Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Python Machine Learning" |
"Interested in the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you!This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms and coding libraries in a simple way.We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning. With every tutorial you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science.This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time we dive deep into Machine Learning. It is structured the following way:1. Machine Learning Introduction2. Data Science Introduction3. Machine Learning, Types of ML with Algorithms4. How Machine Solve Real Time Problems5. SciKit Learn & Machine Learning Map6. Collecting & Preparing the Data7. Train the Machine to Develop a Model8. Using SciKitLearn Algorithms9. Evaluate the Performance of the Model10. Improve the Performance of the Model"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization using MatPlotLib & Seaborn" |
"If you want to work in exciting analytics and data visualization project, then this is the starting point for you.Data is the currency of now and potential to use it the right way, at the right time for the right reason gives you possibility beyond imagination.Data visualization is a vast topic and consist of many sub-parts which are a subject in itself, we in our course have tried to paint a clear picture of what you need to know and what people will be looking of you in a visualization project.UX in Data visualization is key in modern times to meet the expectation of your user, this course will highlight what are the benefits of using a good UX and how to do it.This course is structured to provide all the key aspect of Data visualization in most simple and clear fashion.So you can start the journey in Data visualization world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization using R Programming" |
"If you want to work in exciting analytics and data visualization project, then this is the starting point for you.Data is the currency of now and potential to use it the right way, at the right time for the right reason gives you possibility beyond imagination.Data visualization is a vast topic and consist of many sub-parts which are a subject in itself, we in our course have tried to paint a clear picture of what you need to know and what people will be looking of you in a visualization project.UX in Data visualization is key in modern times to meet the expectation of your user, this course will highlight what are the benefits of using a good UX and how to do it.This course is structured to provide all the key aspect of Data visualization in most simple and clear fashion.So you can start the journey in Data visualization world.1. Data Visualization using R, Pie Charts, 3D Pie Charts & Bar Charts2. Box Plots3. Histograms & Line Graphs4. Scatter Plots & Scatterplot Matrices5. Low Level Plotting6. Bar Plot & Density Plot7. Combining Plots8. Analysis with ScatterPlot, BoxPlot, Histograms, Pie Charts & Basic Plot9. MatPlot, ECDF & BoxPlot with IRIS Dataset10. Additional BoxPlot Style Parameters"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization using Python and R" |
"If you want to work in exciting analytics and data visualization project, then this is the starting point for you.Data is the currency of now and potential to use it the right way, at the right time for the right reason gives you possibility beyond imagination.Data visualization is a vast topic and consist of many sub-parts which are a subject in itself, we in our course have tried to paint a clear picture of what you need to know and what people will be looking of you in a visualization project.UX in Data visualization is key in modern times to meet the expectation of your user, this course will highlight what are the benefits of using a good UX and how to do it.This course is structured to provide all the key aspect of Data visualization in most simple and clear fashion.So you can start the journey in Data visualization world.1. Matplotlib Introduction2. PyPlot, Bar, Pie, Histogram, Scatter & 3D Plot3. Multiple Plots in a Graph4. Seaborn Plotting Functions5. Plotting with Categorical Data6. Multi-Plot Grids7. Plot Aesthetics8. Data Visualization using R, Pie Charts, 3D Pie Charts & Bar Charts9. Box Plots10. Histograms & Line Graphs11. Scatter Plots & Scatterplot Matrices12. Low Level Plotting13. Bar Plot & Density Plot14. Combining Plots15. Analysis with ScatterPlot, BoxPlot, Histograms, Pie Charts & Basic Plot16. MatPlot, ECDF & BoxPlot with IRIS Dataset17. Additional BoxPlot Style Parameters18. What is Data Science19. What is Machine Learning20. Data Visualization using Pandas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis using NumPy and Pandas" |
"Why learn pandas?If you've spent time in a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets and are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level, this course is for you! Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language.Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with colossal data sets -- analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, pivoting, aggregating, munging, cleaning, calculating, and more!I call it ""Excel on steroids""!Over the course of more than 19 hours, I'll take you step-by-step through Pandas, from installation to visualization! We'll cover hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities packed away inside this awesome library. We'll dive into tons of different datasets, short and long, broken and pristine, to demonstrate the incredible versatility and efficiency of this package.Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is bundled with dozens of datasets for you to use. Dive right in and follow along with my lessons to see how easy it is to get started with pandas!Whether you're a new data analyst or have spent years (*cough* too long *cough*) in Excel, Data Analysis with pandas and Python offers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today!1. NumPy Introduction2. Python Numpy Array3. Indexing & Slicing - 14. Indexing & Slicing - 25. Statistical Functions, Operators & Random Numbers6. Introduction Series & DataFrame7. Date Range & Inspecting Data8. Indexing & Slicing on DataFrame - 19. loc & iloc10. Indexing & Slicing on DataFrame - 211. Concatenation & Descriptive Statistics12. Merging DataFrames13. Working with Text Data14. Function Application & Loading data in Python15. Loading Data from CSV, Excel & URL16. Data Visualization using Pandas17. What is Data Science18. What is Machine Learning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis - How to Extract the Data" |
"Why learn pandas?If you've spent time in a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets and are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level, this course is for you! Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the popular Pandas library built on top of the Python programming language.Pandas is a powerhouse tool that allows you to do anything and everything with colossal data sets -- analyzing, organizing, sorting, filtering, pivoting, aggregating, munging, cleaning, calculating, and more!I call it ""Excel on steroids""!Over the course of more than 19 hours, I'll take you step-by-step through Pandas, from installation to visualization! We'll cover hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities packed away inside this awesome library. We'll dive into tons of different datasets, short and long, broken and pristine, to demonstrate the incredible versatility and efficiency of this package.Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is bundled with dozens of datasets for you to use. Dive right in and follow along with my lessons to see how easy it is to get started with pandas!Whether you're a new data analyst or have spent years (*cough* too long *cough*) in Excel, Data Analysis with pandas and Python offers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today!1. Data Extraction from CSV File2. Data Extraction from Excel File3. Data Extraction from CLIPBOARD, URL, XML & JSON Files4. Data Extraction from Databases - Part 15. Data Extraction from Databases - Part 26. Loading data into Python7. Loading data from CSV, Excel & URL into Python8. What is Data Science9. What is Machine Learning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda C++ Orientado a Objetos do Zero [+CERTIFICADO]" |
"Torne-se um programador de uma das linguagens mais poderosas do mercado!Um Curso Completo que ir te ensinar do ZERO os conceitos essenciais de programao orientada a objetos com C++. C++ uma linguagem de programao compilada multi-paradigma e de uso geral. Desde os anos 1990 uma das linguagens comerciais mais populares, sendo muito usada tambm na academia pelo seu excelente desempenho e base de utilizadores.Este curso enfoca os conceitos de programao orientada a objetos com C++. Os tpicos incluem abstrao de dados, arrays, algoritmos de searching e sorting, classes, composio e herana, sub-tipagem, vinculao dinmica, polimorfismo e gerenciamento dinmico de memria."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Formao Desenvolvedor e Analista de Dados Python [COMPLETO]" |
"Na era da informao temos a nossa disposio diversas ferramentas voltadas para o armazenamento, processamento e visualizao de informao. Neste cenrio o profissional que faa a anlise destes dados fundamental. O objetivo deste curso dar uma formao em linguagem de programa Python e anlise de dados. Este curso ideal para profissionais e estudantes que desejam ter uma base slida no tema proposto.Neste curso voc tambm ir aprender como acessar dados do governo disponveis no site dados (ponto) gov (ponto) br"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Programao Python [COMPLETO+CERTIFICADO]" |
"Torne-se um programador Python e desenvolva uma das principais habilidades requisitadas pelos empregadores!Este um curso COMPLETO. Tambm um dos mais prticos e objetivos em linguagem de programao Python da Udemy! Este curso se destina a todos os interessados em aprender a programar em Python. Se voc nunca programou antes, se j conhece a sintaxe bsica ou deseja aprender sobre os recursos avanados do Python, este curso para voc! Neste curso, ensinaremos o Python 3. Aprenda de uma forma simples, didtica e dinmica com quem tem experincia no mercado. Por meio de exemplos prticos e exerccios resolvidos voc ir adquirir os conhecimentos necessrios para poder desenvolver programas em Python, e ingressar nesse mercado em expanso.Cobrimos uma ampla variedade de tpicos, como:Principais comandosVariveis e expresses matemticasStringsDicionariosListasSetsEstrutura lgica Estruturas de controle e decisoLao de repetioFunesOrientao a ObjetosHeranaPolimorfismoE muito mais!Este curso vem com uma garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias! Se voc no estiver satisfeito, receber seu dinheiro de volta."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso intensivo ""Day Trading Stocks""/ gratis secciones 1 y 2" |
"Gracias por mostrar inters en nuestro curso online: CURSO INTENSIVO DAY TRADING STOCKS, mediante el cual, aprenders a comerciar electrnicamente, ms de 7.500 acciones burstiles EEUU, intradia, ordenes instantneas, que cotizan en los mercados: NYSE, NASDAQ y AMEX. Usando Tu computadora, internet, plataforma de trading y software de ltima generacin. Thank you for showing interest in our online course: INTENSIVE COURSE ""DAY TRADING STOCKS"", through which, you will learn to trade electronically, more than 7,500 US stocks, intraday, instant orders, listed on the markets: NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. Using Your computer, internet, trading platform and latest generation software.El DAY TRADING STOCKS es apasionante, independiente, te permite ganar dlares online, te da libertad, puedes operar desde cualquier parte.The DAY TRADING STOCKS is exciting, independent, it allows you to earn dollars online, it gives you freedom, you can operate from anywhere.Day Trading Stocks es el arte de comprar acciones de una empresa pblica que cotiza en EEUU, con la intencin de venderlas por una ganancia en un lapso de tiempo desde minutos a horas. Day Trading Stocks is the art of buying stocks of a public company that is listed in the US, with the intention of selling them for a profit in a period of time from minutes to hours.El Day Trading Stocks puede generar consistentemente, una rentabilidad sobre capital (ROE) entre 10% a 20% mensual, real en dlares. The Day Trading Stocks can consistently generate a return on capital (ROE) between 10% to 20% monthly, real in dollars.Los TRADERS exitosos devengan 50.000,00 a 200.000,00 usd por ao.Successful TRADERS earn 50,000.00 to 200,000.00 usd per year.Las cuentas internacionales de NO RESIDENTES EEUU estn exoneradas de ISLR.The international accounts of NON-RESIDENTS USA are exempt from rental taxes.Muy importante, Day Trading Stocks es una actividad rentable, especializada y de riesgo calculado, que requiere formacin. Very important, ""Day Trading Stocks"" is a profitable, specialized and calculated risk activity that requires training.Para tener xito en Day Trading Stocks, debes cumplir el proceso de 3 fases: 1)APRENDER, 2)PRACTICAR y 3)NEGOCIAR.To succeed in Day Trading Stocks, you must complete the 3-phase process:1) LEARN,2) PRACTICE and3) NEGOTIATE.Nuestro curso online te enfoca en un mtodo ganador, est basado en el mtodo ANLISIS TCNICO DE GRFICOS. Our online course focuses on a winning method, it is based on the ""TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF GRAPHICS"" method.Nuestro curso online est estructurado en 6 secciones y 43 clases, durante 3.5 horas de videos streaming, ms tareas con recursos descargables. Para que aprendas a Tu propio ritmo, cualquier hora, lugar y dispositivo, en la mejor plataforma web de cursos del Mundo: Udemy. Idioma espaol, con subtitulos en espaol o ingles.Our online course is structured in 6 sections and 43 classes, they are 3.5 hours of streaming videos, plus tasks with downloadable resources. To learn at Your own pace, any time, place and device, in the best web platform of courses in the World: Udemy. Spanish language, with Spanish or English subtitles.Nuestro curso online contiene: introduccin, fundamentos, premisas, herramientas, demos de operativa manual y operativa automtica. Con objeto de CREAR ESTRATEGIAS GANADORAS, sostenibles en el tiempo y puedas negociar con xito.Our online course contains: introduction, fundamentals, premises, tools, demos of manual operation and automatic operation. In order to ""CREATE WINNING STRATEGIES"", sustainable over time and you can negotiate successfully.La operativa manual es una negociacin emocionante, tus manos sobre el computador, monitoreando 1 o 2 acciones burstiles EEUU, esperando el SETUP perfecto para entrar. Luego, ejecutar la estrategia de salida. Todo manualmente. El factor humano es determinante. Requiere experiencia y autocontrol. Hay das sin entradas.The ""manual operation"" is an exciting negotiation, your hands on the computer, monitoring 1 or 2 US stocks, waiting for the perfect SETUP to enter. Then, execute the exit strategy. All manually. The human factor is decisive. It requires experience and self-control. There are days without entries.La operativa automtica es la de mayor uso. Actualmente, 75% de las negociaciones en USA son AUTOMATED TRADING SYSTEMS (ATS). Crea tu robot de negociaciones, intradia o swing. Maximiza ganancias, peina hasta 500 acciones burstiles en simultaneo, cero emociones, disciplinado, oportuno, automtico y negocia lo planificado.The ""automatic operation"" is the most used. Currently, 75% of the negotiations in the USA are AUTOMATED TRADING SYSTEMS (ATS). Create your trading, intraday or swing robot. Maximize profits, comb up to 500 stocks in simultaneous, zero emotions, disciplined, timely, automatic and negotiate the planned.Este curso online, incluye:3.5 horas de vdeos streaming.Tareas con recursos descargables.Chat de preguntas recientes al instructor.Acceso de por vida.Acceso en dispositivos mviles, Apple TV y Chromecast TV.Certificado de Finalizacion.This online course includes:3.5 hours of streaming videos.Tasks with downloadable resources.Chat of recent questions to the instructor.Access for life.Access on mobile devices, Apple TV and Chromecast TV.Certificate of completion.Los recursos descargables son:Plataforma de Trading con Software de Anlisis Tcnico y Simulador, uso gratis en las fases: APRENDER y PRACTICAR, solo ambiente Windows.Recomendacin de libros de texto.Manual (pdf) Margin handbook de Ameritrade.Planilla (pdf) W8BEN, IRS, NO RESIDENTE USA, 2014.Informativo (pdf) W8BEN, 2018. Listas de smbolos de acciones burstiles: NYSE, NASDAQ y AMEX.Listas de smbolos de Futuros, Forex y Criptomonedas.Downloadable resources are:Trading Platform with ""Technical Analysis Software and Simulator"", free use in the phases: LEARN and PRACTICE, only Windows environment.Textbooks recommendation.File (pdf) Margin handbook by Ameritrade.Form (pdf) W8BEN, IRS, NOT RESIDENT USA, 2014.Form (pdf) W8BEN, 2018.Stock Symbols Lists of NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX.Symbols Lists of Futures, Forex and Cryptocurrency.BONO: acceso tipo lectura, en google drive: gua de referencia (pdf) y los libros de texto recomendados (pdf). atencin al estudiante por email hasta 30 das calendario. El objetivo de este servicio postventa, es orientar al estudiante en cuestiones que puedan mejorar su aprendizaje del DAY TRADING STOCKS.BONUS: Access type reading, in google drive: reference guide (pdf) and recommended textbooks (pdf). Attention to the student by email up to 30 calendar days. The objective of this after-sales service is to guide the student in matters that can improve their learning of DAY TRADING STOCKS.NOTA1: el mtodo anlisis tcnico de grficos para acciones burstiles, enseado en este curso online, aplica para cualquier otro instrumento financiero: forex, criptomonedas y futuros. Por lo tanto, es un MTODO MULTITRADER, para crear estrategias ganadoras, basados en patrones del Grfico del Precio, en cualquier instrumento financiero. Puede cambiar es la casa de bolsa y la plataforma de trading con software de anlisis tcnico, requiriendo un periodo de adaptacin.NOTE1: the technical analysis of graphics method for stock markets, taught in this online course, applies to any other financial instrument: forex, cryptocurrencies and futures. Therefore, it is a MULTITRADER METHOD, to create winning strategies, based on Price Chart patterns, in any financial instrument. You can change is the ""brokerage firm"" and the ""trading platform"" with technical analysis software, requiring a period of adaptation.NOTA2: en la FASE DE NEGOCIACIN, debes abrir una cuenta en una casa de corretaje online (BROKER ONLINE), el monto mnimo vara de acuerdo al instrumento financiero a negociar.NOTE2: in the NEGOTIATION PHASE, you must open an account at an online brokerage firm (BROKER ONLINE), the minimum amount varies according to the financial instrument to be negotiated.En fin, este curso online es para personas que estn comenzando o quieren comenzar hacer day trading, pero no saben cmo hacerlo y por dnde empezar. Y tambin, es para quienes tienen tiempo haciendo trading, pero no han tenido los resultados esperados.Anyway, this online course is for people who are starting or want to start doing day trading, but do not know how to do it and where to start. And also, it is for those who have time trading, but have not had the expected results.LOS 8 PASOS AL XITO EN ""DAY TRADING STOCKS"" SON:1. Adquirir conocimiento.2. Acceso gratis a plataforma de trading con software de anlisis tcnico y simulador.3. Crear estrategias automticas.4. Backtest, comprobar xito de las estrategias creadas.5. Paper Trades, simular negociaciones en tiempo real.6. Apertura cuenta de corretaje (BROKER).7. Alquilar plataforma de trading.8. Negociacin en vivo con xito. THE 8 STEPS TO SUCCESS IN ""DAY TRADING STOCKS"" ARE:1. Acquire knowledge.2. Free access to trading platform with technical analysis software and simulator.3. Create automatic strategies.4. Backtest, check Success of the strategies created.5. Paper Trades, simulate negotiations in real time.6. Opening brokerage account (BROKER).7. Rent trading platform.8. Negotiation live with success.Aprovecha gratis las secciones 1 y 2, Introduccin y Fundamentos.Take advantage for free of sections 1 and 2, Introduction and Fundamentals.Muy atentamente,Tu instructor.Very truly yours,Your instructor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mit Aktiensparplnen selbststndig Vermgen aufbauen" |
"Dieser Videokurs behandelt Aktiensparplne und sonst nichts! Dafr bekommst du hier smtliches Wissen, um:- eigenstndig ein Aktiendepot einzurichten,- einen Aktiensparplan zu erstellen, um regelmig Aktien von Amazon, Netflix & co kaufen zu knnen,- Risiken von Aktien allgemein besser zu verstehen,- steuerliche Grundlagen zu verstehen und Steuern zu sparen,- dein Aktiendepot zu verwalten, um langfristig Vermgen aufzubauen,- die Vorteile des Internets nutzt, um massiv an Kosten beim Investieren zu sparen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Learning Conversational Hindi : For Indian Travels" |
"The course contains all the essential dialogues and words necessary to ease your travel plans in and about India. Learn Conversational Hindi for Travel in India is developed keeping in mind, your strong interest in learning Hindi language and formal/ informal instances you may encounter during your travel. With easy English to Hindi translations, this course will add a nice touch to your 'India Stories' once you go back home :)The course is divided into 5 sections to cater to your travel needs and conversational wants! These sections covers Hindi words and situations such as Genders, Money, Salutations, Eating out znd ordering food in restaurants, Shopping (and even bargaining!) around, Sightseeing and travelling in Rickshaws and for you good learners, advanced conversations which you can strike with the natives and get the complete Indianexperience. Along with that you will be guided by a well structured Course Curriculum which will ease the flow of the course and make it simple yet interesting for you. The goal is to not be intimidated but to have fun! You will also get a compiled English - to - Hindi Word List with this course which you can carry around in your backpack, wherever you go ;) Finally, a Bonus Session! is available to help you incase of any emergency during your stay and travel adventures, here in India. No learning is complete without questions which is why I encourage you to ask your Hindi/ English doubts and they shall be prompty answered. Looking forward to your Hindi journey with me. Namaste!"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"ROS Ultimate Guide to Beginners Guide Hands ON !" |
"Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is RObot Operating System. In which we will be using python as main language and hardware includes Esp8266 and Raspberry pi 3B+. So if you are interested in learning the fast growing technology then this course is for you !.--About this Course -- This course contains all the concepts you need for developing your robotics projects with ROS.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation .Arduino robotics and Raspberry pi robotics is also covered in this course as BONUS projects. You can think of the course as a starting course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then ardunio step by step , raspberry pi step by step through python programming and some time arduino c++ as well.Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple . :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS and will be able to make projects where rasperry pi meets arduino.If you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS with Real Robot using Raspberry-PI and OpenCV" |
"Robots are now part of our daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a Robot Operating System which is ROS. So if you are interested in learning the fast growing open source framework with OPENCV then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This Course is for Who wants to: 0 - 4 Awesome OpenCV ROS Projects1 - Integrate OpenCV into ROS2 - Build Image Processing Projects with Simulated Robots3 - Learn Gazebo simulation workflowThis course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your robots with Image Processing capabilities .We will discussing it theoretically first and then start moving towards practical implementation . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then you Start doing projects .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and Integration with OpenCV then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementingIf you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS Ardunio Interfacing with Mobile Robots" |
"Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is ROS. In which we will be using python as main language and hardware includes Esp8266 .So if you are interested in learning the fast growing technology then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This course contains all the concepts you need for developing your mobile robotics projects with ROS.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation .Arduino robotics is also covered in this course . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics car sensors (imu, encoders) control through python programming .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple . :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS and will be able to make projects using ROS awesome packages of navigation and direct towards SLAM knowledge.If you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS Simulating SLAM and Autonomous Driving Custom Robot" |
"Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is ROS. In which we will be using XML as main language for building the robot .So if you are interested in learning the fast growing open source framework then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This Course is for :1 - Who wants to understand SLAM and Path Planning 2 - Wants to learn how to build a robot in simulation from Scratch3 - who wants to Learn Gazebo and Rviz4 - Robotic Enthusiast wanting to simulate projects5 - Knows basic of ROS workingThis course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your real world robots.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics laser sensors control through ROS packages .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and rviz then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementingIf you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS : Build Robotic Arm in Gazebo and Moveit" |
"Robots are now part of our daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a Robot Operating System which is ROS. In which we will be using XML as main language for building the Robotic Arm .So if you are interested in learning the fast growing open source framework then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This Course is for :1 - Who wants to understand Motion Planning with Moveit2 - Wants to learn how to build a robot in simulation from Scratch3 - Who wants to Learn Gazebo and Rviz4 - Robotic Enthusiast wanting to simulate projects5 - Knows basic of ROS workingThis course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your real world robotic arms.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics sensors control through ROS packages .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and rviz then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementingIf you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS : Simulating Autonomous Drone with Path Planning SLAM" |
"Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is ROS. In which we will be using XML as main language for building the robot .So if you are interested in learning the fast growing open source framework then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This Course is for :1 - Who wants to understand SLAM and Path Planning 2 - Wants to learn how to usea DRONE in simulation 3 - Who wants to Learn Gazebo and Rviz4 - Robotic Enthusiast wanting to simulate projects5 - Knows basic of ROS workingThis course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your real world robots.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics laser sensors control through ROS packages .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and rviz then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementingIf you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ROS Autonomous Driving and Path Planning SLAM with ROS" |
"Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is ROS. In which we will be using XML as main language for building the robot .So if you are interested in learning the fast growing open source framework then this course is for you .--About this Course -- This Course is for :1 - Who wants to understand SLAM and Path Planning 2 - Wants to learn how to build a robot in simulation from Scratch3 - who wants to Learn Gazebo and Rviz4 - Robotic Enthusiast wanting to simulate projects5 - Knows basic of ROS workingThis course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your real world robots.We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation . You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics laser sensors control through ROS packages .Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple :)After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and rviz then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementingIf you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement2: Mastering Mobile Robots3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo6:Autonomous Drone7:Real Robot Using OpenCV8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"toefl and ielts complete online preparation course_ General" |
"toefl and ielts complete online preparation course_ General examtoefl vocabulary and grammerielts preparationielts general exam preparationtoefl general exam preparationielts coursetoefl course Welcome to the grammar for preparation of TOEFL & IELTS exams _ practice testthis course is for everyone who are preparing themselves for TOEFL & IELTS exams and looking for the best way to practice their knowledge1. You can pause the test at any time and resume later. 2. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. 3. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test. 4. You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. 5. You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. 6. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.i hope that you will find this course useful.GOOD LUCK MY DEARS."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"maximize your English vocabulary _practice test" |
"Welcome to the maximize your English vocabulary _practice testthis course is for everyone who need to practice and maximize his English vocabulary and looking for the best way to practice their knowledge1. You can pause the test at any time and resume later. 2. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. 3. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test. 4. You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. 5. You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. 6. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.i hope that you will find this course useful.GOOD LUCK MY DEARS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Screencast Videos aufnehmen fr Anfnger" |
"Wolltest du schon immer: Video-Demos, Tutorial-Videos, Video-Prsentation oder Website-Tours erstellen die dafr eine Bildschirmaufnahme (Screencast Video) brauchen?am Anfang alles mit berschaubarem Aufwand / kostenlos ausprobieren?Wenn du bereit bist fr dieses Wissen ca. 1 Stunde deiner Zeit zu investieren, dann bist du in diesem Kurs richtig. Was musst du knnen? Wenn du es geschafft hat Udemy-Seite auf einem PC aufzurufen und sich diesen Kurs anschaust, hast du schon die Voraussetzungen zu 90% erfllt Optional brauchst du ein Android-Handy (falls du keine Webcamera hast) und ein Mikrofon (Kopfhrer mit Mikrofon eignen sich auch). Falls du weder Webcam noch Mikrofon hast, ist es berhaupt kein Problem, in diesem Kurs lernst du in erster Linie Screencast Videos zu erstellen, Kamera und Mikrofon kannst du ggf. spter anschlieen. Interesse / Motivation etwas Neues zu lernen und auszuprobieren solltest du auf jeden Fall mitbringen.Noch Fragen? Dann schreib mir eine Nachricht auf UdemySolltest du jetzt noch Fragen haben oder dir noch immer unsicher sein, ob der Kurs der richtige fr dich ist, dann zgere nicht mir eine Nachricht bei Udemy zu schreiben. Ich freue mich von dir zu hren!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hbitos Cibersaludables" |
"El 20% de los adolescentes son adictos a las pantallas, es la pandemia de nuestra era y muchas familias desconocen cmo afrontar o prevenir este riesgo. El curso de hbitos cibersaludables te ayuda desplegar herramientas para administrar los tiempos de uso de internet, realizar un filtrado de contenidos efectivo para proteger a tu familia de contenidos dainos y a desplegar las mejores prcticas en ciberseguridad. Los smartphones, internet y las pantallas han llegado para quedarse, y ste curso te ayudar a enfocar la tecnologa para un uso productivo y contructivo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn different yoga poses targeted for those who are new to yoga and have limited flexibility. It includes poses you can do from your chair in addition to poses that will help strengthen and engage your muscles as you use your breath to guide your movements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Golfers" |
"In this course, you will learn different yoga poses and stretches that will allow you to strengthen various muscles so that you can cue proper alignment whether youre on or off the golf course. Youll learn how to use your breath to be your guide as you move from one pose to the next."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Management for Entrepreneurs" |
"Social Media Management for Entrepreneurs is an in-depth course for anyone who knows the value of social media posting, but doesn't know how, when, or what to post. This course is for entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketing newbies, freelancers, and interns. This course will cover the following topics:Determining your Target MarketPerforming Customer DiscoveryUnderstanding your market with Facebook Insights and Buyer PersonasDefining your brand's Voice, Message, and PersonalityCreating your company's consistent Brand AestheticsUsing tools, tips, and tricks for Content Creation and CurationDeciding on when and How Often to PostEngaging with your AudienceAnalyzing the DataThe course is broken down into 9 sections, and contains about 3.5 hours worth of video. In just 3.5 hours, you'll be able to curate, create, schedule, and track posts and engage with your audience!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
drawings |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
drawingperspective |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |
drawinglight |
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Price: 44.99 ![]() |
anatomyforartist |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
ahtcdxoa |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |