKeep the conversation flowing by saying the right things in the right wayDeliver a memorable story about yourself that will make people remember that guy or that lady.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORI designed this course for men & women who feel uncomfortable in networking situations. If you dont like networking, but want to make connections and uncover opportunities, take this course and get better, way better at:Expanding your list of connectionsMaking a great first impressionBeing remembered when opportunities ariseEliminating awkwardness in conversationsFeeling confident about yourselfPresenting your authentic selfWHY LEARN FROM ME?I use the OBSERVE - TRY - FAIL - LEARN model. Teaching and learning are not the same thing. Teaching demonstrates what is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. As a professor who understands that difference, I design my courses to help you learn effectively. I have taught for 15 years at top-tier universities. Read what my students have to say below.MY GUARANTEEI am one hundred percent confident that this course will help you improve your body language, so try it risk free. There is a 30 day money back guarantee. Each section has been recorded and produced at a professional quality level. You will learn effectively through demonstrations with live actors. Upon completing the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion.WHAT STUDENTS SAY:A very effective teacher""A very friendly approach makes the fine lectures very interesting""""A very interactive course with a great faculty""""Activities are very helpful, give us more!""""An open minded way of delivery. It helps in breaking down our barriers""""Best Experience and learned a lot. Class is interactive and useful""""Each class is fun and knowledgable""""Excellent classes full of fun and engagement""""Excellent teaching methodology. Extremely engaging and innovative""""He has a very creative method of teaching. He keeps us attentive throughout the class""""His interactive and innovative teaching methods make this subject all the more interesting""""My favorite teacher personally!""""The most creative teacher from the lot and I always look forward to attend his lectures""""Attending his lectures has actually made a difference to me""""Probably the best lectures out of all the others""""Very well structured, explained and well delivered""""Your unique pedagogy style is amazing. Looking forward to more fun-based learning"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Knitting 101 Beginners Guide to Knitting" |
"In this course I will take you on a journey from beginner knitter to someone who understands knitting terms and can follow a pattern and create new pieces. Learn how to knit with easy to follow videos and exercises. No experience required! Have you ever wanted to learn to knit? This is a fun and full course that was designed for you in mind.Knitting 101 is for Beginners and is a self paced course. Designed to guide novice students on how to get started Knitting. This course starts right at the beginning. By understanding the tools and techniques needed to start knitting today. You will learn all my top tips and tricks as well as be guided though multiple patterns using the basic knit and purl stitches. How to make a scarf, how to change colors, how to knit in the round, I teach more advances stitches And so much more. This course also contains practical exercises, all the resources terms, patterns and demonstration lectures. Which you can follow along at your own pace, and share your final projects in the Q and A section if you wish.In this course we use 2 sizes of knitting needles, Recommended for Beginners, Big needles, US size 11 -17 mm rangeAlso Needles that are small US size 3-7 mm range.2 sizes of yarn, sizes 5-7 Bulky- jumbo recommended for beginners,2-3 light for final project.a tapestry needlea pair of sizzlers, Circular needles, crochet hooks, (to fix mistakes)and stuffing for the final Project. Each section builds upon the last. Accompanied with practical exercises for you to download. The course consists of over Four hours of video content. Segmented into 35+ modules. Plus, as a lifetime student you have the opportunity to request new topics. At no extra cost to you.Have Questions? No problem. This course has a dedicated Q&A section where you can post your questions. Ask for some feedback. Or share your results from the course. I will reply to questions within this course, and would love to hear if there is anything I can do better as well.So, if you have ever wanted to learn to knit, but did not know where to begin. This course is for you. Come join and we will begin this journey together. Who this knitting course is for:This knitting course is ideal for anyone who wishes to learn how to knit.Even if you have never had any skills crafting before, this highly structured course, can teach you the fundamentals to developing your Knitting skills and give you the tools to succeedThis course may NOT be suitable for someone already an advanced Knitter.The basic patterns I teach in this course that involve the Knit + Purl stitches Include:The Garter stitch The Stockinette Stitch The Sand Knit Stitch The Seed Stitch The 1x1 Rib Stitch and the Moss Rib Knit Stitch I have more that I plan to cover in later videos as well. Each of these you can learn and add as a piece to your blanket.I share a glossary of terms and Abbreviations you might run into. And let you know everything I use for this course."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Guitar Discover Your Sound on Guitar" |
"Learn to Play the GuitarIn this course we will be teaching beginner and intermediate players how to discover their own sound. You'll be learning to play chords horizontally down the neck of the guitarHow to use a capo to expand that to other keysHow to hold a guitarHow to develop relative pitchBy the end of this guitar course, my goal is that you'll have discovered your own sound and know how to write your own melodies."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Digital Art in Procreate + Character Design Basics" |
"Beginners Guide to Procreate:Learning the ToolbarCreating a cartoon from a photoMaking your own brushesCreating a person Lettering TipsHere's an in-depth overview on how to use the Procreate app on the iPad. You will learn everything you need to know to go from being a beginner in Digital Art to confidently using the Procreate App. We will cover the basics of the app; lettering, digital drawing, character design, and how to make your own brushes. Whether you're brand new to drawing digital art or you just want a better understand of how to navigate the Procreate app, enroll now to get started."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Create an indie game landing page from scratch" |
"Welcome to Create an indie game landing page from scratch.As an aspiring game developer, you are now ready to share your creation with the world. You can do this by creating a landing page for your game and adding it your website.Throughout this course you will learn:Research for your websiteHow to layout a page using HTML5 SyntaxHow to style the page This tutorial will to help you make your own from scratch with no external libraries just plain old HTML and CSS. Without further ado, lets jump in...."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create a 2D Mobile game in unity - Flappy bird style game" |
"Have you always wanted to know how to make flappy bird?Would you like to make your own version that can be played online and on mobile?Then look no further!In this course we will go step by step through the bare basics of the flappy bird mechanics and then we will flesh it out to make a fun and fully featured game.You will make a flappy bird clone that can be played on PC or mobile. Take the essence of the flappy bird game and make it your own. Come and have fun with this Unity 2D project!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cartes de visite professionnelles avec illustrator" |
"Vous souhaitez crer vos propres cartes de visite professionnelles, ou les concevoir pour des entreprises de renom ou des proches ? Vous voulez vous faire dmarquer de la masse et proposer des cartes de visite uniques ?Ce cours est fait pour vous.Dans cette formation de plus de 2h, vous allez apprendre les bases ncessaires en design pour crer de et mettre au point la perfection des modles de cartes de visite travers 3 projets conus selon le budget de toute personne. Le format du cours s'appuie sur une approche pratique et guide et pour chacun des projets abords, vous retrouverez:une introduction du projet avec les objectifs viss ainsi que les concepts de design que vous allez apprendre,une dmonstration guide pour vous aid prendre en main la conception graphique,un rcapitulatif des connaissances acquises.Nous allons cres ensemble 3 modles de cartes de visite dont vous pourrez vous inspirer pour faire vos propres conceptions ou prsent ces modles vos futurs clients.Le premier modle s'inspire de la tendance classique des cartes de visite que nous retrouvons plus souvent: Vous apprendrez disposer convenablement les lments dans l'espace de travail d'une carte de visite. Vous apprendrez aussi ajouter un peu de style vos cartes de visite et choisir les couleurs adquates pour n'importe quel projet de conception graphique (Web Design, mobile Design etc...)Le deuxime modle est un TP qui vous aidera mieux assimiler les diffrents concepts vue dans le premier modle et vous apprendra personnaliser vous mme vos cartes de visite.Le dernier modle est galement un TP. Vous apprendrez crer des effets du type Smooth Gradient afin d'affiner le rendu des cartes de visite, et utiliser l'outil ""Plume"" pour extraire des formes d'un modle.La conception des cartes de visite est d'un niveau accessible tous et suivre ce cours vous donnera les bases ncessaires pour commencer tout projet de conception graphique.C'est vous de jouer. Rejoignez-moi ainsi que les autres lves dans ce cours, je suis Yannick votre formateur. A tout de suite."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |