Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Exam Preparation" |
"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 is the Globally Known Security Certificate.CompTIA Security+ Certification clearly show the existence foundational IT security knowledge. Security+ certification proves an IT security professional's competency in topics such as system security, risk management, network infrastructure, access control and organizational security. CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Questions & Answers will help you to understand the type of questions that you will face in the Exam. Passing the Security + Exam is the Jumpstart in your Cyber Security Career.DOMAIN PERCENTAGE OF EXAMINATION Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities 21% Technologies and Tools 22% Architecture and Design 15% Identity and Access Management 16% Risk Management 14% Cryptography and PKI 12%Total 100%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Q&A" |
"PMI changing their style of questions rapidly, these question have been designed to set the student mind on the right way of answering the questions in the exam. The most important PMI ACP exam prep activity is to answer as many questions as you possibly can to PASS with confident. My advice to you is read Agile Practice Guide twice before attempting the exam to make use of the question. understand the relationship between knowledge areas then do the exam. Do not memorize the answers it will damage your understanding. exam have been divided into 3 parts each part contain 40 Q. try to Get 85/100 in each part to ensure that you digest all type of questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como escribir un libro, editarlo y publicarlo" |
"Aprende Como escribir un libro, redactarlo correctamente, exponer y organizar tu idea formando una historia completa y atractiva para el lector. Logra organizar tu tiempo, elegir la correcta temtica, el genero primario y secundario, aprende como lograr la correcta descripcin de los personajes y escenarios, como ser tu propio editor y publicista, como realizar el tramite de ISBN. Tambin conocers las estrategias de marketing enfocadas para escritores. Viendo este curso lograras ser reconocido a travs de simples tcnicas de estrategia social y marketing digital. Todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer de tu pasin un trabajo rentable."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"WordPress For Beginners : Free domain name and hosting ." |
"this Wordpress course have been designed from a beginners perspective to provide you with a step by step guide from zero to help you create a free website using a free domain name and a hosting service as well it not only easy to create but also easy to usewith this step by step course you will end up creating as many websites as you want .You will start with getting a free domain name and a web hosting service also for free. You will then learn the basics of installing your Wordpress and a quick view of the Admin Panel.The next step will be about making your website clean because you have to delete the default pages and hello post.after that we will learn how to install Plugins and how to use them.You will also get to know about SEO and the end of this course I will show you how to create posts with classic editor and we will set up sumo Plugin as a last lessen .after this course Im sure you will have lots of websites and you will do that for free.remember you will have a 12 months free domain name and a lasting host service for life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Shopify Making Money Selling E-books Course." |
"Welcome to the complete Shopify Making Money Selling E-books Course I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build your own online store and start making money online, using good quality e-books that we will get for less than 2 dollars in my case, and sell them for more.You don't need any prior knowledge in order to have your own store, as long as you can use internet and a laptop, the rest will be very easy and simple to do.My name is Mohamed and Ive been selling e-books for quite some time now, Im here to share my knowledge with you and Im happy to do it. I have lots of knowledge about the complete online business, Im also selling on other platforms like EBay and woo-Commerce.. and much more.Once you finish this course you will be able to create your own online store and start making money by selling e-books, its time to change and transform your life by having not to work for someone just be your own boss.This course is designed for:people who want to leave their boring jobs and start their ownPeople who want to change and start living the life they deservePeople who want to take good care of their loved ones by giving them the life style they deserve.Complete beginners who want to learn build an online business.So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Blogger for beginners : unlimited Organic Free Traffic" |
"What is Blogger?Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of blogspot.Why use Blogger: In simple terms we are going to use blogger because it is free and we dont have to pay for the hosting service, plus we have plenty of free themes as well.Blogger is fast and responsive we will not worry about how much space we used or what we will be using.You will have the best blogging website for free and you can customize it so easy without having to install plugins or anything.Blogger is the best platform when it comes to organic traffic, even if you use ads the results are great.This Course will teach you how to make a website in less than an hour, and will allow you to make it for free.With this course you will be able to make as much blogs as you want.You will finally be Financially free."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: Rocket growth secrets of an agency" |
"This Instagram Marketing course is a step by step of best practices I use for my clients in my social media agency. Based on real case studies I have used these ""growth strategies"" and have been very successful in not only growing my clients to 100k, 250k and 1 million followers on Instagram but have also gotten them massive business leads that have converted customers into revenue. If you are looking for a serious, short, no fluff course then this is the one to take!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 Ways to Get Fit: Without Giving Up Everything You Love" |
"Do you want to feel happier and healthier without giving up everything you love? If so, then you are in the right place!Have you started diet plan after diet plan only to give up when you get frustrated?Are you sick of counting calories or giving up everything except for kale (yuck!)?How many fitness programs have you started and stopped after feeling too sore and not seeing any results?How about you hide behind people in photographs because you don't want your ""problem areas"" to show?Did you spend the summer covered up instead of in a swimsuit?Do you avoid the mirror like the plague?If you answered yes to any (or all) of these're in the right place.Creating a life that is healthy is not just about eating right and drinking 5-million gallons of water a day. It is not about counting calories, avoiding carbs, and giving up desserts! It is about finding a different way of viewing things and learning to love yourself now.My journey to helping women live happier, healthier lives started when I overheard my 11-year-old daughter say to her friends that they were eating too many carbs at lunch and that they would get too fat if they ate their sandwich. I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. Why are 11-year-old girls worried about counting carbs? Why are they even thinking about diets? Instead, they should be thinking about making good grades, how to get to class on time, and what music groups they like. They should be enjoying their first year of middle school and not worried about if their butt is too big in those jeans. They are learning it from television and magazines and the internet and from us...their parents. I have two daughters and they were the motivation for me to become a Certified Life Coach. The time has come to say goodbye to all the obsessions that fill our days with food that has no flavor and clothes that look like tents. It is time to look and feel healthy right now. It all starts with you. Today. Today is the day you feel love.This program includes 10 Daily video lectures and a daily challenge. A printable workbook of the 10 day challenge is provided for you as well. Also included are several meditations to help you get in the right head space for all the changes you'll be making in the days to come.Day #1: Setting IntentionsDay #2: Getting FocusedDay #3: Your Relationship With YourselfDay #4: Create A Life You LoveDay #5: Just Ask WhyDay #6: A Rewarding ExperienceDay #7: Attitude of GratitudeDay #8: The Food ZoneDay #9: Be A Fitness WitnessDay #10: Your Future SelfBonus: Full-Color Printable WorkbookBonus: 4 Audio Visualization/Meditation Exercises"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 - Quel bateau pour quel rve ?" |
"Vous avez envie de naviguer en mer ?Si je vous disais que naviguer en mer est la premire solution pour maigrir sans faire de rgime, se muscler sans faire d'effort et entretenir chaque jour sa jeunesse...Venez voir ici, dans ces vidos et vous apprendrez comment mener cette vie de rve, mme si vous n'avez pas de bateau mme si vous n'avez que peu de temps y consacrer, mme pour peu d'argent. Et en plus vous faites des expriences de rve ! Alors nous commenons par quoi ?Pour naviguer il faut un bateau ! Mais quel bateau, pour quel rve ? Alors commenons par rver ! Rvons avec nos proches, nos amis, notre famille. Et REALISONS NOS REVES. Ce premier module des cls d'une navigation de rve va vous guider pas pas pour que vous puissiez raliser vos rves maintenant, car TOUTESTPOSSIBLE."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"2 . Le confort en mer ou savoir maigrir sans rgime" |
"Si je vous disais que naviguer en mer est la premire solution pour maigrir sans faire de rgime, se muscler sans faire d'effort et entretenir chaque jour sa jeunesse...Et en plus vous faites des expriences de rve ! Venez voir ici, dans ces vidos et vous apprendrez comment mener une vie de rve, mme si vous n'avez pas de bateau mme si vous n'avez que peu de temps y consacrer, mme pour peu d'argent, raliser ses rves de mer, c'est possible !Alors nous commenons par quoi ?Dans le premier module nous avons vu comment choisir son bateau-passion et naviguer peu de frais.Maintenant nous allons voir comment organiser ces navigations de rve.Comment ne jamais avoir le mal de mer, comment soigner chaque dtail de la vie en mer pour que le rve deviennent une ralit quotidienne. Cela vous intresse, c'est par ici ..."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Navigation : les quipements obligatoires piges et conseils" |
"Ce cours dcrypte la nouvelle rglementation impose aux plaisanciers. Il vous montre quels sont les diffrents quipements obligatoires prvoir selon votre type de navigation en mer, que ce soit pour la navigation basique, ctire, semi-hauturire ou hauturire. Il vous accompagne sur chaque quipement pour vous viter les piges de cette nouvelles rglementation et vous donne quelques conseils sur de nouveaux quipements trs utiles. Vous pourrez galement tlcharger les documents officiels : le texte intgral de la division 240, les documents nautiques, la liste officielle des quipements obligatoires plus notre liste des quipements conseills, le Ripam et un rappel de la signification des balises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7.2 - Le moteur, les pompes, la vidange, c'est facile !" |
"La mcanique, le moteur sur le bateau peut faire peur qui ne l'a pas un peu pratiqu... Cependant ce n'est pas trs difficile. Il suffit de prendre les oprations les unes aprs les autres et la fin tout se fait facilement : faire la vidange, changer le filtre huile, changer les filtres gasoil, nettoyer le filtre eau, nettoyer les crpines des pompes de cales, changer les membranes ou les rouets des pompes... Un ensemble de petits gestes qui permettent d'avoir un bateau toujours au top et aucun ennui en mer...Un petit aperu sur les diffrents circuits du moteur vous permettra, en outre, de vous y retrouver facilement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Simulator 6th Edition" |
"PMI PMP Certification and Exam ProcessProject Management Institute (PMI) is an organization that offers accreditations to project management professionals. It is also involved in research, determination, and publication of standards with regards to project management. Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is one of the accreditations offered by PMI.PMI PMP certification is designed for professionals who have demonstrated their expertise in the following areas:performing general project-related tasks under the supervisionleading and directing teams in ensuring that projects are completed within the timelines and within the determined budgetary projectionsapplying the correct methodologies in delivering projects with regards to properly defined project requirementsTo qualify for this certification, a candidate must first meet any of the prerequisites below:Be a holder of a secondary degree7500 hours of leading as well as directing team projectsA total of 35 hours of studying project managementOrBe a holder of a 4-year degree4500 hours of leading as well as directing team projects35 hours of studying project managementOnce you meet the above requirements, the next step is to register and schedule your PMP exam by following this certification process. Other details for this exam are available in the PMP Certification Handbook. PMP exam comprises 200 multiple-choice questions and an allocated time of 4 hours. 175 of these questions will be used to give you a score, while the other 25 are included for statistical purposes only. The last published exam score was done in 2005 and it was at 61%. As it is now, PMI no longer discloses its exams passing scores. The cost of this exam is $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members.Before sitting for the PMI PMP exam, it is important that a candidate thoroughly prepares for it. The preparation process involves understanding the exam objectives, enrolling in a live online training course, and using other resources. It is also recommended that a candidate goes through and understands the exam outline and PMP Body of Knowledge (PMPBOK) because the exams are based on these guidelines.Passing the PMI PMP exam qualifies you for a PMI PMP certification that is valid for three years. To maintain it, you must earn 60 PDUs (Professional Development Units) every three years. This certification leads you to a number of job roles like PMP Certified Program Manager, Program Coordinator, Quality Assurance Specialist, Project Lead Technology Manager, and Program Manager.PMI PMP certification is considered to be among the top ten certifications around the world. Professionals with this certification can expect salaries that are 20% higher than the salaries for those without PMP certification. These professionals can also work in any industry all around the world. PMI PMP certification also has immense advantages for employers. Having individuals in the company who can lead and direct projects means timely project delivery within the strict budget requirements. All this has resulted in the popularity of PMI PMP certification. More and more people are pursuing this certification. PMI has surely produced experts who are capable of organizing, running, and delivering quality projects."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMP Review Course 6 Editions" |
":- - 5 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- 10 .- . - ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Webseiten Erstellung mit Wordpress - Online Shop und mehr" |
"In diesem Kurs erzhle ich dir alles von A bis Z wie du deine eigene Webseite aufbauen und verwalten kannst.Zudem wird dir gezeigt, was es fr alternativen zu Wordpress gibt und wie diese funktionieren.Ich hoffe diese Worte und das Vorschau Video hat dich berzeugt und wrde mich freuen dich in meiner Community begren zu drfen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security - Steps to prevent a web hacker." |
"This course is for everyone who uses a computer. With cybercriminals lurking and almost invisible until you are someone you know have been affected. Just like most crimes you still have the upper hand. With the computers, you have to be educated about the tricks that will appear. Its like youre sitting in front of your door that you open and close, you can see who comes through it. And you have control over when to open it. Likewise, you control who is allowed to enter your computer. Are you leaving the door to you computer open?. The tactic of Social Engineering and the many phishing and spoofing tricks can be rebutted. This course is design to perk up you eye and so to not fall for the scams of the perpetrators."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Is It Your Turn For Identity Theft Yet?" |
"This course is about helping you to survive a identity theft, attempt to educate you on how to prevent a direct identity theft attempt, know what to look for and how not be the one who helped the thief take your personal information. With your new found knowledge take it to your family so they can avoid years of headaches."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trade Credit Analysis Bootcamp" |
"Accounts receivables are among the single largest assets for Fortune 100 companies - Apple's $49 billion, Exxon Mobil's $24 billion, GM's $35 billion - and a strong credit policy ensures that they will be promptly converted into cash.In this course you will learn to measure the creditworthiness of businesses using tools such as financial statement analysis, interrupting trade and bank references, examining credit reports, and much more. Armed with this information you will be able to set credit terms for your business customers that minimize risk of payment default while, at the same time, not handcuffing your Sales team. While many of the topics for commercial credit will be discussed, this course is aimed at professionals looking to extend trade credit, which are the buy now, pay later terms on business extended to another. CFOs, controllers, credit managers, A/R collectors, and small business owners will find valuable concepts you can apply to your work right away. Ilook forward to seeing you in class!Sincerely,Jay Karimi"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Cdigo-Fonte com GIT" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com um dos gerenciadores de repositrio mais utilizados no mundo. O GIT usado em muitos projetos no mundo todo e obrigatrio o conhecimento para a maioria dos desenvolvedores. Nesse curso o aluno aprender os principais conceitos dele e aplicao na prtica sem enrolao e com aulas de curta durao assim o aluno poder aprender rapidamente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Delphi Mobile em 7 dias" |
"Do absoluto zero ao Google Play, aprenda a criar um app do zero e colocar no Google Play em apenas 7 dias. Nesse curso aprenda do zero a criar um aplicativo no Delphi usando uma das ferramentas mais fceis do mercado, com alta produtividade e de fcil utilizao. Voc no ter dificuldades pra trabalhar com essa ferramenta."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"N11, HB, GG ve EPTTAVM ile Dropshipping Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs sonunda N11, HepsiBurada, GittiGidiyor, EPTTAVM gibi pazar yerlerinde rn satyor ve ek gelir elde ediyor olacaksnz. Finansal zgrle ulatnzda bu sistemden vazgeemeyeceksiniz.Entegrasyon yazlm ile ilgili pazar yerlerine kolaylkla rn ekleyebiliyor, gncelleyebiliyor ve silebiliyor olacaksnz.Eitici ile Udemy zerinden gnn her saatinde iletiim kurarak destek alabileceksiniz.Bu eitimin hepinize faydal olacana inanyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso para Tecnicos Registrados del comportamiento" |
"Este es un programa de estudio para Tecnicos Registrados del comportamiento, en sus siglas en ingles (RBT) que esta explicado en espanol pero su contenido en ingles para ayudar a familiarizar a los hispanos hablantes con el idioma ingles y los conocimientos necesarios que necesitan para pasar el Board de RBT que se ofrece en el idioma Ingles.Este curso consta de 10 videos donde se explica detalladamente y con ejemplos la lista de herramientas y actividades que necesita dominar un Tecnico Registrados del comportamiento.En este curso los estudiantes encontraran: conceptos, estrategias y desarrollode ejercicios, diagramas e imagenes para familiarizarlos con los temas que necesiten conocer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing de Contedo COMPLETO" |
"Neste curso, voc ser capaz de diferenciar-se dos demais concorrentes com o que h de mais moderno em marketing: MARKETING DE CONTEDO. O curso baseia-se em treinar profissionais interessados em aprender sobre tcnicas eficazes de aumentar clientes fiis, vendas e a ter melhores resultados no fechamento do ms. Sabemos que atualmente o empresrio corre contra o tempo para conseguir fechar todas as contas e ainda fazer seu salrio. Este contedo vai lhe ajudar a melhorar ainda mais seus resultados. Voc merece trabalhar com inteligncia e o que h de mais moderno em marketing. Desejo sucesso e um excelente treinamento. Obrigado por me escolher para mais essa jornada. Bom trabalho!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Multiplicando seus ganhos com ATENDIMENTO DE EXCELNCIA" |
"Cliente o verdadeiro chefe de qualquer negcio. Quando as empresas entendem isso, podem aumentar suas chances de sucesso. A melhor maneira de percorrer esse caminho atender bem. Este curso lhe capacitar a ser um verdadeiro campeo de vendas e aprimorar seu atendimento para que sua converso seja maior a cada atendimento."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Excel Para Negcios COMPLETO" |
"Eu no conheo uma empresa que no usa o Excel. O programa a ferramenta de administrao de informaes por planilhas mais usada no mundo. Por isso, tornou-se essencial para as empresas terem profissionais que conheam a ferramenta. O curso foi produzido para voc que tenha ou no conhecimento em Excel e est interessado em ter experincia e/ou aumentar seus conhecimentos. No curso voc encontrar um revisional para entender os detalhes bsicos e, tambm, experincias prtica em uma planilha de negcios ao qual poder administrar informaes de resultados para tomada de deciso. O treinamento completo, dispensa qualquer curso bsico, e totalmente diferente de todos os cursos que voc j fez, pois nele voc aprender atravs de uma experincia real a manipular planilhas que realmente so utilizadas para administrao de negcios. No perco tempo detalhando frmulas sem sentido ou sem explicao prtica. Fao de uma maneira bem didtica voc aprender Excel sem perceber. Ser um prazer t-lo (a) como aluno (a)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Os Segredos Para Liberdade Financeira" |
"No segredo para muitos que somos os principais sabotadores de ns mesmos. Vrios so os momentos que fazemos escolhas erradas para nos agradar e, assim, ficamos cada vez mais distantes da to sonhada liberdade financeira. O que pouco gente sabe que podemos controlar nossas aes atravs da modelagem de hbitos daqueles que j chegaram l e atingiram a liberdade financeira. Como fazer isso? O curso ir ensin-lo(a) a pensar de maneira modelada para fazer escolhas efetivas e eficazes que ir lev-lo(a) ao caminho da riqueza. Quer saber como? Inscreva-se agora. Ser um prazer t-lo(a) como nosso novo aluno."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Civil 3D en el Dibujo de Redes de Agua Potable" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de AutoCAD Civil 3D para el dibujo automatizado de Redes a Presin. En este curso aprenderemos desde lo ms bsico del software como es la asignacin de sistemas de coordenadas a una hoja de dibujo, pasando por creacin de superficie, alinemiento y perfil; hasta la generacin de piezas en 3D para crear un catlogo propio de tuberas que les beneficie en los proyectos que ustedes como grandes profesionales o estudiantes tienen a cargo.Adems aprenderemos como exportar los reportes de volmenes de obra de tuberas, accesorios, vlvulas y excavaciones hacia archivos de tipo Excell para poder realizar su respectiva edicin, tabulacin, cuantificacin y dems acciones que ustedes consideren pertinentes.Los invito a siempre aspirar a mejorar cada da, ya que el aprendizaje constante tanto de ustedes conmigo, como el mo con ustedes ser el camino hacia el xito."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"DATA SCIENCE with MACHINE LEARNING and DATA ANALYTICS using R Programming, PYTHON Programming, WEKA Tool Kit and SQL. This course is designed for any graduates as well as Software Professionals who are willing to learn data science in simple and easy steps using R programming, Python Programming, WEKA tool kit and SQL.Data is the new Oil. This statement shows how every modern IT system is driven by capturing, storing and analysing data for various needs. Be it about making decision for business, forecasting weather, studying protein structures in biology or designing a marketing campaign. All of these scenarios involve a multidisciplinary approach of using mathematical models, statistics, graphs, databases and of course the business or scientific logic behind the data analysis. So we need a programming language which can cater to all these diverse needs of data science. R and Python shines bright as one such language as it has numerous libraries and built in features which makes it easy to tackle the needs of Data science.In this course we will cover these the various techniques used in data science using the R programming, Python Programming, WEKA tool kit and SQL.The most comprehensive Data Science course in the market, covering the complete Data Science life cycle concepts from Data Collection, Data Extraction, Data Cleansing, Data Exploration, Data Transformation, Feature Engineering, Data Integration, Data Mining, building Prediction models, Data Visualization and deploying the solution to the customer. Skills and tools ranging from Statistical Analysis, Text Mining, Regression Modelling, Hypothesis Testing, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Modelling, R Studio, programming languages like R programming, Python are covered extensively as part of this Data Science training."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"R Programming Language" |
"This course is designed for software programmers, statisticians and data miners who are looking forward for developing statistical software using R programming. If you are trying to understand the R programming language as a beginner, this tutorial will give you enough understanding on almost all the concepts of the language from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.Before proceeding with this course, you should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages will help you in understanding the R programming concepts and move fast on the learning track."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Machine Learning using R and Python" |
"This course has been prepared for professionals aspiring to learn the basics of R and Python and develop applications involving machine learning techniques such as recommendation, classification, regression and clustering. Through this course, you will learn to solve data-driven problems and implement your solutions using the powerful yet simple programming language like R and Python and its packages. After completing this course, you will gain a broad picture of the machine learning environment and the best practices for machine learning techniques."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Seaborn with Python" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms!Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $120,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!1. Seaborn Plotting Functions2. Plotting with Categorical Data3. Multi-Plot Grids4. Plot Aesthetics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |