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"A'dan Z'ye Finale 25 Nota Yazm Program" |
"Finale 25 kursuna hogeldiniz. Finale 25 Nota Yazm Programn kullanarak kendi bestelerinizi ve istediiniz her trl mzik eserini uluslararas standartlara uygun olarak yazmay reneceksiniz. Yazdnz notalar ile rencileriniz ve grup arkadalarnz ile sahip olduunuz mzikal fikirleri daha kolay bir ekilde paylaabileceksiniz. Ayrca yazm olduunuz eserleri dijital platformlarda yaynlayarak bundan gelir elde edebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Akademia antystresowa - Zapanuj nad STRESEM" |
"TECHNIKI OBNIANIA NAPICIAPoznasz proste i skuteczne techniki obniania napicia krtkoterminowo oraz dugoterminowo, ktre zastosujesz od zaraz. Dziki czemu bdzie ci atwiej zapanowa nad stresem i nie naraa si na dugofalowego konsekwencje, ktre za sob niesie. STRATEGIE DZIAANIAZapoznasz si z technikami zarzdzania ryzykiem UPMZ oraz strategiami rozwizywania konfliktw, co pomoe Ci przeciwdziaa potencjalnie stresujcym sytuacjom oraz rozwizywa konflikty w najlepszy, moliwy sposb.ZROZUMIENIE STRESUDowiesz si dokadnie jak przebiega sytuacja stresowa, poznasz fazy oraz rodzaje stresu i moliwe reakcje Twojego organizmu na kadym etapie. Zrozumiesz dlaczego pewne sytuacje stresuj Ci bardziej a inne mniej. Nauczysz si jak zwiksza swoj odporno na stres.STRES JAKO PRZYJACIELNauczysz si odrnia stres pozytywny od negatywnego i wykorzystywa go na swoj korzy za pomoc dostosowania poziomu stresora do Twojego progu tolerancji. Zweryfikujesz te, czy Twoje miejsce pracy jest odpowiednie dla Ciebie, pod ktem poziomu stresu."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Electrnica Desde Cero (PBL: Arduino)" |
"Quieres aprender electrnica desde cero? Te suenan las placas Arduino? Este es el curso ideal para introducirte a ambos mundos. A medida que progreses en el mismo, irs siendo capaz de analizar circuitos bsicos, seleccionar componentes adecuadamente, realizar mediciones, y hasta implementars tu primer proyecto electrnico! Basado en las mencionadas placas Arduino. Adems, incorporars los fundamentos de la electricidad y la electrnica, que sern la columna vertebral de tu progreso en el mundo de la tecnologa. Tambin te dar ciertos criterios de diseo, para que toda esa teora termine de llevarse bien con el mundo real. Pero antes de hablarte ms en detalle sobre este curso, djame que me presente.Mi nombre es Juan Martinez Rossi. Tengo 25 aos. Parecen menos, lo s, pero que mi falta de pelos blancos no te permita dudar de mi experiencia como docente. Fui Docente de Pregrado durante 2 aos en la Universidad Nacional de Crdoba (Argentina). Desde 2019 trabajo como instructor de este curso, como docente de apoyo particular (ingls, matemtica y fsica), y desde 2017 como creador de contenido en un videoblog en YouTube orientado al desarrollo personal y a la divulgacin en temas de Ingeniera. He estudiado Ingeniera Electrnica hasta 2019, y en el mismo ao decid mudarme de mi Crdoba natal (Argentina) a la Provincia de Barcelona (Espaa) con el fin de finalizar mis estudios de grado en la carrera de ""Ingeniera en Sistemas de Telecomunicacin"" de la Universidad Politcnica de Catalua. Ah, y tambin he creado este curso, Electrnica Desde Cero (PBL: Arduino).El fin de estas +6 horas de vdeo y los 12 recursos descargables en .PDF es el de que puedas introducirte por primera vez en el mundo de la electrnica. Muchas personas llegan a ser seducidas por la simplicidad de implementacin de las placas Arduino (y las innumerables posibilidades que estas ofrecen), pero llegan a utilizarlas sin comprender a fondo el fenmeno fsico de la naturaleza por el cual funcionan: El de la electricidad. En este curso, mediante la metodologa PBL (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos), podrs ser capaz tanto de implementar un proyecto basado en Arduino, como de comprender a fondo los fenmenos fsicos en los que se sustentan la electricidad, y consecuentemente la electrnica. Comprender esto ltimo te permitir llevar a cabo proyectos que incluyan circuitos bsicos basados en sensores de distinto tipo y resistores, y modificarlos para que se adapten a tus necesidades o disear los tuyos propios.La metodologa en la que se basa este curso, como ya se ha mencionado, es la del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL, por Project Based Learning). Los objetivos que se buscan al aplicar esta metodologa son:Aprender habilidades de la vida cotidiana, acorde a las necesidades que plantea la vida en el Siglo XXI: Vivimos rodeados de tecnologa y no sabemos nada de cmo esta funciona.Potenciar la colaboracin entre los estudiantes: Podrs debatir sobre la implementacin del proyecto con otros estudiantes.Mejorar las habilidades comunicativas del estudiante: Tendrs que aprender a detallar el funcionamiento de tu proyecto para que otros estudiantes puedan entenderlo.El estudiante tiene una experiencia llevando a cabo el proyecto que lo divierte y le genera ilusin.Por esta razones, que adems he experimentado en carne propia siendo estudiante, es que se bas la enseanza de los temas orientados a implementar un Sistema de Seguimiento del Sol basado en la placa Arduino UNO. Dicho sistema tiene como objetivo aumentar la eficiencia de los paneles solares (se detallar en la clase de introduccin). Adems, se darn apartados especiales para explicar temas que, si bien no tienen aplicacin en este proyecto, probablemente s la tengan en otros proyectos que quieras llevar a cabo en el futuro. Si tu objetivo de momento es slo implementar este proyecto, podrs saltarte estos apartados.ADVERTENCIA 1: A este curso se le aplicar el PRINCIPIO DE LA MEJORA CONTINUA. Tengo pensado agregar ms secciones en el futuro (e.g.: Capacitores, Inductores, Diseo de fuentes de Alimentacin), agregar animaciones que potencien el aprendizaje, y dems mejoras. Pero quiero dejarte claro que, sea cual sea el momento en el que adquieras este curso, estars pagando el precio que considero adecuado para el contenido ACTUAL del mismo. Es decir que cuando agregue ms material y el curso se haga ms completo, su precio ir aumentando. Por lo tanto, al comprarlo hoy, podrs disponer de esas mejoras futuras en forma gratuita, pero no te estoy cobrando actualmente por la promesa de que va a haber ms contenido.ADVERTENCIA 2: Si contestas a mis mensajes y me dejas acompaarte durante el proceso, no descansar hasta que consigas los objetivos que te propongo, que te introduzcas con xito en el mundo de la tecnologa, y que ya nada vuelva a ser lo mismo, ya que vers todo con otros ojos. Te espero dentro.Un saludo,Juan Martinez Rossi."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Recover from Anxiety, Depression & Insomnia Naturally" |
"This course focuses on getting to the root cause of your anxiety, depression and/or insomnia. Lessons in this course have been proven to work on countless of people including the instructor and his family. People who have been failed for over 5, 10 or 15 years by our healthcare can get better within just couple days or weeks. Many can achieve even full recovery if they can follow the instructions carefully."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Know Your Voice" |
"Learn how to build and access your full vocal potential with these basic vocal exercises for finding Core-sound including; breath management, laryngeal control, manipulation of filters and resonators and language and tongue workouts.The Vocal Paradox provides training in the expressive, impactful and authentic use of your voice for song and speech. Voice teacher, Anette Norgaard, establishes a bridge between the practical, scientific, artistic, and personal skillsets involved in voice proficiency. Paired with audio and video exercise materials, the reader is guided through a systematic exploration of the mental, emotional and spiritual elements involved in finding their Core-sound while also exploring Vocal Identity Types.Anette will have you digging deeper into what it means to express yourself fully and truthfully through your unique voice and provide you with a broad understanding of the Vocal Paradox."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teach Your Teen Driving" |
"Parents are the Primary Driving Instructor for their TeenagerEven though your teenager drove with a professional instructor for a few hours, they will spend much more time with you supervising them as they learn. Like it or not, this makes you your teens primary driving instructor! Running short trips to school, sports practice, or the store is great, but you may not run across all the situations they should know about. I know all too well how hectic it can be with teenagers in the house! With homework, and extracurricular activities time is a premium. If you invest just 15 to 20 minutes watching and discussing the short videos with your teen three times per week, you can complete the program in 6 weeks. I know you may be tempted to send them to a ""Teen Survival Driving School,"" but studies show these schools will increase your teen's chances of getting into an accident because it makes them overconfident. Parents have the biggest influence on their teenager's driving skill and behavior.Do not hand this program to your teen and tell them to do it! This is for you, the parents! You can watch the videos along with your teen, but DO NOT JUST GIVE IT TO THEM AND WALK AWAY. The learning occurs when you discuss the videos. Each of these steps only takes about 15 to 20 minutes.When you enroll, these are just a few of the things you will get:Would you like an easy way to teach your teen how to parallel park, park in a stall, and maneuver in tight spaces without damaging your car?Use the exercises and accompanying videos in this course to help you teach your teen in an fast, easy, and fun way.Would you like to minimize conflicts with your teen about driving?The Driving Session Evaluation Form that helps you avoid these conflicts by setting clear expectations that can be quickly assessed.Would you like to know which critical skills your teen should know?The Skills Verification Checklist allows you to check off and track these critical skillsWould you like your teen to know how decision / reaction times affect stopping distances?Videos on decision and reaction times show how they affect total stopping distances. Learn how doubling speed, quadruples stopping distance.Would you like to better communicate with your teen by knowing their unique learning language?Information on how to determine they way your teen learns and how parents can use that to their advantage - and not just with driver training!Would you like your teen to know the most common traffic situations that cause accidents and what to do in those situations?Take 10 to 15 minutes to watch a discuss videos of these situations with your teen"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"De aprendiz a mestre em c#" |
"Aprenda C# e fundamentos OO com viso do domnio e no do Banco de Dados, aprenda tambm Linq, MediatR, Patterns e muito mais.Este curso ajudar a se tornar um programador melhor, no iremos focar apenas em tecnologia mas sim como podemos utilizar melhor a orientao objetos nos domnios e ao longo do curso colocar os problemas do dia-a-dia e apresentar algumas dicas como (Refatorao, Bibliotecas, e dicas) para programadores iniciantes e em geral."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Freestyle Soccer Academy (Learn 30 Amazing Skills)" |
"Learn 30 amazing freestyle soccer tricks to improve your skills and impress your friends1 FULL HOUR!! of HD video tutorials, teaching every trick step-by-step with slow-motion & multiple angles.Perfect for beginners! Start from scratch and learn the skills at your own paceGet mentored by freestyle soccer legend Daniel Got Hits. Its like having your own personal 1-on-1 session!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Soul's Oasis" |
"Students will learn:what is House-coachingwhat is a soul oasiswhat a soul oasis means and why it's important to have onehow to use the Bagua Map to decorate in an entirely new wayhow to see common home decor items from the perspective of symbolismto combine decorative items to create deeply meaningful storieshow these items provide the subconscious mind with clues to your dreamswhy this course is the next step in Marie Kondo's Tidying Up processhow to get ideas out of your head and in front of you"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"40-Day Challenge for Single Wives & Married Wives Course" |
"Are you ""looking for love in all the wrong places"" such as outside of yourself?Are you tired of being mean and inconsistent with your husband or significant other? Are you tired of being single?Do you feel empty and incomplete, even with someone else in your life? You long for stability in your own life so you can be stable in your relationship, with your children and in your career.VISUALIZE THIS:Being free from thirst and beginning to attract the love you desire; Vacationing quarterly on exotic islands with your husband;Attracting a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love you;Strengthening your relationship with God to the point that your husband begins to appreciate the amazing spiritual transformation in you;Winning your husband over to Jesus because of the change in you;Balancing being a phenomenal wife and mother while running an online financial business, making money for your household while you sleepThose are some of the testimonies of the wives who said, Yes! to The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives.I created The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives Course in 2018 and opened it up to over one hundred women to invest in the course so that I could determine the benefits and the results that the course would yield for women all over the world.For the single and married wives who took the challenge seriously, journaled daily or at least 90% of the 40 days, and completed all the activities in the challenge, they had amazing results."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Image Recognition with Neural Networks From Scratch" |
"This is an introduction to Neural Networks. The course explains the math behind Neural Networks in the context of image recognition. By the end of the course, we will have written a program in Python that recognizes images without using any autograd libraries. The only prerequisite is some high school precalculus. Although the prerequisite is minimal, we will discuss many advanced topics including:1) functions and their computational graphs.2) neural networks3) conceptually understand the derivative and the gradient.4) gradient descent and backpropagation5) the multivariable chain rule6) mini-batch gradient descent"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform with Python" |
"The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is one of the most useful algorithms in computer science and digital signal processing. If you've ever opened a JPEG, listened to an MP3, watched a MPEG video, or used voice recognition of Alexa or the Shazam app, you've used some variant of the DFT. Its efficient implementation, the Fast Fourier Transform, is considered one of the top 10 algorithms of the 20th century by the American Institute of Physics and the IEEE Computer Society. Fortunately, the math is very accessible and only involves basic complex numbers and basic trigonometry.This course is a very basic introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform. We will focus on understanding the math behind the formula and use Python to do some simple applications of the DFT and fully appreciate its utility. . The Python code we are writing is, however, very minimal. Students with little or no programming experience will still be able to learn Python through the examples in the lectures. Students should have Anaconda installed with the Jupyter Notebook. However, all of the programming assignments can also be run on the cloud on MyBinder."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop scripting for artists" |
"This training series will explore how you can utilise Javascript to write scripts for Photoshop. Whether you are a professional retoucher, photographer, hobbyist or artist, these skills will help you to smooth out your Photoshop pipeline so that you can spend less time doing file administration and more time actually creating the art.You will start with the very basics with no assumed knowledge of scripting or programming. By the end you will be able to write efficient markup transfer systems, intelligent file save scripts, control panel interfaces and preference storage systems.This course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to kick their Photoshop skills up to the next level!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"DJ Course Pioneer DDJ 400 Learn From The Dutch!" |
"For this DJ course it's important to have a Pioneer DDJ 400If you have an other controller, please choose our other courses for the Pioneer DDJ SB3, XDJ RX2, XDJ RR, WEGO4, DDJ RB, DDJ 200 Hercules Inpulse 200 and 300 Numark Partymix In this course we take you along and explain step by step how to work with this controller. The following things are covered:Connecting your controllerdownload and Installing your softwareFULL Device explanationFULL Software explanationDownload music (included)Analyze the tracksLearn to beat beat mix (mix 2 tracks together)We are updating the course if there's a new feature coming out or new mixing techniques are available"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
otpimize-primer |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Understanding Happiness: Inner Nature of Happiness" |
"Let's reconnect with our childlike nature, the happiness we knew so instinctively as children who grew distant as the world imposed it's limits on our limitless being. We forget what it was like to to be so weightless and free. Unburdened by the weight of it all. We continue the rest of our lives chasing the things we think will bring us back to that warmth and safety we once knew as children.Why?What happened along the way?How do we reconnect with the one thing that makes life worth living again?Was that the need that drove you here? Does a part of you feel like there's something missing in your life, and maybe not just your life, but also everywhere else you look?The world can be a much better place, a much happier place.In a world where everything is made to be easy and convenient, where everything is so readily available, and everything is so connected.We're not as happy as we could be.Yet we manage to wake up in the morning, get out of bed, wash our faces and go about our day.Every day.Growing old as the time passes without anything really changing the way we want it to.Without the world being what we've always hoped it could be.A world full of love, wonder and play.A world where every one of us is connected with the child like self that's there, asleep, inside each and every one of us.A world where we're at peace.But how are we supposed to see such a drastic change like that in the world?We create that change within ourselves first.Look, this world is confusing.I mean, we're on some rock floating through space, whatever space is.No one really knows why we're here, no one really knows what's going on. No one knows anything really. And were all just trying to do our best.What we do know is that we're here, right now, together, all of us. We have each other.And each and every one of us was once a beautiful child.A child full of love, wonder and play. A child excited to explore, excited to understand.But as we grow, our surroundings begin to influence our childlike nature, the patterns we observe from our parents, the irrational rules we begin to adopt, and the fear we begin to cultivate that distances us from our inner nature. That holds us back from exploring it again.In reality, the world we crave to see is the world we once saw as children, now so distant.A world full of potential and hope. A world where anything was possible and the only limits to our reality were the limits we imposed on ourselves.Let's explore these limits, the limits we carry inside of us and the limits imposed on us by everything around us. Physically and mentally.Let's evaluate how they begin to arise, and how they have a hand in shaping us and the societies we're born into.Let's understand our narrative, let's understand what makes us happy.Let's understand the mechanisms that go behind our happiness.Let's understand what makes each and every one of us tick, and reconnect with that childlike nature inside all of us, and then share that childlike curiosity with those around us. And then let's continue to infect others with our happiness. (hehe)Let's share our happiness and love with the world.A new world, a world that really isnt so far from reach.Lets reach out to it, and clear the fog in between.Let's understand Happiness.Lets finally see the world through clearer eyes.The eyes of the children we once were."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa mvil: Cmo hacer retratos desde cero." |
"Durante este curso aprenders a tomar fotografas de retrato con tu telfono mvil en interior y con una fuente de luz. Vers que no hace falta una gran inversin en material fotogrfico para poder crear fotografas de retrato expresivas, con la cmara de un mvil, una lmpara y un cartulina blanca."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How the gesture of stroke impacts the portrait drawing" |
"This course will show you in practical and very useful exercises different ways of building a portrait drawing. The varieties of the strokes that give the expression of the model. The fundamental knowledge of the characteristics of the light will open you the door to the 3-dimensional creation. No matter the texture you use through this principle you will be able to make it look 3-dimensional. You will learn about the different kinds of pencils and how to use them. Why is important to adopt the right habit during drawing. How to transfer the reference photo and the materials used. The characteristics of the light and how it embraces the form. How to create and grade the shading. The three building elements and the 10 varieties of them in portrait drawing. How to apply the principle of light on them. Why the reference photo is good or bad."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Debt Collectors - Lies, Damn Lies and Deceit" |
"This course is about Debt Collectors - How they are to act and what laws they must follow. What is a Dun Letter? How long to debt collectors have to prove the debt. A breakdown of the FDCPA and real conversations Ihave had with Debt Collectors. Can you stop the phone calls? Must you talk with them? What questions must you answer - all addressed here."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Deep Down Dirty Dastardly Deeds Debt Collectors Do" |
"This course is about Debt Collectors - How they are to act and what laws they must follow. What is a Dun Letter? How long to debt collectors have to prove the debt. A breakdown of the FDCPA and real conversations I have had with Debt Collectors. Can you stop the phone calls? Must you talk with them? What questions must you answer - all addressed here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete x86 Assembly Programming 120+ Practical Exercises" |
"The most effective course to learn the X86 assembly language through focusing on the practical side and exercises in a funny way will make you learn quickly and easily, as well as a Udemy certificate that you can add to your CV with confidence.In this course we will take you from zero to the professionalism acquiring the basic skills and principles of the language with the deep & right understanding.Are You:An absolute beginner and you have no idea about programming.Beginner and you have a little programming experience.Expert and you have a long experience in programming.And you want to learn x86 assembly language? You're in the right place !!!Are you interested in :Hardware DevelopingSoftware DevelopingReversing IngeneeringData SecurityEthical HackingNetworkingOperating Systems DebuggingOther processor's Assembly LanguageOthersStudent in the University And you want to learn Assembly Language either you want to be an expert in your specialty or for other reasons You are in the right place !!! Complete x86 Assembly Programming 120+ Practical Exercises is the best course on udemy to learn x86 Assembly Language.136+ non-boring lectures ( 4 min avg time ): well explained, short, detailed, focus on the principals No need to re-view any lectures ( get it from the first time ):Every lecture has its downloadable resources Every lecture followed by QUIZ to practice more11+ Assignments to examine your skills Big amount of exercises In the end of this course you will acquire this skills:You will learn x86 Assembly Language From scratch either if you don't know anything about programmingThe different counting systems and how to Convert between themSome mathematical skills Data representation ""How to represent numbers,chars ....etc"" in a computerThe general computer architectureThe micro-architecture of intel 8086 processorThe core instructions of intel 8086 processor (MOV, XCHG, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CMSB...etc)Different Data Types and structures (numbers, chars, strings, arrays, .... etc) How to plan and build an algorithm to solve problems How to write an assembly program & How to use 8086emu for thatBe able to write from a simple to complicated assembly programMore than 50 example will make your understanding deeperBe able to understand what's going on behind the sceneAnd more..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fit Over 40: Back To Fitness Workout & Nutrition Programme" |
"A system to train smart, eat well, think successfully and live happy. Get fitter &leaner in 4 weeks.Weve run one of Europes most successful fitness and wellbeing retreat companies since 2012.We are both mid lifers and worked in the corporate rat race of London for 16 years before giving it up to realise our dreams.We are sick of the one size fits all approach aimed at 40 plus men and women, along with the faddy quick fix solutions offered by companies trying to get you hooked in a vicious cycle.You see we are you. We are your generation. And we passionately want to help you dramatically improve your quality of life through health and wellness. We have used our system on thousands of people just like you (more importantly though its exactly what we do and how we live).Were time poor, stressed out, balancing family and work commitments. Were trying to climb career ladders and bring up awesome human beings. Plus still socialise and sleep!You know you need to make a change but have no idea were to start. It all feels like an insurmountable task. We understand why you feel this way but you have to start somewhere. Its time we respect our bodies and thought about long term implications.Were here, with absolute commitment and passion to show you that there IS a way. A way that is balanced, smart, quick and easy to implement.This programme of training is designed to gradually build your fitness levels, shed body fat and add lean muscle over 4 weeks. It's complemented by a 4 week meal plan to enhance the training effects. Plus there are a wealth of other resources: self-confidence audio, mindset workshop, habit and goal setting worksheets...WE KNOW YOU JUST WANT TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU. NO ONE ELSE. JUST YOU. AND WE KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT THAT WE ARE THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO HELP TRANSFORM YOUR BODY AND MIND."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Perfect Health, Longevity and Ideal Figure" |
"What the course includesThis course includes an hour long unique yoga practice + meditation. It's very easy to follow and perfect for beginners & advanced practitioners of all ages. It includes the most beneficial exercises for our health. Practicing it, you can significantly increase your lifespan, you can become much more healthier and will have more energy and focus to deal with everyday challenges! You will improve your anxiety and procrastination and will feel confident and with harmony with yourself and the world around you!Did you know that getting stronger will reduce the chances of you getting cancer by 31% according to a new 2017 study from the University of Sydney?!Yoga has amazing health benefits proven by both science and medicine. Our oldest student is the 87 years old Lazarina Lazarova. She began practicing yoga with Daniel at the age of 67 in extremely severe health. She had a broken pelvis and wrist, pain in her back and waist, knees, legs as well as arthritis, migraine and others. From the very first class, she began feeling the healing effect of yoga. She has been practicing this course for 20 years and is now in perfect health. You could do the same! Try it and see for yourself.Who created this courseThe course is created by the world-renowned yoga teacher Daniel Petrov. Daniel is a 3 times world champion of sports yoga, at events organized by the international yoga federation. In 2014, he was awarded the world's largest prize for the development of yoga. During his 30 years of teaching yoga, he has introduced hundreds of thousands of people to this incredible practice, one of whom is Mrs. Globe 2004. He has hosted 2 TV shows, a Guinness world record and participated in many other events."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Livre Anti-Liberalismo Econmico." |
"Curso que objetiva apresentar como os pases atualmente desenvolvidos dependeram do subsdio e controle estatal. Voltado para Jovens e Leigos. H, inscrito no curso, uma estruturao cronolgica dos fatos histricos que cercam os PADs (pases atualmente desenvolvidos). Qualquer cidado, alfabetizado, de qualquer idade ou nvel de formao acadmica, pode aprender muito com as aulas aqui disponibilizadas. A reflexo apresentada pode ser utilizada, tambm, para outras naturezas de estudo relacionadas ao campo das cincias humanas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Identifikation von Business Angels mithilfe einer Long List" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie man einen Business Angel identifiziert und Ihn mithilfe einer Long List mit bestimmten Kriterien bewertet. Anschlieend wirst du in der Lage sein Eine Long List grafisch aufzubauen.Relevante Kriterien fr dein Unternehmen zu ermitteln.Die Bewertung von Business Angels fr das eigene Unternehmen vorzunehmen.Potentielle Business Angels zu identifizieren.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa und Erfolg mit diesem Online Kurs und freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"""EXPO MAGNATE"" -" |
". ""JOY FILING"". . ., . EXPOMAGNATE , , . , :- ( , , )- ( - )- ( -, , - ) :JOY FILING:- , ! . 228 169 50 , , . . , ! - , . , ! ! :. .. .. .. .. , .. , .. -., , :- , , ! . , !- , , . , !- , ! , !- , , ! , ! JOY FILING, , , !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canva 2.0 Made Easy!" |
"What You Can Expect From This CourseDuring this course you can expect to learn the following:How to set up a FREE Canva AccountAdd a brand kitLearn to work and edit templatesDesign and create your own branded templateHow to position text with objectsGroup text and objectsEdit ClipartLayering objects (positioning items in front and behind objects)How to use frames"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Business Growth Plan" |
"Having a successful business isnt just about getting more leads and selling more products. Those are important to ensure your business survives, but they wont necessarily help you achieve all your business goals. To truly grow your business, you need to create a plan and stick to it.If youre ready to grow your business, vague, haphazard ideas wont get you very close to your goals. You need to strategise for growth in a systematic way. By following a growth strategy, youll know exactly where your business is headed and how to get there.Making the decision to expand your business is exciting. It means youre already delivering the products and services people want and making your customers happy. But its also a challenging period as you face risks around expansion. Coming up with an actionable plan will help you mitigate the uncertainties.Before you grab the pen and paper and start writing your business plan, you need to thoroughly assess your current situation. This will put you in the best position to decide what modifications and innovations will have the greatest impact on your business growth.In this course, youll methodically review all aspects of your current business and identify what you have going for you and what might be working against you. Once this assessment is complete, you will be ready to take your insights and follow the step-by-step guide to plot your Business Growth Plan which will lay the stepping stones for your future"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Started ~ Talend/Big Data/GCP BigQuery & Data Studio" |
"This course will guide you step-by-step to ingest a local file, convert data types and load to GCP's (Google Cloud Platform) BigQuery using Talend Open Studio for Big Data, and immediately access and analyze the BigQuery table using SQL statements. We will also visualize the data results using Google Data Studio. This course is designed to piece together all the components, not focus on a particular software product. We will look at configuration areas that can be time consuming to troubleshoot. The focus and emphasis is on the entire workflow success and encourage the student to move on to more sophisticated approaches."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ince Eitim Seti NCE ren A-Z" |
"Herkese Merhaba,in Halk Cumhuriyet'i 1.4 milyarlk nfusu, yaklak 15 trilyon dolara yakn ekonomik bykl ve 10 milyon kilometrekareye yakn yz lm ile dnyann en nemli lkeleri arasndadr. Bugn btn dnyada yeni sper g olarak anlmakta, 2030 ylnda dnyann en byk ekonomisi nvann alarak en byk g olaca dnlmektedir. in bu ykseliini ekonomik kalknmasna borludur, elbette bu durum in'in dnyann dier lkeleri ile ticari ilikilerini glendirmesi sonucunda ortaya kmtr. te bu yzden 2000'li yllarla beraber tm dnyada in Dili'ne rabet artmaya balad, son yllarda en ok talep gren diller arasna giren ince hem bugnn hem de gelecein en nemli dillerinden biri. hayatnda ince bilmek hemen herkesi 1 adm ne geirecek muazzam bir yetkinlik unsuru.ince eitim seti Trkiye'de ki byk bir a kapatmak iin hazrlanmtr. niversite eitimini in'de Shaanxi Normal University in Dili Edebiyat Blmnde baar ile tamamlayan Mberra Batuhan tarafndan oluturulan bu eitim Hezarfen Akademi tarafndan sunulmakta. ince Eitim Seti srekli olarak gncellenmeye devam edecek ve interaktif bir eitim olma zelliini koruyacaktr.Eitim seti iin Beijing Language and Culture niversitesi tarafndan yaynlanan Developing Chinese kitabndan faydalanlmaktadr.Herkese faydal olmas dileiyle :)"
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"KORECE A-Z TOPIK Snavna Hazrlk" |
"Karde lke Gney Korenin dilini renmeye ne dersiniz?Kore Sava ile balayan Trk-Kore dostluu gnmzde de ykselen ticari ve kltrel ilikilerle giderek glenmeye devam etmekte. zellikle son yllarda lkemizin Asyaya olan meraknn artmas, Asyann en sempatik lkelerinden biri olan Gney Koreye ilgiyi de arttrmtr. Bilindii gibi Gney Kore hem Asya'da hem de Dnya'da yksek teknoloji reten lkelerden biridir, bu sayede de her geen gn Gney Kore ile olan ibirlikleri artmakta ve Korece bilmenin deeri olduka nemli bir hale gelmektedir.Ortak Tarih ve Gelien likiler: KORECEHem ortak tarihimiz olan hem de ticari i birliklerimizin her geen gn gelitii Gney Korenin dili Koreceyi renmek size byk avantaj salayacaktr. hayat bata olmak zere, kltrel ve akademik alanda da Korece bilmek sizi bir adm ne geirecektir. Korece bilerek yerli ve yabanc irketlerde i bulabilir bunun yannda lkemizde ok hzl bir ivme ile gelien Gney Kore elence sektr ierisinde kendinize yer edinebilirsiniz. Kore dizileri, filmleri ve mzikleri lkemizde ok geni hayran kitlesine sahiptir, korece renerek farkl projeler gelitirebilir bu kitlenin beenecei almalar yapabilirsiniz.Korece dier Latin olmayan dillere gre daha kolaydr!Trke ve Korece, ayn dil ailesi ierisinde yer aldndan cmle yaps benzerdir. Bunun iin renirken daha az zorluk eker ve hzl renim salarsnz. Bunun yannda Kore dili, latin alfabeye sahip olmayan dier dillere gre (Japonca, Rusa, ince v.b) ok daha kolaydr."
Price: 289.99 ![]() |