Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Biohacking Secrets" |
"In this video guide you will learn what optimal living is all about and how you can make changes to your life to exploit its full potential.Optimal living, at its heart, is all about finding the perfect balance in your life to help you achieve the goals that youve set yourself. Its about becoming more productive, more successfuland forging stronger and more positive relationships in every area of your life.This video course will help you:Maximize your true potentialThink faster, better, & smarterOptimize physical performanceAchieve peak performance personally & professionallyLive a long & healthy lifeHave a stress-free livingOptimize their sleep and be energized every single morningTopics covered:Track Your SleepProtect Yourself from Blue LightDrink Alkaline WaterTry Red Light TherapyGet More ActivePractice MindfulnessEat More Whole FoodsAdd Probiotics to Your DietTry CryotherapyPurify Your Air"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Engagement Optimization" |
"In this step-by-step video course you will discover how to increase engagement on your WordPress site - which results in more leads, sales, & profits.Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage - the more they will come to know, like, and trust you.There are several different things you will learn to create a fantastic experience for your visitors.Topics covered:Introduction and Quick OverviewHow fast does your site load? And how to check.How to speed up your WordPress site - pluginsHow to speed up via Web HostingEngagement Boost Hack 1Engagement Boost Hack 2Engagement Boost Hack 3Turning Engagement into Subscribers"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Power of Social Media Stories for Marketing" |
"The organic reach of business accounts on a number of social platforms is decreasing.Stories provide a great ROI in terms of the time and effort they require and the benefits they offer.Stories are also extremely popular with customers and users right now.Four out of five major brands report using stories to promote themselves, and that should tell you something about how big this is going to be going forward.With this video course you will:learn precisely what a story islearn how to create a storylearn how to have huge success using stories to grow your audiencelearn how to increase brand loyaltyhow to promote yourself using stories just like major brands do"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Secrets Of Facebook Penny Likes" |
"In this video course you will discover how to increase social proof and engagement on your Facebook fan page which results in more leads, sales and profits!Social proof on your Facebook fan page is a significant conversion factor as to why people will see you as an authority and ultimately buy from you, or they go to your competitor.Topics covered:Introduction and Quick OverviewWhy Targeted Likes?Winning Out Of the Gate5 Minute ContentTwo Birds With One StoneSetting Up Your Ad CampaignSetting Up Your Ad SetSetting Up Your Ad"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Youtube Channel SEO & Video SEO" |
"-Youtube Channel SEOVideo marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right.The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010.On top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away.Methods have changed and so has YouTubes algorithm.Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your video BEFORE you make it live is what will help YouTube know where to categorize your video.With this step by step course you will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your YouTube videos live.Topics covered:Introduction to YouTube SEOCompetitive ResearchYour Title and DescriptionVideo File OptimizationYour ThumbnailVideo LengthSecret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors- Youtube Video SEOIn this video training course, you will learn how to take your YouTube Channel to brand new heights.Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right.The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010.Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away.Understanding what Google wants and making sure what you do looks as natural as possible is the key strategy here.Topics covered:Introduction to YouTube Video TrafficWhat This Is NOTWhat Google Wants & The StrategyThe RingHow to Automate The RingAccount CreationOutsourcingTesting"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Transform your life" |
"Change the course of your life and head down a path that you can enjoy. You'll gain access to valuable tools and techniques that you will be able to apply in your life, time and time again so that you can enjoy lasting change. A great program for you if and of the following are true for you: - You believe you are destined for greatness- You believe that greatness comes from outside of your comfort zone- You want a structured path from where you are now to where you want to be- You believe you have talent that could be improved- You want to change your life and are not sure how - You want transformation - You want more out of life- You are stuck in a rut- You are a high performer who wants to achieve even moreThis is your time - start the course now and transform your life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of web development" |
"Learning Basics of Web Development is aimed completely at the beginner!If you've never written a line of code in your entire life, this is the course for you.We start by understanding how software works, demonstrating what we can build and give guidelines for the course.We then move into CSSto complete our project, and add functional aspects with a little bit of Javascript.If software development seemed hard before or intimidated you in the easy here!You've found a home...for beginners :)In fact, I used to be a beginner a few years I know how you feel and this course is taught with that feeling in mind.Join us!See you inside!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SuJok therapy" |
"... ..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Object Detection with OpenCV and TensorFlow" |
"Introduction of Object DetectionInstallation of all prerequisites to write the code for object detection on Mac MachineWhy we are using the OpenCV for Object Detection?Why we are using the TensorFlow library for Object Detection?Write and Run the Code for Object Detection in ImagesObject Detection in VideosObject Detection in Live Streaming Videos with WebCamObject Size and Position in Images, Videos and Live StreamingObject Uploading on Server and Showing on Web Page"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Learn Object Detection Tracking and Counting with DL, ML" |
"Introduction of Object Detection, Counting & TrackingInstallation of all prerequisites to write the code for object detection, counting & tracking on Mac MachineWorkflow and System Architecture Write and Run the Code for Write and Run the code for object detection, tracking and counting with dlibWrite and Run the code for object detection using deep learning with OpenCVWrite and Run the Code for Cumulative Counting of Objects in VideoWrite and Run the Code for Real-Time Counting of ObjectsWrite and Run Code for Object TrackingDetect the targeted or all objectsCount the targeted or all objects Predict the colour of targeted or all objects Predict the speed of targeted or all objects Export results in csv file"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Simplified Magento 2: Video Course - From Beginner To Expert" |
"We are already adding English Caption (Subtitle). You can enable it in Udemyvideo player. Please bear with us while we upload for all videosMagento is a trusted open-source e-commerce software and platforms offering a full-featured website with little effort used by over 250,000 stores. According to pay-scale, an Magento developer salary is over $100,000. As a PHP developer, you can start your Magento career with this courseThis course goes from beginner to advanced in Magento development. Since Magento 2 is a robust framework, concept are well explained with appropriate coding examples to reinforce it. Also we made sure the examples are real world scenarios.After this course, you will not only be able to create Magento 2 module, you will also understand the framework thereby debugging Magento 2 better and this 12 hours video course you will learn- Architecture &Design pattern in Magento 2- Request Flow Processing- Database &Setup Scripts including building custom APiI- Entity Attribute Value- Presentation Layer- Customizing Adminhtml.This course is also vey useful for Magento 2 certified associate and professional developer certification Whether you're new to Magento or have some experience but are looking for a course to fill in the gaps, you'll love this course cos you will understand how Magento really works. It will also improve your programming skills cos you will be learning about some design patterns inPHP. Don't look further. Enroll in the course now to learn Magento 2 development.PREREQUISITESIn order to take this course, you should know be able to write OOP code in PHP"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018 for Beginners" |
"This course takes you from knowing nothing about Photoshop to having an incredibly good handle on the program in as little time as possible. The three legs of Photoshop are: * Layers * Selections * Color Correction * Image RetouchingIf you understand how to manipulate those Four elements you can accomplish just about anything with Photoshop. This course taught in hindi starts by going over those concepts and then shows how to combine them for powerful results. Rather than showing you every single feature this course focuses on the features people actually use without boring you to tears on the other tools. The instructor Imran Shaikh works as a professional designer. He uses Photoshop every day to create everything . More importantly be understands that you don't want to spend 6 hours straight trying to learn Photoshop."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Vibraia Armoniei" |
"Identifici unde eti acum n relaie cu ansamblul minte - corp - suflet.Reflectezi la ce poi face pentru a tri o via n armonie cu Sinele tu.Explorezi n cele 25 de lecii peste 15 de instrumente eficiente i coerente de auto-cunoatere.Foloseti 25 de meditaii audio ghidate, menite s echilibreze emisferele cerebrale, create special pentru fiecare zi de cursAi acces la ghidajul meu zilnic, primind postri pe un grup pe o aplicaie de telefon mobil asta e comunitatea noastr de practic, menit s i amplifice i susin energia.i creezi zilnic timp pentru tine, n care cultivi contiena i armonia: 16 minute n medie / zi pentru 25 de zile consecutive.Ai acces nelimitat la platforma online a cursului dup cele 25 de zile, inclusiv la discuiile de pe forum, resursele adiionale pentru fiecare zi de curs i la actualizrile ulterioare."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Find a Job (2019 ?)" |
"This Course is created based on my Interaction, Analysis of 900K+ Jobseeker's Resume, their Interview Preparation experiences and 650 + client (Hiring Managers) feedback in India in Retail, IT, Engineering and FMCGindustries in the past 3 1/2 years. This will help an Average Indian who is fluent Tamil Speaker to understand the expectations of employers in 2019."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Das Einmaleins des Referendariats" |
"Muss das Referendariat stressig sein?Meist ist es die Angst vor dem Neuen, das Stress auslsen kann.Das kann man ndern.In diesem Kurs erklre ich die wichtigsten Aspekte des Referendariats praktisch und verstndlich, so dass jeder, der kurz davor ist, ins Referendariat zu gehen, schon die wichtigsten Grundlagen in die Vorbereitung nehmen kann."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso Forex Completo Profissionalizante" |
"Saiba tudo o que precisa para comear a negociar no mercado Forex hoje!Neste curso, mostrarei como voc pode aproveitar os movimentos dos preos para obter lucros. Vamos falar em detalhes sobre Moedas, Grficos, Gesto de Risco, Trading Plan, Estratgias Vencedoras e muito mais.Vou explicar detalhadamente como funcionam as corretoras de Forex, para que voc possa separar facilmente as Corretoras Regulamentadas das no confiveis, e assim no momento em que estiver pronto para abrir uma conta de negociao real, estar apto para fazer a melhor escolha. Neste curso, voc tambm aprender como ler o Calendrio de Eventos Econmicos, o que imprescindvel para negociaes fundamentais em Forex bem como em outros mercados financeiros, como NYSE, Bolsa de Valores de Londres, Bolsas de Futuros e muito mais.Tambm fornecerei a voc uma planilha profissional de gesto de risco, para que possa operar de forma profissional e proteger seu capital.Nada mantido em segredo. Eu revelo tudo o que sei ... novas aulas sero adicionadas ao curso constantemente - sem nenhum custo extra para voc! Este um curso que continuar crescendo e crescendo.Faa este curso agora e aprenda com os meus mais de 5 anos de experincia. Evite as armadilhas mais comuns que pegam 90% dos Traders iniciantes!Este curso tanto para iniciantes como para quem j tem experincia no mercado Forex. Tudo que voc precisa uma mente aberta e paixo para ser bem sucedido!As vantagens deste curso:Voc tem acesso vitalcio ilimitado sem custos extras, sempre.Todas as futuras aulas adicionais, bnus, etc neste curso estaro sempre gratuitas aos inscritos.Estarei sempre disponvel para voc, se ficar confuso ou tiver uma dvida conte comigo.Mal posso esperar para te ver l!Para quem este curso:Quem quiser negociar no mercado Forex como os profissionais.Qualquer pessoa que queira revisar seus conhecimentos de Forex e preencher as lacunas.Quem quiser entender como funcionam os mercados financeiros.Qualquer um que queira entender como ler grficos no Forex.Quem quer aprender Anlise Tcnica.Qualquer pessoa que queira aprender a Anlise Fundamentalista.Finalmente, quem est procurando o LUCRO que negociar no mercado Forex realmente pode oferecer!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"A Arte da Captao/Angariao de Imveis de Luxo" |
"J reparou que os consultores imobilirios com melhor desempenho financeiro, so justamente aqueles que tem as melhores angariaes? No coincidncia, a dinmica do mercado. Aquele que domina a arte da angariao, domina o mercadoSe voc est comeando no mercado imobilirio, ou quer se especializar no mercado de alto valor, voc precisa dominar tcnicas de angariao. Curso 100% em video aulas para voc possa, rapidamente, aprender e executar"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"1. Snf Okuma Yazma Eitimi (Ses Temelli retim)" |
"Bu kursumuzun sonunda okuma yazma bilmeyen renciler,Ana snf eitimini alm olup birinci snfa hazr olan renciler,1. snfa balam renciler,st snflara gemi ama henz okuma yazmay bilmeyen rencileri sorunsuz bir ekilde okuma yazmaya geecektir.Yetikinlerden okula hi gitmeyenler de kurstan faydalanarak hzl bir ekilde okumaya geebileceklerdir.Not: Kurs iin ya snr 5+ olup st snr yoktur.NEML: lk 2 harf videosunu ykleyerek kursu durdurmutum fakat covid sreci sebebiyle uzaktan eitim ihtiyac renciler iin mevzu bahis oldu. Video projem hakknda fikirlerinizi almak istiyorum. in montaj teknik ksmlar kast ettiim deil elbet o da bu ite olmas gereken bir beceri, zamanla iyisi iin elimden geldiince uraacam. Kast ettiim bu proje fikri mantkl m izlediiniz 2 harf videosu iin dnceleriniz nedir buradan devam etmek doru olur mu? Aslnda 13 yllk retmenlik tecrbem ile bugne kadar ok kr bu konuda sknt yaamayp rencilerimi mezun ederken okuma yazma bilmeden gndermedim. Sonradan alp ta gemez denilen rencileri de geirdiim iin ayrca mutlu oldum bu mesleimde. Bu ii bilgisayar ile renciye hissettirmek aktarmak ok zor ama balamak istiyorum tekrardan. uan da video gncellemeleri yapyorum ve bu hafta sonuna kadar ilk videolar tm yklenecek bylece bir fikir edinmeniz iin yeterli olacaktr."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide For Epic GoPro Travel Videos" |
"Learn how to make high-quality, interesting and fun GoPro videos.The idea for this course was to compress all of my video-making knowledge into a one-hour learning session.I will walk you through the whole video-making process. Starting with best GoPro video settings for achieving high quality footage, going through compostiion and camera techniques and teaching you all you need to know about editing process - from start to finish: video selection, cutting, editing to music, color correction and color grading and lastly audio editing and exporting the video wiht best possible settings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vegan Vegetarian Cooking Course & Intro to the Yogic Diet" |
"Learn how to cook incredible vegan &vegetarian meals in the comfort of your home with this online cooking course, whether you are new to cooking and vegetarian food - or have been cooking for years and are a seasoned vegan. This vegan vegetarian online cooking course uses videos, activities and games to teach you: How to cook delicious, healthy vegetarian, vegan &gluten free recipes from around the world (including Thai & Indian dishes!) Why a plant-based diet is optimum for health, the environment and saving money How to get the proper nutrition while on a vegan/vegetarian diet Why 'how' you eat is important for health How to improve your relationship with food and improve your well being Tips for better digestion and the healing properties of spices &herbs What the yogic diet is and how it can uplift your physical, mental & emotional health In addition, the 5-15 minute video lessons include a demonstration of the 13 delicious vegetarian recipes in the lesson (and how to make them vegan) along with easy to follow recipes and resources to get more free recipes, nutrition information, documentaries and videos.In this course:There are 3 sections: All About Plant Based Diets, Intro to the Yogic Diet and Cooking Tutorials You get anytime access to cooking tutorials that make learning fun and easy to follow alongReceive all the materials you need including printable recipes, tips and nutritional handoutsComplete this course fast - in under 7 days or take your time and do it over several weeks the choice is yoursGet even more when we update this course later this year with more recipes and bonuses - sign up now and watch for the course announcementsIf you'd like to save money making amazing vegan &vegetarian meals better than you've ever had in any restaurant, improve your physical, mental and emotional health and develop a better relationship with food - you've found what you've been looking for! ""We have only today. Let us begin."" - Mother Theresa"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn BMS & Level Up Your Career- Building management system" |
"***** Recent Student 5 stars Reviews ***** ""Excellent explanation, Great job in taking time to explain function of each component and each stage. It is almost of comressing learning of a semester successfully in these precious hours"" ""Great course. Deserve to spend some time. The instructor covers key points, field devices, protocols, and some other important factors."" "" the best online course for BMS available right now."" "" best course."" ""Excellent delivery of this course, really appreciate your time and efforts , in fact all you experience is summarise in 4 hours quick lessons."" ""The course was really useful and full of good explanations and examples , i enjoyed the course a lot."" ""This course was excellent! The quality was very good and the explanations were clear and concise. I loved the practical examples, pictures and videos which really helped me to learn the theory of the system very well. The sequence of the course was also very good. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking for a great overview of the BMS world."" "" Very good introduction. Wish it was longer!! Good details and the last video really helps to explain visually the components of the AHU. I would pay to see another course from Mr. Mohammed showing videos for all components controlled by the BMS!!!! Thanks. Worth the money!!! "" "" Excellent course content, practical and exhaustive."" "" This is a great course for anyone interested in learning BMS. Great information and explanation, and great videos. ?"" "" This was amazing course for beginners, I learnt a lot of things on BMS system, thanks Mr Zidan for sharing this.""About the course and contents:Welcome to the Bestseller Online Building Management System ( BMS ) Course.* This Building energy Management System (BMS) course is very useful for anybody who is interested in understanding and learning the BMS system from a zero level till its full practical knowledge.* This Building Management ( BMS ) course contains a lot of practical photos and videos from our different projects which will help you easily to understand this system.* More than 4 hours with 42 lectures which will let you have full knowledge of the BMS system.* This BMS course is for all engineers and technicians, either you are working as a contractor or a consultant.* At the end of this BMS course, you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completely. * A lot of 5 stars reviews have been rated by trainees from all over the world, which reflects the superior benefits and the high quality and information you will find in this course.* This BMS course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn the BMS system in a very fast way. Without wasting a lot of time. * Important Note: Please be noted that this course doesn't include the programming part of the BMS system, as it will be in a separate course that will be uploaded in the future.Some of the topics which you will find in this course:Introduction to the importance of the BMS system in different projects.The different protocols which are being used in the BMS system and how the different parts of the BMS are communicating with each other.In this course, you will know the hierarchy of the BMS system and how each level will be connected with the other level.The different types of switches, sensors and field devices which are being used with the different MEP equipment in the project like ( AHU, Exhaust Fans, Pumps, Fire alarm panel Electrical panels.....)What are the different controllers which are being used with the BMS system?The connection between the BMS panel with the VFD and Lighting control panel.Practical video from our project to explain the different components of the BMS panel.Practical video from inside the workstation room of the BMS system.Other practical videos you will discover it while learning this course.The course is full of practical photos, graphics, and videos.You will have many files for the Building management system Pdf.After this course, you will be ready to work as a BMS engineer.Or, you can work as a BMS operator. And you can lead the BMS technicians on-site.More and more you will discover in this course. You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course from Mobile, PC, Laptop, and TV. Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section. Download & Print Ready Udemy Certificate of Completion. 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Remember to take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee, so say ""yes"" now, enroll in today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Revit architecture from Zero to Hero" |
"Learn Revit and Level Up Your Career. This course is designed for those people interested in advancing their employment opportunities.This Complete Beginners Training Course will lead the user through the basic procedures of designing an integrated building model.The course includes:Project creation, navigation, and display concepts.Designing with components, working with levels, creating and editing walls, adding doors and windows, creating floor and roof objects, working with view properties, instance and type parameters, loading and modifying family components, adding dimensions and annotations, adding and modifying drawing sheets, and plotting procedures.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course from Mobile, PC, Laptop, and TV. Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section Download & Print Ready Udemy Certificate of Completion 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Remember to take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.Important Note: More videos under preparation and will be uploaded to the same course to cover most of the points about Revit. After this uploading is completed, the price will be increased. So hurry up and take the chance to enroll in this course at this cheap price.There's a 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your Professional Guide in Mechanical installations on Site" |
"***** Recent Student 5 stars Reviews ***** ""Perfect course, recommended""What will you find in this course?- Tens of Practical videos from my different project to explain to you the components and installations of the mechanical systems practically on site.- These videos will include different Mechanical systems.- Examples of these systems: - Wet Fire Fighting System. - FM200 System. - HVAC components. - HVAC equipment. - Plumbing installations.The words can't say the massive efforts and information which you will find in this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Your Professional Guide in Electrical Installation on Site" |
"***** Recent Student 5 stars Reviews ***** "" Important in site work.where import in my site work in this video."" "" it is perfect course.""For who this course:This course for Engineers, Technicians, and anyone is interested in learning the practical installation of the different Electrical systems On-Site.For the novice and professionals in Electrical, Mechanical, and MEPFor Contractors and Consultants.What will you find in this course?This course will include many practical videos to explain the different electrical equipment On-Site and their installations.- Ring Main Unit RMU- Transformer- Generator- Electrical Panels- Lightning Protection system - Exothermic welding.- Floor boxes- Tools- Testing & Commissioning- And moreThe words can't say the massive efforts and information which you will find in this course.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course from Mobile, PC, Laptop, and TV. Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section. Download & Print Ready Udemy Certificate of Completion. 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Remember to take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee, so say ""yes"" now, enroll in today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Inicia tu negocio en el mundo de la psicologa." |
"Has terminado tus estudios en el mundo de la psicologa, ya sea como psiclogo, coach, hipnoterapeuta, constelador, gestalt, o cualquier otra formacin. Ahora ha llegado el momento de plantearte que quizs tu vocacin pueda ser tu forma de ganarte la vida. Aqu voy a explicarte, desde mi experiencia de aos trabajando en este campo, como puede ser una buena manera de empezar a caminar, porque aqu lo primero es una buena base solida.Te explicaremos como iniciar el camino, como gestionar el da a da, como gestionar las sesiones y cuales pueden ser los mejores recursos para ir adelante en tu sueo.Podrs aplicarlo si as lo consideras en su conjunto, o quizs adaptarlo a tu caso particular.En todo momento podrs plantear tambin tus dudas y preguntas al curso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Der Aufbau eines Computers" |
"Thomas Watson sagte 1943: Ich denke, dass es einen Weltmarkt fr vielleicht fnf Computer gibt.Nahezu berall sind Computer im Einsatz. Seit dem ersten Rechner im Jahre 1941, wchst die Entwicklung mit unberechenbarer Geschwindigkeit. Immer werden sie kleiner und besser. PC, Tablets, Handys und Smart Watches sind dafr ein Beispiel.Wre es nicht schade, nie gewusst zu haben, wie diese uerst komplexen Systeme funktionieren?In diesem Kurs dreht sich alles um den Aufbau eines Computers. Du wirst lernen, wie die einzelnen Komponenten aufgebaut sind, zu welcher Aufgabe sie beitragen und wo diese angeschlossen sind. Dieser Kurs lehrt Dich das Grundwissen ber die Computer Hardware. Mein Ziel war es, diesen Kurs sehr kurz und doch umfassend zu gestalten. Am Ende wirst Du die ganzen Hardwareteile und deren Anschlsse nochmals repetieren. Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du Dich mit Deinen Freunden und anderen Leuten, ber die Computertechnik umfnglich unterhalten knnen. Auch wirst Du ein umfngliches Grundwissen fr den korrekten Kauf oder Zusammenbau eines Computers aneignen. Ab jetzt wirst Du auch IT-Fachwrter, zum Beispiel in den Massenmedien, verstehen. Somit eignet sich der Kurs fr Jeden!Vorteile:- Kurz und bndig, doch umfassend und informativ- Umso krzere Lektionen, desto besseres Konzentrationsvermgen- Durch kurze Lektionen den besten Lerneffekt erzielen- Das Wichtigste zusammengefasst- All-in-One: Komplette Hardware des Computers- Hardware Verbindungen mit dem Mainboard erklrt- Englische und Deutsche Bezeichnungen erwhnt- Einzelne Themen abrufbar- Der Kurs ist bersichtlich nach Thema gegliedert- Die logisch aufeinander aufbauenden Abschnitte, bzw. Lektionen- IT-Fachwrter verstehen- Dein Wissen mit Freunden teilen- Grundwissen fr Computer Zusammenbau und Kauf aneignenFeatures:- Umfangreiche Lektionen- Zahlreiche Quizze- Sehr viele Aufgaben- Prsentationstext zum Download- Powerpoint Prsentation zum Download- Und noch Vieles mehr..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2020" |
"Ken Olson sagte 1977: Es gibt keinen Grund, warum irgendjemand einen Computer in seinem Haus wollen wrde.Herzlich Willkommen zum umfassenden Kurs PowerPoint Alles erklrt auf Udemy.In diesem Kurs werde ich Dir alles ber das Programm PowerPoint beibringen. Ich werde Dir jede Funktion vorstellen und in der Praxis zeigen, wie man diese anwendet.Nachdem du alle Lektionen zum kompletten Grundwissen durchgearbeitet hast, wirst Du bereit sein, professionell mit PowerPoint zu arbeiten. Am Ende dieses Kurses werde ich Dir noch genauer erklren, wie Du eine exzellente und professionelle PowerPoint Prsentation gestaltest.Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du das grundlegende Wissen fr meine weiteren folgenden Kurse, wie zum Beispiel das Erstellen von Spielen in PowerPoint besitzen.Hast Du eine Frage oder kommst nicht mehr weiter? Dann verlasse Dich auf einen schnellen Support!Also zgere nicht und schlag zu!Vorteile:- Kurz und bndig, doch umfassend und informativ- Umso krzere Lektionen, desto besseres Konzentrationsvermgen- Durch kurze Lektionen den besten Lerneffekt erzielen- Das Wichtigste zusammengefasst- All-in-One: Komplette Grundkenntnisse- Smtliche Funktionen erklrt- Deutsche Bezeichnungen erwhnt- Einzelne Themen abrufbar- Der Kurs ist bersichtlich nach Thema gegliedert- Die logisch aufeinander aufbauenden Abschnitte, bzw. Lektionen- IT-Fachwrter verstehen- Dein Wissen mit Freunden teilen- Grundwissen fr Prsentationen aneignenFeatures:- Umfangreiche Lektionen- Zahlreiche Quizze- Powerpoint Prsentation zum Download- Und noch Vieles mehr..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn & Understand ENTREPRENEURSHIP" |
"In this series of entrepreneurship, you will learn about the untold journey and different phases one need to pass in order to build an idea to an empire of brand and sell product into market. This course also tells you about the author's personal experience and journey, different ways of starting business and all the key elements you need to start a business. Students who have special subject as Entrepreneurship can also learn all the concepts, key terms and other details about how to bring the startup to a successful venture."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creating Graphical Interfaces for Powershell Scripts" |
"While GUI's are not the first thing you think of when it comes toPowershell, it is often an overlooked option when it comes to Powershell tools. GUIs can sometimes help you facilitate your script and see all of your tool's options at a high level, while also helping to eliminate human error when it comes to typos (such as typing the correct employee name, or the correct parameter, and so on). Powershell GUI's also allow you to share your tool with delegates on your team or in your business, who may not be as comfortable working in a Powershell console environment. In this course we look at the basics of GUIs, with recommended tools and concepts advocated by industry leaders and authors such as Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks. You have what it takes to make GUIs, and our aim in this course is to equip you with the basic skills, and inspire you to go forth and make your own GUIs for your awesome Powershell tools!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps To Brand Yourself & Become the #1 Job Candidate" |
"Become the top candidate in a job search by mastering your authentic brand and marketing strategy!The job search can be an overwhelming and intimidating process but it doesnt have to be. The demanding and sometimes draining process of interviewing and networking makes you step out of your comfort zone. Employers want you to communicate who you are, what you value, and what makes you unique in a very short amount of time. Whats more, employers want you to connect yourself to what they need, desire, and actually care about. This can be difficult to discover individually and may leave you feeling overwhelmed. Luckily, our 5 step method is here to guide you through a reflective journey to develop a valuable & powerful personal brand that is authentic, visible, and consistent. Having a strong personal brand will quickly raise you up the ranks so that YOU can become the #1 job candidate! You are the secret sauce to your own success!We created this personal branding course because we have seen so many job seekers struggle with communicating their value to employers and getting themselves out there. Having an awesome resume is NOT going to get you the job. A clear vision of your unique qualities, how you meet the employers needs, and strong networking contacts is what will get you the job of your dreams.In this course, we are going to take a deep dive into what makes YOU amazing, and how to translate your strengths to meet the employers needs.Is this course a good fit for you?Are you hoping to increase your career opportunities now or in the future?Do you struggle to articulate your strengths, value, personality traits and unique qualities?Do you find yourself wanting to network but being nervous or hesitant about doing so?Are you hoping to develop interview and networking strategies?Does professional development and self-assessment interest you?If you said YES to any of these questions, this course is for you!You will come away from this course with the following:A personal brand that will give you the winning edge in the job hunt5 worksheets that will enable you to form & capture your brandValues defined with peak experiences & hot buttonsPersonality type assessment overview and applicationTop strengths and examples using the CliftonStrengths AssessmentInterest exploration and expansionEmployer mindset visualizationValue statements and confidence techniquesTechniques to make yourself valuable & powerfulLinkedIn & informational interview techniquesStrategies for introverts & extrovertsCreating your promise of value & brand story for employers!If you are ready to transform your understanding of yourself and your job search techniques, then register today!We look forward to seeing you in this course!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"En Forma desde Casa en 3 Meses. Sin GYM" |
"Programa destinado a ponerte en forma desde cero. Pensado para personas que jams han realizado actividad fsica o bien llevan ms de 6 meses sin hacer nada y necesitan empezar a entrenar.Sin necesidad de apuntarte a un gimnasio u adquirir costosos materiales de entrenamiento.Ejercicio con el propio peso corporal.12 niveles de dificultad, para que vayas progresando durante 12 semanas.72 ejercicios de entrenamiento con su detallada descripcin de cmo realizarlos. 12 vdeo-entrenamientos de 15 minutos con rutinas que debes repetir en varias sesiones durante toda la semana.Soporte por email para que te mantengas en contacto conmigo y resuelvas todas las dudas que te puedan surgir.Posibilidad de descargar e imprimir todo el material, en caso de que no dispongas de acceso a Internet.Acceso al curso ilimitado y de por vida (incluidas futuras actualizaciones).Certificado de finalizacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |