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"Chakras de l'quilibre la gurison (1) + BONUS"
"Dans ce cours, module 1, vous apprendrez et comprendrez mieux les chakras et son histoires de l'orient l'occident, son volution, les courants nergtiques, les nergies fminines et masculines, des exercices pour explorer vos chakras, pour voir les chakras des autres personnes, des exercices pour travailler avec les pierres et cristaux, gurir et quilibrer vos chakras.En tant qu'tres humains, notre nature est la fois physique et spirituelle. Nous sommes indubitablement lis au temps, et pourtant, une part de nous-mme est ternelle. Si nous voulons connatre notre authentique compltude, il faut rassembler ces parties de nous-mme apparemment contradictoire afin de crer une unit. Pour y parvenir, nous empruntons la voix des chakras, vous apprendrez connatre et les utiliser pour rvler votre meilleur potentiel.- Certificat de fin de formation accrdite par l'IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine)BONUS : - Qu'est-ce qui cre une faiblesse au niveau de vos chakras ?- 5 faons de grer une crise de gurison- Comment garder l'tat d'esprit adquat- Gurir avec les mains- EXERCICE : Mthode de gurison par l'ouverture des chakras du coeur- EXERCICE : Mditation pour gurir les chakrasSi vous avez des questions n'hsitez pas me les poser via la plateforme"
Price: 69.99

"Segurana da Informao e Hacking 2"
"No VOL.2 do curso de Segurana da Informao e Hacking o Objetivo de trazer mais conhecimento de Bruteforce, criptografia, varreduras, infraestrutura segura, documentaes, treinamentos, engenharia social e ambientes tcnicos de pesquisa.O VOL.2 tem como objetivo a melhoria dos conhecimentos bsicos do aluno, tendo em vista que o curso de nvel bsico, porm,  se tem como base que o aluno j tem os conhecimentos prvios de redes, programao, banco de dados e hacking!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso Bsico de lbuns Digitais"
"Este curso de lbuns Digitais permitir que voc crie pginas decoradas para lbuns, quadros, convites, apresentaes, decoraes de festas, posts para redes sociais e muito mais.Ele est voltado para pessoas que gostam de fotografia, que esto buscando um novo hobby, uma nova fonte de renda, mulheres grvidas, mes que querem registrar aniversrios, batizados, festas de 15 anos, casamentos e qualquer tipo de evento que possa ser registrado em forma de lbum, tanto digital como impresso."
Price: 129.99

"How to lose weight quickly and effectively using daily meals"
"This weight lose course provides learners and individual practitioners looking to lose weight or educate others on how to lose weight with step by step instructions as to how to go about it. By the end of the course, you will be able to lose weight by eating your favorite foods and controlling portion size, coupled with in home easy to do exercise that will enhance your weight lose plan and help you keep the weight off as well.This course is also good for coaches, individuals that are hoping to become coaches or any practitioner that deals with clients. Your clients will come to you with issues such as weight loss and this lecture will help you be able to help them manage their diet.Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or lower level instructor of healthy life style, you will be able to use the information in this video to help your clients.You will have access to me via email/phone for as long as possible."
Price: 149.99

"Data-Driven Nonprofits"
"This course is designed specifically for nonprofit leaders by experienced nonprofit professionals. Learn how to improve your organization's fundraising, program operations, and communications by becoming more data-driven. Step-by-step instructions with many examples will get you started on a path to a data-driven culture for your organization. You'll benefit from the experience of many nonprofit organizations who have successfully incorporated data into their strategy and daily decision making to increase their impact."
Price: 49.99

"LinkedIn Construindo um perfil campeo"
"Se voc busca estruturar um perfil diferenciado no LinkedIn e assim atrair as melhores oportunidades de mercado, alm de construir uma rede de relacionamentos valiosa? Ns temos o passo a passo para construir um perfil campeo no LinkedIn e garantir a vaga dos seus sonhos. Aprenda a:Estruturar um perfil campeoAumentar em at 27x a chance de contrataoConstruir um networking acertadoIdentificar as principais oportunidades de carreira que tenham aderncia ao seu perfilTer maior visibilidade para os recrutadores e profissionais de recursos humanosDirecionar uma busca ativa em relao as empresas alvoConquistar a vaga dos sonhosBnus - Conhecer as principais plataformas de recrutamento online brasileiras"
Price: 39.99

"Construindo um currculo atrativo"
"O curso dividido em 5 aulas:a. Autoanlise - como escrever um resumo das qualificaes que ajudara a realizar mais entrevistas.b. Retrospectiva de Carreira - quais os pontos fundamentais que devem constar nas suas experincias profissionais.c. Diretrizes para elaborao de um currculo atrativo organizar o contedo em um currculo que realmente chame a ateno dos recrutadores e profissionais de recursos humanosd. Desmistificando as crenas na criao de um currculo atrativo - cometer os erros mais comuns na hora de construir um currculo.e. Construindo um currculo atrativo - tutorial para realizao da construo de um currculo."
Price: 99.99

"Your First Day With Blender3D(Arabic Tutorials)"
"this course will walk through basics of modeling in blender 3d. you shouldn't have any previous experience on other 3d packages.this course is the best for 3d graphics designers.then we will make some models from scratchfinally we will talk about 3d printing.i'm using blender ad cycles in my workflow. i have used 3ds-max for some time,but now working only in blender 3d as it's free and opensource."
Price: 19.99

"American Slang by Native New Yorker"
"Let me be your native English speaking best friend from New York City with whom you can listen, learn and practice American slang and other useful terms.New York City is the city that never sleeps! With so many cultures and languages mixing and mingling here, its easy to see how so many colorful phrases and slang terms are popularized with great frequency and then spread all over the world.Spend approximately 5-7 minutes a day with me, and together we'll go over some of the most popular and most recently created slang terms. If its been said in American films, American music, in sports, in business, at universities, at parties, in the pub, in the international work and casual environments - we'll then Ican teach it to you.Includes a downloadable Review document which lists every term used and gives the definition for added study.Let's get this party started! = Let us begin (to learn)"
Price: 74.99

"Maintenance Management Basics"
"This course should give audience a brief and an overview about maintenance basics, tools and foundation that all maintenance team members should be aware of.It will qualify audience for future programs or courses discussing all topics of this course into further detailsIn this course we shall overview the following topics:Maintenance StrategiesMaintenance Organization and FunctionsMaintenance Objectives and TargetsMaintenance KPIsMaintenance and TechnologyCustomer Oriented Maintenance TeamRoot Cause AnalysisMaintenance BudgetRecommended Resources"
Price: 19.99

"Maintenance Planning Basics"
"Basics of Maintenance Planning, and tips about other related topics like spare parts management, shutdown management, job plan design, and recommended sources of job plan information.For maintenance managers, maintenance planners and even operation and maintenance team members, they should know the basics of maintenance planning and how to better utilize it in order to improve the performance of their organization.This module should have primary knowledge about job plan, its template and how to build it.It also discusses the basic role and responsibilities of planners and what type of skills they should acquire and strengthen.The also highlight the basic software they should learn and master in order to do their job proffesionally."
Price: 19.99

"PARETO Analysis in Industrial and Business Applications"
"You will learn about the history of PARETO Analysis or the alias name of 80/20 Rule.You will learn about the powerful technique of PARETO Analysis and how to apply it in different applications and situations related to Industry and Business.Many practical lessons on how to apply the rule inFailure AnalysisSpare Parts AnalysisBudgeting and Expenses ControlProcurement"
Price: 29.99

"Empreendedorismo Jurdico"
"Ter o prprio escritrio, gerar crescimento, viver da advocacia e ter reconhecimento, so apenas alguns dos desafios de todos os advogados. Para tanto, tornou-se imprescindvel a busca de ferramentas empresariais ajustadas as limitaes da advocacia.Nesse contexto, o aparelhamento atravs de ferramentas e tticas empreendedoras imprescindvel para obter sucesso na advocacia.Quais os desafios dos empreendedores jurdicos? Quem so os seus clientes? necessrio ter um scio? Como fidelizar clientes?Empreendedorismo jurdico a base para iniciar sua jornada empreendedora com segurana."
Price: 39.99

"Learn to do the PTE Speaking Part"
"This course covers all the 5 questions that come in the PTE Speaking part. It will teach you how to do each question correctly and what strategies and templates to use. You will also receive a complimentary Ebook with the templates in the Resources part of the video. After each video you will find the link to the website where you can go and practise the question that we discussed and work on improving your skills. After finishing this course you will know how to do the PTE Speaking part, will be able to practise on your own online and check your answers. If you will still have some questions you can ask them in the comments section. Questions include:Read Aloud, Describe Image, Repeat Sentence, Re-tell Lecture and Answer Short Questions."
Price: 24.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye C# Programlama!"
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye C# Programlama!Bu Kursta Ekrana 'Hello World!' Yazarak Baladmz Bu Yola leri Seviyeye Kadar lerleyecek Bir Kurs Mfredat le ekillendiriyoruz, Bu Kurs erisinde; Kendi Konsol Uygulamalarmz Yazabilecek,Kolay Bir ekilde Windows Form Uygulamalar Gelitirebilecek, C# Temellerine Hakim Olacaksnz.Kurs zellikleri;Kolay Ve Anlalabilir Video Yaps,Sorulara Elimizden Geldii Kadar Cevap, Videolar Android Veya OSUygulamas le evrimd Kullanm in Kaydetme,Srekli Gncellenen Mfredat,Videolar zerinde Gerektiinde Silip Yenisini Ykleyerek Yaplan Kalite Gncellemeleri Bulunmaktadr."
Price: 209.99

"Maths GCSE (9-1): Revise and learn - Basic Trigonometry"
"Mathematics GCSE - Revise & Learn: 'Trigonometry'All Topics Covered with Practice Exam Questions *Up To Date For 2019*This 9-lesson course includes all the material you need for the Trigonometry section of the brand new Maths (9-1) GCSE qualification. Each lecture includes step-by-step examples for every topic, along with worked solutions for practice exam questions.Throughout the course, I will talk you through the basics of every concept and section, before moving on to practice exam questions. This makes this course suitable for all abilities, whether you are learning GCSE Maths from scratch, or in need of revision leading up to exams.Course StructureThe course follows the standard Maths GCSE structure (as used by Edexcel, AQA and OCR), meaning it is easy to follow and perfect to use alongside any other learning or revision you may be doing. The course is split up in to the following sections: Triangle types Angles of Triangles Interior Angles Exterior Angles Pythagoras' Theorem Trigonometric Functions Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsIf you follow this course, you will gain a solid understanding of all of the above topics, whilst greatly improving your ability to answer questions on exam day.Who this course is for:Students revising for their examsStudents looking to learn Maths GCSE from scratch (including adults)Anybody looking for guidance and support in reaching their target grade"
Price: 19.99

"Mathematics IB/A-Level/AP - Revise & Learn: Trigonometry"
"Mathematics IB/A-Level/AP - Revise & Learn: 'Trigonometry'All Topics Covered *Up To Date For 2019*This 7-lesson course includes all the material you need for the Trigonometry section of Higher Level Mathematics Qualifications in your final school years. Each lecture includes step-by-step examples for every topic, along with worked solutions for practice exam questions.Throughout the course, I will talk you through the basics of every concept and section, before moving on to practice exam questions. This makes this course suitable for those in all stages of Higher Level Mathematics Qualifications, whether you are learning from scratch, or in need of revision leading up to exams.Course StructureThe course follows the standard Higher Level Mathematics Qualifications' structures, meaning it is easy to follow and perfect to use alongside any other learning or revision you may be doing. The course is split up in to the following sections: Radians, Arc Lengths and Areas of Sectors The Unit Circle and Trigonometric Ratios Trigonometric Identities Trigonometric Graphs (Circular Functions) Solving Trigonometric Functions Sine rule, Cosine rule and the Area of a triangle Degrees vs RadiansIf you follow this course, you will gain a solid understanding of all of the above topics, whilst greatly improving your ability to answer questions during your exam.Who this course is for:Students revising for their examsStudents looking to learn Higher Level Maths from scratch (including adults)Anybody looking for guidance and support in reaching their target grade"
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To DJ - Beginner DJ Lessons"
"This masterclass course is dedicated to anyone wanting to learn how to DJ with NO LAPTOP, USB ONLY. Be ready to DJing in the club, or just pick up a new hobby, I will teach you in class the fundamentals of beatmatching, mixing, and blending etc... No matter your music tastes or background, I will give you the skills you need to start DJing today! My name is Sam Skilz, and I'm going to show you how to DJ at the highest level starting from scratch.I spent over 27 years building my DJ technique, starting from vinyl turntables and moving all the way up through CDJs & DJ Denon Prime. I've been passionate about dance music since I was 15 years old, and a professional DJ since I was 19!International Producer, DJ & GaGa record label owner. Sam Skilz is from the generation of artists who breathe, eat and think house music. His unique blend of straight house, mixed with tech, driving bass lines and anthemic vocals, shape his trademark sound. Sam hit the spot #42 in TOP 100 House Artists Of The Year 2014 By TRAXSOUCE.Sam productions have been signed with major labels like Sony Music, Virgin Records, Wagram and Warner Music.2014 was an exceptional year for Sam with his major project of Skilz DJ Academy based in Luxembourg. The School teaches the creative process of making music at the highest level, with expert instructors and state-of-the-art facilities. The Academy becomes so quickly recognized internationally and attracts students from all over Europe.Section one cover all the basics how to dj. Step by step...- 3 Easy Steps to get started.- BPM & Tempo Basics- How To create your playlist- How To Setup Cue Point On CDJ Player- 3 lessons about the beatmatching with NO Laptop.Section II:- Time Signature and Phrasing part I & II.- Mixing in Key & Harmonic MixingMore to come..."
Price: 34.99

"Finanzas Personales para Principiantes"
"Para poder tomar el control de nuestras finanzas personales, no solo debemos aprender a gestionar la parte financiera, sino que tambin tenemos que procurar mejorar la parte personal. Nosotros somos quienes decidimos qu hacer con nuestro dinero y tambin nosotros podemos hacer que ese dinero que recibimos nos rinda ms.En este curso veremos cules son las herramientas bsicas que debes conocer para poder gestionar tus finanzas, pero sin descuidar la parte personal que es la que realmente har la diferencia. Aprenders a:definir tu objetivo financiero, hacia dnde quieres ir, y descubrirs por qu es tan importante tener unohacer un inventario, un balance personal y calcular tu patrimonio neto para saber dnde te encuentras actualmentedeterminar metas intermedias que marcarn el camino desde donde ests hacia donde quieres irdiferenciar los distintos modelos de flujo de caja, identificando el que utilizas actualmente y cul deberas usarhacer un control de ingresos y egresos para saber si ests viviendo dentro de tus posibilidadesrealizar un registro de gastos para ver a dnde se va tu dinero y si la manera que tienes de administrarlo est en concordancia con tus objetivosCon estas herramientas descubrirs a dnde quieres ir realmente, en dnde ests actualmente, cmo trazar el camino, cmo ests gestionando tu dinero y qu cambios debers hacer para llegar a tus objetivos.Es un curso orientado a personas que quieren comenzar a organizar sus finanzas y no saben por dnde empezar."
Price: 39.99

"Sistema de sobres para tus Finanzas Personales"
"Sientes que, ganes lo que ganes, nunca te alcanza el dinero? No se trata tanto de la cantidad, sino de la forma de administrar lo que ya tienes. En este curso aprenders a gestionar tu dinero utilizando el sistema de sobres.El curso est enfocado a la parte de organizacin, el aprender a gestionar lo que ya tenemos. Aprender a masticar lo que tenemos en la boca, antes de dar el siguiente bocado.No nos enfocaremos en cmo  generar ms ingresos, cmo ahorrar, como invertir o cmo reducir gastos, solo nos enfocaremos en cmo gestionar el dinero que tenemos y cmo crear un plan para eliminar las deudas. Los temas a tratar son:Qu es el sistema de sobres y cul es su funcionamiento bsicoPagos en efectivo y con tarjeta (pros y contras)Logstica del sistema, cmo armar tu propio sistema de sobres y tu bitcora financieraCmo determinar las categoras (categoras personales, categoras bsicas y categoras que todos debemos tener)Cmo calcular tu presupuesto (partiendo de un presupuesto base hasta llegar al presupuesto ideal)Cmo lidiar con los gastos hormigaProblemas y soluciones que te puedes encontrar al usar el sistema de sobresCmo encontrar soluciones a posibles problemas que no estn en el listadoCmo gestionar el pago de las deudas y armar un plan de pago segn el nivel de endeudamiento actualCmo armar un calendario de pagos y un prorrateo de gastosQu gestiones peridicas necesitas hacer para llevar el control de tus finanzasCon el mismo sueldo que tenemos, si aprendemos a gestionar nuestro dinero, podemos utilizarlo con propsito y conseguir una mayor calidad de vida.Aprenders a sacarle mejor provecho a los recursos que tienes disponibles."
Price: 64.99

"Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch"
"Welcome to my comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking! In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking. The first thing you will learn is some basic information about ethical hacking and the different fields in penetration testing.You will learn to hack Android PhonesThis course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software to practice penetration testing on your own machine. All the attacks explained in this course are launched against real devices in my lab.The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks and how devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level -- by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields.Gaining Access - In this section you will learn two main approaches to gain full control over any computer system:Server Side Attacks: In this approach you will learn how to gain full access to computer systems without the need for user interaction. You will learn how to gather information about a target computer system such as its operating system, open ports, installed services and discover weaknesses and vulnerabilities. You will also learn how to exploit these weaknesses to gain full control over the target. Finally you will learn how to generate different types of reports for your discoveries.Client Side Attacks - If the target system does not contain any weaknesses then the only way to gain access to it is by interacting with the user. In this approach you will learn how to launch a number of powerful attacks to fool the target user and get them to install a backdoor on their device. This is done by creating fake updates and serving them to the user or by backdoornig downloaded files on the fly. You will also learn how to gather information about the target person and use social engineering to deliver a backdoor to them as an image or any other file type.Post Exploitation - In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised so far. Youll learn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute), maintain your access, spy on the target and even use the target computer as a pivot to hack other computer systems.NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.NOTE: This course is totally a product of Ashwin Pk and no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from US, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED.Who is the target audience?Anybody who is interested in learning ethical hacking / penetration testingAnybody who wants to learn how hackers hack computer systemsAnybody who wants to learn how to secure their systems from hackers"
Price: 19.99

"- Complete Dark Web Course In Tamil"
"Welcome to my course onComplete Dark Web Course In Tamil! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in Dark Web and by the end of it you'll be at a high level, being able to use Dark Web like security experts!The Complete Deep Web Course Is The Most Comprehensive And Extensive Course On The Deep Web With The Aim Of Getting You On The Deep Web Securely And Safely.This Course Has Everything From Basic Terminology, Setting Up A Secure And Safe Environment to Accessing the Deep Web/Dark Net On Android.This course will show you the best Online services the Deep Web/Dark Net has to offer from Search engines To Email Providers.This course will ensure your safety and security from the threats posed on the Deep Web Dark NetThis course will target every aspect of the Deep Web/Dark Net from the Best Search Engines To Best Social NetworksThis course is targeted at anyone who wants to get started with using the Deep Web in a safe,and secure manner. Even if you are a complete beginner, or someone who has a little experience with the Deep Web but no confidence or have a sense of insecurity, You are in the right place."
Price: 19.99

"- Complete Android App Development In Tamil"
"So you want to build your own apps?And you want to build them from the comfort of your home in your own time without having to attend class or wade through endless textbooks (or online guides). Am I right?And let me guess: you only want the latest technology, software and techniquesbecause youve got big plans, big ideasand lets be honest youre impatient and you want to jump the queue?My names Ashwin, creator of the worlds best-selling online coding courses and Ive designed The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil, especially for YOU.A huge range of technologies are covered, including open source Parse Server, Firebase, Admob, GDX (game development), Bluetooth and a whole lot more.Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, I will teach you complete java for android, then Android Studio, I'll teach you how to build real, marketable apps.And by the wayjust like my other record-smashing coursesthis course is project based, which means you build your own apps in REALTIMEAs. You. Learn.Over half a million students tell me this is THE most motivating and effective way to absorb information. You'll start by downloading Android Studio and building an easy-peasy app. You'll also get a full guide on submitting your apps to Google Play, plus THREE BRAND NEW WALK-THROUGH chapters explaining exactly how to effectively market your appsand generate revenue with Google Ads. You'll learn all the latest Android P features, including App Permissions and Android Pay.Why learn to make Android apps? Android is without a doubt THE biggest mobile platform in the world, with over 80% market share and over 1 billion devices sold in 2016 alone. You can develop for Android on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer. Java is a fantastic language to learn, allowing you to make apps for PC, Mac and the web, as well as Android. Android app discovery is way superior to the App Store, so your app has a far better chance of getting seenand bought. Ad-based revenue is a lot more common on Android than on iOS, and a cinch to set up with Google Ads.Top class professional presentation of a well-constructed course. Consistently pitched at the right level to remain interesting and challenging, this course quickly brings the student to a point where generating their own applications is realistic and fun.Who is this for?Anyone who wants to learn to code to become an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Ethical Hacking Course. So once youre up and coding like a demon app developer, itll ALSO teach you how to make money from your apps.Sound good?Its also for anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work opens news doors to our awesome digital worldAshwin has a knack for explaining material in an easily digestible way. The mini challenges he presents within his lectures are an excellent way to commit things to memory. The lectures are well paced - fast enough to maintain your interest but not so fast that you get left in the dust!Is this course right for me?Coding and app development is the future. Whether youve got plans to create the next Facebook, or you want to get ahead at work and increase your earning potential, I GUARANTEE anyone will find The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil course show-stoppingly useful.A quick summary of why The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil is the number one resource for budding app developers, like you: Time-tested, quick-to-pick up learning strategies Quality insider tips, that only the pros normally know Home-based learningso you can go as fast or slow as you please Simple, jargon-free language and HD definition"
Price: 24.99

"- Complete Hands on Ethical Hacking (Python)"
"Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, not only that but you'll be able to use the programming skills you learn here to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.This course is only for educational purposes!!! This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we'll start with covering some basics about ethical hacking and python programming, installing the needed software and then we'll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, so we'll never have any boring dry programming lectures."
Price: 54.99

"Panduan Terlengkap Facebook Ads"
"Panduan terlengkap untuk belajar Facebook Ads. Dirancang untuk diikuti oleh para pemula yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan sama sekali tentang Facebook Ads. Benefit yang akan Anda dapatkan dari kursus ini:Anda akan belajar dasar-dasar digital marketing dan mindset yang benar, yang harus Anda pahami sebelum memulai beriklan menggunakan Facebook Ads.Anda akan dibimbing langkah demi langkah secara rinci dalam teori dan praktek, sehingga Anda memiliki dasar pengetahuan yang kuat dan tidak asal mengeluarkan uang untuk beriklan.Materi selalu diupdate secara berkala, baik untuk menambah penjelasan maupun saat ada update/perubahan dari Facebook.Dengan mengikuti dan mempraktekkan semua pelajaran dalam kursus ini, Anda diharapkan dapat menguasai Facebook Ads sampai mahir, dan menggunakannya untuk beriklan dan menghasilkan uang darinya."
Price: 2800000.00

"Aprender a viver da Profisso de Coaching"
"S muito bem-vindo/a este processo online de Mentoria para ti, que desejas ser Coach Profissional e viver de Coaching.Provavelmente j realizaste outras formaes com o mesmo tema, e dou-te os meus parabns por isso, porque de facto o saber no ocupa espao : ) mas isso leva-me a perguntar: J colocaste em prtica tudo o que aprendeste? Se no, ento este curso tambm no te vai ajudar, lamento dizer-te. De facto ao longo destas aulas vais-te deparar com exerccios de reflexo ou de implementao do que vais aprender. Se nada fizeres, nada vai acontecer!Este curso diferente dos outros porqu? Porque te vai explicar aquilo que resultou comigo. Sim. Pode no ser a soluo mais fcil ou a ideal, ou LEAN (como se costuma dizer nos dias de hoje), mas foi o que resultou comigo, depois de muitas tentativas e erros, depois de aprender on job, depois de verificar o que que me trazia resultados e Clientes.No te estou a vender a vida ideal, em que vais ganhar garantidamente 10 mil euros por ms e s vais trabalhar uma hora por semana lamento : ( ainda no cheguei a! Nem quero que associes o meu nome a solues milagrosas que depois acabam por no solucionar nada.Estou-te a mostrar a vida que eu tenho, que resultou e resulta para mim.Alerto-te j: sem muito trabalho, ser difcil. (Mafalda! Usaste a palavra difcil!)Realiza os exerccios, reflete.Trabalhei e trabalho muito, mas com um sorriso no rosto. Desenvolvo contedos todos os dias. Aprendo todos os dias. Conheo pessoas novas (quase) todos os dias. No desperdio o meu tempo com televises, ou com pessoas que no me nutrem. Promete-me que fars o mesmo!Vamos comear?Obrigada por estares desse lado, obrigada pelo voto de confiana, e obrigada por me deixares desenvolver este trabalho de equipa contigo."
Price: 19.99

"Calculation tricks"
"In this course you shall learn many calculation tricks for Quantitative Aptitude which are very helpful for aspirants of various competitive examination like IBPS,SSC,RAILWAYS,UPTET,CAT,MAT,GRE,UPSC..etc.These tricks will save your time so that You can attempt more questions to ensure your success.We know that nowadays competition is about answer with accuracy within limited time."
Price: 2240.00

"Nederlandse Video Editing met Premiere Pro voor Beginners"
"Ga in deze cursus aan de slag met Premiere Pro en leer videos editenIn deze cursus zal ik jou in een korte tijd vertrouwd maken met Premiere Pro en je alles leren om jou eerste video in het programma te editen/monteren.Ik weet zeker dat jij na deze cursus andere videos met gemak kunt editen in Premiere Pro. Je kunt deze vaardigheden gebruiken om zelf videos te maken als influencer, een baan te krijgen als video editor of social media content creator of gewoon creatieve eigen projecten opzetten (zoals bijvoorbeeld je eerste eigen short-film).Is het mogelijk om als beginner Premiere Pro onder de knie te krijgen binnen een paar uur? Ik weet zeker van wel!Het probleemEr zijn vele mensen die videobewerking proberen en na een korte tijd afhaken. Dit komt omdat er zoveel functies in de programmas zitten, dat je soms het overzicht kwijt kan raken. Er is zoveel materiaal te vinden online over Premiere Pro van Adobe dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet.De mogelijkhedenHet leren van Premiere Pro is enorm leuk. Je maakt van losse nietszeggende bestanden een verhaal. Na deze cursus heb jij geen losse videobestanden meer die rondzwerven op jouw computer. Ook zal je aan het eind van deze cursus jouw nieuwe vaardigheden kunnen gebruiken voor anderen, om zo bijvoorbeeld voor bedrijven te werken en er geld mee te verdienen.Een simpele oplossingNa heel lang online lesgegeven te hebben over filmmaken, kwam ik erachter dat ik een oplossing kon bieden voor de paniek die mensen hebben als ze voor het eerst het programma openen of willen starten met editen. Een complete Premiere Pro cursus, waarin je op een snelle, efficinte manier en binnen een paar uur het programma onder de knie krijgt. Geen cursus van 40 uur waar geen eind aan lijkt te komen, maar gewoon de functies die je nodig hebt in het echte leven of werkveld, zonder poespas.Al 20.000 mensen gingen je voorOp YouTube heb ik al meer dan 3.000.000 weergaven en 20.000+ abonnees behaald met mijn videos, daarom hoop ik dat ik ook veel andere mensen tevreden kan maken met mijn werk!Alleen focus op wat echt nodig isMaar hoe bepaal je wat je wl en wat je niet leert? vraag je je misschien af. Ik geloof dat die vraag eigenlijk alleen beantwoord kan worden door ervaring in het werkveld. Ik ben al zon acht jaar bezig met videobewerking n met Premiere Pro en weet ondertussen wel welke technieken je wl en niet hoeft te gebruiken. Deze technieken heb ik toegepast voor zowel grote als kleine betaalde klanten. In je auto gebruik je ook niet alle knopjes om op je locatie te komen toch?Ik help je een handje!Om in Premiere Pro snel en handig te kunnen werken is een goede werkwijze belangrijk. Daarom maken we gebruik van sneltoetsen, waardoor je super snel kunt werken in het programma. Hiervoor heb ik een speciaal document bijgevoegd die je er bij kunt houden (of zelfs kunt printen). Ook heb ik oefenbestanden toegevoegd, zodat je ook zonder eigen videobeelden aan de slag kunt gaan.Zonder risicoMocht je mijn cursus echt niks vinden, dan is dat helemaal niet erg. Je kunt zonder moeite binnen veertien dagen je geld terugvragen . Het risico is dus enorm laag!Veel gestelde vragen:Wanneer begint en eindigt de cursus?De cursus is gestart en zal nooit eindigen. Het is een op zichzelf staande online cursus, jij beslist dus zelf wanneer je start en stopt.Hoelang heb ik toegang tot de cursus?Zo lang of als je wilt. Je krijgt je leven lang toegang tot deze cursus en kan de cursus dus volledig op je eigen tempo volgen! Het is niet zoals op school dat je binnen een bepaalde periode alles afgerond moet hebben.Wat nou als je niet creatief bent?Toen ik begon met videos maken had ik precies diezelfde gedachte. Maar je gaat pas goede ideen krijgen als je er echt mee bezig gaat. Toen ik leerde hoe leuk het was om met de simpele technieken iets moois te maken kreeg ik juist een boost in mijn creativiteit.Schrijf je nu in voor de cursus en begin direct!"
Price: 49.99

"Overcoming Performance Anxiety"
"Performance anxiety is the worst. It drains us of joy, turning experiences that could be nothing but bliss into tests of endurance, or keeping us from even having those experiences in the first place. Who wants that?This course provides practical tips for everyone, whether or not you choose to be on a literal stage. The instructor is a concert pianist, voice actor, podcaster, and former university professor. In addition to the videos, downloadable materials include a reading list and thoughts/questions for further study."
Price: 29.99

"A beginners guide to the 3 Principles running your Mind"
"This course is designed to introduce you to a set of principles as important as gravity, but the problem is we have all forgotten about them, although we still use them daily we are not aware of them.By becoming aware it will have a profound effect on your life.This skill requires no previous knowledge or skill set of any kind, just an openness to accept a simple process that can change your life in an instant."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Orgnico - Como Alcanar Mais de 100.000 Pessoas"
"Nesse curso voc ter a oportunidade de ver diversas estratgias fora da curva para aumentar incrivelmente o alcance de uma pgina no Facebook.Voc descobrir como criar contedo de alta qualidade e altssimo engajamento de maneira prtica e rpida, mesmo que no se considere uma pessoa criativa.E voc poder viralizar contedos facilmente, de modo a atingir centenas de milhares de pessoas, ou at mesmo milhes de pessoas com publicaes impactantes e com alto potencial de viralizao.Este curso foi criado com foco 100% prtico, por isso as aulas no ficam dando voltas em assuntos que no nos interessam.Vamos direto ao ponto, com tudo sendo mostrado na prtica e com exemplos reais para voc entender cada detalhe de todo o processo.O curso screencast (gravao da tela) e conta com monitoramento dirio para responder a todas as suas dvidas o mais rpido possvel.Novas aulas sero adicionadas sempre que for preciso, com novas estratgias que forem desenvolvidas e insights de valor para seu trabalho.Para quem este curso:Donos de pequenos/mdios negcios;Profissionais de marketing digital;Social media;Afiliados de produtos fsicos e digitais;Estudantes de publicidade e marketing;Entusiastas de redes sociais"
Price: 39.99