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"UI/UX Design - Du dbutant l'expertise" |
"Applications web et mobiles, UI/UX, prototyping, mockups, Flat Character, FIGMA, Adobe XD et Illustrator...Vous souhaitez apprendre concevoir des applications fluides, ergonomiques et professionnelles ? Vous voulez devenir freelance ou vous tes simplement passionn ou voulez apprendre de nouvelles technologies ou de nouvelles techniques qui renforcerons vos crations ?Ne bougez plus, vous tes au bon endroit !Bienvenue dans le cours UI/UX Design - Du dbutant l'expertiseDans ce cours, vous dcouvrirez et apprendrez tout le processus d'un designer d'application web et mobile en partant de 0 puis en voluant vers le niveau expert. Afin de devenir expert, il faut tout d'abord commencer par les bases. Ensuite nous parlerons d'interface graphique et d'exprience utilisateur, et vous allez tester vos comptences acquises sur differents TP. Vous apprendrez les bonnes pratiques du UI/UX qui feront de vos applications, des applications unique et professionnelles.En bonus, vous allez apprendre prsenter votre travail et le partager avec le monde entier. De plus, vous aurez la possibilit de suivre le parcours avanc de ce cours qui s'annonce trs intressant et qui va vous aider renfoncer vos designs grce quelques petites astuces que nous verrons ensemble.Ce cours est bas sur la PRATIQUEMISE A JOUR RESSENTEContenu du parcours dbutantOn apprend beaucoup par la pratique et on s'amliore en essayant et en voyant comment on pratique une discipline.Vous aurez donc la possibilit de montrer vos talents dans un TP et d'amliorer votre design suite aux vidos que je vous prsenterai sur chaque TP. Nous allons faire tout d'abord un premier TP qui vous montrera comment bien designer une application mobile.Le deuxime TP portera sur une application Web o vous apprendrez des techniques exceptionnelles pour un design lgant, unique et avec une trs bonne exprience utilisateur.Le dernier TP vous permettra de combiner tout ce que vous avez appris dans les prcdents TP pour crer une application WEB et MOBILE. Se sera le fruit de votre expertise qui se dvoilera dans ce TP :-)Contenu du parcours avancDans ce parcours avanc, se sera l'occasion pour vous d'apprendre tout un tas de nouvelles choses qui pourront renforcer vos designs.A travers une dmonstration complte, vous allez apprendre avec moi :1) dessiner des personnages flat (Flat character en Anglais), afin de pouvoir ajouter des illustrations dans vos designs. Nous aurons donc trois projets dans cette section qui vous permettrons de comprendre le principe des illustrations.- Le premier projet est une illustration d'un arbre;- Le deuxime projet est une illustration d'un scientifique;- Le troisime projet est une illustration d'un couple;2) utiliser la plateforme web FIGMA Nous verrons ensemble comment utilis cette plateforme web travers une simple application mobile o nous dsignerons une simple interface de connexion, le but tant de vous permettre de vous familiarisez avec la plateforme.3) utiliser quelques techniques avancs d'Abode XD qui vous aiderons dans vos futurs designAlors, tes-vous prt passer au niveau suprieur et designer des applications mobiles ? Si c'est le cas, je vous attends pour commencer cette aventure passionnante avec vous :-)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Core Java" |
"This course main aim to help students and as well for professionals to understand the basic concept of JavaThe Topics covered are classes and objects,methods,variable,polymorphism,inheritance, Access modifiers etcIt also contents practical demo for each of the topics which will help you to understand betterWritten in simple language No prior training is requiredTopics CoveredClassesObjectsMethodsMethodoverloadingMethodoverridingPolymorphismInheritanceNaming ConventionsConstructorsVariablesThis Keyword"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Selenium Webdriver Quiz For Interview" |
"The main goal is to help the beginners as well as professionals to check their knowledge levelAnd to help them for interviewsThe quiz is categories into two sectionsone consists of webdriver and webelementsand other consists of Action,alerts,frames,select The first section consists of around 25 questions and second section consists of 10The minimum score is 60%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reiki completo I, II e Mestrado - Certificao" |
"Este curso contm todos os mdulos, incluindo todos os smbolos, os conceitos do Reiki Original e no final do curso o estudante estara habilitado para ser um terapeuta de Reiki.No Nvel I teremos o conceito do Reiki tradicional, veremos a diferencia entre simbolo livre e simbolo egregor, estudaremos o primeiro simbolo, o Chokurei e tambm veremos a flor da vida, a qual representa o DNA csmico. Existe tambm uma aula para desmistificar o Reiki e conhecer a sua verdadeira essncia.H um vdeo com um passo a passo para a aplicao de Reiki para um paciente e para a autoaplicao.No Nvel II, teremos o segundo simbolo, o Seiheki, e o terceiro simbolo, o Honshazeshonen, e veremos tambm os conceitos bsicos da Geometria Sagrada, trabalhando-os como smbolos livres, os quais, a diferencia do simbolo egregor, no condicionam, escravizam ou roubam a energia do terapeuta.O estudante aprendera neste nvel a aplicao distancia e a utilizao da poderosa mandala de cristais. No mestrado veremos o quarto simbolo Daikomyo, e o quinto simbolo Raku, assim como aprenderemos a fazer remoo de chips e implantes e programaes limitantes para libertarnos e ser seres ntegros e timos terapeutas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Iniciao Xamnica da Expanso da Conscincia" |
"A Iniciao Xamnica da Expanso da Conscincia um curso confeccionado pelo projeto Portal Chinkana que busca a conscincia coletiva dos seres humanos para a evoluo.Chinkana em quechua (lngua indigena de Peru e Bolivia), significa labirinto.H muitos relatos que mencionam a existncia de tuneis subterrneos, que do acesso a grandes civilizaes intra-terrenas como o reino de Agartha, cuja capital Shambala, era a antiga sede do governo planetrio. Esta sede foi deslocada para a cidade de luz de Kodsijuth, no lago Titicaca.Nosso objetivo abrir o portal da Chinkana, para acessar aos mistrios destas civilizaes e assim, entrar em sintonia com a sabedoria dos nossos ancestrais para a auto-realizao. Um dos grandes diferenciais neste curso de Xamanismo, que temos uma equivalncia do Calendrio Maia com o Zodaco Ocidental, mas no aquele Zodaco comum, seno o verdadeiro zodaco original que foi abolido para dificultar a evoluo do ser humano.Outro diferencial que o estudante ter assistncia personalizada para entender seu Kin Maia e consequentemente conseguir ativar seu DNA Csmico e tambm assistncia personalizada para entender seu Animal de Poder."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Alien Codes: Activate your Starseed DNA" |
"Our DNA stores all the information and programming of who we currently are.For the science, 3% of our DNA is known and 97% is a mystery.When we adopt a spiritual posture and explore that mysterious part of our DNA, we realize that it contains the information and programming of the perfect human being that we were in origin, before humans were banished from paradise, and we discovered our potential and the way to wake it up, to become what we aspire in life.In this course, we find all the most important knowledge and practices for the realization of the activation of our starseed DNA, the DNA of the perfect human being.With the years of practice in holistic therapies, meditation and spirituality, the author of this course realized that the ancient gods are the same beings that we know today as aliens. They are our ancestors, and there are positive and negative races for humanity.In her initiation she received the mission of teaching her brothers and sisters how to activate their starseed DNA, through the alien codes that our ancestors gave us, this is the secret to free ourselves from the matrix and know our true origin and mission of life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yaratc Dnme ve Fikir Bulma Teknikleri" |
"Yaratc dnme becerisini gelitirmek iin onu oluturan nemli prensipleri, bileenleri ve yaratc insanlar dierlerinden ayrt eden karakteristik zellikleri bilmek ve bunlarn gerektirdii davranlar hayata geirmek iin pratik yapmak gerekiyor.Kurs bu temel konular baz alyor. erik, hayatn yaratcln nasl ortaya ktn anlamaya adam insanlarn almalaryla, zellikle yeniliki rn ve srelerinden tandmz kii ve firmalardan rendiklerimizin sentezidir.Yaratc fikirler iin her eyden nce problemlere farkl perspektiflerden bakmak ve ok sayda olasla ans tanmak gerekiyor. Bunu salamann pratik yolu, fikir retirken kullandmz ara ve yntemleri eitlendirmektir.Bu kurs, bu amala kullanabileceiniz teknikleri, uygulamal altrmalarla anlatyor. Bir yandan fikir yaratclnn dinamiklerini daha iyi anlamanz salarken, bir yandan da tekrar tekrar bavurabileceiniz bir kaynak olarak ilev grecek."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Python 3 para Iniciantes" |
"Python tem se tornado uma linguagem cada vez mais popular no mercado, inclusive no de desenvolvimento web. Nesse treinamento, voc entender os principais pontos para lhe dar a base necessria para desenvolver suas primeiras aplicaes.Este curso de Python possu 16 aulas para que voc possa aprender o bsico da linguagem. Ao trmino deste curso voc conhecer os princpios para trabalhar com python e escolher um ambiente de desenvolvimento, seja Desktop ou WebSites.Este curso para voc que est comeando com programao e ainda no escolheu uma linguagem . para voc que ama TI mas ainda no decidiu qual rea seguir. para voc que tem experiencia em outras linguagens e deseja migrar ou aprender Python."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"La facture automatise Spcial Autoentrepreneur" |
"Cration d'une facture entirement automatise sur Excel 2019 en trois tapes : mise en place d'une base de donne client et produit, intgration de fonctions de calculs et de fonctions labores sur Excel : liste droulante , recherche verticale , fonction logique permettant d'automatiser le document . Le cours se termine sur la mise en page finale du document."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mendix Development course for beginners" |
"Mendix Development course for beginners :- Mendix is the fastest and easiest platform to build and continuously improve Mobile and Web apps that enable innovation at web scale. It is the only application platform that provides a comprehensive, integrated set of tools for the entire app lifecycle, from ideation and development through deployment and operation.Learn and Master Building Applications in this Comprehensive Course:Understand the concepts behind low code application Techniques .Learn how to create domain model entities and associationsWork with pages and tools box basic and beyondLearn easy, yet powerful, techniques to create the connection among data grids , views to the entities Apply Xpath constraints to the data sourceunderstand the micro flows and how to create actions Mastering MendixLearning the fundamentals and beyond of building applications in short time using Mendix is a very powerful Platform at your fingertips.You will go through creating useful and practical applications and learn how to use simple and complex techniques. This is not the type of Tips and Tricks here and there course. This Course is a serious learning experience where you get to actually create application and genuinely learn how to use Mendix and become a top Mendix developer .Here some of the techniques you will Learn:How to start working on Mendix Create your First ApplicationHow to Design and create entities and making associations Tool Box (Data Widgets , common and containers widgets ,input widgets)filtering data and using xpath constraints creating new micro flows along with using actions as (objects, lists , variables , loop and debugger break points)Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Prior Knowledge of Mendix RequiredA working copy of Mendix desktop modeler 7.22.0Who this course is for:Beginners in Mendix who want to start Learning building application with low code technique Desktop application Developers Mobile App Developers .What is needed to take Mendix Course :Understanding the logic of programmingBasic Knowledge in java System Requirements:1 Introduction The system requirements for the various parts of the Mendix Platform.2 Desktop ModelerThe Mendix Desktop Modeler supports Windows 7, 8, and 10. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit variations, but 64-bit is recommended.The following frameworks are automatically installed (if necessary):Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable PackageMicrosoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable PackageJava Development Kit 1.8You can choose which JDK is used for building and running locally via the Edit > Preferences menu item in the Desktop Modeler.If you want to use TortoiseSVN in combination with the Desktop Modeler, download the latest version 1.7.x from Sourceforge.3 Team ServerThe Team Server is implemented using Subversion, and the Modeler uses the HTTPS protocol to communicate with that server. To access the Team Server from within the Desktop Modeler, the network at your location needs the following settings:The HTTPS port (TCP 443) needs to be openThe HTTP port (TCP 80) needs to be openWebDAV (verbs within the HTTP protocol) needs to be enabled on the proxy server (if any)4 Web ModelerThe Mendix Web Modeler is optimized for use with Google Chrome. While Chrome is the officially supported browser, you can also use the Web Modeler with other popular browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge.The browser you use needs to have JavaScript turned on.5 Server5.1 Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 and aboveDebian 8 (Jessie) and aboveRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7CentOS 6, CentOS 75.2 Web ServerMicrosoft Internet Information Services 7 and aboveNginx (tested with versions included in Debian Jessie and Debian Jessie Backports)Apache5.3 Database ServerIBM DB2 11.1MariaDB 5.5, 10.0, 10.1Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7Oracle Database 11g Release 2, 12c Release 1PostgreSQL 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 105.4 JavaWhen running Mendix on a server, you will need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8. To download JREs, see Java SE Downloads.There is an issue since Java 7 that causes timeouts when using web services with a certain amount of data. You can circumvent this issue by adding the VM params The Mendix Desktop Modeler will do this for you, but if you are running Mendix on premises on a Windows server, you will need to do this yourself.For more information about this issue, see HotSpot (64bit server) hangs on socket read (JVM 1.7 bug?) - updated and Possible Bug in Java 7.5.5 Application ServerJetty is built into the Mendix Runtime, so an application server is not required.6 Browsers6.1 Desktop BrowsersGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft EdgeMicrosoft Internet Explorer 116.2 Mobile BrowsersiOS 9 and above (Safari)Android 5.0 and aboveWindows Phone 8 and above7 Mobile Operating SystemsThis is important for the Mendix Mobile app:iOS 9 and aboveAndroid 5.0 and above8 MxBuildMxBuild is a Windows and Linux command-line tool that can be used to build a Mendix Deployment Package. See MxBuild for more information.8.1 Mendix Version 7.1 & AboveMono v4.6.x or .NET v4.6.2JDK 8.8.2 Mendix Version 6 & Version 7.0.2Mono v3.1.0 or .NET v4.5JDK 8"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular and Laravel Passport Authentication" |
"This is a fast paced course that it will increase your knowledge about Angular and Laravel and how they interact with each other.This course is heavily focused on terminal commands so you will learn a lot about Angular CLI and Laravel artisan commands.In this course you will going to learn:AngularInstall & run angularSend http requestsReactive formsFrontend validationsEvent EmittersLaravelInstall & run LaravelLaravel Passport AuthenticationDatabase migrations & seedersControllers and RoutesBackend ValidationsAre you ready to see the power of these frameworks combined? Then let's do it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP Best Practices: Refactoring using PHPUnit and OOP" |
"This course will show you 2 examples of how to make the code more readable and testable.The first example has many if and switch conditions, very similar to some real-life examples, and we are gonna change them with Object-Oriented Programming. The second example shows how to refactor code using unit testing with PHPUnit and how to use mocks.These and more techniques will be shown in this tutorial.Happy refactoring."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Winning Self-Image" |
"We use our mind to create an image of ourselves and the image we hold creates our results. The results you are achieving in your life are a direct reflection of the image you currently have of yourself. Thankfully, no matter what your results are nowno matter how good or bad they might beif you improve the image, the improvement will be reflected in your results.Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand this,you are dealing with an unseen enemy. In this class you will learn1. How your self-image was formed and how it affects your results.2. How your limiting beliefs block your ability to live your best life.3. How to create a new narrative for your life, so you become the leading star instead of an extra."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La Bibbia del workout: il dimagrimento." |
"L'unico video-corso in Italia che ti insegna ad allenarti per dimagrire e/o mantenere il proprio stato di forma fisica. Tutto ci che c' da sapere di VERAMENTE IMPORTANTE E SPENDIBILE sull'allenamento. Al giorno d'oggi la vera scienza dell'allenamento non per tutti. La letteratura scientifica spesso prolissa e contraddittoria e la possibilit di diventare un Personal Trainer ormai troppo facile per chiunque (basta un attestato preso in un weekend). Di chi fidarsi? Dei Personal Traners? Dei libri? Di Wikipedia? Dei video? Dell'Universit? Io ho iniziato a pormi questi dubbi almeno 10 anni fa. Il mio obiettivo oggi quello di darti un riassunto di almeno 10000 ore di esperienza sul campo, da sportivo e da professionista, per farti giungere alla mia preparazione (o quasi), in molto meno tempo e magari sbagliando meno. Un corso imperdibile per qualunque appassionato di sport e movimento. Monitorare i progressi attraverso la lettura del tracciato di frequenza cardiaca, attraverso i calcoli sui carichi esatti da usare in palestra, attraverso l'utilizzo dei test sul consumo di ossigeno, da applicare a tutte le metodiche di allenamento, a circuito, con i pesi, a corpo libero ecc. sono gli elementi imperdibili di questo corso. Con la scienza dell'allenamento che va avanti e cresce in modo esponenziale, oggi giorno non pi possibile impostare un programma vincente senza l'utilizzo di un approccio scientifico e metodico. Scegliere l'approccio ""old school"" oggi pu significare restare indietro. Il corso utile a chiunque voglia allenarsi correttamente ma non ha la possibilit economica di rivolgersi ad un Personal Trainer che spesso costa anche 2000 euro l'anno, oppure a chi, da appassionato o da studente, ha deciso di porsi ""la sfida"" di farcela da solo (o quasi) come feci io anni e anni fa. Questo corso nasce come corso per Personal Trainers ed stato semplificato per renderlo appetibile a chiunque, tuttavia, anche un Personal Trainer potr usufruirne per aggiornarsi e lavorare con le innovazioni presentate nel programma. Qualunque studente di scienze motorie potr integrare i suoi studi con i pi alti dettami delle scienze dell'allenamento (ma semplificati) presentati in questo corso per poter apprendere e mettere in pratica sul campo tutte le competenze acquisite in facolt (come feci anche io ai tempi dell'Universit). Imparerai tutti i segreti dell'allenamento, dai test sui carichi in palestra, ai test sul monitoraggio della frequenza cardiaca e del consumo d'ossigeno, all'allenamento anti-cellulite, passando per le principali metodiche aerobiche e anaerobiche, a circuito e non, da svolgere a corpo libero o con i pesi. Imparerai a tracciare i tuoi progressi, a rivolgerti al nutrizionista e, se sei alle prime armi, ad impostare una programmazione di intensit crescente. Alla fine del corso saprai impostare al meglio una programmazione di allenamento per il dimagrimento e per la ricomposizione corporea, anche duratura nel tempo, e riuscirai a mantenere i tuoi risultati, risparmiando molti soldi di costose lezioni con i Personal Trainers, che potrai contattare solo una tantum per correggere qualche esercizio. Dopo la lezione introduttiva riceverai il materiale didattico sotto forma di slides in PDF. Potrai studiare passo passo mentre segui il video su quasi 300 slide con centinaia di ricerche aggiornate ed esempi pratici di allenamento. ""Luca ti consiglio a tutti perch fai capire i concetti pi complessi anche ai mentecatti"", parole degli utenti. Non scegliendo questo corso perderai i risultati in termini di salute, bellezza, vitalit, oppure dovrai spendere almeno 10 volte di pi, (in tempo e denaro) studiando sui libri o nelle facolt universitarie, che non sempre arrivano ""subito al dunque"". Altrimenti potrai rivolgerti ad un Personal Trainer che potrebbe costare anche 2000 euro l'anno e magari dopo 5 anni di allenamento non conoscerai comunque i segreti e le tecniche per impostare una programmazione vincente."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The workout secret: come scolpire il corpo." |
"Nel 2019 ci sono pi Personal Trainer di clienti. La premessa parla chiaro. In quest'epoca, in cui siamo inondati di contenuti irrilevanti ed in cui il business fa da padrone, fin troppo facile riuscire a prendere un diploma per lavorare in palestra. ""Ma allora come faccio a fidarmi?"" dirai. Hai ragione e scommetto che il tuo istruttore ti corregge ma poi ne arriva un altro che ti spiega il contrario di ci che ti stato appena detto. In quest'epoca di confusione, la chiarezza il potere. Per questo motivo ho deciso di creare questo corso. Non ne posso pi di vedere un simile scempio sulla salute delle persone. Starai pensando: ""e adesso chi Luca Dorelli per dire questo?"" Sono un docente che, nonostante la giovane et, ha lavorato e lavora con gli enti di promozione sportiva per formare Personal Trainer. Si, quelli che un giorno si spera abbiano le idee un po pi chiare. Sono un ragazzo, appassionato di salute e sport, che si formato all' Universit e nell' Elav - Institute, istituto di ricerca nel settore sport. Che ha studiato privatamente con Massimo Gentili, uno dei pi grandi biologi nutrizionisti in Italia. Evito di mettere squallidi link qui, cercami tu sui Social se vuoi conoscermi. Vedremo insieme tutti i temi caldi del wellness: consigli alimentari, dimagrimento, tonificazione, cellulite, muscolazione e la didattica analizzata biomeccanicamente degli esercizi pi importanti. Francamente penso che il valore di questo corso sia molto alto, forse anche sui 200 euro ma ho deciso di svenderlo SOLO per fare del bene agli altri, niente pi. Perci clicca su ""Iscriviti"" e .... buona Salute!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Biomeccanica: la formula (impara gli esercizi)" |
"Dopo mesi e mesi di lavoro e di lunga attesa terminato e pubblicato ufficialmente il video corso di BIOMECCANICA dell'allenamento in palestra (e non solo).Titolo: BIOMECCANICA - LA FORMULA.Perch questo titolo? Semplice: una formula step by step di 7 ore e mezza di video-lezione per comprendere tutti i concetti pi importanti del movimento umano durante l'allenamento in palestra.Obiettivo? Rendere l'argomento il pi semplice possibile e comprensibile a chiunque.Alternative? Perdere mesi e mesi di tempo e centinaia di euro studiando libri specifici sull'argomento che spesso spiegano in modo troppo dettagliato e non vanno su ci che utile e altamente spendibile per allenarsi al meglio.Da cosa nasce il corso? In anni di lavoro in palestra mi sono reso conto dell'enorme confusione dei praticanti di fronte alla tecnica degli esercizi e ugualmente delle enormi contraddizioni in cui spesso cadono anche i trainers. L'idea nasce quindi dalla volont di dare ""una marcia in pi"" a chiunque voglia migliorare la propria conoscenza.A chi adatto?- chiunque si alleni in palestra e voglia togliersi qualche dubbio.- trainers, laureati o laureandi in S.M. che vogliano ripassare.- chiunque si ritenga gi esperto ma che voglia osservare le cose da un punto di vista sicuramente diverso.Come renderlo appetibile sia al principiante che all' esperto? Semplice: l'utilizzo di immagini, grafici, esempi, slides e disegni alla lavagna lo rendono capibile anche ai mentecatti. L'utilizzo di un approccio diverso, di una didattica aggiornata e super-spendibile a livello pratico possono arricchire anche l'esperto.Se mi chiedi se con questo corso si pu diventare pi esperti degli attuali trainers sull'esecuzione degli esercizi, la risposta : del 90% (almeno) si.ATTENZIONE, NON E' UNA NOVITA': non mi sono svegliato la mattina con la luna storta e ho deciso di creare un video-corso, anzi. La mia esperienza nasce dopo anni e anni di formazione in cui ho tenuto decine di aule in Italia come docente riconosciuto da diversi enti di promozione sportiva a loro volta riconosciuti dal CONI.In questi anni, non solo ho maturato la mia esperienza tecnica ma ho sviluppato un certo ""public speaking"" che mi consente di rendere chiari anche i concetti impossibili (parola degli utenti).Non solo, ho avuto modo di capire quali siano le principali domande irrisolte che un utente/trainer medio si pone quando allena/si allena. Ho avuto modo di capire anche qual la formula pi efficace di spiegazione per rendere i concetti pi comprensibili possibile.Ed ecco che ho creato LA FORMULA ideale per rendere il tutto semplice e spendibile al 100%.CONTENUTI:- 7 ore e mezzo di video lezione con immagini e scritte che appaiono sullo schermo mentre parlo.- 217 slides con la spiegazione didattica di TUTTI gli esercizi da svolgere in palestra e/o a casa.- decine di video analizzati dall' App Muscle & Motion.BUONA VISIONE."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Curso De Reason 11 y Produccin Bsico." |
"Este Curso Aprenders sobre las herramientas que tiene Reason para ofrecerte para tus proyectos final haremos una produccin para mostrarte como producir en Reason que es lo mejor.Para que as tengas una nocin y as puedas comenzar a producir con Reason Studio 11.Ademas ir Actualizando el contenido del Curso."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Stock Investing Masterclass - Invest like the professionals" |
"Welcome to our Stock Investing Masterclass. In this class we will teach you how to successfully invest in the stock market with the same knowledge that hedge funds and smart money have. This course has been written by investment professional George Atuan, edited and presented by Al Akdari. Watch lecture 1 for real investment examples.George started his career as an engineer, graduating from a top tier university in North America. After joining the finance field and obtaining his MBA and CFA, George amounted vast experience at some of the worlds largest global companies, like as Anheuser Busch Inbev and Entel. George then invested for the largest Latin American asset manager, Moneda Asset Management, before starting his own investment firm, RedFox Capital and is a regular contributor on Seeking Alpha, Value Investor Club, and SumZero.This course has been designed for people with a basic understanding of the stock market, but with a desire to learn more advanced concepts for understanding and valuing your own investments. George has compressed 15 years of professional investing into a course that you will see is full of valuable and practical content.By the end of the course, you will understand the seven pillars of investing, how to calculate discounted cash flows and read financial statements like a professional. Youll learn how to build your own valuations, and how to construct your own portfolio so that you can confidently invest in the stock market with the same strategy that has given George a 25% return annually since 2011.Weve designed this course for the person that wants to invest like a professional but doesnt know how, and is sick of books and courses filled with buzz words, quotes by Warren Buffet, and without actionable content.We won't teach you how to: day trade, time the market or technical analysis as we strongly believe that to be successful when investing, you have to invest for the long term in companies, not stocks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Screenplay In 30 Days" |
"SCREENPLAY IN 30 DAYSThe Art of Writing Professional Movie Scripts6 Simple Secrets Reveal How You Can Write a Movie Script in 30 Days or LessIf you have an idea or story and need technical knowledge on how you can present this in a skillful way that will be accepted by production houses and directors then this course is your best shot.It is the most comprehensive screenwriting tools on the internet, written by an experienced screenwriter in the game. Note This:Writing screenplay is an art that must be learnt because it cannot be inherited, let us not succumb to the false idea of having a flair for writing.I strongly subscribe to proper training in order to acquire the techniques, skills and methodologies which are the prerequisites for turning 'flair' into professionalism.This is not a work built around grammar. It is not built around the desire to be politically correct; rather, it is one aimed at improving the script-writing space and help aspiring screenwriters get their act right. In a nutshell, if you wish to be grounded in script-writing this is a gift to you. If, on the other hand, you have seen it all and are done with learning, pass it on.If you follow exactly the steps taught in this course, you should be able to complete you movie script in 30 days or less. Welcome to Screenplay In 30 Days."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Trading Patterns from Stock News - January 2019" |
"Jake, host of the ""BehindThe Bid""daily stock market show, goes through the major movers of January, what news moved the stock and how the stock performed. This is a great course to review what went on in the stock market in January 2019, what was hot, what was not, and how to improve your trades and sentiment going forward."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber4Healthcare: Healthcare security" |
"The hospitals are unaware of the cyber threats or they usually neglect the aspects of cyber security in their hospitals. This leads to make headlines and reputation is at stake. At InnovatioCuris, our goal is to empower the hospital with updated security framework, best tools and techniques to defend themselves from the attacks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"No Tears Termination - Save Millions on Legal and Reputation" |
"No Tears Termination Course Will:Guide you through termination best practices from setting the meeting to signing the mutual release form Increase your communication skills by navigating through the most challenging conversationsProvide you with an example of a Progressive Discipline/Performance Plan and Mutual Release formsSave your company millions on legal fees and reputation damageTurn employee tears and anger into hugs"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Learn PDO By Creating A CRUD Website (PHP & MySQL)" |
"In this course, you will learn how to use PDO (PHP Data Objects) in PHP to perform operations on a database securely. We will be using the MySQL database in this class. But you can use other supported databases and almost all the code will be the same.We will be using an Object-oriented approach to write the PHP code. So, you will even learn how to create a class, instantiate it and call the methods on the object. At last, I will develop a web page where all the knowledge you have acquired during the course will be used to create a complete CRUD web page. As a bonus lecture, I will also show you how to code the Live Search mechanism in your webpage where you can perform operations on the database without reloading the page.For taking this course, it is would be great if you have the following prerequisites:Basic knowledge of HTML and CSSAlthough there are these prerequisites, I will explain each and every line of code that we are going to write. So, even if you are a complete beginner, you can join in. Just follow along and you will learn a lot.After completing this course, you will be able to perform Insert, Delete, Update and Select operations on your database. This will help you in creating backend applications.Some examples where you can use this knowledge are:Creating a to-do applicationCreating a blogCreating a simple registration systemCreating contact formAnd moreI will you all the best. Keep learning and happy coding."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Design A Complete Responsive Business Website From Scratch" |
"Every business needs an online presence in today's age. This course is aimed at helping you design a complete website from scratch right from the planning of the website to the deployment. The website will be responsive which means that it will look great on desktop as well as mobile devices.This course is aimed at beginner and intermediate web designers. If you are just getting started I have a beginners guide for HTML5 and CSS in this course. Once you are equipped with all the knowledge you need to have, we will start with the design using HTML5 and CSS.Everything will be done onscreen. If you follow along you will have a complete responsive website designed by the end of this course. You will learn some tips and tricks along the way.In the end, I will show you how to host the website online for the world to see.Here is why you should take this course:Practical approach to learning in this course will help you understand web design better.You dont need to have any knowledge of web designing beforehand.There are 2 quizzes which will help you revise your knowledge of HTML5 and CSS.A web design exercise at the end of the course for practice.Source code for the main project and web design exercise available for download.Using the knowledge you can start designing almost any type of static website you want.I hope you get the most out of this course. Thanks and happy coding!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Pratik Mimari Renkli Kat Plan Eitimi" |
"Sfrdan Pratik Mimari Renkli Kat Plan Eitimi:BU KURS LE BRLKTE; Ders ieriimiz de kullanlan tm proje dosyalar, kat plan tefrileri de cretsiz olarak kursiyerlere verilmektedir.BU KURS SONUNDA; Mimari kat plan renklendirme eitimini tamamlam ve aada ki tm zellikleri renmi olacaksnz.Neler reneceiz?Autocad zerinde mimari projenin temizlenmesiTemizlenmi mimari plann photoshop ortamna aktarlmasPhotoshop zerinde duvar boyamas ve zemin kaplamasPlan zerine tefri yerletirilmesiKopyalama, antet dzenleme ve isimlendirme izimi bitirmeBu blmleri rendikten sonra tm mimari kat plan projelerini, photoshop ile kat plan renklendirmelerini yapabilirsiniz.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun:3D Mimari Tasarm Yapanlar, Mimarlar, Mimarlar, Grafik Tasarm rencileriNasl Mimari Proje renklendirilir? Sorusuna cevap arayan herkes iin uygundur.NOT:Sizden isteim bu eitim videosunu aldktan sonra beraber olarak bir renkli kat plann bitirmek olsun arkadalar inann en ksa zamanda bir renkli kat plann bitiriyor olacaksnz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"IP Addressing and Subnetting - Zero to Hero" |
"As a computer science teacher, I noticed that IP addressing was one of the most intimidating topics for my students, and yet, it's so simple for those who truly get to understand it.My goal here was to create a course that is as simple as possible, and therefore, easy to understand for everyone, including those who are just beginning their journey into computer networks. One thing I added (that I haven't seen in the other courses) is summarization - this topic may not be interesting to beginners, but if you plan on getting familiar with advanced routing techniques, you may want to practice summarization.I'll be checking the Q&A section daily, so feel free to ping me if anything's unclear, or even with an assignment not related to this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |